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Blackleg, caused by Leptosphaeria maculans, is one of the most economically important diseases of Brassica napus worldwide. Two blackleg resistance genes, LepR1 and LepR2, from B. rapa subsp. sylvestris (BRS) were previously identified. To transfer LepR1 and LepR2 from BRS into B. napus, interspecific hybridizations were made between the two species to form allotriploids. Analysis of microsatellite markers in two BC1 populations, WT3BC1 and WT4BC1, indicated that segregation fit a 1:1 ratio for BRS and non-BRS alleles on the A-genome linkage groups N2 and N10, the locations of LepR1 and LepR2, respectively. However, recombination frequencies in the allotriploid BC1 populations were at least twice those in the amphidiploid. The number of C-genome chromosomes in the BC1 plants was determined through marker analysis, which indicated averages of 5.9 and 5.0 per plant in the WT3BC1 and WT4BC1 populations, respectively. Two L. maculans isolates, WA51 and pl87-41, were used to differentiate plants carrying resistance genes LepR1 and LepR2. Surprisingly, only 4.0 and 16.6 % of the plants were resistant to isolates WA51 and pl87-41, respectively, in the WT3BC1 population, while 17.9 and 33.3 % of the plants were resistant to these isolates, respectively, in the WT4BC1 population. No association of resistance to isolate WA51 or pl87-41 with linkage group N2 or N10 was found. Based on cotyledon resistance and marker-assisted selection (MAS), BC1 plant WT4-4, which carried a resistance gene similar to LepR1, herein designated LepR1′, and BC2S1 plant WT3-21-25-9, which carried LepR2′, were identified. These plants were successively backcrossed with B. napus and MAS was employed in each generation to reduce non-resistance alleles associated with the BRS genome and to recover the full complement of C-genome chromosomes, resulting in highly blackleg-resistant B. napus lines.  相似文献   

Identification of two novel genes for blackleg resistance in Brassica napus   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Blackleg, caused by Leptosphaeria maculans, is a major disease of Brassica napus. Two populations of B. napus DH lines, DHP95 and DHP96, with resistance introgressed from B. rapa subsp. sylvestris, were genetically mapped for resistance to blackleg disease with restriction fragment length polymorphism markers. Examination of the DHP95 population indicated that a locus on linkage group N2, named LepR1, was associated with blackleg resistance. In the DHP96 population, a second locus on linkage group N10, designated LepR2, was associated with resistance. We developed BC1 and F2 populations, to study the inheritance of resistance controlled by the genes. Genetic analysis indicated that LepR1 was a dominant nuclear allele, while LepR2 was an incompletely dominant nuclear resistance allele. LepR1 and LepR2 cotyledon resistance was further evaluated by testing 30 isolates from Canada, Australia, Europe, and Mexico. The isolates were from B. napus, B. juncea, and B. oleracea and represented different pathogenicity groups of L. maculans. Results indicated that LepR1 generally conferred a higher level of cotyledon resistance than LepR2. Both genes exhibited race-specific interactions with pathogen isolates; virulence on LepR1 was observed with one isolate, pl87-41, and two isolates, Lifolle 5, and Lifolle 6, were virulent on LepR2. LepR1 prevented hyphal penetration, while LepR2 reduced hyphal growth and inhibited sporulation. Callose deposition was associated with resistance for both loci.  相似文献   

Wild relatives of genetically engineered crops can acquire transgenic traits such as herbicide resistance via spontaneous crop–wild hybridization. In agricultural weeds, resistance to herbicides is often a beneficial trait, but little is known about possible costs that could affect the persistence of this trait when herbicides are not used. We tested for costs associated with transgenic resistance to glufosinate when introgressed into weedy Brassica rapa . Crosses were made between transgenic B. napus and wild B. rapa from Denmark. F1 progeny were backcrossed to B. rapa and BC1 plants were selected for chromosome numbers similar to B. rapa . Further backcrossing resulted in a BC2 generation that was hemizygous for herbicide resistance. We quantified the reproductive success of 457 BC3 progeny representing six full-sib families raised in growth rooms (plants were pollinated by captive bumblebees). Pollen fertility and seed production of BC3 plants were as great as those of B. rapa raised in the same growth rooms. Segregation for herbicide resistance in BC3 plants was 1:1 overall, but the frequency of resistant progeny was lower than expected in one family and higher than expected in another. There were no significant differences between transgenic and nontransgenic plants in survival or the number of seeds per plant, indicating that costs associated with the transgene are probably negligible. Results from this growth-chamber study suggest that transgenic resistance to glufosinate is capable of introgressing into populations of B. rapa and persisting, even in the absence of selection due to herbicide application.  相似文献   

The genetic control of adult-plant blackleg (Leptosphaeria maculans) resistance in a Brassica napus line (579NO48-109-DG-1589), designated R13 possessing Brassica juncea-like resistance (JR), was elucidated by the analysis of segregation ratios in F2 and F3 populations from a cross between R13 and the highly blackleg-susceptible B. napus cultivar Tower. The F2 segregration ratios were bimodal, demonstrating that blackleg resistance in R13 was controlled by major genes. Analysis of the segregation ratios for 13 F3 families indicated that blackleg resistance in these families was controlled by three nuclear genes, which exhibited a complex interaction. Randomly sampled plants of F3 progeny all had the normal diploid somatic chromosome number for B. napus. The similarities between the action of the three genes found in this study with those controlling blackleg resistance in B. juncea is discussed.  相似文献   

芸薹属(Brassica)植物(甘蓝型油菜,白菜,甘蓝)是重要的经济作物,它们之间的关系可用禹氏三角表示.CAMTA是在进化过程中高度保守的一类转录因子家族,该家族成员在芸薹属植物抗逆境胁迫过程中具有重要作用.为了探讨芸薹属CAMTA3基因家族的功能,本研究利用生物信息学手段,鉴定了芸薹属(白菜,甘蓝和甘蓝型油菜)CAMTA3基因家族的8个基因,并从蛋白质的理化性质、家族进化与基因结构和上游启动子等方面进行了分析研究.分析表明,芸薹属CAMTA3基因家族8个成员在进化过程中具有较高的保守性,其亲缘关系与禹氏三角理论相符,且各成员在植物响应抗胁迫过程中占重要地位.研究结果为芸薹属CAMTA3基因家族的功能研究提供了一定的信息基础.  相似文献   

A thorough understanding of the relationships between plants and pathogens is essential if we are to continue to meet the agricultural needs of the world's growing population. The identification of genes underlying important quantitative trait loci is extremely challenging in complex genomes such as Brassica napus (canola, oilseed rape or rapeseed). However, recent advances in next-generation sequencing (NGS) enable much quicker identification of candidate genes for traits of interest. Here, we demonstrate this with the identification of candidate disease resistance genes from B.?napus for its most devastating fungal pathogen, Leptosphaeria maculans (blackleg fungus). These two species are locked in an evolutionary arms race whereby a gene-for-gene interaction confers either resistance or susceptibility in the plant depending on the genotype of the plant and pathogen. Preliminary analysis of the complete genome sequence of Brassica rapa, the diploid progenitor of B.?napus, identified numerous candidate genes with disease resistance characteristics, several of which were clustered around a region syntenic with a major locus (Rlm4) for blackleg resistance on A7 of B.?napus. Molecular analyses of the candidate genes using B.?napus NGS data are presented, and the difficulties associated with identifying functional gene copies within the highly duplicated Brassica genome are discussed.  相似文献   

Brassica rapa (AA) has been used to widen the genetic basis of B. napus (AACC), which is a new but important oilseed crop worldwide. In the present study, we have proposed a strategy to develop new type B. napus carrying genomic components of B. rapa by crossing B. rapa with hexaploid (AACCCC) derived from B. napus and B. oleracea (CC). The hexaploid exhibited large flowers and high frequency of normal chromosome segregation, resulting in good seed set (average of 4.48 and 12.53 seeds per pod by self and open pollination, respectively) and high pollen fertility (average of 87.05 %). It was easy to develop new type B. napus by crossing the hexaploid with 142 lines of B. rapa from three ecotype groups, with the average crossability of 9.24 seeds per pod. The genetic variation of new type B. napus was diverse from that of current B. napus, especially in the A subgenome, revealed by genome-specific simple sequence repeat markers. Our data suggest that the strategy proposed here is a large-scale and highly efficient method to introgress genomic components of B. rapa into B. napus.  相似文献   

Winter survival is an important characteristic of oilseedBrassica that is seeded in the fall in northern climates,and it may be affected by genetic variation for other cold-regulated traits,such as freezing tolerance and vernalization responsive flowering time. Weanalyzed immortalized populations of oilseed Brassica rapa(recombinant inbred lines) and B. napus (double haploidlines) derived from crosses of annual and biennial types in order to comparethe map positions and effects of quantitative trait loci controlling wintersurvival, nonacclimated and acclimated freezing tolerances, and flowering time.The B. napus population was evaluated in multiple winters,and six of the 16 total significant QTL for winter survival were detected inmore than one winter. Correspondence in the map positions of QTL controllingdifferent traits within species provided evidence that some alleles causinggreater acclimated freezing tolerance and later flowering time also contributedto increased winter survival. Correspondence in the map positions of QTLbetween species provided evidence for allelic variation at homologous loci inB. rapa and B. napus. The potentialrole of some candidate genes in regulating these traits is discussed.  相似文献   

Transgenic Brassica napus can be easily crossed with wild Brassica rapa. The spread of the transgene to wild species has aroused the general concern about its effect on ecological and agricultural systems. This paper was designated, by means of population genetics, to study the fate of a transgene escape from B. napus to B. rapa. Three models were proposed to survey the change in gene frequency during successive backcross processes by considering selection pressures against aneuploids, against herbicide-susceptible individuals, and by considering A-C intergenomic recombination and the effect of genetic drift. The transmission rate of an A-chromosome gene through an individual to the next generation was 50%, irrespective of the chromosome number; while that of a C-chromosome transgene varied from 8.7% to 39.9%, depending on the chromosome number of the individual used in the backcross. Without spraying herbicide, the frequency of an A-chromosome gene was 50% in the BC(1) generation, and decreased by 50% with the advance of each backcross generation; that of a C-chromosome gene was around 39.9% in BC(1), 7.7% in BC(2), 1.2% in BC(3) and 0.1% in the BC(4) generation. Under the selection pressure against herbicide-susceptible individuals, the frequency of a transgene reached a stable value of about 5.5% within six generations of successive backcrossings. The effect of genetic drift and intergenomic exchange on gene transmission rate was discussed. It is suggested that the transgene integrated on a C-chromosome (or better on a cytoplasm genome) is safer than that on an A-chromosome. The transgenic cultivars should be cultivated rotationally by year(s) with other non-transgenic varieties in order to reduce the transfer of the transgene to wild B. rapa species.  相似文献   

An integrated linkage map between B. napus and B. rapa was constructed based on a total of 44 common markers comprising 41 SSR (33 BRMS, 6 Saskatoon, and 2 BBSRC) and 3 SNP/indel markers. Between 3 and 7 common markers were mapped onto each of the linkage groups A1 to A10. The position and order of most common markers revealed a high level of colinearity between species, although two small regions on A4, A5, and A10 revealed apparent local inversions between them. These results indicate that the A genome of Brassica has retained a high degree of colinearity between species, despite each species having evolved independently after the integration of the A and C genomes in the amphidiploid state. Our results provide a genetic integration of the Brassica A genome between B. napus and B. rapa. As the analysis employed sequence-based molecular markers, the information will accelerate the exploitation of the B. rapa genome sequence for the improvement of oilseed rape.  相似文献   

Brassica napus (AACC genome) is an important oilseed crop that was formed by the fusion of the diploids B. rapa (AA) and B. oleracea (CC). The complete genomic sequence of the Brassica A genome will be available soon from the B. rapa genome sequencing project, but it is not clear how informative the A genome sequence in B. rapa (A(r)) will be for predicting the structure and function of the A subgenome in the allotetraploid Brassica species B. napus (A(n)). In this paper, we report the results of structural and functional comparative mapping between the A subgenomes of B. napus and B. rapa based on genetic maps that were anchored with bacterial artificial chromosomes (BACs)-sequence of B. rapa. We identified segmental conservation that represented by syntenic blocks in over one third of the A genome; meanwhile, comparative mapping of quantitative trait loci for seed quality traits identified a dozen homologous regions with conserved function in the A genome of the two species. However, several genomic rearrangement events, such as inversions, intra- and inter-chromosomal translocations, were also observed, covering totally at least 5% of the A genome, between allotetraploid B. napus and diploid B. rapa. Based on these results, the A genomes of B. rapa and B. napus are mostly functionally conserved, but caution will be necessary in applying the full sequence data from B. rapa to the B. napus as a result of genomic rearrangements in the A genome between the two species.  相似文献   

We have earlier shown extensive introgression between oilseed rape (Brassica napus) and B. rapa in a weedy population using AFLP markers specific for the nuclear genomes. In order to describe the progress of this introgression, we examined 117 offspring from 12 maternal plants from the introgressed population with the same AFLP-markers; AFLP data were supported by chromosome counting. We also analysed the offspring with a species-specific chloroplast marker and finally evaluated the reproductive system in selected maternal plants. Our results indicated a high outcrossing rate of the introgressed maternal plants. It seemed that B. rapa most often functioned as the maternal plant in the introgression process and that the amount of oilseed rape DNA was highly diminished in the offspring compared to their introgressed maternal plants. However, our analysis of plants from the weedy population indicated that introgression can lead to both (1) exchange of chloroplast DNA between species producing B. rapa-like plants with B. napus chloroplasts and (2) incorporation of B. napus C-genome DNA into the B. rapa genome. Therefore, we question whether it can be regarded as containment to position transgenes in the chloroplast or in specific parts of the nuclear genome of B. napus.  相似文献   

Brassica rapa is a member of the Brassicaceae family and includes vegetables and oil crops that are cultivated worldwide. The introduction of durable resistance against turnip mosaic virus (TuMV) into agronomically important cultivars has been a significant challenge for genetic and horticultural breeding studies of B. rapa. Based on our previous genome-wide analysis of DNA polymorphisms between the TuMV-resistant doubled haploid (DH) line VC40 and the TuMV-susceptible DH line SR5, we constructed a core genetic map of the VCS-13M DH population, which is composed of 83 individuals derived from microspore cultures of a F1 cross between VC40 and SR5, by analyzing the segregation of 314 sequence-characterized genetic markers. The genetic markers correspond to 221 SNPs and 31 InDels of genes as well as 62 SSRs, covering 1,115.9 cM with an average distance of 3.6 cM between the adjacent marker loci. The alignment and orientation of the constructed map showed good agreement with the draft genome sequence of Chiifu, thus providing an efficient strategy to map genic sequences. Using the genetic map, a novel dominant TuMV resistance locus (TuMV-R) in the VCS-13M DH population was identified as a 0.34 Mb region in the short arm of chromosome A6 in which four CC–NBS–LRR resistance genes and two pathogenesis-related-1 genes reside. The genetic map developed in this study can play an important role in the genetic study of TuMV resistance and the molecular breeding of B. rapa.  相似文献   

刘仁虎  孟金陵 《遗传学报》2006,33(9):814-823
采用RFLP和AFLP标记对来自中国和欧美的7份甘蓝型油菜和22份白菜型油菜进行了遗传多样性分析。在这29份材料中,166个酶-探针组合和2对AFLP引物共检测到1477个RFLP标记和183个AFLP标记。RFLP数据显示以拟南芥EST克隆作探针比用油菜基因组克隆做探针能检测到更多的多态性位点,且采用EcoR Ⅰ或BamH Ⅰ酶切比HindⅢ酶切多态性好,白菜型油菜和甘蓝型油菜中基因的拷贝数平均都为3个左右。UPGMA聚类分析表明中国白菜型油菜的遗传多样性比甘蓝型油菜和欧美白菜型油菜丰富,欧美甘蓝型油菜与欧美白菜型油菜聚为一类,而与中国甘蓝型油菜差异更大。中国白菜型油菜丰富的遗传多样性为中国甘蓝型油菜的改良提供了宝贵的资源,揭示了利用白菜型油菜A基因组和甘蓝型油菜A基因组间亚基因组杂种优势的可能性。  相似文献   

Genes for resistance to white rust (Albugo candida) in oilseed Brassica rapa were mapped using a recombinant inbred (RI) population and a genetic linkage map consisting of 144 restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) markers and 3 phenotypic markers. Young seedlings were evaluated by inoculating cotyledons with A. candida race 2 (AC2) and race 7 (AC7) and scoring the interaction phenotype (IP) on a 0-9 scale. The IP of each line was nearly identical for the two races and the population showed bimodal distributions, suggesting that a single major gene (or tightly linked genes) controlled resistance to the two races. The IP scores were converted to categorical resistant and susceptible scores, and these data were used to map a single Mendelian gene controlling resistance to both races on linkage group 4 where resistance to race 2 had been mapped previously. A quantitative trait loci (QTL) mapping approach using the IP scores detected the same major resistance locus for both races, plus a second minor QTL effect for AC2 on linkage group 2. These results indicate that either a dominant allele at a single locus (Acal) or two tightly linked loci control seedling resistance to both races of white rust in the biennial turnip rape cultivar Per. The map positions of white rust resistance genes in B. rapa and Brassica napus were compared and the results indicate where additional loci that have not been mapped may be located. Alignment of these maps to the physical map of the Arabidopsis genome identified regions to target for comparative fine mapping using this model organism.  相似文献   

We used flow cytometry, chromosome counting and AFLP markers to investigate gene flow from the crop plant oilseed rape, Brassica napus (AACC) to wild B. rapa (AA) in the Netherlands. From 89 B. napus source populations investigated, all near cropping fields or at transhipment sites, only 19 contained a B. rapa population within a 2.5‐km radius. During our survey we found only three populations with F1 hybrids (AAC), as recognized by their nine extra chromosomes and by flow cytometry. These hybrids were all collected in mixed populations where the two species grew in close proximity. Populations with F1 hybrids were not close to crops, but instead were located on road verges with highly disturbed soils, in which both species were probably recruited from the soil seed bank. Many plants in the F2, BC1 or higher backcrosses are expected to carry one to eight C chromosomes. However, these plants were not observed among the hybrids. We further investigated introgression with molecular markers (AFLP) and compared sympatric B. rapa populations (near populations of B. napus) with control populations of B. rapa (no B. napus within at least 7 km). We found no difference between sympatric and control populations in the number of C markers in B. rapa, nor did we find that these sympatric populations closely resembled B. napus. Our data show that hybrids occur but also suggest no recent introgression of alleles from the crop plant B. napus into wild B. rapa in the Dutch populations studied.  相似文献   

Blackleg, caused by Leptosphaeria maculans, is one of the most important diseases of oilseed and vegetable crucifiers worldwide. The present study describes (1) the construction of a genetic linkage map, comprising 255 markers, based upon simple sequence repeats (SSR), sequence-related amplified polymorphism, sequence tagged sites, and EST-SSRs and (2) the localization of qualitative (race-specific) and quantitative (race non-specific) trait loci controlling blackleg resistance in a doubled-haploid population derived from the Australian canola (Brassica napus L.) cultivars Skipton and Ag-Spectrum using the whole-genome average interval mapping approach. Marker regression analyses revealed that at least 14 genomic regions with LOD ≥ 2.0 were associated with qualitative and quantitative blackleg resistance, explaining 4.6-88.9 % of genotypic variation. A major qualitative locus, designated RlmSkipton (Rlm4), was mapped on chromosome A7, within 0.8 cM of the SSR marker Xbrms075. Alignment of the molecular markers underlying this QTL region with the genome sequence data of B. rapa L. suggests that RlmSkipton is located approximately 80 kb from the Xbrms075 locus. Molecular marker-RlmSkipton linkage was further validated in an F(2) population from Skipton/Ag-Spectrum. Our results show that SSR markers linked to consistent genomic regions are suitable for enrichment of favourable alleles for blackleg resistance in canola breeding programs.  相似文献   


Key message

A novel dominant resistance gene, TuRB07, was found to confer resistance to an isolate of TuMV strain C4 in B. rapa line VC1 and mapped on the top of chromosome A06.


The inheritance of resistance to Turnip mosaic virus in Brassica rapa was investigated by crossing the resistant line, VC1 with the susceptible line, SR5, and genotyping and phenotyping diverse progenies derived from this cross. Both a doubled haploid population, VCS3M-DH, an F2 and two BC1 (F1 × VC1 and F1 × SR5) populations were created. Population tests revealed that the resistance to the TuMV C4 isolate in B. rapa is controlled by a single dominant gene. This resistance gene, TuRB07 was positioned on the top of linkage group A06 of the B. rapa genome through bulk segregation analysis and fine mapping recombinants in three doubled haploid- and one backcross population using microsatellite markers developed from BAC end sequences. Within the region between the two closely linked markers flanking TuRB07, H132A24-s1, and KS10960, in the Chiifu reference genome, two genes encoding nucleotide-binding site and leucine-rich repeat proteins with a coiled-coil motif (CC-NBS-LRR), Bra018862 and Bra018863 were identified as candidate resistance genes. The gene Bra018862 is truncated, but the gene Bra018863 has all the domains to function. Furthermore, the analysis of structural variation using resequencing data of VC1 and SR5 revealed that Bra018863 might be a functional gene because the gene has no structural variation in the resistant line VC1 when compared with Chiifu, whereas at the other NBS-LRR genes large deletions were identified in the resistant line. Allelic differences of Bra018863 were found between VC1 and SR5, supporting the notion that this gene is a putative candidate gene for the virus resistance.  相似文献   

Gene transferability from transgenic rapeseed to various subspecies and varieties of Brassica rapa was assessed in this study. Artificial crossability was studied in 118 cultivars of 7 B. rapa subspecies and varieties with the transgenic rapeseed GT73 (Brassica napus) as the pollen donor. On average 5.7 seeds were obtained per pollination, with a range from 0.05 to 19.4. The heading type of B. rapa L. showed significantly higher crossability than non-heading types of B. rapa. The spontaneous outcrossing rate between B. rapa (female) and the transgenic rapeseed Ms8 × Rf3 (B. napus) (male) ranged from 0.039 to 0.406%, with an average of 0.19%. The fertilization process and the development of the hybrid seeds as shown by fluorescent staining techniques indicated that the number of adhered pollens on the stigma was reduced by 80%, the number of pollen tubes in the style was reduced by 2/3 and the fertilization time was delayed by over 20 h when pollinated with the transgenic rapeseed Ms8 × Rf3 in comparison with the bud self-pollination of B. rapa as control. About 10–70% of the interspecific hybrid embryos were aborted in the course of development. Some seeds looked cracked in mature pods, which showed germination abilities lower than 10%. The spontaneous outcrossing rates were much lower than the artificial crossability, and their survival fitness of the interspecific hybrid was very low, indicating that it should be possible to keep the adventitious presence of the off-plants under the allowed threshold, if proper measures are taken.  相似文献   

A collaborative Brassica rapa genome sequencing project is currently in progress to aid the identification of agronomically important traits in Brassica species. As an initial stage, the ends of over 110 000 bacterial artificial chromosome clones were sequenced and mined for simple sequence repeats (SSRs). We present the characterization of 40 of these SSRs and their application in Brassica napus. The markers were screened against six Brassica species and Arabidopsis, and demonstrated reliable amplification, genome specificity, cross‐amplification and significant polymorphism. These SSRs will be useful for genetic analysis of Brassica germplasm.  相似文献   

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