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Because the types of hooks are so similar in the oncosphacra/procercoid ef cestodes and in several groups of monogenclic trcmatodes and because the exterior of a procercoid with the hooks in a cercomer is so suggestive of a monogenetic nematode, the development of the procercoids of three Diphyllobothrium species was studied. The intention was to determine whether or not the procercoid protonephridial system would have a developmental stage when its type is similar to, or identical with that type which characterizes the monogeneans. Such a conformity would greatly support the theory of a common origin of monogeneans and ceslodes. However, it has emerged that no similar developmental stage exists. The ontogeny revealed a thorough metamorphosis from a very simple primary protonephridial system (identical with that of the miracidium larva in digeneans) to a secondary system, which develops into the system of the adult tapeworm. This fact may be interpreted as an argument against the supposed inter-relalionships between monogeneans and cestodes. However, the type of hooks and the procercoid cercomer still indicate common ancestors. An analysis of the miracidium, the oncosphaera and the oncomiracidium (the monogenean larva) with reference to their different developmental stages when hatching, gave rise to my interpretation of the fundamental structure of both the miracidium and the oncosphaera as primitively simple and not reduced, Especially the identical type of protonephridial system indicates. in my view, that digeneans and ceslodes originally had a common larva type. If the ceslodes and the monogeneans have common ancestors, then the procercoid may be interpreted as the ontogenetic recapitulation of a common hook-armed ancestor, here named hexucanthoid. This rhabdocoelan creature with six hooks in the cercomer and adapted to an ectocommensalic/ectoparasitic mode of life, is thought to have given rise to the monogeneans, the gyrocotylideans, the amphilinideans and the cestodes. The monogeneans were found to have two fundamentally different types of marginal hooks, and on this basis ihe existence of two different lines of evolution in Monogenea is indicated.  相似文献   

Data on the ontogeny of the posterior haptor of monogeneans were obtained from more than 150 publications and summarised. These data were plotted into diagrams showing evolutionary capacity levels based on the theory of a progressive evolution of marginal hooks, anchors and other attachment components of the posterior haptor in the Monogenea (Malmberg, 1986). 5 + 5 unhinged marginal hooks are assumed to be the most primitive monogenean haptoral condition. Thus the diagrams were founded on a 5 + 5 unhinged marginal hook evolutionary capacity level, and the evolutionary capacity levels of anchors and other haptoral attachement components were arranged according to haptoral ontogenetical sequences. In the final plotting diagram data on hosts, type of spermatozoa, oncomiracidial ciliation, sensilla pattern and protonephridial systems were also included. In this way a number of correlations were revealed. Thus, for example, the number of 5 + 5 marginal hooks correlates with the most primitive monogenean type of spermatozoon and with few sensillae, many ciliated cells and a simple protonephridial system in the oncomiracidium. On the basis of the reviewed data it is concluded that the ancient monogeneans with 5 + 5 unhinged marginal hooks were divided into two main lines, one retaining unhinged marginal hooks and the other evolving hinged marginal hooks. Both main lines have recent representatives at different marginal hook evolutionary capacity levels, i.e. monogeneans retaining a haptor with only marginal hooks. For the main line with hinged marginal hooks the name Articulon-choinea n. subclass is proposed. Members with 8 + 8 hinged marginal hooks only are here called Proanchorea n. superord. Monogeneans with unhinged marginal hooks only are here called Ananchorea n. superord. and three new families are erected for its recent members: Anonchohapteridae n. fam., Acolpentronidae n. fam. and Anacanthoridae n. fam. (with 7 + 7, 8 + 8 and 9 + 9 unhinged marginal hooks, respectively). Except for the families of Articulonchoinea (e.g. Acanthocotylidae, Gyrodactylidae, Tetraonchoididae) Bychowsky's (1957) division of the Monogenea into the Oligonchoinea and Polyonchoinea fits the proposed scheme, i.e. monogeneans with unhinged marginal hooks form one old group, the Oligonchoinea, which have 5 + 5 unhinged marginal hooks, and the other group form the Polyonchoinea, which (with the exception of the Hexabothriidae) has a greater number (7 + 7, 8 + 8 or 9 + 9) of unhinged marginal hooks. It is proposed that both these names, Oligonchoinea (sensu mihi) and Polyonchoinea (sensu mihi), will be retained on one side and Articulonchoinea placed on the other side, which reflects the early monogenean evolution. Except for the members of Ananchorea [Polyonchoinea], all members of the Oligonchoinea and Polyonchoinea have anchors, which imply that they are further evolved, i.e. have passed the 5 + 5 marginal hook evolutionary capacity level (Malmberg, 1986). There are two main types of anchors in the Monogenea: haptoral anchors, with anlages appearing in the haptor, and peduncular anchors, with anlages in the peduncle. There are two types of haptoral anchors: peripheral haptoral anchors, ontogenetically the oldest, and central haptoral anchors. Peduncular anchors, in turn, are ontogenetically younger than peripheral haptoral anchors. There may be two pairs of peduncular anchors: medial peduncular anchors, ontogentically the oldest, and lateral peduncular anchors. Only peduncular (not haptoral) anchors have anchor bars. Monogeneans with haptoral anchors are here called Mediohaptanchorea n. superord. and Laterohaptanchorea n. superord. or haptanchoreans. All oligonchoineans and the oldest polyonchoineans are haptanchoreans. Certain members of Calceostomatidae [Polyonchoinea] are the only monogeneans with both (peripheral) haptoral and peduncular anchors (one pair). These monogeneans are here called Mixanchorea n. superord. Polyonchoineans with peduncular anchors and unhinged marginal hooks are here called the Pedunculanchorea n. superord. The most primitive pedunculanchoreans have only one pair of peduncular anchors with an anchor bar, while the most advanced have both medial and lateral peduncular anchors; each pair having an anchor bar. Certain families of the Articulonchoinea, the Anchorea n. superord., also have peduncular anchors (parallel evolution): only one family, the Sundanonchidae n. fam., has both medial and lateral peduncular anchors, each anchor pair with an anchor bar. Evolutionary lines from different monogenean evolutionary capacity levels are discussed and a new system of classification for the Monogenea is proposed.In agreeing to publish this article, I recognise that its contents are controversial and contrary to generally accepted views on monogenean systematics and evolution. I have anticipated a reaction to the article by inviting senior workers in the field to comment upon it: their views will be reported in a future issue of this journal. EditorIn agreeing to publish this article, I recognise that its contents are controversial and contrary to generally accepted views on monogenean systematics and evolution. I have anticipated a reaction to the article by inviting senior workers in the field to comment upon it: their views will be reported in a future issue of this journal. Editor  相似文献   

The gross morphology and ultrastructure of the different parts of the protonephridial system of the monozoic tapeworms Gyrocotyle urna and Amphilina foliacea are described. The terminal cell in both species has numerous cilia which are interconnected and extend into the lumen of the first canal cell. The filtration area is built up from projections of two cells, the terminal cell and the first canal cell. The first canal cell forms a solid hollow cylinder without a cell gap and a desmosome as found in Neodermata other than cestodes and Udonella. In Gyroctyle the nucleus of the first canal cell is located in the wall cytoplasma whereas more distally located ductules of both species have subepithelial cell bodies containing the nuclei. In both taxa the protonephridial canal system is reticulate. In Amphilina the distal canals lack non-terminal ciliary flames, such ciliary tufts can be found in the larger capillaries of Gyrocotyle. The capillary cilia have rootlets and the ultrastructure of the duct wall cytoplasm containing large numbers of vesicles indicates highly active transport processes. The morphology of the protonephridial systems is discussed with regard to the evolution of Neodermata (especially of the Cestoda) and the function of the protonephridial system in cestodes as a probable organ of nutrient distribution.  相似文献   

Summary The ultrastructure of the protonephridial system of the lycophore larva of Gyrocotyle urna Grube and Wagener, 1852, is described. It consists of six terminal cells, at least two proximal canal cells, two distal canal cells and two nephridiopore cells. The terminal cells and the proximal canal cell build up the filtration weir with its two circles of weir rods. The proximal canal cell constitutes a solid, hollow cylinder without a cell gap and desmosome. The distal canal cell is characterized by a strong reduction of the canal lumen by irregularly shaped microvilli. The nephridiopore region is formed by a nephridiopore cell; its cell body is located at some distance proximally within the larva. The connection among different canal cells is brought about by septate desmosomes. Morphological, evolutionary and functional aspects of the protonephridial system within Platyhelminthes are discussed. The structure of the proximal canal cells without a desmosome is considered an autapomorphy of Cestoda.Abbreviations ci cilia of the terminal cell - Co distal canal cell - col lumen of the distal canal cell - Ep epidermis - er outer rods of the filtration weir - il inner leptotriches - ir inner rods of the filtration weir - ld lipid droplets - mt microtubule - mv microvilli - Nc nephridiopore cell - Ne neodermis anlage cells - nu nucleus - pC proximal canal cell - ro ciliary rootlets - sd septate desmosome - Tc terminal cell  相似文献   

Serotonin, or 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT), plays critical roles as a neurotransmitter and neuromodulator that control or modulate many behaviors in insects, such as feeding. Neurons immunoreactive (IR) to 5-HT were detected in the central nervous system (CNS) of the larval and adult stages of the stable fly, Stomoxys calcitrans, using an immunohistological technique. The location and pattern of the 5-HT IR neurons are described and compared for these two different developmental stages. Anatomical features of the fly feeding system were analyzed in third instar larvae and adult flies using a combination of histological and immunohistological techniques. In third instar larvae, the cibarial dilator muscles were observed within the cibarial pump skeleton and innervated by 5-HT IR neurons in nerves arising from the brain. There were four pairs of nerves arising from the frontal surface of the larval brain that innervate the cibarial pump muscles, pharynx, and muscles controlling the mouth hooks. A strong serotoninergic innervation of the anterior stomatogastric system was observed, which suggests 5-HT may play a role in the coordination of different phases of food ingestion by larvae. Similarly, many 5-HT IR neurons were found in both the brain and the thoracico-abdominal ganglia in the adult, some of which innervate the cibarial pump dilator muscles and the stomatogastric muscles. This is tnhe first report describing neuromuscular structures of the stable fly feeding system. The results reported here suggest 5-HT may play a critical role in feeding behaviors of stable fly larvae and adults.  相似文献   

The serotonergic feeding circuit in Drosophila melanogaster larvae can be used to investigate neuronal substrates of critical importance during the development of the circuit. Using the functional output of the circuit, feeding, changes in the neuronal architecture of the stomatogastric system can be visualized. Feeding behavior can be recorded by observing the rate of retraction of the mouth hooks, which receive innervation from the brain. Locomotor behavior is used as a physiological control for feeding, since larvae use their mouth hooks to traverse across an agar substrate. Changes in feeding behavior can be correlated with the axonal architecture of the neurites innervating the gut. Using immunohistochemistry it is possible to visualize and quantitate these changes. Improper handling of the larvae during behavior paradigms can alter data as they are very sensitive to manipulations. Proper imaging of the neurite architecture innervating the gut is critical for precise quantitation of number and size of varicosities as well as the extent of branch nodes. Analysis of most circuits allow only for visualization of neurite architecture or behavioral effects; however, this model allows one to correlate the functional output of the circuit with the impairments in neuronal architecture.  相似文献   

Fine structure of the Caenorhabditis elegans secretory-excretory system   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The secretory-excretory system of C. elegans, reconstructed from serial-section electron micrographs of larvae, is composed of four cells, the nuclei of which are located on the ventral side of the pharynx and adjacent intestine. (1) The pore cell encloses the terminal one-third of the excretory duct which leads to an excretory pore at the ventral midline. (2) The duct cell surrounds the excretory duct with a lamellar membrane from the origin of the duct at the excretory sinus to the pore cell boundary. (3) A large H-shaped excretory cell extends bilateral canals anteriorly and posteriorly nearly the entire length of the worm. The excretory sinus within the cell body joins the lumena of the canals with the origin of the duct. (4) A binucleate, A-shaped gland cell extends bilateral processes anteriorly from cell bodies located just behind the pharynx. These processes are fused at the anterior tip of the cell, where the cell enters the circumpharyngeal nerve ring. The processes are also joined at the anterior edge of the excretory cell body, where the excretory cell and gland are joined to the duct cell at the origin of the duct. Secretory granules may be concentrated in the gland near this secretory-excretory junction. Although the gland cells of all growing developmental stages stain positively with paraldehyde-fuchsin, the gland of the dauer larva stage (a developmentally arrested third-stage larva) does not stain, nor do glands of starved worms of other stages. Dauer larvae uniquely lack secretory granules, and the gland cytoplasm is displaced by a labyrinth of large, transparent spaces. Exit from the dauer stage results in the return of active secretory morphology in fourth-stage larvae.  相似文献   

The unusual structure of the mouth hooks of the third instar larvae of the species of Gasterophilus and Gyrostigma, parasites of the alimentary canal of Equideae and Rhinocerotidae respectively, is described.  相似文献   

In the present study, the morphology and behaviour of giant trahira Hoplias lacerdae larvae were investigated, from hatching to complete absorption of the yolk sac, under laboratory conditions. In the first day post‐hatching (dph), the larvae presented a big ovoid‐shaped yolk sac that underwent regression during larval ontogeny. The mouth opened 3 dph, when the pectoral fins were evident. From this day, the larvae were able to perform sudden bursts of activity and appear to be able to swim a few centimetres before sinking again. The branchial apparatus was defined at 5 dph, and by 6 dph the operculum was formed. The internal organs such as intestine, liver, kidney and external sensorial structures were present at 7 dph. The yolk sac remained until 7 dph.  相似文献   

A study was conducted to determine gross and microscopic tissue changes in the nasopharynx of black-tailed deer (Odocoileus hemionus columbianus) infected with nasal bot fly larvae (Cephenemyia spp.). Paired retropharyngeal recesses were the preferred sites for the growing second and third stage larvae of two species of Cephenemyia (C. apicata and C. jellisoni). Retropharyngeal recesses distended into "pouches" that harbored up to 30 larvae. Pouches were oriented caudal-laterally toward the basisphenoid bone of the cranium. Lateral support of the pouch mass was provided by the stylohyoid bone. The laryngeal orifice was never occluded by the enlarged recesses. The distal pouch wall was relatively thin and remained uniform in thickness as expansion progressed. Occasionally, aberrant larvae were found protruding through the distal wall of the pouch. Disruption of the epithelium and submucosa by larval mouth hooks and integumentary spines were examined by scanning electron microscopy. Histological examination of infected recesses revealed substantial loss of epithelium and mucous glands. Enlargement of recesses into pouches resulted from fibrosis. Healing occurred after larvae egressed from the pouches. Degenerating mucous glands, epithelial metaplasia, epithelial desquamation, and intense inflammation were found near larvae. An eosinophilic exudate with a mixture of macrophages and erythrocytes was present in the lumen of the pouch. The presence of larvae within the pouch inhibited secondary bacterial infection and suppuration. Infection by larvae caused severe local trauma and intense tissue response.  相似文献   

In bay snook (Petenia splendida) larvae the histological development of the digestive system and swim bladder, and their relative timing of differentiation were studied from hatching to 45 days post‐hatch (dph) at 29°C. Newly hatched larvae showed a simple digestive tract, which appeared as a straight undifferentiated tube lined by a single layer of columnar epithelial cells (future enterocytes). The anatomical and histological differentiation of the digestive tract and accessory glands was a very intense, asynchronous process, proceeding from the distal to the anterior part. The intestine was the first region to differentiate (9 days post‐hatch – dph, 6.5 mm SL), and the oesophagus the last (21 dph, 8.4 mm SL). At the onset of feeding, the digestive system was organized into different functional and histologically differentiated sections, such as the buccopharynx, oesophagus, glandular stomach, and anterior and posterior intestine. This organization resembled that of the juveniles, with the exception of pharyngeal teeth and buccopharyngeal as well as oesophageal goblet cells, which proliferated later during the mixed feeding period. Histological observations revealed that bay snook larvae retained endogenous yolk reserves until 24 dph (8.9 ± 0.4 mm SL), which might be helpful for weaning this species onto a compound diet. The important lipidic accumulation observed in the intestinal mucosa, liver, and pancreas in fish fed a compound trout diet indicated that although fish were able to digest and absorb lipids, the diet formulation did not fit the nutritional requirements of early juveniles of this species. The ontogeny of the digestive system followed the same general pattern as in most cichlid species described to date. However, we detected species‐specific differences in the timing of differentiation that were related to their reproductive guild. According to the histological results, some recommendations regarding the intensive culture of this species are also provided.  相似文献   

记述采自中国南海日本红娘鱼(Lepidotrigla japonica)鳃上的单殖吸虫1新种:红娘鱼轮盘虫(Trochopus lepidotrigla sp.nov.),以及绿鳍鱼(Chelidonichthys kumu)鳃上的1中国新记录种:戈尔韦轮盘虫(Trochopus gaillimhe Little,1929)。新种红娘鱼轮盘虫以其后吸器上3对锚钩特殊的形态大小而区别于该属的近似种。所有标本均保存于华南师范大学生命科学学院鱼类寄生虫学研究室。  相似文献   

Synopsis We examined the diet of Channa limbata, a predatory fish from western Thailand, in relation to mass, mouth and body morphology and intestine length. The cluster analysis we performed on the prey-specific abundance values of the dietary items yielded four size-classes based on diet. There was a shift from detritus and smaller benthic invertebrates in the diet of the first size class, to a mainly piscivorous diet in the fourth size-class as well as a steep increase in mass at the onset of piscivory. We found no significant change in relative intestine length with ontogeny, and the average relative intestine length value for C. limbata indicated primarily carnivorous feeding habits throughout ontogeny. Ontogenetic changes in mouth dimensions account primarily for the shift in diet, however the ontogenetic change in body morphology is of secondary importance.  相似文献   

The pharynx, intestine and respiratory duct of Xenopus laevis were examined by light and electron microscopy, at different stages of the metamorphic cycle, through climax. It is well known that preclimactic larvae are suspension feeders and that after climax specimens feed on solid food. It is shown that the histology of the pharynx and the alimentary canal changes in adaptation to the change in the mode of feeding. Suspension feeding utilises ciliary activity but after climax cilia have disappeared from the pharynx and alimentary canal, when new neuromuscular mechanisms are utilised in feeding. Other morpho-histological changes in various intestinal and respiratory tissues are likewise considered in terms of functional activity.  相似文献   

Rhogocytes, terminal cells of protonephridia, and podocytes of metanephridial systems share an architectural feature that creates an apparent sieving device. The sieve serves to ultrafilter body fluid during the excretion and osmoregulation process carried out by nephridial systems, but its function in rhogocytes is unclear. Rhogocytes are molluscan hemocoelic cells that appear to have various functions related to metabolism of metal ions, including synthesis of hemocyanin in some gastropods and metal detoxification in pteriomorph bivalves. A hypothesis that proposed developmental and possibly evolutionary conversion between protonephridial terminal cells and rhogocytes has never been further explored; indeed, information on the occurrence of rhogocytes in molluscan developmental stages is meager. We used transmission electron microscopy to show that rhogocytes are present within larvae of eight species of gastropods sampled from the three major gastropod clades with a feeding larval stage in the life history. In larvae of a heterobranch gastropod, a rhogocyte was located next to each terminal cell of a pair of protonephridia that flanked the foregut, whereas all six species of caenogastropod larvae and a neritimorph larva that we examined had rhogocytes, but no protonephridia, in this location. We did not find ring‐shaped profiles of hemocyanin decamers within rhogocytes of larvae or pre‐hatch embryos. Rhogocytes in newly released larvae of Nerita melanotragus contained orderly bundles of cylinders, but the diameter of the cylinders was only 70% of the diameter typical of hemocyanin multidecamers. By examining embryos of the caenogastropod Nassarius mendicus at four successive developmental time points that bracketed the occurrence of larval hatching, we found that terminal cells from non‐functional protonephridia in pre‐hatch embryos transformed into rhogocytes around the time of hatching. This empirical evidence of ontogenetic transformation of protonephridial terminal cells into rhogocytes might be interpreted as developmental recapitulation of an evolutionary transition that occurred early in molluscan history.  相似文献   

The histological development and mucous histochemistry of the alimentary tract in larval yellowtail flounder were studied using light microscopy. Samples were taken when the larvae were first offered food at 3 days post-hatch, then at 7, 10, 29, 36, and 46 days post-hatch, at which time they were metamorphosing. Regional partitioning of the digestive tract into the buccal cavity, pharynx, oesophagus, post-oesophageal swelling (PES), intestine, and rectum was complete by day 10. Goblet cells were present only in the buccal cavity, pharynx and intestine by day 7, but increased in number and distribution as development continued. By day 29, the posterior zone of the oesophagus had a marked increase in goblet cell density and mucosal folding. At the transition from oesophagus to PES/stomach stratified epithelium with goblet cells changed abruptly to a columnar epithelium with no goblet cells. Multicellular glands in the PES of 36-day larvae allowed it to be defined as a stomach. The distinct brush border of columnar epithelium and the presence of goblet cells characterize the intestine and rectum. All goblet cells throughout the digestive tract were strongly positive for acid mucins as was the luminal layer of the stratified epithelia lining the buccal cavity, pharynx and oesophagus. The PES/stomach epithelium stained weakly for neutral mucins. No mucin staining was associated with the gastric glandular epithelium. The brush borders of the intestine and rectum were strongly positive for combinations of neutral and acid mucins.  相似文献   

Gerasev PI 《Parazitologiia》1998,32(6):544-552
The muscle fascicles of the haptor in Tetraonchus monenteron have been described. The muscle connection of the fan-shaped dorsal bars with dorsal anchors is shown. When these muscle fascicles are contracted the dorsal anchors works as pincers. The division of tetraonchids into two genera based on types of copulatory organs, morphology of bars and haptor ans associations with different groups of fishes is restored. Different authors based on ciliated cells and chaetotaxy of the oncomiracidium and comparative spermiogenetic of T. monenteron include the tetraonchids with 16 marginal hooks into the order Dactylogyroidea. In the same time, based on the analysis of the onthogenesis of the dactylogyrid's haptor they postulate, that the haptor of these worms originally had 2 pairs of anchors and only 14 marginal hooks. The present paper contains data indicating that different representatives of the Dactylogyridea have 14-18 marginal hooks. Author put forward a suggestion, that some group of dactylogyrids originally did not have the anchors.  相似文献   

A newly prepared palate of the moschorhinid therocephalian Promoschorhynchus platyrhinus from the Upper Permian region of South Africa was used for reconsidering the initial evolutionary development of the secondary palate of mammals. The very distinctive choanal crests are considered to be indicative of strong choanal folds that were probably already fused anteriorly. This gingival bridge probably served as the basis for the outgrowing bony processes of the hard palate that, in therapsids, developed independently at least three times. The soft palate ( velum palatinum ) is considered to be a remnant of the choanal folds that were muscularized from behind. It has been assumed that, in therapsids, a ventral portion of the medial pterygoid musculature shifted its insertion onto the ventral side of the pterygoid; this portion is supposed to have differentiated into the mm. tensor tympani and tensor veli palatini . Investigation of serial sections of extant marsupials confirm the view that the levator of the velum is derived from the upper constrictor of the pharynx. The choanal folds and the secondary palate are discussed within the wider framework of the evolutionary biology of mammalian forerunners. It is suggested that the formation of a sealed mouth cavity is not only related to the improved passage of air, but also to sucking in neonate hatchlings. The importance of the secondary palate of mammals to a number of resulting basic adaptations (dentition, olfactory system, etc.) of mammals is discussed.  相似文献   

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