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The feeding habits of harp seals (Phoca groenlandica) in the Barents Sea were examined in studies conducted during June 1991, September 1990 and 1991, and October 1992. Analyses of stomach and intestinal contents were carried out and concurrent estimates of prey abundance were made using trawl gear. Harp seals appeared to feed at low intensity in the pack ice belt during the first half of June. There was little potential prey in the water column, but prawns (Pandalus borealis), capelin (Mallotus villosus) and polar cod (Boreogadus saida) were abundant close to the bottom. In September, the seals sampled in the northern pack ice areas of the Barents Sea fed on the pelagic amphipod Parathemisto libellula, krill (Thysanoessa spp.), prawns and, to a lesser extent, on fish species such as polar cod, sculpins (Cottidae) and snailfish (Liparidae). Trawling revealed that large quantities of Parathemisto libellala were present in the upper layers of the water column. Fish, mainly capelin and polar cod, were less abundant and occurred in deeper waters. In mid-October, the diet of seals in the northern Barents Sea consisted mainly of amphipods (Parathemisto sp.). Later in October, when increasing pack ice cover forced the harp seals to move south, the diet seemed to change from amphipods to fish prey, predominantly capelin and polar cod.  相似文献   

We investigated growth‐related and sex‐related morphological changes in the skulls of 144 North Pacific common minke whales Balaenoptera acutorostrata. Measurement was conducted at 39 points on the skull and mandible to extract individual allometric equations relating the length and zygomatic width of the skull. The results revealed no significant differences in skull morphology by sex except for width of occipital bone. The size relative to the skull of the anatomical parts involved in feeding, such as the rostrum and mandible, increased after birth. In contrast, the sensory organs and the anatomical regions involved in neurological function, such as the orbit, tympanic bullae, and foramen magnum, were fully developed at birth, and their relative size reduced over the course of development. This is the first study to investigate developmental changes in the skull morphology using more than 100 baleen whale specimens, and we believe the results of this study will contribute greatly to multiple areas of baleen whale research, including taxonomy and paleontology. J. Morphol. 275:1113–1121, 2014. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Samples of ice algae from the Marginal Ice Zone in the Barents Sea could be divided into two categories: one dominated by assemblages of Melosira arctica, and the other dominated by Nitzschia frigida and associated diatoms. Total lipid from the Melosira assemblages consisted of approximately equal amounts of polar lipids and triacylglycerols. Total lipid from the Nitzschia assemblages contained more triacylglycerols than polar lipids. Total lipid from the Melosira assemblages had higher percentages of C16 PUFA, especially 16:4(n-1) and 20:5(n-3), than that from the Nitzschia assemblages, this reflecting the higher percentages of both C16 PUFA and 20:5(n-3) in polar lipids than in triacylglycerols. Phytoplankton from the pelagic zone were␣richer in flagellates and contained less C16 PUFA and 20:5(n-3) but more C18 PUFA and 22:6(n-3). The dominance of diatoms in the ice-algae assemblages in the Marginal Ice Zone and their high nutritional value as a source of 20:5(n-3) for higher trophic levels are emphasised. Received: 24 November 1997 / Accepted: 8 February 1998  相似文献   

We investigated the effects of a change from a high-fat diet to a low-fat diet of differing fatty acid (FA) composition on the body composition and blubber FA of five captive juvenile harp seals. Seals that had been maintained for 1 yr on a diet of Atlantic herring (>/=9% fat) were switched to a diet of Atlantic pollock (1. 7% fat) for 30 d. On days 0, 14, and 30, mass and body composition (using isotope dilution) were measured, and blubber biopsies (5 cmx6 mm) were taken for FA analysis. Fat accounted for 38%-49% of body mass at the start of the experiment. When switched to the pollock diet, and despite food intakes averaging 6.5 kg/d (32.3 MJ/d), body fat declined by an average of 6.4 kg or by 32% over the 30-d experiment. In contrast, body protein increased in direct relation to protein intake (r2=0.836, P=0.030). Despite substantial loss of body fat, blubber FA signature changed significantly to reflect the changes in dietary intake of FA, and the deposition of FA was quantifiably predictable. Our results suggest that young growing phocids are unable to maintain body fat stores on low-fat diets even when protein intakes are high. This may have significant implications for juvenile pinniped survival in the wild. In addition, turnover and deposition of dietary FA in blubber takes place in nonfattening seals.  相似文献   

Trophic ecology of most demersal Arctic fishes remains one of the major knowledge gaps for understanding food web dynamics and connectivity among ecosystems. In this study, fatty acids (FA) and stable isotopes (SI) were used to study the feeding ecology of seven species (n = 106) of the most abundant benthic fishes (eelpouts, sculpins and agonids) in the Canadian Beaufort Sea from shallow (20–75 m), slope (200–350 m) and deep (500–1000 m) habitats. Both FA and SI results revealed among- and within-species variability in diet composition. Correspondence analysis of FA signatures identified high within-species variability in diet, resulting in high overlap among species. Calanus-derived FA were present in all species (Calanus markers up to 13 % of total FA) and were particularly important in Ribbed Sculpin, Adolf’s and Longear Eelpout collected in deep habitats, suggesting a strong contribution of pelagic-derived FA to benthic fish communities. Incorporation of this signal in the benthos may result from either direct consumption of deep overwintering copepods (i.e., off-bottom feeding) or through detrital accumulation in benthic invertebrate prey. Mean SI values differed among species and indicated that a large range of trophic positions (δ15N varied from 14.09 to 17.71 ‰ for Canadian Eelpout and Adolf’s Eelpout, respectively) and carbon dietary sources are preyed upon (δ13C range from ?21.13 to ?23.85 ‰ for Longear Eelpout and Ribbed Sculpin, respectively). SI analyses suggested that most species examined were low- to mid-trophic generalist benthic carnivores, with the exception of Ribbed Sculpin, which was a low-trophic pelagic predator.  相似文献   

Entanglement of marine mammals in fishing gear is a global issue. It is considered a significant threat to minke whales (Balaenoptera acutorostrata) in the East Sea of Korea. A total of 214 entanglements of minke whales in this area between 2004 and 2007 were used to investigate types and parts of fishing gears involved in entanglements. The majority of entanglements were mainly caused by three types of fishing gears: set nets, pots, and gill nets (n= 207, 96.7%). Other entanglements were associated with bottom trawls, purse seines, and trawls. A total of 65 entanglements were attributed to the main and branch lines of fishing gears. The most common body part of minke whales which attached to fishing gears was the mouth (n= 63, 30.4%). Most entanglements took place within 10 nmi from land (n= 179, 86.5%), and between 10 and 220 m of water depth. The mean length of entangled minke whales in set nets was significantly smaller than that of whales in pots and gill nets samples (P < 0.001). Also, the mean body length of minke whales that entangled in the coastal area and shallow waters was significantly shorter than that of whales in the offshore area and deep waters (P < 0.001). This information can be used as fundamental data to conserve and manage this population of minke whales in the East Sea of Korea, and also to modify fishing gear to reduce entanglements. Future studies should focus on investigating the impact of these entanglements on the population and the effectiveness of mitigation measures to reduce entanglements of minke whales in this area.  相似文献   

Food and daily food consumption of southern minke whales in the Antarctic   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
Summary The stomach contents of 273 southern minke whales (Balaenoptera acutorostrata) taken in the region 55°S to the ice-edge and between 105°E and 115°E by a Japanese survey during 1987/88 were examined. The minke whales' dominant feeding ground coincided with a distinctive hydrographic front in the vicinity of the ice-edge at the mouth of Vincennes Bay. Krill (Euphausia superba) were the dominant food species comprising 100% and 94% by weight of stomach contents in the ice-edge and offshore zones, respectively. In the offshore zone, minke whales tend to feed on E. superba rather than Thysanoessa macrura, which is found more frequently than the former in net samples. Total food consumption by minke whales per day was estimated to be 1170 t (22.1 kg/km2) and 596 t (2.0 kg/km2) in the ice-edge and offshore zones, respectively. Feeding activity peaked in the early morning in the ice-edge zone, whereas it occurred irregularly throughout the day in the offshore zone. Two size modes of krill (25–28 mm in body length (1 year-old) and 41–48 mm (3–4 year-old)) dominated the diet. Although the former was numerically more abundant, the latter dominated the diet by weight, suggesting that larger krill are more important food for minke whales. Observed spatial pattern of krill populations in the study region suggests that movement of the subsurface cold water mass tended to carry krill offshore from the ice-edge.The earlier version of this paper was submitted to the 42nd Meeting of the Scientific Committee of International Whaling Commission as SC/42/SHM; 34.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial DNA control region sequences were analyzed to investigate population structure and possible migratory links of common minke whales (Balaenoptera acutorostrata) in two ocean basins: western South Atlantic (WSA) and western South Pacific (WSP). The results of several different phylogenetic estimations consistently grouped all haplotypes but one (n = 1) from these two ocean basins into two separate clades. South and North Atlantic haplotypes were more closely related to each other than either was to haplotypes from the WSP. The interpopulation genetic distance between WSA and WSP whales was similar to that reported between North Pacific and North Atlantic common minke whales (0.0234). The migration rate between the two ocean basins was estimated at near-zero using MDIV. The genetic evidence presented here was consistent with the hypothesis of migratory links among Brazil, Chilean Patagonia and the Antarctic Peninsula, and between low-latitude and Antarctic waters of the WSP. The results suggest multiple populations of common minke whales in the Southern Hemisphere, which may have conservation as well as taxonomic implications. Our single locus results should be corroborated by additional analyses in a larger number of samples and at more genetic markers.  相似文献   

1. A comparative study of fatty acid (FA) profiles in particulate matter (seston) and the key grazer Daphnia was performed in six high Arctic ponds (79°N, Svalbard). The ponds were all small and shallow, but followed a strong gradient with respect to nutrient content and optical properties. 2. A distinct locality‐specific pattern was detected by principal component analysis of FA profiles, where samples from each locality clustered both with regard to seston and Daphnia. Linear discriminant analysis using nine sestonic fatty acids as discriminant functions gave on average a correct prediction of the Daphnia lake membership in 47% of cases, with very high predictability in some lakes but poor predictability in others. 3. No significant correlation was detected between FA and nutrient concentration or levels of dissolved organic carbon. The major determinant of FA profiles as judged from a redundancy analysis was the taxonomic composition of phytoplankton communities, notably the biomass of Chlorophyceae. 4. The FA profiles of Daphnia were for some FAs strongly enriched relative to the seston, while diluted for others. Among the polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs), a pronounced magnification of eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA, 20 : 5 n‐3), and to some extent 18 : 3 n‐3 and 20 : 4 n‐6 was found, while docosahexaenoic acid (DHA, 22 : 6 n‐3) contributed in general less to FAs in Daphnia than in seston and was hardly detectable in Daphnia from most localities. 5. The overall content of PUFAs in Daphnia was consistently high, close to 40% of total FA in all investigated localities, despite major differences in seston PUFA content. Daphnia thus acts as a regulator with regard to overall PUFAs, reflecting its physiological constraints and relatively fixed demands for PUFAs in general. The distinct locality‐specific profiles in Daphnia strongly suggest a kind of FA‐fingerprint, but our data do not allow strict statements on the use of specific FAs as trophic markers.  相似文献   

The fatty acid compositions of neutral lipid, glycolipid and phospholipid fractions from ice algae sampled from the Barents Sea in spring and autumn were examined for seasonal differences. The ice-algal assemblages were dominated by diatoms. In spring, Nitzschia frigida was the most common species whereas resting stages of Thalassiosira bioculata and Actinocyclus cf curvatulus predominated in autumn. With the exception of one spring sample, neutral lipids predominated over glycolipids and phospholipids in all algal samples. The lipid fractions displayed characteristic fatty acid compositions. In the spring samples the major fatty acids of the neutral lipid fraction were 16:0, 16:1(n-7) and 20:5(n-3) whilst the glycolipid fraction was characterised by higher levels of 20:5(n-3) and C16 polyunsaturated fatty acids, particularly 16:4(n-1). Phospholipids contained higher levels of 22:6(n-3) than the other two lipid fractions although 20:5(n-3) was still the major polyunsaturated fatty acid. In the autumn samples, the neutral lipid fraction contained higher proportions of saturated fatty acids and 16:1(n-7) than the two polar lipid fractions and 22:6(n-3) was most abundant in phospholipids. As with the spring samples, 20:5(n-3) was the major polyunsaturated fatty acid in all lipid fractions of the autumn algae. Overall, the fatty acid compositions of the lipid fractions from spring and autumn algal samples were similar and are consistent with diatoms being the predominant group in the ice algae studied. The high level of neutral lipids observed in both spring and autumn samples suggests that the production of neutral lipids is characteristic of ice algae regardless of season. Nevertheless, some species-specific differences in lipid production may exist since the neutral lipid content of autumn samples containing mainly A. curvatulus was substantially higher than those in which T. bioculata predominated. Received: 26 September 1997 / Accepted: 12 January 1998  相似文献   

Summary The structure of the seminiferous tubules in neonate harp seals, Pagophilus groenlandicus, was essentially similar in one-, five and ten-day old animals. The tubules were small in diameter, devoid of lumina and contained predominantly supportive cells. The interstitial cells in the neonates were large, numerous and highly vacuolated. They became smaller and appeared less active in the ten-day old animals compared with the one-day old seals, although they were still considerably more numerous and vacuolated than in testes taken from adult harp seals.The work was supported by grants from the National Science and Engineering Research Council of Canada (J.F.L. and K.R.) and from the Donner (Canadian) Foundation (K.R.)  相似文献   

Summary The pars distalis of parturient harp seals (Pagophilus groenlandicus) is divisible into three distinct zones based on the major cellular components of the different regions. A clear zonation is lacking in neonate seals, the medial basophilic wedge and the anterior gonadotrophic were small and difficult to identify. Five cell types were identified based on cytological characteristics: somatotrophs, mammotrophs, thyrotrophs, gonadotrophs and stellate cells; corticotrophs could not be identified, with any certainty, in any of the preparations, nor could the gonadotrophs be classified into LH, FSH, and ICSH cells.The pars intermedia enlarged during the early post-partum period and was large in the parturient females.Abbreviations Used LH luteinizing hormone - FSH follicle stimulating hormone - ICSH interstitial cell stimulating hormone - PAS periodic acid-Schiff We wish to thank Mrs. Lucy Lin for her technical assistance. The work was supported by grants-inaid of research to J.F.L. and K.R. from the National Research Council of Canada and a grant from the Donner Canadian Foundation to K.R.  相似文献   

States’ failure to comply with their international obligations has been viewed by institutional theory as problems to be solved, rather than as wrongs to be punished. This article reviews how Norway has employed different postagreement bargaining strategies in the Joint Norwegian-Russian Fisheries Commission in order to enhance Russian compliance with the bilateral fisheries agreements in the Barents Sea and with the precautionary approach more widely.  相似文献   

Four species of pagophilic phocid seals in the Western Arctic—bearded (Erignathus barbatus), ringed (Phoca hispida), ribbon (Phoca fasciata), and spotted (Phoca largha)—are particularly vulnerable to arctic warming trends. Documenting diet composition over time is one way in which the flexibility of a species, in the face of broad ecosystem changes, can be measured. Because the fatty acid (FA) composition of depot lipids has long been known to reflect diet, we analysed the FA composition of blubber samples collected from bearded (n = 30), ringed (n = 15), ribbon (n = 32) and spotted seals (n = 24). All animals were taken near Little Diomede Island in May and June 2003, providing a unique opportunity to study interspecies differences with minimal effects of spatial and temporal variation. Bearded seal FA composition was significantly different from all other seals (P < 0.001 in all cases), ringed seal FA composition was significantly different from that of both ribbon and spotted seals (P < 0.001), but ribbon and spotted seal FA compositions could not be distinguished from each other. Overall, the blubber FA compositions of ribbon, ringed and spotted seals implied diets dominated by pelagic prey. Inferences we made about current diets of bearded and ringed seals suggest that certain prey important to them in this area in the 1970s remain important today, despite notable changes in the ecosystem. We believe that blubber FA analysis will be a useful tool in assessing the response of ice-associated pinnipeds and their ecosystem to changes associated with arctic warming.  相似文献   

Climate change has had profound effects upon marine ecosystems, impacting across all trophic levels from plankton to apex predators. Determining the impacts of climate change on marine ecosystems requires understanding the direct effects on all trophic levels as well as indirect effects mediated by trophic coupling. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of climate change on the pelagic food web in the Celtic Sea, a productive shelf region in the Northeast Atlantic. Using long-term data, we examined possible direct and indirect ‘bottom-up’ climate effects across four trophic levels: phytoplankton, zooplankton, mid-trophic level fish and seabirds. During the period 1986–2007, although there was no temporal trend in the North Atlantic Oscillation index (NAO), the decadal mean Sea Surface Temperature (SST) in the Celtic Sea increased by 0.66±0.02°C. Despite this, there was only a weak signal of climate change in the Celtic Sea food web. Changes in plankton community structure were found, however this was not related to SST or NAO. A negative relationship occurred between herring abundance (0- and 1-group) and spring SST (0-group: p = 0.02, slope = −0.305±0.125; 1-group: p = 0.04, slope = −0.410±0.193). Seabird demographics showed complex species–specific responses. There was evidence of direct effects of spring NAO (on black-legged kittiwake population growth rate: p = 0.03, slope = 0.0314±0.014) as well as indirect bottom-up effects of lagged spring SST (on razorbill breeding success: p = 0.01, slope = −0.144±0.05). Negative relationships between breeding success and population growth rate of razorbills and common guillemots may be explained by interactions between mid-trophic level fish. Our findings show that the impacts of climate change on the Celtic Sea ecosystem is not as marked as in nearby regions (e.g. the North Sea), emphasizing the need for more research at regional scales.  相似文献   

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