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Studies were conducted to determine the selection of humans, chickens and rabbits by Culicidae in three different environments in the province of Chaco, Argentina. Mosquitoes were collected fortnightly using cylindrical metal traps containing animal bait (chickens and rabbits). The mosquitoes were collected between June 2001-May 2002. During the same period and with the same frequency, mosquitoes biting the human operators of the traps were collected during the first 15 min of exposure within different time intervals: from 09:00 am-11:00 am, 01:00 pm-03:00 pm, 05:00 pm-07:00 pm and 09:00 pm-10:00 pm. A total of 19,430 mosquitoes of 49 species belonging to 10 genera were collected. Culex species mainly selected chicken bait and Wyeomyia species selected rabbit bait. Ochlerotatus and Psorophora species were more abundant in rabbit-baited traps. Anopheles triannulatus, Coquillettidia nigricans, Ochlerotatus scapularis, Mansonia titillans and Psorophora albigenu showed a strong attraction for human bait. The Anopheles, Coquillettidia, Culex and Mansonia species were more active between 05:00 pm-09:00 pm, while Ochlerotatus, Psorophora, Haemagogus and Wyeomyia were most active from 09:00 am-07:00 pm. This study provides additional information about the biology and ecology of arbovirus vectors in Chaco.  相似文献   

We examined the mycorrhizal type of 128 plant species in two patches of native vegetation of the Chaco Serrano Woodland, central Argentina, the largest dry forest area in South America. Of the 128 plant species investigated (belonging to 111 genera in 53 families), 114 were colonized by arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AM), orchid mycorrhizal associations were present in the five terrestrial orchid species analyzed, one ectomycorrhiza was only present in Salix humboldtiana Willd., and 96 harbored a dark septate endophyte (DSE) association. Co-occurrence of AM and DSE was observed in 88 plant species. We determine morphological types of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (Arum, Paris, and intermediate AM structures) and report the mycorrhizal status in 106 new species, 12 of which are endemic to central Argentina and two, Aa achalensis Schltr. and Buddleja cordobensis Griseb., are declared to be vulnerable species. Root colonization in the Chaco Serrano Woodland is widespread and should be considered in revegetation programs due to the deterioration of this particular ecosystem. Considering the predominance of AM and DSE associations and the various potential benefits that these associations may bring to plant establishment, they should receive special attention in conservation and reforestation of these woodlands.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the concept of stability in a concrete natural situation: the gallery forests in the Chaco region. On the basis of Pickett's definition of minimal structure, stability is considered as the response which enables a system to keep its (minimal and configurational) structure once an alteration has taken place (Pickett et al. 1989). Resilience is, instead, another kind of response which enables the system to keep its minimal structure intact regardless of what might happen to its configurational structure.The system to be analysed is that of the gallery forests in the Lower Bermejo Basin, in Argentina, which is subject to intense river bed migrations and floods caused by this allochthonous watercourse. The effect of this alteration is analysed on different space-time scales.Locally floods behave as a completely unpredictable phenomena, starting a complex floristic changes mechanism that would eventually enable the system to recover its structure once the alteration is over. These forests appear to be resilient but little adaptable, with low resistence and low elasticity. The latter, when combined with the alternation's return interval, which is under the ecosystem's generation time, upset the theoretical stability conditions, thus making the system seem apparently unstable.Regionally, instead, migrations act as regular and permanent phenomena (highly predictable) always affecting some part of the area. The autochthonous system river side forests have become adapted through evolution to this new situation, so much so that this phenomenon has become a part of the system's internal dynamics. Chaco physiognomy, were it not due to the allochthonous phenomena affecting it today, would certainly be very different from the present one.  相似文献   

Aim To investigate the differential effects of position within gaps, coarse woody debris and understorey cover on tree seedling survival in canopy gaps in two old‐growth Nothofagus pumilio (Poepp. & Endl.) Krasser forests and the response of this species to gaps in two forests located at opposite extremes of a steep rainfall gradient. Location Nahuel Huapi National Park, at 41° S in north‐western Patagonia, Argentina. Methods In both study sites, seedlings were transplanted to experimental plots in gaps in three different positions, with two types of substrate (coarse woody debris or forest floor), and with and without removal of understorey vegetation. Survival of seedlings was monitored during two growing seasons. Soil moisture and direct solar radiation were measured once in mid‐summer. Seedling aerial biomass was estimated at the end of the experiment. Results Mid‐summer soil water potential was lowest in the centre of gaps, in plots where the understorey had been removed, and highest at the northern edges of gaps. Direct incoming radiation was highest in gap centres and southern edges, and lowest at northern edges. Seedling mortality was highest in gap centres, in both sites. Coarse woody debris had a positive effect on seedling survival during summer in the mesic forest and during winter in the xeric forest. The removal of understorey cover had negative effects in gap centres during summer. Seedling final aerial biomass was positively affected by understorey removal and by soil substrate in both sites. In the dry forest gaps, seedling growth was highest in northern edges, whereas it was highest in gap centres in the mesic forest. Overall growth was positively related to survival in the xeric forest, and negatively related in the mesic forest. Main conclusions Survival and growth were facilitated by the shade of gap‐surrounding trees only in the xeric forest. Understorey vegetation of both forests facilitated seedling survival in exposed microsites but competed with seedling growth. Nurse logs were an important substrate for seedling establishment in both forests; however, causes of this pattern differed between forests. Water availability positively controls seedling survival and growth in the xeric forest while in the mesic forest, survival and growth are differentially controlled by water and light availability, respectively. These two contrasting old‐growth forests, separated by a relatively short distance along a steep rainfall gradient, had different yet unexpected microenvironmental controls on N. pumilio seedling survival and growth. These results underscore the importance of defining microscale limiting factors of tree recruitment in the context of large‐scale spatial variation in resources.  相似文献   

The Chaco is the largest dry forest biome in South America and one of the regions most threatened by agricultural intensification. As a consequence, in several areas Chaco forests persist as forest remnants of different sizes embedded in an agricultural matrix. Ants are social insects that have key roles in ecosystem functioning, and the effects of this ongoing land use change process on ant communities are little known for this region. In the present study, we assessed the consequences of land use replacement by monocultures and forest fragmentation on ant communities. Particularly, we assessed whether patch size, patch isolation and edge effect affect species richness and composition of ground‐dwelling ants in fragmented landscapes of Chaco forests. We collected ants by combining hand collecting and pitfall traps in 17 forest fragments and the surrounding matrix from two sites in Córdoba, Argentina. Patch size and patch isolation had no effect on ant richness; however, patch isolation and, to a lesser extent, patch size altered ant species composition. The ant community was not affected by edge but it was negatively affected by the crop matrix, which reduced richness and altered species composition. These results indicate that monoculture matrices severely affect ant communities in the Chaco forests, and that the effects of other indicators of habitat fragmentation (patch size and edge effect) are subtler and less relevant. In the present context of land use change, even small fragments could have an important value for the conservation of ant diversity.  相似文献   

采用样带网格调查方法和α、β多样性指数分析方法,研究了长白山河岸带原始林和次生林群落木本植物多样性沿海拔梯度分布规律及其对采伐干扰的响应.结果表明:不同海拔区域河岸带原始林群落均由11~13个树种组成,其在群落中的地位随海拔升高而发生变化,阔叶树种优势地位逐步被针叶树种所取代,采伐干扰不仅改变了群落树种丰富度及其在群落中的地位,而且使针叶树种取代阔叶树种的趋势有所增强;河岸带原始林群落物种多样性沿海拔梯度呈现出中、低海拔区域相对较高且比较恒定(2.454~2.544),高海拔区域(2.250)下降的分布规律,采伐干扰改变了其沿海拔梯度分布格局(波动型),加大了不同海拔区域群落间的波动性(2.174~2.692);河岸带原始林群落树种沿海拔梯度的变动速率相对较低(1.5~3.5),且群落相似性较高(0.85~0.94),采伐干扰使次生林群落树种沿海拔梯度的变动幅度增大(0.5~6.0),群落相似性下降(0.68~0.91),但次生林群落沿海拔梯度分布仍具有较高连续性.  相似文献   

The objective of this project was to study the pollen spectrum of the Marahué Wildlife Reserve (Central Argentina), the quantity and quality of airborne pollen grains, and to evaluate the contribution of outside sources, to protect a natural habitat with xerophytic shrub vegetation (“monte”) (the term “monte” is used for the dominant xerophytic shrub vegetation in the “partido” of Villarino) approximately 90 km south of Bahía Blanca. Sampling was performed weekly throughout a whole calendar year (January–December, 2003) using a volumetric impact sampler. Observations of flowering in the field were performed at the same time as the aerial sampling. Herbarium specimens were collected to make pollen collections of the species found in the study area, for reference purposes. The most abundant pollen types were Poaceae (31.3% total annual pollen), Amaranthus/Chenopodiaceae (25.3%), Eucalyptus (5%), Brassicaceae (3.9%), and Plantago (3.9%). This study showed the dispersion dynamics of pollen grains from characteristic species of the “partido” (the province of Buenos Aires is divided into partidos which are roughly equivalent to counties) of Villarino, the exotic flora of the surrounding area, and the pollen types from outside the region.
María Gabriela MurrayEmail:

Aim To establish the relationship between coastal dune vegetation and its pollen representation as an aid to interpret Holocene vegetation dynamics and environmental changes from pollen assemblages. Location The study area is situated on the temperate Atlantic coast of south Buenos Aires Province, Argentina (c. 39° S and 61°20′ W). Methods The vegetation of the active dune area adjacent to the beach was described on the basis of its floristic composition from 25 plots. Classification of the vegetation into distinct zones was carried out by cluster analysis. Surface samples were collected from each vegetation stand and analysed for their pollen composition. Pollen percentage data were analysed using principal components analysis in order to investigate the degree to which the different vegetation units can be distinguished by their pollen spectra. Pollen–vegetation relationships for selected taxa were explored using simple scatter plots and indices of association, under‐ and over‐representation. Indices of floristic diversity and palynological richness were used to assess the representation of the vegetation in the pollen spectra. Results and conclusions Five vegetation zones are defined on the basis of species composition and their quantitative variation: back shore, mobile dunes, slacks, semi‐fixed and fixed dunes. Pollen assemblages from back shore, mobile dunes and slacks are clearly differentiated from semi‐fixed and fixed dunes. Pollen assemblages differ considerably from the associated vegetation composition. Major discrepancies are caused by large differences in pollen and vegetation proportion of Hyalis argentea and Discaria americana. There is a considerable proportion of non‐local pollen in every spectrum. Pollen representation in the coastal dunes at Monte Hermoso is influenced by differences in pollen production, dispersal and preservation of individual taxa as well as by the spatial distribution of the vegetation, the topography of the dune system and the wind pattern. The pollen–vegetation relationship established in this study has important implication for understanding and interpreting fossil pollen records from coastal dune environments.  相似文献   

Abstract. In this study we report the first application of Landsat TM imagery to Chaco vegetation studies at a regional scale in Argentina. We produced a map showing 13 clearly differentiated land‐cover types, and described the composition and structure of the plant communities, in an area of almost 42002 km2 in central Argentina. The land‐cover map obtained shows that the Chaco vegetation in central Argentina is highly disturbed. In the lowland part of the area the dominant land‐cover types are largely cultural landscapes and substitute shrublands, which have displaced the original Chaco forests, leaving only small isolated remnants generally confined to sites with some kind of constrain for agriculture. The use of TM images and the multivariate analysis of phytosociological data showed a qualified, high accuracy mapping capability for land‐cover types in the Chaco region (ca. 85% overall accuracy). Our results highlight the utility of TM and field data in a subtropical to warm‐temperate region, which is promising where other ancillary data are not available and a rapid acquisition of reliable vegetation data is required, so constituting a starting point for an imperative and more extensive classification and mapping of the endangered Chaco region.  相似文献   

Abstract. We analysed the heterogeneity of high-elevation vegetation on three mountains along a west-east transect at 41 °S lat. in the Andes of northwestern Patagonia, Argentina. In this area, high-Andean vegetation occurs as islands on mountain tops above Nothofagus pumilio forests ? with the timberline at ca. 1700 m a.s.l. We recorded floristic, topographic and substrate data in 166 sites stratified according to longitude, altitude, slope and aspect. Vegetation data were classified with TWINSPAN and ordinated with Detrended Correspondence Analysis. The relationship between environmental and floristic variation was analysed using Canonical Correspondence Analysis. In order of importance, geographical longitude, altitude and aspect were the major determinants of vegetation variation, whereas substrate texture and slope appeared less important. The combination of these factors resulted in two main vegetation gradients. The first gradient is related to a moisture availability gradient, primarily determined by longitude and secondarily to variation in wind exposure (east vs. west aspect). The second vegetation gradient is related to variation in temperature, primarily determined by altitude, and secondarily by variation in insolation related to the contrast between north and south aspects. The four communities obtained with TWINSPAN are therefore associated with four characteristic habitat types: moist-cold, moist-warm, dry-cold and dry-warm. The community of warm and dry environments is the richest and has elements in common with dry steppe communities situated at lower elevations to the east, while the vegetation of the cold-moist habitat type has unique elements that are typical of the southern Andes. Although current climatic factors appear to be the major determinants of high-Andean vegetation gradients, historical events of Pleistocene times probably also affected the vegetation patterns we see today.  相似文献   

The distribution pattern of C3 and C4 grasses was studied in eight sites located between 350 m and 2100 m along an altitudinal gradient in Central Argentina. Of 139 taxa fifty-nine are C3 and eighty C4. Species of the C3 tribes (Stipeae, Poeae, Meliceae, Aveneae, Bromeae and Triticeae) and C3 Paniceae species increase in number at higher elevations; only one C3 species was found below 650 m. C4 Aristideae, Pappophoreae, Eragrostideae, Cynodonteae, Andropogoneae and Paniceae increase at lower altitudes. The floristic crossover point is at about 1500 m; the ground cover cross-over point is at about 1000 m. Analysis of the relationships between % C4 species along the gradient and nine climatic and environmental variables showed the highest correlation with July mean temperature, but all temperature variables show highly significant correlations with % C4. Correlation with annual rainfall is lower but also significant. These results are consistent with previous research showing the relative importance of C4 grasses as temperature increases. C3 species make a high contribution to relative grass coverage below the C3/C4 floristic crossover point but are rare below 1000 m.  相似文献   

 We relate nectar sugar composition with floral visitors in samples from two biogeographic regions from Argentina: Chaco (99 spp. from its southern region) and Patagonia (48 spp. from its central region), using our own data published in earlier papers. The variables to be compared were sugar ratio and sucrose percentage. Differences in the sugar composition were observed when comparing both regions. Bee- and butterfly-visited Patagonian species showed lower sucrose percentages and sugar ratios than Chaquean species; i.e., a convergence in sugar composition was not verified. Moth-visited species showed a wide range of sucrose proportions and sugar ratios in both regions with no significant differences between them. As the differences found in sugar ratio between Chaco and Patagonia, according to the predominant pollinator guilds, may have been influenced by the sample size, we searched for similarities in sugar ratios between plants with the same visitor type in a comparative way, comparing our data pooled together against data by Baker and Baker's (1983a). Our data do not agree with theirs, i.e., no trends can be drawn for bees, moths, and butterflies sugar preferences. The exceptions were the hummingbird-visited species that showed a similar pattern in both cases, i.e., there is a convergence among plants offering nectar with a predominance of sucrose. To evaluate whether closely related species within a family have similar nectar composition and flower visitors, regardless of their region, sugar proportions were compared in several families. Hexose nectars were predominant in Asteraceae, Fabaceae, Solanaceae, and Verbenaceae, while sucrose nectars prevailed in Bromeliaceae and Onagraceae. Nectar composition seems to be a more conservative trait than flower morphology. This may be a reason to explain the absence of a convergence in sugar composition between plants growing in different biogeographical regions that share the same animal visitor guilds. Received August 27, 2002; accepted December 17, 2002 Published online: June 2, 2003  相似文献   

亚热带常绿阔叶林植物幼树阶段适应林内生境并开枝散叶是其长成大树的一个重要过程, 植物一年内多次抽枝的现象及其在抽枝展叶过程中小枝伸长、枝茎增粗与叶面积的增加优先顺序及其内在驱动机制还有待进一步研究。该研究对青城山常绿阔叶林木本植物多次抽枝发生比例进行了调查, 并以茶(Camellia sinensis)、细枝柃(Eurya loquaiana)、短刺米槠(Castanopsis carlesii var. spinulosa)、润楠(Machilus nanmu)和大叶山矾(Symplocos grandis) 5种植物的幼树为研究对象, 比较分析了植物在多次抽枝中小枝和叶片生长动态及适应策略的差异。结果显示: 1)一、二次抽枝分别开始于春季(4月)和夏末(8月下旬), 小枝水平上二次抽枝率乔木小于灌木, 常绿植物小于落叶植物。2)一次抽枝小枝枝长、单叶面积, 小枝直径和叶片数量(除大叶山矾外)均高于二次抽枝, 但二次抽枝单叶面积相对生长速率均高于一次抽枝, 二次抽枝叶片比叶质量(LMA)的增长速率高于一次抽枝。3)一次抽枝小枝枝长、叶片数量、小枝直径(除细枝柃和短刺米槠外)和总叶面积(除短刺米槠外)最大相对生长速率均高于二次抽枝, 且大部分物种最大相对生长速率出现在抽枝开始的第一、二周。4)两次抽枝中, 物种先侧重于叶片的生长, 其次是小枝枝长的生长, 最后是小枝直径的增粗。单叶面积和总叶面积皆随着小枝枝长和小枝直径的增加呈显著的异速生长关系, 表明叶片的增长速度大于小枝。单叶面积与叶片数呈显著大于1的异速生长关系, 暗示单叶面积的增长速度大于叶片数的增加速度。小枝枝长与小枝直径也呈显著大于1的异速生长关系, 揭示小枝枝长的增长速度大于小枝直径。综上所述, 两次抽枝过程中, 植物枝叶的优先生长顺序反映了植物为获取更多的资源(尤其是光源)而形成特定的抽枝展叶策略; 二次抽枝单叶面积相对生长速率和LMA增长速率高于一次抽枝, 这可能与植物即将面临的昆虫取食和气温降低压力有关。因此, 了解植物抽枝策略对于理解物种生态适应机制, 揭示物种生活史过程中存在的权衡关系具有重要的理论意义。  相似文献   

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