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This study examined the novel ring‐shaped structures found in the apical surface of individual cells of the scale epidermis of koi Cyprinus carpio. These apical rings are highly dynamic structures with lifetimes ranging from a few to several minutes. While several ring forms were observed, the predominant ring morphology is circular or oval. Two distinct ring forms were identified and designated type I and type II. Type I rings have a well‐defined outer border that encircles the surface microridges. Type II rings are smooth‐surfaced, dinner‐plate‐like structures with membranous folds or compressed microridges in the centre. Type II rings appear less frequently than type I rings. Type I rings form spontaneously, arising from swollen or physically interrupted microridges but without initially perturbing the encircled microridges. After persisting for up to several minutes the ring closes in a centripetal movement to form a circular or irregular‐shaped structure, the terminal disc. The terminal disc eventually disappears, leaving behind a submembranous vesicle‐like structure, the terminal body. Type I rings can undergo multiple cycles of formation and closing. Recycling epidermal apical rings form through centrifugal expansion from the terminal disc followed by apparent contraction back to the disc structure, whereupon the cycle may repeat or cease. The findings demonstrate a novel skin surface structure in fishes and are discussed with respect to communication with the external aqueous environment.  相似文献   

Apical Rings (ARs) are novel circular structures located at the apical surface of fish scale epidermal cells. Different stages in the life cycle of ARs were established using time-lapse video microscopy of Koi scale epidermis in situ. The organization of the F-actin cytoskeleton corresponding to the stages of ring formation in live tissue was determined from phalloidin staining of scale epidermis. ARs form from localized swollen regions of microridges that subsequently elongate laterally, progressing into complete circles with well-defined inner and outer borders that encircle unperturbed microridges. The ARs close in a centripetal movement to form a circular structure, the terminal disc, and subsequently an underlying vesicle, the terminal body. During this latter stage, a rapid rearrangement of the actin cytoskeleton occurs resulting in the emergence of a newly identified corkscrew-like structure, termed the Helical Core. Furthermore, fluid-phase markers are incorporated into the terminal bodies, identifying these vesicles as macropinosomes. The findings are discussed with respect to F-actin organization and macropinocytosis at the epidermal surface of fish.  相似文献   

Microridges are F-actin-based surface protrusions of the superficial layer cells of fish epidermis. Microridge patterns progress in complexity during fish embryogenesis, often transitioning from abundant surface microvilli to the classical fingerprint arrangement. This progression suggests pattern changes may also occur during later stages of fish development. Fluorescent labelling of F-actin and morphometric analysis were therefore used to assess changes in epidermal microridge patterns in juvenile and adult sunfish (Lepomis gibbosus). The microridge patterns found in adult pumpkinseed were similar to that described for many fishes, consisting of whorls or complex multi-branched ridges. The microridge patterns of the scales from three different-sized groups of juvenile pumpkinseed were distinctly different from that of adult, however, and were present mainly as unbranched concentric or nearly concentric rings in the two larger juvenile groups. In the smallest juveniles, microridges were often apparent as fragmented ridges with abundant actin puncta. Larger juveniles sometimes displayed mixed patterns, with some microridges similar to that of both adult and juvenile patterns. The results show a transition from simple microridge patterns in juvenile pumpkinseeds to distinctly different, diverse and more complex patterns in adults. The different pattern types may reflect particular microridge functions relevant to fish size and age.  相似文献   

Morphological and dynamic characteristics of epidermal mucus cells were examined in intact scales of Cyprinus carpio. Mucus cells were identified by alcian blue staining and live mucus cells characterized with differential interference contrast microscopy. Mucus cell pores were shown to be narrow slits or triangular‐shaped openings which are invariably situated at cell‐cell junctions. Small granules were often located at or just below the openings with larger granules positioned deeper into the cell. The large granules were observed to undergo a bubbling‐like activity, where a granule suddenly appears, enlarges and then abruptly disappears. Situated below the large granules is a dense matrix of quiescent small, tightly packed mucin granules. The findings suggest that mature epidermal mucus cells are structurally ordered with respect to secretory activity, where small numbers of initially basally located, densely packed granules rapidly expand in a location proximal to the pore and presumably prior to mucus release through the pore.  相似文献   

The process of keratinocyte differentiation was analyzed in the regenerating epidermis of the lizard Anolis carolinensis, where the genes coding for beta‐proteins (beta‐keratins) are known. The regenerating epidermis forms all epidermal layers found in normal scales (Oberhäutchen‐, beta‐, mesos‐, and alpha‐layer). Three specific proteins representing the larger families of beta‐proteins, glycine‐rich (HgG5, 28% glycine, 3.6% cysteine), glycine‐cysteine medium‐rich (HgGC10, 13% glycine, 14.5% cysteine), and glycine‐cysteine rich (HgGC3, 30.4% glycine, 8.7% cysteine) have been immunolocalized at the ultrastructural level. HgG5 is only present in differentiating beta‐cells, a weak or no labeling is observed in Oberhäutchen and is absent in alpha‐cells. The protein is located in the pale corneous material forming the compact beta‐layer but is absent in mature Oberhäutchen cells. HgGC10 is present among beta‐packets in Oberhäutchen and beta‐cells but disappears in more compact and electron‐pale corneous material. The labeling disappears in mesos‐cells and is present with variable intensity in alpha‐cells, whereas lacunar and clear‐cells are low labeled to unlabeled. HgGC3 is sparse or absent in beta‐cells but is lightly present in the darker corneous material of differentiating and mature alpha‐cells, lacunar‐cells, and clear‐cells. The study suggests that while glycine‐rich proteins (electron‐pale) are specifically used for building the resistant and hydrophobic beta‐layer, cysteine–glycine rich proteins (electron‐denser) are used to form the pliable corneous material present in the Oberhäutchen and alpha‐cells. The differential accumulation of beta‐proteins on the alpha‐keratin cytoskeleton scaffold and not the alternance of beta‐ with alpha‐keratins allow the differentiation of different epidermal layers. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The differentiation of the epidermis in sarcopterigian fish may reveal some trend of keratinization followed by amphibian ancestors to adapt their epidermis to land. Therefore, the process of keratinization of the epidermis of the Australian lungfish Neoceratodus forsteri was studied by histochemistry, electron microscopy, and keratin immunocytochemistry. The epidermis is tri-stratified in a 2-3-month-old tadpole but becomes 6-8 stratified in young adults. Keratin filaments increase from basal to external cells where loose tonofilament bundles are present. This is shown also by the comparison of positivity to sulfhydryl groups and increasing immunoreactivity to alpha-keratins in more external layers of the epidermis. Two broad-spectrum anti alpha-keratin monoclonal antibodies (AE1 and AE3) stain all epidermal layers as they do in actinopterigian fish. In the adult epidermis, but not in that of the larva, the AE2 antibody (a marker of keratinization in mammalian epidermis) often immunolabels more heavily the external keratinized layers where sulfhydryl groups are more abundant. Mucous granules are numerous and concentrate on the external surface of the epidermis to be discharged and contribute to cuticle formation. Keratin is therefore embedded in a mucus matrix, but neither compact keratin masses nor cell corneous envelope were seen in external cells. It is not known whether specific matrix proteins are associated with mucus. There was no immunolocalization of the keratin-associated proteins, filaggrin and loricrin, which suggests that the epidermis of this species lacks the matrix and cell corneus envelope proteins characteristic of that of amniotes. In conclusion, while specific keratins (AE2 positive) are probably produced in the uppermost layers as in amphibian epidermis, no interkeratin, matrix proteins seem to be present in external keratinocytes of the lungfish other than mucus.  相似文献   

Actin‐based microridges were evaluated in koi scale epidermis in situ. The fingerprint‐patterned microridges covered the dorsal face of superficial layer cells and were overall similar to that described in many fishes. Several other microridge patterns were observed, however, ranging from loose or tightly packed ridges, fragmented ridges, a honeycomb ridge pattern and the presence of actin‐rich puncta. Individual F‐actin‐stained microridges varied greatly in length, from a few to 30 μm or more, with a few single ridges extending the entire perimeter of a cell. Branched microridges, comprised of single ridges that appeared continuous with each other, extended to over 150 μm in some cases. The actin‐binding proteins α‐actinin and cortactin were distributed in a dot‐like pattern along the length of individual ridges, consistent with bundled actin cores described in earlier studies. Antiphosphotyrosine antibody failed to detect this signal transduction‐related amino acid modification in microridges unless tyrosine phosphatases were first inhibited, after which bright phosphotyrosine‐rich dots were detected along the microridges.  相似文献   

Tonofilaments in epithelial cells of teleost skin can be aligned as bundles or skeins of appreciable bilk, or form a pattern of smaller bundles oriented in various directions, or there may be a condition where individual tonofilaments interlace. If sufficiently close together, interwoven tonofilaments can form a basket-like structure, a “capsule”, proximally in the cell. This arrangement, previously known in epithelial cells of Myxinoids, occurs in localised sites in various teleosts of diverse taxonomic position, for instance in clupeids and gadids. A less intimate interlacing of cortical tonofilaments can accompany a modification of the perinuclear cytoplasm previously described, by light microscopy, as “vesiculated”, as in the middle layers of the epidermis in Periophthalmus. In head epidermis of Sprattus, the outer layers of cells contain proximal capsules, but the middle layers consist of flattened cells with a restricted perinuclear cytoplasm, peripheral tonofilaments, and a second population of filaments of a larger calibre. One implication of these results is that the cytoskeleton can undergo profound modification as cells progress from the basal to the superficial layers of the epidermis.  相似文献   

Lizard epidermis is made of beta‐ and alpha‐layers. Using Western blot tested antibodies, the ultrastructural immunolocalization of specific keratin‐associated beta‐proteins in the epidermis of different lizard species reveals that glycine‐rich beta‐proteins (HgG5) localize in the beta‐layer, while glycine–cysteine‐medium‐rich beta‐proteins (HgGC10) are present in oberhautchen and alpha‐layers. This suggests a new explanation for the formation of different epidermal layers during the shedding cycle in lepidosaurian epidermis instead of an alternance between beta‐keratins and alpha‐keratins. It is proposed that different sets of genes coding for specific beta‐proteins are activated in keratinocytes during the renewal phase of the shedding cycle. Initially, glycine–cysteine‐medium‐rich beta‐proteins with hydrophilic and elastic properties accumulate over alpha‐keratins in the oberhautchen but are replaced in the next cell layer with glycine‐rich hydrophobic beta‐proteins forming a resistant, stiff, and hydrophobic beta‐layer. The synthesis of glycine‐rich proteins terminates in mesos and alpha‐cells where these proteins are replaced with glycine–cysteine‐rich beta‐proteins. The pattern of beta‐protein deposition onto a scaffold of intermediate filament keratins is typical for keratin‐associated proteins and the association between alpha‐keratins and specific keratin‐associated beta‐proteins during the renewal phase of the shedding cycle gives rise to epidermal layers possessing different structural, mechanical, and texture properties.  相似文献   

中国梅花草属植物的叶表皮特征及其系统学意义   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
利用光学显微镜和扫描电镜对梅花草属Parnassia 30种植物的叶表皮进行了观察。结果表明:气孔器普遍存在于叶的下表皮,少数种的上表皮也有分布,均为无规则型。叶表皮细胞形状为多边形或不规则形;垂周壁式样可区分为近平直、浅波状和波状。在扫描电镜下,叶表皮气孔器外拱盖内缘为近平滑、浅波状或波状;一些种的保卫细胞两端有加厚;角质膜条纹状,有的条纹隆起,有的条纹上附有颗粒或小孔穴。气孔器类型及下表皮细胞形状的一致性表明梅花草属是一个自然分类群;sect. Saxifragastrum叶表皮特征具有多样性显示该组可能是一个复合群;突隔梅花草P. delavayi属于subsect. Xiphosandra,其气孔下陷,与其细胞学特征相似,支持独立为一组;此外,气孔器的分布、保卫细胞两端加厚、气孔器外拱盖内缘形态以及角质膜等特征对该属部分种的区分有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

1. In many populations, sufficient size variation to allow for cannibalism may develop not only among age cohorts but also within them. Here, we used data on resource dynamics, consumer body size distribution and gape size limitation to unravel mechanisms promoting cannibalism within cohorts of young‐of‐the‐year (YOY) perch (Perca fluviatilis). 2. Perch are strongly gape limited when feeding on large zooplankton during early ontogeny. As a consequence, only initially large fish were able to shift to feeding on abundant large invertebrates, necessary to sustain fast growth. 3. We suggest that a combination of high initial size variation and exclusive access to resources for individuals with an initial size advantage is a prerequisite for the development of a size distribution sufficient for intra‐cohort cannibalism to occur. 4. During the time when cannibalism was observed, growth of the largest individuals in YOY perch cohorts was faster than that of smaller individuals. However, the energy gain from cannibalism did not increase growth rate enough to reach a size necessary to feed on more abundant size classes of victims, and therefore, the effect of cannibalism on overall cohort density was minor. 5. In addition to a high energy gain from cannibalism allowing for fast growth, strong resource limitation and slow growth rates of small individuals (i.e. potential victims) are a prerequisite not only for the development of intra‐cohort cannibalism but also for its persistence.  相似文献   

Hausen  Harald 《Hydrobiologia》2005,543(1):25-35
The polychaete epidermis generally consists of a single layer of supportive cells, gland cells and sensory cells. Except for the latter, this paper reviews the recent literature on the annelid epidermis, focussing on the mentioned cell types and the cuticle. The annelid epidermis is compared to that of Sipuncula, Echiura and Myzostomida. Supportive cells predominate in the polychaete epidermis. They show a high structural diversity even within single specimens. Ciliated cells are usually multiciliary and only two cases of monociliary epidermis cells are known. Unambigous epithilio-muscle cells are only described in feeding palps of a Magelona species. Secretory cells release a large number of gland products and some of them are essential for tube secretion. Rather pecularities of the cells and its arrangement within glands than the ultrastructure of the secretions is useful for phylogenetic considerations. One of the main components of the cuticle is collagen. Recent studies indicate that annelid cuticular collagen differs in several aspects from collagen of the connective tissue and might be of interest for systematics.  相似文献   

苔草属复序苔草亚属植物果皮的扫描电镜观察   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
张树仁  戴伦凯  梁松筠   《广西植物》2000,20(2):185-188+204
应用扫描电子显微镜 ,观察了 15种苔草属复序苔草亚属植物果皮的微形态特征。结果表明 ,复序苔草亚属植物果皮的微形态性状多种多样 ,可以为系统学研究提供较丰富的信息 ;并且在所观察的种类中 ,果皮的微形态特征在种内很稳定 ,种间存在不同程度的差异 ,某些近缘种也可表现出一定的相似性。因此 ,上述特征可以做为探讨种之间的分类及亲缘关系的参考。  相似文献   

Fibromodulin is a small leucine-rich proteoglycan that has a central role in the maintenance of collagen fibrils structure, and in regulation of TGF-β biological activity. Although, it is mainly found in cartilage and tendon, little is known regarding the expression of the fibromodulin gene in other cell types. By RT-PCR, real time PCR and immunohistochemistry, we describe the expression of the fibromodulin gene and the presence of the protein in human epidermal keratinocytes (HEK), both in culture and in normal human epidermis. Our results show, for the first time, that fibromodulin gene is constantly expressed in HEK during culture time. Immunostaining showed that fibromodulin is located intracytoplasmically in basal and stratified keratinocytes of the growing colonies, confluent cultures, and epidermis in vivo. The expression and intracellular localization of fibromodulin in HEK is a new finding and opens new possible biological roles for the SLRP family.  相似文献   

The epidermis of Friedmaniella sp. has been studied using light and electron microscopy. Three main morphological features characterize its cells, namely (1) DNA bodies in the nuclei, (2) an extensive Golgi apparatus with a well-developed system of transport vesicles, (3) clusters of centrioles mainly in the basal cytoplasm and axonemes and rootlets in the middle and apical cell parts. These peculiarities may indicate continuous physiological regeneration within the cell at the level of cell organelles. DNA bodies may prove to be a taxonomic feature distinguishing the Prolecithophora from other turbellarians.  相似文献   

The localization of specific keratin‐associated beta‐proteins (formerly referred to as beta‐keratins) in the embryonic epidermis of lizards is not known. Two specific keratin‐associated beta‐proteins of the epidermis, one representing the glycine‐rich subfamily (HgG5) and the other the glycine‐cysteine medium‐rich subfamily (HgGC10), have been immunolocalized at the ultrastructural level in the lizard Anolis lineatopus. The periderm and granulated subperiderm are most immunonegative for these proteins. HgG5 is low to absent in theOberhäutchen layer while is present in the forming beta‐layer, and disappears in mesos‐ and alpha‐layers. Instead, HgGC10 is present in the Oberhäutchen, beta‐, and also in the following alpha‐layers, and specifically accumulates in the developing adhesive setae but not in the surrounding cells of the clear layer. Therefore, setae and their terminal spatulae that adhere to surfaces allowing these lizards to walk vertically contain cysteine–glycine rich proteins. The study suggests that, like in adult and regenerating epidermis, the HgGC10 protein is not only accumulated in cells of the beta‐layer but also in those forming the alpha‐layer. This small protein therefore is implicated in resistance, flexibility, and stretching of the epidermal layers. It is also hypothesized that the charges of these proteins may influence adhesion of the setae of pad lamellae. Conversely, glycine‐rich beta‐proteins like HgG5 give rise to the dense, hydrophobic, and chromophobic corneous material of the resistant beta‐layer. This result suggests that the differential accumulation of keratin‐associated beta‐proteins over the alpha‐keratin network determines differences in properties of the stratified layers of the epidermis of lizards. J. Morphol. 2013. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Energy dispersive x-ray (EDX) analysis and qualitative and quantitative histochemistry were applied to study the distribution and contents of sulphur, thiols and disulphides in the epidermis of the river lamprey Lampetra fluviatilis , the lesser spotted dogfish Scyliorhinus canicula and the brown trout Salmo trutta fario . Thiols generally reacted weakly throughout the entire epidermis, whereas disulphide reactions were more distinct and differentiated. In the river lamprey, the concentrations of -S-S- groups clearly increased in the developing mucous cells from the stratum basale to the stratum superficiale; skein cells and granular cells reacted negatively to weakly. In the lesser spotted dogfish, amounts of disulphides appeared at moderate concentrations, and only goblet cells displayed a strong reaction. In the brown trout, filament cells showed low concentrations or weak reactions of disulphides, goblet cells and the most outer superficial cells stained strongly. Sulphur distribution and contents generally supported the histochemical observations in normal epidermis cells (absolute sulphur contents: 41–59 mM), only the brown trout showed high amounts of sulphur in the stratum basale (81 mM). The findings corroborate the view that there is an inverse correlation between keratinization and mucous secretion in normal fish epidermis. The sometimes distinct contents of disulphides in the outer mucous layer indicate that this system could endure higher mechanical stress than predictable from its large amounts of neutral glycoproteins.  相似文献   

McGee  Catherine  Fairweather  Ian  Blackshaw  Rod P. 《Hydrobiologia》1997,347(1-3):15-24
The epidermis of the land planarian Arthioposthia triangulatawas examined by scanning and transmission electron microscopy. Thisinvestigation revealed that the flatworm was covered entirely withcilia and was especially densely populated on the ventral surface.In all regions the epidermis consisted of a one-layered columnarepithelium resting on a prominent basement membrane, but lacking aterminal web. Various secretions were found in the epidermistogether with epidermal rhabdoids. Below the basement membraneother secretory material was visible and this included thecytoplasmic lamellated granules and adenal rhabdites. The basementmembrane consisted of fibrils with a beaded appearance and thesewere arranged parallel to the epidermal layer but did not displaycross-banding. The secretory cells above and below the basementmembrane were compared and their products characterized on thebasis of shape, size and location. Their possible function isdiscussed.  相似文献   

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