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High yields are a priority in managing biomass for renewable energy, but the environmental impacts of various feedstocks and production systems should be equally considered. Mixed‐species, perennial grasslands enrolled in conservation programs are being considered as a source of biomass for renewable energy. Conservation grasslands are crucial in sustaining native biodiversity throughout the US Upper Midwest, and the effects of biomass harvest on biodiversity are largely unknown. We measured the effect of late‐season biomass harvest on plant community composition in conservation grasslands in three regions of Minnesota, USA from 2009 to 2012. Temporal trends in plant species composition within harvested grasslands were compared to unharvested grasslands using mixed effects models. A before‐after control‐impact approach using effect sizes was applied to focus on pre‐ and postharvest conditions. Production‐scale biomass harvest did not affect plant species richness, species or functional group diversity, nor change the relative abundance of the main plant functional groups. Differences in the relative abundances of plant functional groups were observed across locations; and at some locations, changed through time. The proportion of non‐native species remained constant, while the proportion of noxious weeds decreased through time in both harvested and unharvested grasslands at the central location. Ordination revealed patterns in species composition due to location, but not due to harvest treatment. Therefore, habitat and bioenergy characteristics related to grassland plant communities are not expected to change due to short‐term or intermittent late‐season biomass harvest.  相似文献   

高寒草地植物物种多样性与功能多样性的关系   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
物种多样性与功能多样性的关系是生态学当前研究的热点问题之一,不同区域典型生态系统物种多样性和功能多样性的关系研究有利于生物多样性保护理论的全面发展。以青藏高原地区的主要草地生态系统—高寒草甸和高寒草原为研究对象,采用4个物种多样性指数(Patrick丰富度指数、Shannon-Weiner多样性指数、Pielou均匀度指数和Simpson优势度指数)和9个功能多样性指数(FAD功能性状距离指数、MFAD功能性状平均距离指数、基于样地的FDp和基于群落的FDc功能树状图指数、FRic功能体积指数、FEve功能均匀度指数、Rao功能离散度常二次熵指数、FDiv功能离散指数、FDis功能分散指数),分析了高寒草地植物物种多样性、功能多样性关系及其与初级生产力的关系,以期阐明3个科学问题:不同草地类型的高寒草地生态系统植物物种多样性和功能多样性有何差异?高寒草地生态系统的植物物种多样性和功能多样性有何关系?高寒草地生态系统物种多样性、功能多样性对生态系统功能的影响有何异同?研究结果表明:(1)与高寒草原相比,高寒草甸具有更高的物种多样性、功能丰富度和功能离散度;(2)高寒草甸中,Patrick丰富度与功能丰富度指数(FAD、MFAD、FDp、FDc)和功能离散度指数(FDiv)的具有较强的相关性,最优拟合方程分别为幂函数和二次多项式函数;(3)高寒草原中,Patrick丰富度与功能丰富度指数(FAD、MFAD、FDp、FDc、FRic)、Shannon指数和Simpson指数与FEve指数的相关性较强,最优拟合方程为二次多项式函数,Pielou指数与FEve指数的相关性较强,最优拟合方程为指数函数;(4)高寒草甸的初级生产力分别与物种丰富度指数Patrick、功能离散指数FDiv具有较强的相关性;而高寒草原的初级生产力与4个物种多样性指数间均具有较强的相关性,与功能离散指数FDiv具有较强的相关性,最佳拟合方程均为二次多项式函数。研究的总体结论为:物种多样性、功能多样性、二者之间的关系以及二者与生态系统服务功能(以初级生产力为例)之间的关系在高寒草甸和高寒草原群落中表现迥异,因此在研究青藏高原高寒草地的生态功能时,不能仅仅测度传统的物种多样性,还应测度与物种多样性、生态功能密切相关的功能多样性。  相似文献   



A robust ecosystem requires a functionally heterogeneous community of organisms with ecological traits that permit broad resource partitioning. Understanding community diversity patterns can help investigate drivers of community assembly and assess restoration success. Do biodiversity patterns differ among grassland communities sown with different ecotypes of dominant species during restoration along a rainfall gradient in the tallgrass prairie of the central US Great Plains?


Four field sites across a rainfall gradient within the North American Great Plains: Colby, Kansas (39°23′17.8″N, 101°04′57.4″W), Hays, Kansas (38°51′13.2″N, 99°19′08.6″W), Manhattan, Kansas (39°08′22.3″N, 96°38′23.3″W), and Carbondale, Illinois (IL, 37°41′47.0″N, 89°14′19.2″W).


We applied linear mixed models to assess the effect of dominant species ecotype, year, and location on grassland taxonomic, phylogenetic, and functional diversity.


The non-local grass ecotype (compared to the local ecotype) promoted species richness. In contrast, the effect of the dominant species ecotype on phylogenetic or functional diversity was site-specific over the 10-year restoration. Richness decreased across the rainfall gradient from dry to moist sites, and the wettest site had the highest phylogenetic and functional diversity.


Our results suggest that abiotic filtering by rainfall is a key assembly mechanism that could predict grassland changes in biodiversity in the early restoration phases. Given the community response across the tallgrass prairie, restoration practitioners should consider the impact of regional sources of dominant species used in restoration when biodiversity is a restoration goal. It is recommended for future grassland restoration to detect gaps and limitations in evolutionary and trait structure that will reveal which diversity components to evaluate.  相似文献   

采用野外空间多点同步取样,分析了高原鼠兔干扰对高寒草甸植物物种beta多样性和植物功能性状beta多样性的影响,确定了高原鼠兔干扰下高寒草甸植物物种和功能性状beta多样性的变化途径,分别提出了高原鼠兔干扰区域内,基于植物物种多样性和功能性状多样性的高寒草甸植物多样性维持策略。结果表明,高原鼠兔干扰使高寒草甸植物物种相似性显著降低了28.1%,植物功能相似性降低了28.7%。尽管高原鼠兔干扰没有改变高寒草甸植物物种和功能性状beta多样性的变化途径,且对植物物种和功能性状的嵌套组分不存在显著影响,但高原鼠兔干扰显著降低了植物物种和功能性状周转组分所占的比例,降幅分别为36.6%和34.3%。高原鼠兔干扰区域内,高寒草甸植物物种beta多样性的变化以周转为主导(周转占比81.4%;嵌套占比:18.6%),植物功能性状beta多样性的变化以嵌套为主导(嵌套占比64.9%;周转占比35.1%)。因此,针对划定的高原鼠兔干扰区,需要同时保护区域内所有高原鼠兔栖息地(多位点保护),以达到维持植物物种多样性的目的,而可以仅通过保护该区域内植物功能性状丰富的位点,即可维持较高的植物功能多样性。  相似文献   

为探究滇西北不同退化级别高寒草甸植物群落结构对外界干扰的响应敏感性,以香格里拉市的典型高寒草甸为研究对象,于2018-2020年在三个退化梯度上(严重退化,S1;中度退化,S2;轻度退化,S3)开展控制刈割实验,进而分析草甸植物物种丰富度、群落组成相似性、群落复杂度和关键种的变化规律。结果表明:(1)刈割后,S1的物种丰富度显著增加(P<0.05),S2和S3的物种丰富度未发生显著变化(P>0.05);(2)相较于S2和S3,S1梯度的植物群落组成变化最大;(3) S1、S2和S3的植物群落复杂度在刈割后均呈先下降后增加的趋势,但S1的植物群落复杂度变化幅度高于S2和S3;(4)刈割导致各退化草甸植物群落的关键种发生了变化,2018、2019和2020年S1梯度的关键种在豆科(Leguminsae)和蔷薇科(Rosaceae)之间变化,S2梯度的关键种在禾本科(Gramineae)和菊科(Compositae)之间变化,S3梯度的关键种在蔷薇科(Rosaceae)、菊科(Compositae)和禾本科(Gramineae)之间转变。研究表明,滇西北高寒草甸植物物种丰富度、群落组成和群落复杂度对外界干扰响应的敏感性可能随退化加剧而上升,但群落关键种的响应过程较复杂。  相似文献   

长期重度放牧通过加剧水氮限制减少植物多样性与生态系统功能。相反,缺乏放牧干扰(生物量移除)会通过增加光竞争减少物种多样性,从而弱化生态系统稳定性,而这一过程会由于资源富集而加剧。因此,如何维持物种多样性和群落稳定性仍然是世界草原可持续管理的一大挑战。在本研究中,我们在中国内蒙古3个放牧强度的长期实验样地设置了为期4年的控制实验,来探究结合资源添加与生物量移除(同时增加水、氮和光的有效性)对物种丰富度与群落稳定性的影响。研究结果表明,在4年资源添加结合生物量移除处理下,群落初级 生产力增加,同时物种丰富度与群落稳定性能够维持。在物种与功能群水平上,地上生产力能够保持时间稳定性。物种丰富度维持的主要 原因是:在资源富集的情况下,生物量移除能够增加光的有效性。物种异步性与功能群稳定性有助于群落稳定性维持。我们的研究结果表 明,资源添加与生物量移除结合的管理方式,不仅能够增加草地初级生产力,而且能维持其物种多样性、异步性与群落稳定性。在世界范 围内,长期放牧导致的草原退化与资源富集引起的其生物多样性丧失仍将是人类面临的主要生态问题,我们的研究结果对于半干旱草原以 及其它草原的适应性管理具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

植物群落物种多样性与功能多样性是生态学研究的热点问题之一,研究其对于保护生物多样性和维持生态系统功能具有重要意义。采用野外群落调查方法,探讨了物种多样性与功能多样性在坡向梯度上的变化格局及其关联性。结果显示:(1)从北坡到南坡,土壤含水量、有机碳呈递减趋势;坡度、照度、土温、pH呈递增趋势;土壤全氮、全磷在西坡明显低于其他各坡向;(2)物种多样性指数均由北坡向南坡依次递减;(3)一元性状功能多样性在各坡向间的差异显著(P<0.05),除LDMCFDrao外,其他功能性状均为北坡大于南坡;(4)多元性状功能丰富度与功能均匀度均由北坡向南坡呈递减的趋势,各坡向的功能均匀度差异性不显著。通过相关分析与通径分析发现,功能多样性指数的主要环境决定因子与限定因子均存在差异:功能丰富度、功能均匀度主要环境限定因子为pH,功能离散度主要环境限定因子为土温;功能离散度主要环境决定因子为土壤含水量;(5)物种多样性指数与功能丰富度呈正线性相关,与功能离散度呈负线性相关,而与功能均匀度不相关。  相似文献   

不同干扰类型对高寒草甸群落结构和植物多样性的影响   总被引:45,自引:6,他引:45  
对高寒草甸天然草地进行了施肥、围栏和放牧 中牧和重牧 处理,研究不同干扰类型对草地植物多样性的影响.结果表明,施肥使草地植物群落物种组成贫乏,群落结构趋于简单,物种多样性减少;中等程度放牧增加了群落结构的复杂性,丰富度指数和多样性指数均最高,支持 中度干扰理论 ;重度放牧,由于干扰过于剧烈而减少了物种优势度和多样性;而轻度干扰的围栏草地,群落由少数优势种所统治,多样性也不高.物种数 S 、丰富度指数 Ma 、Shannon-Wiener指数 H' 、Simpson指数 D 的排列顺序均为:施肥草地<围栏草地<重牧草地<中牧草地;均匀度指数 Jsw 的变化趋势与上述各指数相同;优势度指数的变化趋势则相反,为施肥草地>围栏草地>重牧草地>中牧草地.4种干扰类型草地群落的生活型功能群基本一致,均由多年生禾草、多年生杂类草和莎草类组成,但各功能群在群落中所占比重及各功能群内所含物种数则大不相同.说明不同干扰类型对草地植物群落的物种组成、多样性格局及系统功能等方面产生不同的影响.  相似文献   

高寒草甸不同草地群落物种多样性与生产力关系研究   总被引:30,自引:3,他引:30  
生态系统的结构和功能、生物多样性与生产力的关系问题是近年来群落生态学中研究的中心问题,其中,生态系统生产力水平是其功能的重要表现形式,用4种不同草地类型探讨自然群落的物种多样性与生产力关系.结果表明,矮嵩草草甸、小嵩草草甸和金露梅灌丛群落中物种多样性与生产力的关系呈线性增加关系,藏嵩草沼泽化草甸群落中线性增加关系不显著,这表明群落生产力除受物种多样性的影响外,也受物种本身特征和环境资源的影响.不同的环境资源和环境异质性是形成群落结构特征、物种多样性分布格局差异的主要原因之一.  相似文献   

  1. Shifts in dominance and species reordering can occur in response to global change. However, it is not clear how altered precipitation and disturbance regimes interact to affect species composition and dominance.
  2. We explored community‐level diversity and compositional similarity responses, both across and within years, to a manipulated precipitation gradient and annual clipping in a mixed‐grass prairie in Oklahoma, USA. We imposed seven precipitation treatments (five water exclusion levels [?20%, ?40%, ?60%, ?80%, and ?100%], water addition [+50%], and control [0% change in precipitation]) year‐round from 2016 to 2018 using fixed interception shelters. These treatments were crossed with annual clipping to mimic hay harvest.
  3. We found that community‐level responses were influenced by precipitation across time. For instance, plant evenness was enhanced by extreme drought treatments, while plant richness was marginally promoted under increased precipitation.
  4. Clipping promoted species gain resulting in greater richness within each experimental year. Across years, clipping effects further reduced the precipitation effects on community‐level responses (richness and evenness) at both extreme drought and added precipitation treatments.
  5. Synthesis: Our results highlight the importance of studying interactive drivers of change both within versus across time. For instance, clipping attenuated community‐level responses to a gradient in precipitation, suggesting that management could buffer community‐level responses to drought. However, precipitation effects were mild and likely to accentuate over time to produce further community change.

A survey of grassy woodlands in the Queensland subtropics was conducted, recording herbaceous species richness at 212 sites on three properties (2756 ha). A range of habitats typical of cattle grazing enterprises was sampled and site variables included lithology, slope position, tree density, soil disturbance, soil enrichment and grazing. Results were compared with a previously published survey of temperate grasslands. Lithology, slope position and tree density had relatively minor effects on plant species richness, although in both surveys there was some evidence of lower species richness on the more fertile substrates. Soil disturbance and soil enrichment significantly reduced the richness of native species in both surveys, while exotic species were insensitive (subtropics) or increased (temperate) with disturbance. Rare native species were highly sensitive to disturbances, including grazing, in the temperate study. Although some trends were similar for rare species in the subtropics, the results were not significant and there were complex interactions between grazing, lithology and slope position. Grazing did not have a negative effect on native species richness, except in the closely grazed patches within pastures, and then only on the most intensively developed property. At the scale recorded (30 m2), the native pastures, roadsides and stock routes sampled in the subtropics appear to be among the most species‐rich grasslands ever reported, both nationally and globally. Native species richness was approximately 50% higher than the temperate survey figures across all the comparable habitats. While there are no clear reasons for this result, potential explanations are proposed.  相似文献   

  1. Prairie dogs (Cynomys sp.) are considered keystone species and ecosystem engineers for their grazing and burrowing activities (summarized here as disturbances). As climate changes and its variability increases, the mechanisms underlying organisms'' interactions with their habitat will likely shift. Understanding the mediating role of prairie dog disturbance on vegetation structure, and its interaction with environmental conditions through time, will increase knowledge on the risks and vulnerability of grasslands.
  2. Here, we compared how plant taxonomical diversity, functional diversity metrics, and community‐weighted trait means (CWM) respond to prairie dog C. mexicanus disturbance across grassland types and seasons (dry and wet) in a priority conservation semiarid grassland of Northeast Mexico.
  3. Our findings suggest that functional metrics and CWM analyses responded to interactions between prairie dog disturbance, grassland type and season, whilst species diversity and cover measures were less sensitive to the role of prairie dog disturbance. We found weak evidence that prairie dog disturbance has a negative effect on vegetation structure, except for minimal effects on C4 and graminoid cover, but which depended mainly on season. Grassland type and season explained most of the effects on plant functional and taxonomic diversity as well as CWM traits. Furthermore, we found that leaf area as well as forb and annual cover increased during the wet season, independent of prairie dog disturbance.
  4. Our results provide evidence that grassland type and season have a stronger effect than prairie dog disturbance on the vegetation of this short‐grass, water‐restricted grassland ecosystem. We argue that focusing solely on disturbance and grazing effects is misleading, and attention is needed on the relationships between vegetation and environmental conditions which will be critical to understand semiarid grassland dynamics under future climate change conditions in the region.

人为干扰下的亚高山草甸功能多样性和功能冗余 人为干扰程度的加剧会引起植物群落物种多样性和功能多样性的改变,并降低生态系统的稳定性。较高水平的功能冗余对于物种损失引起的生态系统功能和稳定性的改变起到了重要的缓冲作用。然而,关于亚高山草甸植物群落功能冗余对干扰的响应的研究相对较少。本研究的目的是,确定人为干扰下不同退化程度的亚高山草甸,其植物群落功能多样性和功能冗余对干扰的响应特征,及不同物种对功能冗余的贡献程度及其在干扰梯度上的变化规律。研究区位于青藏高原东南缘玉龙雪山上的亚高山草甸。本研究识别出4类干扰强度(无干扰、弱干扰、中度干扰和重度干扰),测定了干扰梯度上的植物物种组成、土壤性质和5个关键的植物功能性状等指标,进一步计算了Simpson多样性指数、功能多样性指数(RaoQ)、功能冗余度、群落的植物功能性状加权平均值(CWM)以及物种水平的功能冗余等指数。研究结果表明,功能多样性和功能冗余在干扰梯度上呈现单峰变化规律,即二者分别在中度干扰、弱干扰下达到最大值。物种多样性在干扰梯度上整体呈下降趋势。随着干扰程度的增加,采取保守生长策略并具有相关性状特征(如较低比叶面积和较高的干物质含量)的物种的丰富度降低,采取资源获取策略并具有相关性状(如低矮植株、较高的比叶面积和较低的干物质含量)的物种增加。不同物种的功能冗余程度存在差异。值得注意的是,一些物种在群落中扮演着独特的功能角色,如无干扰梯度下的网脉橐吾(Ligularia dictyoneura)以及中度和重度干扰梯度下的滇西委陵菜(Potentilla delavayi)。  相似文献   

The immediate need to understand the complex responses of grasslands to climate change, to ensure food supplies and to mitigate future climate change through carbon sequestration, necessitate a global, synthesized approach. Numerous manipulative experiments have altered temperature or precipitation, often in conjunction with other interacting factors such as grazing, to understand potential effects of climate change on the ecological integrity of temperate grasslands and understand the mechanisms of change. Although the different ways in which temperature and precipitation may change to effect grasslands were well represented, variability in methodology limited generalizations. Results from these experiments were also largely mixed and complex; thus, a broad understanding of temperate grassland responses to these factors remains elusive. A collaboration based on a set of globally dispersed, inexpensive experiments with consistent methodology would provide the data needed to better understand responses of temperate grassland to climate change.  相似文献   

旅游干扰对历山亚高山草甸植物多样性的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
张桂萍  张峰  茹文明 《生态学报》2008,28(1):407-415
历山是国家级自然保护区,也是山西省自然保护区中面积最大、物种资源最丰富的自然保护区.运用丰富度指数、物种多样性指数和均匀度指数,结合方差分析研究了旅游干扰对历山舜王坪亚高山草甸植物多样性的影响及其变化规律.结果表明:(1)随着距游径距离的增加,不同样带主要科、属、种的数量均有所上升,毛茛科所含种数增加幅度较大,菊科、蔷薇科、禾本科所含种数变化幅度较小.(2)不同样带植物主要优势种的相对盖度、相对密度、相对高度均发生了不同程度的变化(p〉0.05),距离游径越远,主要优势种的相对盖度、相对密度、相对高度越大;伴人植物则表现出相反的变化趋势,即距离游径越远,伴人植物的相对盖度、相对密度、相对高度越小,个别物种甚至消失(如扁蓄).(3)生活型功能群中,多年生草本植物的种数最多,占总种数的79.24%,1年生植物和灌木合占总种数的20.76%.随着旅游干扰强度的增加,1年生植物的比例略有增加,多年生草本植物的比例略有下降,灌木所占比例较为稳定.(4)随着远离游径,物种丰富度和物种多样性指数略有增加,而物种均匀度指数表现为先升后降的趋势,增减幅度经方差分析未达到显著水平(P〉O.05).鉴于目前旅游活动对历山舜王坪草甸植物多样性的干扰程度,建议保护区应在开展旅游的同时,加强资源的保护和可持续利用. 高度越小,个别物种甚至消失(如扁蓄).(3)生活型功能群中,多年生草本植物的种数最多,占总种数的79.24%,1年生植物和灌木合占总种数的20.76%.随着旅游干扰强度的增加,1年生植物的比例略有增加,多年生草本植物的比例略有下降,灌木所占比例较为稳定.(4)随着远离游径,物种丰富度和物种多样性指数略有增加,而物种均匀度指数表现为先升后降的趋势,增减幅度经方差分析未达到显著水平(P》O.05).鉴于目前旅游活动对历山舜王坪草甸 物多样性的干扰程度,建议保护区应在开展旅游的同时,加强资源的保护和可持续利用. 高度越小,个别物种甚至消失(如扁蓄).(3)生活型功能群中,多年生草本植物的种数最多,占总种数的79.24%,1年生植物和灌木合占总种数的20.76%.随着旅游干扰强度的增加,1年生植物的比例略有增加,多年生草本植物的比例略有下降,灌木所占比例较为稳定.(4)随着远离游径,物种丰富度和物种多样性指数略有增加,而物种均匀度指数表现为先升后降的趋势,增减幅度经方差分析未达到显著水平(P》O.05).鉴于目前旅游活动对历山舜王坪草甸 物多样性的干  相似文献   

The diversity and abundance of amphibians were investigated in Meru National Park, Kenya, using transect sampling, drift‐fence and pitfall trapping and opportunistic collecting. A total of 430 individuals under seven genera (Amietophrynus, Hemisus, Hyperolius, Phrynobatrachus, Phrynomantis, Ptychadena, Xenopus) comprising eleven species were sampled in three different habitats (apart from this, two additional species are known from Meru National Park): Acacia‐wooded grassland; Combretum‐wooded grassland; AcaciaCommiphora bushland. The sex ratio for almost all species was balanced (chi‐square, χ2; P > 0.5) and was not affected by habitat type (ANOVA: F = 8.3026, P = 0.6914). Shannon–Weaver Index (2.227) and Simpson's Index (8.244) were relatively high, and most of the eleven species sampled appeared to have a relatively even distribution (Shannon's Evenness Index, E = 0.927). However, Hemisus marmoratus and Phrynomantis bifasciatus were exclusively recorded in Acacia‐wooded grassland and in low abundances. There was a positive linear relationship of body weight against snout–vent length for two randomly selected anurans (Hyperolius glandicolor, Phrynobatrachus natalensis) among all three vegetation communities.  相似文献   

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