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How does the plant species composition of Pontic–Pannonian salt‐rich habitats vary on a large geographical scale? Do the floristic differences between Pannonia and the Balkans correspond to the current phytosociological classification?


Pannonia (Hungary, Slovakia, Austria, Czech Republic, Croatia, Serbia, Romania) and the Balkans (Bulgaria, Macedonia, Greece).


Two thousand four hundred and thirty‐seven relevés from halophytic and sub‐halophytic habitats were classified using a modified TWINSPAN. The crispness of classification was checked. DCA and CCA with climate data as explanatory variables were applied.


The classification was best interpreted at the level of 15 clusters. The vegetation changed along the salinity gradient from sub‐halophytic grasslands (including Trifolion resupinati alliance of the Molinio‐Arrhenatheretalia class and Beckmannion eruciformis and Festucion pseudovinae p. p. alliances of the Festuco‐Puccinellietea class) and reed beds (Bolboschoenion maritimi p. p. alliance; the Phragmito‐Magnocaricetea class), through steppe and wet inland halophytic vegetation (Festucion pseudovinae p. p., Puccinellion limosae, Pucinellion convolutae, Bolboschoenion maritimi p. p. and Juncion gerardii of the Festuco‐Puccinellietea class) towards the extreme halophytic vegetation of the Thero‐Salicornietea, Crypsietea and Juncetea maritimi classes. This gradient was longer in the Balkan region, where it spanned from the sub‐mediterranean salt‐rich grasslands to the extremely halophytic vegetation at the Black Sea coast. The second most important gradient coincided with the water regime. Some vegetation types appeared to be confined to either the Pannonian or the Balkan region (especially within dry sub‐halophytic and steppe halophytic grasslands), while others were distributed across the entire study area. The above‐mentioned pattern did not always correspond with current classification systems.


Variation in salt‐rich vegetation predominantly follows the salinity and water regime gradients. Geographical variation, generally coinciding with climatic and historical effects, is also important, especially in drier salt‐rich habitats. Our large‐scale analysis of the floristic variation of salt‐rich habitats might be useful for the unification of classification systems that differ substantially between the countries involved. In addition, the analysis may be useful for adjustment of a classification system in the poorly explored Balkan region, where particular vegetation types were identified with, or delimited from, Central European vegetation types without detailed comparative analysis until now.



What are the composition and spatial patterns of native woody plant communities in the southern Great Chaco and Espinal?


Córdoba Province, central Argentina, an area of ca. 161,000 km2.


We collected 351 geo‐referenced relevés representative of the geographic, topographic and ecological variation of the Chaco and Espinal woody vegetation in central Argentina. The relevés were classified into vegetation types using the hierarchical ISOPAM method. Forest and shrubland types were described on the basis of diagnostic species occurrences and their distribution in relation to environmental factors. A map of the actual vegetation derived from remote‐sensed images (Landsat) and field data was used to describe the current distribution and abundance of the different vegetation types.


The classification of the 351 plots × 837 species matrix revealed two major clusters comprising seven woody vegetation types corresponding to Chaco lowland and mountain forests and shrublands, Espinal forests and edaphic vegetation. The most important gradients in woody vegetation types are related to elevation, temperature and rainfall variables.


Subtropical seasonally dry woody plant communities from the southern extreme of the Great Chaco and Espinal forests were described for the first time based on complete floristic data. Our results show that lowland Chaco native forests, as well as replacement communities, are still present in its southern distribution range and are well distinguishable from other vegetation types such as the Espinal and mountain forests. Overall, extensive Espinal forests have almost disappeared while Chaco vegetation is highly fragmented and degraded.



Which major syntaxa of dry grasslands supported by carbonate bedrock occur in the central and southern Balkans? What is their position along major ecological gradients and in the context of phytogeographic patterns of the region?


Central and southern Balkans, including western Bulgaria, northern Greece, Kosovo, Macedonia (FYROM) and Serbia.


We compiled a matrix of 660 relevés of dry grasslands over lime‐rich bedrock, previously classified in the Festuco‐Brometea. We applied clustering techniques to classify separately synoptic and relevé data, and applied NMDS with passive projection of indicator values, climatic data and biogeographic geo‐elements onto ordination diagrams to assist interpretation of the syntaxonomic patterns. We constructed elevation distribution profiles for alliances and classes of grasslands of several grassland classes from a broader study area to elucidate the relationship of the elevational sorting of the syntaxa in relation to latitude.


The analysis revealed six major vegetation types, classified into four orders: (1) Stipo pulcherrimae‐Festucetalia pallentis, incl. (sub)montane rocky steppic grasslands of the Saturejion montanae of central Balkans, and the Koelerio‐Festucion dalmaticae – submontane rocky grasslands of southern Serbia and Kosovo; (2) Astragalo onobrychidis‐Potentilletalia represented by the Saturejo‐Thymion (low‐elevation steppic grasslands of southern Balkans); (3) Festucetalia valesiacae represented by grasslands on deep soil and low elevation of northern Greece, and finally (4) high‐elevation rocky grasslands of southern Balkans, classified as a new alliance – Diantho haematocalycis‐Festucion hirtovaginatae, that might belong to a new, yet undescribed, syntaxonomic order. Ordination suggests that the major differentiation of the high‐rank syntaxa follows north–south geographic and low–high elevation gradients.


Because of the transitional biogeographic position of the studied region, as well as considerable large elevation span across latitudes, the diversity of vegetation types is high. The indication a putative new dry grassland order, the mid‐high altitudes of the southern Balkans points to a need to re‐assess the Balkan vegetation occupying the community niche between the low‐elevation dry grasslands (Festuco‐Brometea) and those typical of high elevations (Elyno‐Seslerietea and Daphno‐Festucetea), seeking parallels to patterns described from the western Alps, Pyrenees, and Apennines. This syntaxonomic unit is poised to expand the concept of the Festuco hystricis‐Ononidetea striatae to the Balkans.



To delineate boundaries of vegetation belts, characterize these belts by indicator species, plant functional types and plant distribution types, and explore options for climate change monitoring.


Three research sites in the continental inland of West Greenland.


Based on spatially constrained clustering of 147 vegetation relevés and 145 transect plots of plant communities, boundaries of altitudinal vegetation belts were assessed. Indicators for altitudinal sections were identified from 664 vegetation relevés among vascular plants, bryophytes, lichens and plant functional types using indicator species analysis. The performance of different plant groups along the altitudinal gradient was visualized with response curves.


Boundaries of altitudinal vegetation belts were detected at 400, 800 and 1175 m a.s.l. on north‐facing slopes and at 450, 900 and 1250 m a.s.l. on south‐facing slopes. The resulting four vegetation belts were well defined by 99 indicator species and nine indicator plant functional types. Species, plant functional types and vascular plant distribution types showed clear sequences along the altitudinal gradient, which partly resemble their distribution along the latitudinal gradient.


As an easily observable expansion of shrubs and a decline of mosses and lichens is expected, the boundary at 400/450 m a.s.l. is particularly promising for climate change monitoring. The anticipated replacement of numerous cryophilous by thermophilous indicator species, as well as an obvious shift of plant functional types suggest several monitoring options at 800/900 m a.s.l. The summit areas above 1175/1250 m a.s.l., having a discontinuous plant cover, are considered to be especially vulnerable to fast invasion by species of lower altitudes such as woody plants and sedges. Due to steep gradients and short migration distances in mountains, it can be assumed that these anticipated changes in the study area will be stronger and faster than the already observed changes along the latitudinal gradient in lowland areas of the Arctic.



Urban floras are composed of species of different origin, both native and alien, and with various traits and niches. It is likely that these species will respond to the ongoing climate change in different ways, resulting in future species compositions with no analogues in current European cities. Our goal was to estimate potential shifts in plant species composition in European cities under different scenarios of climate change for the 21st century.




Potential changes in the distribution of 375 species currently growing in 60 large cities in Southern, Central and Western Europe were modelled using generalized linear models and four climate change projections for two future periods (2041–2060 and 2061–2080). These projections were based on two global climate models (CCSM4 and MIROC‐ESM) and two Representative Concentration Pathways (2.6 and 8.5).


Results were similar across all climate projections, suggesting that the composition of urban plant communities will change considerably due to future climate change. However, even under the most severe climate change scenario, native and alien species will respond to climate change similarly. Many currently established species will decline and others, especially annuals currently restricted to Southern Europe, will spread to northern cities. In contrast, perennial herbs, woody plants and most species with temperate continental and oceanic distribution ranges will make up a smaller proportion of future European urban plant communities in comparison with the present communities.

Main conclusions

The projected 21st century climate change will lead to considerable changes in the species composition of urban floras. These changes will affect the structure and functioning of urban plant communities.



Are factors influencing plant diversity in a fire‐prone Mediterranean ecosystem of southeast Australia scale‐dependent?


Heathy woodland, Otways region, Victoria, southeast Australia


We measured patterns of above‐ground and soil seed bank vegetation diversity and associated them with climatic, biotic, edaphic, topographic, spatial and disturbance factors at multiple scales (macro to micro) using linear mixed effect and generalized dissimilarity modelling.


At the macro‐scale, we found species richness above‐ground best described by climatic factors and in the soil seed bank by disturbance factors. At the micro‐scale we found species richness best described above‐ground and in the soil seed bank by disturbance factors, in particular time‐since‐last‐fire. We found variance in macro‐scale β‐diversity (species turnover) best explained above‐ground by climatic and disturbance factors and in the soil seed bank by climatic and biotic factors.


Regional climatic gradients interact with edaphic factors and fire disturbance history at small spatial scales to influence species richness and turnover in the studied ecosystem. Current fire management regimes need to incorporate key climatic–disturbance–diversity interactions to maintain floristic diversity in the studied system.



What are the syntaxonomic and synchorological patterns of the xerothermic chasmophytic vegetation in the central part of the Mediterranean Basin? What are the diagnostic species of the high‐rank syntaxa of Asplenietalia glandulosi, Onosmetalia frutescentis and Centaureo dalmaticae‐Campanuletalia pyramidalis?


Mediterranean coastal and subcoastal areas of southern France, Italy, Malta, Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Albania and of mainland Greece.


The data set of 1,261 published relevés was analysed using hierarchical clustering (Flexible Beta method), involving a series of data transformations. Indicator species analysis was used to select the best dendrogram solution and identify diagnostic taxa of the main clusters. The dendrogram was interpreted from a syntaxonomic point of view, using nomenclatural type relevés as a basis. The NMDS ordination was performed in order to visualize the floristic relationships among associations and high‐rank syntaxa. MRPP was used to test for differences among alliances.


The classification revealed four main clusters of relevés representing the chasmophytic vegetation of southern France, Sardinia and the northwestern part of Italy (Asplenienalia glandulosi/Asplenietalia glandulosi), the southwestern part of Italy and Malta (Tinguarrenalia siculae/Asplenietalia glandulosi), the Adriatic Basin area (Centaureo dalmaticae‐Campanuletalia pyramidalis) and the southern Balkans (Onosmetalia frutescentis). The NMDS ordination confirmed the overall pattern, while MRPP showed significant differences among the alliances of the above‐mentioned orders and suborders. The lists of diagnostic taxa of the high‐rank syntaxa were revised according to a supra‐national perspective.


The new syntaxonomic scheme provides a comprehensive overview of the chasmophytic vegetation of the central part of the Mediterranean Basin. This scheme mostly matches the recently published EuroVegChecklist, but also exhibits important novelties concerning the syntaxonomic position of some alliances (Dianthion rupicolae, Centaureion pentadactyli, Arenarion bertolonii and Caro‐Aurinion), and the floristic and chorological relationships among high‐rank syntaxa, with new revised sets of diagnostic taxa. This revision might be useful for further small‐scale phytosociological studies.



When modelling the distribution of animals under current and future conditions, both their response to environmental constraints and their resources’ response to these environmental constraints need to be taken into account. Here, we develop a framework to predict the distribution of large herbivores under global change, while accounting for changes in their main resources. We applied it to Rupicapra rupicapra, the chamois of the European Alps.


The Bauges Regional Park (French Alps).


We built sixteen plant functional groups (PFGs) that account for the chamois’ diet (estimated from sequenced environmental DNA found in the faeces), climatic requirements, dispersal limitations, successional stage and interaction for light. These PFGs were then simulated using a dynamic vegetation model, under current and future climatic conditions up to 2100. Finally, we modelled the spatial distribution of the chamois under both current and future conditions using a point‐process model applied to either climate‐only variables or climate and simulated vegetation structure variables.


Both the climate‐only and the climate and vegetation models successfully predicted the current distribution of the chamois species. However, when applied into the future, the predictions differed widely. While the climate‐only models predicted an 80% decrease in total species occupancy, including vegetation structure and plant resources for chamois in the model provided more optimistic predictions because they account for the transient dynamics of the vegetation (?20% in species occupancy).

Main conclusions

Applying our framework to the chamois shows that the inclusion of ecological mechanisms (i.e., plant resources) produces more realistic predictions under current conditions and should prove useful for anticipating future impacts. We have shown that discounting the pure effects of vegetation on chamois might lead to overpessimistic predictions under climate change. Our approach paves the way for improved synergies between different fields to produce biodiversity scenarios.



Small, remnant habitats embedded in degraded, human-dominated landscapes are generally not a priority in conservation, despite their potential role in supporting landscape-scale biodiversity. To warrant their inclusion in conservation management and policy, we question under which conditions they may exhibit the largest conservation value.


Nine landscapes spread across the counties of Stockholm and Södermanland, Sweden.


Per landscape, plant communities were surveyed in 6 and 12 1 × 1 m2 plots across large, intact semi-natural grasslands and small remnant grasslands, respectively. These two contrasting grassland types served as a model system. A topsoil sample was taken in each plot to determine habitat quality in terms of soil pH, plant-available P, and C:N ratio. We used a joint species distribution model to analyse the extent to which grassland type and habitat quality define and predict resident community diversity and composition, including whether they support grassland specialists.


At the landscape scale, the combined remnant grasslands sustained diverse plant communities which did include a significant subset of habitat specialists. Yet, the contribution of individual remnants clearly varied with local-scale habitat quality; soil phosphorus availability lowered plot-level species richness, mostly by constraining the occurrence of grassland specialists. Semi-natural grassland communities were comparatively insensitive to variation in soil phosphorus availability.


The combined habitat amount and the significant number of habitat specialists sustained by remnant grasslands with high habitat quality, shows they can represent a valuable resource to support landscape-scale biodiversity conservation. This offers no wildcard to neglect the continued biotic and abiotic threats on semi-natural grassland plant diversity such as chronic and accumulating P eutrophication, discontinuation of management or poor matrix permeability, as semi-natural grasslands harbour the majority of habitat specialists, while sourcing surrounding remnant grassland communities.



We compare the present‐day global ocean climate with future climatologies based on Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) models and examine whether changes in global ocean climate will affect the environmental similarity of New Zealand's (NZ) coastal environments to those of the rest of the world. Our underlying rationale is that environmental changes to source and recipient regions may result in changes to the risk of non‐indigenous species survival and establishment.


Coastlines of global continents and islands.


We determined the environmental similarity (Euclidean distance) between global coastlines and north‐east NZ for 2005 and 2050 using data on coastal seawater surface temperature and salinity. Anticipated climate models from the SRES A1B scenario family were used to derive coastal climatologies for 2050.


During the next decades, most global regions will experience an increase in coastal seawater surface temperatures and a decline or increase in salinity. This will result in changes in the similarity of other coastal environments to north‐east NZ's coastal areas. Global regions that presently have high environmental similarity to north‐east NZ will variously retain this level of similarity, become more similar or decrease in environmental similarity. Some regions that presently have a low level of similarity will become more similar to NZ. Our models predict a widespread decrease in the seasonal variation in environmental similarity to NZ.

Main conclusions

Anticipated changes in the global ocean climate have the potential to change the risk of survival and establishment of non‐indigenous marine species arriving to NZ from some global regions. Predicted changes to global human transport networks over the coming decades highlight the importance of incorporating climate change into conservation planning and modelling.



The risk climate change poses to biodiversity is often estimated by forecasting the areas that will be climatically suitable for species in the future and measuring the distance of the “range shifts” species would have to make to reach these areas. Species’ traits could indicate their capacity to undergo range shifts. However, it is not clear how range‐shift capacity influences risk. We used traits from a recent evidence review to measure the relative potential of species to track changing climatic conditions.



Time period

Baseline period (1961–1990) and forecast period (2035–2064).

Major taxa studied

62 mammal species.


We modelled species distributions using two general circulation models and two representative concentration pathways (RCPs) to calculate three metrics of “exposure” to climate change: range area gained, range area lost and distance moved by the range margin. We identified traits that could inform species’ range‐shift capacity (i.e., potential to establish new populations and proliferate, and thus undertake range shifts), from a recent evidence‐based framework. The traits represent ecological generalization and reproductive strategy. We ranked species according to each metric of exposure and range‐shift capacity, calculating sensitivity to ranking methods, and synthesized both exposure and range‐shift capacity into “risk syndromes.”


Many species studied whose survival depends on colonizing new areas were relatively unlikely to undergo range shifts. Under the worst‐case scenario, 62% of species studied were relatively highly exposed. 47% were highly exposed and had relatively low range‐shift capacity. Only 14% of species faced both low exposure and high range‐shift capacity. Both range‐shift and exposure metrics had a greater effect on risk assessments than climate models.

Main conclusions

The degree to which species’ potential ranges will be altered by climate change often does not correspond to species’ range‐shift capacities. Both exposure and range‐shift capacity should be considered when evaluating biodiversity risk from climate change.



Abiotic conditions are key components that determine the distribution of species. However, co‐occurring species can respond differently to the same factors, and determining which climate components are most predictive of geographic distributions is important for understanding community response to climate change. Here, we estimate and compare climate niches of ten subdominant, herbaceous forb species common in sagebrush steppe systems, asking how niches differ among co‐occurring species and whether more closely related species exhibit higher niche overlap.


Western United States.


We used herbarium records and ecological niche modelling to estimate area of occupancy, niche breadth and overlap, and describe characteristics of suitable climate. We compared mean values and variability in summer precipitation and minimum temperatures at occurrence locations among species, plant families, and growth forms, and related estimated phylogenetic distances to niche overlap.


Species varied in the size and spatial distribution of suitable climate and in niche breadth. Species also differed in the variables contributing to their suitable climate and in mean values, spatial variation and interannual variation in highly predictive climate variables. Only two of ten species shared comparable climate niches. We found family‐level differences associated with variation in summer precipitation and minimum temperatures, as well as in mean minimum temperatures. Growth forms differed in their association with variability in summer precipitation and minimum temperatures. We found no relationship between phylogenetic distance and niche overlap among our species.

Main conclusions

We identified contrasting climate niches for ten Great Basin understorey forbs, including differences in both mean values and climate variability. These estimates can guide species selection for restoration by identifying species with a high tolerance for climate variability and large climatic niches. They can also help conservationists to understand which species may be least tolerant of climate variability, and potentially most vulnerable to climate change.



Climate change affects forest functioning not only through direct physiological effects such as modifying photosynthesis and growing season lengths, but also through indirect effects on community composition related to species extinctions and colonizations. Such indirect effects remain poorly explored in comparison with the direct ones. Biodiversity–ecosystem functioning (BEF) studies commonly examine the effects of species loss by eliminating species randomly. However, species extinctions caused by climate change will depend on the species’ vulnerability to the new environmental conditions, thus occurring in a specific, non‐random order. Here, we evaluated whether successive tree species extinctions, according to their vulnerability to climate change, impact forest functions differently than random species losses.


Eleven temperate forests across a gradient of climatic conditions in central Europe.


We simulated tree community dynamics with a forest succession model to study the impact of species loss on the communities’ aboveground biomass, productivity and temporal stability. Tree species were removed from the local pool (1) randomly, and according to (2) their inability to be recruited under a warmer climate or (3) their increased mortality under drier conditions.


Results showed that non‐random species loss (i.e., based on their vulnerability to warmer or drier conditions) changed forest functioning at a different rate, and sometimes direction, than random species loss. Furthermore, directed extinctions, unlike random, triggered tipping points along the species loss process where forest functions were strongly impacted. These tipping points occurred after fewer extinctions in forests located in the coldest areas, where ecosystem functioning relies on fewer species.

Main conclusions

We showed that the extinction of species in a deterministic and mechanistically motivated order, in this case the species vulnerability to climate change, strengthens the selection effect of diversity on ecosystem functioning. BEF studies exploring the impact of species loss on ecosystem functioning using random extinctions thus possibly underestimate the potential effect of biodiversity loss when driven by a directional force, such as climate change.



Climate is considered a major driver of species distributions. Long‐term climatic means are commonly used as predictors in correlative species distribution models (SDMs). However, this coarse temporal resolution does not reflect local conditions that populations experience, such as short‐term weather extremes, which may have a strong impact on population dynamics and local distributions. We here compare the performance of climate‐ and weather‐based predictors in regional SDMs and their influence on future predictions, which are increasingly used in conservation planning.


South‐western Germany.


We built different SDMs for 20 Orthoptera species based on three predictor sets at a regional scale for current and future climate scenarios. We calculated standard bioclimatic variables and yearly and seasonal sets of climate change indicating variables of weather extremes. As the impact of extreme events may be stronger for habitat specialists than for generalists, we distinguished species’ degrees of specialization. We computed linear mixed‐effects models to identify significant effects of algorithm, predictor set and specialization on model performance and calculated correlations and geographical niche overlap between spatial predictions.


Current predictions were rather similar among all predictor sets, but highly variable for future climate scenarios. Bioclimatic and seasonal weather predictors performed slightly better than yearly weather predictors, though performance differences were minor. We found no evidence that specialists are more sensitive to weather extremes than generalists.

Main conclusions

For future projections of species distributions, SDM predictor selection should not solely be based on current performances and predictions. As long‐term climate and short‐term weather predictors represent different environmental drivers of a species’ distribution, we argue to interpret diverging future projections as complements. Even if similar current performances and predictions might imply their equivalency, favouring one predictor set neglects important aspects of future distributions and might mislead conservation decisions based on them.



Understanding how climate affects species distributions remains a major challenge, with the relative importance of direct physiological effects versus biotic interactions still poorly understood. We focus on three species of resource specialists (crossbill Loxia finches) to assess the role of climate in determining the seasonal availability of their food, the importance of climate and the occurrence of their food plants for explaining their current distributions, and to predict changes in their distributions under future climate change scenarios.




We used datasets on the timing of seed fall in European Scots pine Pinus sylvestris forests (where different crossbill species occur) to estimate seed fall phenology and climate data to determine its influence on spatial and temporal variation in the timing of seed fall to provide a link between climate and seed scarcity for crossbills. We used large‐scale datasets on crossbill distribution, cover of the conifers relied on by the three crossbill species and climate variables associated with timing of seed fall, to assess their relative importance for predicting crossbill distributions. We used species distribution modelling to predict changes in their distributions under climate change projections for 2070.


We found that seed fall occurred 1.5–2 months earlier in southern Europe than in Sweden and Scotland and was associated with variation in spring maximum temperatures and precipitation. These climate variables and area covered with conifers relied on by the crossbills explained much of their observed distributions. Projections under global change scenarios revealed reductions in potential crossbill distributions, especially for parrot crossbills.

Main conclusions

Ranges of resource specialists are directly influenced by the presence of their food plants, with climate conditions further affecting resource availability and the window of food scarcity indirectly. Future distributions will be determined by tree responses to changing climatic conditions and the impact of climate on seed fall phenology.



As a result of their ecological traits, woodpeckers (Picidae, Aves) are highly sensitive to forest cover change. We explored the current land cover in areas of high species richness of woodpeckers to determinate regions where urgent conservation actions are needed. In addition, we identified woodpecker species that are sensitive to forest loss and that have high levels of human habitat modification and low levels of protection (through protected areas) in their distribution ranges.




We joined available range maps for all extant 254 woodpecker species with information of their conservation status and tolerances to human habitat modifications and generated a richness map of woodpecker species worldwide. Then, we associated this information (the richness pattern and individual species’ maps) with land cover and protected areas (PAs) maps.


We found that the foremost woodpecker species richness hotspot is in Southeast Asia and is highly modified. At the second species richness hotspot in the eastern Andes, we observed a front of deforestation at its southern extreme and a greater deforested area in its northern extreme but most of its area remains with forest coverage. At the species level, 17 species that are sensitive to forest modification experience extensive deforestation and have low extents of PAs in their ranges.

Main conclusions

The most diverse woodpecker hotspots are mostly occupied by human‐modified landscapes, and a large portion of the species there avoids anthropogenic environments. The level of representation of woodpecker species in PAs is low as a global general pattern, although slightly better in Asia. Our global analysis of threats to woodpecker from land use patterns reiterates the urgent conservation needs for Southeast Asian forests. Finally, based on our results, we recommend a re‐evaluation for inclusion in the Red List of five woodpecker species.



In our previous study, we found strong effects of fungicide application on diversity and composition of grassland plant community. Here, we evaluated the recovery of the plant community and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF ) infectivity after fungicide application and the effects of grazing management on the recovery.


Northern Bohemia, Czech Republic.


We recorded plant species composition and AMF infectivity in permanent plots in dry grassland over a period of 5 years after termination of fungicide application and grazing introduction.


The negative effect of fungicide on plant species composition, diversity, AMF infectivity and cover of forbs still persisted 5 years after the last fungicide application. The cover of graminoids decreased, and their cover reached the level before fungicide application. While grazing had no effect on plant species recovery, it led to recovery of AMF infectivity.


Although graminoids lost their dominance after termination of fungicide application and grazing led to the recovery of AMF infectivity, the dry grassland plant community was not completely restored. The forbs were not able to recolonize the site. Their absence might be caused by dispersal limitation or changes in restored AMF community composition. Direct seed sowing may thus be used to support the plant recovery.

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