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Questions: The assembly of arable weed communities is the result of local filtering by agricultural management and crop competition. Therefore, soil seed banks can reflect the effects of long‐term cumulative field management and crop sequences on weed communities. Moreover, soil seed banks provide strong estimates of future weed problems but also of potential arable plant diversity and associated ecological functions. For this, we evaluated the effects of different long‐term farming systems under the same crop rotation sequence on the abundance, diversity and community assembly of weed seed bank, as well as on the functional diversity and composition. Location: DOK (biodynamic [D], bioorganic [O], conventional [K]) long‐term trial, Therwil, Switzerland. Methods: The effects of long‐term contrasted farming systems (i.e., biodynamic, organic, conventional, mineral and unfertilised systems) and last crop sown (i.e., wheat and maize) were evaluated on different indicators of species and functional diversity and composition of the weed soil seed bank. Results: The results showed significant influences of 40 years of contrasted farming systems on the diversity and composition of the seed bank, with higher diversities being found in unfertilised and organic farming systems, but also higher abundances than those found under conventional systems. Organic farming also allowed higher functional richness, dispersion and redundancy. Different farming systems triggered shifts in species and functional assemblies. Conclusions: The results highlight the importance of organic management for the maintenance of a diverse arable plant community and its functions. However, such results emphasise the need for appropriate yearly management to reduce the abundance of settled weediness and prevent affecting crop production. The farm management filtered community composition based on functional traits. Although the soil seed bank buffers the long‐term farming and crop sequence, the last crop sown and, thus, the yearly management were important determinants of seed bank composition.  相似文献   

The flow of energy within an ecosystem can be considered either top‐down, where predators influence consumers, or bottom‐up, where producers influence consumers. Plethodon cinereus (Red‐backed Salamander) is a terrestrial keystone predator who feeds on invertebrates within the ecosystem. We investigated the impact of the removal of P. cinereus on the detritivore food web in an upland deciduous forest in northwest Ohio, U.S.A. A total of eight aluminum enclosures, each containing a single P. cinereus under a small log, were constructed in the deciduous forest. On Day 1 of the experiment, four salamanders were evicted from four of the eight enclosures. Organic matter and soil were collected from the center of each enclosure at Day 1 and Day 21. From each sample, DNA was extracted, fungal‐specific amplification performed, and 454 pyrosequencing was used to sequence the nuclear ribosomal internal transcribed spacer (ITS2) region and partial ribosomal large subunit (LSU). Changes in overall fungal community composition or species diversity were not statistically significant between treatments. Statistically significant shifts in the most abundant taxonomic groups of fungi were documented in presence but not absence enclosures. We concluded that P. cinereus does not affect the overall composition or diversity of fungal communities, but does have an impact on specific groups of fungi. This study used a metagenomics‐based approach to investigate a missing link among a keystone predator, P. cinereus, invertebrates, and fungal communities, all of which are critical in the detritivore food web.  相似文献   

Landscape composition plays an important, but poorly understood, role in the population dynamics of agricultural pest species with broad host ranges including both crops and weeds. One such pest, the generalist plant bug Lygus hesperus Knight (Hemiptera: Miridae), is a key cotton pest that feeds on various hosts differing in quality in California's San Joaquin Valley (USA). We investigated the effects of 15 common crops and uncultivated agricultural land on L. hesperus populations, by correlating the densities of L. hesperus in focal cotton fields with the areas of the 16 crops in surrounding rings. Insect counts were provided by private pest‐control advisors, and spatial data were obtained from Kern County records. We first calculated Spearman's partial correlation coefficients on an annual basis for each crop separately, and then performed a meta‐analysis of these correlations across years to describe the overall effect of a particular crop on L. hesperus after the effects of the 15 other crops are removed. Consistent with studies conducted in other areas, L. hesperus density was positively correlated with safflower, and negatively with cotton. Lygus hesperus density was also correlated with several other crops that are often not considered in pest management, including grape, oat, and onion (positive correlations), and almond, pistachio, and potato (negative correlations). Lygus hesperus density was also found to be negatively correlated with alfalfa and positively correlated with uncultivated habitats, a relationship that receives mixed support in the literature. Several other crops tested were not significantly correlated with L. hesperus densities in focal cotton fields, suggesting a neutral role for them in L. hesperus dynamics. The improved understanding of the effects of a greater variety of crops on L. hesperus population dynamics will be useful in the design of agricultural landscapes for enhanced management of this important polyphagous pest.  相似文献   

Ectomycorrhizal (ECM) fungi are important for efficient nutrient uptake of several widespread arctic plant species. Knowledge of temporal variation of ECM fungi, and the relationship of these patterns to environmental variables, is essential to understand energy and nutrient cycling in Arctic ecosystems. We sampled roots of Bistorta vivipara ten times over two years; three times during the growing‐season (June, July and September) and twice during winter (November and April) of both years. We found 668 ECM OTUs belonging to 25 different ECM lineages, whereof 157 OTUs persisted throughout all sampling time‐points. Overall, ECM fungal richness peaked in winter and species belonging to Cortinarius, Serendipita and Sebacina were more frequent in winter than during summer. Structure of ECM fungal communities was primarily affected by spatial factors. However, after accounting for spatial effects, significant seasonal variation was evident revealing correspondence with seasonal changes in environmental conditions. We demonstrate that arctic ECM richness and community structure differ between summer (growing‐season) and winter, possibly due to reduced activity of the core community, and addition of fungi adapted for winter conditions forming a winter‐active fungal community. Significant month × year interactions were observed both for fungal richness and community composition, indicating unpredictable between‐year variation. Our study indicates that addressing seasonal changes requires replication over several years.  相似文献   

Long‐term elevated nitrogen (N) input from anthropogenic sources may cause soil acidification and decrease crop yield, yet the response of the belowground microbial community to long‐term N input alone or in combination with phosphorus (P) and potassium (K) is poorly understood. We explored the effect of long‐term N and NPK fertilization on soil bacterial diversity and community composition using meta‐analysis of a global dataset. Nitrogen fertilization decreased soil pH, and increased soil organic carbon (C) and available N contents. Bacterial taxonomic diversity was decreased by N fertilization alone, but was increased by NPK fertilization. The effect of N fertilization on bacterial diversity varied with soil texture and water management, but was independent of crop type or N application rate. Changes in bacterial diversity were positively related to both soil pH and organic C content under N fertilization alone, but only to soil organic C under NPK fertilization. Microbial biomass C decreased with decreasing bacterial diversity under long‐term N fertilization. Nitrogen fertilization increased the relative abundance of Proteobacteria and Actinobacteria, but reduced the abundance of Acidobacteria, consistent with the general life history strategy theory for bacteria. The positive correlation between N application rate and the relative abundance of Actinobacteria indicates that increased N availability favored the growth of Actinobacteria. This first global analysis of long‐term N and NPK fertilization that differentially affects bacterial diversity and community composition provides a reference for nutrient management strategies for maintaining belowground microbial diversity in agro‐ecosystems worldwide.  相似文献   

Effective biosecurity and pest management are fundamental to sustainable development. Invasive ants pose significant risks to the environment and economy, which are well‐managed by biosecurity agencies in developed countries. However, a comprehensive view of the potential impacts of invasive ants in developing Pacific Island Countries and Territories (PICTs) is lacking. We quantified the potential costs of the Red Imported Fire Ant (Solenopsis invicta Buren) across multiple sectors using an extrapolation analysis. Overall, we estimated that the impacts of Red Imported Fire Ant on developing PICTs could amount to over USD 329 million annually, corresponding to approximately 0.7% of combined GDP. Over half of the costs were predicted to result from impacts on the agriculture sector, a major source of employment and subsistence. We found that over 350 highly threatened species could be at risk from Red Imported Fire Ant. We would expect countries with Least Developed Country status and relatively low GDP to be least able to respond to an incursion of these ants, and as a result the costs could be higher than we have extrapolated. Red Imported Fire Ant could therefore potentially have considerable impact on the on‐going development of the region.  相似文献   

Understanding host–pathogen evolutionary dynamics needs characterisation and quantification of processes occurring at many spatiotemporal scales. With this aim, the effects of smut on a naturally infected population of the summer annual Digitaria sanguinalis were followed for 4 years in an uncropped field. The main purpose of the study was to quantify the effects of within‐population density on the infectivity and the aggressiveness of the pathogen in a range of densities that occurred naturally. The infectivity‐related variable measured was the proportion of smutted plants at the end of each growing season; proportions were analysed using a generalised linear model with a binomial distribution considering the year, the density and their interaction as effects. The aggressiveness‐related variables chosen were the number of smutted inflorescences per plant and per area, obtained over the last 2 years; they were analysed by means of ancova considering disease status (seeded or smutted), year, density and all the interactions between them. Although the disease is monocyclic, results showed clearly that infectivity increased with plant density. The number of inflorescences per plant was 1.5 times higher in smutted plants than in healthy plants throughout the range of densities. This variable declined when density increased, but as the infectivity increased at a higher rate, the aggressiveness also increased with density. The surprising results on infectivity are discussed in the context of current knowledge of plant–pathogen interaction dynamics, as well as neighbour effects on pathogen aggressiveness. Moreover, the results could be useful to develop weed biological control strategies.  相似文献   

PCR‐based methods are the most common technique for sex determination of birds. Although these methods are fast, easy and accurate, they still require special facilities that preclude their application outdoors. Consequently, there is a time lag between sampling and obtaining results that impedes researchers to take decisions in situ and in real time considering individuals’ sex. We present an outdoor technique for sex determination of birds based on the amplification of the duplicated sex‐chromosome‐specific gene Chromo‐Helicase‐DNA binding protein using a loop‐mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP). We tested our method on Griffon Vulture (Gyps fulvus), Egyptian Vulture (Neophron percnopterus) and Black Kite (Milvus migrans) (family Accipitridae). We introduce the first fieldwork procedure for sex determination of animals in the wild, successfully applied to raptor species of three different subfamilies using the same specific LAMP primers. This molecular technique can be deployed directly in sampling areas because it only needs a voltage inverter to adapt a thermo‐block to a car lighter and results can be obtained by the unaided eye based on colour change within the reaction tubes. Primers and reagents are prepared in advance to facilitate their storage at room temperature. We provide detailed guidelines how to implement this procedure, which is simpler (no electrophoresis required), cheaper and faster (results in c. 90 min) than PCR‐based laboratory methods. Our successful cross‐species application across three different raptor subfamilies posits our set of markers as a promising tool for molecular sexing of other raptor families and our field protocol extensible to all bird species.  相似文献   

Sparsely distributed species attract conservation concern, but insufficient information on population trends challenges conservation and funding prioritization. Occupancy‐based monitoring is attractive for these species, but appropriate sampling design and inference depend on particulars of the study system. We employed spatially explicit simulations to identify minimum levels of sampling effort for a regional occupancy monitoring study design, using white‐headed woodpeckers (Picoides albolvartus), a sparsely distributed, territorial species threatened by habitat decline and degradation, as a case study. We compared the original design with commonly proposed alternatives with varying targets of inference (i.e., species range, space use, or abundance) and spatial extent of sampling. Sampling effort needed to achieve adequate power to observe a long‐term population trend (≥80% chance to observe a 2% yearly decline over 20 years) with the previously used study design consisted of annually monitoring ≥120 transects using a single‐survey approach or ≥90 transects surveyed twice per year using a repeat‐survey approach. Designs that shifted inference toward finer‐resolution trends in abundance and extended the spatial extent of sampling by shortening transects, employing a single‐survey approach to monitoring, and incorporating a panel design (33% of units surveyed per year) improved power and reduced error in estimating abundance trends. In contrast, efforts to monitor coarse‐scale trends in species range or space use with repeat surveys provided extremely limited statistical power. Synthesis and applications. Sampling resolutions that approximate home range size, spatially extensive sampling, and designs that target inference of abundance trends rather than range dynamics are probably best suited and most feasible for broad‐scale occupancy‐based monitoring of sparsely distributed territorial animal species.  相似文献   



Do vascular plant species richness and beta‐diversity differ between managed and structurally complex unmanaged stands? To what extent do species richness and beta‐diversity relate to forest structural attributes and heterogeneity?


Five national parks in central and southern Italy.


We sampled vascular plant species composition and forest structural attributes in eight unmanaged temperate mesic forest stands dominated or co‐dominated by beech, and in eight comparison stands managed as high forests with similar environmental features. We compared plant species richness, composition and beta‐diversity across pairs of stands (unmanaged vs managed) using GLMM s. Beta‐diversity was quantified both at the scale of each pair of stands using plot‐to‐plot dissimilarity matrices (species turnover), and across the whole data set, considering the distance in the multivariate species space of individual plots from their centroid within the same stand (compositional heterogeneity). We modelled the relationship between species diversity (richness and beta‐diversity) and forest structural heterogeneity and individual structural variables using GLMM s and multiple regression on distance matrices.


Species composition differed significantly between managed and unmanaged stands, but not richness and beta‐diversity. We found weak evidence that plant species richness increased with increasing levels of structural heterogeneity and canopy diversification. At the scale of individual stands, species turnover was explained by different variables in distinct stands, with variables related to deadwood quantity and quality being selected most often. We did not find support for the hypothesis that compositional heterogeneity varies as a function of forest structural characteristics at the scale of the whole data set.


Structurally complex unmanaged stands have a distinct herb layer species composition from that of mature stands in similar environmental conditions. Nevertheless, we did not find significantly higher levels of vascular plant species richness and beta‐diversity in unmanaged stands. Beta‐diversity was related to patterns of deadwood accumulation, while for species richness the evidence that it increases with increasing levels of canopy diversification was weak. These results suggest that emulating natural disturbance, and favouring deadwood accumulation and canopy diversification may benefit some, but not all, facets of plant species diversity in Apennine beech forests.



Predicting which newly arrived species will establish and become invasive is a problem that has long vexed researchers. In a study of cold temperate oak forest stands, we examined two contrasting hypotheses regarding plant functional traits to explain the success of certain non‐native species. Under the “join the locals” hypothesis, successful invaders are expected to share traits with resident species because they employ successful growth strategies under light‐limited understorey conditions. Instead, under the “try harder” hypothesis, successful invaders are expected to have traits different from native species in order to take advantage of unused niche space.


Minnesota, USA.


We examined these two theories using 109 native and 11 non‐native plants in 68 oak forest stands. We focused on traits related to plant establishment and growth, including specific leaf area (SLA), leaf carbon‐to‐nitrogen ratio (C:N), wood density, plant maximum height, mycorrhizal type, seed mass and growth form. We compared traits of native and non‐native species using ordinations in multidimensional trait space and compared community‐weighted mean (CWM) trait values across sites.


We found few differences between trait spaces occupied by native and non‐native species. Non‐native species occupied smaller areas of trait space than natives, yet were within that of the native species, indicating similar growth strategies. We observed a higher proportion of non‐native species in sites with higher native woody species CWM SLA and lower CWM C:N. Higher woody CWM SLA was observed in sites with higher soil pH, while lower CWM C:N was found in sites with higher light levels.


Non‐native plants in this system have functional traits similar to natives and are therefore “joining the locals.” However, non‐native plants may possess traits toward the acquisitive end of the native plant trait range, as evidenced by higher non‐native plant abundance in high‐resource environments.

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