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In NMR experiments designed to distinguish between possible enzyme-bound forms of the inhibitor 2-phosphoglycollic acid, it is found that neither of the di-anionic species, that would be consistent with the observed pH-dependence of Ki, is in fact correct. Instead, the enzyme appears to bind the tri-anionic species of this inhibitor, taking up a proton at a separate site.  相似文献   

Nine cDNA clones of human adult liver triosephosphate (TP) isomerase have been isolated and characterized. All nine appear to be derived from a single mRNA species. DNA sequencing of one clone, designated pHTPI-5a, defined the last two nucleotides of the methionine initiation codon, the entire 744-nucleotide coding region of the mature polypeptide, and the entire 448-nucleotide 3' untranslated region. The frequency of TP isomerase clones in the cDNA library suggests that TP isomerase mRNA is present in adult liver at approximately 25 copies/cell. A single, low abundance TP isomerase mRNA species was detected in RNA isolated from normal human fibroblast cell lines. Analysis of TP isomerase mRNA levels in cultured fibroblasts of individuals that are homozygous for TP isomerase deficiency revealed normal levels in one and approximately 40% of normal levels in another. From this small patient sampling, it can be concluded that the genetic basis for TP isomerase deficiency is heterogeneous.  相似文献   

Sera from patients with neuropsychiatric lupus (NP lupus) were screened for antibodies to mouse choroid plexus cell line ECPC-4 by Western blotting. A 29-kDa protein band detected in NP lupus sera was identified as triosephosphate isomerase (TPI). Using Western blotting with TPI, TPI was confirmed as the reactive molecule in sera (6 of 14 samples) and in cerebrospinal fluids (1 of 2 samples) of patients with NP lupus. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay with TPI showed that the serum anti-TPI antibody index of 89.8 (SD, 70.1) in NP lupus group was significantly higher than in systemic lupus erythematosus without NP manifestations, 34.6 (29.6); scleroderma, 38.2 (39.9); polymyositis/dermatomyositis, 42.1 (51.5); and control, 31.7 (27.4) groups (p<0.02). Sensitivity, specificity, and positive and negative likelihood ratios of serum anti-TPI antibody index for NP lupus were 42.9%, 94.7%, 8.1%, and 0.6%, respectively. These results suggest that anti-TPI antibodies are closely associated with NP lupus.  相似文献   

Triosephosphate isomerase (TIM) has been proposed as a target for drug design. TIMs from several parasites have a cysteine residue at the dimer interface, whose derivatization with thiol-specific reagents induces enzyme inactivation and aggregation. TIMs lacking this residue, such as human TIM, are less affected. TIM from Entamoeba histolytica (EhTIM) has the interface cysteine residue and presents more than ten insertions when compared with the enzyme from other pathogens. To gain further insight into the role that interface residues play in the stability and reactivity of these enzymes, we determined the high-resolution structure and characterized the effect of methylmethane thiosulfonate (MMTS) on the activity and conformational properties of EhTIM. The structure of this enzyme was determined at 1.5A resolution using molecular replacement, observing that the dimer is not symmetric. EhTIM is completely inactivated by MMTS, and dissociated into stable monomers that possess considerable secondary structure. Structural and spectroscopic analysis of EhTIM and comparison with TIMs from other pathogens reveal that conformational rearrangements of the interface after dissociation, as well as intramonomeric contacts formed by the inserted residues, may contribute to the unusual stability of the derivatized EhTIM monomer.  相似文献   

During cell volume regulation, intracellular concentration changes occur in both inorganic and organic osmolytes in order to balance the extracellular osmotic stress and maintain cell volume homeostasis. Generally, salt and urea increase the Km's of enzymes and trimethylamine N-oxide (TMAO) counteracts these effects by decreasing Km's. The hypothesis to account for these effects is that urea and salt shift the native state ensemble of the enzyme toward conformers that are substrate-binding incompetent (BI), while TMAO shifts the ensemble toward binding competent (BC) species. Km's are often complex assemblies of rate constants involving several elementary steps in catalysis, so to better understand osmolyte effects we have focused on a single elementary event, substrate binding. We test the conformational shift hypothesis by evaluating the effects of salt, urea, and TMAO on the mechanism of binding glycerol 3-phosphate, a substrate analogue, to yeast triosephosphate isomerase. Temperature-jump kinetic measurements promote a mechanism consistent with osmolyte-induced shifts in the [BI]/[BC] ratio of enzyme conformers. Importantly, salt significantly affects the binding constant through its effect on the activity coefficients of substrate, enzyme, and enzyme-substrate complex, and it is likely that TMAO and urea affect activity coefficients as well. Results indicate that the conformational shift hypothesis alone does not account for the effects of osmolytes on Km's.  相似文献   

Triosephophate isomerase (TIM) is a dimeric enzyme in eucarya, bacteria and mesophilic archaea. In hyperthermophilic archaea, however, TIM exists as a tetramer composed of monomers that are about 10% shorter than other eucaryal and bacterial TIM monomers. We report here the crystal structure of TIM from Thermoproteus tenax, a hyperthermophilic archaeon that has an optimum growth temperature of 86 degrees C. The structure was determined from both a hexagonal and an orthorhombic crystal form to resolutions of 2.5A and 2.3A, and refined to R-factors of 19.7% and 21.5%, respectively. In both crystal forms, T.tenax TIM exists as a tetramer of the familiar (betaalpha)(8)-barrel. In solution, however, and unlike other hyperthermophilic TIMs, the T.tenax enzyme exhibits an equilibrium between inactive dimers and active tetramers, which is shifted to the tetramer state through a specific interaction with glycerol-1-phosphate dehydrogenase of T.tenax. This observation is interpreted in physiological terms as a need to reduce the build-up of thermolabile metabolic intermediates that would be susceptible to destruction by heat. A detailed structural comparison with TIMs from organisms with growth optima ranging from 15 degrees C to 100 degrees C emphasizes the importance in hyperthermophilic proteins of the specific location of ionic interactions for thermal stability rather than their numbers, and shows a clear correlation between the reduction of heat-labile, surface-exposed Asn and Gln residues with thermoadaptation. The comparison confirms the increase in charged surface-exposed residues at the expense of polar residues.  相似文献   

Summary The patterns of chloroplastic and cytosolic isoenzymes of triosephosphate isomerase were analysed by immunoblotting in leaves of rye, wheat, and some species of Aegilops or Agropyrum. While rye contained solely one chloroplastic and one cytosolic isoenzyme, wheat had a much more complex pattern which can be explained by the presence of three genomes in 6 x wheats (AABBDD) with distinct triosephosphate isomerase genes that provided different subunit species for the dimeric isoenzyme molecules. The 6 × wheats contained five, the 4 × wheats three, and the 2 × wheats only one chloroplastic isoenzyme band. The isoenzyme patterns were in accordance with a potential origin of one of the three chloroplastic triosephosphate isomerase genes of 6 × wheats from an Aegilops ancestor. The descent of the other two genes was, however, not in accordance with common contentions on the general evolution of cultural wheats. In the reciprocal intergeneric hybrids Secalotricum and Triticale both the chloroplastic and the cytosolic isoenzyme patterns of rye and wheat were biparentally inherited, indicating that both isoenzymes were controlled by nuclear genes. When monitored by immunoblotting the chloroplastic triosephosphate isomerase isoenzymes may provide useful genetic markers.  相似文献   

The reactivation of the homodimeric enzyme triosephosphate isomerase (TPI) was studied in reverse micelles. The enzyme was denatured in conventional aqueous mixtures with guanidine hydrochloride and transferred to reverse micelles formed with cetyltrimethylammonium bromide, hexanol, n-octane and water. In the transfer step, denatured TPI monomers distributed in single micelles, and guanidine hydrochloride was diluted more than 100 times. Under optimal reactivation conditions, 100% of the enzyme activity could be recovered. The rate of appearance of the catalytic activity increased with the concentration of protein, which indicated that catalysis required the formation of the dimer. The rate of TPI reactivation also increased with increasing protein concentration in the system with denatured TPI covalently derivatized at the catalytic site with the substrate analogue 3-chloroacetol phosphate. Thus, reactivation could take place via the formation of dimers composed of an inactive and an active subunit. Reactivation critically depended on the amount of water in the reverse micelles. The plot of the extent of reactivation versus the amount of water (2.5-7.0%) was markedly sigmoidal. Less than 20% reactivation took place with water concentrations below 3.5%, due to the formation (in less than 30 s) of stable inactive structures. The results indicate that reverse micelles provide a useful system to probe the events involved in the transformation of unfolded monomers to polymeric enzymes.  相似文献   

An engineering tool for controlling flux distribution on metabolic pathways to an appropriate state is highly desirable in bioproduction. An optogenetic switch, which regulates gene expression by light illumination is an attractive on/off switchable system, and is a promising way for flux control with an external stimulus. We demonstrated a light-inducible flux control between glycolysis and the methylglyoxal (MGO) pathway in Escherichia coli using a CcaS/CcaR system. CcaR is phosphorylated by green light and is dephosphorylated by red light. Phosphorylated CcaR induces gene expression under the cpcG2 promoter. The tpiA gene was expressed under the cpcG2 promoter in a genomic tpiA deletion strain. The strain was then cultured with glucose minimum medium under green or red light. We found that tpiA messenger RNA level under green light was four times higher than that under red light. The repression of tpiA expression led to a decrease in glycolytic flux, resulting in slower growth under red light (0.25 hr −1) when compared to green light (0.37 hr −1). The maximum extracellular MGO concentration under red light (0.2 mM) was higher than that under green light (0.05 mM). These phenotypes confirm that the MGO pathway flux was enhanced under red light.  相似文献   

Chu CH  Lai YJ  Huang H  Sun YJ 《Proteins》2008,71(1):396-406
Triosephosphate isomerase (TIM) catalyzes the interconversion between dihydroxyacetone phosphate and D-glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate in the glycolysis-gluconeogenesis metabolism pathway. The Helicobacter pylori TIM gene (HpTIM) was cloned, and HpTIM was expressed and purified. The enzymatic activity of HpTIM for the substrate GAP was determined (K(m) = 3.46 +/- 0.23 mM and k(cat) = 8.8 x 10(4) min(-1)). The crystal structure of HpTIM was determined by molecular replacement at 2.3 A resolution. The overall structure of HpTIM was (beta/alpha)beta(beta/alpha)(6), which resembles the common TIM barrel fold, (beta/alpha)(8); however, a helix is missing after the second beta-strand. The conformation of loop 6 and binding of phosphate ion suggest that the determined structure of HpTIM was in the "closed" state. A highly conserved Arg-Asp salt bridge in the "DX(D/N)G" motif of most TIMs is absent in HpTIM because the sequence of this motif is "(211)SVDG(214)." To determine the significance of this salt bridge to HpTIM, four mutants, including K183S, K183A, D213Q, and D213A, were constructed and characterized. The results suggest that this conserved salt bridge is not essential for the enzymatic activity of HpTIM; however, it might contribute to the conformational stability of HpTIM.  相似文献   

The process of thermal inactivation of triosephosphate isomerase covalently attached to a silica-based support activated with p-benzoquinone was found to be a complex one. At 50 degrees C, a characteristic activation preceding the thermal inactivation was observed. Following the intramolecular changes caused by heat, the values of K(M) and V(max) were determined during the activation. It was presumed that the complex thermal inactivation kinetics reflects the microheterogeneity of the immobilized enzyme molecules. The phosphate ion proved to be a better stabilizer than the substrate. (c) 1992 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Triosephosphate isomerase (TIM) is a major enzyme in the glycolytic pathway, which catalyzes the interconversion of glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate to dihydroxyacetone phosphate. Here, we report cloning, expression and purification of a catalytically active recombinant TIM of Leishmania donovani (LdTIM). The recombinant LdTIM had a pH optimum in the range of 7.2-9.0, found stable at 25°C for 30 min and K(m) and V(max) for the substrate glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate was 0.328±0.02mM and 10.05mM/min/mg, respectively. The cysteine-reactive agent methylmethane thiosulphonate (MMTS) was used as probe, in order to test its effect on enzyme activity. The MMTS induced 75% enzyme inactivation within 15 min at 250 μM concentration. The biochemical characterization of LdTIM described in this work is the essential step towards deeper understanding of its role in parasite survival. The purification of LdTIM in bioactive form provides important tools for further functional and structural studies.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of leishmania triosephosphate isomerase (TIM) complexed with 2-(N-formyl-N-hydroxy)-aminoethyl phosphonate (IPP) highlights the importance of Asn11 for binding and catalysis. IPP is an analogue of the substrate D-glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate, and it is observed to bind with its aldehyde oxygen in an oxyanion hole formed by ND2 of Asn11 and NE2 of His95. Comparison of the mode of binding of IPP and the transition state analogue phosphoglycolohydroxamate (PGH) suggests that the Glu167 side chain, as well as the triose part of the substrate, adopt different conformations as the catalysed reaction proceeds. Comparison of the TIM-IPP and the TIM-PGH structures with other liganded and unliganded structures also highlights the conformational flexibility of the ligand and the active site, as well as the conserved mode of ligand binding.  相似文献   

Human triosephosphate isomerase (TIM) deficiency is a very rare disease, but there are several mutations reported to be causing the illness. In this work, we produced nine recombinant human triosephosphate isomerases which have the mutations reported to produce TIM deficiency. These enzymes were characterized biophysically and biochemically to determine their kinetic and stability parameters, and also to substitute TIM activity in supporting the growth of an Escherichia coli strain lacking the tim gene. Our results allowed us to rate the deleteriousness of the human TIM mutants based on the type and severity of the alterations observed, to classify four “unknown severity mutants” with altered residues in positions 62, 72, 122 and 154 and to explain in structural terms the mutation V231M, the most affected mutant from the kinetic point of view and the only homozygous mutation reported besides E104D.  相似文献   

Electrostatic interactions have a central role in some biological processes, such as recognition of charged ligands by proteins. We characterized the binding energetics of yeast triosephosphate isomerase (TIM) with phosphorylated inhibitors 2-phosphoglycollate (2PG) and phosphoglycolohydroxamate (PGH). We determined the thermodynamic parameters of the binding process (Kb, ΔGb, ΔHb, ΔSb and ΔCp) with different concentrations of NaCl, using fluorimetric and calorimetric titrations in the conventional mode of ITC and a novel method, multithermal titration calorimetry (MTC), which enabled us to measure ΔCp in a single experiment. We ruled out specific interactions of Na+ and Cl- with the native enzyme and did not detect significant linked protonation effects upon the binding of inhibitors. Increasing ionic strength (I) caused Kb, ΔGb and ΔHb to become less favorable, while ΔSb became less unfavorable. From the variation of Kb with I, we determined the electrostatic contribution of TIM−2PG and TIM−PGH to ΔGb at I = 0.06 M and 25 °C to be 36% and 26%, respectively. The greater affinity of PGH for TIM is due to a more favorable ΔHb compared to 2PG (by 19-24 kJ mol-1 at 25 °C). This difference is compatible with PGH establishing up to five more hydrogen bonds with TIM. Both binding ΔCps were negative, and less negative with increasing ionic strength. ΔCps at I = 0.06 M were much more negative than predicted by surface area models. Water molecules trapped in the interface when ligands bind to protein could explain the highly negative ΔCps. Thermodynamic binding functions for TIM−2PG changed more with ionic strength than those for TIM−PGH. This greater dependence is consistent with linked, but compensated, protonation equilibriums yielding the dianionic species of 2PG that binds to TIM, process that is not required for PGH.  相似文献   

《Animal behaviour》1988,36(4):1098-1109
The importance of courtship song rhythms in Drosophila to molecular and behaviour genetics led to an attempt to verify them. Two songs considered rhythmic by one of the two workers who first reported this behaviour were found to be arrhythmic because the analysis used earlier was inappropriate for identifying song cycles. Using time series analyses by spectral analysis and autocorrelation, no fly showed the sinusoidal pattern in its song claimed by the earlier workers. These findings require recent research concerned with Drosophila song rhythms to be re-evaluated.  相似文献   

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