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四叶叩甲属Tetralobus lepeletier是叩甲科中体形最大的一个属,全世界已知49种,绝大部分分布于非洲,少数几种分布在澳洲,亚洲仅记录3种,分别分布在越南、印度和新加坡,作者发现其中一种巨四叶叩甲T.perroti Fleutiaux在我国四川也有分布,为中国新记录属种。属征体极大型,宽厚;唇基长宽,向上与额交接成直角或锐角。触角1.1节:雄性扇状,即从第4节开始各节侧生有一宽叶片;雌性锯齿状,第2、3节相当小。小盾片三角形。鞘翅长而宽。后胸腹板大,前侧片宽,后侧片明显;后基片近于平行,后缘波状。跗节逐节增长,第1—4节腹面具有宽大的叶片。种征体长…  相似文献   

丽叩甲属Campsosternus是叩甲科中较大形而且十分美丽的一个类群,全身具有明亮的金属光泽,很易识别。该属由法国Latreille 1834年建立,属模种为C.auratus(Drury);在此之前,所发表的丽叩甲种类大多归属在当时的叩甲属Elater中。十九世纪下半叶法国学者Candeze在他的叩甲专著中将这个类群归属在绒鳞叩甲族Chalcolepidiides中,大多数学者沿用了这一系统,并进行了适当的调整,将绒鳞叩甲族上升为绒鳞叩甲亚科Chalcolepidiinae。Fleutiaux 1927年将丽叩甲属从绒鳞叩甲亚  相似文献   

作者在整理、鉴定山西省叩甲科种类时,发现一中国新记录种,兹报道如下:虎斑叩甲Selatosomusonerosus(Lewis,1894)(图1) Corymbites onerosus Lewis,1894:Ann.Mag.nat.Hist.(6)13:260. 体中型,被灰白色细毛。头黑色,扁平。额前缘中部无额脊,不与唇基相分离。额、上唇、唇基几乎呈一平面。触角黑褐色,第  相似文献   

中国短角叩甲属记述(鞘翅目:叩甲科)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
江世宏 《四川动物》1994,13(2):84-85
中国短角叩甲属记述(鞘翅目:叩甲科)江世宏华中农业大学植保系武汉430070短角叩甲属Vuilletus隶属于叩甲科中的叩甲亚科Elaterinae,由Fleutiaux1939年建立,模式种为AgonischiusaltusCandeze,全世界已...  相似文献   

文章描述产自辽宁省北票市姜家沟中侏罗统海房沟组的叩甲化石1新属1新种,Sinolithomerus dolini gen.etsp.nov.,归入原槽缝叩甲亚科(Protagrypninae)。叩甲科化石最早发现于早侏罗世,侏罗纪是叩甲昆虫演化发展的重要阶段,在中侏罗世至晚侏罗世早期产生明显的辐射演化。晚侏罗世以前叩甲化石目前很少报道,而笔者最近几年在内蒙古道虎沟中侏罗统九龙山组发现了大量叩甲化石。因此,海房沟组叩甲化石的发现,对叩甲早期多样性、古地理分布以及地层对比提供了依据。  相似文献   

基于28S rDNA 的叩甲科分子系统发育关系研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
【目的】通过对叩甲科(Elateridae)昆虫核糖体28S rDNA基因片段序列进行比较,从分子水平研究叩甲科昆虫的系统发育关系,并和传统分类结果相比较,为我国叩甲科分类系统的论证和进一步修订奠定基础。【方法】将自测的我国9种(含两个地理种群)共10个叩甲科昆虫样品的28S rDNA基因片段序列与GenBank报道的32种叩甲科昆虫进行同一性比较,用DNAStar Lasergene v 7.1.0和MEGA4.0(NJ法、MP法和ME法)构建分子系统发育树。【结果】在获得的890 bp的序列中,保守位点477个,占全部位点的56.1%;简约位点291个,占全部位点的34.2%;G+C的平均含量为63.9%,明显高于A+T的平均含量,碱基组成偏向G和C;转换(transition)稍高于颠换(transversion)。遗传距离分析表明叩甲科昆虫各亚科内各种间遗传距离在0.000~0.130之间变动,明显小于各亚科之间的遗传距离。不同的系统发育树都支持叩甲科为一单系群,并将10个亚科聚为4个聚类簇:聚类簇Ⅰ为梳爪叩甲亚科(Melanotinae)+叩甲亚科(Elaterinae),聚类簇Ⅱ为槽缝叩甲亚科(Agrypninae)+萤叩甲亚科(Pyrophorinae)+单叶叩甲亚科(Conoderinae),聚类簇Ⅲ为小叩甲亚科(Negastriinae)+心盾叩甲亚科(Cardiophorinae),聚类簇Ⅳ为齿胸叩甲亚科(Denticollinae)+尖鞘叩甲亚科(Oxynopterinae)和异角叩甲亚科(Pityobiinae)。它们来源于2个支系,支系1包含聚类簇Ⅰ,支系2包含聚类簇Ⅱ、聚类簇Ⅲ和聚类簇Ⅳ,而Senodonia quadricollis总是单独作为一支与其他叩甲分开。【结论】本研究证实了过去基于成虫和幼虫形态为基础的分类系统的基本合理性,一是叩甲科为一单系类群;二是叩甲科可明显地分为4个簇群;三是心盾叩甲亚科(Cardiophorinae)为一单系类群,但其他许多亚科存在并系的情况,特别是Senodonia quadricollis的归属还需进一步论证。28S rDNA 序列分析是一种很好的研究叩甲科从种级到科级各类群间的系统发育关系的方法。  相似文献   

叩甲科昆虫是叩甲总科中最大的一科,广泛分布于全世界。但是直到现在叩甲科的分类系统还存在着不确定的地方,因为早期的分类系统是基于成虫和幼虫的外部形态特征建立的,很多的族、属、甚至亚科的划分都有争议。本研究利用核糖体28S rD NA片段,对国内采集的叩甲科昆虫共80种进行系统发育分析。分析中还采用了Gen Bank已有的86种叩甲科昆虫序列作为内群,14种外群,利用邻接法、最大似然法、最大简约法和贝叶斯法构建系统发育树。不同方法构建的系统发育树结构相同,并部分支持了基于外部形态特征建立的分类系统。结果显示,叩甲科共分为5个分支,分别为齿胸叩甲亚科分支、小叩甲亚科分支、心盾叩甲亚科分支、萤叩甲亚科分支以及叩甲亚科分支。其中,方胸叩甲属属于叩甲科类群,在系统树中却更加接近于红萤科,并且外群中萤科的位置也与以前的观点不同。研究的结果支持叩甲科昆虫具有良好的单系性。并且根据结果提出以下假设:尖鞘叩甲亚科、异角叩甲亚科和胖叩甲亚科可以纳入齿胸叩甲亚科内部;单叶叩甲亚科和槽缝叩甲亚科并入萤叩甲亚科;梳爪叩甲亚科并入叩甲亚科。这个结论还需要引入更多的种类及分子标记来加以证实。  相似文献   

于有志  任国栋 《昆虫知识》1994,31(2):114-116
朽木甲科Alleculidae包括两个亚科[1~4],即朽木甲亚科Alleculinae和花粉甲亚科Omophlilinae。作者在整理拟步甲科幼虫标本时发现朽木甲科花粉甲亚科的二种幼虫,分别为裸足甲属CteniopinusSeidl..和狭胸甲属SteneryxRentt,现将其形态特征分述如下。1花粉甲亚科幼虫的主要特征体长圆筒形,2~8腹节不具侧板缝,足适于挖掘,前足明显较中后足粗长,附爪骨化强,前定腿、转节有球状刚毛(图1:5),图IO腹板不形成尾足,上颚端部钝具2端齿(图2:4),舌骨明显前伸,触角3节,幼虫土栖。花粉甲亚科两属幼虫检索表第1腹节侧板维明显,触…  相似文献   

文章描述产自辽宁省北票市姜家沟中侏罗统海房沟组的叩甲化石1新属1新种,Sinolithomerus dolini gen.et sp.nov.,归入原槽缝叩甲亚科(Protagrypninae)。叩甲科化石最早发现于早侏罗世,侏罗纪是叩甲昆虫演化发展的重要阶段,在中侏罗世至晚侏罗世早期产生明显的辐射演化。晚侏罗世以前叩甲化石目前很少报道,而笔者最近几年在内蒙古道虎沟中侏罗统九龙山组发现了大量叩甲化石。因此,海房沟组叩甲化石的发现,对叩甲早期多样性、古地理分布以及地层对比提供了依据。  相似文献   

【目的】本研究旨在明确莱氏猛叩甲Tetrigus lewisi老熟幼虫分别对黄粉虫Tenebrio molitor和松墨天牛Monochamus alternatus末龄幼虫和蛹的捕食量的差异,评估莱氏猛叩甲的捕食能力,为松墨天牛M.alteratus的有效治理找到潜在的高效生物防治因子。【方法】于2014年11月在浙江富阳昌东村马鞍山砍下松墨天牛虫害木,通过林间野外调查,明确松墨天牛和莱氏猛叩甲的发生情况;将野外采集到的莱氏猛叩甲幼虫带回室内,分别饲喂黄粉虫和松墨天牛的末龄幼虫和蛹,每天记录捕食量,确定莱氏猛叩甲的捕食能力。【结果】野外调查中,我们在松墨天牛幼虫蛀食的坑道中发现了莱氏猛叩甲幼虫和松墨天牛幼虫被取食后的残体;在采集到1 094头松墨天牛幼虫的危害木内,共采得莱氏猛叩甲末龄幼虫36头,约为松墨天牛幼虫数量的3%。室内捕食实验表明,5 d内莱氏猛叩甲捕食黄粉虫幼虫总量为3.2头,平均每天捕食约0.6头,而捕食松墨天牛幼虫总量为8.0头,平均每天捕食约1.6头,莱氏猛叩甲对松墨天牛的总捕食量显著高于对黄粉虫幼虫的总捕食量(P0.0001);4 d内莱氏猛叩甲捕食黄粉虫蛹总量为5.6头,平均每天捕食约1.4头,而捕食松墨天牛蛹总量为7.8头,平均每天捕食约2.0头,莱氏猛叩甲对松墨天牛蛹的捕食量显著高于黄粉虫蛹(P=0.028)。回归分析还表明,莱氏猛叩甲幼虫的捕食量不受叩甲个体大小的影响。【结论】莱氏猛叩甲普遍分布在松墨天牛发生区,同时发现松墨天牛被取食后的残体,表明莱氏猛叩甲是松墨天牛的捕食性天敌。莱氏猛叩甲均能捕食黄粉虫和松墨天牛的幼虫和蛹;相比于捕食黄粉虫,莱氏猛叩甲对松墨天牛的幼虫和蛹具有更好的捕食效率,具有很好的生物防治前景,是未来松墨天牛治理潜在高效生物防治因子。  相似文献   

The genital characters of some click beetles from the tribes Agrypnini and Conoderini of the subfamily Agrypninae are reviewed. The structural features of male sternite IX, aedeagus, and bursa copulatrix are shown to have great diagnostic value for supraspecific taxa. Based on these characters, the distinctness of the genus Compsolacon Rtt. is confirmed and the taxonomic position of some species from the tribe Conoderini is clarified. Agrypnus cordicollis (Cand.) is recorded for the Russian fauna for the first time.  相似文献   

A new species of the Actinomadura genus, A. fastidiosa sp. nov., is described. The ultrastructure of the vegetative mycelium and spores of this organism was studied. The vegetative cells have a multilayered cell wall, often consisting of five layers with different thickness and electron density. The spores are similar to the vegetative cells by their inner structure but have a thicker wall.  相似文献   

对中国锥头螽属Pyrgocorypha Stl,1873的种类进行了研究,并记述了1新种和2新组合,新组合为中国新纪录种。模式标本均保存在中国科学院上海昆虫博物馆。  相似文献   

The phylogeny of the genus Aleochara was previously poorly understood due to difficulties with phylogenetic reconstruction by morphological characters. We present here a phylogeny based on the sequences of a 2022-bp fragment of the COI/II genes; 50 Aleochara and 10 outgroup species were included in the analysis. We used parsimony, minimum-evolution, and maximum-likelihood analyses to infer the phylogeny of the group. Our data do not support the commonly assumed sister group relationship between Aleocharini and Hoplandriini. Aleochara is resolved as a monophylum, although A. clavicornis might not belong to the genus. Within Aleochara, there are two large monophyletic clades. Many of the existing subgenera are shown to be para- or polyphyletic; others are likely to be monophyletic. Tinotus morion, previously assigned to the Hoplandriini, is strongly supported as belonging to Aleochara. According to our data, the mesosternal carina that has been used as an important character for classification has arisen and been reduced independently in several clades within Aleochara.  相似文献   

对致病性暗色霉中的着色霉(Fonsecaea Negroni)外瓶霉(Exophiala Charmichael)瓶霉(Phialophoro Medlar)中的五种真菌浆膜超微结构进行了冰冻蚀刻研究,发现裴氏着色霉(Fonsecaea pedrosoi)和紧密着色霉(F.compacta)的内折长而宽,较深,略有弯曲,数量少,多呈平行或垂直排列。皮炎外瓶霉(Exophiala dermatitidis)的内折数量多,密集而分布均匀,呈圆点状或圆棒状。棘状外瓶霉(Exophiala spinifera)的内折少而表浅,多为圆形。疣状瓶霉(Phialophora verrucosa)的内折数量,排列,形状无一定规律。据上述特征,着色霉可以与外瓶霉,疣状瓶霉区别开来,皮炎外瓶霉也可与棘状外瓶霉区分。浆膜超微结构的性状有一定的分类学意义。  相似文献   

在云南腾冲采到稻蝗属1新种,郑氏稻蝗Oxya zhengisp.nov.。新种近似于小稻蝗Oxya intricata (Stl),主要区别:1)雌雄个体均较粗壮,前翅短,仅到达后足股节中部;2)雄性中胸腹板侧叶间中隔较狭,长为宽的3倍;3)雌性下产卵瓣外缘无明显突出的钝齿,仅具细齿;4)雄性阳茎基背片内冠突较大,呈三角形。  相似文献   

For the first time in the south of the Russian Far East in the Late Pleistocene cave deposits, fragments of the giant flying squirrel of the genus Petaurista were discovered. Petaurista tetyukhensis n. sp. is described based on a fragment of the upper jaw with two teeth and five isolated teeth from two cave locations. The main differences between the new species and living forms as well as other fossil species of the genus Petaurista are the absence of vertical groove on the lingual wall between the protocone and hypocone on M2, the absence of the anterior cross loph on the upper P4-M3, and the absence of mesoconids on lower, as a result of which the hypoflexid is not w-shaped. It is suggested that the Sikhote-Alin refugium allowed individual species to survive there during long unfavourable period of time and was the centre of speciation.  相似文献   

A new genus and species of flower beetle, Paleotrichius dominicanus, n. gen., n. sp. (Coleoptera: Cetoniidae: Trichinae) is described from Dominican amber. The new taxon is distinguished from all other New World trichines by the combination of the shape of the clypeus, pronotum, protibia, the femoral and tibial armature, the mesosternal process separating the middle coxae, the distinct strial pattern on the elytra and the approximate claws. The beetle may have been quite colourful and a strong flyer attracted to flowers. The larvae most likely developed in decaying hardwoods in the Dominican amber forest. This is the first amber representative of the family Cetoniidae.  相似文献   

The ultrastructure of mature Lagorchestes hirsutus spermatozoa is described for the first time, revealing unusual aspects of sperm structure in macropodid species. The sperm head is ovoid rather than cuneiform, lacks a ventral nuclear groove and has an acrosomal distribution over approximately 85–90% of its dorsal surface. Immediately adjacent to the nuclear membrane the peripheral nucleoplasm in most spermatozoa form an irregular series of distinctive evaginations previously not described in the spermatozoa of any other marsupial. The midpiece is extremely thickened and short, containing no helical network or peripheral plasma membrane specializations. Axonemal structure is unspecialized with no connecting lamellae; dense outer fibres are closely adherent to axonemal doublets. The sperm morphology of this species is highly aberrant in comparison to other macropod taxa and supports the retention of Lagorchestes as a distinctive genus. In light of this new information, skeletal and serological data should be re‐evaluated to determine the true taxonomic and phylogenetic position of this species.  相似文献   

The homology of pharynges within the mostly pharynx-less Acoela has been a matter of discussion for decades. Here, we analyze the pharynges of three members of the Solenofilomorphidae, Myopea sp. and two species of the genus Solenofilomorpha, by means of light and transmission electron microscopy. Special focus is placed on the ultrastructure of the pharyngeal musculature, epidermis surrounding the mouth, pharyngeal epithelium, and junction with the digestive parenchyma. The main goal of this study was to evaluate the usefulness of certain characters for broader comparisons within the Acoela. Among the three species, characters relating to position of the mouth, presence and elaboration of sphincter muscles, presence of pharyngeal glands, and ultrastructure of epitheliosomes proved to be variously species- and genus-specific. The arrangement of pharyngeal muscles and their connection with body wall musculature, ultrastructure of receptor cells, and morphology of a nonciliated glandular region in the posterior pharynx, in contrast, appear to be characteristic of the family Solenofilomorphidae and thus of predominant interest for comparisons with other acoel families.  相似文献   

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