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Here we report on a method that extends the study of the mechanical behavior of single proteins to the low force regime of optical tweezers. This experimental approach relies on the use of DNA handles to specifically attach the protein to polystyrene beads and minimize the non-specific interactions between the tethering surfaces. The handles can be attached to any exposed pair of cysteine residues. Handles of different lengths were employed to mechanically manipulate both monomeric and polymeric proteins. The low spring constant of the optical tweezers enabled us to monitor directly refolding events and fluctuations between different molecular structures in quasi-equilibrium conditions. This approach, which has already yielded important results on the refolding process of the protein RNase H (Cecconi et al. in Science 309: 2057-2060, 2005), appears robust and widely applicable to any protein engineered to contain a pair of reactive cysteine residues. It represents a new strategy to study protein folding at the single molecule level, and should be applicable to a range of problems requiring tethering of protein molecules.  相似文献   

The paper describes the combination of optical tweezers and single molecule fluorescence detection for the study of protein-DNA interaction. The method offers the opportunity of investigating interactions occurring in solution (thus avoiding problems due to closeby surfaces as in other single molecule methods), controlling the DNA extension and tracking interaction dynamics as a function of both mechanical parameters and DNA sequence. The methods for establishing successful optical trapping and nanometer localization of single molecules are illustrated. We illustrate the experimental conditions allowing the study of interaction of lactose repressor (lacI), labeled with Atto532, with a DNA molecule containing specific target sequences (operators) for LacI binding. The method allows the observation of specific interactions at the operators, as well as one-dimensional diffusion of the protein during the process of target search. The method is broadly applicable to the study of protein-DNA interactions but also to molecular motors, where control of the tension applied to the partner track polymer (for example actin or microtubules) is desirable.  相似文献   

According to the cross-bridge theory (Huxley, 1957) [1], the interaction between myosin and actin is governed by a deterministic process where the myosin molecule pulls the actin filament in one specific direction only. However, studies on single myosin-actin interactions produced displacements of actin not only in the preferred but also in the opposite direction. This phenomenon is typically referred to as backward steps by the myosin head. Molloy et al. (1995) [2] speculated that these backward steps are not caused by the molecular interactions of actin with myosin but are an artifact of the Brownian motion associated with these molecular level experiments. The aim of this study was to investigate, whether a theoretical model can support Molloy’s speculation. We therefore developed a theoretical model of actin-myosin based muscle contraction that was strictly based on Huxley’s assumption of one stepping direction only, but incorporated Brownian motion, as observed in single cross-bridge-actin interactions. The mathematical model is based on Langevin equations describing the classical three-bead laser trap setup and uses a novel semi-analytical approach to study the percentage of backward steps. We analyzed the effects of different initial actin attachment site distribution and laser trap stiffness on the ratio of forward to backward steps. Our results demonstrate that backward steps and the classical cross-bridge theory are perfectly compatible in a three-bead laser trap setup.  相似文献   

Riboswitches regulate gene expression via ligand binding to an aptamer domain which induces conformational changes in a regulatory expression platform. By unfolding and refolding single add adenine riboswitch molecules in an optical trap, an integrated picture of the folding was developed and related to the regulatory mechanism. Force-extension curves (FECs) and constant-force folding trajectories measured on the aptamer alone revealed multiple partially-folded states, including several misfolded states not on the native folding pathway. All states were correlated to key structural components and interactions within hierarchical folding pathways. FECs of the full-length riboswitch revealed that the thermodynamically stable conformation switches upon ligand binding from a structure repressing translation to one permitting it. Along with rapid equilibration of the two structures in the absence of adenine, these results support a thermodynamically-controlled regulatory mechanism, in contrast with the kinetic control of the closely-related pbuE adenine riboswitch. Comparison of the folding of these riboswitches revealed many similarities arising from shared structural features but also essential differences related to their different regulatory mechanisms.  相似文献   

Riboswitches are highly structured cis-acting elements located in the 5'-untranslated region of messenger RNAs that directly bind small molecule metabolites to regulate gene expression. Structural and biochemical studies have revealed riboswitches experience significant ligand-dependent conformational changes that are coupled to regulation. To monitor the coupling of ligand binding and RNA folding within the aptamer domain of the purine riboswitch, we have chemically probed the RNA with N-methylisatoic anhydride (NMIA) over a broad temperature range. Analysis of the temperature-dependent reactivity of the RNA in the presence and absence of hypoxanthine reveals that a limited set of nucleotides within the binding pocket change their conformation in response to ligand binding. Our data demonstrate that a distal loop-loop interaction serves to restrict the conformational freedom of a significant portion of the three-way junction, thereby promoting ligand binding under physiological conditions.  相似文献   

Recent structural evidence indicates that the light chain domain of the myosin head (LCD) bends on the motor domain (MD) to move actin. Structural models usually assume that the actin-MD interface remains static and the possibility that part of the myosin working stroke might be produced by rotation about the acto-myosin interface has been neglected. We have used an optical trap to measure the movement produced by proteolytically shortened single rabbit skeletal muscle myosin heads (S-1(A1) and S-1(A2)). The working stroke produced by these shortened heads was more than that which the MD-LCD bend mechanism predicts from the full-length (papain) S-1’s working stroke obtained under similar conditions. This result indicates that part of the working stroke may be caused by motor action at the actin-MD interface.  相似文献   

Chen G  Wen JD  Tinoco I 《RNA (New York, N.Y.)》2007,13(12):2175-2188
RNA unfolding and folding reactions in physiological conditions can be facilitated by mechanical force one molecule at a time. By using force-measuring optical tweezers, we studied the mechanical unfolding and folding of a hairpin-type pseudoknot in human telomerase RNA in a near-physiological solution, and at room temperature. Discrete two-state folding transitions of the pseudoknot are seen at approximately 10 and approximately 5 piconewtons (pN), with ensemble rate constants of approximately 0.1 sec(-1), by stepwise force-drop experiments. Folding studies of the isolated 5'-hairpin construct suggested that the 5'-hairpin within the pseudoknot forms first, followed by formation of the 3'-stem. Stepwise formation of the pseudoknot structure at low forces are in contrast with the one-step unfolding at high forces of approximately 46 pN, at an average rate of approximately 0.05 sec(-1). In the constant-force folding trajectories at approximately 10 pN and approximately 5 pN, transient formation of nonnative structures were observed, which is direct experimental evidence that folding of both the hairpin and pseudoknot takes complex pathways. Possible nonnative structures and folding pathways are discussed.  相似文献   

Derek R. Dee 《朊病毒》2016,10(3):207-220
Protein sequences are evolved to encode generally one folded structure, out of a nearly infinite array of possible folds. Underlying this code is a funneled free energy landscape that guides folding to the native conformation. Protein misfolding and aggregation are also a manifestation of free-energy landscapes. The detailed mechanisms of these processes are poorly understood, but often involve rare, transient species and a variety of different pathways. The inherent complexity of misfolding has hampered efforts to measure aggregation pathways and the underlying energy landscape, especially using traditional methods where ensemble averaging obscures important rare and transient events. We recently studied the misfolding and aggregation of prion protein by examining 2 monomers tethered in close proximity as a dimer, showing how the steps leading to the formation of a stable aggregated state can be resolved in the single-molecule limit and the underlying energy landscape thereby reconstructed. This approach allows a more quantitative comparison of native folding versus misfolding, including fundamental differences in the dynamics for misfolding. By identifying key steps and interactions leading to misfolding, it should help to identify potential drug targets. Here we describe the importance of characterizing free-energy landscapes for aggregation and the challenges involved in doing so, and we discuss how single-molecule studies can help test proposed structural models for PrP aggregates.  相似文献   

A new approach for optically sequencing ensembles of single DNA molecules using DNA polymerase to mediate the consecutive incorporation of fluorochrome-labeled nucleotides into an array of large single DNA molecules is presented. The approach utilizes cycles of labeled fluorochrome addition, detection to count incorporations, and bleaching to reset the counter. These additions are imaged and analyzed to estimate the number of labeled additions and to correlate them on a per-locus basis along DNA backbones. Initial studies used precisely labeled polymerase chain reaction products to aid the development and validation of simple models of fluorochrome point spread functions within the imaging system. In complementary studies, nucleotides labeled with the fluorochrome R110 were incorporated into surface-elongated lambda DNA, and fluorescent signals corresponding to the addition of R110-dUTP were counted and assigned precise loci along DNA backbones. The labeled DNAs were then subjected to photobleaching and to a second cycle of addition of R110-labeled nucleotides-a second round of additions was correlated with the first to establish strings of addition histories among the ensemble of largely double-stranded templates. These results confirm the basic operational validity of this approach and point the way to the development of a practical system for optical sequencing.  相似文献   

单战  张凯  郭江峰 《微生物学通报》2014,41(8):1655-1660
核糖开关(Riboswitch)具有RNA结构,是位于mRNA 5′非编码区的RNA传感器。在无任何蛋白质因子参与下,可特异性地直接结合代谢产物,使自身构象发生相应变化,启动或阻断mRNA的转录、翻译、拼接等过程来调控基因的表达。某些Riboswitch可应用于抗菌药物研发。本文综述了Flavin mononucleotide riboswitch(FMN riboswitch)三维结构、基因表达调控的机制及热力学、动力学的研究进展,为基于FMN riboswitch的合理药物设计奠定了基础,并对开发新一代抗菌药物进行了展望。  相似文献   

Optical trapping (synonymous with optical tweezers) has become a core biophysical technique widely used for interrogating fundamental biological processes on size scales ranging from the single-molecule to the cellular level. Recent advances in nanotechnology have led to the development of ‘nanophotonic tweezers,’ an exciting new class of ‘on-chip’ optical traps. Here, we describe how nanophotonic tweezers are making optical trap technology more broadly accessible and bringing unique biosensing and manipulation capabilities to biological applications of optical trapping.  相似文献   

A powerful new approach has become much more widespread and offers insights into aspects of DNA repair unattainable with billions of molecules. Single molecule techniques can be used to image, manipulate or characterize the action of a single repair protein on a single strand of DNA. This allows search mechanisms to be probed, and the effects of force to be understood. These physical aspects can dominate a biochemical reaction, where at the ensemble level their nuances are obscured. In this paper we discuss some of the many technical advances that permit study at the single molecule level. We focus on DNA repair to which these techniques are actively being applied. DNA repair is also a process that encompasses so much of what single molecule studies benefit – searching for targets, complex formation, sequential biochemical reactions and substrate hand-off to name just a few. We discuss how single molecule biophysics is poised to transform our understanding of biological systems, in particular DNA repair.  相似文献   

Recent technological advances in lasers and optical detectors have enabled a variety of new, single molecule technologies to be developed. Using intense and highly collimated laser light sources in addition to super-sensitive cameras, the fluorescence of single fluorophores can now be imaged in aqueous solution. Also, laser optical tweezers have enabled the piconewton forces produced by pair of interacting biomolecules to be measured directly. However, for a researcher new to the field to begin to use such techniques in their own research might seem a daunting prospect. Most of the equipment that is in use is custom-built. However, most of the equipment is essence fairly simple and the aim of this article is to provide an entry point to the field for a newcomer. It focuses mainly on those practical aspects which are not particularly well covered in the literature, and aims to provide an overview of the field as a whole with references and web links to more detailed sources elsewhere. Indeed, the opportunity to publish an article such as this on the Internet affords many new opportunities (and more space!) for presenting scientific ideas and information. For example, we have illustrated the nature of optical trap data with an interactive Java simulation; provided links to relevant web sites and technical documents, and included a large number of colour figures and plots. Our group’s research focuses on molecular motors, and the bias of this article reflects this. It turns out that molecular motors have been a paradigm (or prototype) for single molecule research and the field has seen a rapid development in the techniques. It is hoped that the methods described here will be broadly applicable to other biological systems.This is an interactive contribution, which can be accessed at:  相似文献   

光镊是由美国科学家Arthur Ashkin于1986年发明的,是一种利用高度汇聚的激光束产生的三维梯度势阱来俘获、操纵微小粒子的技术。因其可俘获、操纵单个细胞,并在细胞和亚细胞层次上为生物医学研究提供方便,近年来,已越来越多地被应用于生物医学研究中。本文在介绍光镊的原理和特点的基础上,阐述了光镊(尤其是拉曼光镊)技术在生物医学领域中的研究进展、现状和展望。  相似文献   

Base-pair mismatches that occur during DNA replication or recombination can reduce genetic stability or conversely increase genetic diversity. The genetics and biophysical mechanism of mismatch repair (MMR) has been extensively studied since its discovery nearly 50 years ago. MMR is a strand-specific excision-resynthesis reaction that is initiated by MutS homolog (MSH) binding to the mismatched nucleotides. The MSH mismatch-binding signal is then transmitted to the immediate downstream MutL homolog (MLH/PMS) MMR components and ultimately to a distant strand scission site where excision begins. The mechanism of signal transmission has been controversial for decades. We have utilized single molecule Forster Resonance Energy Transfer (smFRET), Fluorescence Tracking (smFT) and Polarization Total Internal Reflection Fluorescence (smP-TIRF) to examine the interactions and dynamic behaviors of single Thermus aquaticus MutS (TaqMutS) particles on mismatched DNA. We determined that TaqMutS forms an incipient clamp to search for a mismatch in ∼1 s intervals by 1-dimensional (1D) thermal fluctuation-driven rotational diffusion while in continuous contact with the helical duplex DNA. When MutS encounters a mismatch it lingers for ∼3 s to exchange bound ADP for ATP (ADP  ATP exchange). ATP binding by TaqMutS induces an extremely stable clamp conformation (∼10 min) that slides off the mismatch and moves along the adjacent duplex DNA driven simply by 1D thermal diffusion. The ATP-bound sliding clamps rotate freely while in discontinuous contact with the DNA. The visualization of a train of MSH proteins suggests that dissociation of ATP-bound sliding clamps from the mismatch permits multiple mismatch-dependent loading events. These direct observations have provided critical clues into understanding the molecular mechanism of MSH proteins during MMR.  相似文献   



Single-molecule techniques have emerged as incisive approaches for addressing a wide range of questions arising in contemporary biological research [Trends Biochem Sci 38:30–37, 2013; Nat Rev Genet 14:9–22, 2013; Curr Opin Struct Biol 2014, 28C:112–121; Annu Rev Biophys 43:19–39, 2014]. The analysis and interpretation of raw single-molecule data benefits greatly from the ongoing development of sophisticated statistical analysis tools that enable accurate inference at the low signal-to-noise ratios frequently associated with these measurements. While a number of groups have released analysis toolkits as open source software [J Phys Chem B 114:5386–5403, 2010; Biophys J 79:1915–1927, 2000; Biophys J 91:1941–1951, 2006; Biophys J 79:1928–1944, 2000; Biophys J 86:4015–4029, 2004; Biophys J 97:3196–3205, 2009; PLoS One 7:e30024, 2012; BMC Bioinformatics 288 11(8):S2, 2010; Biophys J 106:1327–1337, 2014; Proc Int Conf Mach Learn 28:361–369, 2013], it remains difficult to compare analysis for experiments performed in different labs due to a lack of standardization.


Here we propose a standardized single-molecule dataset (SMD) file format. SMD is designed to accommodate a wide variety of computer programming languages, single-molecule techniques, and analysis strategies. To facilitate adoption of this format we have made two existing data analysis packages that are used for single-molecule analysis compatible with this format.


Adoption of a common, standard data file format for sharing raw single-molecule data and analysis outcomes is a critical step for the emerging and powerful single-molecule field, which will benefit both sophisticated users and non-specialists by allowing standardized, transparent, and reproducible analysis practices.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s12859-014-0429-4) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Thermal motions of microscopic probes limit the possibilities of experiments that are designed to resolve single-macromolecule dynamics in aqueous conditions. We investigate theoretical strategies for maximizing signal-to-noise ratios or resolution in typical situations, illustratin+g our discussion with examples from optical tweezers and atomic force microscopy experiments. A central result is that the viscous drag on a micromechanical probe is more important than the compliance of the probe. Within limits, increased stiffness of an AFM cantilever or of an optical trap does not increase resolution, and decreased stiffness does not provide the possibility of less invasive measurements. Received: 15 August 1997 / Accepted: 11 September 1997  相似文献   

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