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The section Brunnei was extensively studied based on material from North Europe. To stabilise the nomenclature we studied the relevant types of taxa included in this section. Phylogenetic relationships and species limits were investigated using rDNA ITS sequences and the results were compared with the morphological data. We recognised 11 species: Cortinarius brunneus, C. clarobrunneus comb. nov., C. coleoptera, C. ectypus, C. gentilis, C. glandicolor (neotypified), C. pseudorubricosus, and four species described as new C. caesiobrunneus, C. albogaudis, C. carabus, and C. cicindela. They are described here and their taxonomy, ecology, distribution, and relationships are discussed. In addition, a key to species of the section Brunnei is provided. A total of 77 new sequences of 11 species are published including nine type sequences. Also the taxonomic assignments of sequences in the public databases belonging to the section Brunnei are revised.  相似文献   

Fomitiporia punicata sp. nov., collected from Shaanxi Province, northern China, and so far exclusively on Punica granatum (Punicaceae), is described and illustrated, and its preliminary phylogenetic relationships are inferred based on sequence data from the ribosomal ITS-5.8S regions. Fomitiporia punicata belongs to the F. robustaF. punctata complex, but is characterized by an effused–reflexed to pileate basidioma with triquetrous to ungulate pilei, pale yellowish brown to cinnamon brown pore surface, moderately thick-walled skeletal hyphae in the context, which are partly collapsed on drying, lack of setae, presence of fusoid to subulate cystidioles, and growth on Punica. It also forms a distinct clade within Fomitiporia, and is related to some species from the temperate or Mediterranean zone of the northern hemisphere. An identification key to the species of Fomitiporia recorded in China is provided. Fomitiporia tibetica is transferred to Pseudoinonotus.  相似文献   

Ectomycorrhizas (EMs) are mutualistic associations between soil fungi and plant roots. Although the physical interaction occurs only in roots, mycorrhizas may alter the physiology of the whole plant, resulting in changes in host responses to abiotic stress. To elucidate the influence of an ectomycorrhizal fungus on leaf physiology and performance under salt stress, we analysed the levels of nutrient elements, phytohormones, carbohydrates, amino compounds and fatty acids in leaves of Populus × canescens. The poplars were cultivated either in the presence or absence of Paxillus involutus and either with or without salt stress imposed by 150 mM NaCl. Leaves of ectomycorrhizal plants displayed higher quantum yield of photochemistry (ΦPSII), increased concentrations of phosphorus and potassium, decreased concentrations of galactose, increased concentrations of the stress metabolite γ-amino butyric acid and a lower unsaturated-to-saturated fatty acid ratios than those of non-ectomycorrhizal plants. Salt exposure of P. × canescens led to leaf chlorosis and shedding, decreases in ΦPSII, K+-to-Na+ ratio, 9Z-hexadecenoic acid, 9Z-octadecenoic acid and unsaturated-to-saturated fatty acid ratio, and increases in ABA, glucose, fructose and some amino compounds. Under salinity leaves of ectomycorrhizal plants showed an alleviation of leaf chlorosis, improved water status, higher ΦPSII and K+-to-Na+ ratio, less accumulation of major amino compounds and lower unsaturated-to-saturated fatty acid ratios than those of non-mycorrhizal plants. These results indicate that ectomycorrhizas attenuate salinity induced injury in leaves of P. × canescens, which may be ascribed to the improved nutrient status, osmo-regulation and changes in fatty acid composition in leaves of ectomycorrhizal plants.  相似文献   

Three new and one previously described species of Clavulina (Clavulinaceae, Cantharellales, Basidiomycota) are reported from the central Guiana Shield region from tropical rainforests dominated by ectomycorrhizal trees of the leguminous genus Dicymbe (Fabaceae subfam. Caesalpinioideae). We provide morphological, DNA sequence, habitat, and fruiting occurrence data for each species. The new species conform to a generic concept of Clavulina that includes coralloid, branched basidiomata with amphigenous hymenia, basidia with two or 2−4 incurved sterigmata and postpartal septa present or absent, and smooth, hyaline, guttulate basidiospores. Placements of the new species in Clavulina were corroborated with DNA sequence data from the internal transcribed spacer and large subunit of the nuclear ribosomal repeat, and their infrageneric relationships were examined with phylogenetic analyses based on DNA from the region coding for the second largest subunit of DNA-dependent RNA polymerase II (rpb2). To facilitate future studies of the genus in the neotropics, a key is provided for all Clavulina species described from the lowland neotropics.  相似文献   

The genus Agaricus was recently rearranged to accommodate numerous tropical taxa. Accordingly, the genus was split into six subgenera and 22 sections of which 12 are included in A. subg. Pseudochitonia. Preliminary data indicated that three putative new species belong to this subgenus. Our objectives were to describe these species, to determine to which sections they belong, and to experience the interest of some traditional traits in this new context. We morphologically described Agaricus coniferarum from France and Portugal, Agaricus iranicus from Iran, and Agaricus lusitanicus from Portugal. Multi-gene phylogenetic analyses based on ITS, LSU, and tef1 sequence data of representatives of the 12 sections clearly indicated that A. coniferarum and A. lusitanicus are placed in Agaricus sect. Bohusia, while A. iranicus is in A. sect. Sanguinolenti. Incidentally, we replaced the illegitimate name Agaricus magnivelaris by Agaricus fiardianus. In a phylogenetic tree, based on all available ITS sequence data and focussing on six related sections, we examined the phylogenetic distribution of various characters. The intensity of red discolouration when the sporocarp is rubbed or cut appeared as a phylogenetically weak informative trait. We propose a determination key leading to a group of three hardly distinguishable sections (Bohusia, Nigrobrunnescentes, and Sanguinolenti).  相似文献   

The subgenus Epicterodes Wehrli, 1933 of Arichanna Moore, 1868 is reviewed. Six species are recognized, of which, A. (E). denticularia sp. nov. is described as new to science from China. One new synonym is established based on morphological and genetic similarity: A. (E.) flavomacularia Leech, 1897 (=A. (E.) perimelaina Wehrli, 1933 syn. nov.). Results of DNA barcoding for Epicterodes are briefly discussed. Diagnoses for all the species are provided and illustrations of adults, genitalia and distribution map are presented.  相似文献   

Three new species of Lactarius are described from Northeast China, based on morphological comparisons and analyses on ITS nrDNA sequences. Samples of these species were mostly collected from deciduous or mixed forests with oaks. Lactarius albidocinereus, a member of L. subg. Plinthogalus is very similar to European L. azonites in the morphology and the sequence data. It differs from L. azonites by more ellipsoid spores with thinner ornamentation and shorter terminal cells in the pileipellis. Lactarius dilutisalmoneus belongs to L. sect. Zonarii of L. subg. Lactarius due to the pale salmoneus subzonate pileus with glabrous margin, unchanging latex and spore ornamentation composed of isolated elements. In comparison with its relatives, i.e. European L. zonarioides and North American L. olympianus, this new species has smaller spores with more prominent ornamentation. Lactarius olivaceorimosellus, a member of L. subg. Russularia, has areolate-rimulose pileus and lacks rosettes in the pileus and stipe cortex. Apart from the concentrically cracked pileus and absence of rosettes, the species can be easily distinguished by the olivaceo-brownish tinge of the pileus and spores with more dispersed elements of the ornamentation. Of the three species, at least L. albidocinereus represents a link with the Lactarius mycota of subtropical China.  相似文献   

The purpose of our research is to investigate the morphology, zoospore ultrastructure, and molecular phylogenetic placement of a chytrid from Australia. From a survey of chytrid fungi in New South Wales, Australia, we isolated strain PL AUS 026 and putatively identified it as Polyphlyctis unispina. Light microscopic evaluation determined strain PL AUS 026 to be similar to two other strains of P. unispina characterized in the literature but to have a more complex thallus than that of the type. Molecular phylogenetic analyses placed our strain as sister of or basal to Chytridiaceae, Chytridiales. Ultrastructural analysis of the zoospore of strain PL AUS 026 revealed unique features. On the basis of our analyses we designate strain PL AUS 026 as a new species, Polyphlyctis willoughbyi. This research extends our concept of Chytridiaceae systematics and ultrastructural variation in the Chytridiales zoospore.  相似文献   

Four red-pigmented isolates, with optimum growth temperatures of approximately 55–60 °C and an optimum pH for growth between 7.5 and 8.5, were recovered from hot springs in Central France. Phylogenetic analysis of the 16S rRNA gene sequences showed that these organisms represented a new species of the genus Meiothermus. The new isolates could be distinguished from other strains of the species of the genus Meiothermus primarily by the glycolipid profile and fatty acid composition because these organisms lacked the hydroxy fatty acids and the glycolipid variant GL-1a found in all other isolates of the species of Meiothermus examined. On the basis of the results presented here we propose the name Meiothermus rufus for the new species, which is represented by strains CAL-4T (=DSM 22234T=LMG 24878T) and CAL-12 (=DSM 22235=LMG 24879). We also propose emending the genus Meiothermus to include strains that have only one glycolipid instead of two glycolipid variants.  相似文献   

Liparis aureolabella and L. mengziensis, two new species from the karst region of southwestern China, and L. bingzhongluoensis, a new species from montane region in Yunnan, are described and illustrated. L. aureolabella is easily distinguished from its relatives by having abaxially purple leave with purple reticulate veins prominent adaxially, a lip auriculate at base, and falcate-lanceolate pollinia. Liparis mengziensis is closely related to L. petiolata and L. auriculata, but differs from them by having an ovate to broadly ovate leaf, purple lip and apex connate along the margins. Liparis bingzhongluoensis is similar to Liparis nanlingensis, but the new species is characterized by having a lip with two transparent ridges on its disc, longitudinally concave basal callus and triangular column wings. Phylogenetic analyses based on nuclear ribosomal ITS and plastid matK sequences showed that L. aureolabella and L. mengziensis are nested with L. petiolata or L. auriculata in a monophyletic clade. L. bingzhongluoensis is sister to a clade formed by L. nanlingensis, L. tsii, L. sasakii and L. krameri. Moreover, morphological comparisons strongly support that the three species as separated species newly to science.  相似文献   

Common ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia) is an invasive and highly allergenic plant species, on which two species, Plasmopara halstedii and Plasmopara angustiterminalis, have been recognized to cause downy mildew disease. In this study, morphological and molecular patterns of seven Plasmopara specimens collected from A. artemisiifolia in Canada, Hungary, and USA were compared with those of P. halstedii and P. angustiterminalis from Helianthus and Xanthium, respectively. Analyses of partial sequences of three genes, namely those for the large subunit (28S) of rDNA, cytochrome c oxidase subunit II (COX2), and NADH dehydrogenase subunit I (ND1) of mtDNA, were carried out to examine the phylogenetic relationships among these specimens using both Bayesian and maximum parsimony methods. All the phylogenetic analyses revealed that the downy mildew pathogens infecting A. artemisiifolia in Hungary and North America clearly represent a lineage distinct from other Plasmopara taxa investigated. The shape of sporangia and the width of trunks and branches also allowed the separation of the specimens parasitic to A. artemisiifolia from P. halstedii on Helianthus annuus and P. angustiterminalis on Xanthium strumarium. Surprisingly, the Hungarian and the Canadian specimens were more closely related to each other than to those from the USA based on COX2 and ND1 mtDNA data, although the D1/D2/D3 sequences of 28S rDNA were identical in all these Plasmopara specimens. The regional distribution of the mtDNA haplotypes seen in this study suggests a transatlantic migration has occurred and would be interesting to follow up with a more detailed sampling. To investigate the diversity within P. halstedii sensu lato, infecting different host plant species, specimens from six asteraceous genera, Ambrosia, Flaveria, Helianthus, Siegesbeckia, Solidago, and Xanthium, were also included in molecular analyses. These represented six distinct lineages according to the host plant genera. These findings might serve as a basis for a taxonomical reassessment of the P. halstedii complex and also for the delimitation of several well-defined species within this complex.  相似文献   

The structural study of several Quaternary specimens of the radiolarian species Stylotrochus asteros Tan and Chen, 1999 proves that this species does not belong to this genus or to other Cenozoic genera so far known. This species has a large lenticular lattice cortical shell with one face convex and the other one concave or flat, and an initial skeleton inside it consisting of a small tumour-shaped spongy structure attached to the convex side. Given these peculiarities of this species, the author erects for it the genus Tanochenia nov. gen.  相似文献   

A new kinorhynch genus, Meristoderes gen. nov., and two new species from Spain and the Solomon Islands, respectively, are described. The new genus is distinguished from all other genera by the first segment consisting of a closed cuticular ring, and the second segment having partial tergosternal junctions, and a superficial midventral fold. This is a new cuticular configuration that may shed light into the phylogenetic relationships of echinoderid kinorhynchs. Meristoderes macracanthus gen. et sp. nov. from the Mediterranean coast of Spain is recognised by the presence of middorsal spines on segments 4, 6 and 8, ventrolateral tubules on segment 2, lateroventral tubules on segment 5, lateroventral spines on segments 6-9, lateral accessory tubules on segment 8, one pair of laterodorsal tubules on segment 10. Meristoderes galatheae sp. nov. from the Solomon Islands is recognized by having a middorsal spine on segment 4 only, ventrolateral tubules on segment 2, lateroventral tubules on segment 5, lateroventral spines on segments 6-9, lateral accessory tubules on segment 8 and subdorsal tubules on segment 10. Both species have a pattern of paraventral perforation site clusters on segments 3-9, with conspicuously long bracteate hairs from the posteriormost perforations sites on the segments 3-7 and 3-6, respectively.The new genus Meristoderes gen. nov. is included into the family Echinoderidae Bütschli, 1876 and appears closely related with the genera Cephalorhyncha Adrianov, 1999 and Echinoderes Claparède, 1863. The new information it provides is discussed to clarify the internal phylogeny of Echinoderidae. The terminology for cuticular characters in the overlapping area between consecutive segments is also standardized.  相似文献   

GieysztoriaRuebush and Hayes, 1939, the most species-rich genus of limnic rhabdocoels (Platyhelminthes: Dalyelliidae), is subdivided into several groups based on stylet morphology. Most taxa are known from the Palearctic and the Neotropics. Very little is known about limnic, free-living flatworms in other tropical and subtropical regions. In this contribution five new species of Gieysztoria are described from India, Australia and South Africa, all former Gondwanan fragments. Gieysztoria garudae n. sp., G. ashokae n. sp. and G. ramayana n. sp. were collected in Goa (India), G. stokesi n. sp. in the Northern Territory (Australia) and G. zuluensis n. sp. in KwaZulu-Natal (South Africa). All these new species share a typical, very complex stylet morphology, which deviates strongly from that of the groups into which the bulk of the other species within this genus are classified. Therefore a new subgroup, the “Falcatae”, is erected. In addition, four known species could also be included in this subgroup. Possible homologies, common ancestry and biogeographic distribution patterns are discussed.  相似文献   

A new species in the genus Myriostoma (Geastraceae, Basidiomycota) is described from Australia. Phylogenetic analyses of the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) and large subunit (LSU) of nuclear ribosomal DNA, as well as morphological data are evidence that the new species, Myriostoma australianum, is closely related to M. capillisporum from South Africa. Additional collections under M. coliforme from Brazil and USA (New Mexico) were analyzed and confirmed as belonging to M. calongei.  相似文献   

The family Kareniaceae is mostly known in France for recurrent blooms of Karenia mikimotoi in the Atlantic, English Channel, and Mediterranean Sea and for the unusual green discoloration in the saltwater lagoon of Diana (Corsica) caused by Karlodinium corsicum in April 1994. In terms of diversity, this taxonomic group was long overlooked owing to the difficult identification of these small unarmored dinoflagellates. In this study, thanks to the molecular characterization performed on single cells from field samples and cultures, twelve taxonomic units were assigned to the known genera Karenia, Karlodinium and Takayama, whereas one could not be affiliated to any described genus. The molecular phylogeny inferred from the D1–D2 region of the LSU rDNA showed that five of them formed a sister taxon of a known species, and could not be identified at species-level, on the basis of molecular analysis only. Among these latter taxa, one Karlodinium which was successfully cultured was investigated by studying the external morphological features (using two procedures for cells fixation), ultrastructure, pigment composition, and haemolytic activity. The results of our analyses corroborate the genetic results in favour of the erection of Karlodinium gentienii sp. nov., which possesses an internal complex system of trichocysts connected to external micro-processes particularly abundant in the epicone, and a peculiar pigment composition. In addition, preliminary assays showed a haemolytic activity.  相似文献   

Steccherinum cremicolor and S. elongatum are described and illustrated as new species from Taiwan. Steccherinum cremicolor is characterized by strictly resupinate basidiocarps, a fimbriate margin, short spines, generative hyphae dominating in the trama and subiculum, encrusted skeletocystidia, and ellipsoid basidiospores. Steccherinum elongatum has strictly resupinate and membranaceous basidiocarps, bearing fairly long spines, generative hyphae-dominated subiculum, elongated skeletocystidia, and ellipsoid to subglobose basidiospores.  相似文献   

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