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This paper represents the first continuous dissolved organic carbon (DOC) record, measured in a stream draining an Atlantic blanket bog in South West Ireland for the calendar year 2007. At 30-min intervals, the DOC concentration was automatically measured using an in-stream spectroanalyser whose variation compared well with laboratory analysed samples taken by a 24-bottle auto-sampler. The concentration of DOC ranged from 2.7 to 11.5 mg L?1 with higher values during the summer and lower values during the winter. A simple linear regression model of DOC concentration versus air temperature of the previous day was found, suggesting that temperature more than discharge was controlling the DOC concentration in the stream. The change in DOC concentration with storm events showed two patterns: (1) in the colder period: the DOC concentration seemed to be independent of changes in stream flow; (2) in the warmer period: the DOC concentration was found to rise with increases in stream flow on some occasions and to decrease with increasing stream flow on other occasions. The annual export of DOC for 2007 was 14.1 (±1.5) g C m?2. This value was calculated using stream discharge data that were determined by continuously recorded measurements of stream height. The flux of DOC calculated with the 30-min sampling was compared with that calculated based on lower sampling frequencies. We found that sampling frequency of weekly or monthly were adequate to calculate the annual flux of DOC in our study site in 2007.  相似文献   

Bord na Móna (the Irish PeatDevelopment Corporation) began peatextraction at Bellacorick, in County Mayo,in the north-west of Ireland in 1961. Thepeat production area comprised 8000 ha ofAtlantic blanket bog. To date, about 25%of the area has been taken out ofproduction as the peat resources wereexhausted. The cutaway landscape isheterogeneous, with some intact bogremnants among gravel hills bared throughpeat erosion, shallow acid highly-humifiedpeat deposits overlying relatively levelglacial till, and occasional pockets ofmineral-enriched peat in depressions. Theaims of the work described here are (a) toprovide a baseline vegetation survey of thecutaway, (b) to test potential managementtools for accelerating re-vegetation, and(c) to promote the re-establishment ofpeatland characteristics where possible.Thirteen plant communities were recorded onthe cutaway bog at Bellacorick. Extensiveareas of cutaway are colonised by Juncus effusus. Peatland communities havedeveloped where the drainage of cutaway hasbeen impeded and the water-table remains ator above the surface. Remnants of intactAtlantic blanket bog within the productionarea provide a local source of propagulesfor colonisation of adjacent bare cutaway.They also constitute locations for plantswith restricted distributions within theproduction area.Experimental plots were used to show thepositive impacts of (a) re-wetting ofcutaway surfaces in promoting thecolonisation and spread of Sphagnum,and (b) ridging of exposed gravel till thatprovides waterlogged and sheltered furrowsin which accelerated plant colonisationtakes place.A management plan is currently beingdevised for the rehabilitation of theBellacorick cutaway. Bog remnants should bemaintained as an essential part ofrehabilitation management. Rehabilitationwill include restoration of peat-formingconditions facilitated by waterlogging,which has been shown in experimental trialsto be enhanced by dam construction,infilling of drains and surface ridging. AtBellacorick, it is evident that, with time,peat-forming conditions can be restoredwith minimal management and economic cost.  相似文献   

Green  Sophie M.  Baird  Andy J.  Evans  Chris D.  Peacock  Mike  Holden  Joseph  Chapman  Pippa J.  Smart  Richard P. 《Plant and Soil》2018,424(1-2):619-638
Plant and Soil - There is growing interest in how the rewetting of drained peatlands can restart their carbon (C) sink function. However, there are few studies on the effect of ditch blocking on...  相似文献   

The presence of methanogenic bacteria was assessed in peat and soil cores taken from upland moors. The sampling area was largely covered by blanket bog peat together with small areas of red-brown limestone and peaty gley. A 30-cm-deep core of each soil type was taken, and DNA was extracted from 5-cm transverse sections. Purified DNA was subjected to PCR amplification with primers IAf and 1100Ar, which specifically amplify 1.1 kb of the archaeal 16S rRNA gene, and ME1 and ME2, which were designed to amplify a 0.75-kb region of the alpha-subunit gene for methyl coenzyme M reductase (MCR). Amplification with both primer pairs was obtained only with DNA extracted from the two deepest sections of the blanket bog peat core. This is consistent with the notion that anaerobiosis is required for activity and survival of the methanogen population. PCR products from both amplifications were cloned, and the resulting transformants were screened with specific oligonucleotide probes internal to the MCR or archaeal 16S rRNA PCR product. Plasmid DNA was extracted from probe-positive clones of both types and the insert was sequenced. The DNA sequences of 8 MCR clones were identical, as were those of 16 of the 17 16S rRNA clones. One clone showed marked variation from the remainder in specific regions of the sequence. From a comparison of these two different 16S rRNA sequences, an oligonucleotide was synthesized that was 100% homologous to a sequence region of the first 16 clones but had six mismatches with the variant. This probe was used to screen primary populations of PCR clones, and all of those that were probe negative were checked for the presence of inserts, which were then sequenced. By using this strategy, further novel methanogen 16S rRNA variants were identified and analyzed. The sequences recovered from the peat formed two clusters on the end of long branches within the methanogen radiation that are distinct from each other. These cannot be placed directly with sequences from any cultured taxa for which sequence information is available.  相似文献   

Identifying adaptive genetic variation is a challenging task, in particular in non-model species for which genomic information is still limited or absent. Here, we studied distribution patterns of amplified fragment length polymorphisms (AFLPs) in response to environmental variation, in 13 alpine plant species consistently sampled across the entire European Alps. Multiple linear regressions were performed between AFLP allele frequencies per site as dependent variables and two categories of independent variables, namely Moran's eigenvector map MEM variables (to account for spatial and unaccounted environmental variation, and historical demographic processes) and environmental variables. These associations allowed the identification of 153 loci of ecological relevance. Univariate regressions between allele frequency and each environmental factor further showed that loci of ecological relevance were mainly correlated with MEM variables. We found that precipitation and temperature were the best environmental predictors, whereas topographic factors were rarely involved in environmental associations. Climatic factors, subject to rapid variation as a result of the current global warming, are known to strongly influence the fate of alpine plants. Our study shows, for the first time for a large number of species, that the same environmental variables are drivers of plant adaptation at the scale of a whole biome, here the European Alps.  相似文献   

Sr : Ca ratios measured in the otoliths of sea‐caged Atlantic salmon Salmo salar showed distinct seasonal peaks that were unrelated to water temperature and somatic growth, suggesting other factors have a greater influence on strontium deposition. Atlantic salmon remained in the sea‐cages for two seasons, or equivalent to two‐seawinter fish in the wild and were subjected to seasonally varying temperatures. Water temperature appeared to be inversely related to the Sr : Ca ratios, but this relationship was statistically not significant. Furthermore, water temperature could not explain the distinct increase in the strontium during the second year. The intensity of the Sr peaks increased in the second season while average winter water temperatures were consistent between years. Additionally, strontium deposition in the otoliths was unrelated to somatic growth. Somatic growth, as evidenced by circuli spacings on the scales, was largely invariant and therefore could not explain the observed peaks. Though not explicitly measured, the data are consistent with the notion that strontium deposition is a function of maturity state in Atlantic salmon.  相似文献   

The abundance of returning adult Atlantic salmon Salmo salar, in the River Orkla in mid‐norway (1 sea‐winter, SW, fish) and River Hals in north Norway (1–3 SW fish), was tested against the early marine feeding and the seawater temperature experienced by their corresponding year classes of post‐smolts immediately after entry into the Trondheimsfjord (Orkla smolts, 22 years of data) and Altafjord (Hals smolts, 17 years of data). In both river–fjord systems, there was a significant positive correlation between the abundance of returning S. salar and the mean seawater temperature at the time of smolts descending to the sea. The number of 1SW fish reported caught in River Orkla was positively correlated to the proportion of fish larvae in the post‐smolt stomachs in Trondheimsfjord. The abundance of returning S.salar was, however, neither correlated to forage ratio (RF) nor other prey groups in post‐smolt stomachs in the two fjord systems. In the Altafjord, the post‐smolts fed mainly on pelagic fish larva (70–98%) and had a stable RF (0·009–0·023) over the 6 years analysed. In the Trondheimsfjord, however, there was a higher variation in RF (0·003–0·036), and pelagic fish larvae were dominant prey in only two (50 and 91%) of the 8 years analysed. These 2 years also showed the highest return rates of S. salar in River Orkla. These results demonstrate that the thermal conditions experienced by post‐smolts during their early sea migration may be crucial for the subsequent return rate of adults after 1–3 years at sea. Pelagic marine fish larvae seem to be the preferred initial prey for S. salar post‐smolts. As the annual variation in abundance of fish larvae is related to seawater temperature, it is proposed that seawater temperature at sea entry and the subsequent abundance of returning adult S. salar may be indirectly linked through variation in annual availability of pelagic fish larvae or other suitable food items in the early post‐smolt phase.  相似文献   

FlhB, an integral membrane protein, gates the type III flagellar export pathway of Salmonella. It permits export of rod/hook-type proteins before hook completion, whereupon it switches specificity to recognize filament-type proteins. The cytoplasmic C-terminal domain of FlhB (FlhBC) is cleaved between Asn-269 and Pro-270, defining two subdomains: FlhBCN and FlhBCC. Here, we show that subdomain interactions and cleavage within FlhB are central to substrate-specificity switching. We found that deletions between residues 216 and 240 of FlhBCN permitted FlhB cleavage but abolished function, whereas a deletion spanning Asn-269 and Pro-270 abolished both. The mutation N269A prevented cleavage at the FlhBCN-FlhBCC boundary. Cells producing FlhB(N269A) exported the same amounts of hook-capping protein as cells producing wild-type FlhB. However, they exported no flagellin, even when the fliC gene was being expressed from a foreign promoter to circumvent regulation of expression by FlgM, which is itself a filament-type substrate. Electron microscopy revealed that these cells assembled polyhook structures lacking filaments. Thus, FlhB(N269A) is locked in a conformation specific for rod/hook-type substrates. With FlhB(P270A), cleavage was reduced but not abolished, and cells producing this protein were weakly motile, exported reduced amounts of flagellin and assembled polyhook filaments.  相似文献   

Recent accelerated decay of discontinuous permafrost at the Stordalen Mire in northern Sweden has been attributed to increased temperature and snow depth, and has caused expansion of wet minerotrophic areas leading to significant changes in carbon cycling in the mire. In order to track these changes through time and evaluate potential forcing mechanisms, this paper analyses a peat succession and a lake sediment sequence from within the mire, providing a record for the last 100 years, and compares these with monitored climate and active layer thickness data. The peat core was analysed for testate amoebae to reconstruct changes in peatland surface moisture conditions and water table fluctuations. The lake sediment core was analysed by near infrared spectroscopy to infer changes in the total organic carbon (TOC) concentration of the lake‐water, and changes in δ13C and C, N and δ15N to track changes in the dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) pool and the influence of diagenetic effects on sediment organic matter, respectively. Results showed that major shifts towards increased peat surface moisture and TOC concentration of the lake‐water occurred around 1980, one to two decades earlier than a temperature driven increase in active layer thickness. Comparison with monitored temperature and precipitation from a nearby climate station indicates that this change in peat surface moisture is related to June–September (JJAS) precipitation and that the increase in lake‐water TOC concentration reflects an increase in total annual precipitation. A significant depletion in 13C of sediment organic matter in the early 1980s probably reflects the effect of a single or a few consecutive years with anomalously high summer precipitation, resulting in elevated DIC content of the lake water, predominantly originating from increased export and subsequent respiration of organic carbon from the mire. Based on these results, it was not possible to link proxy data obtained on peat and lake‐sediment records directly to permafrost decay. Instead our data indicate that increased precipitation and anomalously high rainfall during summers had a significant impact on the mire and the adjacent lake ecosystem. We therefore propose that effects of increased precipitation should be considered when evaluating potential forcing mechanisms of recent changes in carbon cycling in the subarctic.  相似文献   

Over 200 years ago Alexander von Humboldt (1808) observed that plant and animal diversity peaks at tropical latitudes and decreases toward the poles, a trend he attributed to more favorable temperatures in the tropics. Studies to date suggest that this temperature–diversity gradient is weak or nonexistent for Bacteria and Archaea. To test the impacts of temperature as well as pH on bacterial and archaeal diversity, we performed pyrotag sequencing of 16S rRNA genes retrieved from 165 soil, sediment and biomat samples of 36 geothermal areas in Canada and New Zealand, covering a temperature range of 7.5–99 °C and a pH range of 1.8–9.0. This represents the widest ranges of temperature and pH yet examined in a single microbial diversity study. Species richness and diversity indices were strongly correlated to temperature, with R2 values up to 0.62 for neutral–alkaline springs. The distributions were unimodal, with peak diversity at 24 °C and decreasing diversity at higher and lower temperature extremes. There was also a significant pH effect on diversity; however, in contrast to previous studies of soil microbial diversity, pH explained less of the variability (13–20%) than temperature in the geothermal samples. No correlation was observed between diversity values and latitude from the equator, and we therefore infer a direct temperature effect in our data set. These results demonstrate that temperature exerts a strong control on microbial diversity when considered over most of the temperature range within which life is possible.  相似文献   

Ozone (O3) fumigation is a potential quarantine treatment alternative for controlling stored-product pests and surface insect pests on fresh agricultural commodities. We explored the effects of temperature, treatment time, controlled atmospheres, and vacuum in combination with O3 to control two important pests of ornamental crops: western flower thrips, Frankliniella occidentalis (Pergande), and longtailed mealybug, Pseudococcus longispinus Targioni Tozzetti. Treatment parameters tested were O3 concentrations from 0 to 3,800 ppm, treatment durations were from 30 to 120 min, vacuums were from 0 to 0.41 bar below ambient, temperatures were from 32.2 to 40.6 degrees C, and controlled atmospheres were composed primarily of nitrogen, carbon dioxide, or breathing air [BA]. Treatment efficacy was enhanced by higher O3 concentration and temperature, lower oxygen, and longer treatment times. Reduced pressure was not an important factor. Mealybugs were more difficult to kill than thrips. A 30-min treatment of O3 at approximately 200 ppm in 100% CO2 at 37.8 degrees C killed 47.9 and 98.0% of mealybugs and adult female thrips, respectively. All of the ornamentals tested were damaged to some degree by O3 treatments. However, crops with thick leaves such as orchids exhibited little damage, and the waxy portions of certain flowers were not damaged. The results suggest that O3 has potential as a quarantine treatment to control thrips and mealybugs on selected commodities.  相似文献   

Nitrogen (N) deposition has increased in the last few decades with implications for the functioning of Sphagnum mosses, the main peat forming genus in peatlands. However, there are few in situ measurements of the carbon balance, especially where the N additions have been realistically manipulated in the field, and none with respect to the effect of N form. The aim of this study was to look at the effects of experimental N additions as oxidized or reduced N, with and without phosphorus (P) and potassium (K), on CO2 fluxes from Sphagnum capillifolium hummocks in a long-term N addition experiment, Whim bog, in the Scottish Borders. In situ static chamber measurements were made during 2008 on 20 plots (control, and N treatments receiving 56 kg N ha−1 y−1 of either nitrate (NO3) or ammonium (NH4+) added, with and without PK) to assess N effects on CO2 exchange. Almost all the measured fluxes were negative, i.e. Sphagnum hummocks lost CO2 to the atmosphere, irrespective of the treatments applied. N treatment did not have a significant effect on ecosystem respiration (ER) or net ecosystem productivity (NEP) but adding PK with N increased gross photosynthesis (PG) significantly, compared to the other treatments. Summed monthly averages of NEP for each treatment indicated that increasing N deposition increased CO2 loss from the system. The form of N affected the response: compared to the control, adding nitrate increased the CO2 loss more than ammonium, both with and without PK. Nitrogen (both forms) increased the ecosystem respiration fluxes at a certain temperature, adding PK with N further enhanced the response. The positive (increasing) temperature response of ecosystem respiration with N suggests that in high N deposition areas the potential increase in ecosystem respiration, CO2 loss, will be exacerbated with climate change.  相似文献   

Methane emissions from fen,bog and swamp peatlands in Quebec   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
A static chamber technique was used weekly from spring thaw to winter freezing to measure methane emissions from 10 sites representing subarctic fens and temperate swamps and bogs. Rates of < 200 mg CH4 m–2 d–1 were recorded in subarctic fens: within-site emissions were primarily controlled by the evolution of the peat thermal regime, though significant releases during spring thaw were recorded at some sites. Between subarctic fens, topography and water table elevation were important controls on methane emissions, with the general sequence: pool = horizontal fen> string. Emission rates from the 2 swamp sites were lower (< 20 mg CH4 m–2 d–1 ), except during the spring thaw and when the sites were saturated. The low water table ( < 80 cm depth) in abnormally dry years reduced emission rates; rates were also low from a swamp site which had been drained and cleared of vegetation for horticulture. Methane emission rates were also low (< 5 mg CH4 m–2 d–1) from 2 ombrotrophic bog sites. Laboratory measurements of rates of methane production under anaerobic conditions and methane consumption under aerobic conditions revealed that production rates were generally highest in the surface layers (0 to 2.5 cm depth); production was high in the fens and very low in the bogs. The swamp samples were able to produce methane under anaerobic conditions, but were also able to consume methane under aerobic conditions. Annual methane emission rates are estimated to be 1 to 10 g CH4 m–2 from the fens, 1 to 4 g CH4 m–2 from the swamps and <0.2 g CH4 m–2 from the bogs and drained swamp.  相似文献   

In March 2002, 3 seawater farms in northern Norway experienced high mortality among Atlantic salmon postsmolts. A myxosporean parasite assigned to the genus Parvicapsula was detected in the pseudobranchs of diseased fish, and extensive destruction of this organ was observed. The parasite was also found in the gills, liver and kidney of some fish. Based on host species, spore morphology, and the unusual site preference of the parasite, it is likely that it represents a hitherto undescribed species. The diseased fish had been transferred to seawater in September 2001, and it is believed that the infection took place shortly after exposure to seawater. The source of infection is unknown.  相似文献   

The superfamily of fibroblast growth factors (FGF), which counts 22 members in humans, exerts many functions during animal development and adult life. LET-756 is one of the two FGFs of the nematode C. elegans. Re-introduction of LET-756 in a null mutant strain restores viability, allowing the study of structural requirements for LET-756 trafficking and function. LET-756 protein has several regions and motifs, including a non-classical internal motif required for secretion. We show here that a main difference in the wild-type LET-756 molecule and a truncated molecule that mimics a partial loss-of-function mutant lies on subnuclear expression. Using Cos-1 cells and rescue activity we show that: (i) nuclear localization is due to various redundant NLS, one of them acting as a nucleolar localization signal; (ii) nuclear LET-756 is addressed to the speckles by a stretch of glutamine residues; (iii) nuclear LET-756 is trafficking between speckles and nucleoli; (iv) in the nucleolus, LET-756 is associated with proteins of the rRNA splicing compartment; (v) changing LET-756 secretion signal prevents its nuclear localization. We propose that LET-756 exerts its functions through a balance between secreted and nuclear forms due to two opposite addressing signals, (i) synergy of several NLS and (ii) attenuated secretion signal.  相似文献   

A classic example of ecophysiological adaptation is the observation that animals from hot arid environments have lower basal metabolic rates (BMRs, ml O2min-1) than those from non-arid (luxuriant) ones. However, the term 'arid' conceals within it a multitude of characteristics including extreme ambient temperatures (Ta, degrees C) and low annual net primary productivities (NPPs, gCm-2), both of which have been shown to correlate with BMR. To assess the relationship between environmental characteristics and metabolic rate in birds, we collated BMR measurements for 92 populations representing 90 wild-caught species and examined the relationships between BMR and NPP, Ta, annual temperature range (Tr), precipitation and intra-annual coefficient of variation of precipitation (PCV). Using conventional non-phylogenetic and phylogenetic generalized least-squares approaches, we found no support for a relationship between BMR and NPP, despite including species captured throughout the world in environments spanning a 35-fold range in NPP. Instead, BMR was negatively associated with Ta and Tr, and positively associated with PCV.  相似文献   

Restriction analysis of mitochondrial DNA was used to study genetic variation and geographic population structure of Atlantic cod from localities around Iceland. Gene phylogenies were constructed and geographic locations superimposed on these. The variation was not localized. Estimated gene flow was large. Thus, Atlantic cod in Iceland belong to a single genetic population. Analyses of published sequence variation of cod from Norway and Newfoundland showed that the extensive continuity of intraspecific phylogeny of cod in Iceland, which is very similar to other marine organisms with a similar life history, extends from Norway to Newfoundland and possibly to larger areas of the Atlantic.  相似文献   

Wet deposition of nitrogen (N) occurs in oxidized (nitrate) and reduced (ammonium) forms. Whether one form drives vegetation change more than the other is widely debated, as field evidence has been lacking. We are manipulating N form in wet deposition to an ombrotrophic bog, Whim (Scottish Borders), and here report nine years of results. Ammonium and nitrate were provided in rainwater spray as NH4Cl or NaNO3 at 8, 24 or 56 kg N ha?1 yr?1, plus a rainwater only control, via an automated system coupled to site meteorology. Detrimental N effects were observed in sensitive nonvascular plant species, with higher cumulative N loads leading to more damage at lower annual doses. Cover responses to N addition, both in relation to form and dose, were species specific and mostly dependent on N dose. Some species were generally indifferent to N form and dose, while others were dose sensitive. Calluna vulgaris showed a preference for higher N doses as ammonium N and Hypnum jutlandicum for nitrate N. However, after 9 years, the magnitude of change from wet deposited N on overall species cover is small, indicating only a slow decline in key species. Nitrogen treatment effects on soil N availability were likewise small and rarely correlated with species cover. Ammonium caused most N accumulation and damage to sensitive species at lower N loads, but toxic effects also occurred with nitrate. However, because different species respond differently to N form, setting of ecosystem level critical loads by N form is challenging. We recommend implementing the lowest value of the critical load range where communities include sensitive nonvascular plants and where ammonium dominates wet deposition chemistry. In the context of parallel assessment at the same site, N treatments for wet deposition showed overall much smaller effects than corresponding inputs of dry deposition as ammonia.  相似文献   

1. Previous research shows that canopy‐associated shifts from an algal to a detritus‐based food web can affect anuran tadpoles negatively. This may not be true of salamander larvae, however, because they are predators. 2. To investigate the influence of canopy cover on the survival and growth of salamanders, and on the subsequent export of biomass from ponds, we conducted a mesocosm experiment examining effects of shading (high or low) and litter (leaves or grass) on Ambystoma maculatum (a forest specialist) and A. texanum (a habitat generalist). Additionally, we reanalysed data from Williams, Rittenhouse & Semlitsch (2008) to examine the effects of shading and litter on biomass export of three anurans: Rana sphenocephala, Pseudacris crucifer and Hyla versicolor. 3. In contrast to previous studies, we found that salamanders performed better in mesocosms with the characteristics of closed canopy ponds (high shade and leaf litter), which resulted in a greater export of biomass. Salamanders grew larger under closed canopy conditions, probably because of differences in prey abundance among treatments. Anurans responded differently to canopy cover than caudates. The biomass export of R. sphenocephala and P. crucifer was reduced under closed canopy conditions (although differently affected by litter and shading), while the biomass of H. versicolor was not affected. 4. This and other studies suggest that changes in canopy cover may induce a shift in the amphibians emerging from ponds, from primarily anurans in open canopy ponds to primarily salamanders in closed canopy ponds. Additional multispecies studies will determine whether these trends hold true for more diverse amphibian assemblages. Further investigation into the effects of canopy cover on salamanders will be important for understanding aquatic–terrestrial linkages.  相似文献   

Hair samples of 15 adult male Atlantic walruses (Odobenus rosmarus rosmarus) collected from anaesthetized individuals at Svalbard, Norway, were analysed for cadmium and total mercury. The mean level of cadmium was 0.860 ± 0.321 μg/g dry weight (median = 0.811, range = 0.349–1.51 μg/g dry weight) and the mean level of mercury was 0.235 ± 0.100 μg/g dry weight (median = 0.251, range = 0.121–0.424 μg/g dry weight). Levels of cadmium and mercury in hair of walruses from other areas are not known. Both cadmium and mercury levels in hair of walruses from Svalbard are relatively low compared to the levels found in the hair of other marine mammal species. It has been documented from a number of marine species, including marine mammals such as ringed seals and polar bears, that both cadmium and mercury levels at Svalbard are lower than in other areas. It is uncertain as to what degree levels in hair reflect levels in internal organs in walruses. In rare and highly endangered species or populations tissue samples can be difficult to collect. In walruses, it is possible to collect hair from anaesthetized individuals or at the haul-out sites during moult, to monitor heavy metal levels of the population. Accepted: 6 December 1998  相似文献   

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