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Di(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate (DEHP), a widely used plasticizer for synthetic polymers, is known to have endocrine disruptive potential, reproductive toxicity, and induces hepatic carcinogenesis in rodents. Selenium (Se) is a component of several selenoenzymes which are essential for cellular antioxidant defense and for the functions of mammalian reproductive system. The present study was designed to investigate the effects of DEHP exposure on trace element distribution in liver, testis, and kidney tissues and plasma of Se-deficient and Se-supplemented rats. Se deficiency was produced by feeding 3-week old Sprague-Dawley rats with ≤0.05 mg Se/kg diet for 5 weeks, and supplementation group were on 1 mg Se/kg diet. DEHP treated groups received 1000 mg/kg dose by gavage during the last 10 days of feeding period. Se, zinc (Zn), copper (Cu), iron (Fe) and manganese (Mn) levels were measured by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). Se supplementation caused significant increases in hepatic, renal, and testicular Se levels. With DEHP exposure, plasma Se and Zn, kidney Se, Cu and Mn levels were significantly decreased. Besides, liver Fe decreased markedly in all the DEHP-treated groups. Liver and kidney Mn levels decreased significantly in DEHP/SeD group compared to both DEHP and SeD groups. These results showed the potential of DEHP exposure and/or different Se status to modify the distribution pattern of essential trace elements in various tissues, the importance of which needs to be further evaluated.  相似文献   

Circulating thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3) concentrations in rats were determined after various periods of lithium administration in diet. No significant change in serum T4 and T3 levels was observed after ten days of lithium treatment. However, lithium treatment for one month, two months and four months showed a significant decrease in serum T4 and T3 levels indicating the adverse effect of chronic lithium intake.  相似文献   

The influence of two organic selenocompounds and sodium selenite on oxidant processes in rat brain tissue was investigated. The study was performed on male Wistar rats. The animals were divided into four groups: I—control; II—administered with sodium selenite; III—provided with selenoorganic compound A of chain structure 4-(o-tolyl-)-selenosemicarbazide of 2-chlorobenzoic acid and IV—provided with selenoorganic compound B of ring structure 3-(2-chlorobenzoylamino-)-2-(o-tolylimino-)-4-methyl-4-selenazoline. Rats were treated by stomach tube at a dose of 5 × 10?4 mg of selenium/g of b.w. once a day for a period of 10 days. In brain homogenates total antioxidant status (TAS), activities of superoxide dismutase (SOD) and glutathione peroxidase (GPx), concentrations of ascorbic acid (AA) and reduced glutathione (GSH) as well as concentration of malonyl dialdehyde (MDA) were determined. TAS was insignificantly diminished in all selenium-supplemented groups versus control. SOD was not significantly influenced by administration of selenium. GPx was markedly decreased in group III versus control, whereas increased in group IV versus control and group III. Selenosemicarbazide depleted AA in well-marked way versus group II. GSH was significantly depressed in group III versus both control and group II and diminished in group IV versus group II. MDA was significantly decreased in group III versus both control and group II, whereas in group IV increased versus group III. As selenazoline A did not decrease elements of antioxidant barrier and increased GPx activity, it seems to be a promising agent for future studies concerning its possible application as a selenium supplement.  相似文献   

Cytotoxic effects of ionizing radiation on gastrointestinal epithelium may be related to oxidative stress. In this study, we wanted to investigate the effects of selenium, vitamin E and selenium plus vitamin E pretreatments prior to whole abdominal irradiation on intestinal injury. Irradiation caused increased lipid peroxide and decreased GSH levels in the intestine. Intestinal superoxide dismutase and glutathione peroxidase activities were increased, but glutathione transferase activity decreased following irradiation. Selenium and/or vitamin E pretreatments ameliorated these disturbances in prooxidant-antioxidant balance. This amelioriation has been verified with histopathological findings. These results indicate that antioxidant pretreatments prior to irradiation may have some beneficial effects against irradiation-induced intestinal injury.  相似文献   

The synchrotron radiation X-ray fluorescence technique (SRXRF) was applied to the determination of K, Ca, Mn, Fe, Cu, Zn, Se, Br, Rb, and Sr concentrations in the liver and lungs in Wistar rats. The animals in the experiment included (1) healthy rats, (2) rats with alimentary obesity (AO), and (3) rats with alimentary obesity that were being given zinc sulphate with water for a long time (АО + Zn). Each group was divided into two subgroups. The experiment with the first subgroup was terminated with the animals in the state of physiological hunger and subsequent retrieval of liver and lung tissue, while the animals of the second subgroup were sacrificed two hours after ingestion of lard. The rats in physiological hunger manifested intergroup differences in the content of the bioelements (BEs) neither in the liver nor in the lungs. The rats with AO, as compared with the healthy animals, demonstrated in physiological hunger redistribution of inter-element correlations (IECs), which is an indirect reflection of sustained metabolic disorder. Additional zinc in the rats’ ration did not affect their body weight and the concentration of the BEs (including zinc) in the liver and the lungs. However, the IECs in the tissues of these animals in physiological hunger also changed. This redistribution differed from that in the rats with AO. The IECs soon after ingestion of lard also changed, which also reflects sustained changes in the metabolism in the animals.  相似文献   

Antioxidant properties of selenium producing a protective barrier against free radicals play an important role in numerous metabolic and immunologic processes associated with oxidation- reduction reactions which take place during intracellular digestion of phagocyted bacteria. The aim of our study was to examine the properties of an organic compound of selenium, 4-(o-tolilo)- selenosemicarbazide of p-chlorobenzoic acid in terms of its retention in organs, effect on erythropoesis and phagocytic abilities of neutrophiles as well as antioxidant properties in neutrophiles tested with NBT test. This compound as well as inorganic sodium selenate was given to Swiss mice at the dose of 10–3 g Se/kg for the period of 10 days. The concentrations of selenium in livers of mice treated with sodium selenate and selenosemicarbazide were found to be higher than in controls (18,7 g lg–1 and 23.2 g lg–1 vs. 12 g lg–1, respectively). Analysis of blood cells count has shown a significant decrease in neutrophile levels in both groups treated with selenium. The influence of selenium compounds on phagocytosis and especially NBT test has been determined (3.8% of positive cells in the controls vs. 2.2% and 0.9% in the groups treated with sodium selenate and selenosemicarbazide, respectively). Our preliminary investigations suggest that selenosemicarbazides are biologically active compounds and can modify neutrophile functions.  相似文献   

Lithium salts are widely used in psychiatry, but their presence in organism can result in both beneficial and adverse effects. Silicon, the third most abundant trace element in humans as well as antioxidant enzyme glutathione peroxidase (GPx) play important roles in organism. The disturbance of their level can cause severe disorders. The aim of our work was to evaluate the influence of Li2CO3 administration in drinking water for a period of 4 weeks on Si content and GPx activity in the tissues of liver, kidney, brain and femoral muscle in rats. The concentrations of provided solutions were 0.7, 1.4, 2.6, 3.6, 7.1 and 10.7 mmol Li+·dm−3. GPx activity was decreased versus control as a consequence of Li treatment, particularly in kidney and brain. This effect could be suggested to contribute to renal abnormalities which could occur during Li therapy. Si tissue level was significantly enhanced versus control in liver and femoral muscle in groups receiving high Li doses. In brain no well-marked changes were observed, whereas in kidney we observed the depletion in low-Li-groups, restoration of Si level in higher-Li-groups and unexpected decrease in the highest-Li-group. Positive correlations between Si content and GPx activity in the tissues of kidney (r = 0.677) and brain (r = 0.790) as well as negative correlation (r = −0.819) in femoral muscle were found. We consider that our results give some reason for suggesting that monitoring of silicon level in patients undergoing Li therapy could be recommended. However, more investigations should be performed, particularly regarding the relationships between Si and GPx in blood and urine Si excretion during lithium administration.  相似文献   

BackgroundThe levels of a number of essential and toxic trace elements in organs and tissues are affected by the disruptions in body homeostasis caused by obesity. Some of these elements may also be influenced by the consumption of biologically active substances of polyphenolic origin, which possess potent abilities to complex with transition metal ions.AimsThe aim of this study was to determine the content of essential and toxic trace elements in Wistar outbred and hereditary obese Zucker Leprfa (Z) rats consuming a standard balanced diet or hypercaloric diet with excess fat and fructose, supplemented with quercetin or not supplemented.Materials and methodsMale Wistar and Z rats were fed a control AIN-93M-based semi-synthetic diet or a high-fat-high-carbohydrate diet (HFCD, with 30% fat by weight and 20% fructose provided in the drinking water). A portion of the animals in each line and diet group was administered quercetin at 50 mg/kg body weight. Essential trace elements were included in the diets as a high-purity salt mixture. After the termination of feeding on day 63, the livers, kidneys, and brains of the rats were excised and the content of 16 elements (Fe, Mg, Cu, Mn, Co, Se, Zn, Cr, Ni, Al, Cd, As, Pb, V, Cs, and Ag) was measured by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS).ResultsIn the livers of the Z rats, the contents of Co, Zn, Mg, Fe, Se, and V were reduced and the content of Cr was increased compared to that of the Wistar rats. Supplementation with quercetin significantly decreased liver Fe, V, and Se content, which was more noticeable in the Wistar rats than in the Z rats. In kidneys of Z rats consuming control diet, the contents of Co, Cu, and Cs were decreased whereas those of Ni, Al, and Se were increased compared with the contents in the Wistar rats. The same trend was observed with HFCD feeding except for Cs content. Quercetin reduced kidney V content in both rat lines fed both diets, whereas it reduced Se and Cs only in the Z rats fed control diet. In the brains of the Z rats, a large increase was observed in some trace elements including Pb, Cd, Al, Cr, Ni, Fe, and V compared with the levels in the Wistar rat brains. Supplementation of the control diet with quercetin decreased Al and Ni in the brains of the Z rats.ConclusionThere were significant differences in the mineral content of organs between the Wistar and Z rats, with different propensities for obesity. Moreover some of these effects had no straightforward association with decreased feed consumption or hepatic fat accumulation. When introduced into the diets, quercetin affected the content of essential and toxic elements, but with ambiguous physiological significance. Thus, indicators of essential and toxic trace elements deserve to be used in the protocols of preclinical as well as clinical trials of biologically active substances and food supplements.  相似文献   

In the present study estrogen or testosterone was administered to broiler chickens (6 weeks old) for 5 weeks and levels of antioxidant vitamins (A, E and C) and selenium (Se) were determined. In animals who received estrogen, vitamins A, E, C and Se levels were 0.70 +/- 0.19, 11.0 +/- 2.45, 20.0 +/- 5.17 and 130.0 +/- 25.0 microg l(-1), respectively. Vitamins A, E, C and Se levels in the testosterone-administered group were found to be 0.54 +/- 0.16, 9.9 +/- 1.96, 18.0 +/- 5.18 and 100.0 +/- 18.0 microg l(-1), respectively. Vitamins A, E, C and Se levels were found to be significantly increased in the estrogen-administered group compared to the controls (p < 0.01, p < 0.01, p < 0.05, p < 0.05, respectively). Although all parameters were increased in testosterone-treated animals, only increases in vitamins A and E were found to be statistically significant (p < 0.01, p < 0.01, respectively). Based on the present findings, estrogen and testosterone show direct antioxidant effects by increasing the activities of some enzymes and they also cause an increase in antioxidant vitamin levels and hence indirectly also contribute to antioxidant capacity.  相似文献   

Twenty-four weanling male Wistar rats were divided into four groups fed diets containing adequate or deficient levels of selenium (0.5 ppm [+ Se] or <0.02 ppm [−Se] and protein (15% [+Pro] or 5% [−Pro]), but adequate levels of all other nutrients for 4 wk to determine the effects of Se deficiency and protein deficiency on tissue Se and glutathione peroxidase (GSHPx) activity in rats. Plasma, heart, liver, and kidney Se and GSHPx were significantly lower in Se-deficient groups in relation to Se-sufficient groups. In Se-deficient groups, Se and GSHPx were significantly higher in −Se−Pro rats in heart, liver, and kidney. Data analysis showed that there were significant interaction effects between dietary Se and protein on Se and GSHPx of rats. It is assumed that under the condition of Se deficiency. a low level of protein may decrease Se and GSHPx utilization, increase GSHPx synthesis, and result in Se redistribution. This could account for high levels of Se and GSHPx in the −Se−Pro rats compared to −Se+Pro rats.  相似文献   

Glutathione peroxidase (GPx) activity and deposition of selenium (Se) were examined in tissues of rats given dietary Se for 7 wk as either selenite or selenomethionine (SeMet) with 75Se radiotracer of the same chemical form. On the basis of Se:75Se ratio, all tissues of the rats fed selenite were equilibrated with the dietary source, but tissues of the SeMet fed animals maintained a ratio of Se:75Se greater than the dietary ratio. Deposition of dietary Se and 75Se was higher in most tissues of rats fed SeMet. Muscle 75Se was the largest single tissue pool of 75Se in both groups accounting for one-third of recovered 75Se in the rats fed selenite, and one-half of recovered 75Se in the rats fed SeMet. Tissue GPx activities were not different between the two dietary groups. The proportion of Se as GPx in tissues was highest in erythrocytes of the rats fed selenite (.81) and lowest in testes and epididymides of the rats fed SeMet (.009). The proportion of Se present in cytosolic GPx was consistently higher in tissues of rats fed selenite. Erythrocytes of the rats fed SeMet had more 75Se associated with hemoglobin, and muscle cytosols of the rats fed selenite had more 75Se associated with the G-protein. The proportion of 75Se as SeMet determined by ion exchange chromatography of tissue hydrolysates was higher in tissues of rats fed SeMet (highest in muscle and hemoglobin, 70%, and lowest in testes, 16%). In contrast, selenocysteine was the predominant form of Se present in tissues of rats given selenite. These results indicate that the form of Se administered will influence the form in the tissues, the percentage of Se with GPx and the body burden of Se.  相似文献   

Rats were given daily injections of choline, lithium or lithium plus choline for either 11 or 18 days and red cell choline, glycine and glutathione levels were measured using proton nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. In addition, plasma choline, plasma lithium and red cell lithium levels were measured 4 hr after the last dosage. Choline (1 mmol/kg) alone increased plasma but not red cell choline concentrations. Lithium (0.94 mmol/kg) elevated red cell choline levels but did not affect plasma choline concentrations. In contrast, red cell choline levels were not elevated in rats treated with a higher dose of lithium (1.88 mmol/kg). When choline was given in addition to the lower dose of lithium, a similar accumulation of red cell choline was observed suggesting that the lithium-induced choline accumulation was not enhanced by a greater availability of free choline. No differences were detected in red cell glycine or glutathione levels between any of the treatment groups. Therefore, lithium produced a specific (dose-dependent) accumulation of choline in rat erythrocytes. However, the 100% increase observed in rats was not as marked as the increased red cell choline levels reported in patients maintained on lithium (8 to 10-fold). This discrepancy supports the concept that species differences exist in red cell choline transport or metabolism.  相似文献   

Renal function was assessed in 42 stable outpatients who had been taking lithium for an average of 4 1/2 years. Impaired ability to concentrate the urine was found in 61% of the 41 patients who provided a urine sample for an osmolality measurement, and a moderate reduction in creatinine clearance was present in 12% of the entire group; 1 patient showed both defects. Urine microscopy revealed an excess of cells in 40%. It is suggested that lithium therapy produces a self-limiting lesion of the distal nephron that does not usually progress to chronic renal failure. The lesion is not dangerous, except that it may predispose to acute neurotoxic effects in the event of intercurrent illness or dehydration.  相似文献   

The effect of vitamin B6 on the levels of tissue selenium (Se) and glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px) was studied. Male Wistar 4-week-old rats were fed a vitamin B6-Se-deficient basal diet for 2 weeks, then divided into 10 groups of five or six rats and fed their respective diets for 4 weeks. The experimental design was a 2×2×2 factorial with two levels of vitamin B6, two forms of Se, and two levels of Se, plus two extra groups (vitamin B6-supplemented and deficient without Se). Vitamin B6 was 0 and 250 μg pyridoxine-HCl/100 g of diet; Se forms were Na2SeO3 and DL-selenomethionine; Se levels were 0.5 and 5.0 mg Se/kg of diet. Regardless of form or level of Se, vitamin B6-deficient rats had lower body weights and organ weights than vitamin B6-supplemented rats. At 5.0 mg Se/kg of diet, Na2SeO3 caused a further depression. Vitamin B6 deficiency resulted in a higher Se level and GSH-Px activity in plasma of rats fed selenomethionine. However, Se content an GSH-Px activity in erythrocytes were significantly elevated in vitamin B6-supplemented rats compared with vitamin B6-deficient rats. Se levels in muscle and heart were significantly lower in vitamin B6-deficient groups fed Na2SeO3 than in vitamin B6-supplemented groups. Vitamin B6-deficient rats fed selenomethionine had higher Se levels in muscle, heart, spleen, liver, and kidneys than vitamin B6-supplemented rats. Activity of GSH-Px in muscle, heart, and spleen was significantly lower in vitamin B6-deficient groups than in vitamin B6-supplemented groups, regardless of form of Se. A significant decrease of GSH-Px in liver was observed in vitamin B6-deficient rats fed selenomethionine compared with vitamin B6-supplemented rats, whereas no significant decrease was observed in those fed Na2SeO3. These results suggest that vitamin B6 is involved in the distribution and transportation of Se in body and the metabolism of selenomethionine in liver.  相似文献   

Lithium ions accumulated consistently in the pituitary and thyroid of rats at concentrations significantly greater than in plasma. There was also a significant, although lower, accumulation of Li+ in the adrenal gland. No accumulation of lithium ion was noted in the testis or in the ovary. The possible significance of these findings with regard to some of the side effects of lithium carbonate treatment is discussed.  相似文献   

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