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Management of aquatic invasive species (AIS) is widely recognized as a global conservation concern driven by myriad factors, particularly individual behaviors. A burgeoning literature focused on the human dimensions of AIS has begun to provide insight into the complexities of behavior change; however, most studies are bound to specific geographic locales and have prevented resource management agencies from making regionally valid statements about the anthropogenic factors contributing to biological invasions. We examined stakeholders’ awareness and knowledge of AIS transmission in an evaluation of educational outreach campaign logos and illustrated how human–nature relationships were related to behaviors relevant to AIS reduction at two case study sites. Drawing from a thematic analysis of data from semi-structured interviews with organisms-in-trade hobbyists and recreational water users in the state of Illinois, we observed high awareness of environmental impacts and modes of transmission by the two groups. Both awareness advanced through AIS outreach and a diversity of human–nature relationships were helpful for understanding reported environmental behaviors. Specifically, stakeholders’ views of their relationships with nature affected decisions to engage in activities that contributed to social-ecological change. Results also revealed preferences for national rather than state-level outreach campaign logos, which carry implications for designing communication strategies that will minimize the likelihood of biological invasions in freshwater ecosystems.  相似文献   

Humans are key vectors in the spread and establishment of aquatic invasive species (AIS), and human behavior can exacerbate or help prevent further spread of non-native species. Therefore, stakeholders’ knowledge is critical to preventing establishment of AIS. However, stakeholders’ AIS knowledge in prairie lakes remains poorly understood. We used a survey questionnaire in Saskatchewan, Canada, to assess the state of AIS knowledge, identify predictors of knowledge, and optimize management strategies. Statistical analyses of the responses of 440 participants indicated a generally low level of AIS knowledge, suggesting low communication success. Respondents were generally more aware of non-native fishes than plants. Of concern was the observation of substantial knowledge gaps regarding non-native mussels and important preventative behaviors that may have devastating ecological, social, and economic consequences if left unaddressed. Better understanding of AIS issues was significantly associated with several trans-situational (age, sex and education), situational (recreational purpose and using multiple lakes), and lake-related knowledge (awareness of eutrophication) predictors. Exploitation of these predictors is recommended to improve effectiveness of outreach and communication efforts. Specifically, we propose that management strategies focus on improving communications by streamlining outreach messages, targeting low-knowledge groups (e.g., swimmers, cabin owners), and expanding education campaigns.  相似文献   

Aquatic invasive species (AIS) threaten freshwater ecosystem structure and function worldwide. Such changes trigger a variety of negative impacts on lake recreation and the economics of individuals, towns, and states. Recent studies suggest environmental educational efforts have been an effective tool in raising public awareness of AIS; however, we lack a more general understanding of how public versus manager knowledge of invasive species and their threats to freshwater ecosystems and human livelihoods. To fill this gap, we surveyed New Hampshire lake users and interviewed lake managers to 1) identify the key issues surrounding AIS management; and 2) assess public awareness of the AIS problem and their management at three lakes in New Hampshire. Our interviews with managers suggest that educational outreach is a key mechanism for combatting the AIS problem. The general public surveys further differentiated respondents into two groups that differed demography and in AIS knowledge and concern. Together, our results indicate that AIS management efforts depend heavily on funding, regional cooperation, and commitment of individual managers and lake-users. Blanket outreach campaigns have been effective in expanding the knowledge reach of AIS, but they remain too general to engage the public in AIS spread prevention and eradication. Instead, integrating practices of rapid response and appeals to responsibility norms among lake users is paramount for combatting the AIS problem in this region.  相似文献   

We built a family of hierarchical risk models for the spread of invasions by the spiny waterflea (Bythotrephes longimanus) in lakes in Ontario, Canada. Knowledge of covariates determining lake invasibility and ability to predict risk of future invasions may help to develop management policy and slow the invasions in the future. The models are based on two component submodels. The first component was a stochastic gravity submodel for the propagule pressure between lakes via recreational boaters. The second component was a submodel for establishment risk, given that the invader has already been introduced to a lake. This component was a logistic regression model, incorporating up to 17 measured covariates that describe the physical and chemical condition of the lake. Variants of the risk model, each incorporating different subsets of the covariates, were calibrated using presence/absence data from a 300-lake survey conducted in 2005?C2006 by the Canadian Aquatic Invasive Species Network (CAISN). The predictive capacity of the best model was high, giving AUC values close to 0.94. Of the model covariates considered, the most important predictors of existing invasions were propagule pressure and lake pH, and, to lesser extents, phosphorus (P) and lake elevation. Our fitting of the propagule pressure submodel demonstrated a significant Allee effect for Bythotrephes. Our development of the establishment risk predictor showed that it is essential to account for temporal variability in lake physico-chemistry. We demonstrated that invasions of lake networks by the spiny waterflea follow highly predictable patterns which can be understood with a properly calibrated, hierarchical risk model.  相似文献   

Recreational boats in tow between lakes are a known vector of the spread of aquatic invading species (AIS), but we have no test of the hypothesis that recreational boats are also a vector of secondary spread of AIS among freshwater ecosystems via in-water transport i.e., while boating between interconnected waterways. In this study, we surveyed recreational boaters travelling into Lake Simcoe (44°25′N, 79°20′W), Ontario, Canada, on their recreational activities, boat maintenance, and travel destinations, measured the degree of vessel fouling, and sampled all standing water and attached macrophytes associated with their vessels. A total of 321 zooplankton individuals comprising 15 different species were collected from the standing water in vessels, including veligers of the invasive zebra mussel Dreissena. The volume of water collected within the vessels significantly increased the number of zooplankton transported. Zooplankton species from pelagic habitats or with planktonic life stages were collected more frequently than species that occupy littoral or benthic habitats, likely reflecting the recreational activities of boaters. Patterns of boater activities, movements and hygiene habits, suggest recreational boating in the Lake Simcoe region is contributing to the spread of native and invasive species into nearby waterways. Our study validates the widespread assumption that recreational boats are an important in-water vector for the secondary spread of both native and invasive zooplankton species. Future management strategies to reduce the spread of AIS should be aimed at increasing awareness of boater hygiene practices, particularly the frequent draining of standing water.  相似文献   

1. Because people impact lake ecosystems, it is important to consider factors influencing the human use of freshwater resources. We investigated the influence of the landscape position, as well as lake area, recreational facilities, and distance to highways and urban centres, on lake use by boaters in the Northern Highland Lake District of Wisconsin, U.S.A.
2. In aerial surveys of ninety-nine randomly selected lakes, we did not see boats on over half of the lakes. Of the lakes with boats, we found a strong correlation between the number of boats and lake area. Recreational boats tended to be found on large, accessible lakes with good boating facilities. Boats were not seen on small, stained lakes with few recreational facilities.
3. Regression models showed that lake size and landscape position explained 63% of the variability in the average number of boats per lake and landscape position explained 24% of the variability in boat density on all ninety-nine lakes. Social variables representing the quality of boating facilities and the perception of good fishing explained 70% of the variability in number of boats per lake and 54% of the variation in boat density on all lakes. A combined model using both physical and social variables increased the explanatory power for both number and density. Lake use by boaters was correlated with landscape position, the quality of fishing and the availability of recreational facilities. When the analysis was restricted to the forty-six lakes where boats were found, only the availability of recreational facilities proved a significant predictor of boat density.
4. Our results suggest that lake choice by recreational boaters may be best predicted by a combination of the location of a lake in a regional hydrologic landscape, and considerations of available facilities and perceptions regarding fishing.  相似文献   

Odontocete depredation involves stealing or damaging bait or prey already captured by fishing gear. The increase in depredation is of concern for small stocks of cetaceans because interactions with fishing gear can lead to serious injury or mortality through entanglement or ingestion. Using long‐term data sets available for the bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) community in Sarasota Bay, Florida, we investigated recreational fishing gear interactions by (1) examining temporal patterns in depredation and associated behaviors from 2000 to 2007; (2) quantifying the behavior of dolphins that depredate or engage in associated behaviors; and (3) identifying factors associated with the rise in depredation locally. The number of incidents of dolphins (primarily adult males) interacting with recreational anglers and boaters increased following 2004. Depredation and associated behaviors increased during red tide lags and tourist seasons during times of prey depletion and heightened angler and boater activity. Dolphins with a history of fishing gear interactions shifted away from natural activity patterns and were more likely to be within 50 m of fishing lines. Recreational fishing gear interactions were attributed to a two percent population decline in Sarasota Bay in 2006 and need to be considered along with other cumulative human impacts in the development of conservation measures for dolphins.  相似文献   

This article contributes new evidence on the associations among immigrant generation, gender, and sexual risk behavior among Latino adolescents in the United States. Longitudinal data from 3,272 Latino adolescents (grades 7–12) who participated in the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health (Add Health) were examined for evidence of the immigrant paradox in sex risk behaviors. Compared to more acculturated counterparts, first generation adolescents demonstrated the lowest levels of sexual risk behavior at each time point across adolescence and early adulthood. Gender significantly predicted change in sexual risk behavior over time with Latina females displaying a significantly greater increase in sexual risk behavior than males. Results indicate that third generation Latino adolescents and Latina females, in particular, may benefit from targeted sexual risk interventions to prevent increases in sex risk behavior during adolescence.  相似文献   


The accidental spread of aquatic invasive species (AIS) by recreational boaters is a major concern of state and county environmental planners in the USA. While programs for watercraft inspection to educate boaters and slow AIS spread are common practice, large numbers of boats and waterbodies, together with limited budgets, make program design difficult. To facilitate program design, we developed an integer programming model for allocation of scarce inspection resources among lakes. Our model uses species-specific infestation status of lakes and estimates of boat movement between lakes. The objective is to select lakes for inspection stations to maximize the number of risky boats inspected, where risky boats are ones that move from infested to uninfested lakes. We apply our model in Stearns County in central Minnesota, USA, to prioritize lakes for inspection stations and evaluate alternative management objectives. With an objective of protecting uninfested lakes within and outside Stearns County, the optimal policy is to locate stations at infested lakes having the most boats departing for uninfested lakes inside and outside the county. With an objective of protecting only Stearns County lakes, the optimal policy is to locate stations at both infested and uninfested lakes having the riskiest boats arriving from within and outside the county and departing to in-county lakes. The tradeoff between these objectives is significant.


Respondent driven sampling (RDS) was originally developed to sample and provide peer education to injection drug users at risk for HIV. Based on the premise that drug users'' social networks were maintained through sharing rituals, this peer-driven approach to disseminate educational information and reduce risk behaviors capitalizes and expands upon the norms that sustain these relationships. Compared with traditional outreach interventions, peer-driven interventions produce greater reductions in HIV risk behaviors and adoption of safer behaviors over time, however, control and intervention groups are not similarly recruited. As peer-recruitment may alter risk networks and individual risk behaviors over time, such comparison studies are unable to isolate the effect of a peer-delivered intervention. This analysis examines whether RDS recruitment (without an intervention) is associated with changes in health-seeking behaviors and network composition over 6 months. New York City drug users (N = 618) were recruited using targeted street outreach (TSO) and RDS (2006–2009). 329 non-injectors (RDS = 237; TSO = 92) completed baseline and 6-month surveys ascertaining demographic, drug use, and network characteristics. Chi-square and t-tests compared RDS- and TSO-recruited participants on changes in HIV testing and drug treatment utilization and in the proportion of drug using, sex, incarcerated and social support networks over the follow-up period. The sample was 66% male, 24% Hispanic, 69% black, 62% homeless, and the median age was 35. At baseline, the median network size was 3, 86% used crack, 70% used cocaine, 40% used heroin, and in the past 6 months 72% were tested for HIV and 46% were enrolled in drug treatment. There were no significant differences by recruitment strategy with respect to changes in health-seeking behaviors or network composition over 6 months. These findings suggest no association between RDS recruitment and changes in network composition or HIV risk, which supports prior findings from prospective HIV behavioral surveillance and intervention studies.  相似文献   

Models have been well developed describing human movements as vectors of the spread of non-indigenous species (NIS). However, to be maximally useful, predictions need to be integrated with management models of how different policies change human behaviour and lead to concurrent changes in invasion risk. Using the dispersal of freshwater organisms by recreational boaters as our study system and mandatory boat washing as our management strategy, we conducted a survey of recreational boaters (n = 580 respondents, t = 2354 boating trips) in Ontario, Canada, and performed counterfactual analysis of boater behavior across different management options. We developed a model to quantify three responses to mandatory boat washing policies: (1) the continued use of a policy lake; (2) switching to a non-policy lake (“trip redistribution”); or, (3) a reduction in boating trips (“trip loss”). We found that boater and locational traits did not have a significant effect, but even modest user fees at washing stations greatly influenced trip redistribution and loss, explaining 87% of the variation in boater choices. These results indicate that user fees can strongly reduce the effectiveness of boat washing programs to mitigate invasion risk and could have unintended local economic effects, supporting the need to minimize boater expense as a program goal. In contrast, only minor redistribution and loss occurred if users washed but did not pay, and when taken together with the lack of effect for boater and locational traits, suggest that simple human-mediated dispersal models would be sufficient to prioritize management actions under “zero fee” scenarios. Simulating management scenarios using an existing spread model for 10 aquatic NIS in Ontario further emphasized the benefit of zero fees. Although averted invasions increased monotonically with effort (number of lakes with washing stations), the relative effectiveness (number of invasions averted per unit effort) was high even with management of a single lake, given zero fees, but required washing stations at far more lakes to maximize relative effectiveness when user fees were imposed.  相似文献   

Heterogeneity in social interactions can have important consequences for the spread of information and diseases and consequently conservation and invasive species management. Common carp (Cyprinus carpio) are a highly social, ubiquitous, and invasive freshwater fish. Management strategies targeting foraging carp may be ideal because laboratory studies have suggested that carp can learn, have individual personalities, a unique diet, and often form large social groups. To examine social feeding behaviors of wild carp, we injected 344 carp with passive integrated transponder (PIT) tags and continuously monitored their feeding behaviors at multiple sites in a natural lake in Minnesota, USA. The high‐resolution, spatio‐temporal data were analyzed using a Gaussian mixture model (GMM). Based on these associations, we analyzed group size, feeding bout duration, and the heterogeneity and connectivity of carp social networks at foraging sites. Wild carp responded quickly to bait, forming aggregations most active from dusk to dawn. During the 2020 baiting period (20 days), 133 unique carp were detected 616,593 times. There was some evidence that feeding at multiple sites was constrained by basin geography, but not distance alone. GMM results suggested that feeding bouts were short, with frequent turnover of small groups. Individual foraging behavior was highly heterogeneous with Gini coefficients of 0.79 in 2020 and 0.66 in 2019. “Superfeeders”—those contributing to 80% of total cumulative detections (top 18% and top 29% of foragers in 2020 and 2019 respectively)—were more likely to be detected earlier at feeding stations, had larger body sizes, and had higher network measures of degree, weighted degree, and betweenness than non‐superfeeders. Overall, our results indicate that wild carp foraging is social, easily induced by bait, dominated by large‐bodied individuals, and potentially predictable, which suggests social behaviors could be leveraged in management of carp, one of the world''s most recognizable and invasive fish.  相似文献   

王冰  尹姣  李克斌  曹雅忠 《昆虫学报》2013,56(10):1127-1134
昆虫错综复杂的嗅觉系统在昆虫寻找寄主、 交配、 产卵以及逃避行为中起到了至关重要的作用。因此, 对昆虫嗅觉感受机理的研究将有助于揭开昆虫感受和识别环境中的气味物质并引起相关行为反应的秘密。为了更多地了解华北大黑鳃金龟Holotrichia oblita Faldermann 嗅觉相关蛋白互作机制, 本实验利用DUALhunter Starter Kits酵母双杂交筛选试剂盒, 构建了华北大黑鳃金龟气味结合蛋白OBP2诱饵载体, 筛选了华北大黑鳃金龟触角酵母双杂交系统均一化的cDNA文库。通过β-半乳糖苷酶活性检测以及GenBank中Blast比对分析, 以OBP2为诱饵鉴定出6个阳性互作物。我们推测其中的一种较强的阳性互作物凝固酶原可能是华北大黑鳃金龟在嗅觉识别过程中的相关蛋白。  相似文献   

The effects of bait treatment(s) on population dynamics of Solenopsis invicta and Dorymyrmex flavus were studied, and various factors underlying the resurgence and persistence of D. flavus to reinvasion by S. invicta were studied in more detail. Pitfall traps, bait vials, transect sampling, and direct inspections were used to monitor densities of these two species, and inspections of D. flavus midden contents, video monitoring of D. flavus colonies, and studies of the fate of marked S. invicta were used to further clarify interactions of these two species, D. flavus abundance increased after the reduction of S. invicta with baits. D. flavus was also observed to sustain higher densities for an extended period (2 yr) after cessation of bait treatment and to exhibit antagonistic behaviors toward S. invicta, showing an ability to resist reinvasion of the treated area by S. invicta. Given these findings, D. flavus may retard domination of the ant assemblage by S. invicta. Additional studies are justified regarding how to enhance the role of this species in affected ecosystems.  相似文献   

Water recreationists regularly engage in behavior that can contribute to the spread of aquatic invasive species (AIS), which can result in costly consequences for managers. As AIS prevention is more cost-effective than response, educational campaigns are implemented as a preventative management strategy. However, little is known about the efficacy of education campaigns in promoting recreationists’ knowledge, personal responsibility, and engagement in behaviors that can prevent AIS spread. This study explored the Stop Aquatic Hitchhikers!? (SAH!) campaign by conducting survey and focus group research with water recreationists’ in Illinois and Indiana. Results from the survey research indicate moderate campaign success (55 % were aware of the SAH! campaign), and that awareness is significantly related to increases in knowledge, personal responsibility, and engagement in four of the six recommended control behaviors. Additionally, findings demonstrate that boater-anglers were most aware of the campaign (69 %), most knowledgeable of AIS species, and felt the most personal responsibility for AIS control. However, focus group results demonstrate the need for campaign enhancement, including streamlining campaign messaging and increasing campaign exposure. Policy informed by our recommendations may improve the efficacy of educational campaigns to manage recreation behavior and corresponding environmental impacts among multiple water recreationist groups.  相似文献   

PURPOSE OF REVIEW: Although statin therapy has been shown to reduce substantially the risk for cardiovascular disease in multiple patient subgroups, there is wide inter-individual variation in statin efficacy, in terms of both plasma lipoprotein response and clinical outcome. RECENT FINDINGS: A number of studies have reported that polymorphisms in genes affecting statin pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics are associated with measures of statin efficacy, but the magnitude of variation in statin response that could be explained by these associations is small. Genome-wide association studies may yield a more comprehensive set of markers for predicting statin efficacy and muscle toxicity. For the results of these analyses to have clinical value, however, there remains a need to replicate findings in multiple populations, to connect effects on LDL and other biomarkers with clinical outcomes, and to determine whether the associations apply to each individual statin. SUMMARY: Satisfying these requirements for clinical applicability will be challenging, but discovery of specific genotypes that influence statin efficacy and characterization of their functional effects in cellular or animal model systems may enhance our understanding of determinants of cardiovascular disease risk. They may also allow us to identify pathways that may be targeted to yield effective prevention and treatment.  相似文献   

The Hsp90 chaperone cycle involves sequential assembly of different Hsp90-containing multiprotein complexes, the accessory proteins ("cochaperones") that are associated with these complexes being exchanged as the cycle proceeds from its early to its late stages. To gain insight as to whether the 2-hybrid system could be used to probe the interactions of this Hsp90 system, yeast transformants were constructed that express the Gal4p deoxyribonucleic acid-binding domain (BD) fused to the 2 Hsp90 isoforms and the various Hsp90 system cochaperones of yeast. These "bait" fusions were then introduced by mating into other transformants expressing nearly all the 6000 proteins of yeast expressed as fusions to the Gal4p activation domain (AD). High throughput 2-hybrid screening revealed the ability of Hsp90 and Hsp90 system cochaperones to engage in stable interactions in vivo, both with each other and with the various other proteins of the yeast proteome. Consistent with the transience of most chaperone associations, interactions to Hsp90 itself were invariably weak and generally influenced by stress. Mutations within a Hsp90-BD bait fusion and an AD-Cdc37 "prey" fusion were used to provide in vivo confirmation of the in vitro data that shows that Cdc37p is interacting with the "relaxed" conformation of Hsp90 and also to provide indications that Cdc37p needs to be phosphorylated at its N-terminus for any appreciable interaction with Hsp90. A number of potentially novel cochaperone interactions were also identified, providing a framework for these to be analyzed further using other techniques.  相似文献   

The axon initial segment (AIS) is essential for initiating action potentials and maintaining neuronal excitability in axon-bearing neurons in the CNS. There is increasing interest in the targeting of optogenetic tools to subcellular compartments, including the AIS, to gain precise control of neuronal activity for basic research and clinical applications. In particular, targeted expression of optogenetic tools in retinal ganglion cells (RGCs) has been explored as an approach for restoring vision after photoreceptor degeneration. Thus, understanding the effects of such targeting on spiking abilities and/or patterns is important. Here, we examined the effects of recombinant adeno-associated virus (rAAV)-mediated targeted expression of channelrhodopsin-2 (ChR2)-GFP with a NaV channel motif in mouse RGCs. We found that this targeted expression disrupted NaV channel clustering at the AIS and converted the spike firing patterns of RGCs from sustained to transient. Our results suggest that the clustering of membrane channels, including NaV channels, at the AIS is important for the ability of RGCs to generate sustained spike firing. Additionally, the targeting of optogenetic tools to the AIS with the NaV channel motif may offer a way to create transient light responses in RGCs for vision restoration.  相似文献   

Several previous studies have evaluated the association between rs1149048 polymorphism in the matrilin-1 gene (MATN1) and the risk of adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS). However the results of those studies were inconsistent. We conducted this meta-analysis to assess whether rs1149048 polymorphism was involved in the risk of AIS and evaluated the associations in different ethnicities. Electronic databases, such as: PubMed, EMBASE, WANFANG databases in any languages up to Dec 2012 were searched to assess the association between rs1149048 polymorphism and AIS. Meta-analysis was performed by STATA 12.0 software to estimate the pooled odds ratio (OR) and the 95 % confidence interval (CI). Finally four papers including five studies which involved 1436 AIS patients and 1,879 controls were identified for this meta-analysis. The results showed that G allele of the rs1149048 was significantly associated with increased AIS risk [OR = 1.13, 95 % CI (1.02–1.25), P = 0.023]. As for genotype (GG vs. GA + AA), homozygous GG genotype was also found to be a risk factor of developing AIS. The subgroup meta-analysis results showed G allele and GG genotype were significantly associated with AIS in Asian group but not in Caucasian group. Neither Egger’s test nor Begg’s test found evidence of publication bias in current study (P > 0.05). In summary, this meta-analysis found an overall significant association of rs1149048 polymorphism with risk of AIS, especially in Asian population. The relationship between rs1149048 polymorphism and AIS in other ethnic population is needed to be investigated.  相似文献   

Abstract.— Studies of phenotype-environment associations in adaptive radiation have focused largely on morphological traits related to resource-based phenotypic differences. The genetic basis of adaptive behaviors implicated in population divergence remains poorly understood, as few studies have tested the hypothesis of behavioral phenotype-environment associations. We provide evidence of a phenotype-environment association for differential adaptive swimming behaviors through experiments conducted on dwarf, normal, and hybrid lake whitefish ( Coregonus clupeaformis ). Highly significant differences were observed for depth selection, directional changes, and burst swimming, implicating a genetic basis for these behaviors. Hybrid crosses revealed that depth selection is under additive genetic control, while dominance effects were suggested for directional changes and burst swimming. Estimates for the genetic basis of behavioral differentiation from an animal model were consistent with these observations. Comparative estimates of behavioral differentiation ( Q ST) against neutral expectations ( F ST) revealed pronounced departures from neutral expectations in all three behavioral phenotypes, consistent with the hypothesis that directional selection has driven the divergence of behavior in dwarf and normal lake whitefish ecotypes.  相似文献   

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