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Showy invasive alien plants are often integrated in the diet of generalist pollinators and because of the lack of co-evolvement with the native plant community, a high amount of interspecific pollen transfer (IPT) can be expected. We investigated pollinator switching and magnitude plus distance of IPT between the alien aquatic Ludwigia grandiflora and the native Lythrum salicaria in both directions in uninvaded and invaded sites with a different relative abundance of L. grandiflora (% cover of the alien plant: no cover; low cover: <5%; high cover: 50–75%). A field experiment was conducted to include both pollinator interspecific movements and tracking of IPT, using fluorescent dye as a pollen analogue. Despite a substantial overlap in pollinators between L. grandiflora and the native L. salicaria, less than 10% of the observed flights were interspecific. Similar results were found in dye transfer patterns. The proportions of stigmas with conspecific dye were always higher than the proportions of stigmas with heterospecific dye for L grandiflora and L. salicaria. There were no differences in conspecific dye loads for L. salicaria between uninvaded and invaded sites. Conspecific pollen loss (native CPL) and heterospecific pollen deposition (alien HPD) were in general low and species-specific. The distance of HPD ranged respectively from 1.7 to 39 m and from 0.3 to 54.8 m in the low cover and high cover sites while CPL ranged respectively from 6.40 to 68.02 m and from 0.60 to 40.18 m in the low cover and high cover sites. We can conclude that, in this system, CPL and HPD will play a minor role in pollinator-mediated interaction. Furthermore, interspecific competition for pollinators will cover a larger distance than just neighboring individuals. Our results suggest the necessity to consider the combined effect of insect visitation, pollen deposition, relative alien abundance, distance and seed set when investigating pollinator-mediated interactions of invasive plants.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Invasive plants are potential agents of disruption in plant–pollinator interactions. They may affect pollinator visitation rates to native plants and modify the plant–pollinator interaction network. However, there is little information about the extent to which invasive pollen is incorporated into the pollination network and about the rates of invasive pollen deposition on the stigmas of native plants.


The degree of pollinator sharing between the invasive plant Carpobrotus affine acinaciformis and the main co-flowering native plants was tested in a Mediterranean coastal shrubland. Pollen loads were identified from the bodies of the ten most common pollinator species and stigmatic pollen deposition in the five most common native plant species.

Key Results

It was found that pollinators visited Carpobrotus extensively. Seventy-three per cent of pollinator specimens collected on native plants carried Carpobrotus pollen. On average 23 % of the pollen on the bodies of pollinators visiting native plants was Carpobrotus. However, most of the pollen found on the body of pollinators belonged to the species on which they were collected. Similarly, most pollen on native plant stigmas was conspecific. Invasive pollen was present on native plant stigmas, but in low quantity.


Carpobrotus is highly integrated in the pollen transport network. However, the plant-pollination network in the invaded community seems to be sufficiently robust to withstand the impacts of the presence of alien pollen on native plant pollination, as shown by the low levels of heterospecific pollen deposition on native stigmas. Several mechanisms are discussed for the low invasive pollen deposition on native stigmas.Key words: Alien plant, Carpobrotus aff. acinaciformis, competition for pollinators, invasion, Mediterranean shrubland, plant-pollinator network, pollen loads, pollinator visits, stigma  相似文献   

Alien invasive plant species can affect pollination, reproductive success and population dynamics of co-flowering native species via shared pollinators. Consequences may range from reproductive competition to facilitation, but the ecological drivers determining the type and magnitude of such indirect interactions remain poorly understood. Here, we examine the role of the spatial scale of invader presence and spatially contingent behavioural responses of different pollinator groups as potential key drivers, using the invasive Oxalis pes-caprae and the self-incompatible native annual Diplotaxis erucoides as a model system. Three treatments were assigned to native focal plants: (1) invader present at the landscape scale (hectares) but experimentally removed at the floral neighbourhood scale (pa); (2) invader present at both scales (pp); (3) invader absent at both scales (aa). Interestingly, we found pronounced spatially contingent differences in the responses of pollinators: honeybees and bumblebees were strongly attracted into invaded sites at the landscape scale, translating into native plant visitation facilitation through honeybees, while bumblebees almost exclusively visited Oxalis. Non-corbiculate wild bees, in contrast, showed less pronounced responses in foraging behavior, primarily at the floral neighborhood scale. Average heterospecific (Oxalis) pollen deposition onto stigmas of Diplotaxis was low (<1 %), but higher in the pp than in the pa treatment. Hand-pollination of Diplotaxis with Oxalis and conspecific pollen, however, reduced seed set by more than half when compared to hand-pollination with only conspecific pollen. Seed set of Diplotaxis, finally, was increased by 14 % (reproductive facilitation) in the pp treatment, while it was reduced by 27 % (reproductive competition) in the pa treatment compared to uninvaded populations. Our study highlights the crucial role of spatial scale and pollinator guild driving indirect effects of invasive on co-flowering native plant species.  相似文献   

Movement of pollinators between coflowering plant species may influence conspecific pollen deposition and seed set. Interspecific pollinator movements between native and showy invasive plants may be particularly detrimental to the pollination and reproductive success of native species. We explored the effects of invasive Lythrum salicaria on the reproductive success of Mimulus ringens, a wetland plant native to eastern North America. Pollinator flights between these species significantly reduced the amount of conspecific pollen deposited on Mimulus stigmas and the number of seeds in Mimulus fruits, suggesting that pollen loss is an important mechanism of competition for pollination. Although pollen loss is often attributed to pollen wastage on heterospecific floral structures, our novel findings suggest that grooming by bees as they forage on a competitor may also significantly reduce outcross pollen export and seed set in Mimulus ringens.  相似文献   

The capacity to produce seed, both by selfing and outcrossing, or mixed mating strategies, is considered a mechanism for overcoming unpredictable pollinator availability. In the present study, we investigate breeding system, insect visitations and the role of insect visitors in the pollination of five species of Oenothera subsect. Oenothera. Field experiments showed that autonomous selfing occurs at bud stage, prior to the opening of the flower. Control flowers showed similar seed set to hand-pollinated flowers, whereas emasculated flowers and those subject to open pollination set fewer seed. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that the investigated Oenothera exhibit a great capacity for autonomous selfing and that selfing is selected in order to provide reproductive assurance. Although flowers were visited mostly by nocturnal lepidopterans, these insects did not precipitate pollination and are thus considered nectar thieves. Conversely, analysis of pollen loads and behavior during foraging by diurnal insect visitors revealed that honeybees and bumblebees are the probable pollinators. We conclude that production of flowers capable of autonomous selfing at bud stage, followed by anthesis and opportunities for outcrossing, probably improves the invasive potential of these Oenothera in Europe, together with a rapid increase in their populations, even when pollinators are scarce.  相似文献   

Apocarpy is regarded as an original feature obtained during the evolution of angiosperms. Compared with syncarpous plants, apocarpous plants have some adaptive disadvantages in apocarpous plants, for example, the number of offspring is lower under conditions of uneven pollen-tube distribution. However, in some apocarpous species, extra-gynoecial pollen-tube growth (EGPG) may remedy this disadvantage. We conducted micro-observations and field studies of Sagittaria trifolia, to investigate the gynoecium structure and the pathway of pollen-tube growth in the entire gynoecium. In a single-carpel pollination experiment, we found that the extra-gynoecial pollen tubes from a carpel of S. trifolia were able to fertilize approximately 13 carpels. Simulated EGPG in the entire gynoecium of S. trifolia revealed that its effect on the seed set could be divided into two stages: stage of low/high-level stigmas pollination, in which the cutoff point was about 0.1. The seed set would be markedly improved during the low-level stigmas pollination stage by EGPG when the maximum distance of extra-gynoecial pollen tubes could span three carpels, as in the present experiment. Our simulation also showed that the high pollen load could enhance the effect of EGPG on the seed set, and if the number of germinating pollen is triple the carpel number in the gynoecium, a 100% seed set rate would be obtained when approximately 50% of the stigmas are pollinated.  相似文献   

Flowering invasive plants can have dramatic effects on the resource landscape available to pollinators. Because many pollinators exhibit behavioral plasticity in response to competitor or resource density, this in turn can result in impacts on ecological processes such as pollination and plant reproduction. We examine how interactions between five common generalist eusocial bees change across an invasion gradient by examining how bee abundance and diet overlap changed with variation in both invasive plant abundance and competitor abundance in a temperate oak-savannah ecosystem. Specifically we focus on the bumblebees Bombus bifarius, B. mixtus, B. melanopygus and B. vosnesenskii, as well as the non-native honeybee Apis mellifera, and their interactions with the native flowering plants Camassia quamash, Camassia liechtlinii, and the invasive shrub Cytisus scoparius. We further examine whether changes in pollinator visits to the invasive and two common native plants can explain changes in diet overlap. Abundance of the invasive plant and other common floral resources had strong impacts on focal bee abundance, with certain species more likely to be present at highly invaded sites. This may be because highly invaded sites tended to be embedded in forested landscapes where those bees are common. Diet overlap was most affected by abundance of a common native plant, rather than the invasive plant, with diet overlap increasing non-linearly with abundance of the native plant. Furthermore, Apis mellifera, did not appear to have direct competitive effects on native bumblebees in this habitat. However, visit patterns suggest that bees most abundant at highly invaded sites may compete for access to native resources. Thus the impacts of this invasive plant on our focal bee species may be primarily indirect, via its’ competitive effects on native plants.  相似文献   

The family Malpighiaceae, particularly in the Neotropic, shows a similar floral morphology. Although floral attraction and rewards to pollinators are alike, stigmas and styles show more diversity. The stigmas were described covered with a thin and impermeable cuticle that needs to be ruptured by the mechanical action of the pollinators. However, this characteristic was only mentioned for a few species and the anatomy and ultrastructure of the stigmas were not explored. In this work, we analyze the morphology, anatomy, and ultrastructure of the stigma and style of Callaeum psilophyllum. Moreover, we identify the potential pollinators in order to evaluate how the disposition of the stigmas is related with their size and its role in the exposure of the receptive stigmatic surface. Our observations indicate that Centris flavifrons, C. fuscata, C. tarsata, and C. trigonoides are probably efficient pollinators of C. psilophyllum. The three stigmas are covered by a cuticle that remained intact in bagged flowers. The flowers exposed to visitors show the cuticle broken, more secretion in the intercellular spaces between sub-stigmatic cells and abundant electron-dense components inside vacuoles in stigmatic papillae. This indicates that the stigmas prepares in similar ways to receive pollen grains, but the pollinator action is required to break the cuticle, and once pollen tubes start growing, stigmatic and sub-stigmatic cells release more secretion by a granulocrine process.  相似文献   

Exclusivity of pollinators, temporal partitioning of shared pollinators and divergence in pollen placement on the shared pollinators’ bodies are mechanisms that prevent interspecific pollen flow and minimize competitive interactions in synchronopatric plant species. We investigated the floral biology, flower visitors, pollinator effectiveness and seasonal flower availability of two syntopic legume species of the genus Vigna, V. longifolia and V. luteola, in ‘restinga’ vegetation of an island in southern Brazil. Our goal was to identify the strategies that might mitigate negative consequences of their synchronous flowering. Vigna longifolia and V. luteola were self-compatible, but depended on pollinators to set seeds. Only medium to large bees were able to trigger the ‘brush type’ pollination mechanism. Vigna longifolia, with its asymmetrical corolla and hugging mechanism, showed a more restrictive pollination system, with precise sites of pollen deposition/removal on the bee’s body, compared to V. luteola, with its zygomorphic corolla and cymbiform keel. There was a daily temporal substitution in flower visitation by the main pollinators. Vigna longifolia and V. luteola had overlapping flowering phenology but the densities of their flowers fluctuated, resulting in a seasonal partitioning of flower visitation. The differences in corolla symmetry and mainly the temporal partitioning among pollinators throughout the day and the flowering season proved to be important factors in maintaining the synchronopatry of V. longifolia and V. luteola.  相似文献   

Twenty-five years ago, Arctomecon humilis, a pollinator-dependent, endangered poppy globally restricted to the extreme northeastern Mojave Desert in southwestern Utah, was pollinated by native bee species and the European honey bee. Follow-up studies beginning in 2012 failed to find the two most important native bee pollinator species, one of which, Perdita meconis, is a strict poppy specialist. We had four objectives: (1) confirm the status of formerly important native bee pollinators; (2) determine the role of the Africanized honey bee which reportedly invaded southern Utah in 2008; (3) examine the effect of the ostensible change in pollinator fauna on fruit set in four populations; (4) describe the pollination proficiency of species that presently visit poppy flowers. For the fourth consecutive survey, P. meconis was absent; its local extinction in Utah now seems certain. Another previously important native pollinator, Eucera quadricincta, was very rare. Also uncommon was the European honey bee, having been largely replaced by Africanized honey bees which have become, in most populations, the prevalent pollinator. Africanized bees forage early in the day and quickly strip flowers of their copious pollen leaving little for native bees. We argue that the invasion of southern Utah by Africanized bees is the most likely cause of the severe disruption of the A. humilis pollination system. The ascension of the Africanized bee is also associated with reduced fruit set in all poppy populations, especially those where plants are sparse. Arctomecon humilis now appears to depend mostly on an invasive species for pollination.  相似文献   

Ant pollination is a debated topic that requires more attention in order to clarify the role of ants as potential pollinators. Although many authors consider ants as mere nectar robbers, there are studies proving that ants may act as pollinators and that some plants even have flower traits acting as ant attractors. In this study, we evaluated the role of the ants in pollination of Blutaparon portulacoides inflorescences. This plant species has most of the traits favorable for ant pollination, such as short and aggregated inflorescences, and synchronized blooming as well as growing in an environment where ant pollination is likely to occur. Our results show that ants are the most abundant visitors throughout the day and that there is no effect of ant integument on pollen germination. Furthermore, the flower visitor exclusion experiment showed that ants have a role in the pollination of B. portulacoides by promoting seed formation. Ants can have an important part in the pollination of B. portulacoides in a scenario where winged insects are absent or scarce.  相似文献   

Mistletoe infection between conspecific and interspecific hosts can be restricted by seed dispersal, host-mistletoe compatibility and abiotic factors, yet no studies have linked mistletoe infection patterns and pollination together for understanding mistletoe distribution at a local scale. Psittacanthus calyculatus (Loranthaceae) is a hemiparasitic plant with a broad host range across its geographic distribution. The potential for local host adaptation has been shown using cross-inoculation experiments, in which plants of mistletoe seeds collected from a given host are more likely to survive when they are inoculated on conspecific host trees compared with those inoculated on other host provenances. Here we evaluate host adaptation by describing the local patterns of infection (prevalence and intensity) of P. calyculatus mistletoes on three native host tree species (Alnus acuminata, Quercus crassipes, Salix bonplandiana) and one introduced species (Populus alba) and carried out cross-pollination experiments to examine how pollination affects infection patterns of different host species. Mistletoe infection prevalence (proportion of infection) and infection intensity (mean number of mistletoes per tree) were in general disproportional with respect to the availability of native host tree species but higher to that of non-native host tree species. Cross-pollination experiments showed higher mating success on the native host tree species, suggesting higher local adaptation to specially Q. crassipes. The observed spatial distribution of host tree species and mistletoe infection along with the non-random mating could contribute to local genetic structuring of mistletoe populations.  相似文献   

Jepsonia parryi (Saxifragaceae) has heterostylous flowers and is strongly self-incompatible. Pin flowers have long styles, large stigmas, short stamens, and numerous, small pollen grains with finely sculptured walls. Thrum flowers have short styles, small stigmas, long stamens, and fewer, larger pollen grains with coarsely sculptured walls. Pin plants and thrum plants occur in a 1:1 ratio in field populations. Although the insect pollinators of J. parryi transfer ample compatible pollen to pin and thrum stigmas to account for full seed production, much of the pollen deposited on stigmas is incompatible. Analysis of the pollen deposits on stigmas collected from field populations indicates that compatible “legitimate” pollination of pin and thrum flowers is essentially random and is not obviously aided by floral dimorphism. It is suggested that although heterostyly had a positive adaptive value in the past evolutionary history of Jepsonia it is no longer adaptive under the present pollination regime, although it is maintained because of its strong genetic fixity.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate aerobiological dynamics of pollen in the Mediterranean part of Croatia in the air of the city of Split. Pollen monitoring during the period from 2005 to 2013 was performed using a Hirst volumetric trap. Among the identified pollen of 50 taxa, 21 were allergenic. The average annual pollen index was 33,513. Three pollination seasons were established: early winter season dominated by tree pollen, spring–summer season dominated by herbaceous plants and summer–autumn season with lower amounts of Parietaria and Cupressaceae pollen. According to the abundance, the main taxa were: Cupressaceae, Parietaria/Urtica, Pinus, Quercus, Olea, Carpinus/Ostrya, Poaceae, Platanus and Ambrosia. The annual pollen index together with the daily maximum concentrations showed an upward trend for selected taxa during the study period. The highest monthly pollen index and the highest biodiversity were recorded in April and the lowest during the late autumn and winter months. The pollen calendar created for the city of Split confirmed Mediterranean features of the pollen spectrum. The longest pollen seasons were recorded for Cupressaceae, Parietaria/Urtica and Poaceae pollen types. The correlations between pollen concentrations and meteorological parameters were analyzed. The correlations between pollen concentrations and temperature were positive, while the humidity and the precipitation mostly showed negative influence.  相似文献   

Mosquitoes are generally considered nectar thieves that do not contribute to the pollination of the flowers they visit. Here we tested the hypothesis that the common house mosquito, Culex pipiens, contributes to the pollination of tansies, Tanacetum vulgare, and possibly the pollination of other members of the Asteraceae (Achillea millefolium, Leucanthemum vulgare, Solidago canadensis). To test this hypothesis, we (1) field-collected mosquitoes probing inflorescences of T. vulgare, A. millefolium, and L. vulgare, and recorded the number and distribution of pollen grains on their bodies, (2) exposed laboratory-reared Cx. pipiens to inflorescences of T. vulgare, A. millefolium, and S. canadensis, and (3) ran pollination experiments with Cx. pipiens and T. vulgare in a greenhouse. We found (1) that 41 of 164 field-collected Cx. pipiens carried pollen, (2) that 48, 34, and 34 % of Cx. pipiens accumulated pollen from T. vulgare, A. millefolium, and S. canadensis, respectively, during floral visits of greenhouse-grown specimens, and (3) that cross-pollination by Cx. pipiens resulted in significant seed set of T. vulgare in pollination experiments. Based on our observations that Cx. pipiens are frequent floral visitors and are able to carry pollen and to induce seed set in T. vulgare, it is clear that Cx. pipiens plays a role in the pollination of T. vulgare, and possibly other members of the Asteraceae.  相似文献   

The pump pollination mechanism is typical of basal clades within Papilionoideae and might be associated with less efficient pollen transfer systems, while the explosive tripping mechanism is considered more advanced and might represent the highest expression of the trend in pollen economy. Crotalaria pumila, C. stipularia, Desmodium incanum and D. subsericeum present secondary pollen presentation with pump and explosive pollination mechanisms, respectively. In the present study, we evaluate and compare (1) pollen removal, (2) pollen deposition and (3) pollen transfer efficiency of both mechanisms, considering single visits by Megachile spp., common pollinators of the four plant species in Salta Province, Argentina. Comparisons of visit durations are made in relation to the type of mechanism and rewards offered. We detected significant differences between both mechanisms in the proportion of pollen grains removed and deposited in a flower after a single visit of Megachile. We found that efficiency in pollen transfer was significantly higher for explosive mechanism (2.13?±?0.42 pollen grains deposited per 100 removed) than for pump mechanism (0.33?±?0.17 pollen grains deposited per 100 removed). This is the first study that compares efficiency between pollination mechanisms in this group of plants.  相似文献   

When alien pollinator species enter a native community of pollinators in which resource partitioning has been established, the pollination network between plants and pollinators may be modified through the interactions between the pollinators over the use of floral resources. We observed the floral-use patterns of native (Bombus hypocrita and B. deuteronymus) and alien (B. terrestris) bumblebee species in a coastal grassland in northern Japan. We analyzed the factors determining resource partitioning patterns. B. hypocrita tended to visit flowers with shallow or wide open corollas, such as Rosa rugosa, whereas B. deuteronymus visited flowers with complex or deeper corollas, such as Lathyrus japonicus. Given the wider floral preference of B. terrestris, floral use by the alien bumblebees consistently overlapped with that of native bumblebees. The visitation of B. terrestris to R. rugosa flowers was positively correlated with that of B. hypocrita. These bumblebee species frequently used similar floral resources, in part because of the large overlap in the seasonality of their foraging activity. The visitation frequency of B. deuteronymus to L. japonicus flowers was independent of the visitation frequency of other bumblebee species. The major visitation periods of the bumblebees to L. japonicus flowers reciprocally differed between B. deuteronymus and B. terrestris, suggesting phenological resource partitioning between these species. Our study suggests that phenological niche partitioning is more common in specialized flowers (L. japonicus) than in generalized flowers (R. rugosa).  相似文献   

Invasive plants can impact biodiversity and ecosystem functioning by displacing native plants and crop species due to competition for space, nutrients, water and light. The presence of co-flowering invasives has also been shown to affect some native plants through the reduction in pollinator visitation or through the deposition of heterospecific pollen on the native’s stigmas leading to stigma clogging. We examined the impact of the invasive plant Solanum elaeagnifolium Cavanilles (silver-leafed nightshade), native to South and Central America and South-western parts of North America, on the seed set of the native Glaucium flavum Crantz (yellow-horned poppy) on Lesvos Island, Greece. To do this we measured seed set and visitation rates to G. flavum before and after the placement of potted individuals of the invasive near the native plants. In addition, we hand-crossed G. flavum flowers with super-optimal amounts of conspecific pollen, bagged flowers to measure the rate of spontaneous selfing, and applied self-pollen to measure self-compatibility of G. flavum. The hand-selfing treatment resulted in very low seed set, which indicates that G. flavum is to a large degree self-incompatible and highlights the plant’s need for insect-mediated outcrossing. We show that the presence of the invasive significantly enhanced pollen limitation, although the overall visitation rates were not reduced and that this increase is due to a reduction in honeybee visitation in the presence of the invasive resulting in reduced pollination.  相似文献   

Studies of the floral biology of the buriti palm, Mauritia flexuosa, have presented conflicting results with respect to the mechanism of pollination, indicating either cantharophily or anemophily. To resolve this question, the floral biology of M. flexuosa was studied in a coastal restinga environment in northeastern Brazil. The reproductive system was studied experimentally, and floral visitors were collected by bagging inflorescences. In this environment, M. flexuosa, a dioecious species, has several gender-specific floral features that function to attract pollinators, especially beetles. The male flowers produce large amounts of pollen as a reward, and male and female inflorescences produce similar odors that attract pollinators to female flowers, which offer only a nectar secretion as a reward. When feeding on the female flowers, the visitors frequently come into contact with the stigmata. To increase the chances of pollination, the female flowers persist longer than the male ones, and the viability of the pollen grain is very high. A curculionid beetle species of the genus Grasidius was found to be an effective pollinator. We suspect that wind also contributes to the pollination of M. flexuosa in the study area, but in a relatively minor way.  相似文献   

Mechanisms underlying biological invasion of highly disturbed ecosystems are well known, yet mechanisms responsible for biological invasion of undisturbed or weakly disturbed ecosystems are less understood. The triggering attribute (TA) approach, proposed as a mechanism that explains plant invasion success in undisturbed or weakly disturbed systems, considers that the spread of alien species depends on specific vegetative or regenerative traits in invasive species, discontinuously distributed in comparison to the resident community. In mountain Chaco woodland, fruiting phenology of ornithocorous invasive plants has been proposed as a TA, because it would allow invasive species to benefit from seed dispersal service, which is unused by native plants during a specific period of the year (winter). Under the seed dispersal ecology framework, we evaluated if fruiting phenology (fructification largely uncoupled with native species) of the fleshy-fruited invasive Pyracantha angustifolia affects bird fruit consumption, and allows the invasive to take advantage of the unused seed dispersal service during winter. If uncoupled fructification phenology represents a TA, seed disperser, seed predator, and pulp consumer diversity, abundance, and fruit consumption on P. angustifolia (which fructifies in winter), will be higher than on its exotic congeneric P. coccinea during summer, when fructification overlaps with native Celtis ehrenbergiana and many other native species. We found that: (1) disperser bird abundance and fruit consumption did not differ between P. angustifolia and P. coccinea; (2) the most diverse frugivorous assemblage was observed on C. ehrenbergiana, yet it had the lowest proportion of seed dispersers and the highest fruit consumption by seed predators and, (3) we also observed higher proportion of seed predators on P. angustifolia (uncoupled fructification scenario) than on P. coccinea (coupled fructification scenario). Our results suggest that invasive uncoupled fructification phenology does not represent a true TA which facilitates plant invasion processes in undisturbed or weakly disturbed ecosystem.  相似文献   

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