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Tropospheric ozone (O3) is an important stressor in natural ecosystems, with well‐documented impacts on soils, biota and ecological processes. The effects of O3 on individual plants and processes scale up through the ecosystem through effects on carbon, nutrient and hydrologic dynamics. Ozone effects on individual species and their associated microflora and fauna cascade through the ecosystem to the landscape level. Systematic injury surveys demonstrate that foliar injury occurs on sensitive species throughout the globe. However, deleterious impacts on plant carbon, water and nutrient balance can also occur without visible injury. Because sensitivity to O3 may follow coarse physiognomic plant classes (in general, herbaceous crops are more sensitive than deciduous woody plants, grasses and conifers), the task still remains to use stomatal O3 uptake to assess class and species’ sensitivity. Investigations of the radial growth of mature trees, in combination with data from many controlled studies with seedlings, suggest that ambient O3 reduces growth of mature trees in some locations. Models based on tree physiology and forest stand dynamics suggest that modest effects of O3 on growth may accumulate over time, other stresses (prolonged drought, excess nitrogen deposition) may exacerbate the direct effects of O3 on tree growth, and competitive interactions among species may be altered. Ozone exposure over decades may be altering the species composition of forests currently, and as fossil fuel combustion products generate more O3 than deteriorates in the atmosphere, into the future as well.  相似文献   

Habitat loss often reduces the number of species as well as functional diversity. Dramatic effects to species composition have also been shown, but changes to functional composition have so far been poorly documented, partly owing to a lack of appropriate indices. We here develop three new community indices (i.e. functional integrity, community integrity of ecological groups and community specialization) to investigate how habitat loss affects the diversity and composition of functional traits and species. We used data from more than 5000 individuals of 137 bird species captured in 57 sites in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest, a highly endangered biodiversity hotspot. Results indicate that habitat loss leads to a decrease in functional integrity while measures of functional diversity remain unchanged or are even positively affected. Changes to functional integrity were caused by (i) a decrease in the provisioning of some functions, and an increase in others; (ii) strong within-guild species turnover; and (iii) a replacement of specialists by generalists. Hence, communities from more deforested sites seem to provide different but not fewer functions. We show the importance of investigating changes to both diversity and composition of functional traits and species, as the effects of habitat loss on ecosystem functioning may be more complex than previously thought. Crucially, when only functional diversity is assessed, important changes to ecological functions may remain undetected and negative effects of habitat loss underestimated, thereby imperiling the application of effective conservation actions.  相似文献   

Biogenically engineered habitats are constantly changing in space and time, resulting in changes to the landscape and the ecology of associated taxa. Using patchily distributed biogenic habitats on intertidal rocky shores the influences of different aspects of the landscape were investigated, that is, the surrounding matrix and the habitat itself. Experiments to test the effect of the matrix were carried out by transplanting assemblages in artificial habitats from one type of biogenically engineered matrix (created by the tubeworm Galeolaria caespitosa) to another (created by the oyster Saccostrea glomerata). Change to the surrounding matrix resulted in the densities of polychaete worms in central fragments of habitat changing to become more similar to their new surroundings. To test how the habitat influenced predator–prey interactions, polychaetes were transplanted from a complex habitat (created by the turfing alga Corallina officinalis) to less complex habitat (created by the tubeworm G. caespitosa), with or without the presence of the predatory polychaete, Perinereis amblyodonta. This experiment also tested the influence of habitat replacement on densities of polychaetes, regardless of any new interactions between species. Despite coralline turf being a much more complex habitat than Galeolaria, P. amblyodonta successfully preyed on other species of polychaetes in both habitats. Furthermore, in the absence of P. amblyodonta, survival of polychaetes did not differ between the habitats. These types of experiments will be useful for testing similar hypotheses in different landscapes and will assist in gaining a more general understanding of habitat modification.  相似文献   

Impacts of parasitic plants on natural communities   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Parasitic plants have profound effects on the ecosystems in which they occur. They are represented by some 4000 species and can be found in most major biomes. They acquire some or all of their water, carbon and nutrients via the vascular tissue of the host's roots or shoots. Parasitism has major impacts on host growth, allometry and reproduction, which lead to changes in competitive balances between host and nonhost species and therefore affect community structure, vegetation zonation and population dynamics. Impacts on hosts may further affect herbivores, pollinators and seed vectors, and the behaviour and diversity of these is often closely linked to the presence and abundance of parasitic plants. Parasitic plants can therefore be considered as keystone species. Community impacts are mediated by the host range of the parasite (the diversity of species that can potentially act as hosts) and by their preference and selection of particular host species. Parasitic plants can also alter the physical environment around them--including soil water and nutrients, atmospheric CO2 and temperature--and so may also be considered as ecosystem engineers. Such impacts can have further consequences in altering the resource supply to and behaviour of other organisms within parasitic plant communities.  相似文献   

1. The spillover of exotic predators from managed ecosystems into natural habitats may exacerbate the biodiversity losses caused by land‐use intensification. 2. In the present study, the impacts of the exotic wandering spider Cheiracanthium mildei L. Koch in an oak woodland ecosystem adjacent to an intensively‐managed agricultural system were examined. 3. Abundance and species richness of resident spiders and insects in oak branches were reduced in the presence of C. mildei. Contrary to expectations, C. mildei did not disproportionately affect other wandering spider species, but appeared to impact spiders from all tested functional groups. Numbers of herbivorous and predatory insects were also lower in the presence of C. mildei. 4. Although the apparent effects of this spider extend to multiple trophic levels in oak woodland, its voracity and relatively large size may ultimately strengthen herbivore suppression in the vineyard–oak woodland landscape.  相似文献   

Efficient foraging by plant roots relies on the ability to sense multiple physical and chemical cues in soil and to reorient growth accordingly (tropism). Root tropisms range from sensing gravity (gravitropism), light (phototropism), water (hydrotropism), touch (thigmotropism), and more. Electrotropism, also known as galvanotropism, is the phenomenon of aligning growth with external electric fields and currents. Although root electrotropism has been observed in a few species since the end of the 19th century, its molecular and physical mechanisms remain elusive, limiting its comparison with the more well-defined sensing pathways in plants. Here, we provide a quantitative and molecular characterization of root electrotropism in the model system Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana), showing that it does not depend on an asymmetric distribution of the plant hormone auxin, but instead requires the biosynthesis of a second hormone, cytokinin. We also show that the dose–response kinetics of the early steps of root electrotropism follows a power law analogous to the one observed in some physiological reactions in animals. Future studies involving more extensive molecular and quantitative characterization of root electrotropism would represent a step toward a better understanding of signal integration in plants and would also serve as an independent outgroup for comparative analysis of electroreception in animals and fungi.  相似文献   

The suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) regulates a wide range of daily behaviors and has been described as the master circadian pacemaker. The role of daily rhythmicity in other tissues, however, is unknown. We hypothesized that circadian changes in olfactory discrimination depend on a genetic circadian oscillator outside the SCN. We developed an automated assay to monitor olfactory discrimination in individual mice throughout the day. We found olfactory sensitivity increased approximately 6-fold from a minimum during the day to a peak in the early night. This circadian rhythm was maintained in SCN-lesioned mice and mice deficient for the Npas2 gene but was lost in mice lacking Bmal1 or both Per1 and Per2 genes. We conclude that daily rhythms in olfactory sensitivity depend on the expression of canonical clock genes. Olfaction is, thus, the first circadian behavior that is not based on locomotor activity and does not require the SCN.  相似文献   

This investigation sought to examine if there was a difference between the ectomycorrhizal (ECM) communities in plots of native oak and introduced Scots pine and Sitka spruce forest. The ECM communities in four plots of each forest type were described, from five soil cores collected in each plot, by morphotyping, internal transcribed spacer (ITS)-restriction fragment length polymorphism matching of mycorrhizas and sporocarps and ITS sequencing. Fifty-one distinct taxa were distinguished; 25 were identified to species level, 11 to genus and 15 remained unidentified. Seventy-one ECM species were recorded as sporocarps from the forest plots; most (43 species) were found in the Sitka spruce plots. The below-ground ECM communities of the different forest types did not differ significantly with respect to species richness of taxa on roots, but differed in species composition. Multivariate analysis produced a clear separation of the communities of the different forest types using below-ground data, but the above-ground sporocarp data did not separate the forest types. Moreover, results of a Mantel test found no relationship between the above- and below-ground similarity matrices. The oak plots had the most distinctive ECM community, with Laccaria amethystina and Elaphomyces granulatus being frequent. The Sitka spruce plots showed the lowest intra-forest type similarity and were often dominated by "nursery type" ectomycorrhizas. There was only 10% similarity between the above- and below-ground ECM species in these plots, different colonisation methods of ectomycorrhizal taxa and insufficient below-ground sampling being possible reasons for this disparity. Our results indicate that plantations of non-native Sitka spruce can support similar levels of ECM diversity as native forests.  相似文献   

The main representatives of acidophilic chemolithotrophs oxidizing sulfide minerals, ferrous iron, elemental sulfur, and reduced sulfur compounds and forming microbial communities in the natural and technogenic ecosystems with low pH values and high concentrations of heavy metal ions are listed. The species and strain diversity of the communities and environmental factors affecting their composition (temperature, pH value, energy substrate, mineralogical composition of sulfide ore concentrates, the presence of organic substances, and level of aeration) are analyzed. Involvement of mobile genetic elements (IS elements and plasmids) in the structural changes of the chromosomal DNA in the course of switching microbial metabolism to the oxidation of new energy substrates or under increased concentrations of metal ions is shown to be a probable mechanism responsible for the intraspecific genetic heterogeneity of the populations. Importance of determination of the dominant strains of different microbial species in the communities and of their physiological peculiarities for stabilization, optimization, and enhancement of efficiency of biotechnological processes for sulfide mineral oxidation is stressed.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

The rate of plant decomposition depends on both the decomposition environment and the functional traits of the individual species (e.g. leaf and litter quality), but their relative importance in determining interspecific differences in litter decomposition remains unclear. The aims of this study were to: (a) determine if species from different successional stages grown on soils with low and high nitrogen levels produce leaf and litter traits that decompose differently under identical conditions; and (b) assess which trait of living leaves best relates to litter quality and litter decomposability


The study was conducted on 17 herbaceous species representative of three stages of a Mediterranean successional sere of Southern France. Plants were grown in monocultures in a common garden under two nitrogen levels. To elucidate how different leaf traits affected litter decomposition a microcosm experiment was conducted to determine decomposability under standard conditions. Tests were also carried out to determine how successional stage and nitrogen supply affected functional traits of living leaves and how these traits then modified litter quality and subsequent litter decomposability.

Key Results

The results demonstrated that leaf traits and litter decomposability varied according to species and successional stage. It was also demonstrated that while nitrogen addition affected leaf and litter traits, it had no effect on decomposition rates. Finally, leaf dry matter content stood out as the leaf trait best related to litter quality and litter decomposability


In this study, species litter decomposability was affected by some leaf and litter traits but not by soil nitrogen supply. The results demonstrated the strength of a trait-based approach to predict changes in ecosystem processes as a result of species shifts in ecosystems.Key words: Leaf traits, litter quality, litter decomposability, nitrogen addition, secondary succession  相似文献   

植物对有机氮源的利用及其在自然生态系统中的意义   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12  
崔晓阳 《生态学报》2007,27(8):3500-3512
近来大量实验研究表明,许多植物能够在不经矿化的情况下直接吸收、利用环境介质中的生物有机氮,尤其氨基酸类。而且,有些植物利用氨基酸的效率可以与矿质氮源(NH4 、NO3)相当或更高。自然界植物赖以生存的土壤生境中同时存在多种有机氮和矿质氮养分,这是导致植物(至少部分植物)进化产生利用各种不同氮源能力的环境驱动力。土壤中的游离氨基酸尽管含量不高,但其周转快、通量大,理论上可远大于植物的氮需求。尽管植物在与土壤微生物的有机氮源竞争中处于根本性劣势,但土壤中氨基酸的巨大潜在通量和植物相对于微生物的生命周期仍可使植物在长期竞争中获取数量可观的氮。基于植物根对氨基酸的吸收能力、土壤中游离氨基酸库的大小和通量、植物与土壤微生物对氨基酸氮源的竞争以及有关的原位实验结果,近来许多研究者都认为植物有机氮营养在多种生态系统中是重要或潜在重要的。尤其是在一些极地、高山、亚高山、北方针叶林或泰加林生态系统中,由于低温等因素限制有机氮矿化,土壤氨基酸浓度常超过矿质氮(NH4 、NO3-)浓度,氨基酸可能代表着植物的一个主要氮源。认识到现实生态系统中植物对有机氮源利用的重要性意味着传统的矿质营养观念的更新,这将在很大程度上改变人们对某些重要生态过程的理解,并导致对若干生态学中心问题的再认识。研究以森林生态系统为例,阐述了我国开展该领域研究的科学意义和基本框架。  相似文献   

Three aspects of the nitrate production in natural ecosystems are discussed,i.e. the population biology of nitrifying bacteria, the nitrate-producing activity of these organisms and the uptake of nitrate by higher plants. It is concluded that the three methods used in enumerating the nitrifying bacteria,i.e. the Most Probable Number method, the Fluorescent Antibody technique and the Potential Nitrification Rate, all have serious drawbacks and count different segments of the nitrifying populations.From the number of nitrifying bacteria no reliable estimate of the rate production can be obtained and also estimates that are made using field-incubation and15N–NH 4 + techniques do not yield reliable data. Possibly the best results can be obtained using Schimel's method to estimate the actual nitrification rate using15N–NO 3 , but this method has still not been tested under different sets of soil conditions.From the nitrate reductase activity and the chemical composition of the plant a picture can be obtained of the quantities of nitrate and ammonium that have been taken up. However, it is shown that nitrate and ammonium are taken up in different proportions that they are produced. It is concluded that the various parameters have to be studied simultaneously, preferably in defined systems with plants, in which the participating organisms are known.  相似文献   

Despite widespread acknowledgment that disturbance favors invasion, a hypothesis that has received little attention is whether non-native invaders have greater competitive effects on native plants in undisturbed habitats than in disturbed habitats. This hypothesis derives from the assumption that competitive interactions are more persistent in habitats that have not been recently disturbed. Another hypothesis that has received little attention is whether the effects of non-native plants on native plants vary among habitats that differ in soil fertility. We documented habitat occurrences of 27 non-native plant species and 377 native plant species encountered in numerous study plots in a broad sample of ecosystems in MS (USA). We then reviewed experimental and regression-based field studies in the scientific literature that specifically examined potential competitive (or facilitative) effects of these non-native species on native species and characterized the habitats in which effects were the greatest. As expected, the non-native species examined here in general were more likely to be associated with severely disturbed habitats than were the native species as a group. In contrast, we found that non-native species with competitive effects on natives were more likely to be associated with undisturbed habitats than with disturbed habitats. When longer term studies involving more resident species were given more weight in the analysis, competitive effects appeared to be the greatest in undisturbed habitats with low soil fertility. These results reinforce the notion that invasion is not synonymous with impact. The environmental conditions that promote invasion may limit competitive effects of invaders on native plant communities following invasion.  相似文献   

Summary The plasma membrane potential of Lettré cells has been determined with the optical indicator oxonol-V and found to be –57 mV at 37°C (range –20 to –80 mV depending on the physiological condition of the cells). Increasing extracellular K+ does not depolarize cells: even in the presence of 155mM K+ the potential is –41 mV; membrane potential is also insensitive to the chemical gradient of Na+,Mg2+, Ca2+ or Cl. Ouabain depolarizes the cells; H+ efflux from cells is stimulated by extracellular Na+. We propose that in Lettré cells the plasma membrane potential is generated by electrogenic cation pumps. The balancing fluxes of Na+ and K+ are mainly through electroneutral cation exchanges (Na+/K+ and Na+/H+) and the magnitude of the potential is limited by organic anion leaks. Such a mechanism may operate in other biological membranes also.  相似文献   

《Plant Ecology & Diversity》2013,6(2-3):131-140
Background: Nitrogen fixation has been quantified for a range of crop legumes and actinorhizal plants under different agricultural/agroforestry conditions, but much less is known of legume and actinorhizal plant N2 fixation in natural ecosystems.

Aims: To assess the proportion of total plant N derived from the atmosphere via the process of N2 fixation (%Ndfa) by actinorhizal and legume plants in natural ecosystems and their N input into these ecosystems as indicated by their 15N natural abundance.

Methods: A comprehensive collation of published values of %Ndfa for legumes and actinorhizal plants in natural ecosystems and their N input into these ecosystems as estimated by their 15N natural abundance was carried out by searching the ISI Web of Science database using relevant key words.

Results: The %Ndfa was consistently large for actinorhizal plants but very variable for legumes in natural ecosystems, and the average value for %Ndfa was substantially greater for actinorhizal plants. High soil N, in particular, but also low soil P and water content were correlated with low legume N2 fixation. N input into ecosystems from N2 fixation was very variable for actinorhizal and legume plants and greatly dependent on their biomass within the system.

Conclusions: Measurement of 15N natural abundance has given greater understanding of where legume and actinorhizal plant N2 fixation is important in natural ecosystems. Across studies, the average value for %Ndfa was substantially greater for actinorhizal plants than for legumes, and the relative abilities of the two groups of plants to utilise mineral N requires further study.  相似文献   

A list of non-native phytophagous insects and mites on woody plants (trees, shrubs, vines) in Canada was compiled using information from literature and input from taxonomists. The 419 recorded species include Hemiptera (53% of species), Lepidoptera (22%), Coleoptera (13%) and Hymenoptera (9%). Almost all species originate from the Palearctic, especially Europe, reflecting historical trade patterns. About 41% of species were directly introduced to Canada from countries of origin, and the remainder spread from the United States of America (USA) after initial establishment there. Major ports on the east and west coasts, on Lake Erie and Lake Ontario are the main points of entry for exotic species directly introduced, and southern British Columbia (BC), Ontario (ON) and Quebec (QC) are the major points of entry for species spreading from the USA. Consequently, BC, ON, QC and Nova Scotia have the highest diversity of non-native species, and the prairie provinces and northern territories have the lowest. The extent of the distribution of individual species is related to length of time in Canada, number of introductions and dispersal abilities. Almost all native woody plant genera in Canada have been invaded by exotic phytophages. The large majority of phytophages occur on angiosperms. Woody plant genera with the largest distribution, highest species diversity and highest local abundances tend to host the greatest number of non-native species, including Picea, Pinus, Malus, Prunus, Salix, Betula, Quercus, Pyrus and Populus. The arrival rate of species in Canada increased from the late nineteenth century until about 1960, and declined rapidly thereafter. Quarantine legislation enacted in the USA in 1912 and in Canada in 1976 seems to have reduced the rate of insect invasion. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Research has shown that viewing stimuli that induce mating or sex motivation can push men towards greater impulsivity, a manifestation of lower self-control. Recent advances in research on the connection between self-control and moral behavior indicate that low self-control is associated with increased dishonesty. From an evolutionary perspective, when mating motivation is activated, men may behave in dishonest ways by projecting characteristics in line with women's mate preferences to enhance their sexual attractiveness. We tested the possibility that exposure to pictures of sexually appealing women would engender lower self-control, leading men to behave dishonestly. The results showed that a state of lower self-control was observed in males who viewed women rated high on sexual attractiveness but not in males who viewed women rated low on sexual attractiveness or in females who viewed men (Experiment 1). Compared with control participants, male participants exposed to pictures of sexy women were less likely to return excess money received for participating (Experiment 2) and more likely to cheat in a matrix task (Experiments 3 and 4). State self-control mediated the link between exposure to sexual stimuli and dishonest behavior in men (Experiments 2 and 4). For men whose mating motivation is heightened by exposure to sexual stimuli, dishonesty appears to be a tactic for projecting characteristics preferred by women (e.g., large economic resources).  相似文献   

Many systems are prone to both exotic plant invasion and frequent natural disturbances. Native species richness can buffer the effects of invasion or disturbance when imposed in isolation, but it is largely unknown whether richness provides substantial resistance against invader impact in the face of disturbance. We experimentally examined how disturbance (drought/burning) influenced the impact of three exotic invaders (Centaurea stoebe, Linaria dalmatica, or Potentilla recta) on native abundance across a gradient of species richness, using previously constructed grassland assemblages. We found that invaders had higher cover in experimentally disturbed plots than in undisturbed plots across all levels of native species richness. Although exotic species varied in cover, all three invaders had significant impacts on native cover in disturbed plots. Regardless of disturbance, however, invader cover diminished with increasing richness. Invader impacts on native cover also diminished at higher richness levels, but only in undisturbed plots. In disturbed plots, invaders strongly impacted native cover across all richness levels, as disturbance favoured invaders over native species. By examining these ecological processes concurrently, we found that disturbance exacerbated invader impacts on native abundance. Although diversity provided a buffering effect against invader impact without disturbance, the combination of invasion and disturbance markedly depressed native abundance, even in high richness assemblages.  相似文献   

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