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Ectomycorrhizal (ECM) fungi have previously been divided into two groups (early-stage and latestage) based on their position in ectomycorrhizal succession. This classification has a number of limitations, particularly in the lack of precision in the terminology adopted and its general applicability. Many species cannot be easily assigned to either stage, and the behaviour of some species is modified by environmental conditions. In addition, a number of different mechanisms of ECM succession have been proposed, including the influence of organic matter and root exudates. In this paper, it is suggested that the phenomenon of ECM succession can be explained simply by the relative ability of different fungi to colonize and spread from different sources of inoculum. Epidemiological characteristics, such as the ability to produce mycelial strands or to spread on root systems by secondary infection, may therefore provide a more appropriate basis for a functional classification of ECM fungi. The functionally important characteristics of ECM fungi are discussed.  相似文献   

Global species richness patterns of soil micro-organisms remain poorly understood compared to macro-organisms. We use a global analysis to disentangle the global determinants of diversity and community composition for ectomycorrhizal (EcM) fungi-microbial symbionts that play key roles in plant nutrition in most temperate and many tropical forest ecosystems. Host plant family has the strongest effect on the phylogenetic community composition of fungi, whereas temperature and precipitation mostly affect EcM fungal richness that peaks in the temperate and boreal forest biomes, contrasting with latitudinal patterns of macro-organisms. Tropical ecosystems experience rapid turnover of organic material and have weak soil stratification, suggesting that poor habitat conditions may contribute to the relatively low richness of EcM fungi, and perhaps other soil biota, in most tropical ecosystems. For EcM fungi, greater evolutionary age and larger total area of EcM host vegetation may also contribute to the higher diversity in temperate ecosystems. Our results provide useful biogeographic and ecological hypotheses for explaining the distribution of fungi that remain to be tested by involving next-generation sequencing techniques and relevant soil metadata.  相似文献   

Copper-binding proteins in ectomycorrhizal fungi   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  

The use of ectomycorrhizal (ECM) fungi in biotechnological processes requires their maintenance over long periods under conditions that maintain their genetic, phenotypic, and physiological stability. Cryopreservation is considered as the most reliable method for long-term storage of most filamentous fungi. However, this technique is not widespread for ECM fungi since many do not survive or exhibit poor recovery after freezing. The aim of this study was to develop an efficient cryopreservation protocol for the long-term storage of ECM fungi. Two cryopreservation protocols were compared. The first protocol was the conventional straw protocol (SP). The mycelium of the ECM isolates was grown in Petri dishes on agar and subsequently collected by punching the mycelium into a sterile straw before cryopreservation. In the second protocol, the cryovial protocol (CP), the mycelium of the ECM isolates was grown directly in cryovials filled with agar and subsequently cryopreserved. The same cryoprotectant solution, freezing, and thawing process, and re-growth conditions were used in both protocols. The survival (positive when at least 60 % of the replicates showed re-growth) was evaluated before and immediately after freezing as well as after 1 week, 1 m, and 6 m of storage at −130 °C. Greater survival rate (80 % for the CP as compared to 25 % for the SP) and faster re-growth (within 10 d for the CP compared to the 4 weeks for the SP) were observed for most isolates with the CP suggesting that the preparation of the cultures prior to freezing had a significant impact on the isolates survival. The suitability of the CP for cryopreservation of ECM fungi was further confirmed on a set of 98 ECM isolates and displayed a survival rate of 88 % of the isolates. Only some isolates belonging to Suillus luteus, Hebeloma crustuliniforme, Paxillus involutus and Thelephora terrestris failed to survive. This suggested that the CP is an adequate method for the ultra-low cryopreservation of a large set of ECM fungi and that further studies are necessary for the more recalcitrant ones.  相似文献   

An overview of Cistus ectomycorrhizal fungi   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The genus Cistus comprises a group of about 20 shrub species found in wide areas throughout the whole Mediterranean region to the Caucasus. Being one of the main constituents of the Mediterranean-type maquis, this plant genus is peculiar in that it has developed a range of specific adaptations to resist summer drought and frequent disturbance events, such as fire and grazing. In addition, it can form both ectomycorrhizas and arbuscular mycorrhizas. In this paper, we review the information available on the ectomycorrhizal fungi of Cistus across its entire geographic range, as gathered and critically sifted from both published literature sources and personal observations. Although the resulting data matrix was based primarily on accounts of sporocarp inventories in the field, existing knowledge on the features of Cistus natural and synthesized ectomycorrhizas was also included and discussed. In total, more than 200 fungal species belonging to 40 genera have been reported so far to be associated with Cistus. An analysis of the pattern of ectomycorrhizal diversity and host specificity revealed that members of the Cortinariaceae and Russulaceae make the most of both Cistus-aspecific and Cistus-specific mycobionts. Further studies are needed to expand our preliminary knowledge of the mycorrhizal ecology and biology of Cistus and its fungal associates, focusing on topics such as mycobiont diversity, host specificity, fungal succession, mycorrhizal influence on stress tolerance, and impact of disturbances, while comparing the findings with those from other ecosystems.  相似文献   

Many ectomycorrhizal (ECM) fungi produce fruit-bodies below ground and rely on animals, especially mammals, for dispersal of spores. Mammals may therefore play an important role in the maintenance of mycorrhizal symbiosis and biodiversity of ECM fungi in many forest ecosystems. Given the pivotal role played by mycorrhizal fungi In the nutrition of their plant hosts and, possibly, in the determination of plant community structure, the ecological significance of mycophagous mammals may extend to the productivity and diversity of plant communities. Mycologists and mammalogists have been aware of the interaction between their study organisms for many years, but recent research has produced new insights Into the evolution of mammal-vectored spore dispersal among ECM fungi, the ecological importance of mycophagy to small mammals, and the effectiveness of mammals as spore-dispersal agents.  相似文献   

The ectomycorrhizal fungi Laccaria amethystina and Lactarius deterrimus grown in liquid culture were used to study the fate of added ferulic acid. Laccaria amethystina degraded ferulic acid to the major metabolite vanillic acid. The intermediate vanillin was not detected. Lactarius deterrimus showed a completely different detoxification pattern. Two dimers and one trimer of ferulic acid could be identified as polymerization products of this fungus. A bioassay of the possible biological activities of ferulic acid and vanillic acid on these fungi revealed that vanillic acid was less toxic than ferulic acid for Laccaria amethystina but that both phenolic acids were toxic for Lactarius deterrimus. The results are discussed with respect to ectomycorrhizal fungal growth in the organic layer of forest soils and between living root cells of ectomycorrhizas.  相似文献   

Ectomycorrhizal (EcM) fungi are an important biotic factor for successful tree recruitment because they enhance plant growth and alleviate drought stress of their hosts. Thus, EcM propagules are expected to be a key factor for forest regeneration after major disturbance events such as stand-replacing forest fires. Yet the susceptibility of soil-borne EcM fungi to heat is unclear. In this study, we investigated the heat tolerance of EcM fungi of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L., Pinaceae). Soil samples of three soil depths were heated to the temperature of 45, 60 and 70 °C, respectively, and surviving EcM fungi were assessed by a bioassay using Scots pine as an experimental host plant. EcM species were identified by a combination of morphotyping and sequencing of the ITS region. We found that mean number of species per sample was reduced by the 60 and 70 °C treatment, but not by the 45 °C treatment. Species composition changed due to heat. While some EcM fungi species did not survive heating, the majority of species was also found in the heated samples. The most frequent species in the heat treatment were Rhizopogon roseolus, Cenococcum geophilum and several unidentified species.  相似文献   

氮沉降对外生菌根真菌的影响   总被引:11,自引:4,他引:11  
综述了国外氮沉降对外生菌根真菌的影响研究现状 ,主要从菌根形成、形态 (菌丝体、菌根 )变化、子实体生产力和外生菌根真菌群落结构等方面对氮沉降的响应进行了综述 ,并初步探讨了氮饱和的临界负荷。研究表明 ,过量氮沉降会给外生菌根真菌在以下几个方面带来负影响 :(1)影响外生菌根真菌与寄主植物之间的养分分配和循环 ;(2 )降低子实体生产力 ;(3)减少菌丝 ;(4 )降低菌根量及其活力 ;(5 )降低外生菌根真菌丰富度 ;(6 )改变外生菌根真菌群落结构组成 ;(7)降低外生菌根真菌群落功能。还指出了未来该方面研究重点和方向  相似文献   

青蒿素对外生菌根真菌化感效应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李倩  袁玲  王明霞  黄玥  黄建国 《生态学报》2013,33(6):1791-1797
青蒿素是治疗疟疾的首选药物,主要从黄花蒿(Artemisia annua L.)中提取,然而黄花蒿在生长过程中会向周围环境分泌青蒿素。为正确评估青蒿素对森林生态系统中的重要成分""外生菌根真菌的影响,试验以重庆地区有代表性的两株外生菌根真菌——褐环乳牛肝菌(Suillus luteus)Sl 8和松乳菇(Lactarius delicious)Ld 3为材料,研究了青蒿素对菌丝生长,H+和有机酸分泌,以及养分吸收的影响。结果表明,在液体培养基中加入青蒿素,外生菌根真菌的生长受到明显抑制,菌丝生物量降幅高达26.89%(Ld 3)和89.13%(Sl 8);Ld 3分泌H+和草酸的能力增强,而Sl 8分泌量下降。随着青蒿素浓度的增加,菌丝的N、P、K含量及吸收量显著减少。当培养基中青蒿素达到80 mg/L时,Ld 3的N、P、K吸收量比不加青蒿素的处理分别降低了50.55%、46.30%和42.28%;Sl 8几乎丧失对N、P、K的吸收能力。说明青蒿素不同程度地抑制了外生菌根真菌的生长和养分吸收,但对H+和草酸的分泌作用因菌株不同而异。  相似文献   

Competition between ectomycorrhizal fungi colonizing Pinus densiflora   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
B. Wu  K. Nara  T. Hogetsu 《Mycorrhiza》1999,9(3):151-159
 Interactive competition of Pisolithus tinctorius (Pers.) Coker et Couch with an unidentified species Tanashi 01 and Suillus luteus (L.: Fr.) S. F. Gray was investigated using a rhizobox. Pinus densiflora Sieb. et Zucc. was used as the host plant and mycelia were distinguished by hyphal color. The speed of mycelial spread differed between the fungi;P. tinctorius and Tanashi 01 grew faster than S. luteus. A P. tinctorius mycorrhizal seedling and a Tanashi 01 mycorrhizal seedling were transplanted on opposite sides of the rhizobox. The mycelia and mycorrhizae of P. tinctorius were overgrown by Tanashi 01 hyphae and development of P. tinctorius was gradually inhibited. The areas occupied by mycelia and mycorrhiza of P. tinctorius decreased by 52% and 37%, respectively, 154 days after transplantation relative to that at 91 days. In the overlap area of P. tinctorius and Tanashi 01, the latter fungus infected new root tips emerging from P. tinctorius mycorrhiza, which lacked a mantle of P. tinctorius hyphae, and formed a composite mycorrhizal structure. P. tinctorius mycorrhizae were progressively replaced by Tanashi 01 mycorrhizae. Mycelial spread of P. tinctorius and S. luteus were naturally inhibited but there was no interaction in mycorrhizal formation. Accepted: 18 June 1999  相似文献   

Restriction fragment length polymorphisms distinguish ectomycorrhizal fungi   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Basidiomycetous fungi, two saprophytes and three mycorrhizal, were used to assess the specificity of DNA hybridization for distinguishing genera from one another. Interspecific comparisons were done with several isolates of mycorrhizal fungi,Laccaria bicolor andL. laccata, collected from diverse geographical sites. The DNAs were digested with four restriction nucleases and separated by gel electrophoresis into patterns of DNA fragments called restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs). The RFLPs were hybridized with a radioactively-labeled DNA probe encoding Basidiomycetous ribosomal RNA genes. The five genera were discernable using both unprobed and probed RFLPs. Hybridization of probe DNA with RFLPs was isolate-specific for all nine Laccaria isolates examined. The reclassification of aL. bicolor isolate is supported, demonstrating that hybridization of RFLPs offers an additional tool for taxonomy of ectomycorrhizal fungi. The method may have field application for distinguishing known isolates if their DNA fingerprints are previously ascertained and are distinct from RFLPs of indigenous organisms.  相似文献   

The extramatrical mycelia of Suillus bovinus, Rhizopogon luteolus and R. vinicolor, all examples of hydrophobic (ho), mat-forming mycorrhizal fungi, were examined while associated with their hosts in the unsterilized rhizoscope, and efforts were made to produce and examine similar structures in vitro. Comparisons were made with four hydrophilic (hi) mycorrhizal fungi, Thelephora terrestris, Cenococcum geophilum, Laccaria laccata and Hebeloma crustuliniforme. The ho fungi formed linear structures (coarse, rhizomorph-like cords, with vessels in the center) and fans, both in the rhizoscope and in vitro. The same was seen in mycorrhizal mycelia in forest soils. These cords did not themselves give rise to the fans peripherally, and were not proper rhizomorphs, but were created continuously from single exploring air hyphae in the preexisting fan. Thus the ho exploring hyphae aggregated into strands, which grew in thickness only when no suitable, exploitable substrate was found. The assembly of hyphae creating ho cords was seen in the air as well as on inert hydrophilic (glass) or hydrophobic (plastic) surfaces, but never in water. It is hypothesized that the ho cell wall surface glues hyphae together while cords are formed. Water disturbed strands and mantles already formed. The ho exploring hyphae could also create ho mycelial patches (as in a mat) at the water-air interface of a number of substrates. The periphery of these patches seemed to be composed of shorter exploiting hyphae penetrating different water-soaked substrates. Exploring, aerial hyphal tips of the ho fungi were shown to excrete water droplets from openings in the ho cell wall surface, both in vitro and in the rhizoscope. In the rhizoscope, droplet excretion was apparently directly governed by photosynthesis in the shoot of the seedling. It is proposed that the drop exudation represents a kidney-like function of the extramatrical hyphae and a bridge to drier soil particles to initiate nutrient uptake by the hyphae. The ecological function of the different extramatrical structures of ho fungi are discussed. The ho cords or hyphae may translocate water only in the vessels or symplastically and not in the cell walls. The ho property may be essential among the S-selected (stress-tolerant) factors in these forest fungi. The transfer from water-repelling exploring structures into more hi exploiting structures in water contact with surrounding soil debris is, therefore, of great importance. The hi fungi did not form rhizomorph-like strands, in most cases, but an extending hyphal mycelium, representing foraging, exploring and exploiting structures at the same time. In the field, short strands may be found. On the hi fungi droplets were also produced but readily fused into a water sheath around the hypha. The hyphae thus tended to wick water via the cell wall.  相似文献   

The variability within and among ectomycorrhizal species provides a substantial genetic resource and the potential to increase forest productivity and environmental sustainability. Two parallel and interacting approaches, classical and molecular genetics, are being developed to acquire the genetic information underpinning selection of improved ectomycorrhizal strains. Determining the genetic traits of the fungi which contribute to symbiosis and plant function are being followed using natural variability combined with classical and molecular genetic manipulations. Classical and molecular manipulations for breeding rely on key information including sexual and parasexual reproduction, postmeiotic nuclear behaviour, mating-types and vegetative incompatibility mechanisms. Progress in the manipulation of genomes of ectomycorrhizal fungi will depend on efficient methods for gene cloning and DNA transformation. Gene transfer into fungal cells have been shown to be successful and include treatment of protoplasts and intact mycelium with naked DNA in the presence of polyvalent cations, electroporation, and microbombardment. The merits and limitations of these methods are discussed. Using this technology the expression of foreign DNA, the functional analysis of fungal DNA sequences, as well as molecular exploitation for commercial purposes can be carried out. This review concentrates on these aspects of fungal molecular biology and discusses the applications of the experimental systems that are currently available to ectomycorrhizal fungi. As it is essential to be able to define the traits which a breeder is seeking to improve, availability of genetically defined strains that are isogenic for a character or differ only in one character and a thorough knowledge of the biochemistry of the symbiosis will be necessary before any genetic manipulation be carried out. Genetic variability of ectomycorrhizal strains has been assessed by DNA fingerprinting. This approach allows the evaluation of DNA variability and the exchange of genetic information in natural populations, the identification of species and isolates by DNA polymorphisms, and tracking the environmental fate of the introduced fungi to determine their survival, growth, and dissemination within the soil.  相似文献   

Cultivation techniques for the production of ectomycorrhizal fungi   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Ectomycorrhizal fungi have a valuable role to play in current agricultural practices. In order to produce inocula for use in laboratory, nursery and field trials it is first necessary to isolate the organism, grow it in axenic culture and produce sufficient quantities of the fungus. The methods currently employed to cultivate this group of fungi are considered.  相似文献   

In vitro weathering of phlogopite by ectomycorrhizal fungi   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The ways in which ectomycorrhizal fungi benefit tree growth and nutrition have not been fully elucidated. Whilst it is most probably due to improved soil colonization, it is also likely that ectomycorrhizal fungi could be directly involved in nutrient cycling of soil reserves. This study assessed access by two species of ectomycorrhizal fungi to soil nonexchangeable K+ reserves. The incubation of ectomycorrhizal fungi in bi-compartment Petri dishes with phlogopite led to cation exchange reactions and to crystal lattice weathering. Paxillus involutus COU led to irreversible phlogopite transformations, while Pisolithus tinctorius 441 led to reversible ones. Simultaneous depletion in K+ and Mg2+ led to an enhanced weathering of phlogopite by P. tinctorius 441. The observation of phlogopite evolution shows that some specific Al3+ immobilization occurred under P. tinctorius 441. The data suggest that these bio-weathering mechanisms could be related to the release of fungal organic acids or other complex forming molecules.  相似文献   

In vitro weathering of phlogopite by ectomycorrhizal fungi   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Oxalate accumulation in external medium under hyphal mats of two ectomycorrhizal species is strongly stimulated (1.7 to 35 fold) by a simultaneous depletion of available K+ and Mg2+. Pisolithus tinctorius strain 441 accumulates oxalate both on NH4–N and on NO3–N whereas Paxillus involutus strain COU only accumulates oxalate on NO3–N. On NO3–N, under a simultaneous K+ and Mg2+ deficiency, P. involutus COU is a very active oxalate producer compared to P. tinctorius 441. The present results could explain the various mineralogical evolutions of a phlogopite mica previously recorded under P. involutus COU or P. tinctorius 441 and suggest a key role for fungal oxalic acid during mineral weathering in response to nutrient deficiency.  相似文献   

外生菌根真菌对土壤钾的活化作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
【目的】外生菌根真菌是森林生态系统中的重要组成成分,与木本植物的根系形成菌根,参与树木养分吸收。【方法】试验在液培条件下,以土壤为钾源,利用我国西南地区分离的牛肝菌(Boletnus sp.,Bo 07)、松乳菇(Lactarius delicious,Ld 03)、彩色豆马勃(Pisolithus tinctorius,Pt 715)和内蒙古大青山分离的土生空团菌(Cenococcum geophilum,Cg 04)为材料,研究了它们的生长、钾吸收、氢离子和有机酸分泌,以及土壤钾的变化。【结果】结果表明,Bo 07、Ld 03和Pt 715的生物量、含钾量和吸收量显著高于Cg 04,说明在长期缺钾的环境中,外生菌根真菌经过"物竞天择"可能进化出适应低钾和较强的吸钾能力。以土壤为钾源培养菌根真菌,培养液中的钾浓度显著提高,故外生菌根真菌可促进土壤钾的溶解。在外生菌根真菌的培养液中,分别检测到苹果酸、丁二酸和柠檬酸,均检测到草酸和乙酸。Bo 07、Ld 03和Pt 715显著提高土壤交换性钾含量,Bo 07和Ld 03还显著降低矿物结构钾含量,说明外生菌根真菌不同程度地活化了土壤无效钾,分离自南方的菌株Bo 07、Ld 03和Pt 715总体上大于分离自北方的菌株Cg 04。此外,土壤矿物结构钾分别与总有机酸和草酸分泌量呈极显著负相关(r有机酸=-0.989**,r草酸=-0.950*,n=5),与培养液pH值呈显著正相关(r=0.916*,n=5),故外生菌根真菌分泌的氢离子和有机酸尤其是草酸可能活化土壤无效钾。【结论】供试外生菌根真菌能不同程度的活化土壤无效钾,其活化能力可能与分泌氢离子和有机酸尤其是草酸密切相关。  相似文献   

Effect of ectomycorrhizal fungi on chestnut ink disease   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
 Seedlings of Castanea sativa were inoculated at transplanting time with four ectomycorrhizal (ECM) fungi, Laccaria laccata, Hebeloma crustuliniforme, H. sinapizans and Paxillus involutus. At the end of the first vegetative season, 7 months after sowing, half of the mycorrhizal and nonmycorrhizal seedlings were challenged with a zoospore suspension of Phytophthora cambivora and the other half with P. cinnamomi. Five months later, mycorrhizal plants infected with P. cambivora or P. cinnamomi showed no sign of pathogen infection. The ECM fungi increased plant biomass also in the presence of the pathogen. Mycorrhizal seedlings inoculated with the pathogens showed greater shoot and root development than nonmycorrhizal chestnut plants. All the fungi tested reduced the negative effect of the ink disease pathogens on the plant host in vivo. The mechanisms by which the ECM fungi protect chestnut seedlings are discussed. Accepted: 20 May 1999  相似文献   

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