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Host-feeding strategies of parasitoid wasps   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
Summary Three models of the evolution of host-feeding behaviour in parasitoid wasps are developed. The first assumes that the wasp host feeds purely to obtain resources to mature eggs (limited resource model) while the second assumes that host feeding provides energy for maintenance (pro-ovigenic model). The third model assumes that host feeding provides resources for both maintenance and egg maturation (resource pool model). Two variants of the third model are examined: the first assumes that the risk of mortality is constant and state-independent, the second that resource-depleted individuals suffer a higher risk of mortality. The models are analysed using a combination of stochastic dynamic programming and analytical techniques. The models make different predictions about the relationships between the probability of host feeding and egg load and host density. The available experimental evidence best supports the resource pool model.  相似文献   

寄生蜂性别分配行为   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
寄生蜂是性比分配行为领域的研究热点对象,其性别决定方式为单双倍型,一般情况下,未受精的单倍型卵发育成雄蜂,受精的二倍型卵发育为雌蜂。局部配偶竞争和近交等因素使得偏雌性比成为这类生物的进化稳定策略;其性比具有可调节性,产卵个体可以根据对产卵环境的判定来调控后代性比,从而获得最大适合度。在此基础上形成的局部配偶竞争理论阐述了寄生蜂性比的这种可调节性,成为进化论的优秀论据。  相似文献   

While there has been increasing interest in how taxonomic diversity is changing over time, less is known about how long‐term taxonomic changes may affect ecosystem functioning and resilience. Exploring long‐term patterns of functional diversity can provide key insights into the capacity of a community to carry out ecological processes and the redundancy of species’ roles. We focus on a protected freshwater system located in a national park in southeast Germany. We use a high‐resolution benthic macroinvertebrate dataset spanning 32 years (1983–2014) and test whether changes in functional diversity are reflected in taxonomic diversity using a multidimensional trait‐based approach and regression analyses. Specifically, we asked: (i) How has functional diversity changed over time? (ii) How functionally distinct are the community''s taxa? (iii) Are changes in functional diversity concurrent with taxonomic diversity? And (iv) what is the extent of community functional redundancy? Resultant from acidification mitigation, macroinvertebrate taxonomic diversity increased over the study period. Recovery of functional diversity was less pronounced, lagging behind responses of taxonomic diversity. Over multidecadal timescales, the macroinvertebrate community has become more homogenous with a high degree of functional redundancy, despite being isolated from direct anthropogenic activity. While taxonomic diversity increased over time, functional diversity has yet to catch up. These results demonstrate that anthropogenic pressures can remain a threat to biotic communities even in protected areas. The differences in taxonomic and functional recovery processes highlight the need to incorporate functional traits in assessments of biodiversity responses to global change.  相似文献   

1. Patterns in phytoplankton diversity in lakes and their relationships with environmental gradients have been traditionally based on taxonomic analyses and indices, even though measures of functional diversity (FD) might be expected to be more responsive to such gradients. 2. We assessed the influence of water column physical structure, and other components of the overall environment, on lake phytoplankton diversity using two taxonomically based indices [species richness (S) and the Shannon index (H’)] and a FD index, to determine whether these different measures respond in similar ways to habitat structure. The study encompassed 45 lakes in Eastern Canada, within two lake districts [the Eastern Townships Region (ETR) and Laurentians Region (LR)] that vary in geology and landscape and in lake morphometry and chemistry. 3. Across all lakes, S and H’ were higher in lakes having greater vertical temperature heterogeneity and higher susceptibility to wind mixing. In addition, H’ declined with total phosphorus concentration. FD was only related to maximum lake depth, a variable that integrates many other habitat features. 4. Further insight into the factors affecting phytoplankton diversity was obtained by contrasting the two regions. The taxonomically based diversity measures differed little between the regions, while FD was higher in the ETR where more trait variants were present and more evenly distributed amongst species. Whereas factors driving S did not differ between the regions, we found region‐dependent patterns in the relationships of H’ and FD with maximum lake depth: both indices decreased with maximum depth in the region with lakes more exposed to wind (ETR) but increased in the more hilly landscape where lakes are more sheltered from wind mixing (LR). 5. Our study demonstrates that, for phytoplankton communities, a FD index can show simpler and stronger responses to environmental drivers than a taxonomically based index, while shedding further light onto the functional traits that are important in particular lake categories.  相似文献   

Data are assembled on the clutch-size strategies adopted by extant species of parasitoid wasp. These data are used to reconstruct the history of clutch-size evolution in the group using a series of plausible evolutionary assumptions. Extant families are either entirely solitary, both solitary and gregarious, or else clutch size is unknown. Parsimony analysis suggests that the ancestors of most families were solitary, a result which is robust to different phylogenetic relationships and likely data inadequacies. This implies that solitariness was ubiquitous throughout the initial radiation of the group, and that transitions to gregariousness have subsequently occurred a minimum of 43 times in several, but not all lineages. Current data suggest that species-rich and small-bodied lineages are more likely to have evolved gregariousness, and contain more species with small gregarious brood sizes. I discuss the implications of these data for clutch-size theory.  相似文献   

  • 1 New data on the phylogeny of the braconid subfamily Euphorinae supports the hypothesis that parasitism of adult insects by Euphorinae originated during parasitism of Chrysomelidae, a group whose larvae are ecologically coincident with adults.
  • 2 Evolution of the habit of attacking the adult stage opened a new adaptive zone; subsequently the Euphorinae have diversified on to a phylogenetically greater variety of hosts than any other braconid subfamily.
  • 3 Parasitism of eumastacid grasshoppers evolved from beetle parasitism in the tribe Perilitini.
  • 4 The tribe Euphorini shows the greatest diversity of hosts utilized. Most attack Heteroptera; however, Chrysopopthorus diversified on to adult Chrysopidae, Euphoriella on to Psocoptera, and Cryptoxilos on to Scolytidae.
  • 5 Parasitism of bark beetles (Scolytidae) has evolved independently in three genera: Cosmophorus, Cryptoxilos and Ropalophorus. This is the most specialized form of beetle parasitism by euphorines, since it involves direct parasitism of concealed hosts.
  • 6 Parasitism of adult hymenopterans by the tribe Syntretini may be related to attacking hosts while they are foraging at flowers.
  • 7 The pattern of diversification in the Euphorinae indicates several adaptive radiations within host orders, as well as a history of major host-shifts between phylogenetically distantly-related host groups: Coleoptera to Orthoptera; Coleoptera to Hymenoptera; Coleoptera to Heteroptera; Heteroptera to Neuroptera, Psocoptera, and back to Coleoptera. Both the‘host taxonomy’and‘host habitat’hypotheses of host-shifting are supported. Host-shifts have involved hosts occurring in the same micro-habitat and usually having similar feeding habits. This is consistent with current theory of host-location by means of host-produced kairomones and visual cues.

The study of protistan functional diversity is crucial to understand the dynamics of oceanic ecological processes. We combined the metabarcoding data of various coastal ecosystems and a newly developed trait-based approach to study the link between taxonomic and functional diversity across marine protistan communities of different size-classes. Environmental DNA was extracted and the V4 18S rDNA genomic region was amplified and sequenced. In parallel, we tried to annotate the operational taxonomic units (OTUs) from our metabarcoding dataset to 30 biological traits using published and accessible information on protists. We then developed a method to study trait correlations across protists (i.e. trade-offs) in order to build the best functional groups. Based on the annotated OTUs and our functional groups, we demonstrated that the functional diversity of marine protist communities varied in parallel with their taxonomic diversity. The coupling between functional and taxonomic diversity was conserved across different protist size classes. However, the smallest size-fraction was characterized by wider taxonomic and functional groups diversity, corroborating the idea that nanoplankton and picoplankton are part of a more stable ecological background on which larger protists and metazoans might develop.  相似文献   

Parasitoid wasps have long been considered as model organisms for examining optimal resource allocation to different fitness functions, such as body size and development time. Unlike insect predators, which may need to consume many prey items to attain maturity, parasitoids generally rely on a limited amount of resources that are obtained from a single source (the host). This review discusses a range of ecophysiological constraints that affect host quality and concomitantly the evolution of development strategies in parasitoids. Two macroevolutionary differences in host usage strategies (idiobiosis, koinobiosis) are initially described. Over many years, particular attention has been paid in examining a range of quantitative host attributes such as size, age, or stage, as these affect idiobiont and koinobiont parasitoid development. Parasitoids and their hosts, however, constitute only a small part of an ecological community. Consequently, host quality may be affected by a broad range of factors that may operate over variable spatial and temporal scales. Intimate factors include aggressive competition with other parasitoids and pathogens for access to host resources, whereas less intimate factors include the effects of toxic plant compounds (allelochemicals) on parasitoid performance as mediated through primary and/or secondary hosts. It is suggested that future experiments should increase the levels of trophic complexity as these influence the evolution of life history and development strategies in parasitoids. This includes integration of a suite of direct and indirect mechanisms, including biological processes occurring in different ecological realms, such as above‐ground and below‐ground interactions.  相似文献   

寄生蜂作为天敌昆虫,在害虫生物防治中起着极其重要的作用。现代分子生物学和第二代测序技术的迅速发展,为筛选寄生蜂与寄主免疫互作的关键分子,阐明寄生蜂逃避或抑制寄主免疫系统攻击的机理提供了新的机遇。昆虫的天然免疫可分为细胞免疫和体液免疫,寄生蜂在与寄主长期的协同进化过程中,依靠毒液(venom)、多分DNA病毒(PDV)、类病毒颗粒(VLP)、畸形细胞(teratocyte)等手段,一方面调控寄主血细胞的增殖和分化,抑制细胞包囊反应,从而破坏寄主的细胞免疫系统;另一方面,通过抑制酚氧化酶原激活干扰寄主的体液免疫,从而逃避黑化反应的攻击。寄生蜂在发育过程中也有相应的免疫防御机制。本文从细胞免疫、体液黑化反应以及免疫信号通路等方面,综述了近年来利用组学手段在寄生蜂调控寄主免疫方面取得的最新进展,以期为阐明天然免疫的分子机制、探索害虫防治新方法提供借鉴。  相似文献   


The Niagara River, which connects two Great Lakes (Erie and Ontario) and forms a border between Canada and the United States, has experienced decades of abiotic and biotic disturbance as well as long-term restoration efforts. Given the iconic riverscape and importance as a binational fisheries resource, a biodiversity assessment of the mainstem Niagara River fish assemblage is overdue. Here, fish assemblage and habitat data from a standardized boat electrofishing program of the Niagara River were combined with species trait data related to substrate associations, diet preferences, reproductive strategies, and body size to quantify biodiversity patterns among river sections (sites above and below Niagara Falls), seasons (spring, summer, fall), and years (2015–2017). Sixty-five species were captured representing a variety of trait combinations. Significant differences in functional dispersion and divergence (i.e., functional diversity) were observed between river sections, seasons, and (or) years. The fish community captured in the lower river in spring 2015 had both the highest average functional dispersion (2.08?±?0.32 SD) and divergence (0.88?±?0.04 SD) compared to the other seasonal sampling efforts, but relatively few fishes were captured (n?=?686). Although non-native fishes represented a small portion of the catch over the 3 years (8.6% of catch), the seasonal presence (spring and fall) of mostly introduced large-bodied salmonids expanded functional trait space in the lower river during these periods. The importance of rare species on functional diversity metrics suggests further insight on local species detection probabilities is needed to understand if differences in functional diversity reflect ecological patterns or are driven by sampling design.


1. Female insects lay eggs on low‐quality plants, resulting in progeny with no or low reproductive potential; this is referred to as ‘suboptimal oviposition’ in this study. 2. Here, it is reported that suboptimal oviposition of a tephritid fly species (Tephritis femoralis) supports the populations of parasitoid wasp species in a Tibetan alpine meadow. 3. Suboptimal oviposition was confirmed because the adult flies emerging from Asteraceae species Anaphalis flavescens flowerheads did not survive cold winters. 4. DNA barcoding of puparia indicated that tephritid larvae developing from suboptimal oviposition hosted populations of at least five parasitoid wasp species. Consequently, suboptimal oviposition has significant effects on parasitoid population dynamics and species diversity.  相似文献   

寄生蜂是一类十分重要的害虫天敌,在自然控制害虫数量方面发挥着巨大作用。针对寄生蜂种类繁多、寄主类型复杂、寄生方式多样等情况,发展了寄生蜂的采集和田间调查技术,并对不同采集方法的效果、不同寄主类型的调查细节进行了探讨。  相似文献   

寄生蜂对外界环境中气味的识别过程尤为复杂,需要很多组织器官参与,嗅觉系统在寄生蜂选择寄主、识别定位寄主和寄生过程中发挥着重要的作用。常见的嗅觉相关蛋白有气味结合蛋白、化学感受蛋白、气味受体等,本文从嗅觉蛋白的鉴定、结构特征与分类、表达定位、系统发育、功能研究等方面综述了寄生蜂嗅觉蛋白的国内外研究进展,为更多寄生蜂嗅觉相关蛋白的鉴定及其功能研究提供参考。  相似文献   

Body size and the timing of egg production in parasitoid wasps   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Jacintha Ellers  Mark Jervis 《Oikos》2003,102(1):164-172
In insects several key fitness-related variables are positively correlated with intraspecific variation in body size, but little is known about size-related variation in the timing of egg production within species. Female insects are known to vary in the degree to which they concentrate egg production into the early part of life. This variation has been quantified as the ovigeny index, defined as the proportion of the maximum potential lifetime complement of eggs that is mature following emergence from the pupa. We tested the hypothesis that the timing of egg production depends both on body size and on host availability, by means of a dynamic programming model that predicted optimal resource allocation to reproduction and survival together with the resulting ovigeny index, in non-feeding synovigenic parasitoids of different sizes. As body size increases, the proportionate increase in resource allocation to initial egg load is less than the proportionate increase in allocation to lifetime fecundity and potential life span, leading to a deferred investment in reproduction as shown by a decrease in ovigeny index. High habitat quality and high habitat stochasticity in reproductive opportunities have a significant effect on the optimal allocation of resources to reproduction and survival, and thus select for early reproduction, i.e. an increased ovigeny index. The ovigeny concept – ovigeny index together with its life-history correlates – enables understanding of the general occurrence of size-related deferment of reproductive investment in parasitoid wasps and also helps explain a significant part of the considerable life-history variation found among such insects.  相似文献   

Ants are one of the most abundant and ubiquitous organisms on Earth and play critical roles in multiple ecosystem services such as seed dispersal and nutrient cycling. Despite this, the effects of climatic and land use stressors on particular species or groups of ants are poorly known. We conducted a regional field survey across 108 locations in south-eastern Australia, using correlation network analysis and structural equation modelling to identify how ants respond to environmental stressors. We found contrasting relationships amongst ants, and aridity, and vertebrate grazing intensity and history. Increasing aridity was associated with reduced ant richness, whereas increasing grazing intensity was associated with greater ant richness directly, and indirectly, via reductions in litter depth and perennial grass density. However, these taxonomically diverse groups of ant species still shared contrasting responses to increasing aridity and grazing intensity. We found strong associations between grazing, aridity and the abundance of Seed Harvesters, weak indirect relationships with Generalist Foragers, but no relationships for Predators or Sugar Feeders. Taken together, our work identifies contrasting relationships amongst grazing, aridity and ants (ant ‘winners’ or ‘losers’) across contrasting ecological contexts. Given that increasing aridity is generally associated with lower grazing intensity, our results suggest that locations with more arid sites will have lower ant richness with fewer Seed Harvesters, whereas more mesic sites with high grazing intensity might increase ant richness, and the abundance of specific ant species. Such knowledge is important if we are to maintain critical ant-mediated functions as Earth becomes drier and grazing intensity increases.  相似文献   

Human land-use changes are particularly extensive in tropical regions, representing one of the greatest threats to terrestrial biodiversity and a key research topic in conservation. However, studies considering the effects of different types of anthropogenic disturbance on the functional dimension of biodiversity in human-modified landscapes are rare. Here, we obtained data through an extensive review of peer-reviewed articles and compared 30 Neotropical bat assemblages in well-preserved primary forest and four different human-disturbed habitats in terms of their functional and taxonomic diversity. We found that disturbed habitats that are structurally less similar to primary forest (pasture, cropland, and early-stage secondary forest) were characterized by a lower functional and taxonomic diversity, as well as community-level functional uniqueness. These habitats generally retained fewer species that perform different ecological functions compared to higher-quality landscape matrices, such as agroforestry. According to functional trait composition, different bat ensembles respond differently to landscape change, negatively affecting mainly gleaning insectivorous bats in pasture, narrow-range species in cropland, and heavier animalivorous bats in secondary forest. Although our results highlight the importance of higher-quality matrix habitats to support elevated functional and taxonomic bat diversity, the conservation of bat species that perform different ecological functions in the mosaic of human-modified habitats also depends on the irreplaceable conservation value of well-preserved primary forests. Our study based on a pooled analysis of individual studies provides novel insights into the effects of different human-modified habitats on Neotropical bat assemblages.  相似文献   

This paper considers specializations in mouthpart structure among parasitoid wasps. I commence with a brief survey of mouthpart specializations (mostly involving the mandibles only) that serve functions other than feeding: facilitating emergence of the parasitoid adult from its place of pupation; facilitating grasping of the partner in mating (phoretic copulation); facilitating excavation and/or protecting vulnerable mouthpart components during host searching; facilitating handling of the host; and facilitating nest excavation and construction. I then consider in detail mouthpart specializations for feeding (mostly involving the labiomaxillary complex), and place them in an evolutionary context. Whereas the digitate labrum of Perilampidae and Eucharitidae and the stoudy setose labrum of chrysolampine Pteromalidae are purported to be devices for filtering pollen grains from nectar, I conclude that they are not a feeding-related specialization whatsoever. I recognize seven functional types of mouthpart specialization relating to the extraction of floral nectar from long, narrow, tubular corollas (‘concealed nectar extraction apparatus’ [CNEA]) (Braconidae, Ichneumonidae, Leucospidae, Chrysididae), and postulate a transformation series for them. An eighth type of CNEA possibly occurs in Scoliidae. No such specializations occur in either Orussoidea, Trigonalyoidea, Megalyroidea, parasitoid Evanioidea, Stephanoidea, Cynipoidea, Proctotrupoidea, Ceraphonoidea or parasitoid Aculeata other than Chrysididae and Pompilidae. From examination of published cladograms I conclude that the evolution of CNEA has occurred several times independendy within the parasitoid Hymenoptera. So far as Ichneumonoidea are concerned, possession of CNEA is an autapomorphy for taxa at least below subfamily level. Possession of CNEA appears to be a synapomorphy for the family Leucospidae (Chalcidoidea) as a whole, and the same applies to the subfamily Parnopinae (Chrysididae). Hitherto not noted in the literature is the strong degree of evolutionary parallelism, with respect to CNEAs, between the Ichneumonoidea (Ichneumonidae, Braconidae) and the Aculeata (Chrysididae, Pompilidae, Vespidae [Vespinae, Masarinae, Eumeminae], Apidae, non-parasitoid Sphecidae). Also, Apocrita and Symphyta have two types of CNEA in common. Functional comparisons are made between the CNEAs of the parasitoids and those of other Hymenoptera. Compared to parasitoid flies, very few parasitoid wasps possess CNEA. Mouthpart specialization for conveying a nuptial gift of nectar or honeydew to the female occurs in the males of thynnine Tiphidae, while in the females of regurgitation feeders there is a trend towards reduction in labiomaxillary components, constituting a specialization for receiving and processing the gift. Mouthpart specialization for pollen feeding occurs in Mutillidae and Scoliidae. No mouthpart specialization for host feeding occurs in any parasitoid wasps, in contrast to parasitoid flies, despite host feeding being more common among the former. Sexual dimorphism in feeding-related mouthpart specializations is rare among parasitoid wasps; where it occurs, both sexes share the same type of CNEA, and the dimorphism is attributable to allometry.  相似文献   

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