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Disruption of the Pex2 gene leads to peroxisome deficiency and widespread metabolic dysfunction. We previously demonstrated that peroxisomes are critical for maintaining cholesterol homeostasis, using peroxisome-deficient Pex2−/− mice on a hybrid Swiss Webster × 129S6/SvEv (SW/129) genetic background. Peroxisome deficiency activates hepatic endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress pathways, leading to dysregulation of the endogenous sterol response mechanism. Herein, we demonstrate a more profound dysregulation of cholesterol homeostasis in newborn Pex2−/− mice congenic on a 129S6/SvEv (129) genetic background, and substantial differences between newborn versus postnatal Pex2−/− mice in factors that activate ER stress. These differences extend to relationships between activation of genes regulated by SREBP-2 versus PPARα. The SREBP-2 pathway is induced in neonatal Pex2−/− livers from 129 and SW/129 strains, despite normal hepatic cholesterol levels. ER stress markers are increased in newborn 129 Pex2−/− livers, which occurs in the absence of hepatic steatosis or accumulation of peroxins in the ER. Moreover, the induction of SREBP-2 and ER stress pathways is independent of PPARα activation in livers of newborn 129 and SW/129 Pex2−/− mice. Two-week-old wild-type mice treated with the peroxisome proliferator WY-14,643 show strong induction of PPARα-regulated genes and decreased expression of SREBP-2 and its target genes, further demonstrating that SREBP-2 pathway induction is not dependent on PPARα activation. Lastly, there is no activation of either SREBP-2 or ER stress pathways in kidney and lung of newborn Pex2−/− mice, suggesting a parallel induction of these pathways in peroxisome-deficient mice. These findings establish novel associations between SREBP-2, ER stress and PPARα pathway inductions.  相似文献   

Hemolysin E (HlyE), a pore-forming protein-toxin and a potential virulence factor of Escherichia coli, exhibits cytotoxic activity to mammalian cells. However, very little is known about how the different individual segments contribute in the toxic activity of the protein. Toward this end, the role of a 33-residue segment comprising the amino acid region 88 to 120, which contains the putative transmembrane domain in the tail region of HlyE has been addressed in the toxic activity of the protein-toxin by characterizing the related wild type and mutant peptides and the whole protein. Along with the 33-residue wild type peptide, H-88, two mutants of the same size were synthesized; in one mutant a conserved valine at 89th position was replaced by aspartic acid and in the other both glycine and valine at the 88th and 89th positions were substituted by aspartic acid residues. These mutations were also incorporated in the whole toxin HlyE. Results showed that only H-88 but not its mutants permeabilized both lipid vesicles and human red blood cells (hRBCs). Interestingly, while H-88 exhibited a moderate lytic activity to human red blood cells, the mutants were not active. Drastic reduction in the depolarization of hRBCs and hemolytic activity of the whole toxin HlyE was also observed as a result of the same double and single amino acid substitution in it. The results indicate an important role of the amino acid segment 88-120, containing the putative transmembrane domain of the tail region of the toxin in the toxic activity of hemolysin E.  相似文献   

Antibiotic resistance and antioxidant defense were induced by ciprofloxacin in planktonic Proteus mirabilis and compared with the natural antibiotic resistance of biofilm. Resistant variants (1X and 1Y) were obtained from cultures of the sensitive wild type “wt” strain 1 in the presence of the antibiotic. Planktonic strain 1 exhibited oxidative stress with increases in the reactive oxygen species (ROS) and consumption of NO in the presence of ciprofloxacin, whereas 1X and 1Y suffered non-significant rises in ROS generation, but produced and consumed more NO than sensitive strain 1. The two resistant variants were more resistant to telluride than wt and showed increased levels of intracellular superoxide dismutase (SOD) and glutathione (GSH). However, ciprofloxacin did not stimulate oxidative stress in biofilm. The production of ROS and NO with or without ciprofloxacin was less significant in biofilms than in an equivalent number of planktonic bacteria; sensitive and resistant strains did not present differences. On the other hand, SOD and GSH were more elevated in the biofilm than in planktonic bacteria. In summary, these results indicate that ciprofloxacin can induce resistance by the enhancement of antioxidant defense in planktonic bacteria, similar to the natural resistance occurring in biofilm. This feature may be added to the factors that regulate the susceptibility to this antibiotic.  相似文献   

In grassland ecosystems, spatial and temporal variability in precipitation is a key driver of species distributions and population dynamics. We experimentally manipulated precipitation to understand the physiological basis for differences in responses of species to water availability in a southern mixed grass prairie. We focused on the performance of two dominant C4 grasses, Andropogon gerardii Vitman and Schizachyrium scoparium (Michx.) Nash, in treatments that received ambient rainfall, half of ambient rainfall (“drought” treatment), or approximately double ambient rainfall (“irrigated” treatment). Water potentials of S. scoparium were lower than A. gerardii, suggesting superior ability to adjust to water deficit in S. scoparium. Additionally, drought reduced photosynthesis to a greater extent in A. gerardii compared to S. scoparium. Leaf-level photosynthesis rates were similar in ambient and irrigated treatments, but were significantly lower in the drought treatment. Although stomatal conductance was reduced by drought, this was not limiting for photosynthesis. Leaf δ13C values were decreased by drought, caused by an increase in Ci/Ca. Chlorophyll fluorescence measures indicated light-harvesting rates were highest in irrigated treatments, and were lower in ambient and drought treatments. Moreover, drought resulted in a greater proportion of absorbed photon energy being lost via thermal pathways. Reductions in photosynthesis came as a result of non-stomatal limitations in the C4 cycle. Our results provide mechanistic support for the hypothesis that S. scoparium is more drought tolerant than A. gerardii.  相似文献   

Pinzar E  Wang T  Garrido MR  Xu W  Levy P  Bottari SP 《FEBS letters》2005,579(22):5100-5104
Angiotensin II (Ang II) induces a prominent and sustained nitration and activation of ERK1/2 in rat vascular smooth muscle cells, both mediated via AT1 receptor. Nitration and activation was also shown for recombinant non-activated extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) and MEK. Nitration and phosphorylation of ERK1/2 by Ang II was significantly inhibited by NAD(P)H inhibitors and scavengers of oxygen and nitrogen reactive species and completely blocked by a selective inducible nitric-oxide synthase inhibitor. MEK inhibitor U0126 did not affect ERK nitration but completely blocked activation. These data indicate that Ang II nitrates and activates ERK1/2 via a reactive species-sensitive pathway.  相似文献   

The Klebsiella pneumoniae genome contains genes for two putative flavin transferase enzymes (ApbE1 and ApbE2) that add FMN to protein Thr residues. ApbE1, but not ApbE2, has a periplasm-addressing signal sequence. The genome also contains genes for three target proteins with the Dxx(s/t)gAT flavinylation motif: two subunits of Na+-translocating NADH:quinone oxidoreductase (Na+-NQR), and a 99.5 kDa protein, KPK_2907, with a previously unknown function. We show here that KPK_2907 is an active cytoplasmically-localized fumarate reductase. K. pneumoniae cells with an inactivated kpk_2907 gene lack cytoplasmic fumarate reductase activity, while retaining this activity in the membrane fraction. Complementation of the mutant strain with a kpk_2907-containing plasmid resulted in a complete recovery of cytoplasmic fumarate reductase activity. KPK_2907 produced in Escherichia coli cells contains 1 mol/mol each of covalently bound FMN, noncovalently bound FMN and noncovalently bound FAD. Lesion in the ApbE1 gene in K. pneumoniae resulted in inactive Na+-NQR, but cytoplasmic fumarate reductase activity remained unchanged. On the contrary, lesion in the ApbE2 gene abolished the fumarate reductase but not the Na+-NQR activity. Both activities could be restored by transformation of the ApbE1- or ApbE2-deficient K. pneumoniae strains with plasmids containing the Vibrio cholerae apbE gene with or without the periplasm-directing signal sequence, respectively. Our data thus indicate that ApbE1 and ApbE2 bind FMN to Na+-NQR and fumarate reductase, respectively, and that, contrary to the presently accepted view, the FMN residues are on the periplasmic side of Na+-NQR. A new, “electron loop” mechanism is proposed for Na+-NQR, involving an electroneutral Na+/electron symport. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: 18th European Bioenergetic Conference.  相似文献   

Protonation of the Ca2+ ligands of the SR Ca2+-ATPase (SERCA1a) was studied by a combination of rapid scan FTIR spectroscopy and electrostatic calculations. With FTIR spectroscopy, we investigated the pH dependence of CO bands of the Ca2+-free phosphoenzyme (E2P) and obtained direct experimental evidence for the protonation of carboxyl groups upon Ca2+ release. At least three of the infrared signals from protonated carboxyl groups of E2P are pH dependent with pKa values near 8.3: a band at 1758 cm−1 characteristic of nonhydrogen-bonded carbonyl groups, a shoulder at 1720 cm−1, and part of a band at 1710 cm−1, both characteristic of hydrogen-bonded carbonyl groups. The bands are thus assigned to H+ binding residues, some of which are involved in H+ countertransport. At pH 9, bands at 1743 and 1710 cm−1 remain which we do not attribute to Ca2+/H+ exchange. We also obtained evidence for a pH-dependent conformational change in β-sheet or turn structures of the ATPase. With MCCE on the E2P analog E2(), we assigned infrared bands to specific residues and analyzed whether or not the carbonyl groups of the acidic Ca2+ ligands are hydrogen bonded. The carbonyl groups of Glu771, Asp800, and Glu908 were found to be hydrogen bonded and will thus contribute to the lower wave number bands. The carbonyl group of some side-chain conformations of Asp800 is left without a hydrogen-bonding partner; they will therefore contribute to the higher wave number band.  相似文献   

Direct electron transfer (DET) from bare spectrographic graphite (SPGE) or 3-mercaptopropionic acid-modified gold (MPA-gold) electrodes to Trachyderma tsunodae bilirubin oxidase (BOD) was studied under anaerobic and aerobic conditions by cyclic voltammetry and chronoamperometry. On cyclic voltammograms nonturnover Faradaic signals with midpoint potentials of about 700 mV and 400 mV were clearly observed corresponding to redox transformations of the T1 site and the T2/T3 cluster of the enzyme, respectively. The immobilized BOD was differently oriented on the two electrodes and its catalysis of O2-electroreduction was also massively different. On SPGE, where most of the enzyme was oriented with the T1 copper site proximal to the carbon with a quite slow ET process, well-pronounced DET-bioelectroreduction of O2 was observed, starting already at > 700 mV vs. NHE. In contrast, on MPA-gold most of the enzyme was oriented with its T2/T3 copper cluster proximal to the metal. Indeed, there was little DET-based catalysis of O2-electroreduction, even though the ET between the MPA-gold and the T2/T3 copper cluster of BOD was similar to that observed for the T1 site at SPGE. When BOD actively catalyzes the O2-electroreduction, the redox potential of its T1 site is 690 mV vs. NHE and that of one of its T2/T3 copper centers is 390 mV vs. NHE. The redox potential of the T2/T3 copper cluster of a resting form of BOD is suggested to be about 360 mV vs. NHE. These values, combined with the observed biocatalytic behavior, strongly suggest an uphill intra-molecular electron transfer from the T1 site to the T2/T3 cluster during the catalytic turnover of the enzyme.  相似文献   

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