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Tonoplast Action Potential of Characeae   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The plasmalemma action potential was found to be indispensableto the production of the tonoplast action potential. In a solutionlacking Ca2+ and containing other divalent cations such as Ba2+,Mg2+ or Mn2+, the plasmalemma excited in Nitella but did notin Chara. In Nitella, however, both the tonoplast action potentialand EC-coupling were abolished due to depletion of Ca2+ fromthe external medium. Ca2+ ions injected into the cytoplasmiclayer caused a transient change in both plasmalemma and tonoplastpotentials. These results suggest that a transient rise in Ca2+concentration during excitation of the plasmalemma may triggerthe tonoplast action potential. (Received February 14, 1986; Accepted August 29, 1986)  相似文献   

Cytoplasmic drops were prepared from internodal cells of thebrackish Characeae Lamprothamnium succinctum. Applying the patch-clamptechnique to single drops covered with tonoplast, we demonstratedthe presence of Ca2+-regulated K+ channels in the tonoplast.In a cell-attached mode, the selectivity of such channels forK+ was about 50 times that for Na+. This channel showed a tendencyto rectify in an outward direction. In the negative region ofthe pipette voltage, the conductance of this channel was 50pS, while it was 100 pS in the positive voltage region. Whenthe pipette voltage was increased above 50 mV, two conductancelevels were found in the cell-attached mode as well as in theexcised patch (cytoplasmic-side-out patch), which was obtainedby pulling the patch pipette from the cytoplasmic drop underconditions of low levels of Ca2+. Using the excised patch, wecontrolled the level of Ca2+ on the cytoplasmic side of thechannels. At a low level of Ca2+ (pCa=8) on the cytoplasmicside, the open frequency was very low and the opening time wasshort. An increase in Ca2+ on the cytoplasmic side (pCa = 5)increased both the frequency and the duration of opening. However,the conductance of the channels did not change. This regulationby Ca2+ of the K+ channels was reversible, that is, additionof EGTA on the cytoplasmic side inactivated the channels. Thepresent study demonstrates a direct action of Ca2+ on the K+channels. The physiological role of the K+ channel in the regulationof turgor in Lamprothamnium is discussed. (Received January 9, 1989; Accepted March 8, 1989)  相似文献   

Sensitive aequorin was microinjected into the cytoplasm of Nitellaflexilis to study the role of Ca2+ in the generation of thetonoplast action potential. The temporal relation between theincrease in cytoplasmic Ca2+ and the tonoplast action potentialsuggested that tonoplast action potential is triggered by anincrease in cytoplasmic Ca2+. This is also supported by thefact that Mn2+, extracellularly applied, inhibited both theincrease in cytoplasmic Ca2+ and the generation of the tonoplastaction potential. (Received April 2, 1997; Accepted June 7, 1997)  相似文献   

In response to hypotonic treatment internodal cells of the brackishwater Characeae Lamprothamnium regulate turgor pressure by releasingK+ and Cl, accompanying membrane depolarization and atransient increase in membrane electrical conductance (Okazakiet al. 1984b). The hypothesis that a transient increase in cytoplasmicfree Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]c) caused by hypotonic treatmenttriggers release of K+ and Cl from the cell (Okazakiand Tazawa 1986a, b, c) was tested using tonoplast-removed cells.These cells did not regulate turgor pressure. The plasmalemmaconductance remained almost constant for a change in the intracellularfree Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+],) from 10–6 to 10–2mol?m–3. The results suggest that some cytoplasmic Ca2+-sensitizingsoluble components, which work as mediators to activate K+ and/orCl channels in the plasmalemma and/or the tonoplast,were lost after desintegration of the tonoplast. The plasmalemmapotential was depolarized under high [Ca2+]i. However, no membranedepolarization was observed upon hypotonic treatment. Sincemembrane depolarization has been suggsted to occur under normal[Ca2+]c in intact cells (Okazaki and Tazawa 1986a, b), its absencesuggests that some cytoplasmic factors, which induce the membranedepolarization in a Ca2+-independent manner, are lost in tonoplast-removedcells. 1 Present address: Department of Biology, Osaka Medical College,Sawaragi-cho 2-41, Takatsuki, Osaka 569, Japan. (Received October 22, 1986; Accepted March 31, 1987)  相似文献   

An internode of Chara was permeabilized as described by Shimmenand Tazawa [(1983) Protoplasma 117:93]. The Cl effluxof the permeabilized cell increased when the extracellular Ca2+concentration was increased, and the degree of the increasewas dependent on the Ca2+ concentration. This suggests thatthe Cl channel in the tonoplast was activated by Ca2+. (Received May 22, 1987; Accepted October 21, 1987)  相似文献   

The effects of modification of extracellular concentrationsof Ca2+ and C on mechano-perception were studied in internodalcells of Chara corallina. Cells were stimulated by droppinga piece of glass tubing on them, and the resulting receptorpotentials and action potentials were analyzed. When the Ca2+concentration was extremely lowered by adding EGTA, the amplitudesof both receptor potentials and action potentials were attenuated,suggesting the involvement of Ca2+ channels. However, the possibilityremained that attenuation of the amplitude of the receptor potentialwas caused by modification of membrane characteristics by extremelowering of [Ca2+]o. When the plasma membrane was depolarizedto about 0 mV by adding 100 mM KC1, responses in the negativedirection were induced upon mechanical stimulation. When theplasma membrane was depolarized by adding 50 mM K2SO4, responsesin the positive direction were induced. Thus, Cl channelsmay be involved in responses induced by mechanical stimulationunder K+-induced depolarization. (Received January 16, 1996; Accepted March 25, 1997)  相似文献   

When an internodal cell of Nitella axilliformis that had beentreated with 10 mM KCl and 1 mM EGTA was examined for transcellularosmosis, an increase in the cytosolic concentration of Ca2+on the endoosmotic side was observed, as was the case in Nitellaflexilis even though the increase was much smaller in Nitellaaxilliformis. The hydration-induced calcium release (HICR) wasalso observed in other species of Characeae, namely, Chara corallinaand Nitellopsis obtusa. HICR was also demonstrated in cytoplasmisolated from Nitella axilliformis and Chara corallina as fromNitella flexilis. Thus, it appears that HICR is not specificto Nitella flexilis but may be a general phenomenon in Characeae. 2Present adress: Department of Biology, Faculty of Science,Chiba University, 1-33 Yayoi-cho, Inage-ku, Chiba, 263 Japan  相似文献   

Ionic currents in the plasmalemma of perfused Nitella syncarpa cells identified as currents through Ca2+ channels were registered for the first time. The effect of 1,4-dihydropyridine derivatives (nifedipine, nitredipine, riodipine) and phenylalkylamines (verapamil, D600) as well as the agonist CGP-28392 on the Ca2+ channels in the plasmelemma of perfused cells of Nitellopsis obtusa and Nitella syncarpa have been studied. A blocking effect of 1,4-dihydropyridine derivatives and phenylalkylamines on the plasmalemma Ca2+ channels has been detected. Phenylalkylamines have been found to block both inward and outward Ca2+ currents. The activating effect of the agonist CGP-28392 on the Ca2+ channels of plasmalemma has been shown.  相似文献   

Although the well-known neurotoxic agent bilirubin can induce alterations in neuronal signaling, direct effects on neurotransmitter release have been difficult to demonstrate. In the present study we have used permeabilized nerve terminals (synaptosomes) from rat brain prelabeled with [3H]norepinephrine to examine the effects of bilirubin on transmitter release. Rat cerebrocortical synaptosomes were permeabilized with streptolysin-O (2 U/ml) in the absence or presence of bilirubin (10 M–320 M) and Ca2+ (100 M), and the amount of radiolabeled transmitter released during 5 min to the medium was analysed. Low levels of bilirubin decreased Ca2+-evoked release in a dose-dependent manner, with half-maximal effect at approx 25 M bilirubin. Higher levels of bilirubin (100–320 M) increased [3H]norepinephrine efflux in the absence of Ca2+, suggesting that high bilirubin levels induced leakage of transmitter from vesicles. The nontoxic precursor biliverdin had no effect on Ca2+-dependent exocytosis. Our data indicate that bilirubin directly inhibits both exocytotic release and vesicular storage of brain catecholamines.  相似文献   

Protoplasts and vacuoles were isolated from immature apple fruit(Malus pumila Mill. cv. Golden Delicious). ATP-stimulated Ca2+uptake was identified in both protoplast vesicles and tonoplastvesicles. The apparent Km for Ca2+ of the tonoplast transportsystem was 43.4 µM. The pH optima were 7.2 and 6.7 forCa2+ transport by protoplast and tonoplast vesicles, respectively.Ca2+ transport in tonoplast vesicles was strongly inhibitedby the calmodulin antagonists fluphenazine and N-(6-aminohexyl)-5-chloro-l-naphthalensulfonamidehydrochloride (W-7), while N-aminohexyl)-l-naphthalensulfonamidehydrochloride (W-5) was relatively ineffective. Addition ofexogenous calmodulin stimulated transport by 35%. Ca2+ uptakewas inhibited by vanadate, but not by the ionophores carbonylcyanidem-chlorophenyl hydrazone (CCCP) or valinomycin. The resultsindicate that apple tonoplasts have a Ca2+ transport systemthat is driven by the direct hydrolysis of ATP, and may be calmodulindependent. 1Present address: Morioka Branch, Fruit Tree Research Station,Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, Shimokuriyagawa,Morioka 020-01, Japan. To whom reprint requests should be addressed. (Received October 18, 1985; Accepted January 29, 1986)  相似文献   

Temporal relationship between the action potential and the changein cytosolic Ca2+ concentration was investigated in cells offour species of Characeae, Chara corallina, Nitellopsis obtusa,Nitella flexilis and Nitella axilliformis. The Ca2+ transientwas detected by light emission from Ca2+-sensitive photoproteinaequorin injected into the cytoplasm. Action potential was triggeredby an outward or sometimes inward electric current pulse of20–50 ms in most cases. In all species the action potentialstarted at almost the same time as the time at which the lightemission from aequorin began to increase. Also the peak of actionpotential almost coincided with that of light emission, whichis in contrast with the slower Ca2+ transient in Chara reportedby Thiel et al. [(1997) J. Exp. Bot. 48: 609]. A discussionwas made on the origin of Ca2+ transient and the ionic processesduring membrane excitation. (Received July 2, 1998; Accepted October 5, 1998)  相似文献   

A detailed temperature dependence study of a well-defined plant ion channel, the Ca2+-activated K+ channel of Chara corallina, was performed over the temperature range of their habitats, 5–36°C, at 1°C resolution. The temperature dependence of the channel unitary conductance at 50 mV shows discontinuities at 15 and 30°C. These temperatures limit the range within which ion diffusion is characterized by the lowest activation energy (E a = 8.0 ± 1.6 kJ/mol) as compared to the regions below 15°C and above 30°C. Upon reversing membrane voltage polarity from 50 to −50 mV the pattern of temperature dependence switched from discontinuous to linear with E a = 13.6 ± 0.5 kJ/mol. The temperature dependence of the effective number of open channels at 50 mV showed a decrease with increasing temperature, with a local minimum at 28°C. The mean open time exhibited a similar behavior. Changing the sign of membrane potential from 50 to −50 mV abolished the minima in both temperature dependencies. These data are discussed in the light of higher order phase transitions of the Characean membrane lipids and corresponding change in the lipid-protein interaction, and their modulation by transmembrane voltage. Received: 14 June 2000/Revised: 20 September 2000  相似文献   

Pollen tubes show active cytoplasmic streaming. We isolated organelles from pollen tubes and tested their ability to slide along actin bundles in characean cell models. Here, we show that sliding of organelles was ATP-dependent and that motility was lost after N-ethylmaleimide or heat treatment of organelles. On the other hand, cytoplasmic streaming in pollen tube was inhibited by either N-ethylmaleimide or heat treatment. These results strongly indicate that cytoplasmic streaming in pollen tubes is supported by the "actomyosin"-ATP system. The velocity of organelle movement along characean actin bundles was much higher than that of the native streaming in pollen tubes. We suggested that pollen tube "myosin" has a capacity to move at a velocity of the same order of magnitude as that of characean myosin. Moreover, the motility was high at Ca2+ concentrations lower than 0.18 microM (pCa 6.8) but was inhibited at concentration higher than 4.5 microM (pCa 5.4). In conclusion, cytoplasmic streaming in pollen tubes is suggested to be regulated by Ca2+ through "myosin" inactivation.  相似文献   

The Electrical Potential Difference Across the Tonoplast of Root Cells   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Changes in electrical potential, measured as a microelectrodewas advanced into epidermal cells and from cell to cell in rootsof Lolium multiflorum and Zea mays, are described. The recordingssuggest that the electrical potential difference between thecytoplasm and vacuole, Evc is of the order of a few millivolts,the vacuole tending to be the more positive. Evc appeared tobe approximately the same for epidermal, cortical, endodermal,and pericycle cells.  相似文献   

Ca2+预处理对热胁迫下辣椒叶肉细胞中Ca2+-ATP酶活性的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在常温下生长的辣椒(Capsicum annum L.)叶肉细胞中Ca2+-ATP酶主要分布于质膜、液泡膜上,叶绿体的基质和基粒片层上也有少量分布;在40℃下热胁迫不同的时间,酶活性逐渐下降,直至叶绿体超微结构解体.同样条件下,经过Ca2+预处理后,分布在上述细胞器膜或片层上的酶活性大大提高,表明Ca2+预处理对该酶活性具有激活作用;Ca2+预处理对热胁迫下的超微结构的完整性具有一定的保护作用,并且能使Ca2+-ATP酶在热胁迫下维持较高活性.结果表明,Ca2+预处理增强辣椒幼苗的抗热性,可能与其稳定细胞膜、从而使Ca2+-ATP酶在热胁迫下保持较高活性有一定关系.  相似文献   

Neurotrophins are molecules that regulate neuronal survival, nervous system plasticity, and many other physiological functions of neuronal and glial cells. Here we studied the physiological action of a novel neurosecretory polypeptide proline-rich polypeptide (PRP), isolated from bovine neurohypophysis neurosecretory granules, on voltage-gated Ca currents and spike firing activity of retinal ganglion cells. PRP reversibly increased high voltage–activated L-type Ca current, but was without effect on low voltage–activated T-type current. PRP also increased the spike after hyperpolarization and reduced the frequency of spike firing, most likely by affecting a Ca-dependent potassium current.  相似文献   

An initial rapid phase and a subsequent slow phase of 45Ca2+ uptake were observed following the addition of 45Ca2+ to Ca2+-deprived hepatocytes. The magnitude of the rapid phase increased 15-fold over the range 0.1-11 mM extracellular Ca2+ (Ca2+o) and was a linear function of [Ca2+]o. The increases in the rate of 45Ca2+ uptake were accompanied by only small increases in the intracellular free Ca2+ concentration. In cells made permeable to Ca2+ by treatment with saponin, the rate of 45Ca2+ uptake (measured at free Ca2+ concentrations equal to those in the cytoplasm of intact cells) increased as the concentration of saponin increased from 1.4 to 2.5 micrograms per mg wet weight cells. Rates of 45Ca2+ uptake by cells permeabilized with an optimal concentration of saponin were comparable with those of intact cells incubated at physiological [Ca2+o], but were substantially lower than those for intact cells incubated at high [Ca2+o]. It is concluded that Ca2+ which enters the hepatocyte across the plasma membrane is rapidly removed by binding and transport to intracellular sites and by the plasma membrane (Ca2+ + Mg2+)-ATPase and the plasma membrane Ca2+ inflow transporter is not readily saturated with Ca2+o.  相似文献   

The effect of celecoxib on renal tubular cells is largely unexplored. In Madin Darby canine kidney (MDCK) cells, the effect of celecoxib on intracellular Ca2 + concentration ([Ca2 +]i) and proliferation was examined by using the Ca2 +-sensitive fluorescent dye fura-2 and the viability detecting fluorescent dye tetrazolium, respectively. Celecoxib (≥1 μ M) caused an increase of [Ca2 +]i in a concentration-dependent manner. Celecoxib-induced [Ca2 +]i increase was partly reduced by removal of extracellular Ca2 +. Celecoxib-induced Ca2 + influx was independently suggested by Mn2 + influx-induced fura-2 fluorescence quench. In Ca2 +-free medium, thapsigargin, an inhibitor of the endoplasmic reticulum Ca2 +-ATPase, caused a monophasic [Ca2 +]i increase, after which celecoxib only induced a tiny [Ca2 +]iincrease; conversely, pretreatment with celecoxib completely inhibited thapsigargin-induced [Ca2 +]i increases. U73122, an inhibitor of phospholipase C, abolished ATP (but not celecoxib)-induced [Ca2 +]i increases. Overnight incubation with 1 or 10 μ M celecoxib decreased cell viability by 80% and 100%, respectively. These data indicate that celecoxib evokes a [Ca2 +]i increase in renal tubular cells by stimulating both extracellular Ca2 + influx and intracellular Ca2 + release and is highly toxic to renal tubular cells in vitro.  相似文献   

Effects of cytoplasmic Ca2+ on the electrical properties ofthe plasma membrane were investigated in tonoplast-free cellsof Chara australis that had been internally perfused with media,containing either 1 mM ATP to fuel the electrogenic pump orhexokinase and glucose to deplete the ATP and stop the pump. In the presence of ATP, cytoplasmic Ca2+ up to 2.5?10–5M did not affect the membrane potential (about -190 mV), butmembrane resistance decreased uniformly with increasing [Ca2+]i.In the absence of ATP, the membrane potential, which was onlyabout -110 mV, was depolarized further by raising [Ca2+]i from1.4?10–6 to 2.5?10–5 M. Membrane resistance, whichwas nearly the twofold that of ATP-provided cells, decreasedmarkedly with an increase in [Ca2+]i from zero to 1.38?10–6M, but showed no change for further increases. Internodal cellsof Nitellopsis obtusa were more sensitive to intracellular Ca2+with respect to membrane potential than were those of Charaaustralis, reconfirming the results obtained by Mimura and Tazawa(1983). The effect of cytoplasmic Ca2+ on the ATP-dependent H+ effluxwas measured. No marked difference in H+ effluxes was detectedbetween zero and 2.5?10–5 M [Ca2+]i; but, at 10–4M the ATP-dependent H+ efflux was almost zero. Ca2+ efflux experimentswere done to investigate dependencies on [Ca2+]i and [ATP]i.The efflux was about 1 pmol cm–2 s–1 at all [Ca2+]iconcentrations tested (1.38?10–6, 2.5?10–5, 10–4M).This value is much higher than the influx reported by Hayamaet al. (1979), and this efflux was independent of [ATP]i. Thepossibility of a Ca2+-extruding pump is discussed. 1 Present address: Botanisches Institut der Universit?t Bonn,Venusbergweg 22, 5300 Bonn, F.R.G. (Received September 22, 1984; Accepted February 19, 1985)  相似文献   

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