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The Steel anemia of mice results from an inherited defect in the hematopoietic microenvironment. Proteoglycans synthesized by bone marrow stromal cells are an important functional component of the hematopoietic microenvironment in normal animals. It is thus possible that Steel anemia results from a molecular abnormality involving bone marrow stromal proteoglycans. To investigate this possibility, we studied proteoglycan synthesis in three stromal cell lines from Steel anemic (Sl/Sld) animals and two control stromal cell lines, one (+/+2.4) from a non-anemic littermate, and one (GBl/6) from a normal mouse. Proteoglycans were precursor labelled with 35S sulfate and separated by ion exchange HPLC, CsCl density gradient centrifugation, and molecular sieve HPLC. Glycosaminoglycan (GAG) moieties were characterized by molecular sieve HPLC and enzyme sensitivity. There were no consistent differences in total proteoglycan synthesis, proteoglycan heterogeneity, GAG hydrodynamic size, or enzyme sensitivity among the cell lines studied. Growth factor binding to stromal extracellular matrix (ECM) was studied by co-culture of an IL-3-dependent cell line (FDC-P1) with cell-free ECM preparations from an Sl/Sld and a control (GBl/6) stromal cell line, with and without pre-incubation with IL-3. Cell-free ECM preparations from Sl/Sld and control cell lines supported FDC-P1 growth to an approximately equal extent after pre-incubation with IL-3. FDC-P1 growth support by ECM preparations from both cell lines was also observed without IL-3 pre-incubation, although to a lesser extent, suggesting ECM binding of endogenous growth factors synthesized by the stromal cells.  相似文献   

The first goal of the present studies was to determine if Sl/Sld megakaryocytes have features in common with the macrocytic megakaryocytes that genetically normal mice produce in response to acute platelet depletion. The second was to test the hypothesis that megakaryocyte abnormalities in Sl/Sld mice are due to genetically determined hemopoietic stromal cell abnormalities. Sizes and ploidies of mature Sl/Sld megakaryocytes were measured. Macrocytosis and a shift to higher ploidy values were found compared with normal. Within ploidy groups 16N-64N, Sl/Sld megakaryocytes were larger than normal megakaryocytes of the same ploidy. Transmission electron microscopy revealed that Sl/Sld megakaryocyte nuclei contain more and larger nucleoli, and the chromatin was more dispersed than in normal megakaryocyte nuclei of comparable maturity. Asynchronous megakaryocyte cytoplasmic maturation was found. Sl/Sld macrophages were also ultrastructurally abnormal. Megakaryocytic macrocytosis was reproduced in long-term bone marrow cultures in which the adherent layer was formed by Sl/Sld cells. It was the same if cultures were recharged with Sl/Sld or +/+ hemopoietic cells. Previously reported ambiguities in mixed cell cultures were avoided by recharging the adherent layers with only a million cells. These results were correlated with previously published observations. Sl/Sld megakaryocytes have features in common with megakaryocytes from acutely thrombocytopenic animals. One feature, macrocytosis, appears to be due to abnormal Sl/Sld stromal cells that are reproduced as adherent layer cells in long-term cultures. The responsible stromal cells in Sl/Sld mice may be counterparts of megakaryocytopoietic regulatory cells in the marrow stroma of normal animals.  相似文献   

Active systemic anaphylaxis was induced in mast-cell-deficient mice of W/Wv and Sl/Sld genotypes. The mast-cell-deficient mice were successfully sensitized either by an intraperitoneal injection of chicken gamma-globulin (C gamma G) mixed with adjuvant, alum and saline extract of Bordetella pertussis, or by an intravenous injection of C gamma G alone. Sensitized mice showed signs of systemic anaphylaxis and died after one or more intravenous challenge injections of C gamma G. These studies show that active systemic anaphylaxis can occur in mast-cell-deficient mice and suggest that cells other than mast cells may release adequate mediators to support systemic anaphylaxis.  相似文献   

Hematopoietic cell differentiation is influenced by organ-dependent microenvironmental factors as well as humoral regulators. A technique is described for examining certain aspects of the hemopoietic inductive microenvironment in vitro. Suspension and agar cultures of mouse bone marrow were used to study the effects of organ stromal factors on cellular proliferation and differentiation. Bone, spleen, and thymus fragments from irradiated mice were placed in direct contact with or separated by a Nuclepore membrane from syngeneic marrow cells growing in suspension cultures. Normal adult mouse bone and spleen influenced granulocytic differentiation as well as cell proliferation. In this system, bone marrow and organ fragments from W/Wv and SlSld mice behaved like those of their non-anemic littermates. The most prominent difference between W/Wv and Sl/Sla mice and their normal counterparts was observed in the inductionof CFU-C from splenic precursors un-er the influence of CSA. In both types of anemic mice, in vitro generation of CFU-C from spleen was abnormal in young animals but was corrected by four months of age.  相似文献   

Abstract. In marrow from Sl/Sld mice (but not +/+ mice) day 7 and day 8 CFU-S proliferate whilst day 10 and day 12 CFU-S exhibit negligible proliferation. Media conditioned by both +/+ and Sl/Sld marrow contains an inhibitor of CFU-S proliferation but day 8 CFU-S in +/+ and Sl/Sld marrow show marked dose-response differences to this factor. To inhibit the proliferation of Sl/Sld CFU-S required approximately ten times the concentration of inhibitor that inhibited the proliferation of +/+ CFU-S. Thus abnormally responsive day 8-CFU-S were shown to proliferate in an inhibitory environment.
Abnormalities in Sl/Sld CFU-S function were also demonstrated in heterotopic transplantation experiments using +/+ and Sl/Sld donors and hosts to obtain ectopic bone marrow with various stromal (donor) and haemopoietic (host) combinations. Day 8 Sl/Sld CFU-S were seen to proliferate, irrespective of whether the stromal environment was derived from Sl/Sld or +/+ marrow.
Sl/Sld mice are generally regarded as animals in which there is a genetically determined defect in haemopoiesis due to an abnormality in the haemopoietic environment. It is difficult, however, to attribute the abnormal CFU-S behaviour in these experiments to environmental factors and the results are consistent with mutation at the Sl locus affecting the responses of CFU-S to regulatory signals, i.e. the genetic defect is not confined to the stromal environment.  相似文献   

(WB X C57BL/6)F1-W/Wv (hereafter, WBB6F1-W/Wv) mice and (WC X C57BL/6)F1-Sl/Sld (hereafter, WCB6F1-Sl/Sld) mice are sterile due to the deficient spermatogenesis in the testes. The cause of deficient spermatogenesis in WBB6F1-W/Wv mice is considered to be a defect in germ cells themselves, whereas that in WCB6F1-Sl/Sld mice is considered to be a defect in tissue environment necessary for differentiation of germ cells. Seminiferous tubules isolated from cryptorchid testes of C57BL/6- +/+ mice were transplanted into the testes of WBB6F1-W/Wv and WCB6F1-Sl/Sld mice to clarify that the extratubular environment of these mice was intact or not. Type A spermatogonia in the transplanted tubules normally differentiated into spermatids, suggesting that the extratubular environment is intact in both WBB6F1-W/Wv and WCB6F1-Sl/Sld mice.  相似文献   

Human mesenchymal stem/stromal cells (hMSC) are increasingly used in advanced cellular therapies. The clinical use of hMSCs demands sequential cell expansions. As it is well established that membrane glycerophospholipids (GPL) provide precursors for signaling lipids that modulate cellular functions, we studied the effect of the donor''s age and cell doublings on the GPL profile of human bone marrow MSC (hBMSC). The hBMSCs, which were harvested from five young and five old adults, showed clear compositional changes during expansion seen at the level of lipid classes, lipid species, and acyl chains. The ratio of phosphatidylinositol to phosphatidylserine increased toward the late-passage samples. Furthermore, 20:4n-6-containing species of phosphatidylcholine and phosphatidylethanolamine accumulated while the species containing monounsaturated fatty acids (FA) decreased during passaging. Additionally, in the total FA pool of the cells, 20:4n-6 increased, which happened at the expense of n-3 polyunsaturated FAs, especially 22:6n-3. The GPL and FA correlated with the decreased immunosuppressive capacity of hBMSCs during expansion. Our observations were further supported by alterations in the gene expression levels of several enzymes involved in lipid metabolism and immunomodulation. The results show that extensive expansion of hBMSCs harmfully modulates membrane GPLs, affecting lipid signaling and eventually impairing functionality.  相似文献   

Mechanisms underlying mononuclear phagocyte specialization are being probed by studying suppressor macrophages (M phi) as a reference population in mouse models with impaired blood monocyte formation. Splenic suppressor M phi, defined by PGE-mediated inhibition of Con A-induced T lymphocyte proliferation are induced by the i.p. administration of Corynebacterium parvum (CP). Mice severely depleted of bone marrow and blood monocytes by treatment with 89Sr fail to show this suppressor M phi response to CP, although M phi-forming stem cells, assessed as splenic M-CFC in vitro, are increased 20-fold. These observations suggest that radiosensitive bone marrow stem cells are necessary for the generation of both suppressor M phi and monocytes and that one such stem cell may be common to both types of mononuclear phagocytes. This notion was explored further by employing congenitally anemic mice of the genotype S1/S1d in which the hemopoietic microenvironment is genetically defective and thus unable to support the proliferation, differentiation, and function of stem cells. The congenital defect was found to be additionally expressed in the S1/S1d mouse by a monocytopenia of less than 10% of the values in normal congenic littermate controls and by the failure of splenic M-CFC to increase in response to CP. PGE-producing suppressor M phi expressing Fc gamma 2b receptors, however, were induced by CP in S1/S1d mice with no significant diminution of suppressor activity. These data establish the fact that significant impairment of the formation of monocytes is part of the overall hemopoietic defect in S1/S1d mice. PGE-producing suppressor M phi, however, were inducible at normal functional levels in the presence of a profound monocytopenia, and therefore appear to be independent of the mechanisms that regulate blood monocyte formation. Ablation of the bone marrow with 89Sr resulted in failure of CP to induce suppressor M phi in the spleens of the S1/S1d mice as in the littermate controls. Other observations in the present study, when taken with data from the 89Sr model, show the additional independence of these suppressor M phi from splenic M-CFC. In aggregate, these findings delineate three functionally definable populations of mononuclear phagocytes that appear to be independently regulated.  相似文献   

Summary This study reports the selection and characterization of osteogenic precursors from human bone marrow which were isolated by two “clonings” and successive subculturing. These cell lines express alkaline phosphatase activity. Gel electrophoresis of [3H]-proline labeled cultures showed that the cloned cells produce only type I collagen. They synthetize osteocalcin and osteonectin. They respond to 1,25 dihydroxy vitamin D3 by increasing osteocalcin synthesis and secretion, and to parathyroid hormone by increasing cyclic AMP synthesis. After the third subculture in the absence of β-glycerophosphate, these cell lines formed lots of clusters which exhibit high alkaline phosphatase activity and positive von Kossa staining. X-ray energy spectrum shows that these cells are surrounded by “budding” structures containing calcium and phosphorus with a ratio Ca:P identical to those of pure hydroxyapatite. This process was associated with45Ca uptake into the cells. All these data support the selection of osteogenic cells which may be of considerable clinical importance.  相似文献   

Background aimsMesenchymal stromal/stem cells (MSCs) can be isolated from human bone marrow (BM), expanded ex vivo and identified via numerous surface antigens. Despite the importance of these cells in regenerative therapy programs, it is unclear whether the cell membrane signature defining MSC preparations ex vivo is determined during culture or may reflect an in vivo counterpart. BM-MSC phenotype in vivo requires further investigation.MethodsTo characterize cells in their natural BM environment, we performed multi-parametric immunohistochemistry on trabecular bone biopsy specimens from multiple donors and described cells by different morphology and micro-anatomic localization in relationship to a precise pattern of MSC antigen expression.ResultsMicroscopically examined high-power field marrow sections revealed an overlapping in vivo expression of antigens characterizing ex vivo expanded BM-MSCs, including CD10, CD73, CD140b, CD146, GD2 and CD271. Expanding this panel to proteins associated with pluripotency, such as Oct4, Nanog and SSEA-4, we were able to identify different cellular populations in the human trabecular bone and BM expressing different progenitor cell markers.ConclusionsTargeting several multipotency and pluripotency markers, we found that the BM contains identifiable and distinct progenitor cells further justifying their introduction for a wide range of applications in regenerative medicine.  相似文献   

The possibility of differentiation of insulin-producing cells and neural and glial elements was demonstrated in the culture of bone marrow stromal cells. The perspectives of use of the bone marrow stromal cells in clinical medicine are considered.  相似文献   

The number of fibroblast colonies in bone marrow cultures depends on FCFC concentration in explanted cells and FCFC cloning efficiency. For mouse bone marrow the efficiency of fibroblast colony formation increases in the presence of the feeder (irradiated bone marrow of spleen cells). Colony-stimulating feeder activity does not depend on the presence of phagocytic and stromal cells in the feeder cell population. Trypsinization of the bone marrow leads to the release of additional FCFC and the increase of their concentration in bone marrow cell suspensions.  相似文献   

Bone and lung metastases are responsible for the majority of deaths in patients with breast cancer. Following treatment of the primary cancer, emotional and psychosocial factors within this population precipitate time to recurrence and death, however the underlying mechanism(s) remain unclear. Using a mouse model of bone metastasis, we provide experimental evidence that activation of the sympathetic nervous system, which is one of many pathophysiological consequences of severe stress and depression, promotes MDA-231 breast cancer cell colonization of bone via a neurohormonal effect on the host bone marrow stroma. We demonstrate that induction of RANKL expression in bone marrow osteoblasts, following β2AR stimulation, increases the migration of metastatic MDA-231 cells in vitro, independently of SDF1-CXCR4 signaling. We also show that the stimulatory effect of endogenous (chronic stress) or pharmacologic sympathetic activation on breast cancer bone metastasis in vivo can be blocked with the β-blocker propranolol, and by knockdown of RANK expression in MDA-231 cells. These findings indicate that RANKL promotes breast cancer cell metastasis to bone via its pro-migratory effect on breast cancer cells, independently of its effect on bone turnover. The emerging clinical implication, supported by recent epidemiological studies, is that βAR-blockers and drugs interfering with RANKL signaling, such as Denosumab, could increase patient survival if used as adjuvant therapy to inhibit both the early colonization of bone by metastatic breast cancer cells and the initiation of the "vicious cycle" of bone destruction induced by these cells.  相似文献   

Cultured adherent bone marrow stromal cells (BMSCs) are capable of forming ectopic hematopoietic microenvironments (HMEs) in immunodeficient mice. However, the cell surface phenotype of the native bone marrow stem/progenitor cell that gives rise to BMSCs that support hematopoiesis remains poorly defined. We recently reported the derivation of human BMSC-like cells (CD133BMSCs) by magnetic cell sorting against Prominin-1 (CD133), an epitope expressed by embryonic, fetal, and adult stem cells. Here we demonstrate that CD133BMSCs are capable of forming ectopic HMEs. Cultured adherent CD133BMSCs derived from sorted CD133-positive cells lacked CD133 expression, but were uniformly positive for CD146, an epitope recently described to identify self-renewing osteoprogenitor cells that could transfer the HME. CD133BMSCs were genetically-tagged by lentivirus, expanded, and seeded into HA/TCP/fibrin constructs that were implanted subcutaneously. After 60 days, CD133BMSCs produced human osteocytes, osteoblasts, adipocytes, and reticular cells that supported murine hematopoiesis. CD133BMSCs that were not transduced with lentivirus also formed HMEs. Control constructs seeded with human dermal fibroblasts formed connective tissue, but failed to form HMEs. Our data indicate that CD133 expression identifies a native human bone marrow stem/progenitor cell that gives rise to BMSCs capable of forming the HME.  相似文献   

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