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The isoelectric characteristics of some nucleic acid preparations from rat liver have been examined. 10S and 4S RNA species and SV-DNA were found to have isoelectric points of 5.2, 6.0-6.7, and 4.35 respectively. The molecular charge ratios (net negative charge/nucleotide) were calculated. Using SV-DNA as a standard, these isoelectric characteristics and charge ratios have been interpreted as indicating that the 10S and 4S RNAs have 35 and 56% of the molecules involved in secondary structure.  相似文献   

The thermal denaturation of four oligonucleotides, viz. 3'-d(AT)5pO(CH2)6Opd(AT)5-3' (parAT), 3'-d(AT)5pO(CH2)5Opd(AT)5-5' (antiAT), 3'-d(A)10pO(CH2)6Op(T)10-3' (parA-T) and 3'd(A)10pOX X (CH2)6Opd(T)10-5' (antiA-T) in 0.01 M phosphate buffer at pH 7 in presence 0.1, 0.25, 0.5 and 1.0 M NaCl have been studied. It was shown that at lower temperature (0-20 degrees C) all oligomeres exist as complexes of two (canonic duplex) or four (eight) molecules of oligonucleotides, but at higher temperature (30-70 degrees C)- as hairpins with parallel (parAT and parA-T) of antiparallel (antiAT and antiA-T) orientation of chains. Thermodinamic parameters of separated strands-hairpins and hairpins--"low temperature complexes" transition were computated from the melting curves [A260 (T)] by nonlinear regression. AntiA-T was shown by ethidium bromide binding to exist at low strength (0.01 M phosphate buffer without NaCl) as four-stranded complex from two antiparallel double stranded helices parallely oriented and bonded by satisfy hydrogen-bond of groups not involved in WC-pairing. At higher ionic strength the two of such tetramers was conjugated by hydrophobic interaction into octamers. We speculate that four-stranded complexes serves to bring together, and zipper up two antiparallel double stranded helices at replication of DNA, cross-over of gomologues chromosomes and other biochemically important processes.  相似文献   

Thermal denaturation of four oligonucleotides, viz. 3'-d(AT)5pO(CH2)6Opd(AT)5-3'(par(AT], 3'-d(AT)5pO(CH2)6Opd(AT)5-5'(anti(AT],3'-d(A)10pO(CH2) 6Op(T)10-3'(par(A-T], and 3'-d(A)10pO(CH2)6Opd(T)10-5' (anti(A-T], was studied in 0.01 M phosphate buffer, pH 7, in the presence of 0.1, 0.25, 0.5 and 1.0 M NaCl. All the oligomers were found to exist at a lower temperature (0 to 20 degrees C) as complexes composed either of two oligomer molecules (a canonical duplex) or of more oligomer molecules whereas, at a higher temperature (30 to 70 degrees C), they formed hairpins with a parallel (par(AT) and par(A-T] or antiparallel (anti(AT) and anti(A-T) orientation of the chains. Melting curves (A260(T] were used to calculate thermodynamic parameters for the formation of hairpins and "low-temperature" duplexes. Experiments on ethidium bromide binding to the oligonucleotides have shown that the oligomer anti(A-T) exists, at a low ionic strength, as a four stranded complex ("quadruplex") contains two antiparallel helices, d(A).d(T), which have a parallel orientation and are bound to one another owing to the formation of additional hydrogen bonds between nucleic acid bases. The possible biological function of quadruplexes is discussed.  相似文献   

A major difficulty in the evaluation of secondary and tertiarystructures of nucleic acids is the lack of convenient methodsfor their construction and representation. As a first step ina study of the symbolic representation of biopolymers, we reportthe development of a structure editor written in Pascal, permittingmodel construction on the screen of a personal computer. Theprogram calculates energies for helical regions, allows user-definedhelices and displays the secondary structure of a nucleic acidbased on a user-selected set of helices. Screen and printeroutputs can be in the form of a backbone or the letters of theprimary sequence. The molecule can then be displayed in a formatwhich simulates its three-dimensional structure. Using appropriateglasses, the molecule can be viewed on the screen in three dimensions.Other options include the manipulation of helices and single-strandedregions which results in changes in the spatial relationshipbetween different regions of the molecule. The editor requiresan IBM or compatible PC, 640 kbyte memory and a medium or highresolution graphics card. Received on September 19, 1987; accepted on November 15, 1987  相似文献   

The review considers the original works on the primary structure of biopolymers, which were carried out from 1983 to 2003. Most works were supported by the Russian program Human Genome and earlier similar Russian programs. Little-known publications of 1983-1993 and recent unpublished results are described in detail. In the field of genome comparisons, these concern the OWEN hierarchic algorithm aligning syntenic regions of two genome sequences. The resulting global alignment is obtained as an ordered chain of local similarities. Alignment of sequences sized about 10(6) nucleotides takes several minutes. The concept of local similarity conflicts is generalized to multiple comparisons. New algorithms aligning protein sequences are described and compared with the Smith-Waterman algorithm, which is now most accurate. The ANCHOR hierarchic algorithm generates alignments of much the same accuracy and is twice as rapid as the Smith-Waterman one. The STRSWer algorithm takes an account of the secondary structures of proteins under study. With the secondary structures predicted using the PSI-PRED software for pairs of proteins having 10-30% similarity, the average accuracy of alignments generated by STRSWer is 15% higher than that achieved with the Smith-Waterman algorithm.  相似文献   

Aminopropyl nucleic acids (APNAs) are constitutionally simple nucleic acid alternatives with one stereogenic center per nucleotide, and with the potential to hybridize with RNA and to exert catalytic functions. We have developed a protecting group strategy to synthesize APNAs, although in a not very efficient way. Isolation and purification of APNAs proved to be difficult. Their structures might be more suited to function as potential catalytic polymers than as information systems that may evolve into RNA.  相似文献   

A new type of fluorescent nucleic acid probes, 2-bis-pyrene-modified oligonucleotides, is described. Preparation of these conjugates involves attachment of two pyrene moieties to the 2'-phosphate group introduced into any position within a sequence by solid-phase phosphoramidite synthesis. Good hybridization properties of the 2'-bis-pyrene probes, their nuclease resistance and sensitivity of fluorescence to the type of complementary nucleic acid have been demonstrated.  相似文献   

Summary Prior to the onset of mitotic activity in the regenerating mouse liver, the concentrations of total protein and DNA, but not of RNA, decreased to 93 per cent of their levels in normal liver. During maximum mitosis (48–72 hours), the DNA and RNA concentrations were 110 per cent of their normal levels. The concentrations of liver nucleic acids 24 hours after a sham-operation were also about 110 per cent of normal values.Increased concentrations of insoluble protein were found at 12, 24 and 144 hours after partial hepatectomy. This may reflect an increase in the stability of the liver cell membranes during the regenerative period. Increased amounts of various cytoplasmic membranes were indicated by electronmicroscopy and may also have contributed to the increase in insoluble protein.A temporary increase in the measured solubility of the liver protein occurred during maximum mitosis. It is suggested that this was due to the association of protein with lipids during the depletion of accumulated fat from the regenerating liver.This investigation was facilitated by grants from the Royal. Physiographical Society.I wish to thank Professor I. Agrell and Docent B. Karlsson for helpful advice and criticism and Miss E. K. Persson for skilled technical assistance.  相似文献   

Nucleic acids are elucidated in configuration space. An algorithm relating sequence to stability in A and B helical secondary structures, is stated to incorporate NMR conformational and optical melting data. This made possible a classification of elementary sequences in terms of configuration forces driving between A and B states, a finding useful in prediction of structural behavior of different sequences of DNA, RNA and their hybrids.  相似文献   

A class of repetitive DNA sequences frequently found at centromeric regions are R/Y-satellites showing an asymmetric distribution of residues resulting in one strand being rich in purines (R-strand) while the complementary strand is pyrimidine-rich (Y-strand). The dodeca-satellite of Drosophila belongs to this class of centromeric satellites. In vitro, the dodeca-satellite forms altered DNA structures in which the R-strand forms very stable intramolecular fold-backs that are stabilised by the formation of tandem G · A mismatches. A single-stranded nucleic acids binding protein, DDP1, binds the unstructured dodeca-satellite Y-strand with high affinity. In polytene chromosomes, DDP1 associates with the heterochromatic chromocenter and, at the euchromatic chromosome arms, co-localises with HP1. DDP1 is a vigilin. Vigilins are highly conserved multi-KH-domain proteins. Scp160p, the vigilin from S. cerevisiae, is involved in the control of ploidy. DDP1 complements a scp160 deletion.  相似文献   

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