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Chemical suppression of virus in cultured plant tissues   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The concentrations of cucumber mosaic (CMV) and alfalfa mosaic viruses, present in various types of cultured plant tissues, were significantly less when ribavirin (syn. Virazole) at 50 or 100 mg/litre was present in the culture medium. CMV concentrations decreased within 24 days in infected cultures treated with ribabirin, but incubation periods of up to 127 days were required before the virus was undetectable. However, virus-free cultures were obtained from CMV-infected meristem-tips irrespective of the presence or absence of ribavirin. Kinetin at concentrations up to 25.6 mg/litre had no persistent antiviral effect.  相似文献   

Summary Two hitherto undescribed viruses were isolated from naturally-infected white clover plants.One induced both cytoplasmic and intranuclear inclusions, and the other caused cytoplasmic inclusions of a new type, which we have called Corner inclusion bodies.All three kinds of inclusion were found in the same cells.Vital observations showed that the two kinds of cytoplasmic inclusion bodies developed principally from the plastids.The intranuclear inclusions were shown to develop from the nucleoli.Cytochemical tests showed that the cytoplasmic inclusions contained protein and ribonucleic acid.On the basis of these findings, the possibility of virus synthesis in plastids and nucleoli is discussed.  相似文献   

Virus origin of lilac ringspot and chlorotic ringspot of lilac was identified serologically by means of double gel diffusion method. The former of these diseases is due to Arabis mosaic virus, the latter to a mixture of Arabis mosaic virus and cherry leaf roll virus. The occurrence of these viruses has been detected for the first time in Czechoslovakia.  相似文献   

《Cellular immunology》1986,98(1):188-199
Keyhole limpet hemocyanin (KLH) given at high dose (4 mg ip) in mice induced a state of unresponsiveness related to the activation of suppressor T cells. An early pathway of suppression is observed within the first 24 hr following KLH injection and is characterized by its cyclophosphamide (CPM) sensitivity and by the specificity of its effector phase, at the level of KLH helper T cells. A late pathway of suppression occurs at Day 3 following KLH injection and is characterized by its CPM resistance and the nonspecificity of its effector phase acting at the B-cell level. Indeed the anti-FLu antibody response to FLu Ovalbumin or thymus-independent antigen FLu LPS were found altered when these antigens were given with TNP KLH. These two pathways of suppression were found to last 8 months. These results suggest that KLH can trigger in an independent manner two pathways of suppression characterized by different CPM sensitivity and different target cells.  相似文献   

Gradients of plant virus diseases   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Severe etch virus prevents die multiplication of potato virus Y and Hyoscyamus virus 3 and replaces them even in plants in which they are established. Mild etch virus reduces the concentration of potato virus Y but does not suppress it completely. Cucumber virus 1 multiplies normally in mixed infections with any of the three other insect-transmitted viruses. Possible implications of these results on the mechanism of virus multiplication are discussed; it is suggested that these viruses inactivate in cell sap at approximately the same rate as they denature in vitro.
No differences were found between the stability of antibodies to viruses with different properties.  相似文献   



Within-host competition between strains of a vector-borne pathogen can affect strain frequencies in both the host and vector, thereby affecting viral population dynamics. However little is known about inter-strain competition in one of the most genetically diverse and epidemiologically important mosquito-borne RNA virus: dengue virus (DENV). To assess the strength and symmetry of intra-host competition among different strains of DENV, the effect of mixed infection of two DENV serotypes, DENV2 and DENV4, on the replication of each in cultured mosquito cells was tested. The number of infectious particles produced by each DENV strain in mixed infections was compared to that in single infections to determine whether replication of each strain was decreased in the presence of the other strain (i.e., competition). The two DENV strains were added to cells either simultaneously (coinfection) or with a 1 or 6-hour time lag between first and second serotype (superinfection).  相似文献   

Human respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), a major cause of severe respiratory diseases, efficiently suppresses cellular innate immunity, represented by type I interferon (IFN), using its two unique nonstructural proteins, NS1 and NS2. In a search for their mechanism, NS1 was previously shown to decrease levels of TRAF3 and IKKε, whereas NS2 interacted with RIG-I and decreased TRAF3 and STAT2. Here, we report on the interaction, cellular localization, and functional domains of these two proteins. We show that recombinant NS1 and NS2, expressed in lung epithelial A549 cells, can form homo- as well as heteromers. Interestingly, when expressed alone, substantial amounts of NS1 and NS2 localized to the nuclei and to the mitochondria, respectively. However, when coexpressed with NS2, as in RSV infection, NS1 could be detected in the mitochondria as well, suggesting that the NS1-NS2 heteromer localizes to the mitochondria. The C-terminal tetrapeptide sequence, DLNP, common to both NS1 and NS2, was required for some functions, but not all, whereas only the NS1 N-terminal region was important for IKKε reduction. Finally, NS1 and NS2 both interacted specifically with host microtubule-associated protein 1B (MAP1B). The contribution of MAP1B in NS1 function was not tested, but in NS2 it was essential for STAT2 destruction, suggesting a role of the novel DLNP motif in protein-protein interaction and IFN suppression.  相似文献   

It is generally accepted that the host's immune response rather than the virus itself is causing the hepatocellular damage seen in acute and chronic hepatitis B virus (HBV) infections. However, in situations of severe immune suppression, chronic HBV patients may develop a considerable degree of liver disease. To examine whether HBV has direct cytopathic effects in severely immune compromised hosts, we have infected severe combined immune deficient mice (uPA-SCID), harboring human liver cells, with HBV. Serologic analysis of the plasma of HBV-infected animals revealed the presence of extremely high amounts of viral genomes and proteins. Histological analysis of the livers of uPA-SCID chimeras infected with HBV for more than 2 months showed that the majority of human hepatocytes had a ground-glass appearance, stained intensely for viral proteins, and showed signs of considerable damage and cell death. This histopathologic pattern closely resembles the picture observed in the livers of immunosuppressed HBV patients. These lesions were not observed in animals infected with HBV for less than 1 month. Ultrastructural analysis of long-term-infected hepatocytes showed a highly increased presence of cylindrical HBsAg structures, core particles, and Dane particles compared to short-term-infected hepatocytes. These long-term-infected hepatocytes also contained elevated amounts of HBV cccDNA. In conclusion, HBV causes dramatic intracellular changes and hepatocellular damage in the human hepatocytes that reside in a severely immune deficient mouse. These lesions show much resemblance to the ones encountered in immunosuppressed chronic HBV patients. Our observations indicate that HBV may be directly cytopathic in conditions of severe immune suppression.  相似文献   

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