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Predators frequently must detect and localize their prey in challenging environments. Noisy environments have been prevalent across the evolutionary history of predator–prey relationships, but now with increasing anthropogenic activities noise is becoming a more prominent feature of many landscapes. Here, we use the gleaning pallid bat, Antrozous pallidus, to investigate the mechanism by which noise disrupts hunting behaviour. Noise can primarily function to mask—obscure by spectrally overlapping a cue of interest, or distract—occupy an animal''s attentional or other cognitive resources. Using band-limited white noise treatments that either overlapped the frequencies of a prey cue or did not overlap this cue, we find evidence that distraction is a primary driver of reduced hunting efficacy in an acoustically mediated predator. Under exposure to both noise types successful prey localization declined by half, search time nearly tripled, and bats used 25% more sonar pulses than when hunting in ambient conditions. Overall, the pallid bat does not seem capable of compensating for environmental noise. These findings have implications for mitigation strategies, specifically the importance of reducing sources of noise on the landscape rather than attempting to reduce the bandwidth of anthropogenic noise.  相似文献   

食鱼蝙蝠形态和行为特化研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
总结了食鱼蝙蝠种类、分布 ,及其形态结构、回声定位功能和捕食行为的研究成果。比较食鱼蝙蝠与近水面“拖网式”食虫蝙蝠在形态、回声定位信号及捕食行为方面的异、同 ,推测食鱼蝙蝠起源于“拖网式”食虫蝙蝠类 ;体形和回声定位信号的几种特异性是捕食行为进化压力 ,而环境是决定因素。  相似文献   

Acoustic communication allows animals to coordinate and optimize resource utilization in space. Cardioderma cor, the heart‐nosed bat, is one of the few species of bats known to sing during nighttime foraging. Previous research found that heart‐nosed bats react aggressively to song playback, supporting the territorial defense hypothesis of singing in this species. We further investigated the territorial defense hypothesis from an ecological standpoint, which predicts that singing should be associated with exclusive areas containing a resource, by tracking 14 individuals nightly during the dry seasons in Tanzania. We quantified the singing behavior of individuals at all perches used throughout the night. Using home range analysis tools, we quantified overall use, night ranges and singing ranges, as well as areas used in early and later time periods at night. Males sang back and forth from small (x¯ = 3.48 ± 2.71 ha), largely exclusive areas that overlapped with overall night ranges used for gleaning prey. Individuals varied in singing effort; however, all sang significantly more as night progressed. Subsequently, areas used earlier at night and overall use areas were both larger than singing areas. Individuals varied in singing strategies. Some males sang for long periods in particular trees and had smaller core areas, while others moved frequently among singing trees. The most prolific singers used more perches overall. Our results support the hypothesis that acoustic communication repertoires evolved in support of stable foraging territory advertisement and defense in some bats.  相似文献   

李莉  刘芳  李文峰  苏松坤 《昆虫知识》2012,49(5):1354-1359
蜜蜂的采集行为是蜜蜂众多社会行为中一种较复杂的行为,涉及信息评估、信息传递、学习记忆及能量代谢等不同的行为过程。研究蜜蜂采集及信息交流系统的分子机制,不仅利于蜜蜂的理论研究和蜂产业的发展,还为人类语言及信息交流系统的研究提供借鉴。本文从行为、感觉基础及分子机制等不同研究层面,综述了近年来对蜜蜂采集及信息传递行为的研究进展,并提出了研究设想,以期为深入研究蜜蜂的采集行为及其信息传递行为的分子机制提供参考。  相似文献   

陈璇  胡福良 《昆虫知识》2009,46(3):490-494
蜜蜂Apisspp.是一种社会性昆虫。社会性昆虫在对它们群体自身数量和巢穴环境的调节方面表现出明显的稳态特点,Emerson将这种稳态调节称为社会性稳态。蜂群中花粉的储存量就具有稳态的特点。蜂群的花粉采集行为是由蜂群对花粉的需要决定的。关于蜜蜂花粉采集行为的调控机制,目前的研究主要集中于是哪些信息以及蜂群是如何识别这些信息从而调控其采粉行为,主要形成了直接识别和间接识别2种假说。对这2种假说进行综述。  相似文献   

Rapid development of foraging ability is critical for phocids. In northern elephant seals Mirounga angustirostris , juvenile survivorship is low compared with adults and foraging difficulties are potentially associated with increased mortality. At Año Nuevo, California, foraging behavior of nine juvenile females during their third foraging migration and five juvenile females on their fourth foraging migration were documented using a variety of commercially available and custom time depth recorders. Foraging success, diving ability, time at depth, bouts of behavior and body composition changes were compared between trips to sea. There were no significant differences in foraging success measured as mass gain between the third and fourth trips to sea. There were differences in how energy was deposited between lean and adipose tissue compartments. Diving ability developed between trips to sea, reflected in significant increases in depth, dive duration and bottom time. Development also occurred within trips to sea. Depth, dive duration and bottom time increased with time at sea. Aerobic capacity appears to increase between the third and fourth trip, with a significantly increased percentage of total time submerged and a significantly lower diving rate. All juveniles on the fourth trip and four out of nine juveniles on the third trip followed marked diel patterns, foraging deep during the day and shallow at night. Like adults, juveniles appeared to stay primarily aerobic with surface intervals independent of dive durations. These results confirm that female juvenile northern elephant seals undergo important developmental changes in foraging behavior between the third and fourth trip, but these changes do not significantly impact foraging success.  相似文献   

海切叶蜂的筑巢和访花行为   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
蒙艳华  徐环李 《昆虫学报》2007,50(12):1247-1254
【目的】研究毛乌素沙地重要野生传粉昆虫海切叶蜂Megachile maritima的筑巢和访花行为对保护其栖息环境具有重要意义。【方法】采用目测及拍照等方法对海切叶蜂的整个筑巢过程进行了连续观测;以2 m×2 m 样方的方式观测海切叶蜂的访花频率、单花停留时间及日活动规律等访花行为,其中日活动规律每天连续观测,共观测7天。【结果】海切叶蜂在沙土中筑巢,每巢只有一个巢室,其筑巢过程为:寻找合适的筑巢地点,挖巢,构建巢室,采集蜂粮,产卵,封住巢室,筑完一个巢。它连续筑完一个巢大约需要9 h。海切叶蜂构建一个巢室需要切取26~29片叶子,为每巢室采集蜂粮11~12次,每巢室内产卵1粒;在塔落岩黄芪和细叶益母草上的平均访花频率分别为(13.23±6.49)朵/min和(16.72±4.84)朵/min,平均单花停留时间分别为(3.08±2.48)s和(2.49±1.31)s。晴天,海切叶蜂在12:00~14:00期间活动较活跃。【结论】海切叶蜂不同个体之间的筑巢行为相似。该蜂在塔落岩黄芪和细叶益母草上的访花过程、访花频率及单花停留时间具有显著的差异。  相似文献   

Varying assemblages of three crustaceans and their behavioral interactions were studied in Rice Cave during eight visits over a two year period. The assemblages of crustaceans observed were seen to depend primarily on periodic invasions into the cave byGammarus troglophilus, low resource levels, habitat preference, the sensitivity ofCaecidotea stygia to disturbance, and subterranean adaptation by the troglobites.Both the troglophilG. troglophilus and the troglobite,C. stygia preferred mud and gravel bottomed pools. The more active and aggressiveG. troglopholus when at high densities eliminatedC. stygia from preferred habitat and baited food placed in it.Bactrurus brachycaudus, a troglobite, preferred riffles, but was able to compete for baited food withG. troglophilus by virtue of its larger size and similar behaviors. When onlyC. stygia was present at baited sites access to food was size-related with a rotation of large and small individuals on and off the bait occurring.  相似文献   

The leeches Whitmania pigra and Hirudo nipponia live in similar environments but have different feeding habits. At present, there are few studies of the foraging mechanism of leeches with different feeding habits. In this study, we first used maze tests to show that these two species of leeches could locate and distinguish their prey through chemosensory activity without mechanical stimulation. However, the two leech species have different foraging behaviors: Individuals of W. pigra move slowly and repeatedly adjust direction through probing and crawling to detect the location of prey (snails), whereas individuals of H. nipponia move quickly, and after determining the location of food (porcine blood), they quickly swim or crawl to the vicinity of their prey. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) revealed that there are two types of sensory cilia and pore structures related to mucus secretion in the heads of both leeches. There are two differently sized types of chemoreceptors on the dorsal lip in W. pigra, which may have different functions during foraging, whereas in H. nipponia there is only one type of chemoreceptor, which is small. We detected the chemical components in the natural food of these two leech species by UHPLC–MS. There were 934 metabolites in the body fluid of snails and 751 metabolites in porcine serum; five metabolites unique to the body fluid of snails and to porcine serum were screened as candidate feeding attractants. Of these metabolites, betaine and arginine effectively attracted individuals of W. pigra and H. nipponia, respectively. In summary, leeches with different feeding habits use chemoreceptors to sense external chemical signals when foraging, and there are significant differences between species in foraging behavior, chemoreceptors, and attractants.  相似文献   

The influence of human activity on the biosphere is increasing. While direct damage (e.g. habitat destruction) is relatively well understood, many activities affect wildlife in less apparent ways. Here, we investigate how anthropogenic noise impairs foraging, which has direct consequences for animal survival and reproductive success. Noise can disturb foraging via several mechanisms that may operate simultaneously, and thus, their effects could not be disentangled hitherto. We developed a diagnostic framework that can be applied to identify the potential mechanisms of disturbance in any species capable of detecting the noise. We tested this framework using Daubenton's bats, which find prey by echolocation. We found that traffic noise reduced foraging efficiency in most bats. Unexpectedly, this effect was present even if the playback noise did not overlap in frequency with the prey echoes. Neither overlapping noise nor nonoverlapping noise influenced the search effort required for a successful prey capture. Hence, noise did not mask prey echoes or reduce the attention of bats. Instead, noise acted as an aversive stimulus that caused avoidance response, thereby reducing foraging efficiency. We conclude that conservation policies may seriously underestimate numbers of species affected and the multilevel effects on animal fitness, if the mechanisms of disturbance are not considered.  相似文献   

捕食风险及其对动物觅食行为的影响   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
对捕食风险的涵义及其对猎物动物觅食行为的影响、猎物动物面对捕食风险时的反应进行了论述。捕食风险可以简单地理解为一定时间内猎物动物被杀死的概率。当捕食风险存在时 ,动物会选择相对安全但觅食效益较低的地点觅食 ;由于死亡率和消化方面的限制 ,一般都会产生食谱收缩 ;觅食活动方式的时间格局也会因捕食风险而发生改变 ,如水生动物的昼夜垂直迁移、某些陆生动物昼行性与夜行性活动的转换、月光回避等。在与捕食者发生遭遇时 ,猎物动物的主要反应是 :①发出某些信号以阻止捕食者的追捕 ;②靠近并注视捕食者 ;③逃逸 ;④在一定的时间恢复觅食活动。在以往的研究中 ,对捕食者种类已经有了较多的了解 ,而对猎物如何判断捕食者丰富度信息、估计风险程度等方面则知之甚少 ;同时 ,对捕食风险水平的调控、对多种因素的综合分析也较少涉及。在今后的研究中 ,还应该考虑研究的尺度问题 ,因为在不同尺度的环境条件下 ,猎物动物对于捕食风险的反应可能大相径庭。  相似文献   

Risksensitive behavior can be defined as the active choosing among probability distributions in an attempt to maximize expected utility of returns. An analysis of human foraging behavior is examined in terms of risk sensitivity. Foraging data collected from Barí hunting and fishing trips were tested according to the prediction that future foraging behavior will be dependent on or at least be sensitive to the success of the previous day's trip. An analysis of protein foraging data yields statistically insignificant results, suggesting risk indifference on the part of the Barí.  相似文献   

传粉昆虫行为的研究方法探讨   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
昆虫访花行为能对植物与传粉者相互作用的很多方面产生直接的影响, 因此相关研究对于理解植物的多样性和植物生殖生态过程非常重要。本文介绍了主要的传粉昆虫种类及其特征, 并探讨了昆虫访花行为及其影响因素的研究方法。同时还探讨了进行夜间传粉昆虫和群落水平上昆虫行为研究的方法, 以期能为植物-传粉者相互作用这一多学科交叉领域的学者, 尤其是植物学家和昆虫学家提供有益的参考资料。  相似文献   

Teeth represent an essential component of the foraging apparatus for any mammal, and tooth wear can have significant implications for survival and reproduction. This study focuses on tooth wear in wild baboons in Amboseli, southern Kenya. We obtained mandibular and maxillary tooth impressions from 95 baboons and analyzed digital images of replicas made from these impressions. We measured tooth wear as the percent dentine exposure (PDE, the percent of the occlusal surface on which dentine was exposed), and we examined the relationship of PDE to age, behavior, and life history variables. We found that PDE increased significantly with age for both sexes in all three molar types. In females, we also tested the hypotheses that long‐term patterns of feeding behavior, social dominance rank, and one measure of maternal investment (the cumulative number of months that a female had dependent infants during her lifetime) would predict tooth wear when we controlled for age. The hypothesis that feeding behavior predicted tooth wear was supported. The percent of feeding time spent consuming grass corms predicted PDE when controlling for age. However, PDE was not associated with social dominance rank or maternal investment. Am J Phys Anthropol, 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

社群学习对植食性鸟类和哺乳动物觅食行为的作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
社群学习是动物的一种可塑性行为表现型式。综述了社群学习对植食性鸟类和哺乳动物觅食行为的作用,并述评了其学习机制。社群同伴对动物个体觅食地点、时间和取食方式均有影响,母体摄食的食物信息可通过胎盘和乳汁显著影响幼体的食物选择。动物通过观察学习、嗅闻学习以及味觉厌恶学习,不仅能更快找到食物资源,提高觅食效率,而且能有效降低中毒与被捕食的风险,从而提高其适合度。  相似文献   

A variable-response model for parasitoid foraging behavior   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
An important factor inducing variability in foraging behavior in parasitic wasps is experience gained by the insect. Together with the insect's genetic constitution and physiological state, experience ultimately defines the behavioral repertoire under specified environmental circumstances. We present a conceptual variable-response model based on several major observations of a foraging parasitoid's responses to stimuli involved in the hostfinding process. These major observations are that (1) different stimuli evoke different responses or levels of response, (2) strong responses are less variable than weak ones, (3) learning can change response levels, (4) learning increases originally low responses more than originally high responses, and (5) hostderived stimuli serve as rewards in associative learning of other stimuli. The model specifies how the intrinsic variability of a response will depend on the magnitude of the response and predicts when and how learning will modify the insect's behavior. Additional hypotheses related to the model concern how experience with a stimulus modifies behavioral responses to other stimuli, how animals respond in multistimulus situations, which stimuli act to reinforce behavioral responses to other stimuli in the learning process, and finally, how generalist and specialist species differ in their behavioral plasticity. We postulate that insight into behavioral variability in the foraging behavior of natural enemies may be a help, if not a prerequisite, for the efficient application of parasitoids in pest management.  相似文献   

Noise pollution from human traffic networks and industrial activity impacts vast areas of our planet. While anthropogenic noise effects on animal communication are well documented, we have very limited understanding of noise impact on more complex ecosystem processes, such as predator-prey interactions, albeit urgently needed to devise mitigation measures. Here, we show that traffic noise decreases the foraging efficiency of an acoustic predator, the greater mouse-eared bat (Myotis myotis). These bats feed on large, ground-running arthropods that they find by listening to their faint rustling sounds. We measured the bats' foraging performance on a continuous scale of acoustically simulated highway distances in a behavioural experiment, designed to rule out confounding factors such as general noise avoidance. Successful foraging bouts decreased and search time drastically increased with proximity to the highway. At 7.5 m to the road, search time was increased by a factor of five. From this increase, we predict a 25-fold decrease in surveyed ground area and thus in foraging efficiency for a wild bat. As most of the bats' prey are predators themselves, the noise impact on the bats' foraging performance will have complex effects on the food web and ultimately on the ecosystem stability. Similar scenarios apply to other ecologically important and highly protected acoustic predators, e.g. owls. Our study provides the empirical basis for quantitative predictions of anthropogenic noise impacts on ecosystem processes. It highlights that an understanding of the effects of noise emissions and other forms of 'sensory pollution' are crucially important for the assessment of environmental impact of human activities.  相似文献   

The acoustic structure of echolocation pulses emitted by Japanese pipistrellePipistrellus abramus (Temminck, 1840) bats during different phases of aerial hawking is described here for the first time. Behavioural observations of the foraging flight in conjunction with acoustical analysis of echolocation pulses indicated a flight path consisting of four distinct phases following the reconnaissance or search phase. Short (∼4.68 ms) and relatively broadband frequencymodulated (FM) pulses (∼23.55 kHz bandwidth) were emitted at a repetition rate of 15 Hz during presumed target approach. Presumed insect capture consisted of an early and a late buzz phase. Both buzz types were emitted at high repetition rates (111 Hz in early to 222 Hz in late) and consisted of very short, broadband FM pulses (1.26 ms in early to 0.3 ms in late). There was also a characteristically sharp drop in both the peak and terminal frequencies of each echolocation pulse during the transition from early to late buzz. No pulses were recorded during the final phase of foraging referred to as a “post-buzz pause”. Thus the foraging behaviour of this species consisted of five sequential phases involving four broad types of echolocation pulses.  相似文献   

In riparian forest, insectivorous birds are largely dependent on aquatic preys. However, the contribution made by aquatic preys to bird diets varies considerably among bird species. In the present study, bird foraging behaviors were observed in order to examine the relationship between bird foraging method and the variation in the contribution of aquatic preys. The great tit, the black-faced bunting, and the wren are largely dependent on aquatic preys by capturing them on the ground. Sallyers, the brown flycatcher, the pale-legged willow warbler, and the narcissus flycatcher are also largely dependent on aquatic preys and capture them mostly during flight. The narcissus flycatcher frequently utilises aquatic invertebrates dwelling on the ground. The leaf and branch gleaner, the crowned willow warbler, does not depend on aquatic prey as much. Although both the pygmy woodpecker and nuthatch are branch and trunk gleaners, the nuthatch utilises aquatic preys frequently by capturing them on the ground as well as during flight, but the pygmy woodpecker does not depend on aquatic preys. The marsh tit also does not depend on aquatic preys but carefully searches terrestrial prey that hide in the vegetation. The differential dependence on aquatic preys among species can lead to the heterogeneous distribution of birds within a riparian forest, suggesting that the indirect effect of aquatic preys on a forest ecosystem via birds can vary within a forest–stream ecotone.  相似文献   

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