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Brain fingerprinting detects concealed information stored in the brain by measuring brainwave responses. We compared P300 and P300-MERMER event-related brain potentials for error rate/accuracy and statistical confidence in four field/real-life studies. 76 tests detected presence or absence of information regarding (1) real-life events including felony crimes; (2) real crimes with substantial consequences (either a judicial outcome, i.e., evidence admitted in court, or a $100,000 reward for beating the test); (3) knowledge unique to FBI agents; and (4) knowledge unique to explosives (EOD/IED) experts. With both P300 and P300-MERMER, error rate was 0 %: determinations were 100 % accurate, no false negatives or false positives; also no indeterminates. Countermeasures had no effect. Median statistical confidence for determinations was 99.9 % with P300-MERMER and 99.6 % with P300. Brain fingerprinting methods and scientific standards for laboratory and field applications are discussed. Major differences in methods that produce different results are identified. Markedly different methods in other studies have produced over 10 times higher error rates and markedly lower statistical confidences than those of these, our previous studies, and independent replications. Data support the hypothesis that accuracy, reliability, and validity depend on following the brain fingerprinting scientific standards outlined herein.  相似文献   

The major objective of this study was to establish standard glucose and lactose tolerance curves for the common marmoset (Callithrix jacchus). These data were utilized to establish criteria for detection of abnormal glucose tolerance and characterization of some aspects of the “marmoset wasting syndrome” which has been observed in this species. Glucose and lactose tolerance tests were performed on healthy animals and typical “marmoset wasters.” Eighteen normal animals were 18 to 36 months old and weighed 194–280 g. Six “wasters” were in the age range of 24 to 84 months and weighed 163–253 g. Seven experiments were carried out for each glucose tolerance test. In each trial it was observed that the serum glucose concentration (SGC) of the healthy animal after 90 min was two times higher than the pre-administration concentrations. The SGC returned to the pre-administration concentration within 150–300 min in animals administered glucose at dosages of 2 g/kg and 1 g/kg of body weight. However, at the dosage level of 5 g/kg body weight, the SGC of the animals tripled after 30 min and required 300 min to return to the pre-administration level. The 2 g/kg dosage level was chosen as typical. When similar experiments were conducted with animals identified as “chronic wasters,” all of the animals except one were observed to be inefficient in the absorption of glucose. When lactose was administered at a level of 4 g/kg, similar results were obtained. Normal and “waster” marmosets were also subjected to serum total protein, albumin and electrophoresis determinations in an effort to establish additional criteria that may be utilized in the identification of the “marmoset wasting” syndrome. Serum albumin was significantly higher in the “waster” marmosets 30 min following an oral administration of glucose than was observed in normal animals. Total protein values were not significantly lower in the “wasters” when subjected to the same tolerance test. The albumin level in normal animals was not affected by similar glucose tolerance tests. The electrophoretic patterns of serum protein for normal animals exhibited more bands than was observed in patterns of serum protein for “waster” marmosets. From these data, it seems logical that these diagnostic tests may be useful in developing a profile for the early detection of the “wasting” syndrome in marmosets.  相似文献   

The South American egg parasitoid Gonatocerus sp. near tuberculifemur “Clade 1” (G. sp. “Clade 1”) (Hymenoptera: Mymaridae) is a new association of the glassy-winged sharpshooter (GWSS), Homalodisca vitripennis (Germar) (Cicadellidae) and a candidate for its biological control in California, USA. In Argentina, G. sp. “Clade 1” was screened in the laboratory (no-choice tests) and in the field (multiple choice tests) against eggs of 32 Auchenorrhyncha host species and other four potential hosts unrelated to sharpshooters. In no-choice assays, it parasitized only eggs within the leafhopper tribe Proconiini. In contrast, in the long term field tests, it emerged not only from eggs of the Proconiini but also from two species of Cicadellini at low numbers (five wasps out of 698 exposed eggs). Two interpretations arise from the results: (1) Host associations of G. sp. “Clade 1” are restricted to the Proconiini whereas field parasitization of the Cicadellini species were false positive, or (2) G. sp. “Clade 1” parasitizes also some Cicadellini species and its rejection in the laboratory was a false negative. Both interpretations are discussed. Insect motivation could be the explanation for the negative results in the no-choice tests. On the other hand, in the more natural field situations, the host selection process and oviposition behavior should not have been affected and host range would be more realistic. The parasitism of the Cicadellini species would be indicative of a potential non-target effect on the sharpshooters in the USA.  相似文献   

A detailed analysis is presented of the main contributions, both local and international, to the fields of oceanography and fishery sciences resulting from exploratory cruises carried out on the continental shelf off Argentina over the last 100 years. The end of the 19th century is chosen as a starting point for this analysis as it marks the beginning of active marine research by Argentinian scientists and an accumulation of information on Antarctic and Subantarctic organisms in foreign journals. Mention is also made of previous contributions derived from the classic expeditions and global circumnavigational voyages during the 18th and 19th centuries. Although the aims of those were not always strictly oceanographic, they rendered significant information to this field of knowledge. In the early years, references arose mainly from the particular geographic situation of the Argentinian shelf, a necessary passage in the navigation routes to the Pacific Ocean, and later on the way to Antarctica. Sources of information are divided into four categories: (a) foreign scientific projects in the area; (b) investigation by Argentinian scientists and research vessels; (c) joint projects between Argentinian and foreign institutions; and (d) contributions from sources other than oceanographic cruises (commercial navigation, maritime weather reports, satellite images, etc.). The analysis includes an updated and classified bibliographical list of the main contributions to the fields of oceanography and fishery sciences derived from those sources, published either in international or local journals or appearing as technical and internal reports. The motivations, objectives and main achievements of foreign surveys and programmes in the area and their impact on local scientific progress are discussed. The early sixties mark a turning point in the evolution of international research in the area. The creation of biological stations along the Argentinian coast, and the support given to the pooling of human resources set the basis for the development of bilateral programmes. Similar progress in Brazil and Uruguay led to the outgrowth of regional activities. Joint scientific efforts described in this analysis include the programmes carried out by the research vessels of Germany (“Walther Herwig”, “Meteor”), Japan (“Kaiyo Maru”, “Orient Maru”, “Shinkai Maru”), Poland (“Professor Siedlecki”), Russia (“Evrika”, “Dimitry Stefanov”) and the USA (“Vema”, “Atlantis II”), the achievements of which are a landmark in the evolution of marine science in the aea.  相似文献   

In Molecular Models: Philosophical Papers on Molecular Biology, Sahotra Sarkar presents a historical and philosophical analysis of four important themes in philosophy of science that have been influenced by discoveries in molecular biology. These are: reduction, function, information and directed mutation. I argue that there is an important difference between the cases of function and information and the more complex case of scientific reduction. In the former cases it makes sense to taxonomise important variations in scientific and philosophical usage of the terms “function” and “information”. However, the variety of usage of “reduction” across scientific disciplines (and across philosophy of science) makes such taxonomy inappropriate. Sarkar presents reduction as a set of facts about the world that science has discovered, but the facts in question are remarkably disparate; variously semantic, epistemic and ontological. I argue that the more natural conclusion of Sarkar’s analysis is eliminativism about reduction as a scientific concept.  相似文献   

The parameters of an event-related EEG potential (ERP), P300 wave, are now extensively used as objective neurophysiological indices of the state of cognitive functions. At the same time, information on the effects of the autonomic nervous system on the parameters of P300 is limited. In Parkinson’s disease clinics, in addition to the leading motor disorders, more or less clear psychoemotional, cognitive, and autonomic (in particular cardiovascular) impairments are usually observed. This allows one to study the dependence between the cardiovascular dysfunction and intensity of cognitive disorders in Parkinsonian patients. In our study on this contingent, we analyzed correlations between the parameters of P300 potential, indices of the state of the cognitive sphere (determined using a questionnaire, Mini Mental State Examination, MMSE, and a Luriya’s test), and indices of variational pulsometry. Thirty-five Parkinsonian patients (49 to 74 years, severity of disease 1.5 to 3.0 by the international classification) were examined. We found a negative influence of excessive sympathetic tonus in cardiovascular control on the state of cognitive functions. The latency of P300 potential was longer in patients with greater intensities of sympathetic influences on the cardiovascular system. The coefficients of correlation of the latency of P300 with the amplitude of mode of R-R intervals (AMo), index of tension in the regulatory systems by Baevskii (IT), and index of autonomic balance by Baevskii (IAB) were 0.52 (P < 0.01), 0.36 (P < 0.05), and 0.37 (P < 0.05), respectively. The above autonomic indices demonstrated significant negative correlations with the volume of short-term memory measured by Luriya’s test. The P300 latency, in turn, showed negative correlations with the memory volume estimated by the MMSE scale and Luriya’s test. With increase in the age of patients, the degree of the above-mentioned correlations between the P300 latency, memory volume (by Luriya’s test), and parameters of variational pulsometry increased. Our data emphasize the expedience of “routine” studies of the balance of sympathetic and parasympathetic control in pathological states accompanied by clear or subclinical cognitive disorders. Early recognition of cardiovascular dysfunction and its corresponding therapeutic correction should improve the state of brain functions and quality of life in patients suffering from neurodegenerative diseases, in particular from Parkinson’s disease. Neirofiziologiya/Neurophysiology, Vol. 40, No. 1, pp. 43–52, January–February, 2008.  相似文献   

The rhodophytes Hypnea cervicornis and Cryptonemia crenulata are abundant along the Brazilian coastline and are rich in nutrients. They may therefore be used as a source of protein in shrimp diets. The aim of the present study was to test this hypothesis. The experiment was conducted in a laboratory, where 10-day-old post-larvae aged underwent 7 days of acclimation in a 1,000 L tank. They were then kept in plastic aquariums, each containing 10 L, and 20 larvae were fed daily (10% of biomass) in four equal portions with one of four diets (five repetitions of each) for a period of 45 days. All diets contained 30% crude protein (isoprotein) and 300 kcal 100 g−1 (isocaloric), with different percentages of seaweed powder: Diet “A” 39%; Diet “B” 26%, Diet “C” 13%, and Diet “D” without seaweed (control diet). Algae were collected, rinsed, dried and ground up for the feed formulations. Weight of the animals was measured at the beginning of the experiment and at 15-day intervals to assess their growth. The physico-chemical variables of the water were measured every 2 days. Final biomass, biomass gain and specific growth rate (SGR) exhibited no significant differences between treatments (P > 0.05). Survival rate was equal under the four experimental conditions, being consistent within four decimal places 95.2% to 97.00% (P > 0.05). Diets “A” and “B”, with a greater content of algae, exhibited better feed conversion (1.79:1 and 1.82:1) than Diets “C” and “D” (2.04:1 and 2.08:1) (P < 0.05). The physical-chemical variables of the water showed no significant variation and remained within the standards necessary for the wellbeing of the animals. If sufficient biomass of beached algae can be practically and economically collected, it may be used as a component in the making of shrimp feed.  相似文献   

T. H. Huxley was “Darwin’s bulldog,” and took the offensive in championing the cause of evolution against skeptical scientists and outraged theologians. As such, he took part in one of the great “paradigm shifts” of biology, at the end of the nineteenth century. Huxley was a rigorous scientist and wrote important articles on scientific method, as well as publishing extensively on a wide range of subjects in natural history. In the second half of the twentieth century, the “prion hypothesis” was put forward to explain the pathogenesis of a curious group of diseases known as the transmissible spongiform encephalopathies. This also involved a “paradigm shift” because the prion hypothesis postulated that biologically relevant information could be enciphered in protein conformation (rather than encoded in nucleic acid base sequences), and could be transmitted from one molecule to another, thereby causing infectious disease. This article examines a few of Huxley’s remarks to speculate on how he might have responded to the scientific debate about prion disease had he lived a century later.  相似文献   

Farwell in Cogn Neurodyn 6:115–154, (2012) reviewed all research on brainwave-based detection of concealed information published in English, including the author’s laboratory and field research. He hypothesized that specific methods are sufficient to obtain less than 1 % error rate and high statistical confidence, and some of them are necessary. Farwell proposed 20 brain fingerprinting scientific standards embodying these methods. He documented the fact that all previous research and data are compatible with these hypotheses and standards. Farwell explained why failure to meet these standards resulted in decrements in performance of other, alternative methods. Meijer et al. criticized Farwell in Cogn Neurodyn 6:115–154, (2012) and Farwell personally. The authors stated their disagreement with Farwell’s hypotheses, but did not cite any data that contradict the three hypotheses, nor did they propose alternative hypotheses or standards. Meijer et al. made demonstrable misstatements of fact, including false ad hominem statements about Farwell, and impugned Farwell’s motives and character. We provide supporting evidence for Farwell’s three hypotheses, clarify several issues, correct Meijer et al.’s misstatements of fact, and propose that the progress of science is best served by practicing science: designing and conducting research to test and as necessary modify the proposed hypotheses and standards that explain the existing data.  相似文献   

The relational structure of RNA, DNA, and protein bears an interesting similarity to the determination problem in category theory. In this paper, we present this deep-structure similarity and use it as a springboard for discussing some abstract properties of coding in various systems. These abstract properties, in turn, may shed light on the evolution of the DNA world from a semiotic perspective. According to the perspective adopted in this paper, living systems are not information processing systems but “meaning-making” systems. Therefore, what flows in the genetic system is not “information” but “value.” We define meaning, meaning-making, and value and then use these terms to explain the abstract dynamics of coding, which can illuminate many forms of sign-mediated activities in biosystems.  相似文献   

Promoters of the PhyloCode have mounted an intensive and deceptive publicity campaign. At the centerpiece of this campaign have been slogans such as that the Linnaean System will “goof you up,” that the PhyloCode is the “greatest thing since sliced bread,” and that systematists are “afraid” to propose new names because of “downstream consequences.” Aside from such subscientific spin and sloganeering, proponents of the PhyloCode have offered nothing real to back up claims of greater stability for their new system. They have also misled many into believing that the PhyloCode is the only truly phylogenetic system. The confusion that has been fostered involves several discrete arguments, concerning: a new “method” of “designating” names, rank-free taxonomy, uninomial nomenclature, and issues of priority. Claims that the PhyloCode produces a more stable nomenclature are false, as shown with the example of “paleoherbs.” A rank-free system of naming requires an annotated reference tree for even the simplest exchanges of information. This would be confusing at best and would cripple our ability to teach, learn, and use taxonomic names in the field or in publications. We would be confronted by a mass of polynomial names, tied together only by a tree graphic, with no agreed name (except a uninomial, conveying no hierarchy) to use for any particular species. The separate issue of stability in reference to rules of priority and rank can be easily addressed within the current codes, by implementation of some simple changes, as we will propose in this article. Thus there is no need to “scrap” the current Linnaean codes for a poorly reasoned, logically inconsistent, and fatally flawed new code that will only bring chaos.  相似文献   

Biobanks, more formally known as biological resource centers (BRCs), form an “unsung” yet critical component of the infrastructures for scientific research, industry and conservation, without which much of the current scientific activity involving microbial cultures and cell-lines would be effectively impossible. BRCs are de facto depositories of “biological standards” holding taxonomic and other reference strains on which much of the associated published science and industrial standards are built and upon which some significant international commercial and ethical issues rely. The establishment and maintenance of BRCs is a knowledge- and skill-rich activity that in particular requires careful attention to the implementation of reliable preservation technologies and appropriate quality assurance to ensure that recovered cultures and other biological materials perform in the same way as the originally isolated culture or material. There are many types of BRC, which vary both in the kinds of material they hold and in their functional role. All BRCs are expected to provide materials and information of an appropriate quality for their intended use and work to standards relevant to those applications. There are important industrial, biomedical, and conservation issues that can only be addressed through effective and efficient operation of BRCs in the long term. This requires a high degree of expertise in the maintenance and management of collections of biological materials at ultra-low temperatures, or as freeze-dried material, to secure their long-term integrity and relevance for future research, development, and conservation.  相似文献   

This paper identifies three distinct narratives concerning scientific misconduct: a narrative of “individual impurity” promoted by those wishing to see science self-regulated; a narrative of “institutional impropriety” promoted by those seeking greater external control of science; and a narrative of “structural crisis” among those critiquing the entire process of research itself. The paper begins by assessing contemporary definitions and estimates of scientific misconduct. It emphasizes disagreements over such definitions and estimates as a way to tease out tension and controversy over competing visions of scientific research. It concludes by noting that each narrative suggests a different approach for resolving misconduct, and that the difference inherent in these views may help explain much of the discord concerning unethical behavior in the scientific community.  相似文献   

Ellen Giusti 《Evolution》2012,5(1):68-75
The Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History developed a 1,000-square-foot exhibition to help the general public understand the concept of phylogenetic relationships and their depiction on scientific Trees, or cladograms. In addition, exhibition planners hoped visitors would understand that research on the Tree of Life is a massive, complex undertaking requiring powerful computers and that Tree research has many potential practical applications. Museum exhibits designed to convey scientific information must use “stealth” to accomplish their cognitive goals: Unlike students in formal science education classes, visitors are not obliged to learn—they do not learn because they must pass a final examination. Informal educators must engage visitors’ interest so that they willingly take in new information and perhaps even learn new skills, change attitudes, and behaviors. “Travels in the Great Tree of Life” succeeded in engaging visitors who came away with awareness and understanding of scientific Trees, the immensity of the construct, and to a lesser extent, potential practical applications.  相似文献   

Zearalenone is a mycotoxin mainly produced by severalFusarium species, which are known to colonize grains in temperate climates. The purpose of the study is to provide a reliable isotope dilution method for the quantification of this mycotoxin. A derivative of the analyte to be used as standard is obtained by reaction with acetic anhydride, which is available in two pure isotopic forms, a protonated (“light”) and a hexadeuterated (“heavy”). The derivatized standards are added to the matrix split intwo parts. Then, the derivatization procedure is repeated on both matrices derivatizing the part containing the “heavy” labelled standard with the “light” acetic anhydride and the part containing the “light” labelled standard with the “heavy” acetic anhydride. Both extracted mixtures are analyzed by LC/MS, monitoring the “light” and the “heavy” labelled analytes and using the former as standard for the latter in one case and viceversa in the other case. The method allowed to obtain very good results, without the need of IAC purification. Presented at the 27th Mykotoxin-Workshop, Dortmund, Germany, June 13–15, 2005. Financial support: The Italian Ministry of Health  相似文献   

“Fire regime” has become, in recent decades, a key concept in many scientific domains. In spite of its wide spread use, the concept still lacks a clear and wide established definition. Many believe that it was first discussed in a famous report on national park management in the United States, and that it may be simply defined as a selection of a few measurable parameters that summarize the fire occurrence patterns in an area. This view has been uncritically perpetuated in the scientific community in the last decades. In this paper we attempt a historical reconstruction of the origin, the evolution and the current meaning of “fire regime” as a concept. Its roots go back to the 19th century in France and to the first half of the 20th century in French African colonies. The “fire regime” concept took time to evolve and pass from French into English usage and thus to the whole scientific community. This coincided with a paradigm shift in the early 1960s in the United States, where a favourable cultural, social and scientific climate led to the natural role of fires as a major disturbance in ecosystem dynamics becoming fully acknowledged. Today the concept of “fire regime” refers to a collection of several fire-related parameters that may be organized, assembled and used in different ways according to the needs of the users. A structure for the most relevant categories of parameters is proposed, aiming to contribute to a unified concept of “fire regime” that can reconcile the physical nature of fire with the socio-ecological context within which it occurs.  相似文献   

A central obstacle to accepting evolution, both among students and the general public, is the idea that evolution is “just a theory,” where “theory” is understood in a pejorative sense as something conjectural or speculative. Although scientists and textbooks constantly explain that the scientific use of “theory” is quite different, the pejorative use continues to cause confusion, in part because of its deep roots in a popular, Baconian, understanding of science. A constructivist approach, whereby students are helped to examine the adequacy of their preconceptions about “theory” for themselves and to revise or replace them appropriately, is recommended.  相似文献   

Tao N  Hu Z  Liu Q  Xu J  Cheng Y  Guo L  Guo W  Deng X 《Plant cell reports》2007,26(6):837-843
Citrus is an important fruit crop as regards accumulation of carotenoids. In plant carotenoid biosynthesis, phytoene synthase gene (Psy) plays a key role in catalyzing the head-to-head condensation of geranylgeranyl diphosphate molecules to produce colorless phytoene. In the present paper, we reported the phytoene contents determination and characterization of Psy during fruit ripening of “Washington” navel orange and its red-fleshed mutant “Cara Cara”. Results showed that phytoene was exclusively accumulated in peel and pulp of “Cara Cara”. Although phytoene was observed accumulating with fruit ripening of “Cara Cara”, the contents in pulp were 10 times higher than those in peel. The isolated two Psy cDNAs were both 1520 bp in full length, containing 436 deduced amino acid residues, with a different amino acid at 412th. Genomic hybridization results showed that one or two copies might be present in “Cara Cara” and “Washington” genomes. During “Cara Cara” and “Washington” fruit coloration, expression of Psy was observed to be up-regulated, as revealed by tissue specific profiles in the flavedo, albedo, segment membrane and juice sacs. However, Psy expression in albedo of “Cara Cara” was higher than that in “Washington”, as evidenced by phytoene accumulation in the peel.  相似文献   

Recognition of facial expressions by a Japanese monkey and two humans was studied. The monkey subject matched 20 photographs of monkey facial expressions and 20 photographs of human facial expressions. Humans sorted the same pictures. Matching accuracy by the monkey was about 80% correct for both human and monkey facial expressions. The confusion matrices of those facial expressions were analyzed by a multi-dimensional scaling procedure (MDSCAL). The resulting MDS plots suggested that the important cues in recognizing facial expressions of monkeys were “thrusting the mouth” and ‘raising the eyebrows.” Comparison of the MDS plots by the monkey subject with those by human subjects suggested that the monkey categorized the human “happiness” faces. This may suggest that the monkey has an ability to recognize human smile face even though it is learned. However, the monkey did not differentiate the human “anger/disgust” faces from the human “sad” faces, while human subjects clearly did. This may correlate with the lack of eyebrow movement in monkeys.  相似文献   

Evolutionary biology owes much to Charles Darwin, whose discussions of common descent and natural selection provide the foundations of the discipline. But evolutionary biology has expanded well beyond its foundations to encompass many theories and concepts unknown in the 19th century. The term “Darwinism” is, therefore, ambiguous and misleading. Compounding the problem of “Darwinism” is the hijacking of the term by creationists to portray evolution as a dangerous ideology—an “ism”—that has no place in the science classroom. When scientists and teachers use “Darwinism” as synonymous with evolutionary biology, it reinforces such a misleading portrayal and hinders efforts to present the scientific standing of evolution accurately. Accordingly, the term “Darwinism” should be abandoned as a synonym for evolutionary biology.  相似文献   

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