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Several theoretical studies propose that biodiversity buffers ecosystem functioning against environmental fluctuations, but virtually all of these studies concern a single trophic level, the primary producers. Changes in biodiversity also affect ecosystem processes through trophic interactions. Therefore, it is important to understand how trophic interactions affect the relationship between biodiversity and the stability of ecosystem processes. Here we present two models to investigate this issue in ecosystems with two trophic levels. The first is an analytically tractable symmetrical plant-herbivore model under random environmental fluctuations, while the second is a mechanistic ecosystem model under periodic environmental fluctuations. Our analysis shows that when diversity affects net species interaction strength, species interactions--both competition among plants and plant-herbivore interactions--have a strong impact on the relationships between diversity and the temporal variability of total biomass of the various trophic levels. More intense plant competition leads to a stronger decrease or a lower increase in variability of total plant biomass, but plant-herbivore interactions always have a destabilizing effect on total plant biomass. Despite the complexity generated by trophic interactions, biodiversity should still act as biological insurance for ecosystem processes, except when mean trophic interaction strength increases strongly with diversity.  相似文献   

The general composition and diversity of the diets of the 43 most commonly caught pelagic and demersal fish of the Rockall Trough, north-eastern Atlantic Ocean, are assessed. The fish are divided into three Groups. The 8 species in Group I consist of both pelagic and demersal species feeding on relatively few prey-classes and having a diet of low diversity and few items per meal. Group II contains 22 pelagic and demersal species with more diverse diets, less restricted dietary composition, but still consuming relatively few items per meal. Group III is the 12 demersal macrourid species with the most diverse diets, a variable dietary composition and the greatest mean number of items per meal. One species, Maurolicus muelleri , had too many unidentified components in its diet to allow classification in terms of Groups I, II or III. All diets contained dominant items, the diversity within diets offish in Groups II and III arising from the inclusion of subdominants and rare items. The diets of species in Groups I and II can be defined in terms of ecological constitution, trophic diversity and prey-species composition. Those of the Group III macrourids differ in that their definition is liable to be a compromise between the situation where ecological constitution and trophic diversity are adequately defined but not species composition.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was the biometrical comparison of Abies pinsapo Boiss., Abies maroccana Trab. and Abies tazaotana Côzar ex Villar from Spain and Morocco. The morphological and anatomical analysis of the needle characters of these firs revealed significant taxonomic differences. The results showed considerable distances between regions and very small differences among the Moroccan fir taxa. The examination of the needles and earlier genetic analysis did not provide evidence for distinguishing A. tazaotana at the species level.  相似文献   

Plant diversity is predicted to be positively linked to the diversity of herbivores and predators in a foodweb. Yet, the relationship between plant and animal diversity is explained by a variety of competing hypotheses, with mixed empirical results for each hypothesis. We sampled arthropods for over a decade in an experiment that manipulated the number of grassland plant species. We found that herbivore and predator species richness were strongly, positively related to plant species richness, and that these relationships were caused by different mechanisms at herbivore and predator trophic levels. Even more dramatic was the threefold increase, from low- to high-plant species richness, in abundances of predatory and parasitoid arthropods relative to their herbivorous prey. Our results demonstrate that, over the long term, the loss of plant species propagates through food webs, greatly decreasing arthropod species richness, shifting a predator-dominated trophic structure to being herbivore dominated, and likely impacting ecosystem functioning and services.  相似文献   

豫东平原蚂蚁群落结构及物种多样性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王玉玲  李淑萍 《生态学杂志》2009,28(12):2541-2545
在2006年4、5月对豫东平原5种生境(人工林地、荒地、农田区、居民区和山丘)的蚂蚁进磊了广泛的调查,共获得蚂蚁62703只,隶属于5亚科,18属,43种.结果表明:5种生境中蚂蚁群落种类、组成和多样性等指标均不相同;人为干扰越强的生境,蚂蚁群落多样性指数越低;质量和异质性越高的生境,蚂蚁群落多样性指数越高.  相似文献   

In addition to answering Hutchinson’s question “Why are there so many species?”, we need to understand why certain species are found only under certain environmental conditions and not others. Trait-based approaches are being increasingly used in ecology to do just that: explain and predict species distributions along environmental gradients. These approaches can be successful in understanding the diversity and community structure of phytoplankton. Among major traits shaping phytoplankton distributions are resource utilization traits, morphological traits (with size being probably the most influential), grazer resistance traits, and temperature responses. We review these trait-based approaches and give examples of how trait data can explain species distributions in both freshwater and marine systems. We also outline new directions in trait-based approaches applied to phytoplankton such as looking simultaneously at trait and phylogenetic structure of phytoplankton communities and using adaptive dynamics models to predict trait evolution.  相似文献   

1. Using data from 71, mainly shallow (an average mean depth of 3 m), Danish lakes with contrasting total phosphorus concentrations (summer mean 0.02–1.0 mg P L?l), we describe how species richness, biodiversity and trophic structure change along a total phosphorus (TP) gradient divided into five TP classes (class 1–5: <0.05, 0.05–0.1, 0.1–0.2, 0.2–0.4,> 0.4 mg P L?1).
2. With increasing TP, a significant decline was observed in the species richness of zooplankton and submerged macrophytes, while for fish, phytoplankton and floating‐leaved macrophytes, species richness was unimodally related to TP, all peaking at 0.1–0.4 mg P L?1. The Shannon–Wiener and the Hurlbert probability of inter‐specific encounter (PIE) diversity indices showed significant unimodal relationships to TP for zooplankton, phytoplankton and fish. Mean depth also contributed positively to the relationship for rotifers, phytoplankton and fish.
3. At low nutrient concentrations, piscivorous fish (particularly perch, Perca fluviatilis) were abundant and the biomass ratio of piscivores to plankti‐benthivorous cyprinids was high and the density of cyprinids low. Concurrently, the zooplankton was dominated by large‐bodied forms and the biomass ratio of zooplankton to phytoplankton and the calculated grazing pressure on phytoplankton were high. Phytoplankton biomass was low and submerged macrophyte abundance high.
4. With increasing TP, a major shift occurred in trophic structure. Catches of cyprinids in multiple mesh size gill nets increased 10‐fold from class 1 to class 5 and the weight ratio of piscivores to planktivores decreased from 0.6 in class 1 to 0.10–0.15 in classes 3–5. In addition, the mean body weight of dominant cyprinids (roach, Rutilus rutilus, and bream, Abramis brama) decreased two–threefold. Simultaneously, small cladocerans gradually became more important, and among copepods, a shift occurred from calanoid to cyclopoids. Mean body weight of cladocerans decreased from 5.1 μg in class 1 to 1.5 μg in class 5, and the biomass ratio of zooplankton to phytoplankton from 0.46 in class 1 to 0.08–0.15 in classes 3–5. Conversely, phytoplankton biomass and chlorophyll a increased 15‐fold from class 1 to 5 and submerged macrophytes disappeared from most lakes.
5. The suggestion that fish have a significant structuring role in eutrophic lakes is supported by data from three lakes in which major changes in the abundance of planktivorous fish occurred following fish kill or fish manipulation. In these lakes, studied for 8 years, a reduction in planktivores resulted in a major increase in cladoceran mean size and in the biomass ratio of zooplankton to phytoplankton, while chlorophyll a declined substantially. In comparison, no significant changes were observed in 33 ‘control’ lakes studied during the same period.  相似文献   

幕阜山地处中亚热带-北亚热带过渡地带,物种资源丰富.通过对其典型样地的调查,分别采用Shannon-Wiener指数、Simpson指数和Pielou均匀度指数作为测度指标,研究了幕阜山地区森林群落结构及其物种多样性特征.结果表明,该地区主要有21个森林群落类型.其中常绿阔叶林中,物种丰富度指数与多样性指数在群落梯度上的总体趋势均为灌木层相对高于乔木层,乔木层相对高于草本层;在落叶阔叶林中,其丰富度指数的趋势为灌木层>草本层和乔木层,而在草本层与乔木层间是波动的,多样性指数的趋势为灌木层>草本层>乔木层;在针叶林中,物种丰富度、多样性指数表现的总趋势基本一致,即灌木层的丰富度相对较高,其次为草本层,乔木层的相对较小.在其他群落类型中,多样性指数、均匀度指数在乔木层、灌木层和草本层则表现出多样化的趋势;另外,从总体上看,各种指数在海拔梯度上并未表现出明显的规律性.  相似文献   

宁夏荒漠草原植物群落结构和物种多样性研究   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12  
采用样方法对宁夏荒漠草原植物群落进行了调查,对群落结构、功能群物种组成和物种多样性以及群落生产力的关系进行探讨。结果表明,群落生产力除受物种多样性的影响外,也受物种本身特征和环境资源的影响。在荒漠草原中功能群盖度与群落初级生产力无显著的相关关系。功能群内物种多样性、物种数和个体数量上呈现一定的互为消长关系。  相似文献   

高榕小蜂群落结构及物种多样性的初步研究   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
在西双版纳地区采集干、湿两季5个样株的高榕(Ficus altissima)隐头果,单果收蜂,鉴定蜂种,共获高榕隐头果内小蜂标本18 000多号,隶属膜翅目5科9属14种。然后对样株小蜂群落结构、组成、性比及物种多样性进行对比研究。小蜂群落的结构和组成在干、湿两季有着明显的差异:湿季隐头果内的小蜂种类比干季丰富。另外,受人为干扰较少的样株隐头果内小蜂种类比受严重干扰的样株丰富。高榕的非传粉小蜂主要由造瘿者组成,寄生小蜂和寄居性小蜂仅占很少一部分;干、湿两季的小蜂群落多样性指数均很低,虽然在湿季群落内小蜂的丰富度指数较高,但不如干季小蜂分布得均匀;相同季节的小蜂群落均为中等相似,不同季节的2个榕树小蜂群落为中等不相似,有的树对达到极不相似水平;高榕隐头果内传粉小蜂的雄雌性比(♂:♀)较低,为0.14:1,而非传粉小蜂的雄雌性比相对较高,多在1:1左右。以上研究结果表明,西双版纳地区高榕隐头果内的小蜂受不同季节温湿度、人为干扰程度等因素的影响,保护并改善西双版纳地区的生态环境对丰富高榕隐头果小蜂物种多样性有重要意义。  相似文献   

桉树人工林物种多样性变化特征   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
刘平  秦晶  刘建昌  王华锋  王效科 《生态学报》2011,31(8):2227-2235
为了探讨大面积人工种植桉树林中植被类型和物种多样性的变化,以云南省西南部56.3万亩桉树人工林及其周围环境为研究区域,通过群落学调查,运用重要值、多样性、丰富度、均匀度等指标,统计分析桉树人工林、次生季风常绿阔叶林(以下简称次生林)和撂荒地3种不同植被类型的结构、种类组成和物种多样性。结果表明,桉树人工林中植被经过一定时间的演替会达到一定的丰富度,植物物种数和个体总数呈现出复杂性变化的特点,但规律性并不明显。桉树林样地中出现植物135种,隶属73科97属,草本层为最发达的一层;次生林样地中出现植物270种,隶属146科189属,乔木层为最发达层;撂荒地样地中出现植物105种,隶属74科104属,无乔木层。以样点9为例,类似立地因子的桉树林乔木层、灌木层和草本层的重要值Iv与其他2种植被类型相比差异较为明显。统计分析显示,桉树林多样性指数D值和H值、均匀度指数J值显著低于次生林(p<0.05),在海拔1700 m以下显著低于撂荒地(p <0.05),而1700m以上略高于撂荒地。桉树(Eucalyptus spp. )对植物群落多样性的影响与造林前的土地利用类型有关,在轮歇的撂荒地和低效灌木林地上发展桉树林不仅可以提供木材或纸浆材资源,而且还能够丰富植被结构和增加植物群落多样性。  相似文献   

M. A. Leibold 《Oecologia》1991,86(4):510-520
Summary Two commonly coexisting species of Daphnia segregate by habitat in many stratified lakes. Daphnia pulicaria is mostly found in the hypolimnion whereas D. galeata mendotae undergoes diel vertical migration between the hypolimnion and the epilimnion. I examined how habitat segregation between these two potentially competing species might be affected by trophic interactions with their resources and predators by performing a field experiment in deep enclosures in which I manipulated fish predation, nutrient levels, and the density of epilimnetic Daphnia. The results of the experiment indicate that habitat use by D. pulicaria can be jointly regulated by competition for food from epilimnetic Daphnia and predation by fishes. Patterns of habitat segregation between the two Daphnia species were determined by predation by fish but not by nutrient levels: The removal of epilimnetic fish predators resulted in higher zooplankton and lower epilimnetic phytoplankton densities and allowed D. pulicaria to expand its habitat distribution into the epilimnion. In contrast, increased resource productivity resulted in higher densities of both Daphnia species but did not affect phytoplankton levels or habitat use by Daphnia. The two species exhibit a trade-off in their ability to exploit resources and their susceptibility to predation by fish. D. g. mendotae (the less susceptible species) may thus restrict D. pulicaria (the better resource exploiter) from the epilimnion when fish are common due to lower minimum resource requirements than those needed by D. pulicaria to offset the higher mortality rate imposed by selective epilimnetic fish predators. D. g. mendotae does not appear to have this effect in the absence of fish.  相似文献   

Intraguild predation theory centres on two predictions: (i) for an omnivore and an intermediate predator (IG-prey) to coexist on shared resources, the IG-prey must be the superior resource competitor, and (ii) increasing resource productivity causes the IG-prey''s equilibrium abundance to decline. I tested these predictions with a series of species-rich food webs along New Zealand''s rocky shores, focusing on two predatory whelks, Haustrum haustorium, a trophic omnivore, and Haustrum scobina, the IG-prey. In contrast to theory, the IG-prey''s abundance increased with productivity. Furthermore, feeding rates and allometric considerations indicate a competitive advantage for the omnivore when non-shared prey are considered, despite the IG-prey''s superiority for shared prey. Nevertheless, clear and regular cross-gradient changes in network structure and interaction strengths were observed that challenge the assumptions of current theory. These insights suggest that the consideration of consumer-dependent functional responses, non-equilibrium dynamics, the dynamic nature of prey choice and non-trophic interactions among basal prey will be fruitful avenues for theoretical development.  相似文献   

Trophic diversity within the eastern Weddell Sea amphipod community   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Dauby  Patrick  Scailteur  Yves  De Broyer  Claude 《Hydrobiologia》2001,443(1-3):69-86
Amphipod crustaceans form one of the most diversified animal groups within the Antarctic macrozoobenthos, both from the taxonomic point of view (more than 800 species have been recorded in the Southern Ocean) as by niche occupation and at the community level. Thus, amphipods are likely to play an important role in the organic matter fluxes that occur on the Antarctic sea floor. The dietary behaviour of these peracarids is still poorly known, and only few species have been analysed. This paper describes the trophic preferences of some dominant amphipod species of the Eastern Weddell Sea benthos, deduced from stomach content analyses and behavioural observations in aquaria. More than 1000 specimens, belonging to 40 species (representing 27 genera and 15 families) were dissected; and several thousands of individuals were kept in aquaria for 6–9 weeks and presented with various potential foods. These two approaches revealed at least eight different feeding types: suspension-feeding, deposit-feeding, deposit-feeding coupled with predation, opportunistic predation, micropredatory browsing, macropredation coupled with scavenging, opportunistic necrophagy and true necrophagy. These different behaviours cover almost all the possible feeding types with the exception of macroherbivorous browsing. Among the eight described feeding types, no particular one is dominant. In the same way, types involving microphagy and macrophagy are equally represented. Predatory types (opportunistic or exclusive) account for 64% of the species analysed, while scavenging types (facultative or obligate) account for 60%. The overlap suggests that many amphipod species have a wide dietary spectrum and are able to take advantage of different food resources.  相似文献   

The present study considers genetic diversity of 38 populations in 4 Cirsium species of the genus Cirsium Mill. (Asteraceae), occurring in different ecological regions and tries to compare degree of genetic variability among the species with wide geographical distribution versus endemic C. pyramidale showing confined geographical distribution. The results showed that the endemic species has similar value of genetic diversity parameters as the species with wider distribution. We also studied the possible admixture nature of these populations and tried to understand the relation between genetic changes, geographical distribution and polyploidy level and chromosome pairing in these species. ISSR analysis showed population difference in allele composition and frequency. Clustering and PcoA ordination produced different groupings in each species, while STRUCTURE and reticulation analyses revealed high degree of genetic admixture and gene exchange among populations as well as allelic rearrangement. No significant correlation was observed between geographical distance and genetic distance of the populations and AMOVA test revealed no significant difference among populations in each species studied. However, high amount of within population variation occurred in all 4 species indicating their cross-pollination nature and high genetic admixture. The populations also varied in chiasma frequency and chromosome pairing as well as the occurrence of heterozygote translocations all creating more variability to be used by plants for local adaptation.  相似文献   

山东曲阜地区蚂蚁群落结构及物种多样性研究   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11  
通过诱捕法和样方调查法获得曲阜地区蚂蚁4亚科15属19种。优势种为菱结大头蚁(Pheidole rhombino-da)、粗面收获蚁(Messor aciculatus)和异色草蚁(Lasius alienus),前2种亦是研究区域的广布种。根据调查数据分析了该地区5种生境中蚂蚁群落的结构及多样性特征,以及人为干扰和生境异质性对蚂蚁群落的影响。结果表明:5种生物中蚂蚁群落种类组成和多样性等指标均不相同。落叶阔叶林中蚂蚁群落种类数、Shannon-Wiener多样性指数(H′)和Pielou均匀度指数(J)最高;人工杨树林中蚂蚁群落Shannon-Wiener多样性指数(H′)最低;河滩草丛中蚂蚁巢数、个体数以及种类优势度指数(D)最高。人类干扰越强的生境,蚂蚁群落多样性指数越低;生境质量和异质性越高的生境,蚂蚁群落多样性指数越高。聚类分析与群落结构序列分析结果基本一致,人工杨树林与人居环境中蚂蚁群落相似性最高,其他几个生境蚂蚁群落间相似性很低。同种蚂蚁在不同生境中巢穴和蚁群大小有差异。  相似文献   

Over the last several decades many picture-winged Drosophila have become less common in both geographical distribution and local population size (pers. obs., Foote pers. comm., Montgomerey pers. comm.). Here we report on a study of two Hawaiian Drosophila species, D. engyochracea, and D. hawaiiensis, to determine the impact that changes in population sizes over the past thirty years have had on the genetic diversity of these species. D. engyochracea is known from only two locations on the Island of Hawai'i (Kipuka Ki and Kipuka Pua'ulu), while D. hawaiiensis is currently more wide spread across Hawai'i Island. We collected 65 D. hawaiiensis and 66 D. engyochracea from two forest patches (kipuka) isolated by a 400 year old volcanic ash deposit. DNA sequence data for 515 bases of the mitochondrial gene COII was analyzed for both species to estimate relative total genetic diversity as well as inter-kipuka gene flow. The more wide spread species, D. hawaiiensis, has more genetic diversity (23 vs. 11 unique haplotypes) than the rarer species, D. engyochracea. The distribution of haplotypes in the kipuka is consistent with more gene flow in D. engyochracea than in D. hawaiiensis. Phylogenetic analysis indicates a small number of individuals morphologically identified as one species but have DNA sequence diagnostic for the other species. These results are consistent with these individuals being descendant from hybrids between species.  相似文献   

物种与物种多样性   总被引:37,自引:4,他引:37  
周红章 《生物多样性》2000,8(2):215-226
本文首先讨论生物物种的科学概念和生物学本质,分析物种客观存在的自然属性和物种概念的局限性,认为物种的生物学属性和物种多样性的科学属性之间有着本质联系。物种多样性研究的实质是研究生物物种的生物学多样性。度量物种多样性程度有多种方法,但物种数目是物种多样性程度最直接、也是最基本的表达,估计物种多样性数目是当前国际上物种多样性研究的核心与热点内容。物种多样性产生的根源是物种形成,物种绝灭速率是维持物种多样性的关键因素。本文简要总结了物种形成与绝灭的基本模式和机制,通过分析生物地理区系与物种多样性研究的密切关系,说明物种的区系成份分析是物种多样性大尺度格局研究的重要内容。  相似文献   

Connections between species diversity and genetic diversity   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
Species diversity and genetic diversity remain the nearly exclusive domains of community ecology and population genetics, respectively, despite repeated recognition in the literature over the past 30 years of close parallels between these two levels of diversity. Species diversity within communities and genetic diversity within populations are hypothesized to co‐vary in space or time because of locality characteristics that influence the two levels of diversity via parallel processes, or because of direct effects of one level of diversity on the other via several different mechanisms. Here, we draw on a wide range of studies in ecology and evolution to examine the theoretical underpinnings of these hypotheses, review relevant empirical literature, and outline an agenda for future research. The plausibility of species diversity–genetic diversity relationships is supported by a variety of theoretical and empirical studies, and several recent studies provide direct, though preliminary support. Focusing on potential connections between species diversity and genetic diversity complements other approaches to synthesis at the ecology–evolution interface, and should contribute to conceptual unification of biodiversity research at the levels of genes and species.  相似文献   

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