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An ongoing debate in biological control consists of whether interference between biological agents can disrupt pest control. This study investigated the outcome of interactions between the entomopathogen Beauveria bassiana with the whitefly predator Dicyphus hesperus and the parasitoid Encarsia formosa, as well as their effect on the control of the greenhouse whitefly Trialeurodes vaporariorum on greenhouse tomato crops. Our objective was to determine whether the generalist B. bassiana would disrupt biological control by interfering with D. hesperus or E. formosa. In experimental greenhouses, whitefly, parasitoid and predator populations were established, and over 27 days, tomato plants were sprayed with three applications of the B. bassiana based product BotaniGard® (5.13×103 conidia/mm2) or water (control). Populations of greenhouse whitefly and biological control organisms were regularly monitored in control and B. bassiana-treated compartments. Overall, 10.6% of all whiteflies in treated compartments were infected, and 0.98% were both infected and parasitized. There were 31.7 and 22.3% fewer immature and adult whiteflies, respectively, on B. bassiana-treated plants relative to controls. Parasitism by E. formosa and predation by D. hesperus occurred at rates of 7.5 and 2.5%, respectively, in B. bassiana-treated compartments, and 5 and 6%, respectively in control compartments. Our study suggests that applications of B. bassiana for short-term biological control of greenhouse whiteflies are compatible with the concurrent use of E. formosa and D. hesperus on greenhouse tomato crops.  相似文献   

生防细菌产生的拮抗物质及其在生物防治中的作用   总被引:31,自引:6,他引:31  
王光华 《应用生态学报》2004,15(6):1100-1104
利用生防细菌防治植物病害是生物防治的一个主要内容.生防细菌防治植物病害发生发展的一个重要机制是产生拮抗物质.生防细菌的拮抗物质种类多,作用范围广谱.同一种拮抗物质可以由多种细菌菌株产生,而同一细菌也可以产生多种不同结构的拮抗物质.运用现代分子生物学技术和先进的分析测试手段可以加快对产生拮抗物质生防细菌的研究,了解生防细菌在寄主植物根围和叶围的定植效果。明确拮抗物质在生物防治中的作用.拮抗物质的产生除与细菌基因型有关外,一些外在的生物和非生物因素如病原菌存在与否、温度、pH和C、N营养等也影响拮抗物质产生.文中论述了生防细菌应用中存在的问题。指出混合菌剂的研制对防止病原菌抗性产生具有重要作用,应是今后生防菌剂研制中的重点.  相似文献   

Osaki  M. 《Plant and Soil》1993,155(1):203-206
Two Carbon-nitrogen interaction models were developed, one, expressed as DM=DM 0 exp(CN 1 N), was for growth of Gramineae (rice, wheat, and maize) and root crops (potato, sweet potato, and sugar beet), the other DM =DM 0+CN I N for Leguminosae (soybean, field bean, and aduki bean), where, DM is dry weight of plant at a given time, N is the amount of nitrogen accumulated in plant at a given time, DM 0 is the initial amount of dry weight, and CN 1 or CN 1 is the carbon-nitrogen index.The CN 1 value changed with the amount of nitrogen absorbed at the time of harvest (Nh), indicating that the relationship between the CN 1 value and Nh fitted to a hyperbolic curve as follows: CN 1= 1/(a Nh + b), where, a and b are the coefficients of the equation. In rice, coefficients a and b were estimated by the Gauss-Newton method.The CN 1, value of Leguminosae was almost constant regardless of Nh. It is thus concluded that the carbon-nitrogen interaction was significantly different between Leguminosae and other crops (Gramineae and root crops).  相似文献   

Use of classical biological control to suppress invasive plants or insects is often an important component of programs for the conservation and restoration of wildlands. Its use contributes to preservation of native biodiversity, maintenance of ecosystem services from wildlands, and protection of sources of natural resources for human societies. Use of classical biological control in wildlands is a form of planned, beneficial invasion and its effective use requires careful integration of conservation biologists and biological control scientists to define ecological goals for projects and to investigate and judge the potential safety of biological control agents proposed for release. Greater cooperation between these groups is essential for expanded and safe use of this process.  相似文献   

罗毅  王讯  马瑶  李晓开 《遗传》2017,39(12):1158-1167
鸽(Columba livia)是少数几种能分泌营养液哺育雏鸟的鸟类之一。孵化期的亲鸽嗉囊壁逐渐增厚,当雏鸽被孵出,亲鸽嗉囊会产生鸽乳(crop milk)以哺育雏鸽。鸽乳的营养成分及其生物学功能与哺乳动物的乳汁相似,其产生过程受催乳素的调节。在催乳素作用下,嗉囊上皮细胞快速增殖脱落形成鸽乳,该过程可能与膜联蛋白Icp35(AnxIcp35)等关键基因的转录以及JAK/STAT和Wnt等信号通路的激活有关。本文对鸽乳的主要成分、生物学功能和泌乳过程中嗉囊组织学变化进行了介绍,对鸽乳生成过程中特异的基因变化和分子调控机制进行了总结,以期为后续的相关研究工作提供有益的参考。  相似文献   

Plants, as well as fungi, use ambient sunlight as information to regulate photomorphogenetic processes. The photobiological control of this information showed that the development of photobiological greenhouse plastic covers simulates a photonic information that leads to a physiological enhancement of plant productivity and fungal disease control, thus minimizing the need for the use of agrochemicals. The main characteristics of these photobiological greenhouse plastic covers are the high transmission of photosynthetically active radiation (PAR, 400-700 nm) combined with an increase of the factor zeta = RL(655-665 nm)/FRL(725-735 nm), which affects the cellular phytochromic equilibrium phi = Pfr/(Pfr + Pr) and regulates the photosynthetic activity and therefore the plant productivity. Additionally, increase of the spectral ratios from the transmitted light: BL(420-500 nm)/nearUV(290-370 nm) and BL(420-500 nm)/ FRL(725-735 nm), cause mainly the induction of biochemical, physiological and morphological responses, regulated by cryptochromes in plants (e.g. inflorescence and infructescence) and mycochrome in fungi (e.g. inhibition of sporulation). In the present work, comparative studies with randomly selected greenhouse plastics showed that small changes in the above-mentioned "photobiological" parameters raise the productivity of tomato plants and inhibit the sporulation of several isolates of the fungal pathogen Botrytis cinerea. Thus, a model for the photoregulation of these two phenomena in greenhouses is proposed.  相似文献   

Habitat manipulation in agroecosystems can influence predator–prey interactions. In this study, we collected foliar predators from field potato plots with different mulch treatments and assayed them for DNA of the target prey, Leptinotarsa decemlineata (Say), using species-specific primers. Concurrently, L. decemlineata larval abundance and plant damage were recorded from the same plots. Predator species abundance and diversity were not influenced by habitat manipulation, while prey density was highest in plots without mulch. Gut-content analysis revealed that the highest incidence of predators positive for L. decemlineata DNA was in plots without mulch, where target prey abundance was highest. Therefore, the lower prey abundance in mulched plots was not due to predation. The most abundant species in the predator assemblage was Coleomegilla maculata, which had the lowest proportion of L. decemlineata DNA in the gut. Podisus maculiventris, Perillus bioculatus, and Lebia grandis were less abundant but had a higher incidence of target prey DNA in the gut. DNA detectability half-lives were used to adjust for inter-specific variation in DNA digestive rates of the four predator species. Using this information to adjust actual number of positives for prey DNA, we compared proportions positive for L. decemlineata and found that P. maculiventris is the most effective predator species in the complex.  相似文献   

Christopher F. Steiner 《Oikos》2003,101(3):569-577
If prey species exhibit trade-offs in their ability to utilize resources versus their ability to avoid predation, predators can facilitate prey turnover along gradients of productivity, shifting dominance from edible to inedible prey (the keystone predator effect). I tested this model under controlled, laboratory conditions, using a model aquatic system composed of zooplankton as the top consumer, a diverse community of algae as prey, and nutrients as basal resources. Nutrient manipulations (low and high) were crossed with presence–absence of zooplankton. Results supported theoretical predictions. Algal biomass increased in response to enrichment regardless of predator presence/absence. However, predators and nutrients had an interactive effect on algal biomass and size structure. At the low nutrient level, algal-prey were dominated by edible forms and attained similar biomass regardless of zooplankton presence/absence. At the high level of enrichment, presence of zooplankton favored higher levels of algal biomass and shifted dominance to large, inedible taxa. At the termination of the experiment, I performed a series of lab-based assays on the resultant algal community in order to quantify trade-offs among algal size classes in maximal population growth rates (as a measure of competitive ability for nutrients) and susceptibility to zooplankton grazing. Assays provided support for a size-based keystone trade-off. Small size classes of algae displayed higher maximal growth rates but were more susceptible to grazing effects. Large size classes were protected from grazing but showed low rates of population growth in response to enrichment.  相似文献   

The biological control service supplied to croplands is a result of the predator community present within a focal crop, which is likely influenced by surrounding landscape composition and configuration. In this study, using cage experiments in two regions near Santiago, we determined if predator communities supplied a significant biological control service in alfalfa fields, examined how the abundance of exotic and native coccinellids, as well as other key predator groups, influenced biological control of aphids and measured how landscape composition and heterogeneity at three spatial scales influenced this service. We found that predators significantly suppressed aphid populations in both regions, but the relative importance of predators versus landscape variables on biological control differed between regions. In the region where predators were abundant, biological control was higher and related to the abundance of native coccinellids and syrphids, highlighting the importance of native species as providers of crucial ecological services. In the region where predators were not abundant, biological control was lower, and it was related to landscape composition, being positively associated with the abundance of woodlots and urban habitats, and negatively associated with fruit crops in the landscape. Therefore, landscape effects on biological control service may be weaker than local factors, and only become important when local predator abundance is low.  相似文献   

D. L. Mahr 《BioControl》1996,41(3-4):387-404
Effective use of biological control by the pest manager requires knowledge of the biologies of the pests and natural enemies, and their interactions with their environment and agronomic practices. Manufacturers provide information for products such as microbial pesticides and entomophagous arthropods used in augmentative biological control. However, information about process-oriented methods such as classical (importation) biological control and conservation of natural enemies is not often available to the farmer. Governmental extension programs are one method for providing practical biological control information, but availability in developed countries varies considerably. Examples of transfer of biological control information are provided for New Zealand, Canada, and Australia. In the United States, the Extension Service, a branch of the U.S. Department of Agriculture, provides partial funding and coordination for pest management educational programs conducted at the national, regional, state and local levels. In a twelve-state region of the North Central United States, university extension and research entomologists have developed a coordinated program to educate county extension personnel, farmers, and private consultants about the use of biological controls in pest management. The details of this model program are discussed. The paper concludes with a discussion of the educational constraints that must be overcome to successfully increase the adoption of biological control.  相似文献   

The role of helminths in the biological control of mammals   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Biological control of invertebrates has been successful while that of vertebrates has been, with the exception of myxomatosis in rabbits, unsuccessful; reasons for this are discussed. Demographic studies of small mammals suggest that population regulation occurs by several different mechanisms, more than one of which may be acting at the same time. Coevolution is an important phenomenon in host-parasite associations, nevertheless parasites may limit host population abundance. The basis of the regulatory effect on the host population is that parasite-induced host mortality or reduction in fecundity is density-dependent. Increasing evidence of the density-dependent effects of helminths on host survival and reproduction is forthcoming from laboratory studies but has not been confirmed in the field. The theory that a helminth parasite may regulate mammal population abundance has been verified recently in the laboratory. A multidisciplinary research programme aimed at understanding the mechanisms responsible for formation of house mouse (Mus domesticus) plagues and seeking strategies to reduce mouse numbers is discussed. One aspect of the work involves investigation of the potential of the nematode, Capillaria hepatica, as a biological agent in the control of wild mice in the cereal-growing regions of Australia. Biological control of mammals is viewed within the context of integrated pest management. A helminth species which reduces host survival or fecundity at an increasing rate as host abundance increases has a role in host population regulation. There is potential to capitalize on that role and apply the helminth as a biological agent in the control of mammals which have attained pest status.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate the biological control potential of Encarsia inaron (Walker) (Hymenoptera: Aphelinidae) and a predator Clitostethus arcuatus (Rossi) (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) against the pomegranate whitefly, Siphoninus phillyreae (Haliday) (Homoptera: Aleyrodidae) on pomegranate (Punica granatum L.) by mass rearing and augmentative releases of these two natural enemies during a long-term field study in Egypt. A study was conducted to evaluate the biological control potential of this pest by augmentation with a parasitoid, En. inaron, and a predator, C. arcuatus. Both species were mass reared and monthly releases were made in fields of pomegranate during each of 11 consecutive years (1996–2006). About 1,155,000 En. inaron and 990,000 C. arcuatus were released in fields in Assuit governorate in Egypt on pomegranate which was naturally infested by S. phillyreae. Populations of the natural enemies and parasitism were much higher in field plots where releases were made compared with where no releases were made. The maximum rate of parasitism reached 93% (88% by En. inaron) in the field treatment where releases were made, while parasitism peaked at 36% where no releases were made. The population of En. inaron was significantly correlated with the population of whitefly during the field season. Additional parasitism was by natural infestation with Eretmocerus parasiphonini Evans and Abd-Rabou (Hyneoptera: Aphelinidae). Among all years, the maximum number of C. arcuatus ranged from 13 to 44 beetles per 100 leaves for the treatment, and there were more predators in the release plot than in the control plot. These observations enhance understanding of the usefulness of these natural enemies after augmentation in the field.  相似文献   

哺乳动物核移植技术是一种可以获得基因组遗传信息完全相同的后代的生物技术。猪体细胞核移植技术包括以下几个环节:卵母细胞的体外成熟、供体细胞的分离和处理、体细胞的核转移、重构胚胎的人工激活、胚胎体外培养和胚胎移植。由于该技术在最近几年的迅速发展,很多实验室已通过该技术成功获得了克隆猪后代。核移植克隆猪技术的出现为生产转基因猪提供了一种有效的方法,并且是目前生产基因打靶猪的惟一方法。至今利用克隆猪技术已经成功获得了一系列的转基因猪和基因敲除猪。以核移植技术产生基因修饰猪目前正处于从基础研究走向应用的过渡阶段。尽管猪体细胞核移植克隆的效率(出生克隆猪数占所用卵数的比例)还不高,但是由于通过该技术能够对猪基因组进行特定的修饰,确保生产的克隆动物100%为转基因动物,从而大大提高了转基因猪的制作效率,可以预料猪核移植技术将会对医药业和农业产生重大的影响。  相似文献   

Mechanisms of predator accumulation in a mixed crop system   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Abstract. 1. In a previous study, Orius tristicolor (White), a generalist predator of soft-bodied insects and mites, invaded patches with a mixed plant assemblage at a faster rate than it did single-species stands. This study was designed to determine experimentally the underlying mechanisms of predator movement patterns that cause more intense colonization of crop mixtures.
2. Plots were established in a randomized complete block design. Treatments reflected different components of mixed crop patches: species richness, plant density, colour contrast, structural complexity, and volatile plant compounds.
3. O. tristicolor colonists were more abundant on squash intercropped with corn and cowpea than in squash monocultures even though early season prey densities were similar. Initial accumulation of the generalist predator was also higher in densely planted monocultures and in monocultures with artificially enhanced structural complexity than in normally-spaced squash monocultures.
4. Therefore, mechanisms underlying rates of predator colonization in a stand initially depended upon aspects of plant architecture and density and were independent of prey density and plant diversity. O. tristicolor densities at the end of the colonization period, however, were greater on squash ( Cucurbita pepo L.) in polyculture than in any other treatment.
5. These results suggest that attributes of the vegetation can influence the colonization rates of interacting organisms on different trophic levels and thus can alter predator-prey interactions and the development of community structure.  相似文献   

A central goal in ecology is to predict what governs a species’ ability to establish in a new environment. One mechanism driving establishment success is individual species’ traits, but the role of trait combinations among interacting species across different trophic levels is less clear. Deliberate or accidental species additions to existing communities provide opportunities to study larger scale patterns of establishment success. Biological control introductions are especially valuable because they contain data on both the successfully established and unestablished species. Here, we used a recent dataset of importation biological control introductions to explore how life‐history traits of 132 parasitoid species and their herbivorous hosts interact to affect parasitoid establishment. We find that of five parasitoid and herbivore traits investigated, one parasitoid trait—host range—weakly predicts parasitoid establishment; parasitoids with higher levels of phylogenetic specialization have higher establishment success, though the effect is marginal. In addition, parasitoids are more likely to establish when their herbivore host has had a shorter residence time. Interestingly, we do not corroborate earlier findings that gregarious parasitoids and endoparasitoids are more likely to establish. Most importantly, we find that life‐history traits of the parasitoid species and their hosts can interact to influence establishment. Specifically, parasitoids with broader host ranges are more likely to establish when the herbivore they have been released to control is also more of a generalist. These results provide insight into how multiple species’ traits and their interactions, both within and across trophic levels, can influence establishment of species of higher trophic levels.  相似文献   

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