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《The New phytologist》1983,95(3):505-508
Book reviewed in this article
Mycoplasma Diseases of Trees and Shrubs. Ed. by K. M aramorosch and S. P. R aychaudhuhi .
Alpine Rasengesellschaften auf Silikatgestein bei Davos. By L uca V etterli .
The Rust Fungi. Ed. by K. J. S cott and A. K. C hakravorty .
Environment and Plant Ecology. By J. R. E thehington .
Cryptogams. By K. E sser
Nitrogen fixation. Volume 1: Ecology. Ed. by W. J. B roughton .
Agricultural Plants. By R. H. M. L anger and G. D. H ill
Decomposer Basidiomycetes: their Biology and Ecology. Ed. by J. C. F rankland , J. N. H edger and M. J. S wift .
Cell Walls'81: Proceeding of the Second Cell Wall Meeting held in Gottingen, April 8–11, 1981. Ed. by D. G. R obinson and H. Q uader .  相似文献   

《The New phytologist》1983,95(2):345-347
Book reviewed in this article
Growth Regulators in Plant Science, Monograph 8. Ed. by M. B. J ackson , B. G rout and I. A. M ackenzie .
An Introduction to Plant Taxonomy. By C. J effrey .
Pest and Diseases of Tropical Crops , Vol. 1. By D. S. H ill and J. M. W aller .
Flora of Turkey , Vol. 7 ( Orobanchaceae to Ceratophyllaceae and Ruhiaceae ). Ed. by P. H. D avis , assisted by J. R. E dmondson , R. R. M ill and K. T an .
Plant Growth Curves. The Functional Approach to Plant Growth Analysis. By R oderick H unt .
Bryophyte Ecology. Ed. by A. J. E. S mith . Bryophyte Ecology. Ed. by A. J. E. S mith . Bryophyte Ecology. Ed. by A. J. E. S mith . Bryophyte Ecology. Ed. by A. J. E. S mith .
Forest Succession: concepts and application. Ed. by D. C. W est , M. H. S hugart and D. B otkin .  相似文献   

《The New phytologist》1993,125(1):221-223
Book Reviewed in this article:
Carbon Partitioning within and between Organisms. Ed. by C.J. P ollock , J. F. F arrar & A. J. G ordon .
Mycorrhizas in Ecosystems. Ed. by D. J. R ead , D. H. L ewis , A. H. F itter & I. J. A lexander .
Methods in Comparative Ecology: a Laboratory Manual. Ed by G. A. F. H endry & J. P. G rime .
Climate Modes of the Phanerozoic. By L. A. F rakes , J. E. F rancis & J. A. S yktus .
The Evolution of Asexual Reproduction in Plants. By M. M ogie .  相似文献   

《The New phytologist》1994,127(2):397-398
Modern Methods of Plant Analysis , New Series, Vol. 13, Plant Toxin Analysis . Ed. by H. F. L inskens & J. F. J ackson
Plant Disease Control – Principles and Practice. By O tis C. M alov
Orchid Biology : Reviews and Perspectives , IV and V. Ed. by J oseph A rditti
The Ecology of Mangrove and Related Systems: Proceedings of the International Symposium held at Mombasa, Kenya, September 1990 . Ed. by V ictor J accarini &E ls M artens
Climate Change: Science, Impacts and Policy , Ed. by J. J äger &H.L. F erguson
Quaternary of Scotland. Ed. by J. E. G ordon &D. G. S utherland  相似文献   

《The New phytologist》1976,77(3):809-819
Book reviewed in this article:
Nitrogen Fixation by Free-living Micro-organisms. Ed. by W. D. P. S tewart .
International Biological Programme. Volume 7: Symbiotic Nitrogen Fixation in Plants. Ed. by P. S. N utman .
Gibberellins and Plant Growth. Ed. by H. M. K rishnamoorthy .
Cytodifferentiation in Plants. By L. W. R oberts .
Encyclopedia of Plant Physiology, New Series. Ed. by A. P irson and M. H. Z immerman .
Traité de Paléobotanique : Volume 4, fascicle 2: Pteridophylla (ist part). By E. B oureau and J. D oubinger .
Flora of Turkey and the East Aegean Islands. Volume 5. Ed. by P. H. D avis , assisted by V. A. M atthews , F. K. K upicha & B. S. P arris .
Physiological Plant Ecology. By W. L archer . Translated from the German by M. A. B iederman -T horson .
The Biology of Eucalypts , By L. D. P ryor .
The Morphology of Pteridophytes. By K. R. S porne .
European Floristic and Taxonomic Studies, B.S.B.I. Conference Report No. 15. Ed. by S. M. W alters (with the assistance of C. J. K ing ).  相似文献   

《The New phytologist》1977,78(1):245-254
Book Reviewed in this article:
Botanical Microtechnique and Cytochemistry. By G. P. Berlyn and J. P. Miksche.
Annual Review of Plant Physiology. Ed. by W. R. Briggs.
Mechanical Design in Organisms. By S. A. Wainwright, W. D. Biggs, J. D. Currey & J. M. Gosline.
Uptake of Ions by Plant Roots. By D. J. F. Bowling.
Phytochrome and Photomorphogenesis. By Harry Smith.
Water and Plants. By Hans Meidner and D. W. Sheriff.
Physiological Aspects of Dryland Farming. Edited by U. S. Gupta.
Pollen: Biology, Biochemistry, Management. By R. G. Stanley and H. F. Linskens.
The Evolutionary Significance of the Exine. Ed. by I. K. Ferguson and J. Muller.
Cell Division in Higher Plants. Ed. by M. M. Yeoman.
Intercellular Communication in Plants: Studies on Plasmodesmata Ed. by B. E. S. Gunning & A. W. Robards.
Methods in Plant Ecology. Ed. by S. B. Chapman
Ökologie DER Pflazen By Walter Larcher.
Progress in Botany. Vol. 37. Ed. by H. Ellenberg, K. Esser, H. Merxmüller, E. Schnepf & H. Ziegler.
British Botanical and Horticultural Literature before 1800. By Blanche Henrey.  相似文献   

《The New phytologist》1969,68(1):215-232
Book reviewed in this article:
Excursion Flora of the British Isles , 2nd edn. By A. R. C lapham , T. G. T utin and E. F. W arburg .
Critical Supplement to the Atlas of the British Flora . Ed. by F. H. P erring assisted by P. D. S ell .
Drawings of British Plants . Part XXIV. Labiatae . By S tella R oss -C raig .
Britain's Green Mantle , 2nd edn. By the late A. G. T ansley . Revised by M. C. F. P roctor .
The Flora of Berkshire . By H. J. M. B owen .
Flora of Turkey and the East Aegean Islands . By P. H. D avis , assisted by J. C ullen and M. J. E. C oode .
Plants and Man on the Seychelles Coast . By J. D. S auer .
Key to the Families of Flowering Plants of the World . Revised and enlarged by J. H utchinson .
The Diversity of Green Flants . By P. R. B ell and C. L. F. W oodcock .
IBP Handbook No . 5: Handbook to the Conservation Section of the International Biological Programme . By E. M. N icholson .
Plants, Man and Life , 2nd edn. By E dgar A nderson .
Production and Mineral Cycling in Terrestrial Vegetation . By L. E. R odin and N. I. B azilevich . Translation by Scripta Technica Ltd (Ed. by G. E. F ogg ).
'Torrey Canyon' Pollution and Marine Life . A Report by the Plymouth Laboratory of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom. Ed. by J. E. S mith .
Geobotanische Untersuchungen auf der Feddersen Wier de . By U. K örber -G rohne .
Cell Walls and Membranes . By H. J. R ogers and H. R. P erkins .
Wachstums regulatoren bei Pflanzen . Ed. by E. L ibbert and B. S teyer .
The Ecology of Soil Bacteria ( An International Symposium ). Ed. by T. R. G. G ray and D. P arkinson .
Genetics of Fungi . By K arl E sser and R udolf K uenen . Translated by E rich S teiner .
Plant Pathologist's Pocketbook . Compiled by The Commonwealth Mycological Institute.  相似文献   

《The New phytologist》1995,131(2):288-289
Book reviewed in this article:
Plant Molecular Biology. Molecular Genetic Analysis of Plant Development and Metabolism. Ed. by G loria C oruzzi & P ere P uigdomégnech
Vacuum Methods in Electron Microscopy. By W. C. B igelow . Practical Methods in Electron Microscopy. Vol 15. Series Editor: Audrey M. G lauert .
The Fungi. By M ichael J. C arlile & S arah C. W atkinson .
Aspects of Tropical Mycology. Symposium of the British Mycological Society held at the University of Liverpool, April 1992. Edited by S. I saac , J. C. F rankland , R. W atling & A. J. S. W halley .
Belalong, A Tropical Rainforest. By T he E arl O f C ranbrook & D avid S. E dwards .
Ecology and Management of Invasive Riverside Plants. Ed. by L. C. D e W aal , L. E. C hild , P. M. W ade & J. H. B rock  相似文献   

《The New phytologist》1972,71(2):415-422
Book Reviewed in this article:
Annual Review of Plant Physiology , Vol. 22 Ed. by L. M achlis .
Microbes and Biological Productivity. (Society for General Microbiology Symposium 21). Ed. by D. E. H ughes and A. H. R ose .
Crop Production: Cereals and Legumes. By B. F. B land .
Potential Crop Production. Ed. by P. F. W areing and J. P. C ooper .
Pollen: Development and Physiology. Ed. by J. H eslop -H arrison .
Chromosomal Evolution in Higher Plants. By G. L. S tebbins .
Integrated Experimental Ecology: Methods and Results of Ecosystem Research in the German Soiling Project. Ed. by H. E llenberg .
Evolutionary Ecology. By H erbert P. R iley .  相似文献   

《The New phytologist》1979,83(1):285-295
Book Reviewed in This Article:
Tropische Nutzpflanzen. By H einz B rücher .
The Molecular Biology of Plant Cells. Ed. by H. S mith .
Plant Metabolism. By H. D. K umar and H. N. S ing h.
The Ribonucleic Acids. Ed. by P. R. S tewart and D. S. L etham .
Transport Phenomena in Plants. By D. A. B aker .
Transport of Ions and Water in Animals. Ed. by B. L. G upta , R. B. M oreton , J. L. O scham and B. J. W all .
Water in Plants Bibliography. Ed. by J. P ospisilova and J. S olarova .
Advances in Botanical Research. Vol. 4. Ed. by R. D. P reston and H. W. W oolhouse .
Progress in Botany: Morphology: Physiology: Genetics: Taxonomy: Geobotany. Ed. by H einz E llenerg , K arl E sser , H ermann M erxmuller , E berhard S chnepf and H ubert Z eigler .
Progress in Botany – Morphology, Physiology, Genetics, Taxonomy, Geobotany. Ed. by H. E llenberg , K. E sser , H. M erxmüller , E. S chnepf and H. Z iegler .
Plant Root Systems. By R. S cott R ussell .
Whales, Dolphins and Porpoises. Edited by K enneth S. N orris .  相似文献   

《The New phytologist》1973,72(4):929-936
Book Reviewed in this article:
Patterns in Plant Development. By T. A. S teeves and I. M. S ussex .
Plant Growth Substances 1970. Ed. by D. J. C arr .
Methods in Enzymology. Vol. XXIV. Photosynthesis and Nitrogen Fixation , Part B. Ed. by A nthony S an P ietro (Series Ed. by S idney P. C olman and N athan O. K aplan ).
Biochemistry of Photosynthesis. By R. P. F. G regory .
The Growth of Bulbs. By A. R. R ees .
Annual Review of Plant Physiology ,
Ecology of Heathlands. By C. H. G imingham .
Anatomy of the Monocotyledons. VI. Dioscoreales. By E. S. A yensu . Ed. by C. R. M etcalfe .
A Computer-Mapped Flora. A Study of the County of Warwickshire. By D. A. C adbury , J. G. H awkes and R. C. R eadett .  相似文献   

《The New phytologist》1968,67(3):771-777
Book reviewed in this article:
Methods for Estimating Primary Production of Forests . I.B.P. Handbook No. 2. By P. J. N ewbould .
The Teaching of Ecology . British Ecological Society Symposium No. 7. Ed. by J. M. L ambert
Chemistry and Enzymology of Marine Algal Polysaccharides . By E lizabeth P ercival and R ichard H. M c D owell .
Dicionário Micológico . By O swaldo F idalgo and M aria E neyda P. K. F idalgo .
Taxonomic Studies of Subgenus Podosemum and Section Epicampes of Muhlenbergia ( Gramineae ). By T homas R. S oderstrom .
Studies of Fern Types, I . By C. V. M orton .
The Genus Melochia L. (Sterculiaceae ). By A aron G oldberg .
Guide pour l'Étude de quelques Plantes Tropicales . By L. P aulian de F élice .
Symposia of the Society for Experimental Biology. No . 21. Aspects of the Biology of Ageing . Ed. by H. W. W oolhouse .
Euglenoid Flagellates . By G. F. L eedale .
Encyclopaedia of Plant Physiology . Ed. by W. R uhland .
Annual Review of Plant Physiology , Vol. 18. Ed. by L. M achlis .  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
《Freshwater Biology》1985,15(4):515-524
Holme, N.A. & Mclntyre, A.D. (Eds) (1984) Methods for the Study of Marine Benthos.
Lewis, W.M., Saunders, J.F., Crumpacker, D.W. & Brendecke, CM. (1984) Eutrophication and Land Use: Lake Dillon, Colorado.
McKeown, B.A. (1984) Fish Migration.
von Brandt, A. (1984) Fish Catching Methods of the World
Barnes, R.S.K. (1984) Estuarine Biology.
Dumont, H.J. & Tundisi, J.G. (Eds) (1984) Tropical Zooplankton.
Wootton, R.J. (1984) A Functional Biology of Sticklebacks
Fernando, C.H. (Ed.) (1984) Ecology and Biogeography in Sri Lanka.
Haworth, E.W. & Lund, J.W.G. (Eds) (1984) Lake Sediments and Environmental History.
Petts, G.E. (1984) Impounded Rivers. Perspectives for Ecological Management.
Whitton, B.A. (Ed.) (1984) Ecology of European Rivers.  相似文献   

《The New phytologist》1969,68(2):567-577
Book reviewed in this article:
A Course in Biology . By J. J. B aker and G. E. A llen .
Papers on Plant Systematics . By R. O rnduff .
Die Entstehung der Arten und hoheren Kategorien . By H. L amprecht .
Flora of Iraq , Vol. 9. Gramineae . By N. L. B or . (Ed. by C. C. T ownsend and E van G uest , with the collaboration of A li A l -R awi ).
Wild Elowers of North Carolina . By W illiam S. J ustice and C. R itchie B ell .
The Lichen Genera Cetrelia and Platismatia ( Parmeliaceae ). By W. L. C ulberson and C. F. C ulberson .
Essays on Form in Plants . By C. W. W ardlaw .
Crop Responses to Water at Different Stages of Growth . By P. J. S alter and J. E. G oode .
Protons, Electrons, Phosphorylation and Active Transport . By R. N. R obertson .
Encyclopedia of Plant Physiology, XVIII, Sexuality: Reproduction; Alternation of Generations . General editor, W. R uhland ; sub-editor for this volume, H. F. L inskens .
Annual Review of Plant Physiology , Vol. 19. 1968. By L. M achlis (Ed.).
Biophysical Technique as Applied to Cell Biology . By J. C hayen and E. E. D enby .
The Measurement of Environmental Factors in Terrestrial Ecology . British Ecological Society Symposium No. 8. Ed. by R. M. W adsworth et al .
Guide to the Check Sheet for IBP Areas . IBP Handbook No. 4. By G. E. P eterken .  相似文献   

《The New phytologist》1993,125(4):875-875
Book Reviewed in this article:
Nitrogen Metabolism of Plants. Ed. by K. M engel and D. J. P ilbeam .
Extinction and Phylogeny . Ed. by M ichael J. N ovacek and Q uentin D. W heeler .
Anatomy of Flowering Plants. By P aula R udall .
Atlas of the Bryophytes of Britain and Ireland ; Volume 2, Mosses (except Diplolepideae). Ed by M. O. H ill , C. D. P reston and A. J. E. S mith .
Atlas of the Paleoclimates and Paleoenvironments of the Northern Hemisphere: Late Pleistocene-Holocene. Ed. by B. F renzel , M. P esci and A. A. V elichko .  相似文献   

《The New phytologist》1976,77(1):289-299
Book Reviwed in this article:
The History of the British Flora. By Sir H arry G odwin .
The Euphorbiaceae of Borneo. By H. K. A iry S haw .
Ecology of Plants in the Tropics. (Studies in Biology No. 58, Institute of Biology.) By D aniel H. J anzen .
Pacific Plant Areas. Volume 3. Ed. by M. M. van B algooy .
The Liverworts of New Zealand. By K. W. A llison and J ohn C hild .
Paleoecology of Terrestrial Plants. Basic principles and techniques. By V. A. K rasilov .
Plant Propagation , 3rd edn. By H udson T. H artmann and D ale E. K ester .
The Lytic Compartment of Plant Cells. By PH. M atile .
Plant Pathogenesis. By H. W heeler .
Phytotronics in Agricultural and Horticultural Research. Ed. by P. C houard and N. de B ilderling .
Phytoplankton. By A. D. B oney .
Krankheiten und Schädlinge an Getreide und Mais. By C. B uhl .  相似文献   

《The New phytologist》1979,83(3):849-859
Book Reviewed in this article:
Organelle Heredity. B y N icolas W. G illham .
Microbodies/Peroxisomen pflanzicher Zellen. By B. G erhardt .
Plant Metabolism. By G erhard R ichter .
Water in Plants Bibliography. Ed. by J. P ospisilova and J. S olarova .
Plant Growth Analysis. By R oderick H unt .
Progress in Botany. Morphology, Physiology, Genetics, Taxonomy, Geobotany. Ed. by H. E llenberg , K. E sser , H. Merxmüller, E. S chnepf and H. Z iegler .
Organisation in Plants. By W. M. M. B aron .
Plant Breeding for Pest and Disease Resistance. By G. E. R ussell .
Incompatibility in Angiosperms. By D. D e N ettancourt .
Soybean Physiology, Agronomy and Utilization. Ed. by A. G. N orman .
Flora of Turkey , Volume 6 ( Lobehaceae to Scrophulariaceae ). Ed. by P. H. D avis , assisted by J. R. E dmondson , R. R. M ill and B.S.P arris .
Tropical Trees and Forests. An Architectural Analysis. By F.H allé , R.A.A. O ldeman and P. B. T omlinson .
Vegetation Mitteleuropas mit den Alpen. By H einz E llenberg .  相似文献   

《The New phytologist》1990,116(2):337-339
Books reviewed in this article:
Molecular Biology of Photosynthesis. Ed. By G ovindjee , H. J. B ohnert , W. B ottomley , D. A. B ryant , J. E. M ullet , W. L. O gren , H. P akrasi and C. R. S omerville .
Biochemical and Physiological Aspects of Ethylene Production in Lower and Higher Plants. Ed. by H. C lijsters , M. de P roft , R. M arcelle and M. V an P oucke .
Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Sulphur Utilisation by Fungi. By L. B oddy , R. M archant and D. J. R ead .
Fungi and Ecological Disturbance. Ed. by L. B oddy , R. W atling and A. J. E. L yon .
Phytoplankton , 2nd Edn. By A. D. B oney .
The Holocene: An Environmental History. By N eil R oberts .
Chambers Biology Dictionary. Ed. by P. M. B. W alker , C.B.E., F.R.S.E.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
Nature Reserves: island theory and conservation practice by Craig L. Shafer.
Guide to the Birds of Madagascar by Olivier Langrand.  

Shorter notices

Democratising Development: the role of voluntary organisations by J. Clark.
History of Life by R. Cowen.
Behavioural Ecology. An evolutionary approach ed. by J. R. Krebs & N. B. Davies.
Colyer's Variations and Diseases of the Teeth of Animals ed. by A. E. W. Miles & C. Grieson.  相似文献   

《The New phytologist》1970,69(2):529-535
Book Reviewed in this article:
Flowering Plants, Origin and Dispersal . By A. T akhtajan. Translated from the Russian by C. J effrey.
Camellias of Japan . By T. T uyama.
Studies in Biology , No. 15. Developmental Plant Anatomy. By A lan R. G emmell.
Quaternary Ecology . Ed. by E. J. C ushing and H. E. W right J r .
Écologie appliquée à l'agriculture dans le nord vaudois . By K.-F. S chreiber. Translated from the German by M. V illard .
Welsh Ferns , 5th edn. By H. A. H yde and A. E. W ade .
Flora of Derbyshire . Ed. by A. R. C lapham .
Studies in Biology , No. 16. Plant Symbiosis. By G eorge D. S cott .  相似文献   

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