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Experimental evidence demonstrates that collagen cross-linking in bone tissue significantly influences its deformation and failure behavior yet difficulties exist in determining the independent biomechanical effects of collagen cross-linking using in vitro and in vivo experiments. The aim of this study is to use a nano-scale composite material model of mineral and collagen to determine the independent roles of enzymatic and non-enzymatic cross-linking on the mechanical behavior of a mineralized collagen fibril. Stress–strain curves were obtained under tensile loading conditions without any collagen cross-links, with only enzymatic cross-links (modeled by cross-linking the end terminal position of each collagen domain), or with only non-enzymatic cross-links (modeled by random placement of cross-links within the collagen–collagen interfaces). Our results show enzymatic collagen cross-links have minimal effect on the predicted stress–strain curve and produce a ductile material that fails through debonding of the mineral–collagen interface. Conversely, non-enzymatic cross-links significantly alter the predicted stress–strain response by inhibiting collagen sliding. This inhibition leads to greater load transfer to the mineral, which minimally affects the predicted stress, increases modulus and decreases post-yield strain and toughness. As a consequence the toughness of bone that has more non-enzymatically mediated collagen cross-links will be drastically reduced.  相似文献   

Introduction: The consequences of chronic disease are vast and unremitting; hence, understanding the pathogenic mechanisms mediating such disorders holds promise to identify therapeutics and diminish the consequences. The ligands of the receptor for advanced glycation end products (RAGE) accumulate in chronic diseases, particularly those characterized by inflammation and metabolic dysfunction. Although first discovered and reported as a receptor for advanced glycation end products (AGEs), the expansion of the repertoire of RAGE ligands implicates the receptor in diverse milieus, such as autoimmunity, chronic inflammation, obesity, diabetes, and neurodegeneration.

Areas covered: This review summarizes current knowledge regarding the ligand families of RAGE and data from human subjects and animal models on the role of the RAGE axis in chronic diseases. The recent discovery that the cytoplasmic domain of RAGE binds to the formin homology 1 (FH1) domain, DIAPH1, and that this interaction is essential for RAGE ligand-stimulated signal transduction, is discussed. Finally, we review therapeutic opportunities targeting the RAGE axis as a means to mitigate chronic diseases.

Expert commentary: With the aging of the population and the epidemic of cardiometabolic disease, therapeutic strategies to target molecular pathways that contribute to the sequelae of these chronic diseases are urgently needed. In this review, we propose that the ligand/RAGE axis and its signaling nexus is a key factor in the pathogenesis of chronic disease and that therapeutic interruption of this pathway may improve quality and duration of life.  相似文献   

A major site of pyridinoline cross-linking in bovine type IX collagen was traced to a tryptic peptide derived from one of the molecule's HMW chains. This peptide gave two amino acid sequences (in 2/1 ratio) consistent with it being a three-chained structure. The major sequence matched exactly that of the C-telopeptide of type II collagen from the same tissue. A second HMW chain that contained pyridinoline cross-links also gave two amino-terminal sequences, one from its own amino terminus, the other matching exactly the N-telopeptide cross-linking sequence of type II collagen. We conclude that type IX collagen molecules are covalently cross-linked in cartilage to molecules of type II collagen, probably at fibril surfaces.  相似文献   

In ethnic Russians, MHC (HLA) was shown to be the major locus determining the predisposition to type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM). To map the regions linked to T1DM, families with concordant or discordant sib pairs were selected from the Russian population of Moscow. With these families, linkage to T1DM was demonstrated for CTLA4 (IDDM12, 2q32.1-q33), which codes for a T-cell surface antigen, and PDCD2 (IDDM8, 6q25-q27), which is homologous to the mouse programmed cell death activator gene. With polymorphic microsatellites, regions 3q21-q25 (IDDM9) and 10p12.2 (IDDM10) were also linked to T1DM. Case/control and family studies of the polymorphic markers from region 11p13 revealed a new T1DM-associated locus in the vicinity of the catalase gene (CAT); linkage to this locus was not reported earlier for other populations. Diabetic polyneuropathy (DPN) proved to be associated with single-nucleotide polymorphisms Ala(-9)Val (SOD2), Arg213Gly (SOD3), and T(-262)C (CAT) and with a polymorphic microsatellite of the NOS2 promoter. Hence oxidative stress, which results from hyperglycemia, increased mitochondrial production of superoxide radicals, and insufficient activities of antioxidative enzymes, was assumed to play an important part in DPN development in T1DM. Diabetic nephropathy (DN) showed no association with the antioxidative enzyme genes. However, the association was observed for the insertion/deletion (I/D) polymorphism of ACE and the ecNOS34a/4b polymorphism of NOS3, two genes involved in controlling vascular tonicity, and for the I/D polymorphism of APOB and the epsilon 2/epsilon 3/epsilon 4 polymorphism of APOE, two genes involved in lipid transport. In addition, polymorphic microsatellites of chromosome 3q21-q25 proved to be closely associated with DN. The tightest association was established for D3S1550, carriers of allele 12 or genotype 12/14 having high risk of DN (OR = 4.85 and 6.25, respectively). Region 3q21-q25 was assumed to contain a major gene determining DN development, while the other DN-associated genes mostly affect the progression of DN.  相似文献   

The structural integrity of cartilage depends on the presence of extracellular matrices (ECM) formed by heterotypic fibrils composed of collagen II, collagen IX, and collagen XI. The formation of these fibrils depends on the site-specific binding between relatively small regions of interacting collagen molecules. Single amino acid substitutions in collagen II change the physicochemical and structural characteristics of those sites, thereby leading to an alteration of intermolecular collagen II/collagen IX interaction. Employing a biosensor to study interactions between R75C, R789C or G853E collagen II mutants and collagen IX, we demonstrated significant changes in the binding affinities. Moreover, analyses of computer models representing mutation sites defined exact changes in physicochemical characteristics of collagen II mutants. Our study shows that changes in collagen II/collagen IX affinity could represent one of the steps in a cascade of changes occurring in the ECM of cartilage as a result of single amino acid substitutions in collagen II.  相似文献   

High and low angle X-ray diffraction patterns from the corneal stroma give information about the mean intermolecular spacing of the collagen molecules and the mean interfibrillar spacing of the collagen fibrils, respectively. X-ray data were collected, using a high intensity synchrotron source, from human corneas and sclera at approximately physiological hydration. The spacings were measured as a function of tissue age. Between birth and 90 years there is an increase in the cross-sectional area associated with each molecule in corneal collagen from approx. 3.04 nm2 to 3.46 nm2, and an increase in scleral collagen from approx. 2.65 nm2 to 3.19 nm2. These changes may be due to an increase in the extent of non-enzymatic cross-linking between collagen molecules over the age range. We have investigated this possibility by measuring collagen glycation using the thiobarbituric acid assay and the subsequent advanced glycation end-products (AGEs) using fluorescence emission. The results obtained have shown an age-related increase in glycation and AGEs in both tissues. We have also demonstrated a decrease in the interfibrillar spacing of corneal collagen with increasing age which may be related to changes in the proteoglycan composition of the interfibrillar matrix.  相似文献   

Over the past decade, the prevalence of diabetes has increased significantly worldwide, leading to an increase in vascular complications of diabetes (VCD), such as diabetic cardiomyopathy (DCM), diabetic nephropathy (DN), and diabetic retinopathy (DR). Noncoding RNAs (ncRNAs), such as microRNAs (miRNAs), long Noncoding RNAs (lncRNAs), and circular RNAs (circRNAs), play a key role in cellular processes, including the pathophysiology of diabetes and VCD via pyroptosis. ncRNAs (e.g., miR-17, lnc-MEG3, and lnc-KCNQ1OT1) can regulate pyroptosis in pancreatic β cells. Some ncRNAs are involved in VCD progression. For example, miR-21, lnc-KCNQ1OT1, lnc-GAS5, and lnc-MALAT1 were reported in DN and DCM, and lnc-MIAT was identified in DCM and DR. Herein, this review aimed to summarize recent research findings related to ncRNAs-mediated pyroptosis at the onset and progression of diabetes and VCD.  相似文献   

A role for glycosaminoglycans in the development of collagen fibrils   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Extensive data on the glycosaminoglycan (GAG) composition and the collagen fibril diameter distribution have been collected for a diverse range of connective tissues. It is shown that tissues with the smallest diameter collagen fibrils (mass-average diameter less than 60 nm) have high concentrations of hyaluronic acid and that tissues with the largest diameter collagen fibrils (mass-average diameter approximately 200 nm) have high concentrations of dermatan sulphate. It is suggested that the lateral growth of fibrils beyond a diameter of about 60 nm is inhibited by the presence of an excess of hyaluronic acid but that this inhibitory effect may be removed by an increasing concentration of chondroitin sulphate and/or dermatan sulphate. It is also postulated that high concentrations of chondroitin sulphate will inhibit fibril growth beyond a mass-average diameter of approximately 150 nm. Such an inhibition may in turn be removed by an increasing concentration of dermatan sulphate such that it becomes the dominant GAG present in the tissue.  相似文献   

This is the first study to immunolocalise perlecan in meniscal tissues and to demonstrate how its localisation varied with ageing relative to aggrecan and type I, II and IV collagen. Perlecan was present in the middle and inner meniscal zones where it was expressed by cells of an oval or rounded morphology. Unlike the other components visualised in this study, perlecan was strongly cell associated and its levels fell significantly with age onset and cell number decline. The peripheral outer meniscal zones displayed very little perlecan staining other than in small blood vessels. Picrosirius red staining viewed under polarised light strongly delineated complex arrangements of slender discrete randomly oriented collagen fibre bundles as well as transverse, thick, strongly oriented, collagen tie bundles in the middle and outer meniscal zones. The collagen fibres demarcated areas of the meniscus which were rich in anionic toluidine blue positive proteoglycans; immunolocalisations confirmed the presence of aggrecan and perlecan. When meniscal sections were examined macroscopically, type II collagen localisation in the inner meniscal zone was readily evident in the 2- to 7-day-old specimens; this became more disperse in the older meniscal specimens. Type I collagen had a widespread distribution in all meniscal zones at all time points. Type IV collagen was strongly associated with blood vessels in the 2- to 7-day-old meniscal specimens but was virtually undetectable at the later time points (>7 month).  相似文献   

The mechanisms of chain selection and assembly of type IX collagen, a heterotrimer 1(IX)2(IX)3(IX), must differ from that of fibrillar collagens since it lacks the characteristic C-propeptide of these latter molecules. We have tested the hypothesis that the information required for this process is contained within the C-terminal triple helical disulfide-bonded region (LMW). The reassociations of the purified LMW fragments of pepsinized bovine type IX collagen were followed by the formation of disulfide-bonded multimers. Our data demonstrate that only three triple helical assemblies form readily, (1)3, (2)3, and 123. The information required for chain selection and assembly is thus, at least in part, contained in the studied fragments. Molecular stoichiometries different from the classical heterotrimer may thus also form under certain conditions.  相似文献   

Summary Electron-microscopical autoradiography and cytochemical techniques have been used to identify the distinct and separate subcellular structures involved in the secretion of 1) procollagen, 2) dihydroxyphenylalanine (DOPA), which is a precursor of a collagen-crosslinking compound, and 3) DOPA oxidase, which converts DOPA to a putative crosslinking compound of collagen in the axial skeleton of the gorgonian coral Leptogorgia virgulata. Some skeletal-protein hydrolysates contain material that co-elutes with DOPA. The data indicate that these skeletogenic cells, corticocytes, are capable of modifying the number of non-reducible, tyrosine-derived crosslinkages of collagen by the secretion of a crosslinking compound that acts extracellularly on collagen. A mechanism for a cell-mediated control of the mechanical properties of collagen is thereby presented.  相似文献   

Advanced glycation end products (AGE), formed by nonenzymatic Maillard reactions between carbohydrate and protein, contribute to the increase in chemical modification and crosslinking of tissue proteins with age. Acceleration of AGE formation in collagen during hyperglycemia, with resultant effects on vascular elasticity and basement membrane permeability, is implicated in the pathogenesis of diabetic complications. AGE-breakers, such as N-phenacylthiazolium (PTB) and N-phenacyl-4,5-dimethylthiazolium (PMT) halides, have been proposed as therapeutic agents for reversing the increase in protein crosslinking in aging and diabetes. We have confirmed that these compounds, as well as the AGE-inhibitor pyridoxamine (PM), cleave the model AGE crosslink, phenylpropanedione, and have studied the effects of these compounds in reversing the increased crosslinking of skin and tail collagen isolated from diabetic rats. Crosslinking of skin collagen, measured as the half-time for solubilization of collagen by pepsin in 0.5M acetic acid, was increased approximately 5-fold in diabetic, compared to nondiabetic rats. Crosslinking of tail tendon collagen, measured as insolubility in 0.05 N acetic acid, was increased approximately 10-fold. Collagen preparations were incubated in the presence or absence of AGE-breakers or PM in phosphate buffer, pH 7.4, for 24h at 37 degrees C. These treatments did not decrease the half-time for solubilization of diabetic skin collagen by pepsin or increase the acid solubility of diabetic tail tendon collagen. We conclude that, although AGE-breakers and PM cleave model crosslinks, they do not significantly cleave AGE crosslinks formed in vivo in skin collagen of diabetic rats.  相似文献   

Recently, by employing the short hairpin RNA technology, we have generated MC3T3-E1 (MC)-derived clones stably suppressing lysyl hydroxylase 3 (LH3) (short hairpin (Sh) clones) and demonstrated the LH3 function as glucosyltransferase in type I collagen (Sricholpech, M., Perdivara, I., Nagaoka, H., Yokoyama, M., Tomer, K. B., and Yamauchi, M. (2011) Lysyl hydroxylase 3 glucosylates galactosylhydroxylysine residues in type I collagen in osteoblast culture. J. Biol. Chem. 286, 8846-8856). To further elucidate the biological significance of this modification, we characterized and compared type I collagen phenotypes produced by Sh clones and two control groups, MC and those transfected with empty vector. Mass spectrometric analysis identified five glycosylation sites in type I collagen (i.e. α1,2-87, α1,2-174, and α2-219. Of these, the predominant glycosylation site was α1-87, one of the major helical cross-linking sites. In Sh collagen, the abundance of glucosylgalactosylhydroxylysine was significantly decreased at all of the five sites with a concomitant increase in galactosylhydroxylysine at four of these sites. The collagen cross-links were significantly diminished in Sh clones, and, for the major cross-link, dihydroxylysinonorleucine (DHLNL), glucosylgalactosyl-DHLNL was diminished with a concomitant increase in galactosyl-DHLNL. When subjected to in vitro incubation, in Sh clones, the rate of decrease in DHLNL was lower, whereas the rate of increase in its maturational cross-link, pyridinoline, was comparable with controls. Furthermore, in Sh clones, the mean diameters of collagen fibrils were significantly larger, and the onset of mineralized nodule formation was delayed when compared with those of controls. These results indicate that the LH3-mediated glucosylation occurs at the specific molecular loci in the type I collagen molecule and plays critical roles in controlling collagen cross-linking, fibrillogenesis, and mineralization.  相似文献   

D-半乳糖诱导大鼠肾脏损害的糖基化机制及药物干预作用   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
目的D-半乳糖(D-galactose)诱导大鼠体内不同糖基化水平,研究其肾脏损伤发生的机理及药物对其干预作用。方法采用不同剂量D-半乳糖[150、75、37.5 mg/(kg.d)]分别腹腔注射(ip)处理大鼠8周,诱导糖基化状态和肾脏损伤,同时D-半乳糖高剂量[150 mg/(kg.d)]分别给与氨基胍[150 mg/(kg.d)]和维生素E[150 mg/(kg.d)]处理8周。采用葡萄糖氧化酶法测定大鼠血糖,硫代巴比妥酸(TBA)比色法测定糖化血红蛋白,硝基四氮唑蓝(NBT)比色法测定血清果糖胺;按文献方法分别测定血红细胞醛糖还原酶活性和晚期糖基化终末产物(AGEs)含量及肾脏组织中AGEs含量,羟胺法和比色法分别测定SOD和GSH-Px活性,硫代巴比妥酸法测定MDA含量;采用CBB法测定尿蛋白含量,二乙酰-肟法测定血尿素氮,苦味酸法测定血肌酐;流式细胞仪检测肾脏细胞凋亡情况。结果D-半乳糖高、中剂量处理8周后,大鼠2 h血糖明显升高,血红细胞醛糖还原酶活性升高,糖化产物形成增多(P〈0.01,P〈0.05);肾组织中AGEs含量明显升高,SOD及GSH-Px活性下降,MDA含量升高(P〈0.01,P〈0.05),尿蛋白、血尿素氮和血肌酐量明显增加,肾脏细胞凋亡率明显增加(P〈0.01,P〈0.05)。而氨基胍和维生素E处理后,可明显抑制高剂量D-半乳糖引起的糖基化反应,减少上述物质的生成,并减轻对肾脏组织的损伤作用,尤其是氨基胍作用更为明显。结论D-半乳糖通过诱导体内蛋白糖基化和肾组织AGEs大量生成,降低抗氧化能力,诱致肾脏细胞凋亡;氨基胍和维生素E对D-半乳糖诱致的肾脏损伤作用具有保护作用。  相似文献   

Electrical conductivity was measured on thermally reconstituted collagen fibers in vitro and on isolated rat tail tendon collagen fiber bundles in vivo, The results obtained indicated that collagen per se is not an electroconductor under physiological conditions, but rather a biological insulator.  相似文献   

Insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) is an important stimulator of collagen and glycosaminoglycan (GAG) biosynthesis in tissues. IGF-I activity is modulated by a family of IGF-binding proteins (IGFBPs) with different IGF-I binding affinities. At least IGFBP-1 and IGFBP-2 are known as inhibitors of IGF functions. Some IGFBPs (IGFBP-1, IGFBP-3 and IGFBP-5) may undergo phosphorylation that dramatically increase their affinity for IGF. During fasting of animals there is a significant decrease of the collagen and GAG content of the skin, accompanied by a reduction of plasma IGF-I levels. However, in previous studies we showed that in the skin of fasted rats IGF-I as well as IGFBP-1 and IGFBP-2 expressions were not different, compared to control rat skin, although collagen content was significantly decreased. In the present study we show that fasted rat skin contains similar amounts of IGF-I, IGFBP-3 and IGFBP-1, although extract from fasted rat skin induced inhibition of collagen biosynthesis in cultured fibroblasts, compared to control rat skin extract. Western immunoblot analysis of control and fasted rat skin extracts, using anti-phosphoserine antibodies for immunoprecipitated IGFBP-1 and IGFBP-3, revealed that both proteins are present in phosphorylated form. Although no differences were found in the expression of phosphorylated IGFBP-3 between control and fasted rat skins, that of phosphorylated IGFBP-1 in fasted rat skin extract was higher than in control one. We suggest that there is an increased level of IGFBP-1 phosphoisoform in fasted rat skin, associated with increased affinity for IGF-I. The increase of phosphorylated IGFBP-1 in fasted rat skin tissue may augment IGF-I binding affinity for IGF and decrease its bioavailability for receptor interaction. This mechanism may prevent IGF-I dependent stimulation of fibroblasts to produce extracellular matrix components. The specific expression of IGFBPs and their phosphoisoforms in tissues may play an important role in regulation of IGF-I action during physiologic and pathologic responses.  相似文献   

Collagens contain large numbers of Gly-Xaa-Yaa peptide repeats that form the characteristic triple helix, where the individual chains fold into a polyproline II helix and three of these helices form a right-handed triple helix. For the proper folding of the triple helix collagens contain trimerization domains. These domains ensure a single starting point for triple helix formation and are also responsible for the chain selection in heterotrimeric collagens. Trimerization domains are non-collagenous domains of very different structures. The size of trimerization domains varies from 35 residues in type IX collagen to around 250 residues for the fibrillar collagens. These domains are not only crucial for biological functions, but they are also attractive tools for generating recombinant collagen fragments of interest as well as for general use in protein engineering and biomaterial design. Here we review the current knowledge of the structure and function of these trimerization domains.  相似文献   



Non-enzymatic glycation is the main post-translational modification of long-life proteins observed during aging and physiopathological processes such as diabetes and atherosclerosis. Type I collagen, the major component in matrices and tissues, represents a key target of this spontaneous reaction which leads to changes in collagen biomechanical properties and by this way to tissue damages.


The current study was performed on in vitro glycated type I collagens using vibrational microspectroscopies, FT-IR and Raman, to highlight spectral features related to glycation effect.

Results and conclusions

We report a conservation of the triple-helical structure of type I collagen and noticeable variations in the exposure of proline upon glycation. Our data also show that the carbohydrate band can be a good spectroscopic marker of the glycation level, correlating well with the fluorescent AGEs formation with sugar addition.

General significance

These non-invasive and label-free methods can shed new light on the spectral features of glycated collagens and represent an effective tool to study changes in the extracellular matrix observed in vivo during aging or on the advent of a pathological situation.  相似文献   

Anchoring functions of collagen VII depend on its ability to form homotypic fibrils and to bind to other macromolecules to form heterotypic complexes. Biosensor-based binding assays were employed to analyze the kinetics of the NC1 domain-mediated binding of collagen VII to laminin 5, collagen IV, and collagen I. We showed that collagen VII interacts with laminin 5 and collagen IV with a Kd value of 10(-9) M. In contrast, the NC1-mediated binding to collagen I was weak with a Kd value of 10(-6) M. Binding assays also showed that the NC1 domain utilizes the same region to bind to both laminin 5 and collagen IV. We postulate that the ability of the NC1 domains to bind with high affinities to laminin 5 and collagen IV facilitates stabilization of the structure of the basement membrane itself and that the NC1-collagen I interaction may be less important for stabilization of the dermal-epidermal junction.  相似文献   

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