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The ability of wild type and mutant T4 DNA polymerases to discriminate in the utilization of the base analog 2-aminopurine (2AP) and the fluorescence of 2AP were used to determine how DNA polymerases distinguish between correct and incorrect nucleotides. Because T4 DNA polymerase incorporates dTMP opposite 2AP under single-turnover conditions, it was possible to compare directly the kinetic parameters for incorporation of dTMP opposite template 2AP to the parameters for incorporation of dTMP opposite template A without the complication of enzyme dissociation. The most significant difference detected was in the K(d) for dTTP, which was 10-fold higher for incorporation of dTMP opposite template 2AP (approximately 367 microm) than for incorporation of dTMP opposite template A (approximately 31 microm). In contrast, the dTMP incorporation rate was reduced only about 2-fold from about 318 s(-1) with template A to about 165 s(-1) for template 2AP. Discrimination is due to the high selectivity in the initial nucleotide-binding step. T4 DNA polymerase binding to DNA with 2AP in the template position induces formation of a nucleotide binding pocket that is preshaped to bind dTTP and to exclude other nucleotides. If nucleotide binding is hindered, initiation of the proofreading pathway acts as an error avoidance mechanism to prevent incorporation of incorrect nucleotides.  相似文献   

The DNA polymerases (gp43s) of the two related phages T4 and RB69 are DNA-binding proteins that also function as mRNA-binding autogenous translational repressors. As repressors, T4 gp43 is narrowly specific to its own mRNA whereas RB69 gp43 is equally effective against mRNA for either protein. We used in vitro RNase-sensitivity and RNA footprinting assays to identify features of the non-identical T4 and RB69 mRNA targets (translational operators) that allow for their identical binding affinities and biological responses to RB69 gp43. We observed that T4 gp43 and RB69 gp43 produce identical footprints on RNA substrates bearing the T4-derived operator, suggesting that the two gp43s make identical contacts with this operator. In contrast, the footprint produced by RB69 gp43 on its autogenous RNA target was shorter than its footprint on operator RNA from T4. As expected, we also observed only weak protection of RB69-derived operator RNA from RNase by T4 gp43; however, photocross-linking studies suggested that T4 gp43 recognizes structural features of the RB69-derived operator that are not detected by RNase- sensitivity assays. The results suggest that RB69 gp43 and T4 gp43 differ in their abilities to use RNA-sequence-independent interactions to configure potential RNA targets for translational repression.  相似文献   

Hariharan C  Reha-Krantz LJ 《Biochemistry》2005,44(48):15674-15684
The fluorescence of the base analogue 2-aminopurine (2AP) was used to probe bacteriophage T4 DNA polymerase-induced conformational changes in the template strand produced during the nucleotide incorporation and proofreading reactions. 2AP fluorescence in DNA is quenched by 2AP interactions with neighboring bases, but T4 DNA polymerase binding to DNA substrates labeled with 2AP in the templating position produces large increases in fluorescence intensity. Fluorescence lifetime studies were performed to characterize the fluorescent complexes. Three fluorescence lifetime components were observed for unbound DNA substrates as reported previously, but T4 DNA polymerase binding modulated the amplitudes of these components and created a new, highly fluorescent 10.5 ns component. Experimental evidence for correlation of fluorescence lifetimes with functionally distinct complexes was obtained by forming complexes under different reaction conditions. T4 DNA polymerase complexes were formed with DNA substrates with matched and mismatched primer ends and with A+T- or G+C-rich primer-terminal regions. dTTP was added to binary complexes to form ternary DNA polymerase-DNA-nucleotide complexes. The effect of temperature on complex formation was studied, and complexes were formed with proofreading-defective T4 DNA polymerases. Complexes characterized by the 10.5 ns lifetime were demonstrated to be formed at the crossroads of the primer-extension and proofreading pathways.  相似文献   

Dunlap CA  Tsai MD 《Biochemistry》2002,41(37):11226-11235
Although the use of 2-aminopurine (2-AP) as a probe in stopped-flow analyses of DNA polymerase beta (Pol beta) had provided important mechanistic insight, the conditions used were limited by the location of 2-AP and the use of a combination of tryptophan (Trp) and 2-AP fluorescence. This study examined different DNA substrates to identify several factors that can affect the observed signal in stopped-flow experiments. Both Trp and 2-AP emissions were separately excited and monitored. It was found that both probes show a fast phase and a slow phase of fluorescence changes, but the direction and the amplitude vary greatly between the two probes and between different DNA substrates. Detailed analyses suggested that the location of 2-AP in the template has a significant impact on the fluorescence properties of 2-AP and that a location opposite the incoming dNTP, which has been used in all such studies in the past, is not optimal. In particular, the results show that placing 2-AP one base after the templating base greatly enhances the signal intensity, which suggests a significant change in base stacking interactions at this position during nucleotide incorporation. These results allowed us to derive an improved set of conditions which were then used to reevaluate results from previous reports. It also allows greater freedom in the type of base pairs studied, since 2-AP is not the templating base in the nascent base pair. Kinetic constants were determined for dNTP and catalytic Mg(2+). The results obtained from stopped-flow experiments were compared to results from chemical quench. Stopped flow of incorrect dNTP incorporation and the reverse reaction are also reported, which provide useful information to the mechanism of Pol beta.  相似文献   

DNA polymerases achieve high-fidelity DNA replication in part by checking the accuracy of each nucleotide that is incorporated and, if a mistake is made, the incorrect nucleotide is removed before further primer extension takes place. In order to proofread, the primer-end must be separated from the template strand and transferred from the polymerase to the exonuclease active center where the excision reaction takes place; then the trimmed primer-end is returned to the polymerase active center. Thus, proofreading requires polymerase-to-exonuclease and exonuclease-to-polymerase active site switching. We have used a fluorescence assay that uses differences in the fluorescence intensity of 2-aminopurine (2AP) to measure the rates of active site switching for the bacteriophage T4 DNA polymerase. There are three findings: (i) the rate of return of the trimmed primer-end from the exonuclease to the polymerase active center is rapid, >500 s1; (ii) T4 DNA polymerase can remove two incorrect nucleotides under single turnover conditions, which includes presumed exonuclease-to-polymerase and polymerase-to-exonuclease active site switching steps and (iii) proofreading reactions that initiate in the polymerase active center are not intrinsically processive.  相似文献   

The fluorescence of the base analogue 2-aminopurine (2AP) was used to detect physical changes in the template strand during nucleotide incorporation by the bacteriophage T4 DNA polymerase. Fluorescent enzyme-DNA complexes were formed with 2AP placed in the template strand opposite the primer terminus (the n position) and placed one template position 5' to the primer terminus (the n + 1 position). The fluorescence enhancement for 2AP at the n position was shown to be due to formation of the editing complex, which indicates that the 2AP-T terminal base pair is recognized primarily as a mismatch. 2AP fluorescence at the n + 1 position, however, was a reporter for DNA interactions in the polymerase active center that induce intrastrand base unstacking. T4 DNA polymerase produced base unstacking at the n + 1 position following formation of the phosphodiester bond. Thus, the increase in fluorescence intensity for 2AP at the n + 1 position could be used to measure the nucleotide incorporation rate in primer extension reactions in which 2AP was placed initially at the n + 2 position. Primer extension occurred at the rate of about 314 s(-1). The amount of base unstacking at the template n + 1 position was sensitive to the local DNA sequence. More base unstacking was detected for DNA substrates with an A-T base pair at the primer terminus compared to C-G or G-C base pairs. Since proofreading is also increased by A-T base pairs compared to G-C base pairs at the primer terminus, we propose that base unstacking may provide an opportunity for the DNA polymerase to reexamine the primer terminus.  相似文献   

DNA polymerase (gp43) of phage T4 plays two biological roles, one as an essential DNA binding replication enzyme and the other as an mRNA-specific autogenous translational repressor. Binding of T4 gp43 to its mRNA target (translational operator RNA) interferes with gp43-DNA interactions, but it is unclear how the protein determinants for binding DNA are affected by the dynamics of gp43-mRNA interactions. We have used RB69 gp43, a natural variant of the T4 enzyme whose crystal structure has been determined to identify protein sites that respond to the interaction with specific RNA. We used protein phosphorylation markers, photocross-linking studies, protease sensitivity assays, and mutational analyses to examine the effects of operator RNA on the enzyme's five structural domains (N, exo, palm, fingers, and thumb). Our studies suggest that this RNA affects gp43-DNA interactions through global effects on protein structure that occlude DNA-binding sites but leave the enzyme accessible to interactions with the sliding clamp (RB69 gp45) and possibly other polymerase accessory proteins. We discuss the possible biological significance of putative RNA-binding motifs in the N and palm domains of RB69 gp43.  相似文献   

Purohit V  Grindley ND  Joyce CM 《Biochemistry》2003,42(34):10200-10211
We have investigated conformational transitions in the Klenow fragment polymerase reaction by stopped-flow fluorescence using DNA substrates containing the fluorescent reporter 2-aminopurine (2-AP) on the template strand, either at the templating position opposite the incoming nucleotide (designated the 0 position) or 5' to the templating base (the +1 position). By using both deoxy- and dideoxy-terminated primers, we were able to distinguish steps that accompany ternary complex formation from those that occur during nucleotide incorporation. The fluorescence changes revealed two extremely rapid steps that occur early in the pathway for correct nucleotide incorporation. The first, detectable with the 2-AP reporter at the 0 position, occurs within the first few milliseconds and is associated with dNTP binding. This is followed by a rapid step involving relative movement of the +1 base, detectable when the 2-AP reporter is at the +1 position. Finally, when the primer had a 3'-OH, a fluorescence decrease with a rate equal to the rate of nucleotide incorporation was observed with both 0 and +1 position reporters. When the primer was dideoxy-terminated, the only change observed at the rate expected for nucleotide incorporation had a very small amplitude, suggesting that the rate-limiting conformational change does not produce a large fluorescence change, and is therefore unlikely to involve a significant change in the environment of the fluorophore. Fluorescence changes observed during misincorporation were substantially different from those observed during correct nucleotide incorporation, implying that the conformations adopted during correct and incorrect nucleotide incorporation are distinct.  相似文献   

We have used 2-aminopurine (2AP) as a fluorescent probe in the template strand of a 13/20mer primer/template (D) to detect deoxynucleoside triphosphates (N)-dependent conformational changes exhibited by RB69 DNA polymerase (ED) complexes. The rates and amplitudes of fluorescence quenching depend hyperbolically on the [dTTP] when a dideoxy-primer/template (ddP/T) with 2AP as the templating base (n position) is used. No detectable fluorescence changes occur when a ddP/T with 2AP positioned 5′ to the templating base (n + 1 position) is used. With a deoxy-primer/template (dP/T) with 2AP in the n position, a rapid fluorescence quenching occurs within 2 ms, followed by a second, slower fluorescence quenching with a rate constant similar to base incorporation as determined by chemical quench. With a dP/T having 2AP in the n + 1 position, there is a [dNTP]-dependent fluorescence enhancement that occurs at a rate comparable to dNMP incorporation. Collectively, the results favor a minimal kinetic scheme in which population of two distinct biochemical states of the ternary EDN complex precedes the nucleotidyl transfer reaction. Observed differences between dP/T and ddP/T ternary complexes indicate that the 3′ hydroxyl group of the primer plays a critical role in determining the rate constants of transitions that lead to strong deoxynucleoside triphosphate binding prior to chemistry.  相似文献   

Abasic sites are highly mutagenic lesions in DNA that arise as intermediates in the excision repair of modified bases. These sites are generated by the action of damage-specific DNA glycosylases and are converted into downstream intermediates by the specific activity of apurinic/apyrimidinic endonucleases. Enzymes in both families have been observed in crystal structures to impose deformations on the abasic-site DNA, including DNA kinking and base flipping. On the basis of these apparent protein-induced deformations, we propose that altered conformation and dynamics of abasic sites may contribute to the specificity of these repair enzymes. Previously, measurements of the steady-state fluorescence of the adenine analogue 2-aminopurine (2AP) opposite an abasic site demonstrated that binding of divalent cations could induce a conformational change that increased the accessibility of 2AP to solute quenching [Stivers, J. T. (1998) Nucleic Acids Res. 26, 3837-44]. We have performed time-resolved fluorescence experiments to characterize the states involved in this conformational change. Interpretation of these studies is based on a recently developed model attributing the static and dynamic fluorescence quenching of 2AP in DNA to aromatic stacking and collisional interactions with neighboring bases, respectively (see the preceding paper in this issue). The time-resolved fluorescence results indicate that divalent cation binding shifts the equilibrium of the abasic site between two conformations: a "closed" state, characterized by short average fluorescence lifetime and complex decay kinetics, and an "open" state, characterized by monoexponential decay with lifetime approximately that of the free nucleoside. Because the lifetime and intensity decay kinetics of 2AP incorporated into DNA are sensitive primarily to collisional interactions with the neighboring bases, the absence of dynamic quenching in the open state strongly suggests that the fluorescent base is extrahelical in this conformation. Consistent with this interpretation, time-resolved quenching studies reveal that the open state is accessible to solute quenching by potassium iodide, but the closed state is not. Greater static quenching is observed in the abasic site when the fluorescent base is flanked by 5'- and 3'-thymines than in the context of 5'- and 3'-adenines, indicating that 2AP is more stacked with the neighboring bases in the former sequence. These results imply that the conformation of the abasic site varies in a sequence-dependent manner. Undamaged sequences in which the abasic site is replaced by thymine do not exhibit an open state and have different levels of both static and dynamic quenching than their damaged homologues. These differences in structure and dynamics may be significant determinants of the high specific affinity of repair enzymes for the abasic site.  相似文献   

The methyltransferase, M.EcoKI, recognizes the DNA sequence 5'-AACNNNNNNGTGC-3' and methylates adenine at the underlined positions. DNA methylation has been shown by crystallography to occur via a base flipping mechanism and is believed to be a general mechanism for all methyltransferases. If no structure is available, the fluorescence of 2-aminopurine is often used as a signal for base flipping as it shows enhanced fluorescence when its environment is perturbed. We find that 2-aminopurine gives enhanced fluorescence emission not only when it is placed at the M.EcoKI methylation sites but also at a location adjacent to the target adenine. Thus it appears that 2-aminopurine fluorescence intensity is not a clear indicator of base flipping but is a more general measure of DNA distortion. Upon addition of the cofactor S-adenosyl-methionine to the M.EcoKI:DNA complex, the 2-aminopurine fluorescence changes to that of a new species showing excitation at 345 nm and emission at 450 nm. This change requires a fully active enzyme, the correct cofactor and the 2-aminopurine located at the methylation site. However, the new fluorescent species is not a covalently modified form of 2-aminopurine and we suggest that it represents a hitherto undetected physicochemical form of 2-aminopurine.  相似文献   

Replicative DNA polymerases, as exemplified by the B family polymerases from bacteriophages T4 and RB69, not only replicate DNA but also have the ability to proofread misincorporated nucleotides. Because the two activities reside in separate protein domains, polymerases must employ a mechanism that allows for efficient switching of the primer strand between the two active sites to achieve fast and accurate replication. Prior mutational and structural studies suggested that a beta hairpin structure located in the exonuclease domain of family B polymerases might play an important role in active site switching in the event of a nucleotide misincorporation. We show that deleting the beta hairpin loop in RB69 gp43 affects neither polymerase nor exonuclease activities. Single binding event studies with mismatched primer termini, however, show that the beta hairpin plays a role in maintaining the stability of the polymerase/DNA interactions during the binding of the primer DNA in the exonuclease active site but not on the return of the corrected primer to the polymerase active site. In addition, the deletion variant showed a more stable incorporation of a nucleotide opposite an abasic site. Moreover, in the 2.4 A crystal structure of the beta hairpin deletion variant incorporating an A opposite a templating furan, all four molecules in the crystal asymmetric unit have DNA in the polymerase active site, despite the presence of DNA distortions because of the misincorporation, confirming that the primer strand is not stably bound within the exonuclease active site in the absence of the beta hairpin loop.  相似文献   

We found a synthetic GCGAAAGC fragment with a mobility greater than that of other oligodeoxyribonucleotides in gel electrophoresis to take on a stable hairpin structure possessing two terminal G-C base pairs. The GCGAAAGC sequence is also found in the replication origin of phage G4 single-stranded DNA, but the hairpin structure originally proposed differs from that of the GCGAAAGC fragment we have studied. Possibility of rearrangement of the secondary structure in the replication origin of phage G4 was examined in relation to its replication initiation mechanism.  相似文献   

The effects of the inhibitors 2'3' dideoxythymidine triphosphate (ddTTP) and 1-beta-D-arabinofuranosyl cytosine triphosphate (araCTP) on DNA synthesis in isolated S-phase HeLa S3 nuclei have been examined. These effects are compared with the effects of the same inhibitors in partially purified preparations of DNA polymerases alpha and beta. The effect of ddTTP on partially purified DNA polymerase gamma was also tested. DNA polymerases beta and gamma were very sensitive to ddTTP whereas DNA polymerase alpha and DNA synthesis in isolated nuclei were quite resistant. The synthesis and subsequent ligation of primary DNA pieces ('Okazaki fragments') were not affected by the presence of this inhibitor. DNA synthesis in isolated nuclei and DNA polymerase alpha activity were very sensitive to araCTP whereas DNA polymerase beta was almost totally resistant to the inhibitor. The results indicate a major role for DNA polymerase alpha in DNA replication.  相似文献   



Mortality rates have differed during distemper outbreaks among free-ranging raccoons (Procyon lotor) living around a large Chicago-area zoo, and appeared higher in year 2001 than in 1998 and 2000. We hypothesized that a more lethal variant of the local Canine distemper virus (CDV) lineage had emerged in 2001, and sought the genetic basis that led to increased virulence. However, a more complex model surfaced during preliminary analyses of CDV genomic sequences in infected tissues and of virus isolated in vitro from the raccoons.


Phylogenetic analyses of subgenomic CDV fusion (F) -, phosphoprotein (P) -, and complete hemagglutinin (H) – gene sequences indicated that distinct American CDV lineages caused the distemper epizootics. The 1998 outbreak was caused by viruses that are likely from an old CDV lineage that includes CDV Snyder Hill and Lederle, which are CDV strains from the early 1950's. The 2000 and 2001 viruses appear to stem from the lineage of CDV A75/17, which was isolated in the mid 1970's. Only the 2001 viruses formed large syncytia in brain and/or lung tissue, and during primary isolation in-vitro in Vero cells, demonstrating at least one phenotypic property by which they differed from the other viruses.


Two different American CDV lineages caused the raccoon distemper outbreaks. The 1998 viruses are genetically distant to the 2000/2001 viruses. Since CDV does not cause persistent infections, the cycling of different CDV lineages within the same locale suggests multiple reintroductions of the virus to area raccoons. Our findings establish a precedent for determining whether the perceived differences in mortality rates are actual and attributable in part to inherent differences between CDV strains arising from different CDV lineages.  相似文献   

Alignment of the amino acid (aa) sequences of T7 phage DNA polymerase (DPase), E. coli DNA polymerase I (Pol I) and MS2 phage RNA replicase beta subunit (MS2 Repl) were established by computer-aided methods. The results showed that the entire length (aa's 16-704) of T7 DPase is homologous to Pol I aa's 207-928(C-term) with 21.5% aa identity, and that domains I (aa's-1-311) and II (312-451(C-term] were found to be homologous to each other and to N-terminal region of T7 DPase (aa's 1-250). Thus these enzymes and domains are homologous to one another and must have evolved from a co-ancestral enzyme.  相似文献   

Phage DNA packaging occurs by DNA translocation into a prohead. Terminases are enzymes which initiate DNA packaging by cutting the DNA concatemer, and they are closely fitted structurally to the portal vertex of the prohead to form a ‘packasome’. Analysis among a number of phages supports an active role of the terminases in coupling ATP hydrolysis to DNA translocation through the portal. In phage T4 the small terminase subunit promotes a sequence-specific terminase gene amplification within the chromosome. This link between recombination and packaging suggests a DNA synapsis mechanism by the terminase to control packaging initiation, formally homologous to eukaryotic chromosome segregation.  相似文献   

The kinetics of promoter binding and open complex formation in bacteriophage T7 RNA polymerase was investigated using 2-aminopurine (2-AP) modified promoters. 2-AP serves as an ideal probe to measure the kinetics of open complex formation because its fluorescence is sensitive to both base-unpairing and base-unstacking and to the nature of the neighboring bases. All four 2-AP bases in the TATA box showed an increase in fluorescence with similar kinetics upon binding to the T7 RNA polymerase, indicating that the TATA sequence becomes unpaired in a concerted manner. The 2-AP at -4 showed a peculiarly large increase in fluorescence upon binding to the T7 RNA polymerase. Based on the recent crystal structure of the T7 RNA polymerase-DNA complex, we propose that the large fluorescence increase is due to unstacking of the 2-AP base at -4 from the guanine at -5, during open complex formation. The unstacking may be a critical event in directing and placing the template strand correctly in the T7 RNA polymerase active site upon promoter melting for template directed RNA synthesis. Based on equilibrium fluorescence and stopped-flow kinetic studies, we propose that a fast form of T7 RNA polymerase binds promoter double-stranded DNA by a three-step mechanism. The initial collision complex or a closed complex, ED(c) is formed with a K(d) of 1.8 microm. This complex isomerizes to an open complex, ED(o1), in an energetically unfavorable reaction with an equilibrium constant of 0.12. The ED(o1) further isomerizes to a more stable open complex, ED(o2), with a rate constant around 300 s(-1). Thus, in the absence of the initiating nucleotide, GTP, the overall equilibrium constant for closed to open complex conversion is 0.5 and the net rate of open complex formation is nearly 150 s(-1).  相似文献   

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