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Summary A simple method based upon the use of a Tn5 derivative, Tn5-Lux, has been devised for the introduction and stable expression of the character of bioluminescence in a variety of gram-negative bacteria. In Tn5-Lux, the luxAB genes of Vibrio harveyi encoding luciferase are inserted on a SalI-BglII fragment between the kanamycin resistance (Kmr) gene and the right insertion sequence. The transposon derivative was placed on a transposition suicide vehicle by in situ recombination with the Tn5 suicide vector pGS9, to yield pDB30. Mating between Escherichia coli WA803 (pDB30) and a strain from our laboratory, Pseudomonas sp. RB100C, gave a Kmr transfer frequency of 10-6 per recipient, a value 10 times lower than that obtained with the original suicide vehicle pGS9. Tn5-Lux was also introduced by insertion mutagenesis in other strains of gram-negative soil bacteria. The bioluminescence marker was expressed in the presence of n-decanal, and was monitored as chemiluminescence in a liquid scintillation counter. The recorded light intensities were fairly comparable among the strains, and ranged between 0.2 to 1.8x106 cpm for a cell density of 103 colony forming units/ml. Nodules initiated by bioluminescent strains of Rhizobium leguminosarum on two different hosts were compared for intensity of the bioluminescence they produced.  相似文献   

The ability of the bacterial transposon Tn5 to undergo sequence inversion in Rec+ Escherichia coli cells as a result of recombination between its duplicated IS50 elements was examined using specially designed plasmid constructs. Surprisingly, recombination events in the IS50 elements that led to crossover and therefore Tn5 inversion could be detected at a frequency of only 10–5. This was approximately an order of magnitude lower than the frequency of IS50 recombination that led to conversion events (i.e. non-reciprocal recombination) without crossover, and at least two orders of magnitude lower than the frequency of intermolecular recombination between IS50 elements on two different plasmids. These rare conversion and inversion events in Tn5 appeared to be due to intramolecular recombination and not simply to multiple rounds of reciprocal crossing over, since the heterodimeric intermediates that would be generated during the latter process could be readily isolated but were shown to yield a completely different set of plasmid products upon resolution.  相似文献   

Summary R-prime plasmids carrying regions of the symbiotic (Sym) plasmid of the broad host range Rhizobium strain NGR234 were isolated in intergeneric matings with Escherichia coli K12. Three R-primes carrying approximately 180 kb (pMN23), 220 kb (pMN31) and 330 kb (pMN49) of Sym DNA were characterized in more detail. Restriction enzyme analysis and hybridization studies showed that these R-primes carried large overlapping regions of the Sym plasmid, and had the symbiotic genes (two copies of nifH, D and K; nodA, B, C and D; region II; host specific nodulation (hsn) genes) located over half of the 470 kb Sym plasmid. Only the largest of these R-primes (pMN49) contained the complete nodulation host range of the original parent strain NGR234. This broad host range was shown to be present on plasmid pMN49 by being expressed in Agrobacterium tumefaciens strain A136. Furthermore the R-prime plasmids were shown to contain different regions of distinctive host specific nodulation (hsn) for tropical legume infection and for the nodulation of the non-legume Parasponia. Nodulation of soybeans, however, required an additional region that was not essential for the nodulation of other tropical legumes. Strain NGR234 was also found to nodulate the stem and roots of the tropical legume Sesbania rostrata at a very low efficiency. However, the R-prime mini Sym plasmid constructions enabled a greater efficiency of nodulation of Sesbania rostrata to occur.  相似文献   

Summary We have characterized severalMyxococcus xanthus mutants in which carotenoid synthesis is affected. Six of them produce carotenoids in the absence of visible light, an absolute requirement for carotenogenesis in wild-type strains, and thus will be referred to as constitutive mutants. The six corresponding mutations have been mapped by transductional analysis mediated by linked Tn5 insertions. Five of the mutations have been localized to a single locus, closely linked to Tn5 insertion ΩMR136 and loosely linked to ΩDK4611. The sixth mutation, present in strain MR7, is linked to Tn5 insertion ΩMR134. Another Tn5 insertion site (ΩDK2836) has been characterized and found to be linked to the MR7 colour mutation and to ΩMR134. Darkor light-grown cultures of strains carrying the Tn5 insertion ΩDK2836 do not produce carotenoids even if they simultaneously carry any of the constitutive mutations.  相似文献   

【目的】研究青海干旱地区蚕豆根瘤菌的遗传多样性,获得与蚕豆品种共生匹配且具有耐旱性的根瘤菌株,促进蚕豆耐旱根瘤菌在青海干旱地区生产中的应用。【方法】以分离自青海干旱地区一株菌株QHCD22为材料,利用细菌形态学、生理生化指标鉴定、Biolog细菌鉴定系统、16S rRNA基因序列分析、全基因组分析等进行菌种鉴定和系统发育分析,进一步通过PEG6000模拟干旱胁迫、盆栽回接干旱胁迫处理及旱作田间接种验证试验对该菌株的耐旱性进行综合评价。【结果】QHCD22菌株属快生型根瘤菌属(Rhizobium),Rhizobium indicum种。随着PEG6000模拟干旱胁迫程度的加剧,在−0.6 mPa这一更低渗透势时菌株存活数量增高,浊度由61.48%上升到69.42%,表现出较强的耐旱性。盆栽试验表明,接种根瘤菌处理(NA)的株高、植株鲜干比、根瘤数、根瘤鲜重、叶绿素含量(SPAD)、叶片相对含水量(RWC)、脯氨酸含量(PRO)、超氧化物歧化酶活性(SOD)、根系活力(TCC)均高于不接种根瘤菌处理(NN),并且在正常供水条件下,NA处理的各指标也均高于NN处理。旱作田间验证试验表明接种该菌株显著提高固氮酶活性,青海13号蚕豆根瘤固氮酶活性由不接种的42.07 C2H4 nmol/(g·h)显著增加到221.78 C2H4 nmol/(g·h),青蚕14号蚕豆由40.60 C2H4 nmol/(g·h)显著增加到109.78 C2H4 nmol/(g·h),马牙蚕豆由33.41 C2H4 nmol/(g·h)显著增加到643.15 C2H4 nmol/(g·h)。接种根瘤菌对于增加产量具有促进作用,其中青蚕14号的增产效果显著,增产幅度达32.3%。【结论】QHCD22菌株可能为快生型根瘤菌属的一个种Rhizobium indicum,具有一定的耐旱性,研究表明接种根瘤菌可以提高蚕豆的耐旱性,尤其对干旱敏感型蚕豆品种增产效果显著,具有潜在的应用前景。  相似文献   

The bleomycin resistance gene (ble) of transposon Tn5 is known to decrease the death rate of Escherichia coli during stationary phase. Bleomycin is a DNA-damaging agent and bleomycin resistance is produced by improved DNA repair which also requires the host genes aidC and polA coding, respectively, for an alkylation-inducible gene product and DNA polymerase I. In the absence of the drug, this DNA repair system is believed to cause the slower death rate of bleomycin-resistant bacteria. In this study, the effect of ble and aidC genes on the viability of bacteria and their growth rate in chemostat competitions was studied. The results indicate, that bleomycin-resistant bacteria display greater fitness under these conditions. Another beneficial effect of transposon Tn5 had been previously attributed to the insertion sequence IS50R. We were not able to reproduce this result with IS50R, however, the complete transposon was beneficial under similar conditions. Moreover, we showed the Tn5 fitness effect to be aidC-dependent. The ble gene was discovered after the fitness effect of IS50R had been established; it has not previously been considered to mediate the beneficial effect of Tn5. This possibility is discussed based on the molecular mechanism of bleomycin resistance.  相似文献   

Thirty Tn5- or Tn1831-induced nodulation (nod) mutants of Rhizobium leguminosarum were examined for their genetic and symbiotic properties. Thirteen mutants contained a deletion in Sym plasmid pRL1JI. These deletions cover the whole nod region and are 50 kb in size. All remaining seventeen mutations are located in a 6.6 kb EcoRI nod fragment of the Sym plasmid. Mutations in a 3.5 kb part on the right hand side of this 6.6 kb fragment completely prevent nodulation on Vicia sativa. All mutants in this 3.5 kb area are unable to induce marked root hair curling and thick and short roots.Mutations in a 1.5 kb area on the left hand side of the 6.6 kb nod fragment generate other symbiotic defects in that nodules are only rarely formed and only so after a delay of several days. Moreover, infection thread formation is delayed and root hair curling is more excessive than that caused by the parental strain. Their ability to induce thick and short roots is unaltered.Mutations in this 1.5 kb region are not complemented by pRmSL26, which carries nod genes of R. meliloti, whereas mutations in the 3.5 kb region are all complemented by pRmSL26.Abbreviations Rps repression of production of small bacteriocin - Mep medium bacteriocin production - Nod nodulation - Fix fixation - Tsr thick and short roots - Flac root hair curling - Hsp host specificity - Flad root hair deformation - Tc tetracycline - Km kanamycin - Cm chloramphenicol - Sp spectinomycin - Sm streptomycin - R resistant  相似文献   

Summary The hemA gene which encodes -aminolaevulinic acid synthase (ALAS), was cloned and characterized from the broad host-range Rhizobium strain NGR234. A cosmid, identified by hybridization with the cloned gene of R. meliloti and complementation of an R. meliloti hemA mutant, was subcloned to yield a 5.5 kb fragment containing the entire NGR234 gene. A physical-genetic map was made and the interposon was introduced into a single EcoRI site which bisects the gene. The mutated gene was homogenotized into NGR234 to generate a hemA mutant, with a view to evaluating the role of rhizobial bacteroid ALAS activity for a wide variety of legume symbioses. The mutant strain formed an ineffective (Fix) symbiosis with all tested host plants. These included tropical legumes that produce either indeterminate (Leucaena) or determinate (Desmodium, Macroptilium, Lablab, Vigna) root nodules.Abbreviations ALA -aminolaevulinic acid - ALAS aminolaevulinic acid synthase - Lb leghaemoglobin - Lb-haem haem moiety of leghaemoglobin  相似文献   

陈璇  毛铃雅  王钦  王红宁  雷昌伟 《微生物学报》2023,63(11):4133-4143
转座子是介导细菌耐药性传播的重要可移动遗传元件。Tn7转座子与细菌耐药密切相关,其携带转座模块和Ⅱ类整合子系统。Tn7编码转座相关蛋白TnsABCDE进行“剪切-粘贴”机制转座,转座核心TnsABC也可与三链DNA或Cas-RNA复合物结合实现转座。近年来新发现了多种介导多重耐药的Tn7转座子,其在介导细菌抗生素、消毒剂和重金属抗性基因的获得、传播扩散等方面发挥了重要作用。本文综述了细菌中Tn7转座子的遗传结构、转座机制、流行以及新发现的介导多重耐药的Tn7转座子,以期为细菌中Tn7转座子的深入研究提供参考。  相似文献   

Summary Rhizobium and Bradyrhizobium bacteria gain intercellular entry into roots of the non-legume Parasponia andersonii by stimulating localized sites of cell division which disrupt the epidermis. Infection threads are then initiated from intercellular colonies within the cortex. Infection via the information of infection threads within curled root hairs, which commonly occurs in legumes, was not observed in Parasponia. The conserved nodulation genes nodABC, necded for the curling of legume root hairs, were not essential for the initiation of infection, however, these genes were required for Parasponia prenodule development. In contrast, the nodD gene of Rhizobium strain NGR234 was essential for the initiation of infection. In addition, successful infection required not only nodD but a region of the NGR234 symbiotic plasmid which is not needed for the nodulation of legumes. Agrobacterium tumefaciens carrying this Parasponia specific region, as well as legume nod genes, was able to form nodules on Parasponia which reached an advanced stage of development.  相似文献   

In the biosynthesis of lipochitin oligosaccharides (LCOs) theRhizobium nodulation protein NodA plays an essential role in the transfer of an acyl chain to the chitin oligosaccharide acceptor molecule. The presence ofnodA in thenodABCIJ operon makes genetic studies difficult to interpret. In order to be able to investigate the biological and biochemical functions of NodA, we have constructed a test system in which thenodA, nodB andnodC genes are separately present on different plasmids. Efficient nodulation was only obtained ifnodC was present on a low-copy-number vector. Our results confirm the notion thatnodA ofRhizobium leguminosarum biovarviciae is essential for nodulation onVicia. Surprisingly, replacement ofR. l. bv.viciae nodA by that ofBradyrhizobium sp. ANU289 results in a nodulation-minus phenotype onVicia. Further analysis revealed that theBradyrhizobium sp. ANU289 NodA is active in the biosynthesis of LCOs, but is unable to direct the transfer of theR. l. bv.viciae nodF E-dependent multi-unsaturated fatty acid to the chitin oligosaccharide acceptor. These results lead to the conclusion that the original notion thatnodA is a commonnod gene should be revised.  相似文献   

A population of Tn5 mutagenised Rhizobium leguminosarum cells was screened for mutants affected in protein secretion by introducing a plasmid carrying the Erwinia chrysanthemi prtB gene and screening for mutants defective in secretion of the protease PrtB. One such mutant (A301) also appeared to be defective in secretion of the R. leguminosarum nodulation protein NodO. Genetic analysis showed that the defect in A301 was caused by the Tn5 insertion. However the DNA sequence adjacent to the site of Tn5 insertion had significant homology to the Escherichia coli polA gene, which encodes DNA polymerase I. The mutant A301 showed increased sensitivity to ultraviolet light, a characteristic of polA mutants of E. coli. The apparent defect in secretion by A301 was due to a large decrease in the copy number of the IncQ group replicon on which prtB and nodO were cloned and this decreased the total amounts of PrtB or NodO protein synthesised and secreted by the polA mutant. The polA mutant had a lower growth rate than the parent strain on both rich and minimal media, but there was no obvious effect of the polA mutation on the symbiosis of R. leguminosarum bv. viciae with pea.  相似文献   

Summary The smp2 mutant of Saccharomyces cerevisiae shows increased stability of the heterologous plasmid pSR1 and YRp plasmids. A DNA fragment bearing the SMP2 gene was cloned by its ability to complement the slow growth of the smp2 smp3 double mutant (smp3 is another mutation conferring increased stability of plasmid pSR1). The nucleotide sequence of SMP2 indicated that it encodes a highly charged 95 kDa protein. Disruption of the genomic SMP2 gene resulted in a respiration-deficient phenotype, although the cells retained mitochondrial DNA, and showed increased stability of pSR1 like the original smp2 mutant. The fact that the smp2 mutant is not always respiration deficient and shows increased pSR1 stability even in a rho 0 strain lacking mitochondrial DNA suggested that the function of the Smp2 protein in plasmid maintenance is independent of respiration. The SMP2 locus was mapped at a site 71 cM from lys7 and 21 cM from ilv2/SMR1 on the right arm of chromosome XIII.  相似文献   

Summary We show that a DNA fragment that contains the uvp1 gene of the plasmid pR directs the synthesis in Escherichia coli minicells of a protein of apparent molecular weight 20 kDa. Inspection of the nucleotide sequence of the region reveals an open reading frame that has the capacity to encode a protein of 198 amino acids. The uvp1 gene product has been found, in two different systems, to enhance the recombination activity of E. coli cells. We have also observed a striking similarity to resolvase and invertase proteins. The significance of this finding for the function of the uvp1 gene product requires further investigation. We conclude that the uvp1 gene encodes a 20 kDa protein which appears to be responsible for enhancement of both UV survival and recominational activity in E. coli.  相似文献   

Summary A Tn5-induced mutant strain of R. phaseoli which failed to synthesize exopolysaccharide (EPS) was isolated and was shown to induce normal nitrogen-fixing nodules on Phaseolus beans, the host of this Rhizobium species. The corresponding wild-type Rhizobium DNA was cloned in a wide host-range vector and by isolating Tn5 insertions in this cloned DNA, mutations in a gene termed pss (polysaccharide synthesis) were isolated. These were introduced by marker exchange into near-isogenic strains of R. leguminosarum and R. phaseoli which differed only in the identity of their symbiotic plasmids. Whereas the EPS-deficient mutant strain of R. phaseoli induced normal nitrogen-fixing nodules on Phaseolus beans, the same mutation prevented nodulation of peas by a strain of R. leguminosarum which normally nodulates this host. Further, it was found that DNA cloned from the plant pathogen Xanthomonas campestris pathover campestris could correct the defect in EPS synthesis in R. leguminosarum and R. phaseoli and also restored the ability to nodulate peas to the pss::Tn5 mutant strain of R. leguminosarum.  相似文献   

Cold stress induces a lag phase in the growth cycle of Rhizobium DDSS69. Two cold sensitive mutants of DDSS69 were generated through Tn5 tagged mutagenesis. These mutants do not grow below 15 degrees C but show a growth curve comparable with the wild type grown at 5 degrees C. There is a rapid induction of two high molecular weight membrane polypeptides of 135 and 119 kDa within 15 min of exposure to 5 degrees C in DDSS69. PAGE membrane protein profiles of stressed and non-stressed cells reveal differential regulation of genes. At 15 degrees C both mutants lack the high molecular weight polypeptides, suggesting a role in alleviation of cold stress.  相似文献   

Host plant specificity was examined in symbiosis between Rhizobium strains isolated from legume-tree root nodules and herbaceous or woody legumes from which they were isolated. Strain GRH2 isolated from Acacia cyanophylla formed effective nodules on Acacia, Prosopis and Medicago sativa as well. Nitrogenase activity, measured as acetylene reduction, of strain GRH2 in symbiosis with Prosopis chilensis was the highest (P 0.05) among the tropical legumes studied and was similar to those found for other associations involving herbaceous legumes. Relative efficiency of nitrogenase varied from 0.3 to near 1 during the light time of the photoperiod. However no hydrogen uptake activity was detected by the amperometric method used. Rhizobium strains GRH3, GRH5 and GRH9 isolated from A. melanoxylon, P. chilensis and Sophora microphylla, respectively, also showed a very low host-range specificity. All isolates were infective and effective on at least one of the herbaceous legumes tested. These data demonstrate the lack of specificity of Rhizobium strains isolated from nitrogen-fixing tree root nodules and that these strains can form effective nodules on herbaceous legumes.  相似文献   

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