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Lines of Merino sheep selected for increased (IRH) and decreased (DRH) resistance to Haemonchus contortus were compared with an unselected (CH) line, after approximately four generations of selection. Measurements were recorded on 69 IRH, 47 DRH and 84 CH animals. Following artificial challenge with H. contortus, the IRH line had significantly (P < 0.001) lower faecal egg counts than the CH and DRH lines (2730,12,720 and 17,400 epg, respectively). Significant differences (P<0.05) were found between all lines in the minimum packed cell volumes during artificial infection (25.7, 22.0 and 20.3%) and in faecal egg counts after natural infection (140, 3590 and 8750 epg). Differences were also recorded (P<0.05) following artificial challenge with Trichostrongylus colubriformis (490, 840 and 1340 epg). On a percentage basis, faecal egg counts in the IRH line deviated less from the CH line following artificial infection with T. colubriformis (42%) than with H. contortus (79%). The reverse was true for the DRH line (60 and 37%, respectively). Differences in egg output of this magnitude should have a marked effect on requirements for anthelmintic treatment, rate of development of drug resistance and level of pasture contamination when the lines are grazed separately.  相似文献   

A genome‐wide scan was performed to detect quantitative trait loci (QTL) for resistance to the gastrointestinal nematode Haemonchus contortus in a double backcross population of Red Maasai and Dorper sheep. The mapping population comprised six sire families, with 1026 lambs in total. The lambs were artificially challenged with H. contortus at about 6.5 months of age, and nine phenotypes were measured: fecal egg count, packed cell volume decline, two weight traits and five worm traits. A subset of the population (342 lambs) was selectively genotyped for 172 microsatellite loci covering 25 of the 26 autosomes. QTL mapping was performed for models which assumed that the QTL alleles were either fixed or segregating within each breed, combined with models with only an additive QTL effect fitted or both additive and dominance QTL effects fitted. Overall, QTL significant at the 1% chromosome‐wide level were identified for 22 combinations of trait and chromosome. Of particular interest are a region of chromosome 26 with putative QTL for all nine traits and a region of chromosome 2 with putative QTL for three traits. Favorable QTL alleles for disease resistance originated in both the Red Maasai and Dorper breeds, were not always fixed within breed and had significant dominance effects in some cases. We anticipate that this study, in combination with follow‐up work and other relevant studies, will help elucidate the biology of disease resistance.  相似文献   

This paper presents results from a mapping experiment to detect quantitative trait loci (QTL) for resistance to Haemonchus contortus infestation in merino sheep. The primary trait analysed was faecal worm egg count in response to artificial challenge at 6 months of age. In the first stage of the experiment, whole genome linkage analysis was used for broad-scale mapping. The animal resource used was a designed flock comprising 571 individuals from four half-sib families. The average marker spacing was about 20 cM. For the primary trait, 11 QTL (as chromosomal/family combinations) were significant at the 5% chromosome-wide level, with allelic substitution effects of between 0.19 and 0.38 phenotypic standard deviation units. In general, these QTL did not have a significant effect on faecal worm egg count recorded at 13 months of age. In the second stage of the experiment, three promising regions (located on chromosomes 1, 3 and 4) were fine-mapped. This involved typing more closely spaced markers on individuals from the designed flock as well as an additional 495 individuals selected from a related population with a deeper pedigree. Analysis was performed using a linkage disequilibrium–linkage approach, under additive, dominant and multiple QTL models. Of these, the multiple QTL model resulted in the most refined QTL positions, with resolutions of <10 cM achieved for two regions. Because of the moderate size of effect of the QTL, and the apparent age and/or immune status specificity of the QTL, it is suggested that a panel of QTL will be required for significant genetic gains to be achieved within industry via marker-assisted selection.  相似文献   

Groups of sheep were infected three times weekly for 15 weeks with infective larvae of Haemonchus contortus at four rates ranging from 600 to 4800 larvae per week. At 3-weekly intervals, sheep from each group were killed for total worm counts after receiving a dose of radiolabelled larvae which enabled a direct measurement of establishment of incoming larvae during the continuing infection. Peak H. contortus burdens were reached between 6 and 9 weeks of infection, and were related to infection rate. In the groups receiving 2400 and 4800 larvae per week, worm numbers then declined rapidly and by the end of the experiment were lower than those in the groups given 600 or 1200 larvae per week. Establishment of incoming larvae was not influenced by infection rate, and declined from 45% in the first 4 weeks of infection to insignificant levels during the final 6 weeks. The proportion of incoming larvae arrested in their development increased as the infection progressed. It was concluded that H. contortus numbers were regulated by development of resistance to infection and by a loss of established worms which was related to the current rate of larval intake, and to the host's previous experience of infection.  相似文献   

In sheep, the traditional chemical control of gastrointestinal nematode (GIN) parasites with anthelmintics has led to the widespread development of anthelmintic resistance. The selection of sheep with enhanced resistance to GIN parasites has been suggested as an alternative strategy to develop sustainable control of parasite infections. Most of the estimations of the genetic parameters for sheep resistance to GIN parasites have been obtained from young animals belonging to meat- and/or wool-specialised breeds. We present here the estimated genetic parameters for four parasite resistance traits studied in a commercial population of adult Spanish Churra dairy ewes. These involved two faecal egg counts (FECs) (LFEC0 and LFEC1) and two serum indicator traits, the anti-Teladorsagia circumcincta fourth stage larvae IgA (IgA) and the pepsinogen (Peps) levels. In addition, this study has allowed us to identify the environmental factors influencing parasite resistance in naturally infected Spanish Churra sheep and to quantify the genetic component of this complex phenotype. The heritabilities estimated for the two FECs analysed (0.12 for LFEC0 and 0.09 for LFEC1) were lower than those obtained for the examined serum indicators (0.19 for IgA and 0.21 for Peps). The genetic correlations between the traits ranged from 0.43 (Peps-IgA) to 0.82 (LFEC0-LFEC1) and were higher than their phenotypic counterparts, which ranged between 0.07 and 0.10. The heritabilities estimated for the studied traits were lower than previously reported in lambs. This may be due to the differences in the immune mechanisms controlling the infection in young (antibody reactions) and adult (hypersensitivity reactions) animals/sheep. In summary, this study demonstrates the presence of heritable variation in parasite resistance indicator traits in the Churra population studied, which suggests that genetic improvement is feasible for this complex trait in this population. However, further studies in which the experimental variables are controlled as much as possible are needed to identify the best trait that could be measured routinely in adult sheep as an indicator of parasite resistance.  相似文献   

Florida Native sheep is among the sheep breeds best adapted to humid and hot climatic conditions such as those of Florida, USA, and have shown a superior ability to regulate nematode burdens. This is one of the oldest sheep breeds in North America and is an endangered species. To ensure genetic diversity and long-term survival of the breed, protection of the current genetic stock is critical and conservation efforts are required to promote its breeding and production. The objective of the present study was to investigate the importance of additive and non-additive genetic effects on resistance to natural Haemonchus contortus infections in Florida Native sheep using a whole genome scan. A total of 200 sheep were evaluated in the present study. Phenotypic records included faecal egg count (FEC, eggs/gram), FAMACHA® score, packed cell volume (PCV, %), body condition score and average daily gain (ADG, kg). Sheep were genotyped using the GGP Ovine 50K SNP chip and 45.2 k single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers spanning the entire genome were available for quality control procedures. Mixed models were used to analyse the response variables and included the identity by state matrix to control for population structure. Bonferroni correction was used to control for multiple testing and a second arbitrary threshold (0.1 × 10?3) was used. Fifteen SNPs with additive and non-additive genetic effects and located in Ovis aries chromosome OAR1, 2, 3, 6, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13 and 21 were associated with FEC, FAMACHA® score, PCV and ADG. These SNPs could be potential genetic markers for resistance to natural H. contortus exposure in Florida Native sheep.  相似文献   

Polymorphic bands were detected within the DQB and DRB regions of the ovine major histocompatibility complex by probing TaqI digested DNA from three large sheep half-sib families derived from a highly resistant ram. All animals were phenotypically assessed for Haemonchus contortus resistance by faecal egg counts and associations with RFLP bands and haplotypes were estimated using mixed model, best linear unbiased prediction statistical methods. Although the highly resistant sire was homozygous at the MHC, no significant associations were found between any band or haplotype and faecal egg count.  相似文献   

Gastrointestinal nematode parasitism is the most important disease affecting livestock production systems in developing countries, particularly small ruminant production systems. Of particular importance are infections with the strongyle Haemonchus contortus. Integrated disease control strategies are required, including improved management, nutrition and wise use of anthelmintic chemicals. Increasingly, selection of sheep or goats for improved nematode resistance is viewed as a valuable option to complement other control measures. Breeding for resistance is possible because of the existence of extensive genetic variation in resistance, both within and between breeds of sheep and goats. Such breeding schemes are most likely to be based on choice of appropriate breeds adapted to the local environmental conditions, followed by phenotypic selection for resistance. Goal and selection objective traits are likely to include performance (e.g. growth rate) under conditions of parasite challenge, faecal egg count (FEC) and measures of anaemia. With current technologies, genetic markers are likely to be too expensive and logistically difficult to incorporate into breeding schemes in tropical or developing countries. Genotype by environment interactions may be expected, particularly when comparing animals in environments that differ in the extent of parasite challenge or differ in the quality of available nutrition. However, there is no reason to expect antagonistic genetic relationships between performance and resistance, and selection indices should be readily constructed that improve both performance and resistance. If FEC is decreased, then pasture contamination should also decrease, leading to additional benefits for all sheep grazing the same pasture. Finally, breeding for nematode resistance should lead to lasting and sustained improvements in resistance or tolerance. There is no empirical evidence to suggest that nematodes will evolve rapidly in response to resistant hosts, and mathematical models based on genetic and biological principles also suggest that resistance should be sustainable.  相似文献   

以热带地区主栽品种博优225和矮糯为材料,采用盆栽试验研究了不同水稻品种对土壤外源重金属Cd胁迫的耐性机理。结果表明:在各浓度镉胁迫下,2个品种水稻都是根累积的镉含量要高于茎叶和稻壳、糙米,即根>茎叶>稻壳>糙米;随着镉胁迫浓度的增加,细胞膜受损的伤害程度越大,矮糯质膜透性略高于博优225;随着Cd浓度的升高,水稻叶片丙二醛(MDA)、脯氨酸含量逐渐增加,且博优225的增加幅度明显大于矮糯,超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)和过氧化物酶(POD)活性均呈上升趋势,且博优225明显高于矮糯;过氧化氢酶(CAT)活性呈下降趋势;表明同样条件下博优225受Cd毒害更严重。  相似文献   

Development of anthclmintic resistance in nematodes from sheep in Australia subjected to different treatment frequencies. International Journal for Parasitology13: 125–132. In a three year (1978, 1979, 1980) field experiment in south-eastern Australia Merino weaner sheep were exposed to one of four worm control programmes. Sheep were treated either 50–51 times, 9–12 times, 3–6 times or 1–3 times annually with anthelmintic. Thiabendazole (TBZ) was used throughout 1978 and for the initial dose in 1980, levamisole (LEV) throughout 1979 and 1980. Sheep were replaced annually each December.During 1978 in vitro egg hatch tests indicated that populations of Haemonchus contenus with resistance factors to TBZ of 10·7, 10·0, 2.5 and 1·8 respectively were selected by these treatment frequencies. No resistance to LEV was detected in 1979 but during 1980 in vivo egg count reduction tests showed that highly resistant populations of Ostertagia spp. were selected in sheep dosed either 49 or 11 times. This was confirmed by an in vitro larval paralysis test. Partial resistance occurred where sheep were dosed 5 times but not where one dose was given. The only population of H. conlortus still present at the end of 1980 in sufficient numbers to allow eggs to be tested in vitro was from the sheep dosed once. This had retained its resistance to TBZ.  相似文献   

The aim of this research was to investigate how growth hormone (GH) cortisol and some haematochemical parameters could be modified by the stress caused by the stages of shearing in Sarda breed sheep. Five groups of 10 sheep each were formed. Group A, only separated from the flock; Group B, only tied; Group C, both tied and shorn (animals in these three groups were ewe lambs shorn for the first time); Group D, adult females both tied and shorn; and Group E, adult entire males both tied and shorn (animals in these two groups had been shorn previously). Five blood samples were taken from each animal: the day before treatment (first sample); at the start of the treatment (second sample); in the middle of shearing for Groups C, D and E, 10 min after separation in Group A and 10 min after tying in Group B (third sample); at the end of treatment (fourth sample); and on the day after treatment (fifth sample). Plasma GH levels showed a decrease (P < 0.01) in Groups A, B, C and D during treatment (third and fourth samples), while Group E only at the end of shearing (fourth sample). In the third sample, the highest GH levels were recorded for Group E (P < 0.05), while it was recorded in the fourth sample for Groups A and E (P < 0.05). Cortisol levels showed a clear increase (P < 0.01) in all groups during treatment, but Group A showed a decrease in the fourth sample in comparison to the third sample. Males in the second, third and fourth sample and Group A only in the fourth sample showed lower cortisol levels when compared with the other groups (P < 0.05). Plasma glucose levels showed an increase (P < 0.01) in all groups during treatment but Groups B, C and E showed the highest values (P < 0.05). Magnesium (Mg) showed an increase in all groups in the third and fourth sample, while sodium (Na), in the same samples, only in Groups B, C and D. Potassium (K) values showed a significant decrease (P < 0.05) only in Groups C and D at the end of shearing. These results show that GH secretion is influenced by all the stress procedure: separation, tying and shearing. Shearing, even if necessary for animals, causes a significant change of the blood parameters involved in the stress response.  相似文献   

This experiment was designed to study, over a 5-year-period, the effect of different frequencies of treatment with three different anthelmintic groups, namely, benzimidazoles, levamisole and ivermectin, and different frequencies of alternation between them, on existing levels of anthelmintic resistance in the nematode parasites Haemonchus contortus and Trichostrongylus colubriformis of grazing sheep. No evidence of ivermectin resistance emerged, even in suppressively treated groups. Likewise, H. contortus failed to develop resistance to levamisole under a similar selection regimen. Thiabendazole was shown to select positively against levamisole resistance in T. colubriformis resulting in significantly greater susceptibility to this drug than for the natural reversion which occurred in the untreated control. There was no evidence that an anthelmintic treatment combined with a movement of sheep to pastures of low infectivity selected more rapidly for resistance than where the same number of treatments were given to set-stocked sheep. Rotation between anthelmintic groups at yearly intervals appeared to be more beneficial in delaying resistance than rotation of drugs with each treatment.  相似文献   

The influence of exposure to stressors on cortisol and the non-specific immune traits lysozyme and serum haemolytic activity were examined in second generation rainbow trout ( Oncorhynchus mykiss ) selected for either high or low serum cortisol level following a confinement stress. Lysozyme and serum haemolytic activity were also assessed, together with levels of specific antibodies against Aeromonas salmonicida A-layer, Vibrio salmonicida O-antigen and Vibrio anguillarum O-antigen, following injection of vaccines against these pathogens.
Significant differences in mean cortisol levels between the two selection lines were observed, but in only one of two stress experiments was the 'high-stress' line found to have the higher cortisol level; in the other experiment the 'high-stress' line had significantly lower cortisol levels than the 'low-stress' line. Lysozyme levels were in four of four assessments higher in the high-stress line than in the low-stress line, whereas components of serum haemolytic activity tended to be lower in the high-stress line than in the low-stress line. Levels of specific antibodies against all three bacterial pathogens were elevated following the injection of the vaccines. Only antibody production against A. salmonicida A-layer was significantly different between the two lines, the higher production of antibody being in the high-stress line.  相似文献   

The effects of confinement and exercise on the stress response of the spiny damselfish Acanthochromis polyacanthus were investigated in a laboratory stock of fish. Cultured spiny damselfish had basal plasma cortisol values (<16 ng ml−1) similar to those found in wild fish, and basal plasma glucose and lactate levels that were similar to those found in other teleosts. Plasma cortisol concentrations increased in response to stress with a latency period of 5–10 min. Removal of the stressor resulted in partial recovery of cortisol levels by 24 h. Plasma glucose levels increased in response to stress in all experiments with significant increases occurring within 15 min of the imposition of stress. Elevations in plasma glucose concentrations were not initially reflected in changes in liver or muscle glycogen content, with significant reductions in liver glycogen concentrations only occurring in response to extended periods of stress. In contrast to many temperate species, plasma lactate concentrations did not consistently increase in response to stress, suggesting that the stress response in spiny damselfish is not strongly characterized by anaerobiosis.  相似文献   

In the present study we describe a novel mechanism by which populations, in an interplay between physiology and behaviour, can evolve adaptation to environmental extremes. Comparing Drosophila populations from different climate zones, we found diel shifts in high temperature resistance after maintenance at 25 °C for several generations. Resistance changes that co-occurred with field and laboratory activity of the populations are controlled by the physiological clock and appear to be a consequence of local adaptation to the thermal profiles of the environment of origin.  相似文献   

This study investigated the effect of water restriction on wool and blood cortisol concentrations and water consumption patterns in heat-stressed sheep. Nine Corriedale female sheep (average BW=43±6.5 kg) were individually fed diets based on maintenance requirement in metabolic crates. They were assigned to three treatments according to a Latin square design (3×3) for three periods with a 21-day duration for each period (nine sheep per treatment). Treatments included free access to water (FAW), 2 h water restriction (2hWR) and 3 h water restriction (3hWR) after feeding. Average temperature–humidity index in the experimental room was 27.9 throughout the experiment that defines heat stress conditions. Wool samples were taken at the end of each period on day 21. No differences were found in cortisol concentration in each fragment (dried, washed and residual extract) of wool (P<0.05). Total wool cortisol concentration was higher in the 3hWR group than the other treatments (P<0.05). Blood cortisol was not different among the treatments (P>0.05) and resulted in higher variable data compared with wool cortisol. Blood neutrophils and neutrophil/lymphocyte ratio suppressed in FAW and 3hWR groups compared with the 2hWR group (P<0.05). The duration of water consumption recorded after feeding in the 3hWR group was higher than in the 2hWR group when recorded in the afternoon (P<0.01). Water consumption rate was higher in the 3hWR group than in the 2hWR group (P<0.01). However, total water consumed was lower in the 3hWR group compared with other treatments (P>0.05). It can be concluded that wool cortisol provides more precise and accurate data than blood cortisol during heat stress conditions. Water restriction for 3 h after feeding can act as a stressor and is critical for sheep during heat stress as the consumption of water decreases with restriction.  相似文献   

A study was conducted to assess the biological ability of Malpura rams to counter heat stress challenges and its impact on the productive performance in a semi-arid tropical environment. The eighteen adult Malpura rams (average body weight 55.0 kg) were divided into two groups, GI (n = 9; Control) and GII (n = 9; heat stress). The study was conducted for a period of 60 days. The results showed that body weight, body condition score, heart girth and feed intake were significantly (p < 0.05) lower in GII as compared to GI rams. The physiological responses i.e. respiration rate, pulse rate, rectal temperature and sweating rate (body and scrotum) were significantly (p < 0.05) higher in rams exposed to heat stress. Among the endocrine parameters, plasma T3, T4 and testosterone concentrations were significantly (p < 0.05) lower in GII rams, while cortisol concentration was significantly (p < 0.05) higher in GII rams. In addition, heat stress significantly (p < 0.05) reduced semen volume, total sperm motility, sperm concentration and progressive sperm motility in GII rams. The results indicated that Malpura rams adapted to the heat stress condition, however, while doing so their production performances were compromised.  相似文献   

An experimental population (1216 lambs from 30 sires) of the Inra401 sheep was created in an Inra flock to allow QTL detection for susceptibility to Salmonella infection, wool and carcass traits. The Inra401 is a sheep composite line developed from two breeds: Berrichon du Cher and Romanov. At 113 days of age on average, the lambs were inoculated intravenously with 108 Salmonella abortusovis Rv6 (vaccinal strain). They were slaughtered 10 days after the inoculation. Several traits were measured at inoculation and/or slaughtering to estimate the genetic resistance of the lambs to Salmonella infection: specific IgM and IgG1 antibody titres, body weight loss, spleen and pre-scapular node weights and counts of viable Salmonella persisting in these organs. This paper presents a quantitative analysis of the genetic variability of the traits related to salmonellosis susceptibility. The heritabilities of the traits varied between 0.10 and 0.64 (significantly different from zero). Thus, in sheep as well as in other species, the determinism of resistance to Salmonella infection is under genetic control. Moreover, the correlations between the traits are in agreement with the known immune mechanisms. The genetic variability observed should help QTL detection.  相似文献   

Correlated responses to artificial selection for stress tolerance can provide insight into underlying genetic variation and the physiological basis of stress resistance . Lines of Drosophila melanogaster held in the absence of food or with an unsuitable resource, specifically decomposing lemon, responded to selection by becoming starvation resistant. The lemon-selected lines also adapted by evolving a resource-based induction response. Compared to control lines, the selected lines tended to store more lipid, develop slower and have a larger body size. Additional responses included resistance to desiccation and acetone fumes, suggesting multiple stress resistance is a correlated result of selection for starvation resistance. The specific metabolic rate was lower in the starvation selected lines and enzyme activities changed in response to selection. In particular, enzyme activities indirectly associated with lipid biogenesis increased in both types of selected lines. The correlated responses to the two selection regimes were sufficiently consistent to indicate a common basis for starvation resistance. Specific responses to starvation selection appeared to oppose the short-term phenotypic responses to starvation. Thus, a common response to stress selection may be to ameliorate the immediate physiological impact of the stress factor.  相似文献   

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