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【目的】筛选5龄飞蝗不同发育时间的最适内参基因,为相关研究提供基础数据。【方法】本文选取β-肌动蛋白(β-actin)、延长因子(EF-1α)、3-磷酸甘油醛脱氢酶(GAPDH)、核糖体蛋白49(RP49)、α-微管蛋白(α-Tubulin)和18S核糖体RNA(18S rRNA)基因作为候选内参基因,运用实时定量PCR(qPCR)方法研究各基因在5龄飞蝗不同发育时间的相对表达量,用geNorm与Normfmder软件分析这6个基因表达稳定性。【结果】geNorm分析结果显示6个内参基因表达稳定度M值顺序为:β-actin(0.3720)>RP49(0.3750)>α-Tubulin(0.4030)>18S rRNA(0.4270)>EF-1α(0.4970)>GAPDH(0.6040)。M值越小表示基因表达稳定度越高,同时geNorm软件以标准化因子配对差异值(Pairwise variations)0.15默认为取舍值,由于V2/3=0.098<0.15,所以最适内参基因数目为2个。运用NormFinder软件也得出相似的结果。【结论】β-actin与RP49为5龄飞蝗不同发育时间的最适内参基因。  相似文献   

绿豆象Callosobruchus chinensis是一种世界性分布的害虫,对绿豆、豇豆等豆科作物的产量与品质造成严重影响。本研究旨在筛选出适合分析绿豆象不同发育阶段以及成虫不同组织中稳定表达的内参基因,根据绿豆象转录组测序以及相关参考文献报道,筛选出8个候选内参基因(β-Actin、β-Tubulin、α-Tubulin、AK、GAPDH、RPL40、Hsc70、eEF1-α),采用qRT-PCR技术分析在绿豆象不同发育阶段(幼虫、蛹、雌雄成虫)以及成虫不同组织中的(触角、头、腹、足、翅)各候选基因的表达量;利用GeNorm、NormFinder、BestKeeper和在线网站RefFinder并结合△Ct值评估8个候选内参基因的稳定性。结果显示,在绿豆象不同发育阶段以及成虫不同组织中,各候选内参基因Ct值和跨度均不同,表明各候选内参基因表达量存在差异。不同算法综合比较内参基因稳定性以及GeNorm软件最佳内参基因数目的分析显示,在绿豆象虫不同发育阶段中推荐采用β-Act、β-Tub作为内参基因,而在绿豆象成虫不同组织中推荐采用β-Tub、α-Tub作为内参基因,这有利于在绿豆象的...  相似文献   

火龙果溃疡病是由火龙果溃疡病菌引起的重要真菌病害,近年来在世界火龙果产区的爆发严重影响了火龙果产业的发展。为研究火龙果溃疡病菌响应逆境胁迫的基因表达和功能,需要筛选火龙果溃疡病菌在各种条件下表达稳定的内参基因。以火龙果溃疡病菌菌株LJ02为研究对象,以在马铃薯葡萄糖液体培养基(PDW)培养的菌丝体为对照组,以在LB培养基培养的菌丝体和分别在添加过氧化氢、吡唑醚菌酯和苯醚甲环唑的PDW培养的菌丝体为处理组。利用实时荧光定量PCR技术以及内参基因稳定性评估软件(geNorm、NormFinder、Bestkeeper和RefFinder),评估18个候选内参基因(CYT1、SDH2_1、TBCC、SUI1、RPL19、PPH、ATP5B、UBE2_16、RPL13、UBE2_2、PRS17、SUCLA2、ATP5A、TUB1_2、ACT1、EFTU、EF1A和GAPDH)的表达稳定性。结果显示,火龙果溃疡病菌的18个候选基因在上述培养条件下的Ct值介于14.80-24.66之间,表达水平适中;稳定性最高的内参基因是CYT1,其次为SUI1,GAPDH和ACT1的稳定性最差;最少使用2个内参...  相似文献   

实时荧光定量PCR中内参基因的选择   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
实时荧光定量PCR技术是分析基因表达谱的一种常用方法,在分析中选择合适的内参基因对数据进行校正是得到可信数据的关键。以Lactobacillus helveticus H9为研究对象,应用实时荧光定量PCR技术,评价了5种常用内参基因ldh、recA、rpoB、gapdh和16S rRNA的表达稳定性,通过geNorm和NormFinder程序进行数据分析,结果表明5个候选内参基因在菌株不同的发酵时间点表达相对都较为稳定,结合两种分析得到其中最为稳定的基因是ldh,适合于用作后续实时荧光定量PCR试验中的内参基因。  相似文献   

为筛选表达稳定的内参基因,以红苞凤梨(Ananas comosus var.bracteatus)不同发育时期的全绿、全白苗为材料,对10个组成型表达基因EF1、UBQ、ACT、GADPH、Histone、TUA、TUB、18S、elf-5A、α-tubulin进行筛选,并分析PetF基因的表达模式。结果表明,10个候选内参基因在红苞凤梨全绿、全白苗不同生长阶段中的表达稳定性不同。红苞凤梨不同生长时期以Histone和α-tubulin为最适内参基因,而全绿苗和全白苗的对比分析以18S、EF1和α-tubulin为最理想的内参组合。PetF基因在红苞凤梨发育过程及绿、白苗对比分析中的表达水平变化趋势一致,因此,所选的内参基因是合适的。  相似文献   

通过qRT-PCR对毛竹相关成花基因PheTFL1的表达进行研究,为毛竹开花机理的研究提供理论依据.从毛竹UBC18、PP2A和EF1α等9个候选内参基因中筛选出在叶、幼嫩花序、花序轴、枝、竹青等11个组织器官中都稳定表达的PP2A用于毛竹PheTFL1基因qRT-PCR结果的校正.结果显示:PheTFL1基因在开花竹叶、枝和竹青中低丰度表达,与未开花竹差异不显著,但在花和花序轴中高丰度表达;在实生苗叶和根中高丰度表达,在实生苗茎中低丰度表达.PheTFL1基因在具有分生能力的幼嫩组织中高丰度表达,说明其不仅参与花发育的调控,还参与了分生组织生长的调控.  相似文献   

茶树实时荧光定量PCR分析中内参基因的选择   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
选择合适的内参基因是提高实时荧光定量PCR分析(qRT-PCR)准确性的先决条件。该文以茶树(Camellia sinensis) 芽、叶、幼根、嫩茎、花瓣、种子和愈伤组织为材料, 应用实时荧光定量PCR技术, 分析了18S rRNA、GAPDH、β-actin和α-tubulin 4个常用内参基因在茶树不同器官组织中的表达情况。经GeNorm和NormFinder软件分析发现, 当利用荧光定量PCR分析比较茶树不同器官组织中的基因表达差异时, 可选择β-actin作为校正内参基因; 而比较不同成熟度的叶片和愈伤组织时, 可以选择GAPDH作为校正内参基因。  相似文献   

选择合适的内参基因是提高实时荧光定量PCR分析(qRT-PCR)准确性的先决条件。该文以茶树(Camellia sinensis)芽、叶、幼根、嫩茎、花瓣、种子和愈伤组织为材料,应用实时荧光定量PCR技术,分析了18S rRNA、GAPDH、β-actin和α-tubulin4个常用内参基因在茶树不同器官组织中的表达情况。经GeNorm和NormFinder软件分析发现,当利用荧光定量PCR分析比较茶树不同器官组织中的基因表达差异时,可选择β-actin作为校正内参基因;而比较不同成熟度的叶片和愈伤组织时,可以选择GAPDH作为校正内参基因。  相似文献   

为筛选黄梁木(Neolamarckia cadamba)实时定量PCR最佳内参基因, 该研究以黄梁木的根、芽、叶、花、果、皮及形成层为材料, 利用RT-qPCR技术对ACTCACCYPEF1α等21个管家基因家族43个候选内参基因进行表达量分析, 并利用geNorm、NormFinder和BestKeeper软件进行内参基因稳定性分析。geNorm的分析结果显示, UPL基因的稳定性最高(M=0.443), UBQ基因的稳定性最低(M=2.859); NormFinder的分析结果显示, UPL基因的稳定性最高(E=0.223), UBQ基因的稳定性最低(M=4.759); BestKeeper分析显示, UPL基因的标准偏差(SD=0.513)最低。研究结果表明, UPL基因作为内参基因稳定性最高, UBQ基因的稳定性最低。因此可以选择UPL基因作为黄梁木不同组织中RT-qPCR定量分析的内参基因。  相似文献   

Bt毒素诱导下小菜蛾实时定量PCR 内参基因的筛选   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
符伟  谢文  张卓  吴青君  王少丽  张友军 《昆虫学报》2012,55(12):1406-1412
【目的】筛选出Bt毒素诱导后的小菜蛾Plutella xylostella (L.)的实时定量PCR最适内参基因。【方法】选取核糖体18S rRNA (18S rRNA)、 肌动蛋白(ACTB)、 延伸因子(EF1)、3-磷酸甘油醛脱氢酶(GAPDH)、 核糖体蛋白L32 (RPL32)、 核糖体蛋白S13 (RPS13)、 核糖体蛋白S20 (RPS20)和β-微管蛋白(TUB)基因作为候选内参基因, 以geNorm、 Normfinder和BestKeeper软件分析这8个基因在Bt毒素诱导后的小菜蛾不同品系中肠组织中的表达稳定性。并应用筛选出来的内参基因分析小菜蛾氨肽酶2(aminopeptidase N2, APN2)基因的表达水平。【结果】geNorm软件以RPS13和EF1为最稳定内参基因, NormFinder和BestKeeper软件均以RPS13和RPL32为最稳定基因。使用3种不同内参基因分析Bt毒素诱导后的小菜蛾Bt抗性和敏感品系中ANP2表达水平时, 新的内参基因EF1和传统内参基因RPL32表现了良好的稳定性, 二者作为标准化因子, ANP2表达量结果基本一致, 而使用18S rRNA作为内参基因, 却导致部分表达量分析结果有所误差。【结论】筛选出PRS13,RPL32和EF1可以作为小菜蛾某些试验条件下的内参基因, 对小菜蛾基因表达研究奠定了一定基础, 也对其他昆虫内参基因的筛选具有参考价值。  相似文献   

The ability of parasites to modify the behaviour of their hosts is a wide spread phenomenon, but the effects of microsporidian parasites on locust behaviour remain unexplored. Here the frequencies of directional changes (ND) and jumping (NJ) per minute of gregarious locusts infected with 2000 spores of the microsporidian parasite Paranosema locustae were significantly different from those of untreated locusts 10 and 16 days after infection, being similar to values for solitary nymphs. In contrast, the behaviour of locusts inoculated with the lower doses of 200 spores/locust was sometimes like that of solitary nymphs. At other times, behaviour was intermediate between solitary and gregarious, i.e. transitional. The rearing density did not affect the turning and jumping behaviour of infected locusts, and their behaviours were similar to those of solitary locusts at 10–16 days after infection. Our study demonstrates that infection with P. locustae may lead gregarious locusts to change some of their behaviour to that typical of solitary locusts.  相似文献   

Field and laboratory studies demonstrated that Paranosema (Nosema) locustae had significant effects on the morphological phase transformation of Locusta migratoria manilensis (Meyen 1835). In the field, spraying P. locustae on gregarious locusts caused a substantial population reduction by 16 days after treatment, with most of the surviving locusts being phase solitaria. However, the effects of P. locustae on locust phase transformation began before direct mortality had caused a substantial reduction in locust density: locust numbers were still high at day 10, but locusts had already transformed to phase transiens. Laboratory assays showed that while a low dose of P. locustae had no effect on phase transformation, at a higher dose of 1×105 spores/mL, locusts had F/C ratios that were significantly (P<0.05) more solitaria than untreated locusts, with locusts having ratios that were either phase solitaria or on the solitaria side of phase transiens. In a second laboratory experiment that analysed the effects of locust density on phase transformation by P. locustae, there was no obvious effect of density on female locusts 10 days later as all were solitaria at all locust densities. At day 16, female locusts were transiens at higher densities, but were solitaria at 4/cage. With males there were lesser effects. These results provide new evidence for P. locustae having sub-lethal effects on locust phase transformation at a wide range of locust densities.  相似文献   

Abstract:  The effect of Nosema locustae infection on the aggregation behaviour of the oriental migratory locust, Locusta migratoria manilensis , was studied using a two-choice arena olfactometer and electroantennography (EAG). Infected locusts had low antennal sensitivity and aggregation responses to faecal extracts and to locust body volatiles. Infected fifth instar nymphs had significantly lower aggregation index than the uninfected nymphs, although with fourth instars the effect on aggregation behaviour only occurred in infected females. With regard to antennal receptor sensitivity, infected adult locusts had significantly lower EAG amplitudes in response to extracts from faeces of the adult males. The effect was most pronounced in female locusts. In contrast, there was no significant difference in the EAG responses between the fifth instar male and female nymphs. Further analysis revealed that EAG responses of fifth instar nymphs and adults infected with N. locustae to the faecal extract and volatiles from fifth instar solitary-reared nymphs were not significantly affected. In contrast, infected nymphs and adults had remarkably low EAG amplitudes for the remaining stimuli.  相似文献   

Sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) is an ancient and important oilseed crop. However, few sesame reference genes have been selected for quantitative real-time PCR until now. Screening and validating reference genes is a requisite for gene expression normalization in sesame functional genomics research. In this study, ten candidate reference genes, i.e., SiACT, SiUBQ6, SiTUB, Si18S rRNA, SiEF1α, SiCYP, SiHistone, SiDNAJ, SiAPT and SiGAPDH, were chosen and examined systematically in 32 sesame samples. Three qRT-PCR analysis methods, i.e., geNorm, NormFinder and BestKeeper, were evaluated systematically. Results indicated that all ten candidate reference genes could be used as reference genes in sesame. SiUBQ6 and SiAPT were the optimal reference genes for sesame plant development; SiTUB was suitable for sesame vegetative tissue development, SiDNAJ for pathogen treatment, SiHistone for abiotic stress, SiUBQ6 for bud development and SiACT for seed germination. As for hormone treatment and seed development, SiHistone, SiCYP, SiDNAJ or SiUBQ6, as well as SiACT, SiDNAJ, SiTUB or SiAPT, could be used as reference gene, respectively. To illustrate the suitability of these reference genes, we analyzed the expression variation of three functional sesame genes of SiSS, SiLEA and SiGH in different organs using the optimal qRT-PCR system for the first time. The stability levels of optimal and worst reference genes screened for seed development, anther sterility and plant development were validated in the qRT-PCR normalization. Our results provided a reference gene application guideline for sesame gene expression characterization using qRT-PCR system.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: The selection of stable and suitable reference genes for real-time quantitative PCR (RT-qPCR) is a crucial prerequisite for reliable gene expression analysis under different experimental conditions. The present study aimed to identify reference genes as internal controls for gene expression studies by RT-qPCR in azole-stimulated Candida glabrata. RESULTS: The expression stability of 16 reference genes under fluconazole stress was evaluated using fold change and standard deviation computations with the hkgFinder tool. Our data revealed that the mRNA expression levels of three ribosomal RNAs (RDN5.8, RDN18, and RDN25) remained stable in response to fluconazole, while PGK1, UBC7, and UBC13 mRNAs showed only approximately 2.9-, 3.0-, and 2.5-fold induction by azole, respectively. By contrast, mRNA levels of the other 10 reference genes (ACT1, EF1a, GAPDH, PPIA, RPL2A, RPL10, RPL13A, SDHA, TUB1, and UBC4) were dramatically increased in C. glabrata following antifungal treatment, exhibiting changes ranging from 4.5- to 32.7-fold. We also assessed the expression stability of these reference genes using the 2-[increment][increment]CT method and three other software packages. The stability rankings of the reference genes by geNorm and the 2-[increment][increment]CT method were identical to those by hkgFinder, whereas the stability rankings by BestKeeper and NormFinder were notably different. We then validated the suitability of six candidate reference genes (ACT1, PGK1, RDN5.8, RDN18, UBC7, and UBC13) as internal controls for ten target genes in this system using the comparative CT method. Our validation experiments passed for all six reference genes analyzed except RDN18, where the amplification efficiency of RDN18 was different from that of the ten target genes. Finally, we demonstrated that the relative quantification of target gene expression varied according to the endogenous control used, highlighting the importance of the choice of internal controls in such experiments. CONCLUSIONS: We recommend the use of RDN5.8, UBC13, and PGK1 alone or the combination of RDN5.8 plus UBC13 or PGK1 as reference genes for RT-qPCR analysis of gene expression in C. glabrata following azole treatment. In contrast, we show that ACT1 and other commonly used reference genes (GAPDH, PPIA, RPL13A, TUB1, etc.) were not validated as good internal controls in the current model.  相似文献   

Even though Paranosema locustae is widely used in China as a biological agent for controlling grasshoppers,the mortality rate is initially quite low.This study sought to determine whether the simultaneous use of P.locustae and Beauveria bassiana would be a more effective control strategy.Additionally,changes in the intestinal microbial communities of migratory locusts infected with the two pathogens were analyzed to investigate the roles of gut microbes in pathogen-host interactions.The mortality rate of locusts inoculated with B.bassiana and P.locustae simultaneously was not significantly higher than expected but the mortality rates of locusts inoculated with B.bassiana 3,6,and 9 days after inoculation with P.locustae were significantly higher than if their effects were additive,indicating synergism.A MiSeq analysis found that Weissella was the most common bacterium,representing 41.48%and 51.62%of the total bacteria in the mid-and hindguts,respectively,and the bacterial declines were greatest during dual infections with B.bassiana and P.locustae.The appropriately timed combined application of P.locustae and B.bassiana was more effective against locusts than either treatment alone.Moreover,the combined inoculation of the two pathogens changed the gut microflora of locusts,indicating the potential relevancy of their synergistic effects on locust control.  相似文献   

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