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本文描述了一种准确、快速鉴定异斑酷大蚕蛾末龄幼虫、蛹和成虫性别的方法。通过对蛹和成虫性别特征比较可知,雌虫生殖孔位于第8和第9腹节,且第8腹节不愈合,雄虫生殖孔仅位于第9腹节上,且生殖孔两侧有瘤状突起。雌性末龄幼虫头壳的蜕裂线附近浅色区域较多,雄性浅色区域较少,且雌性后唇基区域的颜色较雄性更浅。雌雄成虫差异较大,雄虫触角羽状,前翅一般无透明斑或透明斑很小;雌虫为近丝状的羽状触角,前翅有3个较大且连续排列的透明斑。经过对30对雌雄蛹的测量后,发现在蛹长、蛹宽与蛹重等体型数据上,雌雄蛹之间都存在显著性差异(P<0.05)。  相似文献   

本文报道了危害华润楠Machilus chinensis(Champ. ex Benth.) Hemsl.等阔叶树的害虫异斑酷大蚕蛾Cricula variabilis NaumannL?ffler,对其鉴定特征、危害特点进行了阐述,测得了9个样本的COI条形码序列(658 bp),并与已知相关种进行了比对,为其准确鉴定及科学防控提供技术支持。  相似文献   

明确圆柏大痣小蜂Megastigmus sabinae Xu et He(1989)幼虫的最佳分龄指标、幼虫龄数与各虫龄龄期,为探明圆柏大痣小蜂幼虫期的生长规律奠定基础。本研究通过测量圆柏大痣小蜂幼虫上颚关节宽、头宽、体宽和体长4个形态指标,利用频次分布推测幼虫龄数,运用Crosby生长法则和线性回归的方法判断圆柏大痣小蜂幼虫的最佳分龄指标并验证幼虫的龄数。将最佳分龄指标作为龄期判断依据,根据测量结果对其幼虫龄期进行划分。圆柏大痣小蜂幼虫共划分为5个龄期,上颚关节宽为圆柏大痣小蜂幼虫龄期划分的最佳形态指标,各龄幼虫的历期约为30 d、200 d、30 d、30 d、15 d,共305 d,主要以2龄越冬。  相似文献   

栗山天牛幼虫龄数和龄期的测定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
栗山天牛Massicus raddei (Blessig)是危害我国东北柞树天然林的重要蛀干害虫, 长期营隐蔽性生活, 3年发生1代, 防治困难。幼虫的龄数和龄期测定是害虫预测预报以及制订其科学治理策略的重要依据。本研究于2008-2011年通过林间定期解剖受害树进行取样, 在辽宁省宽甸县采集不同发育阶段的栗山天牛幼虫, 分别测量幼虫上颚长、 主单眼间距、 前胸背板宽、 中胸气门长和体长等5项形态指标, 利用频次分析的统计方法, 测定了栗山天牛幼虫的龄数。结果表明: 栗山天牛幼虫有6龄, 雌雄性幼虫龄数相同。上颚长、 主单眼间距和前胸背板宽3项指标均可用于分龄, 中胸气门长和体长变异较大, 不宜用作幼虫龄数划分。利用种群众数龄期法计算1-6龄幼虫的平均龄期分别为9.25, 266.85, 48.09, 51.29, 260.33和385.71 d, 幼虫期共1 021.52 d。在我国东北地区, 自然条件下栗山天牛世代发生非常整齐而且高度同步, 完成1代发育需跨越4个年份, 幼虫经历3次越冬, 第1年以2-3龄幼虫越冬, 第2年主要以4-5龄幼虫越冬, 第3年全部以末龄幼虫越冬。研究结果进一步明确了栗山天牛幼虫期的生物学特性, 为生产上合理防治该害虫提供了参考依据。  相似文献   

【目的】明确茶蚜Toxoptera aurantia虫龄鉴别特征,为准确、快速识别茶蚜龄期提供理论基础。【方法】利用体式显微镜分别对两翅型茶蚜各龄期若蚜和成蚜的体长、体宽、头壳宽、触角长度、腹管长度、尾片长度和后足胫节长度7项指标进行测量。【结果】无翅型和有翅型茶蚜的7个指标在各虫龄中均存在差异。不同龄期无翅型茶蚜体长、后足胫节长度和有翅型茶蚜后足胫节长度在不同龄期若蚜和成蚜间存在部分重叠或无,可用于鉴定茶蚜虫龄。此外,翅基发育程度可用于区分3和4龄若蚜,触角节数可用于区分1和2龄若蚜与其他龄期蚜虫,尾片的外部形态特征可用于区分若蚜和成蚜。【结论】无翅型茶蚜的龄期鉴定主要依据其体长和后足胫节长度,而有翅型茶蚜的龄期鉴定主要依据其后足胫节长度,同时结合胸部翅基发育、不同龄期触角节数及尾片形态等,可准确识别两翅型不同龄期的茶蚜。  相似文献   

四种步甲一龄幼虫的形态研究(鞘翅目:步甲科)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
屈娟 《昆虫分类学报》1996,18(4):283-293
本文采用加拿大学者Y.Bousquet创立的幼虫原生刚毛标记分类法对一棘蝼步甲ScaritesterricolaBoneli;铜绿婪步甲HarpaluschalcentusBates;黑通缘步甲PterostichusvernalisPanzer;耶气步甲PheropsophusjesoensisMorawitz的一龄幼虫进行了研究  相似文献   

本文采用了人工饲养定期取样的方法,测定了背摇蚊Chironomus dorsalis(Anderson)幼虫的龄数以及各龄的龄期。分别测量不同发育阶段幼虫的头壳长、颏中齿顶端至冠突前缘间距离、头壳宽、颏宽、颏中齿宽、触角长、触角基节长、触角比(触角基节与其余各节的长度之比)等8项指标,以期得到区分和判定幼虫虫龄的最佳形态特征及指标。运用频次分布、均差分析和回归分析对8项指标测量数据进行统计分析,结果表明,背摇蚊幼虫可分4龄,触角长可作为理想的分龄特征和分龄指标,其次是颏中齿顶端至冠突前缘间距离和颏宽。利用种群众数龄期法计算1-4龄幼虫的平均龄期分别为1.32 d、2.00 d、7.51 d和8.39 d,幼虫期共为19.22 d。  相似文献   

为掌握白蜡外齿茎蜂Stenocephus fraxini幼虫的龄数和发育历期,本文测量了幼虫体长、头宽、体宽(胸部第3节)、尾铗长和尾铗基径宽等5项指标.经频次分布和回归分析,结果表明:白蜡外齿茎蜂幼虫可分5龄.头宽和尾铗基径宽均可作为分龄指标.各龄头宽值分别为:0.414±0.002、0.526±0.002、0.71...  相似文献   

嘴壶夜蛾的形态、生活史及昼夜节律   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
冯波  胡武新  潘华  杜永均 《昆虫学报》2013,56(12):1440-1451
嘴壶夜蛾Oraesia emarginata (Fabricius)是危害水果果实的重要害虫之一, 其成虫和幼虫取食不同的寄主植物, 可以作为理想的嗅觉研究模式昆虫。为了全面地了解嘴壶夜蛾的形态特性和生物学特性, 本实验通过室内饲喂和红外摄像机观察, 对嘴壶夜蛾各虫态的外部形态、 发育以及昼夜活动节律进行了系统研究。结果表明: 嘴壶夜蛾的各龄幼虫可以通过体色, 体表色斑的类型、 位置和数量, 以及腹足的数量进行区别。通过蛹的生殖孔和成虫触角能够很好地区别雌雄。在室内饲养条件下, 嘴壶夜蛾的寿命为53.18±1.70 d, 存活率为63.62%±2.15%, 其中幼虫的发育历期最长, 存活率最低, 卵的发育历期最短, 存活率最高, 雄成虫的存活时间显著长于雌成虫(P=0.008)。6龄幼虫的发育历期(5.29±0.15 d)显著长于其余各龄幼虫(P<0.001)。同一龄发育中期幼虫的体长和体重显著大于将蜕皮幼虫和刚蜕皮幼虫(P≤0.037); 第2-6龄刚蜕皮幼虫的体重和体长与前一龄发育中期幼虫之间没有显著差异(P≥0.106)。幼虫在光期的孵化、 蜕皮和化蛹比例高于暗期, 而成虫在暗期的飞行、 产卵比例高于光期, 成虫的飞行随着暗期时间的增加而逐渐变少, 光期成虫的飞行主要在开灯之后1 h。成虫交配集中在暗期的第3-5 小时。本研究结果有助于制定有效的嘴壶夜蛾防治措施, 而且为嘴壶夜蛾作为嗅觉研究模式奠定基础。  相似文献   

The morphology, ultrastructure, and innervation of the spiracles of the instars and adults of representatives of three lepidopteran families were examined: Ornithoptera priamus poseidon and Pachliopta aristolochiae (Papilionidae), Attacus atlas (Saturniidae), and Acherontia atropos (Sphingidae).Peritreme and atrium show stage- and family-specific structures for protecting the internal valve apparatus. The gross morphology of the cuticular valve mechanism is uniform within the three families, consisting of a rigid bow and a movable bar with a lever. In adult Papilionidae, all cuticular parts (bow, bar and lever) of the valve are innervated by multipolar dendrites. Internal or external cuticular chemo- or hygroreceptors, which could participate in the regulation of respiration, could not be detected in any stage. The closing muscle inserts between the tip of the lever and the base of the bar, and is innervated only by motor neurons. The elasticity of the cuticular system and an opener are the antagonists to the closing muscle. The spiracular opener of the adult Papilionidae and of all instars of the moths is an elastic ligament. The opener of the larval and pupal spiracles of the Papilionidae, however, is a single thickened muscle fiber surrounded by an elastic sheath of connective tissue. As it contains motor and multipolar sensory neurons, we assume that it may function as a stretch receptor for controlling the spiracular opening state.  相似文献   

The high molecular weight (680 KDa) glycolipoprotein from the haemolymph of male larvae of Antheraea mylitta Drury (Lepidoptera: Saturniidae) was identified as lipophorin by gradient KBr ultracentrifugation and SDS-PAGE. This lipophorin is composed of two subunits: apolipoprotein 1 (234 KDa) and apoprotein II (80 KDa). The density of the native molecule is 1.1941 g/ml. By weight, it contains 53.7% protein, 3.7% carbohydrate, and 42.6% lipid. Neutral lipids and phospholipids are 66.2 and 33.8% of the total lipids, respectively. Mannose and N-acetylglucosamine are the only sugars detected by gas liquid chromatography. The amino acid composition of both the native molecule and its two subunits was determined, and yielded similar amino acid compositions. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

We sequenced mitochondrial genome (mitogenome) of the wild silkmoth, Saturnia boisduvalii (Lepidoptera: Saturniidae), which occurs in mainland Korea, and compared it with other species in Bombycoidea to characterize the genomic evolution of the superfamily. We found that the composition and arrangement of genes in the 15,257‐bp S. boisduvalii genome are typical of the majority of Lepidoptera, and the genome is biased toward A/T nucleotides, as previously reported. Comparison of individual gene divergence among bombycoid species showed that ND6 was most variable (p‐distance = 0.21), whereas COI and COII were most conserved, indicating that of all the protein‐coding genes (PCGs) ND6 appear to have evolved most rapidly. Thus, other PCGs beside COI are potential alternative markers, where scrutinized discrimination among species is required.  相似文献   

An attempt was made to relate certain physical characteristics of hemocytes and the taxonomy or ecophysiology of species in one family of insects. Composition of the hemocyte complex and features of the cell types varied widely among larvae of 85 species sampled from the family Noctuidae (Lepidoptera). The complex ranged from a basic one of 4 functioning types, the plasmatocytes, granulocytes, spherulocytes and oenocytoids, to ones that also included extreme variants of the plasmatocyte line. Except for the granolocytes, each type had features of size, form and structure that could vary also with species. Some species can be identified by these characters, but there is no apparent relationship of the characters to species biology and little to present taxonomic arrangements.  相似文献   

Antheraea assama, an economically important and scientifically unexplored Indian wild silkmoth, is unique among saturniid moths. For this species, a total of 87 microsatellite markers was derived from 35 000 expressed sequence tags and a microsatellite‐enriched sub‐genomic library. Forty individuals collected from Tura and West Garo Hills region of Northeast India were screened for each of these loci. Ten loci from expressed sequence tags and one from genomic library were found to be polymorphic. These microsatellite markers will be useful resources for population genetic studies of A. assama and other closely related species of saturniids. This is the first report on development of microsatellite markers for any saturniid species.  相似文献   

A baculovirus has been isolated from larvae of Lonomia obliqua, a Saturniidae of medical importance due to a potent toxin found in their spines. Electron Microscopy analysis of the occlusion body obtained from diseased larvae showed polyhedra of approximately 1 microm in diameter containing multiple nucleocapsids per envelope. This baculovirus was thus named Lonomia obliqua multicapsid nucleopolyhedrovirus (LoobMNPV). Restriction endonuclease profiles of viral DNA digested with three restriction enzymes were obtained and the genome size was estimated to be 95.52 +/- 2.3 kbp. The polyhedrin gene of LoobMNPV was identified and its DNA sequence was determined. Phylogenetic analysis of the polyhedrin gene showed that the LoobMNPV polyhedrin belongs to group I NPV and that it is closely related to the polyhedrin of the NPV of Amsacta albistriga.  相似文献   

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