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Thyroid hormone abnormalities are strongly associated with Down Syndrome (DS) with elevated thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) levels as the most consistent finding. Using subtractive hybridization for gene hunting we found significant overexpression of mRNA levels for the TSH-receptor (TSH-R) in brain of a fetus with DS. Based upon this observation we determined TSH-R protein levels in five brain regions of patients with DS (n=8), Alzheimer disease (AD, n=8) and controls (C, n=8). Western blots revealed significantly elevated immunoreactive TSH-R protein(s) 40 kD and 61 kD in temporal and frontal cortex of patients with DS and, unexpectedly, in AD. Levels for the 40 kD protein in temporal cortex were 1.00+/-0.036 (arbitrary units+/-SD) in C, 1.35+/-0.143 in DS, 1.52+/-0.128 in AD; in frontal cortex: 1.00+/-0.046 in C, 1.10+/-0.03 in DS, 1.10+/-0.038 in AD. Levels for the 61 kD protein in temporal cortex were 1.01+/-0.015 in C, 1.47+/-0.013 in DS, 1.623+/-0.026 in AD; in frontal cortex: 1.02+/-0.020 in C, 1.18 +/-0.123 in DS, 1.48+/-0.020 in AD. These results show that elevated brain immunoreactive TSH-R is not specific for DS and maybe reflecting apoptosis, a hallmark of both neurodegenerative disorders, as it is well-documented that the thyroid hormone system is involved in the control of programmed cell death.  相似文献   

In brain, nucleoside diphosphate kinase (NDPK) and its coding gene, nm23, have been implicated to modulate neuronal cell proliferation, differentiation, and neurite outgrowth. However, a role of NDPK in neurodegenerative diseases has not been reported yet. Using proteomics techniques, we evaluated the protein levels of NDPK-A in seven brain regions from patients with Alzheimer's disease (AD) and Down syndrome (DS) showing AD-like neuropathology. NDPK-A was significantly decreased in brain regions (frontal, occipital, and parietal cortices) of both disorders. Due to the limitation of brain samples, the activity of NDPK was measured in three brain regions (frontal cortex, temporal cortex, and cerebellum). The specific activity of NDPK was significantly decreased in AD (frontal cortex) and DS (frontal and temporal cortices). Since NDPK-B could also drive the activity of NDPK, protein expression levels of both NDPK-A and NDPK-B were studied in frontal cortex by Western blot analysis. NDPK-A was significantly decreased in AD, which was consistent with the results of proteomics. However, NDPK-A was slightly decreased in DS and protein expression levels of NDPK-B in both DS and AD were moderately decreased, without reaching statistical significance. We propose that oxidative modification of NDPK could lead to the decreased activity of NDPK and, subsequently, influence several neuronal functions in neurodegenerative diseases as multifunctional enzyme through several mechanisms.  相似文献   

In addition to progressive dementia, Alzheimer's disease (AD) is characterized by increased incidence of seizure activity. Although originally discounted as a secondary process occurring as a result of neurodegeneration, more recent data suggest that alterations in excitatory-inhibitory (E/I) balance occur in AD and may be a primary mechanism contributing AD cognitive decline. In this study, we discuss relevant research and reports on the GABA(A) receptor in developmental disorders, such as Down syndrome, in healthy aging, and highlight documented aberrations in the GABAergic system in AD. Stressing the importance of understanding the subunit composition of individual GABA(A) receptors, investigations demonstrate alterations of particular GABA(A) receptor subunits in AD, but overall sparing of the GABAergic system. In this study, we review experimental data on the GABAergic system in the pathobiology of AD and discuss relevant therapeutic implications. When developing AD therapeutics that modulate GABA it is important to consider how E/I balance impacts AD pathogenesis and the relationship between seizure activity and cognitive decline.  相似文献   

Summary Linkage studies in families with presenile onset of Alzheimer's disease (AD) indicated the presence of a predisposing gene on the proximal long arm of chromosome 21. We mapped four new loci in the candidate AD region using somatic cell hybrids. For three of the four loci, several restriction fragment length polymorphisms were found; for one locus, a multiallelic (CA)n dinucleotide polymorphism was detected. Preliminary genetic mapping of the new polymorphic loci relative to the AD-linked loci was obtained in a reference pedigree. In addition, we used the (CA)n dinucleotide polymorphism to reconstruct the non-disjunction event in a Down syndrome (DS) patient whose mother died of familial AD.  相似文献   

Cellular and molecular biology of Alzheimer's disease   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Alzheimer's disease results from the degeneration of neurons. Degenerating nerve cells express atypical proteins, and amyloid is deposited. We suggest that some of these events are strongly influenced by genetic factors and age. Animal models should be useful in investigating the pathogenic mechanisms that lead to the brain abnormalities seen in this disease.  相似文献   

Summary. Neurofilaments (NFs) are integral constituents of the neuron playing a major role in brain development, maintenance, regeneration and the pattern of expression for NFs suggests their contribution to plasticity of the neuronal cytoskeleton and creating and maintaining neuronal architecture. Using immune-histochemical techniques the altered expression of NFs in Down syndrome (DS) and Alzheimer's disease (AD) has been already published but as no corresponding systematic immune-chemical study has been reported yet, we decided to determine proteins levels of three NFs in several brain regions of DS and AD brain. We evaluated immunoreactive NF-H, NF-M and NF-L levels using Western blotting in brain regions temporal, occipital cortex and thalamus of patients with DS (n = 9), AD (n = 9) and controls (n = 12). We found significantly increased NF-H in temporal cortex (controls: means 0.74 ± 0.39 SD; DS: means 3.01 ± 2.18 SD) of DS patients and a significant decrease of NF-L in occipital cortex of DS and AD patients (controls: means 1.19 ± 0.86 SD; DS: means 0.35 ± 0.20; AD: 0.20 ± 0.11 SD). We propose that the increase of NF-H in temporal cortex of DS brain is due to neuritic sprouting as observed in immune-histochemical studies. The increase may not be caused by the known accumulation of NFs in plaques, tangles or Lewy bodies due to our solubilization protocol. The decrease of NF-L in occipital cortex of DS and AD patients may well be reflecting neuronal loss. Altogether, however, we suggest that NFs are not reliable markers for neuronal death, a hallmark of both neurodegenerative diseases, in DS or AD. The increase of NF-H in DS or the decrease of NF-L in DS and AD leaves the other NFs unchanged, which points to dysregulation in DS and AD and raises the question of impaired structural assembly of neurofilaments. Received July 19, 2000 Accepted July 28, 2000  相似文献   

Down syndrome (DS) occurs due to triplication of chromosome 21. Individuals with DS face an elevated risk for development of Alzheimer's disease (AD) due to increased amyloid beta (Aβ) resulting from the over‐expression of the amyloid precursor protein found on chromosome 21. Diagnosis of AD among individuals with DS poses particular challenges resulting in an increased focus on alternative diagnostic methods such as blood‐based biomarkers. The aim of this review was to evaluate the current state of the literature of blood‐based biomarkers found in individuals with DS and particularly among those also diagnosed with AD or in prodromal stages (mild cognitive impairment [MCI]). A systematic review was conducted utilizing a comprehensive search strategy. Twenty‐four references were identified, of those, 22 fulfilled inclusion criteria were selected for further analysis with restriction to only plasma‐based biomarkers. Studies found Aβ to be consistently higher among individuals with DS; however, the link between Aβ peptides (Aβ1‐42 and Aβ1‐40) and AD among DS was inconsistent. Inflammatory‐based proteins were more reliably found to be elevated leading to preliminary work focused on an algorithmic approach with predominantly inflammatory‐based proteins to detect AD and MCI as well as predict risk of incidence among DS. Separate work has also shown remarkable diagnostic accuracy with the use of a single protein (NfL) as compared to combined proteomic profiles. This review serves to outline the current state of the literature and highlights the potential plasma‐based biomarkers for use in detecting AD and MCI among this at‐risk population.  相似文献   

Down syndrome (DS) is a well‐known neurodevelopmental disorder most commonly caused by trisomy of chromosome 21. Because individuals with DS almost universally develop heavy amyloid burden and Alzheimer's disease (AD), biomarker discovery in this population may be extremely fruitful. Moreover, any AD biomarker in DS that does not directly involve amyloid pathology may be of high value for understanding broader mechanisms of AD generalizable to the neurotypical population. In this retrospective biomarker discovery study, we examined banked peripheral plasma samples from 78 individuals with DS who met clinical criteria for AD at the time of the blood draw (DS‐AD) and 68 individuals with DS who did not (DS‐NAD). We measured the relative abundance of approximately 5,000 putative features in the plasma using untargeted mass spectrometry (MS). We found significantly higher levels of a peak putatively annotated as lactic acid in the DS‐AD group (q = .014), a finding confirmed using targeted MS (q = .011). Because lactate is the terminal product of glycolysis and subsequent lactic acid fermentation, we performed additional targeted MS focusing on central carbon metabolism which revealed significantly increased levels of pyruvic (q = .03) and methyladipic (q = .03) acids in addition to significantly lower levels of uridine (q = .007) in the DS‐AD group. These data suggest that AD in DS is accompanied by a shift from aerobic respiration toward the less efficient fermentative metabolism and that bioenergetically derived metabolites observable in peripheral blood may be useful for detecting this shift.  相似文献   

Down syndrome (DS) in humans, or trisomy of autosome 21, represents the hyperdiploidy that most frequently survives gestation, reaching an incidence of 1 in 700 live births. The condition is associated with multisystemic anomalies, including those affecting the central nervous system (CNS), determining a characteristic mental retardation. At a neuronal level, our group and others have shown that the condition determines marked alterations of action potential and ionic current kinetics, which may underlie abnormal processing of information by the CNS. Since the use of human tissue presents both practical and ethical problems, animal models of the human condition have been sought. Murine trisomy 16 (Ts16) is a model of the human condition, due to the great homology between human autosome 21 and murine 16. Both conditions share the same alterations of electrical membrane properties. However, the murine Ts16 condition is unviable (animals die in utero), thus limiting the quantity of tissue procurable. To overcome this obstacle, we have established immortal cell lines from normal and Ts16 mice with a method developed by our group that allows the stable in vitro immortalization of mammalian tissue, yielding cell lines which retain the characteristics of the originating cells. Cell lines derived from cerebral cortex, hippocampus, spinal cord and dorsal root ganglion of Ts16 animals show alterations of intracellular Ca2+ signals in response to several neurotransmitters (glutamate, acetylcholine, and GABA). Gene overdose most likely underlies these alterations in cell function, and the identification of the relative contribution of DS associated genes on such specific neuronal dysfunction should be investigated. This could enlighten our understanding on the contribution of these genes in DS, and identify new therapeutic targets.  相似文献   

Age is the strongest independent risk factor for the development of osteoarthritis (OA) and for many years this was assumed to be due to repetitive microtrauma of the joint surface over time, the so-called ‘wear and tear’ arthritis. As our understanding of OA pathogenesis has become more refined, it has changed our appreciation of the role of ageing on disease. Cartilage breakdown in disease is not a passive process but one involving induction and activation of specific matrix-degrading enzymes; chondrocytes are exquisitely sensitive to changes in the mechanical, inflammatory and metabolic environment of the joint; cartilage is continuously adapting to these changes by altering its matrix. Ageing influences all of these processes. In this review, we will discuss how ageing affects tissue structure, joint use and the cellular metabolism. We describe what is known about pathways implicated in ageing in other model systems and discuss the potential value of targeting these pathways in OA.  相似文献   

Abnormal proteinaceous deposits are found in the brain of patients with many different neurodegenerative diseases. In many of these diseases, the production of the deposits is probably associated with disease pathogenesis. In Alzheimer's disease (AD), the amyloid protein (A beta), is produced by the action of enzymes known as secretases, which cleave the beta-amyloid protein precursor. A beta is secreted from cells in the brain, after which it oligomerizes and is deposited in the extracellular compartment of the brain to form amyloid plaques and amyloid angiopathy. Targeting the production of A beta and its aggregation is now a key strategy in the development of novel therapeutic agents for the treatment of AD. This review examines the potential of immunization strategies, cholesterol-lowering drugs, protease inhibitors and nicotinic drugs for the treatment of AD.  相似文献   

NADH: ubiquinone oxidoreductase (complex I), one of the most complicated multi-protein enzyme complexes, is important for energy metabolism because it is the initial enzyme of the mitochondrial respiratory chain. Deficiency of complex I is frequently found in various tissues of patients with neurodegenerative disease. Here we studied the protein levels of complex I 24- and 75-kDa subunits in several brain regions from patients with Down syndrome (DS) and Alzheimer's disease (AD). We determined protein levels of complex I 24-, 75-kDa subunits and mitochondrial marker proteins mitochondrial matrix protein P1 (hsp60) and aconitate hydratase from seven brain regions of patients with DS, AD and controls. Proteins were separated by two-dimensional (2-D) gel electrophoresis and identified by matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization mass spectrometry (MALDI-MS). Complex I 24-kDa subunit was significantly reduced in occipital cortex and thalamus in patients with DS and temporal and occipital cortices in patients with AD. Complex I 75-kDa subunit was significantly reduced in brain regions from patients with DS (temporal, occipital and caudate nucleus) and AD (parietal cortex). Reductions of two subunits of complex I may lead to the impairment of energy metabolism and result in neuronal cell death (apoptosis), a hallmark of both neurodegenerative disorders.  相似文献   

The frequency of Down syndrome (DS) in infants of older fathers has been examined in two sets of data. The effect of maternal age was controlled by single years of age. Lack of tight control has been an important weakness of other studies on this subject. Data obtained in metropolitan Atlanta by an intensive case-ascertainment program showed no overall excess of DS infants born to older fathers. Nor was there evidence of such an effect in recent birth certificate data made available by the National Center for Health Statistics. The Atlanta data suggest an increased number of DS infants born to older fathers who had children by women less than or equal to 34 years. However, there was a small deficiency of DS infants born to older fathers by women greater than or equal to 35 years. The possibility of a paternal-age effect remains open, but the available data suggest that, if it exists, it is quite small.  相似文献   

Cigarette smoking and Down syndrome.   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
A matched case-control study of 100 mothers of Down syndrome children, 100 mothers of children with other defects (defect controls), and 100 mothers of children with no defects (normal controls) was carried out. All infants were born in upstate New York in 1980 and 1981. Matching was very close on maternal age for the normal controls but not for the defect controls. The risk ratios for the association of cigarette smoking around the time of conception with Down syndrome was 0.58 (90% confidence interval of 0.34-0.98) in the case-defect control comparison and 0.56 (90% confidence interval of 0.33-0.95) in the case-normal control comparison. Stratification by alcohol ingestion and maternal age did not abolish the negative trend to association. The results are contrary to that of an earlier study of others that found a positive association of older age and trisomy in spontaneous abortions. In fact, among mothers of Down syndrome cases over age 30 in this analysis, the risk ratio was lower than for younger mothers. (For case-normal control comparisons, the value was 0.39 [90% confidence interval of 0.17-0.87]). If not due to chance or confounding, the negative association in our data may be attributable to, among other factors, a selective effect of smoking upon survival or fertilizability of +21 gametes prior to conception or upon survival of +21 conceptuses after fertilization.  相似文献   

《Journal of lipid research》2017,58(12):2239-2254
Alzheimer's disease (AD) is the most common form of dementia in older adults. Currently, there is no cure for AD. The hallmark of AD is the accumulation of extracellular amyloid plaques composed of amyloid-β (Aβ) peptides (especially Aβ1-42) and neurofibrillary tangles, composed of hyperphosphorylated tau and accompanied by chronic neuroinflammation. Aβ peptides are derived from the amyloid precursor protein (APP). The oligomeric form of Aβ peptides is probably the most neurotoxic species; its accumulation eventually forms the insoluble and aggregated amyloid plaques. ApoE is the major apolipoprotein of the lipoprotein(s) present in the CNS. ApoE has three alleles, of which the Apoe4 allele constitutes the major risk factor for late-onset AD. Here we describe the complex relationship between ApoE4, oligomeric Aβ peptides, and cholesterol homeostasis. The review consists of four parts: 1) key elements involved in cellular cholesterol metabolism and regulation; 2) key elements involved in intracellular cholesterol trafficking; 3) links between ApoE4, Aβ peptides, and disturbance of cholesterol homeostasis in the CNS; 4) potential lipid-based therapeutic targets to treat AD. At the end, we recommend several research topics that we believe would help in better understanding the connection between cholesterol and AD for further investigations.  相似文献   

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