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Long-term feeding effect of heated and fried peanut (PNO), rice bran (RBO) and palm oil (PO) in the diet on the hepatic antioxidant enzyme status and absorption and excretion of fats were studied in laboratory rats. The rats were fed oils heated to 180°C continuously for a period of 72 h or laboratory fried at 20% level in the diet for 18 weeks. The results of the study indicated a significant increase in the catalase activity in HO groups and decrease in the FRO groups. The GPx activity while significantly low in HO groups was high in FRO groups, whereas, significant decrease in GST activity was observed in both PNO-HO/FRO groups. Increased activity was noted in RBO-FRO and PO-HO/FRO groups. The SOD activity showed a mixed response in different heated/fried oils and a marginal increase in the levels of fecal fat excretion was observed in some of the heated/fried oil groups. The results indicated no appreciable damage with respect to these antioxidant enzymes. Also, feeding heated fats as high as 20% in the diet for long duration does not result either in reduced food intake or excess fecal fat excretion.  相似文献   

We studied mice from eight genetic strains at two ages (young, 10 weeks; and old, more than 80 weeks) for cytogenetic alterations (sister chromatid exchange (SCE), micronuclei, and metaphase indices) following challenges by two known mutagens: N-nitrosoethyl urea (ENU, 17 mg/kg) and cyclophosphamide (CP, 4.5 mg/kg) on bone marrow cells in vivo. The data were used to evaluate the effect of age, genotype, and differential aging patterns of genotypes in relative susceptibility to chromosomal breakage and instability in otherwise normal individuals. The older animals had a higher frequency of micronuclei, reduced metaphase indices, and lower SCE/cell as compared with their younger counterparts. Treatment with both mutagens significantly increased micronuclei and SCEs/cell in almost all strains at both ages but had little effect on the frequency of cells in metaphase. Among individual differences for SCEs/cell at most treatment combinations were not significant. In general, the induced SCEs (treatment-control) are significantly higher in older animals, variable among strains, and relatively higher as a result of CP than the ENU treatment. When the age effect was evaluated as the difference of SCE/cell in old and SCE/cell in young animals of each genotype-treatment combination, an age-dependent pattern was evident. In the presence of a mutagen the pattern in aging response was highly variable and strain (genotype) dependent. This variability may be viewed as subtle inherent genetic predisposition of sensitivity to mutagens that could be evaluated only using sensitive measures (e.g., SCE and not micronuclei) following more than one mutagenic challenges. These subtle differences could become pronounced when these parameters are evaluated at different ages on the same genotype.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Morphine hydrochloride was tested for its ability to induce sex-linked recessive lethal mutations, II–III translocations or dominant lethal mutations, in Drosophila melanogaster. The results provide no evidence for the induction of any of these types of genetic damage in this system.  相似文献   

Identification of the mutagenic quinoxaline isomers from fried ground beef   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Two mutagens isolated from fried-beef patties were compared to a series of synthetic structural isomers of 2-aminodimethylimidazo[4,5-f]quinoxaline (MeIQx) and 2-aminotrimethylimidao[4,5-f]quinoxaline (DiMeIQx). Comparison by NMR spectrometry and HPLC coelution showed that one beef mutagen (molecular weight of 213) was identical to the 8-MeIQx isomer not the 7-Me isomer. Another quinoxaline beef mutagen, having 3 methyl groups (molecular weight of 227), had an NMR spectrum different from the 5,8- or 7,8-DiMeIQx isomers, but not clearly distinguishable from the 4,8- or 4,7-DiMeIQx isomers. The HPLC separation of the DiMeIQx isomers and subsequent addition of the beef mutagen showed the beef-derived compound to coelute with the 4,8-DiMeIQx and not with the 4,7-DiMeIQx. The number and position of methyl groups was responsible for a 7-fold range of mutagenic response in the Ames/Salmonella assay. In conclusion, the major quinoxaline mutagens isolated from fried beef were identified as 8-MeIQx and 4,8-DiMeIQx isomers.  相似文献   

Values for reaction-kinetic parameters of electrophiles can be used to predict mutagenic potency. One approach employs the Swain-Scott relationship for comparative kinetic studies of electrophilic agents reacting with nucleophiles. In this way glycidamide (GA), the putatively mutagenic/carcinogenic metabolite of acrylamide, was assessed by determining the rates of reaction with different nucleophiles. The rate constants (kNu) were determined using the "supernucleophile" cob(I)alamin [Cbl(I)] as an analytical tool. The Swain-Scott parameters for GA were compared with those of ethylene oxide (EO). The substrate constants, s values, for GA and for EO were found to be 1.0 and 0.93, respectively. The reaction rates at low values of nucleophilic strength (n=1-3), corresponding to oxygens in DNA, were determined to be 2-3.5 times higher for GA compared to EO. GA was also more reactive than EO towards other nucleophiles (n=0-6.4). The mutagenic potency of GA was determined in Chinese hamster ovary cells (hprt mutations in CHO-AA8 cells per dose unit with gamma-radiation as reference standard). The potency of GA was estimated to be about three mutations per 10(5) cells and mMh corresponding to about 40 rad-equ./mMh. A preliminary comparison of the mutagenic potency (per mMh and as rad-equivalents) of GA and EO shows an approximately seven times higher potency for GA. A higher mutagenic potency of GA compared to EO is compatible with expectation from reaction-kinetic data of the two compounds. The data confirmed that GA is not a strong mutagen, which is in line with what is expected for simple oxiranes. The present study shows the value of cob(I)alamin for the determination of reaction-kinetic parameters and their use for prediction of mutagenic potency.  相似文献   

Narayanan R  Tiwari P  Inoa D  Ashok BT 《Life sciences》2005,77(18):2312-2323
The anticancer effect of 1-nitro-9-hydroxyethylamino acridine (C-857), a compound belonging to the 1-nitroacridine class, has been well documented. Despite its therapeutic efficacy, the clinical development of C-857 has been impeded partly due to its high systemic toxicity. In an effort to enhance antitumor efficacy and lower toxicity, derivatives of C-857 have been synthesized with substitutions made at position C-4 and/or an esterified hydroxyl group in side chain at the C-9 position. The introduction of a methyl group at C-4 resulted in C-1748, which has a significantly higher therapeutic efficacy and is being clinically developed as an anticancer agent for solid tumors. The present study was undertaken to correlate the mutagenicity of C-857, C-1748, C-1790, C-1872 and C-1873 with their cytotoxicity and their anti-tumor efficacy. The mutagenicity of these drugs was determined using three Ames Salmonella typhimurium strains TA1537, TA98 and TA102. The bacteria were treated with different molar concentrations, ranging from 10(-3) to 10(-12) M, of the drugs and drug-induced histidine revertants were then counted after a 48 h incubation. C-1748 did not induce any revertants in both TA1537 and TA98 at a dose of 10(-6) M, whereas, C-857 at the same dose induced approximately 842 and approximately 1034 revertants respectively. In TA102, mutagenicity was lower than observed with TA98 and TA1537 with highest revertants observed at 10(-5) M with C-857 (approximately 606) and C-1748 (approximately 108). Higher mutagenicity was observed in the derivatives C-1790, C-1872 and C-1873 compared to C-1748, but lower than C-857. These studies demonstrate that C-1748 has the least mutagenic potential, with a much higher antitumor effect in prostate cancer and is a promising chemotherapeutic agent for clinical development.  相似文献   

Although non-toxic, 1,8-dinitropyrene (1,8-DNP) was mutagenic for mouse lymphoma L5178Y cells when assayed for induced resistance to 6-thioguanine, methotrexate, ouabain and 1-β-D-arabinofuranosyl cytosine. In bacteria, nitropyrenes are potent inducers of frame-shift mutations, and the induction of ouabain-resistant mutants, believed to be due to base-pair substitutions, suggests that the mechanism of action may be different in mouse cells and bacteria. Long treatment times were required to detect 1,8-DNP-induced mutants in L5178Y cells, suggesting the possibility of an inducible activation system. 4-Nitroquinoline 1-oxide was both toxic and mutagenic to these same 4 mutation assays after short (2 h) treatment times. The dilemma that exists when comparing the mutagenic potential of test chemicals when concentration of mutagen, treatment times and toxicity are markedly different, is discussed.  相似文献   

The mutagenicity of fluoride (as sodium fluoride, NaF) was investigated with Ames Salmonella/microsome assays in strains of TA97a, TA98, TA100, TA102 and TA1535. The concentrations of NaF tested ranged from 0.44 to 4421 micrograms/plate (0.1 to 1000 ppm F), both with and without microsome activation. In addition, the suggested antimutagenic effect of fluoride was evaluated with known mutagens at various concentrations of NaF (0.44-442.2 micrograms/plate, 0.1-100 ppm F). The data showed that NaF, in amounts from 0.44 to 442.2 micrograms/plate (0.1-100 ppm F), failed to significantly increase the number of the revertants over the number observed in the solvent (distilled deionized water) controls. Increases of NaF to, and beyond, 1100 micrograms/plate (250 ppm F) resulted in a toxic effect and a reduction of the revertants to various degrees among the strains. NaF in the presence of known mutagens did not significantly decrease the number of the revertants. The results of this study indicate that NaF does not have mutagenic or antimutagenic effects in the strains tested with Ames Salmonella assays.  相似文献   

All positional isomers of mononitro- and monoaminobiphenyls and those of dinitro-, diamino- and aminonitrobiphenyls, which have one substituent on each benzene ring, were assayed for mutagenicity in Salmonella typhimurium by the Ames method. The results suggest that the structural requirements favoring mutagenic activity are the presence of substituents at the 4-position and their absence at the 2'-position. The introduction of an amino group to the 3'- or 4'-position of 4-nitrobiphenyl or a nitro group to 3'- or 4'-position of 4-aminobiphenyl enhanced the mutagenicity. Among the mutagenic compounds, 4-nitro analogues were mutagenic in strains TA98 and TA100 in the absence of a microsomal metabolic activation system. Strain TA98NR was not reverted by the direct-acting mutagens, whereas strain TA98/1,8-DNP6 was as revertible as strain TA98; these results suggest that the direct-acting mutagenicity involves the reduction of the nitro group by bacterial nitroreductase but does not involve specific esterification enzymes.  相似文献   

Mice nullizygous for Plcg1 cease growing at early to mid-gestation. An examination of carefully preserved wild-type embryos shows clear evidence of erythropoiesis, but erythropoiesis is not evident in Plcg1 nullizygous embryos at the same stage. The analyses of embryonic materials demonstrate that in the absence of Plcg1, erythroid progenitors cannot be detected in the yolk sac or embryo body by three different assays, burst-forming units, colony-forming units, and analysis for the developmental marker Ter119. However, non-erythroid granulocyte/macrophage colonies are produced by Plcg1 null embryos. Further analysis of these embryos demonstrates significantly diminished vasculogenesis in Plcg1 nullizygous embryos based on the lack of expression of the endothelial marker platelet endothelial cell adhesion molecule-1. In addition, Plcg1 nullizygous embryos express a greatly reduced level of vascular endothelial growth factor receptor-2/Flk-1, consistent with significantly impaired vasculogenesis and erythropoiesis. Interestingly, these early embryos do express phospholipase C-gamma2, however, it is unable to substitute for the absence of phospholipase C-gamma1, which can be detected in its tyrosine-phosphorylated state.  相似文献   

Tailing of survivor curves of clostridial spores heated in edible oils   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Tailing of survivor curves was observed for Clostridium sporogenes PA 3679 and Cl. botulinum 62A spores heated whilst suspended in edible oils, but not for the same spores suspended in buffer (pH 7.2) or mineral oil or for Bacillus cereus F4165/75 spores suspended in buffer or oils. The tailing cannot be ascribed to a genetic or developmental heterogeneity in the resistance of the spore population or to a heterogeneity of the treatment severity during heating. Heat adaptation due to the release of protective factor(s), to the selection for resistant spores or to the diffusion of oil constituents inside the spore protoplast to protect key molecules from heat denaturation was also ruled out. The tailing can be ascribed to spore clumping during the course of heating or to a heterogeneity in heat resistance of germination system(s) within spores, concurrently with the activation of a dormant germination system. It is probably caused by some oleic acid containing triglycerides.  相似文献   

Tailing of survivor curves of clostridial spores heated in edible oils   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Tailing of survivor curves was observed for Clostridium sporogenes PA 3679 and Cl. botulinum 62A spores heated whilst suspended in edible oils, but not for the same spores suspended in buffer (pH 7˙2) or mineral oil or for Bacillus cereus F4165/75 spores suspended in buffer or oils. The tailing cannot be ascribed to a genetic or developmental heterogeneity in the resistance of the spore population or to a heterogeneity of the treatment severity during heating. Heat adaptation due to the release of protective factor(s), to the selection for resistant spores or to the diffusion of oil constituents inside the spore protoplast to protect key molecules from heat denaturation was also ruled out. The tailing can be ascribed to spore clumping during the course of heating or to a heterogeneity in heat resistance of germination system(s) within spores, concurrently with the activation of a dormant germination system. It is probably caused by some oleic acid containing triglycerides.  相似文献   

Most of the positional isomers of mono-, di-, tri- and tetranitrobiphenyls were synthesized and assayed for their mutagenicity in Salmonella typhimurium strains TA98, TA98NR and TA98/1,8DNP6 in the absence of S9 mix. In mono- and dinitrobiphenyls, the structure requirements favoring mutagenic activity are the presence of a nitro group at the 4-position and its absence at the 2-position. TA98 and TA98/1,8DNP6 were reverted by 2-position-free 4-nitro analogues, but TA98NR was not reverted. The results suggest that direct-acting mutagenicity involves the reduction of the nitro group by bacterial nitroreductase but does not involve specific esterification enzymes. Some of the tri- and tetranitrobiphenyls e.g. 3,4,3'-, 3,4,4'-, 3,4,3',4'- and 3,4,2',4'-derivatives reverted not only TA98 and TA98/1,8DNP6 but also TA98NR. Those derivatives commonly have 2 nitro groups at an adjoining position (3,4-dinitro group), whereas 2,4,2',4'-tetranitrobiphenyl, which has strong potency not only in TA98 and TA98/1,8DNP6 but also in TA98NR, possesses 2 nitro groups at the 2-position of each benzene ring.  相似文献   

Replication of the oxidative lesion 8-oxo-7,8-dihydroguanine (GO) leads to the formation of both 8-oxo-7,8-dihydroguanine:adenine (GO:A) and 8-oxo-7,8-di-hydroguanine:cytosine (GO:C) pairs. The repair and mutagenic potency of these two kinds of base pairs were studied in simian COS7 and human MRC5V1 cells using the shuttle vector technology. Shuttle vectors carrying a unique GO residue opposite either a C or an A were constructed, then transfected into recipient mammalian cells. DNA repair resulting in G:C pairs and mutation frequency, were determined using resistance to digestion by the Ngo MI restriction enzyme for screening and DNA sequencing of suspect mutants. Results showed that the GO:C mismatch was well repaired since almost no mutations were detected in the plasmid progeny obtained 72 h after cell transfection. The GO:A pair was poorly repaired since only 32-34% of the plasmid progeny contained G:C whereas two thirds contained A:T at the original site. Repair kinetics measured with a non-replicating vector deleted by 13 bp at the SV40 replication origin, showed that GO:A was slowly repaired. Only 30% of the mispairs were corrected in 12 h. During this time 100% of the plasmids containing GO:A pairs were replicated as seen by the replication kinetics in a vector with an intact SV40 replication origin. These results show that, under our experimental conditions, replication is occurring before completion of DNA repair which explains the high mutagenic potency of the GO:A mispair.  相似文献   

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