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A reappraisal of the zoogeography and systematics of Asian colobines demonstrates marked discontinuities in their distribution. The Bornean proboscis monkey is separated by Sumatra from its sole congener on the Mentawai Islands. Pygathrix species have a discontinuous distribution at the range limit of the Asian Colobinae. The existence in the Himalayas of some disjunct relatives of the south Indian fauna, has obscured a wider disjunction in which for example, the hooded black leaf monkey, Semnopithecus johnii, has one subspecies in southern India and another in north Vietnam. A closely related Vietnamese leaf monkey is a subspecies of the otherwise Indonesian S. auralus. Presbytis comata is disjunct between west Java, northern Sumatra and northern Borneo. The Mentawai Islands P. potenziani is closely related. Biogeographic parallels imply a common cause and previous continuity across the intervening areas. The only wholly compatible explanation is that the disjunct areas alone retained adequate moisture and temperature to support their endemic biota during a cool drought. That not only genera, but species are disjunct, indicates such conditions prevailed recendy, and are probably attributable to the Pleistocene glaciations. The supposition that its maritime climate shielded Asian rainforest from the glacial drought known to have partially deforested Africa and South America, is inapplicable to the Indian subcontinent, and ignores the climatic effects of the emergence of the Sunda and the Sahul shelves. Such known influences, the distribution of drought indicator plants, fossil plants and fossil mammals, grassland birds and freshwater fish, and the anatomical specializations of Nasalis confirm the instability of the Asian environment. The absence of endemic representatives of certain primates in north Sumatra implies the occurrence of two cold droughts. Available evidence appears to correlate the deforestations with the abrupt curtailment of glacial Stages 7 and 5, at about 190 000 years BP and about 80 000 years BP. The greater significance of climatic than topographical barriers in delineating the Oriental zoogeographic region, and a rapid speciation rate, is implied. Morphological change is evidently generated by geographic dispersal, rather than geographic isolation.  相似文献   

We compared five species of the murine genus Maxomys and representatives of nine other murid genera in a complete 15 × 15 DNA-hybridization matrix. FITCH trees were calculated for the entire suite of taxa and for subsets including only the five Maxomys and these together with the four nearest outgroups. All trees were validated by 'bootstrapping' and by jackknifing, performing both single- and multiple-deletions of taxa. The full 15 times 15 data set indicated a sister-group relationship between Maxomys and two pairs of genera ( Sundamys-Rattus sensu stricto and Mviventer-Leopoldamys ) that are more closely related to each other than to Maxomys; addition of data on Bandicota and Berylmys from another recent DNA-hybridization study confirmed that these genera are successive sister-taxa to the Sundamys-Rattus pair. Mus-Myomys and Uromys-Melomys were each distinct lineages from the above grouping of Rattus sensu lata species, and from the putative outgroup sigmodontine Peromyscus, but the interrelations of the three murine clades were unresolved. Within Maxomys, M. surifer and M. bartelsii are a related pair, and M. ochraceiventer probably forms an unresolved trio with M. rajah and M. whiteheadi. Calibration of a tree generated from saturation-corrected distances against a likely divergence-date of 12.2 Mybp for the separation of Mus and Rattus confirms a high rate of single-copy DNA change in murids (2.1%/Myr); and suggests that Sigmodontinae and Murinae diverged at around 15.3 Mybp, that Maxomys and the group of six other Rattus sensu lato separated approximately 7.6 Myr ago, and that Maxomys began to diversify 4.8 Myr ago.  相似文献   

Abstract. In macaque monkeys, females are philopatric and males are obligate dispersers. This social system is expected to differently affect evolution of genetic elements depending on their mode of inheritance. Because of this, the geographic structure of molecular variation may differ considerably in mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) and in autosomal DNA (aDNA) in the same individuals, even though these genomes are partially co-inherited. On the Indonesian island of Sulawesi, macaque monkeys underwent an explosive diversification as a result of range fragmentation. Today, barriers to dispersal have receded and fertile hybrid individuals can be found at contact zones between parapatric species. In this study, we examine the impact of range fragmentation on Sulawesi macaque mtDNA and aDNA by comparing evolution, phylogeography, and population subdivision of each genome. Our results suggest that mtDNA is paraphyletic in some species, and that mtDNA phylogeography is largely consistent with a pattern of isolation by distance. Autosomal DNA, however, is suggestive of fragmentation, in that interspecific differentiation across most contact zones is significant but intraspecific differentiation between contact zones is not. Furthermore, in mtDNA, most molecular variation is partitioned between populations within species but in aDNA most variation is partitioned within populations. That mtDNA has a different geographic structure than aDNA (and morphology) in these primates is a probable consequence of (1) a high level of ancestral polymorphism in mtDNA, (2) differences between patterns of ancestral dispersal of matrilines and contemporary dispersal of males, and (3) the fact that female philopatry impedes gene flow of macaque mtDNA.  相似文献   

The Indonesian island of Sulawesi occupies a central position within the biogeographically complex region known as Wallacea. Its fauna is characterised by a high rate of endemism and a patchwork distribution of taxa within the island. The grasshopper genus Chitaura is a good example having at least ten endemic species with predominantly parapatric distributions. It can be used as a model for determining the origins of Sulawesi taxa and the within-island evolution that has led to the present patterns of distribution. Here we present a phylogenetic hypothesis for 28 individuals within the genus, including individuals of one species from Java and two from the Moluccas, based on DNA sequences of the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase 1 gene. Frequent sequence heteroplasmy was observed. The phylogenetic hypothesis is consistent with recent interpretations of the geological history of Sulawesi suggesting separate evolution on the island for 7–14 Myr, possibly since South Sulawesi was connected to Borneo. Within the island, the pattern of genetic divergence is dominated by a strong correlation with geographic distance, with exceptions indicating past or present barriers to dispersal. Colonisation of the Moluccas from North or Central Sulawesi is implied. Levels of genetic divergence are compared with distribution patterns of colour morphs and with possible effects of tectonic movements in the Cenozoic, or Pleistocene climatic, vegetational and sea-level changes.  相似文献   

Minute moss beetles (Hydraenidae) are one of the most speciose and widespread families of aquatic Coleoptera, with an estimated 4000 extant species, found in the majority of aquatic habitats from coastal rock pools to mountain streams and from the Arctic Circle to the Antarctic islands. Molecular phylogenetic works have improved our understanding of the evolutionary history of the megadiverse Hydraena, Limnebius and Ochthebius in recent years, but most genera in the family have not yet been included in any phylogenetic analyses, particularly most of those which are restricted to the Southern Hemisphere. Using a multimarker molecular matrix, sampling over 40% of described species richness and 75% of currently recognized genera, we infer a comprehensive molecular phylogeny of these predominantly Gondwanan Hydraenidae. Whilst the genera we focus on are morphologically diverse, and currently classified across all four hydraenid subfamilies, our phylogenetic analyses suggest that these Gondwanan genera may instead constitute a single clade. As a result of our findings, the African genus Oomtelecopon Perkins syn.n. is shown to nest within Coelometopon Janssens, the New Zealand Homalaena Ordish syn.n. and Podaena Ordish syn.n. are synonymised with Orchymontia Broun, and the South African Pterosthetops Perkins syn.n. is synonymised with Prosthetops Waterhouse, resulting in Pterosthetopini Perkins syn.n. being synonymised with Prosthetopini Perkins. Mesoceratops Bilton & Jäch gen.n. is erected to accommodate six former members of Mesoceration Janssens, which is shown to be polyphyletic. We propose the replacement name Orchymontia ordishi Jäch & Bilton nom.n. for Homalaena dilatata Ordish, 1984 (now a junior homonym); altogether 39 new combinations are proposed. Our Bayesian divergence times infer an origin for this ‘Gondwana group’ of genera in Africa plus Madagascar in the mid-Cretaceous and suggest that both vicariant and dispersal processes, together with extinctions, have shaped the biogeographic history of these beetles in the Southern Hemisphere during the Cretaceous, resulting in geographically conserved extant lineages. Finally, we reconstruct ancestral habitat shifts across our phylogeny, revealing numerous changes in habitat occupancy in these genera, including multiple origins of fully terrestrial, humicolous taxa in different regions.  相似文献   

DNA sequence data of the nuclear-encoded gamma1-gamma2-globin duplication region were used to examine the phylogenetic relationships of 16 cercopithecid (Old World monkey) species representing 12 extant genera. Morphology- and molecular-based hypotheses of Old World monkey branching patterns are generally congruent, except for generic relationships within the subtribe Papionina. The cercopithecids divide into colobines (leaf-eating monkeys) and cercopithecines (cheek-pouched monkeys). The colobines examined by the DNA data divide into an Asian clade (Nasalis, proboscis monkeys; Trachypithecus, langurs) and an African clade (Colobus, colobus monkeys). The cercopithecines divide into tribes Cercopithecini (Erythrocebus, patas monkey; Chlorocebus, green monkeys; Cercopithecus, guenons) and Papionini. Papionins divide into subtribes Macacina (Macaca, macaques) and Papionina (Papio, hamadryas baboons; Mandrillus, drills and mandrills; Theropithecus, gelada baboons; Lophocebus, arboreal mangabeys; Cercocebus, terrestrial mangabeys). In a morphologically based classification, Mandrillus is a subgenus of Papio, whereas Lophocebus is a subgenus of Cercocebus. In contrast, the molecular evidence treats Mandrillus as a subgenus of Cercocebus, and treats both Theropithecus and Lophocebus as subgenera of Papio. Local molecular clock divergence time estimates were used as a yardstick in a "rank equals age" system to propose a reduction in taxonomic rank for most clades within Cercopithecidae.  相似文献   

Global phylogeography of the scalloped hammerhead shark (Sphyrna lewini)   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Large marine fishes typically have little population genetic structure. The exceptions are associated with sedentary behaviour, disjunct distributions, or reproductive philopatry. Scalloped hammerhead sharks (Sphyrna lewini) incorporate the contrasting traits of oceanic habitat (usually associated with high dispersal) and possible fidelity to nursery grounds (for reproductive females). To evaluate the expectations of these contrasting behaviours, we examined the global genetic structure of S. lewini based on collections (n = 271 individuals) from 20 nursery areas. A 548-bp fragment of mitochondrial DNA control region revealed 22 polymorphic sites, 24 haplotypes, and three lineages distinguished by 2.56-3.77% sequence divergence. Coalescence analyses based on a provisional molecular clock indicate an origin in the Indo-West Pacific with late Pleistocene radiations into the central Pacific (Hawaii) and eastern Pacific (Central America), as well as recent interchange between oceans via southern Africa. Population subdivisions are strong (overall Phi(ST) = 0.749, P < 0.0001 and among oceans Phi(ST) = 0.598, P < 0.0098). Genetic discontinuity within oceans (Phi(ST) = 0.519, P < 0.0001) is primarily associated with oceanic barriers (migration across oceans M approximately 0), with much less structure along continental margins (M > 10). We conclude that nursery populations linked by continuous coastline have high connectivity, but that oceanic dispersal by females is rare. Although we cannot rule out philopatry to natal nurseries, oceanic barriers appear to have a much stronger influence on the genetic architecture of this species and may indicate a mechanism for recent evolutionary radiations in the genus Sphyrna.  相似文献   

Polymerase chain reaction-directed mitochondria (mt) and microsatellite DNA analyses were performed to examine the kin structure in a spring population of grey-sided voles Clethrionomys rufocanus in Hokkaido, Japan. The spatial distribution of 81 voles in a trapping grid (about 1 ha) was estimated by using the catch-mark-release method. DNA samples were extracted from the toes clipped for individual identification. Maternal lineages of voles were unequivocally determined by the mtDNA haplotypes, as identified by nucleotide sequencing of the control region. Relatedness between individuals was estimated based on the genotype and allele frequencies at several microsatellite loci. Although the distribution of voles was uniform within the grid, neighbouring females were frequently from the same maternal lineage. Relatedness values between females correlated negatively with geographical distances. Combination of the two molecular markers revealed four clusters of closely related, matrilineal females in the population, whereas no such cluster was apparent in males. The present study first demonstrated a sex-related spatial kin structure in a natural population of the grey-sided vole.  相似文献   

On the basis of patterns of allele frequency variation in nuclear genes (Din et al., in press) it has been proposed that the house mouse M. musculus originated in the northern Indian subcontinent, from where it radiated in several directions to form the well-described peripheral subspecies (M. m. domesticus, M. m. musculus and M. m. castaneus). Here we use a mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) phylogeny to test this hypothesis and to analyse the historical and demographic events that have accompanied this differentiation. This marker also provides a powerful means to check for genetic continuity between the central and peripheral populations. We studied restriction site polymorphism of samples from India and the Middle East as well as samples from the rest of Eurasia and northern Africa. M. m. domesticus and M. m. musculus are both monophyletic for mtDNA and belong to the subspecies-specific mtDNA lineages that have been described previously. Average nucleotide diversity is low in M. m. musculus (0.2–5%). It is not only higher in M. m. domesticus (0.7–0.9%) but the distribution of pairwise divergence is wider, and the rate of evolution in this branch appears to be higher than in M. m. musculus. The nucleotide diversity found in M. m. castaneus (0.4%) is due to the existence of two rather divergent linages with little intralineage variation. These two lineages are part of a diversified bush of the phylogenetic tree that also comprises several previously undescribed branches and includes all samples from the northern Indian subcontinent and Iran. The degree of diversity found in each of the samples from this region is high (1.2–2.4%) although they come from small geographic areas. This agrees well with the idea that the origin of the radiation was in the northern Indian subcontinent. However, as neither haplotypes on the M. m. domesticus nor on the M. m. musculus branches were found in this region, there appear to be important phylogeographic discontinuities between this central region and these peripherial subspecies. On the basis of the present result and the nuclear data (Din et al., in press), we propose that M. musculus originated in the north of the indian subcontinent. Our calibration of the evolutionary rate of mtDNA in mice suggests that the mouse settlement in this region could be as old as 900 000 years. Possibly from there, a first radiation could have reach the Middle East and the Caspian Sea, where the M. m. domesticus and M. m. musculus lineages, respectively, would have started to differentiate a few hundred thousand years ago, and from where they could have colonised the peripheral part of their ranges only recently.M. m. castaneus appears from its mtDNA to be recent offshoot of the northern Indian population. This multiple and gradual radiation ultimately led to recent peripheral secondary contacts, such as the well-known European hybrid zone.  相似文献   

Aim To determine the origin and diversification of monachine seals using a phylogenetic framework. Methods Molecular sequence data from three mitochondrial genes (cyt b, ND1 and 12S), and one nuclear marker (an intron from the α‐lactalbumin gene) were examined from all extant species of monachine seals. Maximum likelihood and partitioned Bayesian inference were used to analyse separate and combined (mitochondrial + nuclear) data sets. Divergence times were estimated from the resultant phylogeny using nonparametric rate smoothing as implemented by the program r8s. Results Mirounga, Monachus and the Lobodontini form three well‐supported clades within a monophyletic Monachinae. Lobodontini + Mirounga form a clade sister to Monachus. Molecular divergence dates indicate that the first split within the Monachinae (Lobodontini + Mirounga clade and Monachus) occurred between 11.8 and 13.8 Ma and Mirounga, Monachus and the Lobodontini originated 2.7–3.4, 9.1–10.8 and 10.0–11.6 Ma, respectively. Main conclusions Two main clades exist within Monachinae, Monachus and Lobodontini + Mirounga. Monachus, a warm water clade, originated in the North Atlantic and maintained the temperate water affinities of their ancestors as they diversified in the subtropic regions of the Northern Hemisphere. The cold‐water clade, Lobodontini + Mirounga, dispersed southward to the cooler climates of the Southern Hemisphere. The Lobodontini continued south until reaching the Antarctic region where they diversified into the present‐day fauna. Mirounga shows an anti‐tropical distribution either reflective of a once cosmopolitan range that was separated by warming waters in the tropics or of transequatorial dispersal.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) evolution was investigated in skinks of the genus Chalcides found in the Canary Islands ( Ch. sexlineatus, Ch. viridanus and Ch. simonyi ), together with some North African congenerics ( Ch. polylepis and Ch. mionecton ). Several sites were included within islands to cover areas of known within-island geographical variation in morphology. Skinks from the islands of El Hierro and La Gomera appear to be sister taxa. The relationships between this clade and the Tenerife and Gran Canarian skinks were not fully resolved, although the best working hypothesis indicated monophyly with the former, with the latter forming a closely related outgroup. Ch. simonyi from Fuerteventura was more distantly related to the Western Canary Island skinks and did not show close relationships with the North African species Ch. mionecton and Ch . polylepis . Possible colonization sequences for the four most Western Canary Islands were considered. El Hierro appears to have been colonized relatively recently from La Gomera, commensurate with the recent origin of this island, while dispersal between La Gomera and Tenerife and between Gran Canaria and Tenerife or La Gomera appears to have taken place considerably earlier. Substantial within-island haplotype divergence was found in Gran Canaria and Tenerife. This may be a result of recent periods of intense volcanic activity found within these two islands. Lower levels of within-island differentiation are found in La Gomera and El Hierro and may be explained by lower levels of volcanic activity during recent geological history and a more recent colonization, respectively.  相似文献   

Surveys of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) variation in macaque monkeys have revealed extremely high levels of intraspecific divergence among haplotypes. One consistent pattern that has emerged from these studies is that divergent haplotypes are geographically segregated so that sampling a few matrilines from a given region shows them to be identical, or a closely related subset of haplotypes. Geographically structured mtDNA variation has also been commonly observed in other taxa. In this study, haplotype variation and distribution are studied in detail within a local population of toque macaques. The results show that highly divergent haplotypes, differing by 3.1% in their nucleotide sequences, coexist in this population and that they may be spatially segregated even on this micro-geographic scale. Furthermore, these differences are maintained between social groups that exchange male migrants, and thus nuclear genes, frequently.  相似文献   

Carpenter bees, genus Xylocopa Latreille, a group of bees found on all continents, are of particular interest to behavioral ecologists because of their utility for studies of the evolution of mating strategies and sociality. This paper presents phylogenetic analyses based on sequences of two mitochondrial genes cytochrome oxidase 1 and cytochrome b for 22 subgenera of Xylocopa. Maximum-parsimony and maximum-likelihood methods were used to infer phylogenetic relationships. The analyses resulted in three resolved clades of subgenera: a South American group (including the subgenera Stenoxylocopa, Megaxylocopa, and Neoxylocopa), a group including the subgenera Xylocopa s.s. and Ctenoxylocopa, and an Ethiopean group (including the subgenera Afroxylocopa, Mesotrichia, Alloxylocopa, Platynopoda, Hoploxylocopa, and Koptortosoma). The relationships between the 11 other subgenera and the resolved clades are unclear. Within the Ethiopian group we found a clear separation of the African and the Oriental taxa and apparent polyphyly of the subgenus Koptortosoma. Using an evolutionary rate for ants, we investigated whether Gondwana vicariance or more recent dispersal events could best explain the present-day distribution of subgenera. Although some taxa show divergences that approach Gondwanan breakup times, most divergences between geographic groups are too recent to support a vicariance hypothesis.  相似文献   

Aim Determine the geographical and temporal origins of New Zealand cicadas. Location New Zealand, eastern Australia and New Caledonia. Methods DNA sequences from 14 species of cicadas from New Zealand, Australia, and New Caledonia were examined. A total of 4628 bp were analysed from whole genome extraction of four mitochondrial genes (cytochrome oxidase subunits I and II, and ribosomal 12S and 16S subunits) and one nuclear gene (elongation factor‐1 alpha). These DNA sequences were aligned and analysed using standard phylogenetic methods based primarily on the maximum likelihood optimality criterion. Dates of divergences between clades were determined using several molecular clock methods. Results New Zealand cicadas form two well‐defined clades. One clade groups with Australian taxa, the other with New Caledonian taxa. The molecular clock analyses indicate that New Zealand genera diverged from the Australian and New Caledonian genera within the last 11.6 Myr. Main conclusions New Zealand was likely colonized by two or more invasions. One NZ lineage has its closest relatives in Australia and the other in New Caledonia. These invasions occurred well after New Zealand became isolated from other land masses, therefore cicadas must have crossed large bodies of water to reach New Zealand.  相似文献   

Pilot whales (Globicephala spp.) provide an interesting example of recently diverged oceanic species with a complex evolutionary history. The two species have wide but largely non‐overlapping ranges. Globicephala melas (long‐finned pilot whale; LFPW) has an antitropical distribution and is found in the cold‐temperate waters of the North Atlantic and Southern Hemisphere, whereas Globicephala macrorhynchus (short‐finned pilot whale; SFPW) has a circumglobal distribution and is found mainly in the tropics and subtropics. To investigate pilot whale evolution and biogeography, we analysed worldwide population structure using mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) control region sequences (up to 620 bp) from a variety of sources (LFPW = 643; SFPW = 150), including strandings in New Zealand and Tasmania, and whale‐meat products purchased on the markets of Japan and Korea. Phylogenetic reconstructions failed to support a reciprocal monophyly of the two species, despite six diagnostic substitutions, possibly because of incomplete lineage sorting or inadequate phylogenetic information. Both species had low haplotype and nucleotide diversity compared to other abundant widespread cetaceans (LFPW, π = 0.35%; SFPW, π = 0.87%) but showed strong mtDNA differentiation between oceanic basins. Strong levels of structuring were also found at the regional level. In LFPW, phylogeographic patterns were suggestive either of a recent demographic expansion or selective sweep acting on the mtDNA. For SFPW, the waters around Japan appear to represent a centre of diversity, with two genetically‐distinct forms, as well as a third population of unknown origin. The presence of multiple unique haplotypes among SFPW from South Japan, together with previously documented morphological and ecological differences, suggests that the southern form represents a distinct subspecies and/or evolutionary significant unit. © 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2009, 98 , 729–744.  相似文献   

A series of work by the first author have demonstrated that many macaque species show a visual preference for the pictures of their own species when the monkeys actively press a lever to see the pictures. We expanded this study to Sulawesi macaques kept as a pet by local people with slight modification. All seven species of Sulawesi macaques were passively exposed to a variety of colored slides of Sulawesi macaques. The experimenter recorded the duration of visual fixation onto the pictures. Male monkeys of all the seven species clearly watched the pictures of their own species for longer duration than those of the other species. Such visual preference suggested that the seven Sulawesi macaques discriminate each other species and, thus, they may not be integrated into fewer number of species. This visual preference may work to prevent overall intergradation of the Sulawesi macaques who sometimes have hybrid zones only in limited areas. This preference was in general weaker in female monkeys. In one species,Macaca ochreata, females actively avoided to see the pictures of conspecifics. These results may be related to how female monkeys interact with other individuals.  相似文献   

Moenkhausia is one of the most speciose genera in Characidae, currently composed of 75 nominal species of small fishes distributed across South American hydrographic basins, primarily the Amazon and Guyanas. Despite the large number of described species, studies involving a substantial number of its species designed to better understand their relationships and putative monophyly are still lacking. In this study, we analysed a large number of species of Moenkhausia to test the monophyly of the genus based on the phylogenetic analysis of DNA sequences of two mitochondrial and three nuclear genes. The in‐group included 29 species of Moenkhausia, and the out‐group was composed of representatives of Characidae and other members of Characiformes. All species of Moenkhausia belong to the same clade (Clade C); however, they appear distributed in five monophyletic groups along with other different genera, which means that Moenkhausia is polyphyletic and indicates the necessity of an extensive revision of the group.  相似文献   

The phylogenetic relationships of the fossil orussid taxa Mesorussus taimyrensis and Minyorussus luzzi are examined by analysing them together with a large data set compiled previously for the extant Orussidae. The fossils are placed in an unresolved trichotomy with the extant Orussidae. The phylogeny is used for evaluating the hypothesis that the ancestors of the family had reduced body size; the results of this analysis are inconclusive. The biogeographical history of the Orussidae is explored. The common ancestor of the family was probably widespread, the initial splitting events taking place prior to or coinciding with the separation of Laurasia from Gondwana. Later putative vicariance events can be correlated with the gradual breakup of Gondwana. However, the biogeographical history of the Orussidae is dominated by speciation within regions and dispersal. The minimum age of the common ancestor of the Orussidae is >180 Myr when estimated from the biogeographical pattern, >95 Myr when estimated from the phylogenetic position of the fossils; the earlier date is considered to be the most likely.  © 2004 The Linnean Society of London , Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2004, 82 , 139–160.  相似文献   

The phylogenetic relationships among the three subfamilies (Salmoninae, Coregoninae and Thymallinae) in the Salmonidae have not been addressed extensively at the molecular level. In this study, the whole mitochondrial genomes of two Thymallinae species, Thymallus arcticus and Thymallus thymallus were sequenced, and the published mitochondrial genome sequences of other salmonids were used for Bayesian and maximum‐likelihood phylogenetic analyses. These results support an ancestral Coregoninae, branching within the Salmonidae, with Thymallinae as the sister group to Salmoninae.  相似文献   

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