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High-level expression of G-protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) in functional form is required for structure-function studies. The main goal of the present work was to improve expression levels of beta2-adrenergic receptor (beta2-AR) so that biophysical studies involving EPR, NMR, and crystallography can be pursued. Toward this objective, the total synthesis of a codon-optimized hamster beta2-AR gene suitable for high-level expression in mammalian systems has been accomplished. Transient expression of the gene in COS-1 cells resulted in 18 +/- 3 pmol beta2-AR/mg of membrane protein, as measured by saturation binding assay using the beta2-AR antagonist [3H] dihydroalprenolol. Previously, we reported the development of an HEK293S tetracycline-inducible system for high-level expression of rhodopsin. Here, we describe construction of beta2-AR stable cell lines using the HEK293S-TetR-inducible system, which, after induction, express wild-type beta2-AR at levels of 220 +/- 40 pmol/mg of membrane protein corresponding to 50 +/- 8 microg/15-cm plate. This level of expression is the highest reported so far for any wild-type GPCR, other than rhodopsin. The yield of functional receptor using the single-step affinity purification is 12 +/- 3 microg/15-cm plate. This level of expression now makes it feasible to pursue structure-function studies using EPR. Furthermore, scale-up of beta2-AR expression using suspension cultures in a bioreactor should now allow production of enough beta2-AR for the application of biophysical techniques such as NMR spectroscopy and crystallography.  相似文献   

The B(2) bradykinin receptor belongs to the G-protein coupled receptor family. Development of new drugs for this important therapeutic target requires structural information on the receptor. The main goal of the present work was to overexpress the human B(2) receptor for future biophysical studies. Different tagged B(2) receptors were engineered and their properties were evaluated by transient expression in HEK293S cells. A B(2) receptor tagged with a hexahistidine at the N-terminus and a nonapeptide at the C-terminus was selected for high expression level and preserved ligand-binding characteristics. First, we generated a HEK293S stable cell line expressing the receptor constitutively at a level of 60pmol/mg of crude membrane protein. However, the decrease of expression level with cell passages led us to express the B(2) receptor in a HEK293S tetracycline-inducible stable cell line. Induction of expression of the B(2) receptor with tetracycline and sodium butyrate led to a level of 100pmol/mg of membrane protein, which is the highest level reported so far for this receptor. The expression level was stable with cell passages and the ligand-binding and signal transduction properties of the receptor were unaltered. The receptor was purified to near homogeneity by solubilization with n-dodecyl-beta-d-maltoside followed by a two-step purification procedure combining hydroxyapatite and immunoaffinity chromatography. Although the purified receptor is not functional, the purification of the B(2) receptor to near homogeneity from a stable cell line overexpressing this receptor pave the way for future structural studies of this receptor.  相似文献   

It has previously been shown that nicotine-evoked dopamine release from rat striatal synaptosomes and nicotine-evoked norepinephrine release from hippocampal synaptosomes are mediated by distinct nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR) subtypes. In the present study, the functional association of these nicotinic receptors with specific subtypes of voltage-gated calcium channels was examined. Cd(2+) (200 microM), as well as omega-conotoxin MVIIC (5 microM), blocks approximately 85% of nicotine-evoked dopamine release from striatal synaptosomes, indicating a major involvement of calcium channels. Furthermore, the toxin-susceptibility suggests that these calcium channels contain alpha(1A) and/or alpha(1B) subunits. Inhibition of nicotine-evoked dopamine release by conotoxins alpha-MII and omega-GVIA is additive and indicates that presynaptic alpha3beta2 nAChRs are functionally coupled to alpha(1A), but not alpha(1B), calcium channel subtypes. Conversely, insensitivity to alpha-AuIB and sensitivity to omega-MVIIC indicate that non-alpha3beta2/alpha3beta4-containing nAChRs are functionally coupled to alpha(1B)-containing calcium channels. In contrast, Cd(2+) blocks only 65% of nicotine-evoked norepinephrine release from hippocampal synaptosomes, indicating that a substantial fraction of this release occurs through mechanisms not involving calcium channels. This Cd(2+)-insensitive component of release is blocked by alpha-AuIB and therefore appears to be triggered by Ca(2+) flowing directly through the channels of presynaptic alpha3beta4 nAChRs. Thus, these data indicate that different presynaptic termini can have distinctive functional associations of specific nAChRs and voltage-gated calcium channels.  相似文献   

In the present study, the 5‐HT2A and 5‐HT1A receptors functional activity and 5‐HT2A receptor gene expression were examined in the brain of ASC/Icg and congenic AKR.CBAD13Mit76C mouse strains (genetically predisposed to catalepsy) in comparison with the parental catalepsy‐resistant AKR/J and catalepsy‐prone CBA/Lac mouse strains. The significantly reduced 5‐HT2A receptor functional activity along with decreased 5‐HT2A receptor gene expression in the frontal cortex was found in all mice predisposed to catalepsy compared with catalepsy‐resistant AKR/J. 5‐HT2A agonist DOI (0.5 and 1 mg/kg, i.p.) significantly reduced catalepsy in ASC/Icg and CBA/Lac, but not in AKR.CBAD13Mit76C mice. Essential increase in 5‐HT1A receptor functional activity was shown in catalepsy‐prone mouse strains in comparison with catalepsy‐resistant AKR/J mice. However, in AKR.CBAD13Mit76C mice it was lower than in ASC/Icg and CBA/Lac mice. The inter‐relation between 5‐HT2A and 5‐HT1A receptors in the regulation of catalepsy was suggested. This suggestion was confirmed by prevention of DOI anticataleptic effect in ASC/Icg and CBA/Lac mice by pretreatment with 5‐HT1A receptor antagonist p‐MPPI (3 mg/kg, i.p.). At the same time, the activation of 5‐HT2A receptor led to the essential suppression of 5‐HT1A receptor functional activity, indicating the opposite effect of 5‐HT2A receptor on pre‐ and postsynaptic 5‐HT1A receptors. Thus, 5‐HT2A/5‐HT1A receptor interaction in the mechanism of catalepsy suppression in mice was shown.  相似文献   

甲型流感病毒M2蛋白是一种具有离子通道功能的跨膜蛋白,其氨基酸序列非常保守,可用于流感通用疫苗的研究。为了构建可调控的稳定表达甲型流感病毒M2蛋白的哺乳动物细胞系,首先应用PCR方法从含有流感病毒PR8株第七节段全长基因的质粒中扩增得到M2基因。将该片段亚克隆到真核表达载体pcDNA5/FRT/TO上,用BamHⅠ和NotⅠ双酶切鉴定正确后将重组质粒与表达Flp重组酶的pOG44质粒共转染Flp-In T-REx-293细胞,使目的基因整合到宿主细胞染色体。筛选具有Hygromycin B抗性的细胞株。在该细胞的培养基中加入四环素以诱导目的基因表达,48 h后通过间接免疫荧光方法检测到M2蛋白的表达。共得到16株高表达M2蛋白的重组细胞株,这些细胞株在传10代后仍能稳定表达目的蛋白。未加四环素诱导的细胞没有检测到M2蛋白,说明四环素调控系统严格控制着目的基因的表达。今后,该细胞系可用于流感病毒M2蛋白的功能研究、流感候选疫苗的免疫学评价以及流感病毒减毒活疫苗的研制。  相似文献   

We present evidence that the 5-hydroxytryptamine(1A) (5-HT(1A)) receptor antagonist, N-{2-[4-(2-methoxyphenyl)-1-piperazinyl]-ethyl}-N-(2-pyridinyl)cyclohexanecarboxamide (WAY-100635), can induce receptor internalization in a human (h)5-HT(1A) receptor Chinese hamster ovary (CHO-K1) cell system. Exposure of h5-HT(1A) CHO cells to WAY-100635 decreased the cell-surface h5-HT(1A) receptor density in a way that was both time (24-72 h) and concentration (1-100 nm) dependent.[(3)H]WAY-100635 and [(3)H]8-hydroxy-dipropylaminotetralin ([(3)H]8-OH-DPAT) saturation analyses demonstrated a significant reduction (50-60%) in total h5-HT(1A) receptor number in the WAY-100635-treated (100 nm; 72 h) compared with control cells. In WAY-100635-treated cells, the 8-OH-DPAT-mediated inhibition of forskolin (FSK)-stimulated cAMP accumulation was right-shifted and the maximal inhibitory response of 8-OH-DPAT was impaired compared with control cells. Similar results were obtained for 8-OH-DPAT-mediated Ca(2+) mobilization after WAY-100635 treatment. h5-HT(1A) receptors labeled with [(3)H]WAY-100635, as well as [(3)H]4-(2'-Methoxy)-phenyl-1-[2'-(N-2'-pyridinyl)-p-fluorobenzamido]ethyl-piperazine (MPPF), exhibited a time-dependent rate of cellular internalization that was blocked by endocytotic suppressors and was pertussis-toxin insensitive. In contrast, quantitative autoradiographic studies demonstrated that chronic treatment of rats with WAY-100635 for two weeks produced a region-specific increase in the 5-HT(1A) receptor density. In conclusion, prolonged exposure of an h5-HT(1A) cell-based system to the 5-HT(1A) antagonist, WAY-100635, induced a paradoxical internalization of cell surface receptor resulting in depressed functional activity. This suggests that an antagonist can influence 5-HT(1A) receptor recycling in vitro differently to in vivo regulatory conditions.  相似文献   

The protein ER-alpha has been exhaustively characterized in estrogen-sensitive tissues and cell lines. However, little is known regarding the expression and cellular distribution of the newly identified ER-beta protein. We first quantified the specific estradiol binding site content in the estrogen-responsive cell lines MCF-7 (mammary) and SHM (myometrial). In the two cell types, these sites were associated to the expression of both ER-alpha and -beta isoforms. Native ER-beta was visualized to reside inside the nucleus by means of conventional indirect immunofluorescence. The cells expressed ER-beta as a tight approximately 50 kDa triplet when resolved by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gels (SDS-PAGE) and blotted using antibodies mapping different domains of the cloned ER-beta version. When the cells were subjected to homogenization and differential centrifugation, a substantial proportion of ER-beta immunolabeling was localized at membrane subfractions. ER-beta expression and partitioning was confirmed by Ligand blotting assays using estrogen derivatives coupled to different macromolecular tags. However, ER-alpha was expressed as the major estrogen binding protein in both cell lines. Similar localization experiments were performed on HeLa cells (cervix). Though usually considered ER-negative, this cell line displayed basal significant estrogen binding capacity and co-expression of both ER isoforms. Taken as a whole, the results indicate that ER-beta could be expressed as functional estrogen binding proteins among a dominant population of ER-alpha sites in the cell lines under study.  相似文献   

Constitutive promoters are widely used to functionally characterise plant genes in transgenic plants, but their lack of specificity and poor control over protein expression can be a major disadvantage. On the other hand, promoters that provide precise regulation of temporal or spatial transgene expression facilitate such studies by targeting over-expression or knockdown of target genes to specific tissues and/or at particular developmental stages. Here, we used the uidA (beta-glucuronidase, GUS) reporter gene to demonstrate that the barley Hvhsp17 gene promoter can be induced by heat treatment of 38-40 °C for 1-2 h in transgenic wheat. The GUS enzyme was expressed only in those tissues directly exposed to heat and not in neighbouring leaf tissues. The induction of HSP::GUS was demonstrated in all organs and tissues tested, but expression in older tissues was lower. Generally, proximal root sections showed less GUS activity than in root tips. This heat-inducible promoter provides the ability to investigate the function of candidate genes by overexpression or by down-regulation of target gene expression (for example by RNAi) in selected tissues or developmental stages of a transgenic plant, limited only by the ability to apply a heat shock to the selected tissues. It also allows the investigation of genes that would be lethal or reduce fertility if expressed constitutively.  相似文献   

Background information. The activation of fibroblasts into myofibroblasts is a crucial event in healing that is linked to remodelling and scar formation, therefore we determined whether regulation of myofibroblast differentiation via integrins might affect wound healing responses in populations of patient‐matched HOFs (human oral fibroblasts) compared with HDFs (human dermal fibroblasts). Results. Both the HOF and HDF cell types underwent TGF‐β1 (transforming growth factor‐β1)‐induced myofibroblastic differentiation [upregulation of the expression of α‐sma (α‐smooth muscle actin)], although analysis of unstimulated cells indicated that HOFs contained higher basal levels of α‐sma than HDFs (P<0.05). Functional blocking antibodies against the integrin subunits α5 (fibronectin) or αv (vitronectin) were used to determine whether the effects of TGF‐β1 were regulated via integrin signalling pathways. α‐sma expression in both HOFs and HDFs was down‐regulated by antibodies against both α5 and αv. Functionally, TGF‐β1 inhibited cell migration in an in vitro wound model and increased the contraction of collagen gels. Greater contraction was evident for HOFs compared with HDFs, both with and without stimulation by TGF‐β1 (P<0.05). When TGF‐β1‐stimulated cells were incubated with blocking antibodies against α5 and αv, gel contraction was decreased to that of non‐stimulated cells; however, blocking αv or α5 could not restore cellular migration in both HOFs and HDFs. Conclusions. Despite intrinsic differences in their basal state, the cellular events associated with TGF‐β1‐induced myofibroblastic differentiation are common to both HOFs and HDFs, and appear to require differential integrin usage; up‐regulation of α‐sma expression and increases in collagen gel contraction are vitronectin‐ and fibronectin‐receptor‐dependent processes, whereas wound re‐population is not.  相似文献   

We have recently shown that the mu-opioid receptor [MOR1, also termed mu-opioid peptide (MOP) receptor] is associated with the phospholipase D2 (PLD2), a phospholipid-specific phosphodiesterase located in the plasma membrane. We further demonstrated that, in human embryonic kidney (HEK) 293 cells co-expressing MOR1 and PLD2, treatment with (D-Ala2, Me Phe4, Glyol5)enkephalin (DAMGO) led to an increase in PLD2 activity and an induction of receptor endocytosis, whereas morphine, which does not induce opioid receptor endocytosis, failed to activate PLD2. In contrast, a C-terminal splice variant of the mu-opioid receptor (MOR1D, also termed MOP(1D)) exhibited robust endocytosis in response to both DAMGO and morphine treatment. We report here that MOR1D also mediates an agonist-independent (constitutive) PLD2-activation facilitating agonist-induced and constitutive receptor endocytosis. Inhibition of PLD2 activity by over-expression of a dominant negative PLD2 (nPLD2) blocked the constitutive PLD2 activation and impaired the endocytosis of MOR1D receptors. Moreover, we provide evidence that the endocytotic trafficking of the delta-opioid receptor [DOR, also termed delta-opioid peptide (DOP) receptor] and cannabinoid receptor isoform 1 (CB1) is also mediated by a PLD2-dependent pathway. These data indicate the generally important role for PLD2 in the regulation of agonist-dependent and agonist-independent G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) endocytosis.  相似文献   

Retinoid acid receptors (RXR-alpha, -beta, -gamma) and Farnesoid X-activated receptor (FXR) expression in the testis of the marbled newt were investigated with special attention to the changes during the annual testicular cycle, using light microscopy immunohistochemistry and Western blot analysis. The annual testicular cycle of the marbled newt (Triturus marmoratus marmoratus) comprises three periods: (a) proliferative period (germ cell proliferation from primordial germ cells to round spermatids, April-June); (b) spermiogenesis period (July-September); and (c) quiescence period (interstitial and follicular cells form the glandular tissue, October-April). In the proliferative period, primordial germ cells and primary spermatogonia immunostained intensely to the three types of RXRs and also to FXR. In the other periods, immunostaining to these antibodies was weak or absent. Secondary spermatogonia stained weakly to the four antibodies in the proliferative period, and only to FXR, also weakly, in the spermiogenesis period. Immunoreactive primary spermatocytes were weakly labeled with the RXR antibodies in the proliferative period. Spermatids and spermatozoa did not stain to any antibody in any period. Follicular cells only immunostained to RXR-gamma and only in the quiescence period when they are forming the glandular tissue, together with the interstitial cells. As follicular cells, interstitial cells only immunostained in the quiescence period; however, they immunoreacted to the three types of RXRs. These findings suggest that in the newt, RXRs and FXR are involved in spermatogenesis control by regulating the proliferation of primordial germ cells and spermatogonia. In addition, RXR-gamma seems to be also involved in the development of the glandular (steroidogenic) tissue.  相似文献   

Gamma‐aminobutyric acid type A receptors (GABAARs) are the most important inhibitory chloride ion channels in the central nervous system and are major targets for a wide variety of drugs. The subunit compositions of GABAARs determine their function and pharmacological profile. GABAARs are heteropentamers of subunits, and (α1)2(β3)2(γ2L)1 is a common subtype. Biochemical and biophysical studies of GABAARs require larger quantities of receptors of defined subunit composition than are currently available. We previously reported high‐level production of active human α1β3 GABAAR using tetracycline‐inducible stable HEK293 cells. Here we extend the strategy to receptors containing three different subunits. We constructed a stable tetracycline‐inducible HEK293‐TetR cell line expressing human (N)–FLAG–α1β3γ2L–(C)–(GGS)3GK–1D4 GABAAR. These cells achieved expression levels of 70–90 pmol [3H]muscimol binding sites/15‐cm plate at a specific activity of 15–30 pmol/mg of membrane protein. Incorporation of the γ2 subunit was confirmed by the ratio of [3H]flunitrazepam to [3H]muscimol binding sites and sensitivity of GABA‐induced currents to benzodiazepines and zinc. The α1β3γ2L GABAARs were solubilized in dodecyl‐d ‐maltoside, purified by anti‐FLAG affinity chromatography and reconstituted in CHAPS/asolectin at an overall yield of ~30%. Typical purifications yielded 1.0–1.5 nmoles of [3H]muscimol binding sites/60 plates. Receptors with similar properties could be purified by 1D4 affinity chromatography with lower overall yield. The composition of the purified, reconstituted receptors was confirmed by ligand binding, Western blot, and proteomics. Allosteric interactions between etomidate and [3H]muscimol binding were maintained in the purified state.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to compare the degree of occupancy of central nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChR) in isoflurane anaesthetized baboon brain following inhalation of tobacco smoke (one cigarette containing 0.9 mg nicotine) or i.v. nicotine (0.6 mg i.v.). [18F]Fluoro-A-85380 and positron emission tomography (PET) were used to assess the distribution volumes (DV) of the radiotracer in selected brain areas using a one-compartment model. Eighty minutes after nicotine i.v., DV was reduced by 50 and 66% in the thalamus and putamen, respectively. Six hours after nicotine, a reduction in DV (27% in the thalamus) was still observed. Eighty minutes after inhalation of tobacco smoke, DV was decreased by 52 and 65% in the thalamus and putamen, respectively. Previous PET experiments have demonstrated a short-lasting interaction of [11C]nicotine with nAChRs. Thus, we hypothesized that a metabolite of nicotine with high affinity and long half-live (several hours) could bind at nAChRs. Eighty minutes after a high dose of nornicotine (0.5 mg i.v.), DV was reduced by 53 and 31% in thalamus and putamen, respectively. No significant effect was observed following 0.15 mg nornicotine. Therefore, nornicotine could contribute to the long-lasting occupancy of central nAChRs after smoking.  相似文献   

Transforming growth factor-beta1 (TGF-beta1) is secreted by most cells as a high molecular weight latent complex, which consists of latent TGF-beta1 disulfide bonded to latent TGF-beta1-binding protein (LTBP). Current recombinant expression systems yield less than 1-2 mg of the mature TGF-beta1 per liter of cell culture medium. In an effort to produce large quantities of the recombinant cytokine for structural studies, we have constructed a mammalian expression system based on a modified pcDNA3.1(+) vector with a glutamine synthetase gene inserted for gene amplification. The leader peptide of TGF-beta1 was replaced with that of rat serum albumin, and an eight-histidine tag was inserted immediately after the leader sequence to facilitate protein purification. In addition, Cys 33 of TGF-beta1, which forms a disulfide bond with LTBP, was replaced by a serine residue. The resulting expression construct produced a stable clone expressing 30 mg of mature TGF-beta1 per liter of spent medium. Purified TGF-beta1 bound with high affinity to its type II receptor with a solution dissociation constant of approximately 70 nM, and was fully active in both a Mv1Lu cell growth inhibition assay and in a PAI-1 luciferase reporter assay. Owing to similarities in the synthesis, secretion, and structure of TGF-beta family members, this recombinant expression system may also be applied to the overexpression of other TGF-beta isomers and even to members of the TGF-beta superfamily to facilitate their preparation.  相似文献   

Human alpha‐1‐antitrypsin (A1AT) is a protease inhibitor that is involved in the protection of lungs from neutrophil elastase enzyme that drastically modifies tissue functioning. The glycoprotein consists of 394 amino acids and is N‐glycosylated at Asn‐46, Asn‐83, and Asn‐247. A1AT deficiency is currently treated with A1AT that is purified from human serum. In view of therapeutic applications, rA1AT was produced using a novel human neuronal cell line (AGE1.HN®) and we investigated the N‐glycosylation pattern as well as the in vitro anti‐inflammatory activity of the recombinant glycoprotein. rA1AT (300 mg/L) was biologically active as analyzed using elastase assay. The N‐glycan pool, released by PNGase F digestion, was characterized using 2D‐HPLC, MALDI‐TOF mass spectrometry, and by exoglycosidase digestions. A total of 28 N‐glycan structures were identified, ranging from diantennary to tetraantennary complex‐type N‐glycans. Most of the N‐glycans were found to be (α1–6) core‐fucosylated and part of them contain the Lewis X epitope. The two major compounds are a monosialylated diantennary difucosylated glycan and a disialylated diantennary core‐fucosylated glycan, representing 25% and 18% of the total N‐glycan pool, respectively. Analysis of the site‐specificity revealed that Asn‐247 was mainly occupied by diantennary N‐glycans whereas Asn‐46 was occupied by di‐, and triantennary N‐glycans. Asn‐83 was exclusively occupied by sialylated tri‐ and tetraantennary N‐glycans. Next, we evaluated the anti‐inflammatory activity of rA1AT using A1AT purified from human serum as a reference. rA1AT was found to inhibit the production of TNF‐α in neutrophils and monocytes as commercial A1AT does. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2011;108:2118–2128. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

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