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Ahn B  Kang D  Kim H  Wei Q 《Molecules and cells》2004,18(2):249-255
DNA repair capacity in a cell could be detected by a host-cell reactivation assay (HCR). Since relation between DNA repair and genetic susceptibility to cancer remains unclear, it is necessary to identify DNA repair defects in human cancer cells. To assess DNA repair for breast cancer susceptibility, we developed a modified HCR assay using a plasmid containing a firefly luciferase gene damaged by mitomycin C (MMC), which forms interstrand cross-link (ICL) adducts. In particular, interstrand cross-link is thought to induce strand breaks being repaired by homologous recombination. The MMC-ICLs were verified by electrophoresis. Damaged plasmids were transfected into apparently normal human lymphocytes and NER-deficient XP cell lines and the DNA repair capacity of the cells were measured by quantifying the activity of the firefly luciferase. MMC lesion was repaired as much as UV adducts in normal lymphocytes and the XPC cells. However, the XPA cells have a lower repair capacity for MMC lesion than the XPC cell, indicating that the XPA protein may be involved in initial damage recognition of MMC-ICL adducts. Since several repair pathways including NER and recombination participate in MMC-ICL removal, this host cell reactivation assay using MMC-ICLs can be used in exploring DNA repair defects in human cancer cells.  相似文献   

DNA sequence-specific adducts of adriamycin and mitomycin C   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Photoreactive psoralens can form interstrand crosslinks (ICLs) in double-stranded DNA. In eubacteria, the endonuclease UvrABC plays a key role in processing psoralen ICLs. Psoralen-modified triplex-forming oligonucleotides (TFOs) can be used to direct ICLs to specific genomic sites. Previous studies of pyrimidine-rich methoxypsoralen–modified TFOs indicated that the TFO inhibits cleavage by UvrABC. Because different chemistries may alter the processing of TFO-directed ICLs, we investigated the effect of another type of triplex formed by purine-rich TFOs on the processing of 4′-(hydroxymethyl)-4,5′,8-trimethylpsoralen (HMT) ICLs by the UvrABC nuclease. Using an HMT-modified TFO to direct ICLs to a specific site, we found that UvrABC made incisions on the purine-rich strand of the duplex ~3 bases from the 3′-side and ~9 bases from the 5′-side of the ICL, within the TFO-binding region. In contrast to previous reports, the UvrABC nuclease cleaved the TFO-directed psoralen ICL with a greater efficiency than that of the psoralen ICL alone. Furthermore, the TFO was dissociated from its duplex binding site by UvrA and UvrB. As mutagenesis by TFO-directed ICLs requires nucleotide excision repair, the efficient processing of these lesions supports the use of triplex technology to direct DNA damage for genome modification.  相似文献   

Repair of DNA interstrand cross-links   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
DNA interstrand cross-links (ICLs) are very toxic to dividing cells, because they induce mutations, chromosomal rearrangements and cell death. Inducers of ICLs are important drugs in cancer treatment. We discuss the main properties of several classes of ICL agents and the types of damage they induce. The current insights in ICL repair in bacteria, yeast and mammalian cells are reviewed. An intriguing aspect of ICLs is that a number of multi-step DNA repair pathways including nucleotide excision repair, homologous recombination and post-replication/translesion repair all impinge on their repair. Furthermore, the breast cancer-associated proteins Brca1 and Brca2, the Fanconi anemia-associated FANC proteins, and cell cycle checkpoint proteins are involved in regulating the cellular response to ICLs. We depict several models that describe possible pathways for the repair or replicational bypass of ICLs.  相似文献   

M Sip  A Schwartz  F Vovelle  M Ptak  M Leng 《Biochemistry》1992,31(9):2508-2513
A 22 base pair double-stranded oligonucleotide containing a unique interstrand adduct resulting from chelation of the two guanine residues within the central sequence d(TGCT/AGCA) by a cis-platinum residue has been studied by means of gel electrophoresis, chemical probes, and molecular mechanics. The anomalously slow electrophoretic mobility of the multimers of the platinated and ligated oligomers suggests that the platinated oligonucleotide is bent. The two cytosine residues (complementary to the platinated guanines) are hyperreactive to hydroxylamine, indicating a large exposure of the two bases to the solvent. The adduct does not induce a local denaturation within the flanking sequences since the adenine residues are not reactive with diethyl pyrocarbonate. This is confirmed by the nonreactivity of the complementary T residues with osmium tetraoxide. These results and the molecular mechanics modeling suggest that the interstrand adduct bends the double helix by approximately 55 degrees toward the major groove, that the double helix conserves its average twist angle, and that the distortion induced by the adduct is localized at the platinated sequence d(GC/CG).  相似文献   

The solution structure of an interstrand cross-linked self-complementary oligodeoxynucleotide containing directly opposed alkylated N(4)C-ethyl-N(4)C cytosine bases was determined by molecular dynamics calculations guided by NMR-derived restraints. The undecamer d(CGAAACTTTCG)(2), where C represents directly opposed alkylated N(4)C-ethyl-N(4)C cytosine bases, serves as model for the cytotoxic cross-links formed by bifunctional alkylating agents used in cancer therapy. The structure of the duplex shows the cross-link protruding into the major groove. An increase in the diameter of the DNA at the pseudoplatform formed by the cross-linked residues creates an A-DNA characteristic hole in the central portion of the DNA. This results in a centrally underwound base step and a number of subsequent overwinding steps leading to an overall axis bend toward the major groove. The structure shows narrowing of both minor and major grooves in the proximity of the cross-link. The perturbation leads to preferential intrastrand base stacking, disruption of adjacent canonical (A.T) base pairing, and buckling of base pairs, the extent of which diminishes with progression away from the lesion site. Overall, the distortion induced by the cross-link spreads over three base pairs on the 5'- and 3'-sides of the cross-link.  相似文献   

The nucleotide sequence preferences of the DNA interstrand cross-linking agents dehydroretronecine diacetate (DHRA), 2,3-bis(acetoxymethyl)-1-methylpyrrole (BAMP), dehydromonocrotaline, and dehydroretrorsine were studied by using synthetic DNA duplex fragments and polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE). These agents have structural features in common with the reductively activated aziridinomitosene of mitomycin C (MC). Like MC, they preferentially cross-linked DNA duplexes containing the duplex sequence 5'-CG. For DHRA and BAMP interstrand cross-linked DNA duplexes, PAGE analysis of iron(II)-EDTA fragmentation reactions revealed the interstrand cross-links to be deoxyguanosine to deoxyguanosine (dG-to-dG), again analogous to DNA cross-links caused by MC. Unlike MC, DHRA could be shown to dG-to-dG cross-link a 5'-GC sequence. Furthermore, the impact of flanking sequence on the efficiency of interstrand cross-linking at 5'-CG was reduced for BAMP, with 5'-TCGA and 5'-GCGC being equally efficiently cross-linked. Possible origins of the 5'-CG sequence recognition common to all of the agents are discussed. A model is presented in which the transition state for the conversion of monoadducts to cross-links more closely resembles ground-state DNA at 5'-CG sequences.  相似文献   

Repair of psoralen and acetylaminofluorene DNA adducts by ABC excinuclease   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
Escherichia coli UvrA, UvrB and UvrC proteins acting in concert remove the major ultraviolet light-induced photoproduct, the pyrimidine dimer, from DNA in the form of a 12 to 13-nucleotide long single-stranded fragment. In vivo data indicate that the UvrABC enzyme is also capable of removing other nucleotide diadducts as well as certain nucleotide monoadducts from DNA and initiating the repair process that leads to removal of interstrand crosslinks caused by some bifunctional chemical agents. We have determined the action mechanism of the enzyme on nucleotide monoadducts produced by 4'-hydroxymethyl-4,5',8-trimethylpsoralen and N-acetoxy-N-2-acetylaminofluorene. In both cases we find that the enzyme hydrolyzes the eighth phosphodiester bond 5' and the fifth phosphodiester bond 3' to the modified base. This cutting pattern is similar to that observed with diadduct substrate, the only difference being that while the enzyme incises the fourth or fifth phosphodiester bond 3' to the pyrimidine dimer it always hydrolyzes the fifth bond relative to monoadducts. Our results also suggest that ABC excinuclease cuts the same two phosphodiester bonds on both sides of a T whether that T has a psoralen monoadduct or is involved in psoralen-mediated interstrand crosslink.  相似文献   

Mitomycin C requires reductive activation to cross-link DNA and express anticancer activity. Reduction of mitomycin C (40 microm) by sodium borohydride (200 microm) in 20 mm Tris-HCl, 1 mm EDTA at 37 degrees C, pH 7.4, gives a 50-60% yield of the reactive intermediate mitomycin C hydroquinone. The hydroquinone decays with first order kinetics or pseudo first order kinetics with a t(12) of approximately 15 s under these conditions. The cross-linking of T7 DNA in this system followed matching kinetics, with the conversion of mitomycin C hydroquinone to leuco-aziridinomitosene appearing to be the rate-determining step. Several peroxidases were found to oxidize mitomycin C hydroquinone to mitomycin C and to block DNA cross-linking to various degrees. Concentrations of the various peroxidases that largely blocked DNA cross-linking, regenerated 10-70% mitomycin C from the reduced material. Thus, significant quantities of products other than mitomycin C were produced by the peroxidase-mediated oxidation of mitomycin C hydroquinone or products derived therefrom. Variations in the sensitivity of cells to mitomycin C have been attributed to differing levels of activating enzymes, export pumps, and DNA repair. Mitomycin C hydroquinone-oxidizing enzymes give rise to a new mechanism by which oxic/hypoxic toxicity differentials and resistance can occur.  相似文献   

Exocyclic DNA adducts are mutagenic lesions that can be formed by both exogenous and endogenous mutagens/carcinogens. These adducts are structurally analogs but can differ in certain features such as ring size, conjugation, planarity and substitution. Although the information on the biological role of the repair activities for these adducts is largely unknown, considerable progress has been made on their reaction mechanisms, substrate specificities and kinetic properties that are affected by adduct structures. At least four different mechanisms appear to have evolved for the removal of specific exocyclic adducts. These include base excision repair, nucleotide excision repair, mismatch repair, and AP endonuclease-mediated repair. This overview highlights the recent progress in such areas with emphasis on structure-activity relationships. It is also apparent that more information is needed for a better understanding of the biological and structural implications of exocyclic adducts and their repair.  相似文献   

Differential activation of p53 by the various adducts of mitomycin C   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Mitomycin C (MC) is a cytotoxic chemotherapeutic agent that causes DNA damage in the form of DNA cross-links as well as a variety of DNA monoadducts and is known to induce p53. The various DNA adducts formed upon treatment of mouse mammary tumor cells with MC as well as 10-decarbamoyl MC (DMC) and 2,7-diaminomitosene (2,7-DAM), the major MC metabolite, have been elucidated. The cytotoxicity of DMC parallels closely that of MC in a number of rodent cell lines tested, whereas 2,7-DAM is relatively noncytotoxic. In this study, we investigate the ability of MC, DMC, and 2,7-DAM to activate p53 at equidose concentrations by treating tissue culture cell lines with the three mitomycins. Whereas MC and DMC induced p53 protein levels and increased the levels of p21 and Gadd45 mRNA, 2,7-DAM did not. Furthermore, MC and DMC, but not 2,7-DAM, were able to induce apoptosis efficiently in ML-1 cells. Therefore the 2,7-DAM monoadducts were unable to activate the p53 pathway. Interestingly, DMC was able to initiate apoptosis via a p53-independent pathway whereas MC was not. This is the first finding that adducts of a multiadduct type DNA-damaging agent are differentially recognized by DNA damage sensor pathways.  相似文献   

Oligodeoxyribonucleotides cross-linked by reductively activated mitomycin C (MC) were prepared and purified for the first time. The cross-linked products were structurally characterized by nucleoside and MC-nucleoside adduct analysis. Optimal conditions were established for the cross-linking reaction, resulting in high yields, typically in the 20-50% range. Nuclease digests of the cross-linked oligonucleotides yielded the same bifunctional MC-deoxyguanosine adduct as that previously isolated from DNA exposed to MC in vitro and in vivo [Tomasz et al. (1987) Science 235, 1204]. The cross-linked oligonucleotides displayed broad thermal melting profiles, greatly increased Tm, and complex circular dichroism spectra. Phosphodiester linkages at the cross-link were resistant to spleen exonuclease, nuclease P1, and TaqI and ClaI restriction endonucleases; snake venom diesterase action was uninhibited. The cross-links are stable to heat at neutral pH but are removed by treatment in hot piperidine or by the reducing agents Na2S2O4 and dithiothreitol. Mechanisms are proposed for these reactions. These studies define optimal methods for introducing mitomycin cross-links into DNA fragments at a specific site, providing a versatile tool to study the effects of the MC cross-links on DNA structure and function.  相似文献   

Noronha AM  Wilds CJ  Miller PS 《Biochemistry》2002,41(27):8605-8612
Short DNA duplexes containing a 1,3-N(4)C-alkyl-N(4)C interstrand cross-link that joins the two C residues of a -CNG- sequence were prepared using either a phosphoramidite or convertible nucleoside approach. The alkyl cross-link consists of 2, 4, or 7 methylene groups. The duplexes, which contain a seven-base-pair core and A(3)/T(3) complementary 3'-overhanging ends, were characterized by enzymatic digestion and MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry. Ultraviolet thermal denaturation studies showed that the duplexes denature in a cooperative manner and that the length of the cross-link affects the thermal stability. Thus, the transition temperature of the ethyl cross-linked duplex, 42 degrees C, is 16 degrees C higher than the melting temperature of the corresponding non-cross-linked control, whereas the transition temperatures of the butyl and heptyl cross-linked duplexes, 73 and 72 degrees C, respectively, are 46-47 degrees C higher. The reduced molecularity of denaturation of the cross-linked duplexes versus melting of the non-cross-linked duplex most likely accounts for these differences. Examination of molecular models suggests that the ethyl cross-link is too short to span the distance between the two C residues at the site of the cross-link in B-form DNA without causing distortion of the helix, whereas less and no distortion would be expected for the butyl and heptyl cross-links, respectively. The circular dichroism spectra, which show greatest deviation in the ethyl cross-linked duplex from B-form DNA, are consistent with this expectation. Anomalous mobilities on native polyacrylamide gels of multimers produced by self-ligation of each of the cross-linked duplexes suggest that the ethyl and butyl cross-linked duplexes undergo bending deformations, whereas multimers derived from the heptyl cross-linked duplex migrated normally. The bending angle was estimated to be 20 degrees, 13 degrees, and 0 degrees for the ethyl, butyl, and heptyl cross-linked duplexes, respectively. Thus, it appears that the degree of bending in these N(4)C-alkyl-N(4)C cross-linked duplexes is controlled by the length of the cross-link.  相似文献   

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