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<正>Rice grain size is an important trait that affects rice yield and quality, and thus the identification of genes related to grain size is of great significance for improving rice yield and quality. Many genes related to grain size, such as DEP1(Huang et al., 2009),GW5(Liu et al., 2017), and GW7/GL7(Wang et al., 2015 a, b), have  相似文献   

To learn if an mRNA·18S rRNA interaction or a special secondary structure in the mRNA start region is essential for translation in eukaryotic cells, we constructed recombinant plasmids with the SV40 early promoter 5 to part of the Escherichia coli tuf B-lacZ gene. Deletion of bases potentially complementary to the 18S rRNA highly increased the transient -galactosidase expressed in transfected CHO cells. Deletion of bases that fostered formation of potential hairpins with the mRNA 5-terminus or altered the structure of the coding region reduced -galactosidase activity suggesting that these features of the mRNA secondary structure may be essential for initiation of translation. Computer aided analysis of the potential structure of 290 mRNAs suggests these are conserved features of the initiation region.  相似文献   

The chloroplast psbB operon includes five genes encoding photosystem II and cytochrome b 6 /f complex components. The psbN gene is located on the opposite strand. PsbN is localized in the thylakoid and is present even in the dark, although its level increases upon illumination and then decreases. However, the translation mechanism of the psbN mRNA remains unclear. Using an in vitro translation system from tobacco chloroplasts and a green fluorescent protein as a reporter protein, we show that translation occurs from a tobacco primary psbN 5′-UTR of 47 nucleotides (nt). Unlike many other chloroplast 5′-UTRs, the psbN 5′-UTR has two processing sites, at ?39 and ?24 upstream from the initiation site. Processing at ?39 enhanced the translation rate fivefold. In contrast, processing at ?24 did not affect the translation rate. These observations suggest that the two distinct processing events regulate, at least in part, the level of PsbN during development. The psbN 5′-UTR has no Shine–Dalgarno (SD)-like sequence. In vitro translation assays with excess amounts of the psbN 5′-UTR or with deleted psbN 5′-UTR sequences demonstrated that protein factors are required for translation and that their binding site is an 18 nt sequence in the 5′-UTR. Mobility shift assays using 10 other chloroplast 5′-UTRs suggested that common or similar proteins are involved in translation of a set of mRNAs lacking SD-like sequences.  相似文献   

Local protein synthesis in dendrites contributes to the synaptic modifications underlying learning and memory. The mRNA encoding the α subunit of the calcium/calmodulin dependent Kinase II (CaMKIIα) is dendritically localized and locally translated. A role for CaMKIIα local translation in hippocampus-dependent memory has been demonstrated in mice with disrupted CaMKIIα dendritic translation, through deletion of CaMKIIα 3'UTR. We studied the dendritic localization and local translation of CaMKIIα in the mouse olfactory bulb (OB), the first relay of the olfactory pathway, which exhibits a high level of plasticity in response to olfactory experience. CaMKIIα is expressed by granule cells (GCs) of the OB. Through in situ hybridization and synaptosome preparation, we show that CaMKIIα mRNA is transported in GC dendrites, synaptically localized and might be locally translated at GC synapses. Increases in the synaptic localization of CaMKIIα mRNA and protein in response to brief exposure to new odors demonstrate that they are activity-dependent processes. The activity-induced dendritic transport of CaMKIIα mRNA can be inhibited by an NMDA receptor antagonist and mimicked by an NMDA receptor agonist. Finally, in mice devoid of CaMKIIα 3'UTR, the dendritic localization of CaMKIIα mRNA is disrupted in the OB and olfactory associative learning is severely impaired. Our studies thus reveal a new functional modality for CaMKIIα local translation, as an essential determinant of olfactory plasticity.  相似文献   

We have compared the inhibitory effects of six synthetic steroid analogs (17β-carboxy-4-androsten-3-one benzylanilide (VP-1), 17α -acetoxy-6-methylene-4-pregnene-3, 20-dione (VP-2), 6-methylene-4-pregnene-3, 20-dione (VP-3), 17β-acetoxy-6-methylene-4-androsten-3-one (VP-4), 17β -acetoxy-16, 16-dimethyl-6-methylene-4-androsten-3-one (VP-5), and 3β-hydroxy-16-methylene-5-androsten-17-one (VP-6)) upon 5α-reductase activity within MCF-7 human breast cancer cells and rat prostate. Enzyme assays were performed by quantifying the amounts of [3H]5α-androstan-3α-17β-diol and/or [3H]dihydrotestosterone formed from 40 nM [3H]testosterone within each system. Five μM concentrations of VP-2 and VP-3 inhibited prostatic 5α-reductase by 55 and 65%, respectively, whereas the other analogs showed little activity. In contrast, each of the six analogs was active against MCF-7 homogenate 5α reductase activity. VP-2 and VP-4 demonstrated approx 65 and 70% inhibitions, respectively, whereas the other four compounds inhibited enzyme activity by 40–55% in this system. These results suggest that rat prostate and MCP-7 cells contain different 5α-reductase isozymes. When these agents were examined for 5α-reductase inhibitory activity following 1 h preincubations with intact MCF-7 cultures, VP-1 and 3 demonstrated potencies similar to those in MCF-7 homogenate. The other compounds, however, were far less active under these conditions. Longer culture preincubations (16 h) were associated with substantially increased VP-6 potency, moderate increases for VP-4 and 5, but no change in VP-2 activity. Additional studies examining the abilities of these agents to bind to MCF-7 androgen receptor (AR) and progesterone receptor (PR) revealed moderate AR binding activities of VP-2, 3, and 4, and substantial PR binding for VP-2 and 3. Finally, VP-4 failed to inhibit estrogen-dependent MCF-7 PR synthesis, suggesting that it has no androgenic activity despite its ability to interact with MCF-7 AR.  相似文献   

δ-Crystallin is the principal protein synthesized in the embryonic chicken lens. After hatching δ-crystallin synthesis decreases and eventually ceases. We have determined when the δ-crystallin messenger RNA (mRNA) disappears from the lens fiber cells during the first year of age by cell-free translation of lens RNA in a reticulocyte lysate, RNA blot (Northern) hybridization, and in situ hybridization. The hybridization was performed with a nick-translated, cloned δ-crystallin cDNA (pδCr2). δ-Crystallin mRNA was present in the lens until 3 months of age and disappeared between the third and fifth month after hatching. The in situ hybridization experiments indicated that the δ-crystallin mRNA was present throughout the lens fiber mass until 1 month after hatching and was greatly reduced in the cortical fiber cells thereafter. In contrast to earlier stages, then, the cortical fiber cells differentiating at the lens equator after about 1 month of age do not accumulate δ-crystallin mRNA. The data also indicate that the maximal half-life of functional δ-crystallin mRNA in the posthatched chicken lens is about 2 months.  相似文献   

A novel cap-independent translation has been performed where the ribosome entry is regulated by the 5-noncoding region (NCR) of L-A virus mRNA. Despite L-A virus mRNA containing neither cap structure nor a poly(A) tail, the reconstructed mRNA encoding the 5 NCR of L-A virus mRNA and a reporter gene (luciferase) was translated, in yeast lysate, 60 times more efficiently than control mRNA. The 5 NCR from L-A virus was effective in regulating the recruitment of ribosome in vitro. A possible mechanism in Saccharomyces cerevisiae is also suggested, whereby the ribosome entry is regulated by the 5 NCR of L-A virus mRNA.  相似文献   

The translation initiation factor aIF2 of the crenarchaeon Sulfolobus solfataricus (Sso) recruits initiator tRNA to the ribosome and stabilizes mRNAs by binding via the γ-subunit to their 5′-triphosphate end. It has been hypothesized that the latter occurs predominantly during unfavorable growth conditions, and that aIF2 or aIF2-γ is released on relief of nutrient stress to enable in particular anew translation of leaderless mRNAs. As leaderless mRNAs are prevalent in Sso and aIF2-γ bound to the 5′-end of a leaderless RNA inhibited ribosome binding in vitro, we aimed at elucidating the mechanism underlying aIF2/aIF2-γ recycling from mRNAs. We have identified a protein termed Trf (translation recovery factor) that co-purified with trimeric aIF2 during outgrowth of cells from prolonged stationary phase. Subsequent in vitro studies revealed that Trf triggers the release of trimeric aIF2 from RNA, and that Trf directly interacts with the aIF2-γ subunit. The importance of Trf is further underscored by an impaired protein synthesis during outgrowth from stationary phase in a Sso trf deletion mutant.  相似文献   

Trinucleotide repeat (TNR) expansions cause at least 17 heritable neurological diseases, including Huntington’s disease. Expansions are thought to arise from abnormal processing of TNR DNA by specific trans-acting proteins. For example, the DNA repair complex MutSβ (MSH2–MSH3 heterodimer) is required in mice for on-going expansions of long, disease-causing alleles. A distinctive feature of TNR expansions is a threshold effect, a narrow range of repeat units (∼30–40 in humans) at which mutation frequency rises dramatically and disease can initiate. The goal of this study was to identify factors that promote expansion of threshold-length CTG•CAG repeats in a human astrocytic cell line. siRNA knockdown of the MutSβ subunits MSH2 or MSH3 impeded expansions of threshold-length repeats, while knockdown of the MutSα subunit MSH6 had no effect. Chromatin immunoprecipitation experiments indicated that MutSβ, but not MutSα, was enriched at the TNR. These findings imply a direct role for MutSβ in promoting expansion of threshold-length CTG•CAG tracts. We identified the class II deacetylase HDAC5 as a novel promoting factor for expansions, joining the class I deacetylase HDAC3 that was previously identified. Double knockdowns were consistent with the possibility that MutSβ, HDAC3 and HDAC5 act through a common pathway to promote expansions of threshold-length TNRs.  相似文献   

In γ-aminobutyric acid type A (GABAA) receptors, the structural elements that couple ligand binding to channel opening remain poorly defined. Here, site-directed mutagenesis was used to determine if Loop 9 on the non-GABA binding site interface of the β2-subunit may be involved in GABAA receptor activation. Specifically, residues Gly170-Gln185 of the β2-subunit were mutated to alanine, co-expressed with wild-type α1- and γ2S-subunits in human embryonic kidney (HEK) 293 cells and assayed for their activation by GABA, the intravenous anesthetic propofol and the endogenous neurosteroid pregnanolone using whole cell macroscopic recordings. Three mutants, G170A, V175A, and G177A, produced 2.5-, 6.7-, and 5.6-fold increases in GABA EC50 whereas one mutant, Q185A, produced a 5.2-fold decrease in GABA EC50. None of the mutations affected the ability of propofol or pregnanolone to potentiate a submaximal GABA response, but the Q185A mutant exhibited 8.3- and 3.5-fold increases in the percent direct activation by propofol and pregnanolone, respectively. Mutant Q185A receptors also had an increased leak current that was sensitive to picrotoxin, indicating an increased gating efficiency. Further Q185E, Q185L, and Q185W substitutions revealed a strong correlation between the hydropathy of the amino acid at this position and the GABA EC50. Taken together, these results indicate that β2 Loop 9 is involved in receptor activation by GABA, propofol, and pregnanolone and that β2(Q185) participates in hydrophilic interactions that are important for stabilizing the closed state of the GABAA receptor.  相似文献   

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