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Declines in native aphidophages in North America have been linked to intraguild predation (IGP) by the invasive coccinellid Harmonia axyridis (Pallas) (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae). It is feared that many British species will face a similar fate following the recent establishment of H. axyridis in the UK. Meanwhile, H. axyridis exists in apparent ecological equilibrium with other members of its guild in Japan. The impact of H. axyridis on British coccinellids is uncertain but intraguild predatory interactions do occur, particularly amongst immature stages. This study investigates IGP between immature stages of H. axyridis and various British and Japanese coccinellids. The only asymmetric IG predator of H. axyridis at first instar was Anatis ocellata (Linnaeus). Harmonia axyridis engaged in symmetric IGP with Coccinella septempunctata Linnaeus, Calvia quatuordecimguttata (Linnaeus), Harmonia quadripunctata (Pontoppidan) and Eocaria muiri Timberlake, but was the asymmetric IG predator of all other species studied. The level of IGP was high between fourth instar larvae, and frequently biased towards H. axyridis, except in the case of A. ocellata, which again was the only IG predator of H. axyridis. In interactions between fourth instar larvae and pre-pupae, IGP was unidirectional towards H. axyridis for all species except A. ocellata, which acted as both IG predator and IG prey. Pupae were better protected against IGP than pre-pupae but most species were still susceptible to attack by H. axyridis, although IGP was symmetric with A. ocellata, and H. quadripunctata pupae were never attacked. The differences in susceptibility of the various species and developmental stages to IGP by H. axyridis are discussed in relation to physical defence structures. We find no evidence that Japanese species have superior defences to British ones and suggest that behavioural strategies may enable co-existence in the native range. We discuss the relevance of IGP by H. axyridis to the species it is likely to encounter in Britain.  相似文献   

We examined whether predator interference could prevent effective conservation biological control of Delia spp. flies, important pests of cole crops, by an assemblage of carabid and staphylinid beetles. In laboratory feeding trials we found that the smaller (<1 cm) beetle species common at our site readily ate dipteran eggs, while the most common large carabid species, Pterostichus melanarius, rarely did. However, P. melanarius did eat several of the smaller beetle species. We conducted two field experiments where we manipulated immigration rates of the ground predator guild and then measured predation on fly eggs. Predation rates were consistently higher in cages where predators were added at ambient densities, compared to cages where ground predators were removed. However, in the second field experiment, when we quadrupled predator immigration rates neither beetle activity-density nor predation rate increased. High immigration rate plots had a higher proportion of P. melanarius in the predator community, compared to plots with beetles added at ambient densities, suggesting that P. melanarius was reducing activity-densities of the smaller beetles, perhaps through intraguild predation. Thus, tactics to improve the biological control of Delia spp. by conserving generalist predators, such as providing in- or extra-field refuges, could be thwarted if the primary predators of fly eggs, small carabids and staphylinids, are the targets of intraguild predation by also-conserved larger predators.  相似文献   

Aphidophagous ladybird beetles (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) are attracted to and feed heavily on aphids, but many species will also feed opportunistically on other prey that they encounter. In potatoes (Solanum tuberosum L.) in Washington State, USA, coccinellids feed on both green peach aphids (“GPA,” Myzus persicae Sulzer) and eggs of the Colorado potato beetle (“CPB,” Leptinotarsa decemlineata Say). The guild of aphidophagous ladybirds includes two native species, Hippodamia convergens Guérin-Méneville and Coccinella transversoguttata Brown. Recently, an introduced species, Coccinella septempunctata L., has invaded and apparently displaced its native congener. A second exotic, Harmonia axyridis Pallas, has colonized the area and is becoming more abundant. We compared larval development of each species on a monotypic diet of GPA, a monotypic diet of CPB eggs, or a mixed diet of both GPA and CPB eggs. Our goal was to answer two questions: (1) do larvae of the four ladybird species benefit from including CPB eggs in their diet and (2) do the four ladybird species differ in their ability to utilize CPB eggs as prey? No larva of any species completed development on a pure diet of CPB eggs, and survivorship was highest for all species when they fed on a pure diet of GPA. One native species, H. convergens, and one exotic species, H. axyridis, exhibited significantly lower survivorship on a mixed diet of both CPB eggs and GPA, compared to a pure GPA diet; H. axyridis also took longer to develop from egg to adult when both prey were provided. Survivorship of the two Coccinella spp. was not altered by the inclusion of CPB eggs with GPA, although CPB eggs lengthened the development time of C. transversoguttata. Adult size was not consistently affected by diet for any of the coccinellids. Overall, no ladybird species benefited from the inclusion of potato beetle eggs in its diet. The two Coccinella species responded similarly to the inclusion of CPB eggs, and so we would not expect any difference in the success of coccinellid larval development in potato fields following the replacement of C. transversoguttata by C. septempunctata. Hippodamia convergens and H. axyridis, the two species whose survivorship was depressed by combining CPB egg and aphid prey, were also the two species that consumed the greatest number of CPB eggs during successful larval development. A comparison of total egg consumption by each species cohort suggested that displacement of the other species by H. axyridis would not alter CPB biological control, because the higher per capita feeding rate by H. axyridis larvae compensated for individuals’ greater mortality risk on a diet including CPB eggs.  相似文献   

Generalist predators have the capacity to exert significant pressure on prey populations. However, integrating them into biological control programs relies on a detailed understanding of their foraging behavior and the levels of trophic connectedness with pest species. Carabid beetles are important predators of slugs, pests of agricultural, floricultural and horticultural crops worldwide, but these interactions have been rarely studied outside the Western Palearctic ecozone. Diagnostic molecular gut-content analysis was used to examine the strength of trophic pathways between a community of carabid beetles and two slug species, the exotic Deroceras reticulatum and native Deroceras laeve, in strawberry agroecosystems. Strawberries were grown according to standard horticultural practices for central Kentucky, following traditional bare ground planting or with the addition of detrital subsidies, to quantify the impact of habitat management on the abundance of pests and the strength of these trophic pathways. Following laboratory characterization of species-specific molecular markers targeting both Deroceras species, carabid beetles collected from a strawberry agroecosystem were screened for slug DNA. Field collections revealed important food web pathways existed between Harpalus pensylvanicus and D. reticulatum, with 7.2% screening positive for these prey yet none screening positive for D. laeve. In contrast, Chlaenius tricolor was found to feed on both slug species in the field, with 16% screening positive for both Deroceras. Despite below normal rainfall limiting slug densities in the field, the results presented here reveal the potential importance of carabid beetles in slug population dynamics in the Nearctic.  相似文献   

昆虫群落中的集团内捕食作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
与捕食、竞争等种间关系相比 ,集团内捕食作用是一种更为复杂的种间关系 ,广泛存在于各种生态系中。该文从它的概念、类型、作用特点、与其它种间关系的区别、存在的广泛性、发生强度的影响因素、化学信息调控及其对生物防治效果的影响等几个方面介绍了天敌群落中的这一典型的种间相互关系。根据参与者在集团内捕食作用关系中的利益地位的不同 ,可将集团内捕食作用分为单向性和双向性的 ,也可分成对称性的和不对称性的。参与者的生物学特性和各种环境条件对集团内捕食作用的发生程度和结果起着重要的调控作用。在多种天敌存在的系统中 ,集团内捕食作用影响着目标生物种群动态及其生物防治的效果。深入地研究这一种间关系对增强生物控害的功能有十分重要的意义  相似文献   

The prediction that single spider species (as exemplary generalist predators) limit associated prey populations to the same extent that species assemblages do was tested in a well controlled and replicated old field experiment involving the following treatments: (1) the natural spider assemblage (2) a numerically prominent web building spider, (3) a numerically prominent wandering spider, (4) a biomass prominent web-builder, and (5) a biomass prominent wandering spider. Pest insect numbers were significantly higher in spider removal controls than in any spider treament over the four month period of the study, both in terms of total numbers and per spider effects. The individual spider species, in general, showed reduced prey limitation effects relative to that of the spider assemblage, though the magnitudes of these differences were small when compared to those exhibited between the various treatments and the spider removal control. When insect numbers were partitioned according to taxa, no treatment was found to have limited the predaceous insects nor the phytophagous hemipterans. All treatments, however, showed significant limiting effects on the phytophagous homopterans, coleopterans, and dipterans in the old field system, and other taxa were significantly reduced in at least one treatment in addition to the spider assemblage as a whole.  相似文献   

In this study, we focused on the direct (i.e., predation) and indirect (i.e., potential threat from coexisting with a larger individual) effects of cannibalism and intraguild predation (IGP) during larval stages of two sibling ladybird beetles. These effects play an important role in the coexistence of the generalist–common Harmonia axyridis and specialist–rare H. yedoensis (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae). Direct predation effect of cannibalism and IGP was asymmetric in the two sibling ladybird beetles; the fourth instar larvae of H. axyridis were better intraguild predators than cannibals, while the reverse was true in the larvae of H. yedoensis. Neither cannibalism nor IGP significantly affected female body weight in either species. Larval H. axyridis surviving exposure to cannibalism or IGP had a reduced number of ovarioles as adults, whereas adult H. yedoensis ovarioles were not affected. For the indirect effects, longer developmental times in males and females and a lower total number of ovarioles in females were detected in H. axyridis. In H. yedoensis, shorter developmental time of males, lighter adult weight and fewer total ovarioles in females were observed. Olfactometer choice experiments clarified that the fourth instar larvae of H. axyridis avoided the first instar conspecific larvae, while those of H. yedoensis were attracted to the odors from H. axyridis and conspecifics. Thus, H. axyridis has an avoidance mechanism only for cannibalism but not for IGP, whereas H. yedoensis does not have any avoidance mechanism. These different behaviors in the direct and indirect effects of cannibalism and IGP observed in the laboratory may play important roles in the coexistence of generalist–common H. axyridis and specialist–rare H. yedoensis in natural conditions, compensating for the large handicap of H. yedoensis at reproductive interference from H. axyridis.  相似文献   

In the present study, stage- and age-specific predatory patterns and nutritional ecology attributes of four co-occurring aphidophagous ladybirds, namely, Coccinella septempunctata (L.), Coccinella transversalis F., Cheilomenes sexmaculata (F.) and Propylea dissecta (Mulsant) on pea aphid, Acyrthosiphon pisum (Harris) were investigated. Despite their lower consumption rates, smaller ladybirds (C. sexmaculata and P. dissecta) and earlier instars were efficient converters of aphid prey with higher relative growth rates, over the respective larger ladybirds (C. septempunctata and C. transversalis) and fourth instars. The consumption rates of pea aphids by the larvae increased with stage, but with a decline in the later part of the fourth instars, just prior to pupation. Adult females of early age groups (between 2 and 7 days) had higher consumption rates than later age groups in all the four species. Further in adult females, consumption rates decrease with increase in age, but without significant changes in conversion efficiencies and relative growth rates.  相似文献   

The bionomics of Stethorus tridens Gordon fed Tetranychus evansi Baker & Pritchard were studied in the laboratory. The number of prey consumed by S. tridens increased with increasing instar levels and the total mean number consumed during immature development was 184.1 ± 18.02 T. evansi nymphs per individual. For adult male and adult female, the daily consumption was 41.3 ± 0.80 and 67.8 ± 1.69 nymphs, respectively. Stethorus tridens successfully developed to adulthood between 20 and 30°C but failed at 10, 15 and 35°C. The lower thermal threshold for egg‐to‐adult development estimated via linear regression and the modified Logan model was 9.2 and 8.1°C, respectively. The optimum and maximum temperatures for egg‐to‐adult development were around 29–31 and 32.9°C, respectively. Egg to adult development time was 23.8 ± 0.24, 17.4 ± 0.22, 16.2 ± 0.22 and 12.1 ± 0.16 days at 20, 24, 27 and 30°C, respectively. At 27°C, the sex ratio, expressed as the proportion of females, was 0.54 and the mean preoviposition, oviposition and postoviposition periods were 10.3 ± 0.67, 31.2 ± 4.74 and 30.2 ± 5.24 days, respectively. The oviposition rate was 4.0 ± 0.16 eggs/female/day with a female mean longevity of 71.6 ± 6.19 days and an intrinsic rate of natural increase of 0.104. The potential of S. tridens as a candidate natural enemy of T. evansi is discussed.  相似文献   

Intraguild predation of the mealybug parasitoids Anagyrus pseudococci (Girault), and Leptomastix dactylopii Howard (Hymenoptera: Encrytidae) by Nephus kreissli Fürsch & Uygun (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) was studied. The latter is a native predator of the important pest Planococcus ficus (Signoret) (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae) on grapevines in Turkey. For this purpose, P. ficus of different ages parasitised by A. pseudococci or L. dactylopii, or by both A. pseudococci and L. dactylopii, were served to fourth instars and adults of N. kreissli as food. Experiments were conducted using two different treatments: no-choice (served unparasitised or only one stage of parasitised mealybug) and choice (served unparasitised and only one age of parasitised mealybug together), under controlled environmental conditions. Both fourth instars and adult predators were fed on two- and four-day-old mealybugs parasitised by A. pseudococci or on two-, four- and six-day-old mealybugs parasitised by L. dactylopii or by either A. pseudococci or L. dactylopii. The predators could not consume six-day-old mealybugs parasitised by A. pseudococci, eight-day-old mealybugs parasitised by L. dactylopii, or those parasitised by either of these parasitoids which had become mummified. While it was found that the adult predators preferred parasitised mealybugs to unparasitised, the larvae did not show a pronounced preference between parasitised and unparasitised mealybugs (except for mealybugs parasitised by A. pseudococci).  相似文献   

Conservation biological control programs seek to increase natural enemy densities through the adoption of more benign farming practices, under the assumption that higher predator densities will lead to more effective pest suppression. However, predator–predator interference may lead to diminishing returns in improved pest control as predator densities increase. We examined the relationship between predator density and predation rates on Colorado potato beetle eggs in production potato fields. These potato fields naturally spanned a 10-fold range in predator density, due to differences in management practices. Periodically through the growing season we simultaneously measured predator densities and subjected sentinel eggs masses to predation, allowing us to correlate predator density and egg predation for each field on each sample date. Egg predation rates were significantly positively correlated with total predator densities, a correlation that was not improved when predator densities were scaled to reflect differences in feeding rates on potato beetle eggs of the constituent predator taxa. There was no correlation between per-capita egg predation rates and predator density, and so no evidence that predator interference increased with increasing predator density. We divided predators into six dominant taxa—dwarf spiders, crab spiders, minute pirate bugs, big-eyed bugs, damsel bugs, and Lygus bugs (together constituting 93% of all predators collected), and a seventh group, “other predators” that included all other, less common, taxa—and examined correlations between all predator combinations and egg predation rates. The highest correlation was between combined densities of the six most common predator taxa, excluding only the “other predators” grouping. This suggests that predators may be largely equivalent in their impact on Colorado potato beetle eggs, and that field scouts might be able to ignore uncommon predator taxa when sampling for natural enemies.  相似文献   

Since its introduction, Anolis sagrei (Sauria: Polychrotidae) has been replacing native A. carolinensis in Florida and native A. conspersus in Grand Cayman Island as the common anole of urban environments and other open habitats. To assess the likelihood that predation of juvenile native anoles by A. sagrei adults is an important interaction in this process, the propensities for intraguild predation and cannibalism were assessed for A. sagrei and A. carolinensis in Florida and for A. sagrei and A. conspersus in Grand Cayman. Predation experiments were conducted in cages, using freshly captured lizards, in which adult males of each species were presented with conspecific and heterospecific juveniles. Adult A. sagrei were (1) significantly more likely to eat juveniles than were adult A. carolinensis or A. conspersus, and (2) significantly more likely to eat heterospecific than conspecific juveniles, whereas adult A. carolinensis and A. conspersus were not. Thus, the propensity for intraguild predation is asymmetrical in favor of introduced A. sagrei in Florida and Grand Cayman. Further study is needed, however, to determine the importance of intraguild predation under field conditions. Received: 14 July 1999 / Accepted: 6 March 2000  相似文献   

Predation was measured in the laboratory by Dicyphus hesperus females on patches of greenhouse whitefly (Trialeurodes vaporariorum) pupae. The patches contained different proportions of unparasitized pupae and those parastisized as nymphs by Encarsia formosa. Dicyphus hesperus fed readily on parasitized pupae and the number of parasitized pupae consumed increased with the proportion available indicating a capacity for intraguild predation. However, D. hesperus females did not display a preference for feeding on parasitized pupae versus unparasitized pupae. Dicyphus hesperus adults were released at three densities into greenhouse enclosures containing tomato plants harbouring greenhouse whitefly and immature E. formosa. Numbers of killed and parasitized whitefly nymphs and pupae and the total number of healthy whitefly were compared among Dicyphus density treatments. On upper leaves, the amount of predation on whitefly nymphs was higher at the highest predator density than at the lower density or in enclosures where D. hesperus was not released. On lower leaves, the number of parasitized pupae was lowest with the highest predator density indicating a negative effect of intraguild predation by D. hesperus on E. formosa. Despite this, Dicyphus density did not affect the density of whitefly in the presence of E. formosa. The results are discussed as they relate to concurrent use of D. hesperus and E. formosa for regulation of greenhouse whitefly populations.  相似文献   

Predator species with the same prey interact not only by competition for food and space but also by intraguild predation (IGP). The impact of IGP on introduced phytoseiid mites and native species in the context of biological control is a matter of considerable debate. Amblyseius eharai is the dominant native citrus species in central China, while Amblyseius cucumeris and Amblyseius barkeri are candidates for importation. All three species can feed on the spider mite Panonychus citri, which is the main pest in citrus. This study investigated, in the laboratory, possible IGP among these species in the absence and presence of P. citri, respectively. IGP in different densities of shared prey and intraguild (IG) prey was also studied. All three species consumed heterospecific larvae and eggs but not adults, and the IGP rate of larvae was significantly higher than that of eggs in the absence of shared prey. Additionally, the IGP rate of each group was reduced dramatically in the presence of both shared and IG prey when compared to the absence of shared prey. This occurs most likely because the three species prefer to feed on their natural prey P. citri, rather than on IG prey. Our results showed that A. eharai seems to be a more voracious IG predator than A. cucumeris. A. eharai was much more prone to IGP than A. barkeri.  相似文献   

L. E. Hurd 《Oecologia》1988,76(4):549-552
Summary Two sympatric, congeneric mantid species, Tenodera sinensis (Saussure) and t. angustipennis (Saussure) exhibit intrinsically different temporal patterns of egg hatch in the spring. Tenodera sinensis hatches first, and begins to enter second instar by the time T. angustipennis starts to hatch. As a result, there is asynchrony in developmental times such that several different instars may be present during the first crucial month of life when mantid population densities are high and prey availability is low. The body length ratio of larger to smaller nymphs is most commonly 1.37, in favor of T. sinensis. This character divergence suggests allochronic niche separation which may alleviate competition for prey. However this same ratio appears to be the threshold for both interspecific predation and cannibalism among these bitrophic generalist predators. Therefore T. sinensis, which is nearly always larger, may have a selective advantage by utilizing its smaller congener and later-hatching conspecifics as prey in a food limited environment.  相似文献   

Studies were conducted to evaluate potential impacts of generalist predators on the biological control of Glycaspis brimblecombei Moore (Homoptera: Psylloidea), a pest of eucalyptus trees in California, and its introduced parasitoid Psyllaephagus bliteus (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae). Based on the results of the monitoring populations of G. brimblecombei and their natural enemies in inland and coastal California in the field, P. bliteus or Anthocoris nemoralis (Fabricius) (Heteroptera: Anthocoridae), alone or both species together were released into cages with G. brimblecombei to simulate predatory interference on the introduced parasitoid in the laboratory. Although coastal sites had higher densities of natural enemies as were percent parasitism and predation, the mean number of G. brimblecombei did not vary between inland and coastal sites. P. bliteus or A. nemoralis significantly reduced the psyllid densities in cages. However, when both species were together, the presence of A. nemoralis increased the parasitoid mortality relative to the mortality observed in the parasitoid-alone treatment. Moreover, the increase in parasitoid mortality was followed by the decrease in mortality of the psyllids. The current study also indicated that predation risk of parasitized hosts varies depending on the developmental stages of the psyllids.  相似文献   

The relative impact of cannibalism and predation on the development and survival of fourth instar larvae was assessed in two species of aphidophagous ladybird beetles, Coccinella septempunctata and Harmonia axyridis. The effect of eating aphids, conspecific larvae or heterospecific larvae on larval performance differed in the two species: aphids were the best food for C. septempunctata and survival of C. septempunctata larvae was significantly lower when offered heterospecific larvae rather than conspecific larvae or aphids as food, indicating that H. axyridis larvae were not suitable food for C. septempunctata. However, as the different foods did not affect the larval performance of H. axyridis, this species appears to be more polyphagous. Both intraguild predation by the aggressive larvae of H. axyridis and the polyphagous food habit of this species may account for its dominance in ladybird assemblages and its displacing other ladybird beetles in several places in the world.  相似文献   

王红  苏敏  潘峰 《生态学报》2016,36(15):4809-4815
寄生已被证明是影响生物入侵动态的关键因素,可通过直接或间接作用影响物种间相互作用。基于元胞自动机模型,探讨了寄生感染对宿主种群的间接作用(寄生对宿主的密度调节和特征调节效应)在外来种入侵动态中的作用。结果显示,寄生对宿主的3种调节效应均对外来种的入侵起到了抑制作用;同时,相对于密度调节效应,寄生的特征调节对捕食者种群入侵的抑制作用更明显,而两者的耦合调节效应对入侵的抑制能力明显高于单种效应的作用。综上,该研究在一定意义上丰富和发展了生物入侵的理论,为生物入侵的有效控制提供了理论参考。  相似文献   

The use of plant-feeding predators for biological pest control has traditionally been neglected, mainly due to the risk of them feeding on crop plants and causing economically significant damage. Yet, these predators offer advantages for biological pest control. They are mostly generalist predators that have an impact on several crop pests. They may also be able to establish on crops early in the growing season, when pests colonize them, and can remain on the target crop when prey is scarce. Therefore, management programs must seek to minimize risks while maximizing benefits. In vegetable crops, most of the literature on zoophytophagous predators has focused on four species: Dicyphus tamaninii, Dicyphus hesperus, Macrolophus pygmaeus and Nesidiocoris tenuis (Heteroptera, Miridae). The capacity of these species to produce crop damage in tomatoes varies. This damage has been related to relative predator-to-prey abundance, with damage increasing at high predator abundances and low prey densities. In this review, we analyze the use of these species in biological control programs and the associated benefits and risks. The differences in the damage caused by the four predatory species examined could not be attributed to either stylet morphology or saliva composition. However, feeding on specific plant structures where they may find the resources required for their development is what probably determines feeding damage. Understanding when and why these predators increase their feeding on plants or on certain plant parts is of crucial importance for integrating them in biological control programs.  相似文献   

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