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IntroductionSubclinical deficiency of zinc is associated with impairment of immune system function, growth, and cognitive development in children. Although plasma zinc is the best available biomarker of the risk of zinc deficiency in populations, its sensitivity for early detection of deficiency is limited. Therefore, we aimed to investigate zinc deficiency among preschool children and its relationship with whole blood gene expression of zinc transporters ZIP4 and ZnT1.Material and methodsThis cross-sectional study included 139 children aged 32–76 months enrolled in philanthropic day-care centers. We performed an anthropometric evaluation, weighed food record and dietary record for dietary assessment, blood sample collection for zinc, and whole blood gene expression analyses of ZnT1 (SLC30A1) and ZIP4 (SLC39A4).ResultsZinc deficiency was observed in 26.6 % of the children despite adequate zinc intake and a phytate:zinc molar ratio < 18. Usual zinc intake did not affect whole blood gene expression of zinc transporters, but zinc status influenced ZnT1 and ZIP4 whole blood mRNA. Children with zinc deficiency exhibited 37.1 % higher ZnT1 expression and 45.3 % lower ZIP4 expression than children with adequate zinc (p < 0.05).ConclusionChildren with plasma zinc deficiency exhibited higher expression of ZnT1 and lower expression of ZIP4 in whole blood mRNA, reinforcing the existence of strong regulation of mineral homeostasis according to the nutritional status, indicating that this analysis may be useful in the evaluation of dietary interventions.  相似文献   

The SLC30 family of cation diffusion transporters includes at least nine members in mammals, most of which have been documented to play a role in zinc transport. The founding member of this family, Znt1, was discovered by virtue of its ability to efflux zinc from cells and to protect them from zinc toxicity. However, its physiological functions remain unknown. To address this issue, mice with targeted knockout of the Znt1 gene were generated by homologous recombination in embryonic stem cells. Heterozygous Znt1 mice were viable. In contrast, homozygous Znt1 mice died in utero soon after implantation due to a catastrophic failure of embryonic development. Although extraembryonic membranes formed around these embryos, the embryo proper failed to undergo morphogenesis past the egg cylinder stage and was amorphous by d9 of pregnancy. Expression of the Znt1 gene was detected predominantly in trophoblasts and in the maternal deciduum during the postimplantation period (d5 to d8). The failure of homozygous Znt1 embryos to develop could not be rescued by manipulating maternal dietary zinc (either excess or deficiency) during pregnancy. However, embryos in Znt1 heterozygous females were approximately 3 times more likely to develop abnormally when exposed to maternal dietary zinc deficiency during later pregnancy than were those in wildtype females. These studies suggest that Znt1 serves an essential function of transporting maternal zinc into the embryonic environment during the egg cylinder stage of development, and further suggest that Znt1 plays a role in zinc homeostasis in adult mice.  相似文献   

Cristae, the organized invaginations of the mitochondrial inner membrane, respond structurally to the energetic demands of the cell. The mechanism by which these dynamic changes are regulated and the consequences thereof are largely unknown. Optic atrophy 1 (OPA1) is the mitochondrial GTPase responsible for inner membrane fusion and maintenance of cristae structure. Here, we report that OPA1 responds dynamically to changes in energetic conditions to regulate cristae structure. This cristae regulation is independent of OPA1''s role in mitochondrial fusion, since an OPA1 mutant that can still oligomerize but has no fusion activity was able to maintain cristae structure. Importantly, OPA1 was required for resistance to starvation-induced cell death, for mitochondrial respiration, for growth in galactose media and for maintenance of ATP synthase assembly, independently of its fusion activity. We identified mitochondrial solute carriers (SLC25A) as OPA1 interactors and show that their pharmacological and genetic blockade inhibited OPA1 oligomerization and function. Thus, we propose a novel way in which OPA1 senses energy substrate availability, which modulates its function in the regulation of mitochondrial architecture in a SLC25A protein-dependent manner.  相似文献   

The proteins from the ZIP and the CDF families of zinc transporters contain a histidine-rich sequence in a loop domain located between transmembrane domains III and IV for the ZIP family and transmembrane domains IV and V for the CDF family. Topological predictions suggest that these loops are located in the cytoplasm. The loops contain a histidine-rich sequence with a variable number of histidine residues depending on the transporter. The histidine-rich sequence was postulated to serve as an extra-membrane metal binding site in these proteins. hZip1 is a human zinc transporter ubiquitously expressed. The histidine-rich motif located in the large loop of this transporter is composed of the following sequence, H158WHD161. To determine if this motif is involved in the zinc transport activity of the protein, we performed site directed-mutagenesis to replace the loop histidines with alanines. Results suggest that both histidines are necessary for the zinc transport function and are not involved in the plasma membrane localization of the transporter as has been reported for the Zrt1 transporter in yeast. In addition, two histidine residues in transmembrane domains IV and V are also important in the zinc transport function. The results support an intermolecular exchange mechanism of zinc transport.  相似文献   

Manganese (II) accumulation in human brain microvascular endothelial cells is mediated by the metal-ion transporters ZRT IRT-like protein 8 (ZIP8) and ZRT IRT-like protein 14 (ZIP14). The plasma membrane occupancy of ZIP14, in particular, is increased in cells treated with Mn2+, lipopolysaccharide, or IL-6, but the mechanism of this regulation has not been elucidated. The calcium-transporting type 2C member 1 ATPase, SPCA1, is a Golgi-localized Ca2+-uptake transporter thought to support Golgi uptake of Mn2+ also. Here, we show using surface protein biotinylation, indirect immunofluorescence, and GFP-tagged proteins that cytoplasmic Ca2+ regulates ZIP8- and ZIP14-mediated manganese accumulation in human brain microvascular endothelial cells by increasing the plasma membrane localization of these transporters. We demonstrate that RNAi knockdown of SPCA1 expression results in an increase in cytoplasmic Ca2+ levels. In turn, we found increased cytoplasmic Ca2+ enhances membrane-localized ZIP8 and ZIP14 and a subsequent increase in 54Mn2+ uptake. Furthermore, overexpression of WT SPCA1 or a gain-of-function mutant resulted in a decrease in cytoplasmic Ca2+ and 54Mn2+ accumulation. While addition of Ca2+ positively regulated ZIP-mediated 54Mn2+ uptake, we show chelation of Ca2+ diminished manganese transport. In conclusion, the modulation of ZIP8 and ZIP14 membrane cycling by cytoplasmic calcium is a novel finding and provides new insight into the regulation of the uptake of Mn2+ and other divalent metal ions–mediated ZIP metal transporters.  相似文献   

Subfamily II of the solute carrier (Slc)39a family contains three highly conserved members (ZIPs 1-3) that share a 12-amino acid signature sequence present in the putative fourth transmembrane domain and function as zinc transporters in transfected cells. The physiological significance of this genetic redundancy is unknown. Here we report that the complete elimination of all three of these Zip genes, by targeted mutagenesis and crossbreeding mice, causes no overt phenotypic effect. When mice were fed a zinc-adequate diet, several indicators of zinc status were indistinguishable between wild-type and triple-knockout mice, including embryonic morphogenesis and growth, alkaline phosphatase activity in the embryo, ZIP4 protein in the visceral yolk sac, and initial rates (30 min) of accumulation/retention of (67)Zn in liver and pancreas. When mice were fed a zinc-deficient diet, embryonic membrane-bound alkaline phosphatase activity was reduced to a much greater extent, and 80% of the embryos of the triple-knockout mice developed abnormally compared with 12% of the embryos of wild-type mice. During zinc deficiency, the accumulation/retention (3 h) of (67)Zn in the liver and pancreas of weanlings was significantly impaired in the triple-knockout mice compared with wild-type mice. Thus none of these three mammalian Zip genes apparently plays a critical role in zinc homeostasis when zinc is replete, but they play important, noncompensatory roles when this metal is deficient.  相似文献   

Expression of PIK3IP1 in the murine uterus during early pregnancy   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The ovarian steroid hormones, estrogen (E2) and progesterone (P4), are essential regulators of uterine functions necessary for development, embryo implantation, and normal pregnancy. ARID1A plays an important role in steroid hormone signaling in endometrial function and pregnancy. In previous studies, using high density DNA microarray analysis, we identified phosphatidylinositol-3-kinase interacting protein 1 (Pik3ip1) as one of the genes up-regulated by ARID1A. In the present study, we performed real-time qPCR and immunohistochemistry analysis to investigate the regulation of PIK3IP1 by ARID1A and determine expression patterns of PIK3IP1 in the uterus during early pregnancy. The expression of PIK3IP1 was strong at the uterine epithelial and stromal cells of the control mice. However, expression of PIK3IP1 was remarkably reduced in the Pgrcre/+Arid1af/f mice and progesterone receptor knock-out (PRKO) mice. During early pregnancy, PIK3IP1 expression was strong at day 2.5 of gestation (GD 2.5) and then slightly decreased at GD 3.5?at the epithelium and stroma. After implantation, PIK3IP1 expression was detected at the secondary decidualization zone. To determine the ovarian steroid hormone regulation of PIK3IP1, we examined the expression of PIK3IP1 in ovariectomized control, Pgrcre/+Arid1af/f, and PRKO mice treated with P4 or E2. P4 treatment increased the PIK3IP1 expression at the luminal and glandular epithelium of control mice. However, the PIK3IP1 induction was decreased in both the Pgrcre/+Arid1af/f and PRKO mice, compared to controls. Our results identified PIK3IP1 as a novel target of ARID1A and PGR in the murine uterus.  相似文献   

目的:构建筛选靶向特异PINK1-siRNA慢病毒表达载体,感染小鼠胚胎细胞(NIH3T3)验证该病毒载体的敲减效率,为研究帕金森病的发病机制奠定基础。方法:构建2对靶向小鼠PINK1-siRNA序列(KD1和KD2),将这2对序列连接在GV118上,将重组载体和病毒包装的辅助质粒共转染293 T细胞,获得慢病毒颗粒,再将该病毒颗粒转染入NIH3T3细胞,用qRT-PCR验证细胞内PINK1 mRNA表达水平以验证敲减效果。结果:筛选出可以用于后续实验的高效靶向KD2序列,并成功转染到小鼠NIH3T3细胞中,在感染复数(MOI)为50时,KD2的沉默效果最好,敲减率达到66.4%。结论:成功构建了高效靶向小鼠PINK1-siRNA慢病毒载体,其可稳定转染小鼠NIH3T3细胞,可高效抑制PINK1 mRNA的表达。为下一步利用其感染神经细胞或注入动物脑内,进一步研究PINK1基因在帕金森病发病过程中的作用环节和机制提供了分子生物学的技术基础。  相似文献   

Meiosis is essential for eukaryotic sexual reproduction and plant fertility, and crossovers (COs) are essential for meiosis and the formation of new allelic combinations in gametes. In this study, we report the isolation of a meiotic gene, OsSHOC1, and the identification of its partner, OsPTD1. Osshoc1 was sterile both in male and female gametophytes, and it showed a striking reduction in the number of meiotic COs, indicating that OsSHOC1 was required for normal CO formation. Further investigations showed that OsSHOC1 physically interacted with OsPTD1 and that the latter was also required for normal CO formation and plant fertility. Additionally, the expression profiles of both genes were consistent with their functions. Our results suggest that OsSHOC1 and OsPTD1 are essential for rice fertility and CO formation, possibly by stabilizing the recombinant intermediates during meiosis.  相似文献   

The Id1 and Id3 genes play major roles during cardiac development, despite their expression being confined to non-myocardial layers (endocardium–endothelium–epicardium). We previously described that Id1Id3 double knockout (dKO) mouse embryos die at mid-gestation from multiple cardiac defects, but early lethality precluded the studies of the roles of Id in the postnatal heart. To elucidate postnatal roles of Id genes, we ablated the Id3 gene and conditionally ablated the Id1 gene in the endothelium to generate conditional KO (cKO) embryos. We observed cardiac phenotypes at birth and at 6 months of age. Half of the Id cKO mice died at birth. Postnatal demise was associated with cardiac enlargement and defects in the ventricular septum, trabeculation and vasculature. Surviving Id cKO mice exhibited fibrotic vasculature, cardiac enlargement and decreased cardiac function. An abnormal vascular response was also observed in the healing of excisional skin wounds of Id cKO mice. Expression patterns of vascular, fibrotic and hypertrophic markers were altered in the Id cKO hearts, but addition of Insulin-Like Growth Factor binding protein-3 (IGFbp3) reversed gene expression profiles of vascular and fibrotic, but not hypertrophic markers. Thus, ablation of Id genes in the vasculature leads to distinct postnatal cardiac phenotypes. These findings provide important insights into the role/s of the endocardial network of the endothelial lineage in the development of cardiac disease, and highlight IGFbp3 as a potential link between Id and its vascular effectors.  相似文献   

On the basis of comparative mapping between cattle/sheep and human for milk trait quantitative trait loci (QTL) on BTA3/OAR1, annexin A9 (ANXA9) and solute carrier family 27 (fatty acid transporter), member 3 (SLC27A3) were selected as candidate genes for fat content (FC) in sheep milk. Two other genes in the same region, cingulin (CGN) and acid phosphatase 6, lysophosphatidic (ACP6), were also considered. DNA fragments of 1931 and 2790 bp corresponding to ANXA9 and SLC27A3 respectively were isolated, and 14 and 6 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) respectively were found in each gene. ANXA9, SLC27A3, CGN and ACP6 were localized to chromosome 1 between INRA006 and AE57 by linkage mapping using the International Mapping Flock. Across-family analyses of a daughter design comprising 13 sire families revealed significant sire and SLC27A3 genotype-nested-within-sire effects for FC. Within-family analyses indicated significant regression coefficients for FC in four of six heterozygous sires. These results could reflect the existence of a QTL for FC linked to SLC27A3 in sheep.  相似文献   

Gurmarin (Gur) is a peptide that selectively inhibits responses of the chorda tympani (CT) nerve to sweet compounds in rodents. In mice, the sweet-suppressing effect of Gur differs among strains. The inhibitory effect of Gur is clearly observed in C57BL/6 mice, but only slightly, if at all, in BALB/c mice. These two mouse strains possess different alleles of the sweet receptor gene, Sac (Tas1r3) (taster genotype for C57BL/6 and non-taster genotype for BALB/c mice), suggesting that polymorphisms in the gene may account for differential sensitivity to Gur. To investigate this possibility, we examined the effect of Gur in another Tas1r3 non-taster strain, 129 X 1/Sv mice. The results indicated that unlike non-taster BALB/c mice but similar to taster C57BL/6 mice, 129 X 1/Sv mice exhibited significant inhibition of CT responses to various sweet compounds by Gur. This suggests that the mouse strain difference in the Gur inhibition of sweet responses of the CT nerve may not be associated with polymorphisms of Tas1r3.  相似文献   

The pathogenesis of CVB3-induced chronic myocarditis remains unknown. Activated monocytes and macrophages may maintain ongoing inflammation during a persistent CVB3 infection and possibly represent the major mechanism leading to chronic myocarditis. We decided to study the activation status of cells by studying TNFα secretion in vitro using whole blood culture in CVB3-induced murine chronic myocarditis. Seven DBA/2 +/+ mice and 18 NMRI nu/nu mice were inoculated intraperitoneally with 5 × 105 pfu of CVB3, and mice were mock-infected. Thirty-one days post-infection, all mice were sacrificed, blood samples were obtained from the heart, and the heart was removed. Enteroviral genomic detection by RT-PCR, virus isolation and histological analysis of heart samples were performed. Heparinized whole blood (25 μl) was cultured for 4 hr and 24 hr in sterile 96 well-plate containing 225 μl RPMI in the presence or the absence of activators (LPS + PHA). The TNFα levels in the whole blood from mock-infected DBA/2 (n = 4) and NMRI nu/nu mice (n = 5) were not different. A moderate increase of TNFα was observed in three out of five DBA/2 mice with negative CVB3 that had no histological abnormalities in myocardium. An increased level of TNFα was found in the sole DBA/2 mouse with positive CVB3 detection and chronic myocarditis. An increased level of TNFα was found in one out of nine NMRI nu/nu mice with positive CVB3 detection and chronic myocarditis and in one out of seven mice with positive CVB3 detection exempt of lesions in myocardium. In other infected mice, the level of TNFα was normal. Enteroviral genome was not detected in the blood from infected mice at 31 days post-infection. The increased TNFα level in some mice may be designed for a beneficial inflammatory and immune response, however, an exaggerated release may be associated with an adverse effect. The normal TNFα level in whole blood cultures from mice with chronic myocarditis does not exclude enhanced cytokine production at infected loci such as myocardial tissue. This is the first report to use whole blood cultures to study the production of cytokines in virus-induced disease in a small animal model.  相似文献   

Glutathione peroxidase is an antioxidant enzyme that is involved in the control of cellular oxidative state. Recently, unregulated oxidative state has been implicated as detrimental to neural cell viability and involved in both acute and chronic neurodegeneration. In this study we have addressed the importance of a functional glutathione peroxidase in a mouse ischemia/reperfusion model. Two hours of focal cerebral ischemia followed by 24 h of reperfusion was induced via the intraluminal suture method. Infarct volume was increased three-fold in the glutathione peroxidase-1 (Gpx-1) -/- mouse compared with the wild-type mouse; this was mirrored by an increase in the level of apoptosis found at 24 h in the Gpx-1 -/- mouse compared with the wild-type mouse. Neuronal deficit scores correlated to the histologic data. We also found that activated caspase-3 expression is present at an earlier time point in the Gpx-1 -/- mice when compared with the wild-type mice, which suggests an enhanced susceptibility to apoptosis in the Gpx-1 -/- mouse. This is the first known report of such a dramatic increase, both temporally and in level of apoptosis in a mouse stroke model. Our results suggest that Gpx-1 plays an important regulatory role in the protection of neural cells in response to the extreme oxidative stress that is released during ischemia/reperfusion injury.  相似文献   

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