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Camel erythrocyte membranes are distinguished by some unique properties of stability and composition. Notable is their abundance in proteins (protein: lipid ratio of 3 : 1). Membrane proteins of camel erythrocytes were compared with those of human erythrocytes, which have been intensively investigated. Proteins were extracted with various aqueous media (EDTA, alkaline or high ionic strength) and with ionic and non-ionic detergents and were analyzed by gel electrophoresis. In membranes of camel erythrocytes, the peripheral proteins constitute, proportionally, a much smaller fraction of total proteins than in the human erythrocyte, while their distribution is identical per unit of surface area. The camel erythrocyte membrane is particularly rich in integral proteins and in intramembranous particles. The proteins in this membrane are more closely organized than in the human system, as revealed by crosslinking and freeze-etching studies. It is proposed that protein-protein interaction of integral proteins, presumably constituting an “integral skeleton”, is a dominant structural feature stabilizing the camel erythrocyte membrane.  相似文献   

Acetylcholinesterase of human erythrocytes from healthy donors and from patients with hematological disorders was analysed in a search for differential membrane parameters. Two substrates were used to estimate the exposure of acetylcholinesterase active site in the membrane: phenylacetate, a hydrophobic substrate, to determine total enzyme activity, and acetylcholine, an ionic substrate, to measure the externally reactive enzyme. The sensitivity of acetylcholinesterase to added stearic acid was also analysed. Three categories of the disorders studied were discerned: (a) The erythrocyte acetylcholinesterase profile was indistinguishable from normal control in beta-thalassemia minor and groups of patients with autoimmune hemolytic anemia or congenital dyserythropoietic anemia type II. (b) A marked decline in acetylcholinesterase with both substrates and reduced sensitivity to stearic acid were exhibited by the erythrocytes of paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria, beta-thalassemia major and other autoimmune hemolytic anemia and congenital dyserythropoietic anemia type II patients. Normal erythrocytes, either aged or pretreated to 50 degrees C, also showed similar characteristics. (c) Hereditary spherocytosis was singly differentiated by an elevated acetylcholinesterase activity with acetylthiocholine and by a vastly diminished sensitivity to stearic acid, while activity with phenylacetate was equal to control. This distinct profile may reflect the unique organization of the erythrocyte membrane in hereditary spherocytosis.  相似文献   

Although most apparent in permanently misshapen irreversibly sickled erythrocytes (ISC), biochemical and structural alterations are present in the majority of sickle cell membranes. The relationship of membrane rigidity to cell shape and its dependence upon the internal hemoglobin cytosol are not clarified. We therefore examined the frequency dependent viscoelasticity of oxygenated, packed sickle red cell and ghost suspensions and hemoglobin solutions prepared from density gradient separated ISC and reversibly sickled cell (RSC) fractions. Low amplitude, oscillatory shear was applied in a Weissenberg cone and plate viscometer and the resultant viscoelastic signals provided a dynamic viscosity (eta') and elastic storage modulus (G') which varied with frequency of deformation. The viscoelastic response of the cell and ghost suspensions reflected the material properties of the membrane over most of the frequency range tested. Sickle erythrocyte, red ghost, and white ghost suspensions demonstrated greater viscocoelasticity than comparable normal suspensions. The viscoelastic magnitude of ISC was several-fold greater than normal, with little variation of viscoelasticity with frequency. RSC samples which were characterized by normal shape, size, and internal hemoglobin concentration were also significantly harder than normal, although similar in frequency dependence. Red ghosts prepared from ISC manifested 80% of the viscoelasticity of intact ISC despite diminution of the internal hemoglobin concentration by 90%. Under conditions of low amplitude shear, the behavior of the RSC membrane is compatible with a cytoskeleton possessing an increased number of molecular associations. The mechanical stability of the ISC membrane is related to a substantial, intrinsic reorganization of the cytoskeleton.  相似文献   

Morphological transformation of erythrocytes and structural changes in the erythrocyte membrane have been revealed by scanning electron microscopy and spin-probe technique. These effects were caused by the incorporation of ichphans, new generation drugs combining antioxidant and anticholinesterase effects, into the erythrocyte membrane and their distribution in the intramembrane space. Different distribution and modulatory effect of the derivatives with different hydrophobic properties have been shown. The derivatives with 8 and 10 carbon atoms in the aliphatic substituent were the most efficient modifiers of the membrane structure and morphology of erythrocytes.  相似文献   

Several workers have identified molecular abnormalities associated with inherited blood disorders. The present work examines how these alterations in molecular structure affect the viscoelastic properties of the red blood cell membrane. Changes in the membrane shear modulus, the membrane viscosity, and the apparent membrane bending stiffness were observed in cells of eight patients having a variety of disorders: Two had reductions in the number of high-affinity ankyrin binding sites, two had abnormalities associated with the protein band 4.1, and six were known to be deficient in spectrin. The data suggest that the membrane shear modulus is proportional to the density of spectrin on the membrane and support the view that spectrin is primarily responsible for membrane shear elasticity. Although membranes having abnormalities associated with the function of ankyrin or band 4.1 exhibited reduced elasticity, the degree of mechanical dysfunction was quantitatively inconsistent with the extent of the molecular abnormality. This indicates that these skeletal components do not play a primary role in determining membrane shear elasticity. The membrane viscosity was reduced in seven of the eight patients studied. The reduction in viscosity was usually greater than the reduction in shear modulus, but the degree of reduction in viscosity was variable and did not correlate well with the degree of molecular abnormality.  相似文献   

The antioxidant effect of arginine evident from stabilization of membrane structure and properties and activation of oxygen-toxicity-protecting enzymes was demonstrated in hypoxia. The intraperitoneal injection of L-arginine-HCl in a dose of 120 mg per 100 g body mass prevented the increase of microviscosity, membrane permeability and lipid peroxidation products level in hypoxia. At the same time the activity of the antioxidant enzymes--superoxide dismutase and catalase--was increased in red blood cells by 64 and 46%, respectively.  相似文献   

The elasticity and viscosity of the human erythrocyte membrane were measured as a function of the concentration of wheat germ agglutinin (WGA) in a suspending solution containing 1 mg/ml albumin, approximately 5 X 10(5) cells/ml and between 0.0 and 0.2 microgram/ml WGA. Membrane elasticity was characterized by the elastic shear modulus, which provided a measure of the resistance of the membrane to constant-area elastic deformations that occurred in the membrane plane. The elastic shear modulus was determined by aspirating a portion of the membrane into a micropipette and measuring the extension of the membrane into the pipette as a function of the suction pressure. The results indicated no significant change in shear modulus for concentrations of WGA between 0.0 and 0.2 microgram/ml. Membrane viscosity was characterized by the coefficient of surface viscosity, which, in effect, was a measure of the membrane's resistance to rates of deformation. This coefficient was determined from the time required for an erythrocyte to recover its undeformed shape after it had been elongated by the application of an equal and opposite force applied at diametrically opposite points on the erythrocyte rim. The value for the coefficient of surface viscosity was found to increase by a factor of almost three when the WGA concentration was increased from 0.0 to 0.2 microgram/ml. These results indicated that, in the presence of albumin, WGA can increase membrane dissipation (viscosity) without altering the structural rigidity (elasticity) of the membrane.  相似文献   

The results on elastic membrane area extension during hemolysis, reported by Richieri and Mel (Richieri, G.V. and Mel, H.C. (1985) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 813, 41-50), are discussed. Careful analysis of their data leads to the conclusion, that the differences in osmolarity, as found in the experiment, were insufficient to cause the reported values of elastic changes in erythrocyte volume (17-22%) and of membrane area extension (11-14%). The recalculated values of the elastic extensions of membrane area are not different from those measured by the micropipet method (i.e. 3-4%).  相似文献   

Aluminium (Al (III)) is a metal with no biological function. Its organic accumulation can lead to toxic effects. To elucidate the in vivo effect of Al (III) upon the rheological properties of the erythrocyte membrane, male adult Wistar rats have been submitted to periodical injections of Al(OH)3 during three months. Significant decreases in haematocrit (34+/-0.37% versus 36+/-0.20%, p<0.0001) and blood haemoglobin concentration (10.7+/-0.15 g/dl versus 12.3+/-0.49 g/dl, p<0.005) have been found. Haemolysis curves shifted towards the left, indicating that erythrocytes became more resistant to hypotonic haemolysis. Significant increments in rigidity index (29.6+/-1.59 versus 9.2+/-0.40, p<0.0001), relative viscosity at native haematocrit (3.6+/-0.03 versus 3.5+/-0.03, p<0.04), and relative viscosity at standard haematocrit (4.5+/-0.06 versus 3.9+/-0.05, p<0.0001) have been observed. The decrease in the erythrocyte aggregate size (1.6+/-0.01 versus 1.7+/-0.01, p<0.002) and the aggregation rate (0.5+/-0.02 versus 0.6+/-0.03, p<0.002) indicated a significantly dropped aggregability process. In conclusion, Al (III) disorganised the erythrocyte membrane by altering its mechanical properties, suggesting a reduction of the middle life of circulating erythrocytes, which could play a major role in the anaemia of these animals.  相似文献   

In situ assessment of erythrocyte membrane properties during cold storage   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Membrane fluidity and overall protein secondary structure of human erythrocytes were studied in situ using Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). Erythrocyte membranes were found to have weakly cooperative phase transitions at 14 degrees C and at 34 degrees C, which were tentatively assigned to the melting of the inner membrane leaflet and the sphingolipid rich outer leaflet, respectively. Cholesterol depletion by methyl-beta-cyclodextrin (MbetaCD) resulted in a large increase in the cooperativity of these transitions, and led to the appearance of another phospholipid transition at 25 degrees C. Multiple, sharp membrane phase transitions were observed after 5 days cold storage (4 degrees C ), which indicated phase separation of the membrane lipids. Using fluorescence microscopy, it was determined that the lipid probe 1,1'-dioctadecyl-3,3,3',3-tetramethyl-indocarbocyanine perchlorate (dil-C18) remained homogeneously distributed in the erythrocyte membrane during cold storage, suggesting that lipid domains were below the resolution limit of the microscope. Using thin layer chromatography, changes in the membrane lipid composition were detected during cold storage. By contrast, assessment of the amide-II band with FTIR showed that the overall protein secondary structure of haemoglobin was stable during cold storage.  相似文献   

A fractionation procedure is described which allows the isolation of three major human erythrocyte membrane proteins. Their isolation involves three sequential extraction procedures followed by gel filtration in 1% sodium dodecyl sulphate and preparative gel electrophoresis. All three proteins can be isolated from a single preparation. One of the proteins is the erythrocyte sialoglycoprotein, for which no C- or N-terminal residues were found. The other two proteins, which have not previously been isolated, have subunit molecular weights of 74000 and 93000 and contain 9 and 7% carbohydrate respectively. These glycoproteins have blocked N-terminal residues and show similarities in their chemical properties. Preparations derived from blood-group O erythrocytes contain no N-acetylgalactosamine, but similar preparations from blood-group A erythrocytes do contain this sugar. These three proteins cannot easily be solubilized by gentle aqueous procedures and represent about half of the erythrocyte ;ghost' protein. They carry a large proportion of the cell-surface carbohydrate.  相似文献   

Summary The permeability and partition coefficients of tetraphenylarsonium (TPA) and several other organic cations were studied in the human erythrocyte using an ion-selective electrode. The permeability constant for the different cations could be explained quite well by differences in oil/water partition coefficients. No evidence for facilitated transport could be found. Binding of the organic ions occurred to both the cell membrane and to intracellular contents. Partitioning to the membrane remained relatively constant despite variation from ion intracellular binding with blood samples from different donors. TPA flux is stimulated by substoichiometric amounts of tetraphenylboron and other organic anions, suggesting an ion-pairing mechanism.  相似文献   

The deformation of a portion of erythrocyte during aspirational entry into a micropipette has been analyzed on the basis of a constant area deformation of an infinite plane membrane into a cylindrical tube. Consideration of the equilibrium of the membrane at the tip of the pipette has generated the relation between the aspirated length and the dimensionless time during deformational entry as well as during relaxation after the removal of aspiration pressure. Experimental studies on deformation and relaxation of normal human erythrocytes were performed with the use of micropipettes and a video dimension analyzer which allowed the continuous recording of the time-courses. The deformation consisted of an initial rapid phase with a membrane viscosity (range 0.6 x 10(-4) to 4 x 10(-4) dyn.s/cm) varying inversely with the degree of deformation and a later slow phase with a high membrane viscosity (mean 2.06 x 10(-2) dyn.s/cm) which was not correlated with the degree of deformation. The membrane viscosity of the recovery phase after 20 s of deformation (mean 5.44 x 10(-4) dyn.s/cm) was also independent of the degree of deformation. When determined after a short period of deformation (e.g., 2 s), however, membrane viscosity of the recovery phase became lower and agreed with that of the deformation phase. These results suggest that the rheological properties of the membrane can undergo dynamic changes depending on the extent and duration of deformation, reflecting molecular rearrangement in response to membrane strain.  相似文献   

The proteins of the erythrocyte membrane   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  

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