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We have isolated and characterized a new generalized transducing phage, Bxz1, from soil sampling at a neighboring Wildlife Preservation Park. The hosts of the phage, measured by the formation of plaques, include fast growing Mycobacterium smegmatis and Mycobacterium vaccae. Bxz1 is capable of transducing chromosomal markers, point mutations, and plasmids at frequencies ranging from 10(-8) to 10(-6) per plaque forming unit between strains of M. smegmatis. We also demonstrated cotransduction of a transposon insertion linked to a point mutation of the ndh gene.  相似文献   

A temperate bacteriophage (F108) has been isolated through mitomycin C induction of a Pasteurella multocida serogroup A strain. F108 has a typical morphology of the family Myoviridae, presenting a hexagonal head and a long contractile tail. F108 is able to infect all P. multocida serogroup A strains tested but not those belonging to other serotypes. Bacteriophage F108, the first P. multocida phage sequenced so far, presents a 30,505-bp double-stranded DNA genome with cohesive ends (CTTCCTCCCC cos site). The F108 genome shows the highest homology with those of Haemophilus influenzae HP1 and HP2 phages. Furthermore, an F108 prophage attachment site in the P. multocida chromosome has been established to be inside a gene encoding tRNA(Leu). By using several chromosomal markers that are spread along the P. multocida chromosome, it has been demonstrated that F108 is able to perform generalized transduction. This fact, together with the absence of pathogenic genes in the F108 genome, makes this bacteriophage a valuable tool for P. multocida genetic manipulation.  相似文献   

The structure of α-chitin has been determined by X-ray diffraction, based on the intensity data from deproteinized lobster tendon. Least-squares refinement shows that adjacent chains have alternating sense (i.e. are antiparallel). In addition, there is a statistical distribution of side-chain orientations, such that all the hydroxyl groups form hydrogen bonds. The unit cell is orthorhombic with dimensions a = 0.474 ± 0.001 nm, b = 1.886 ± 0.002 nm and c = 1.032 ± 0.002 nm (fiber axis); the space group is P212121 and the cell contains disaccharide sections of the two chains passing through the center and corner of the ab projection. The chains form hydrogen-bonded sheets linked by CO…HN bonds approximately parallel to the a axis, and each chain has an O-3′H…O.5 intramolecular hydrogen bond, similar to that in cellulose. Adjacent chains along the ab diagonal have different conformations for the CH2OH groups: on one chain these groups form O.6H…O.6′ intermolecular hydrogen bonds to the CH2OH group on the adjacent chain along the ab diagonal. The latter group is oriented to form an intramolecular O.6′H…O.7 bond to the carboxyl oxygen on the next residue. The results indicate that a statistical mixture of CH2OH orientations is present, equivalent to half oxygens on each residue, each forming inter- and intramolecular hydrogen bonds. As a result the structure contains two types of amide groups, which differ in their hydrogen bonding, and account for the splitting of the amide I band in the infrared spectrum. The Inability of this chitin polymorph to swell on soaking in water is explained by the extensive intermolecular hydrogen bonding.  相似文献   

Summary A specialized transducing phage, b221poriCasnA has been isolated carrying oriC the origin of chromosomal replication of Escherichia coli. All phage genes required for lytic growth are retained, thus the phage is capable of lytic growth. The presence of the oriC locus confers upon infecting phage DNA the ability to replicate as a plasmid using only host DNA replication functions. The presence of both oriC and asnA markers has allowed the development of a plaque assay for origin function which can be used to identify mutants at these loci. Comparison of restriction endonuclease cleavage sites present on b221poriCasnA DNA to those on tis parent, b221 rex::Tn10 suggests the steps involved in the formation of the transducing phage.  相似文献   

A specialized transducing phage for the srlA gene, specifying the sorbitol-specific Enzyme II of the phosphoenolpyruvate:sugar phosphotransferase system, was constructed and its DNA was analysed by restriction endonuclease digestion. Phage construction involved four steps: (1) integration of lambda into the srlA gene; (2) selection of phage carrying (a) the left and (b) the right end of the srlA gene by means independent of the function of the new DNA acquired; (3) reconstitution of the srlA gene in a dilysogen of these two phage; and (4) the excision, using the heteroimmune lambdoid phage 21, of a plaque-forming srlA+ phage from the dilysogenic chromosome. Comparison of the DNA restriction digests of the transducing phage with those of its parents and of wild-type lambda revealed fragments consisting partly of lambda and partly of Escherichia coli DNA. The junction points in the intermediate phage define a site that must lie within the reconstituted gene of the final phage. This technique should be of general application in relating genes, cloned by our method, to DNA sequences.  相似文献   

Characterization of a glpK transducing phage   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Summary A specialized glpK transducing phage, dglpK100, has been isolated and characterized with respect to DNA structure. The glpK component of the glpKF operon has been localized within a 2.0 kilobase pair (kbp) region of the approximately 8.24 kbp bacterial DNA insert, and the positions of BamHI, EcoRI and HindIII restriction sites within this DNA have been identified.  相似文献   

A transducing phage, SE1, which is able to infect Salmonella typhimurium was isolated from a Salmonella enteritidis strain. SE1 is a temperate phage which is heteroimmune with respect to phages P22, L, KB1 and ES18. It is similar in morphology and size to phages P22, L and KB1 and is serologically related to phages P22 and L but not to KB1. Efficiencies of generalized transduction effected by phage SE1 are similar to those for P22HT (int7), a mutant which mediates a high frequency of chromosomal gene transduction. The lengths of chromosomal DNA transduced by SE1 and P22HT (int7) are similar. Furthermore, the SE1 prophage does not exclude the transducing particles from cells it has lysogenized; consequently it is possible to use both SE1 lysogens and non-lysogenic strains as recipients in SE1-mediated transduction experiments, and obtain similar transduction efficiencies. However, the SE1 prophage gives rise to a lysogenic conversion that decreases the rate of adsorption of SE1 and L phages by about 50%, but does not affect adsorption of P22. Altogether these results suggest that phage SE1 may be a useful tool in the genetic manipulation of S. typhimurium.  相似文献   

Generalized transducing phage similar to phage P1 in Escherichia coli was isolated from E. coli W39, an antigenic test strain of the O121 group. This phage, designated phi w39, was reciprocally heteroimmune to phages P1 and P7, but nonreciprocally heteroimmune to phage D6. Transduction experiments using various R plasmids with different molecular weights suggested that phage phi w39 could transduce at least 65 megadaltons DNA. As in the case of P1 prophage, phi w39 prophage existed as a plasmid belonging to incompatibility group Y and carried a dnaB-like function. The molecular weight of phi w39 plasmid was nearly the same as that of plasmid, i.e., 58.6 megadaltons. Despite the pronounced structural and functional similarity of phages phi w39 and P1, restriction cleavage patterns of their genomes differed considerably.  相似文献   

A temperate, type IV pilus-dependent, double-stranded DNA bacteriophage named DMS3 was isolated from a clinical strain of Pseudomonas aeruginosa. A clear-plaque variant of this bacteriophage was isolated. DMS3 is capable of mediating generalized transduction within and between P. aeruginosa strains PA14 and PAO1, thus providing a useful tool for the genetic analysis of P. aeruginosa.  相似文献   

F Kawamura  H Saito  Y Ikeda 《Gene》1979,5(2):87-91
DNA from a temperate phage rho 11 and chromosomal DNA of Bacillus subtilis 168 were digested with endonuclease EcoRI and then ligated with T4 polynucleotide ligase. The ligated DNA fragments were used to transform a lysogenic strain, B. subtilis spoA12 lys21 hisA1 leuA8 p11, and Lys+, His+ or Leu+ transformants were selected. The cells of each type were then mixed, grown and treated with mitomycin C; the induced phages were tested for abilities abilities to form plaques and to tranduce the auxotrophic marker. Various types of plaque-forming or defective phages which transduce hisA or lys marker at considerably high frequencies were thus obtained.  相似文献   

T S Il'ina  E V Nechaeva 《Genetika》1977,13(12):2181-2188
The mutant strain KS713 of Escherichia coli K-12 deleted for the normal insertion site and secondary preferable one was obtained. The insertion frequency of phage phi80 into the double deletion strain is reduced about 30-fold with respect to integration into the strain H47 with deletion of the primary phi80 attachment site and about 500-fold relative to integration into wild type Escherichia coli. Analysis of the rare abnormal lysogens of KS 713 strain indicates that there are secondary sites on the chromosome, which are utilized for prophage attachment if insertion at preferable secondary att80-II site is eliminated too. The insertion of phi80 phage into the bfe locus was obtained by the appropriate selection technique. Induced prophage excision from the bfe site was rather efficient and lysates contained phi80 phage particles that could specificically transduce the argH+ gene. Upon transduction into a recipient strain carrying recA, heterogenotes harbouring both the wild-type and the mutant argH genes were isolated. These heterogenotes were used for producing high-frequency transducing lysates.  相似文献   

Summary We have characterized a number of P1Cm phages which contain the resistance genes to chloramphenicol and fusidic acid as IS1-flanked Cm transposons. Restriction cleavage and electron microscopic analysis showed that these Cm transposons were carried as monomers (M) or tandem dimers (D). Lysogens of P1Cm (D) are more resistant to chloramphenicol than those of its P1Cm (M) presumably as a result of an increased gene dosage. Amplification of the Cm transposons to tandem multimers was frequently observed in P1Cm (D) lysogens grown in the presence of high concentrations of chloramphenicol or fusidic acid and was also detected in P1Cm (M) lysogens. The degree of amplification varied in different clones which suggests that cells containing spontaneously amplified Cm transposons were selected by high doses of the antibiotics. The dimeric as well as the amplified Cm transposons carried in P1Cm lysogens grown in the absence of chloramphenicol displayed considerable stability. Mechanisms for the amplification of the IS1-flanked transposons are discussed.  相似文献   

Packaging of an oversize transducing genome by Salmonella phage P22   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
The DNA in specialized transducing particles of the Salmonella phage P22 was examined by electron microscopy. The transducing particles of P22Tc-10 (which transduce tetracycline-resistance) are shown to contain DNA molecules that are incomplete permuted fragments of an oversize genome, as predicted by the genetic results of Chan et al. (1972). The oversize transducing genome differs from the P22 wild-type genome by a large (mol. wt 2.5 × 106) insertion of foreign DNA. The insertion, as seen in heteroduplexes, has an unusual lariat-like structure, which suggests that the insertion contains a non-tandem reverse duplication.By comparing wild-type P22 with P22Tc-10 and deletion revertants of P22Tc-10, we show by direct physical means, that the amount of terminal repetition in P22 phage DNA is a direct function of the genome size, as predicted from the model for circular permutation and terminal repetition suggested by Streisinger et al. (1967).  相似文献   

The temperate bacteriophage P22 mediates both generalized and specialized transduction in Salmonella typhimurium. Specialized transduction by phage P22 is different from, and less restricted than, the well characterized specialized transduction by phage lambda, due to differences in the phage DNA packaging mechanism. Phage lysates produced by induction of lysogenic strains contain very high frequencies of supQ newD- and proA,B-specialized transducing particles (10(-2)/PFU and 10(-3)/PFU, respectively), most of which are produced by independent aberrant excision events of various types. In a model, 12 different modes of transduction mechanisms were characterized by: (i) the structure of the specialized transducing genomes after injection into a new host cell, i.e., linear or circular, and (ii) the requirements for the transduction process, i.e., host recombination functions, phage integration functions, or presence of a prophage. By using different recipient strains and phage helper strains, it was possible to show that most specialized transducing particles (ca. 99%) contain linear genomes that cannot circularize upon injection into a new host cell and that require the presence of an integrated prophage as a site for a recombinational event to give rise to a transductant. Only 0.1% of all specialized transducing particles were shown to transduce by integration, suggesting that transducing genomes containing terminally redundant ends represent only a minor fraction of all transducing particles that are produced. However, it should be pointed out that the frequency (approximately 10(-5)/PFU) of these specialized transducing genomes that can circularize upon injection into a new host cell is as high as or even higher than the frequency of specialized transducing particles of phage lambda. The remaining approximately 1% of all specialized transducing particles can transduce by any one of the other mechanisms described.  相似文献   

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