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大麦多棱分枝穗突变体的遗传分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黄碧光  吴为人  刘思衡  黄志贵 《遗传》2004,26(6):903-906
为研究大麦多棱分枝突变的遗传,对四个杂交组合(六棱×二棱、多棱分枝×二棱、多棱分枝×六棱和六棱×多棱分枝)的F1、F2、和F3的棱型进行了调查分析。结果表明,一对隐性基因(mm)控制多棱分枝,并且对控制二棱和六棱的基因具有隐性上位性作用。  相似文献   

为探讨不同类型小麦(Triticum aestivum)品种分蘖成穗特性及对群体环境的响应, 寻求合理播种方式的调控参数, 在大田试验条件下, 对两类品种单株稀植与不同播种方式所构成的不同群体进行了对比研究。结果表明, 单株稀植时, 两类品种均具有较高的分蘖潜力, 中多穗型品种‘济麦20’和‘鲁麦14’单株平均成穗数为40.58和44.34个, 大穗型品种‘山农8355’和‘兰考矮早八’为24.33和23.20个, 成穗率存在着显著的基因型差异; 进入不同播种方式的群体环境后, 中多穗型品种每株平均成穗数降至3.37和3.85个, 降低率分别为91.70%和91.32%, 大穗型品种每株成穗1.82和1.36个, 分别降低92.52%和94.14%; 证明群体环境对分蘖成穗的影响比遗传因素更强烈, 且大穗型品种分蘖成穗特性对群体环境的响应较中多穗型敏感。播种方式可有效地调控群体结构, 条播的经济产量显著高于撒播, 条播行距配置对产量的影响因品种类型而异; 中多穗型行距在23.4-23.9 cm、大穗型在16.5-16.9 cm时产量最高; 撒播和窄行条播可有效地增加单位面积穗数, 提高挑旗和灌浆中期群体中、上层的光截获率, 而千粒重和穗粒数却随之降低。播种方式对挑旗后群体内部CO2浓度有微弱的影响。  相似文献   

Grass species display a wide array of inflorescences ranging from highly branched compound/panicle inflorescences to unbranched spike inflorescences. The unbranched spike is a characteristic feature of the species of tribe Triticeae, including economically important crops,such as wheat and barley. In this review, we describe two important developmental genetic mechanisms regulating spike inflorescence architecture in barley and wheat.These include genetic regulation of(i) row-type pathway specific to Hordeum species and(ii) unbranched spike development in barley and wheat. For a comparative understanding, we describe the branched inflorescence phenotypes of rice and maize along with unbranched Triticeae inflorescences. In the end, we propose a simplified model describing a probable mechanism leading to unbranched spike formation in Triticeae species.  相似文献   

V práci byla sledována dědi?nost vývinu laterálních kvítk? p?i k?í?ení dvou?adých forem je?mene typu distichon a ?esti?adých forem typu vulgare a brachyurum. Znak m??e být u?it pro identifikaci skute?ných hybrid? ji? v F l generaci p?i k?í?ení dvou?adých a ?esti?adých forem, kde dominuje dvou?adost. Nepoda?ená k?í?ení je pak mo?no v?as vylou?it. Také pro stanovení vazbových poměr? m??e být významný ve vy??ích hybridních generacích.
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    Dědi?nost vývinu laterálních kvítk? v kláscích je?ného klasu p?i k?í?ení dvou?adých a ?esti?adých forem byla studována metodou pro plynule proměnlivé znaky.  相似文献   

Summary Haploids from Hordeum vulgare (2n = 14) X H. Bulbosum (2n = 14) crosses result after fertilization from the subsequent elimination of bulbosum chromosomes during early embryo development. Seed set from the cross is high but embryo culture is necessary to obtain seedlings. Application of gibberellin A3 (GA3) to pollinated florets was effective for increasing the frequency of haploid seedlings produced on both nutrient-fed detached tillers and intact plants. GA3 increased both seed set and embryo yield. The number of cells per embryo during its transition to the haploid state was increased two to three times following GA3 treatments. Enhanced embryo and endosperm development was attributed to increased mitotic activity. The number of visibly differentiated embryos was doubled to about 35 % of the cultured embryos after GA3 was applied to detached tillers in nutrient solution. About 70 % of the resulting haploid plants developed from the visibly differentiated embryos. The detached tiller technique offers a convenient method of culturing haploids from field-grown plants.  相似文献   

[1-14C]acetate and [2-14C]acetate were incorporated into the β-diketones of barley spike epicuticular wax via the peduncle. Utilizing column chromatography with dry copper acetate, the β-diketones were isolated and the labeling pattern in the hentriacontan-14, 16-dione determined after its degradation. A modified iodoform procedure was used to give myristic and palmitic acids. Radio-gas chromatography was then performed on the products of chemical α-oxidation of the separated fatty acids. This procedure, in effect, gave the specific activity of every carbon atom of hentriacontan-14,16-dione except carbon-1 to carbon-5 (from myristic acid) and carbon-27 to carbon-31 (from palmitic acid) for each labeled substrate. The specific activity of carbon-15 was determined by an indirect method. On the basis of these data it is suggested that the hentriacontan-14,16-dione is synthesized from the carbon-31 end of the molecule by elongation as follows. C2 units are added, perhaps to a mixture of short chain precursors, to give a chain with 12 carbon atoms. This chain is then elongated to one with 16 carbon atoms so that the four added carbon atoms are uniformly labeled. Following this, the chain with 16 carbon atoms is elongated with C2 units to give the complete molecule. Possibly some change in mechanism occurs in this last elongation process when the chain is 22 carbon atoms long. Barley spike wax β-diketones contain about 2% nonacosan-13, 15-dione which seems to be synthesized in an analogous manner.  相似文献   

Yield studies show that increases in grain yield are always accompanied by an increase in grain number and, hence, further increases in yield potential may require additional improvements in grain number. The improvement of modern durum wheat was mainly based on the introduction of semidwarf genes. A 2‐year field drought stress experiment, concerning two different genotype groups (landraces vs modern cultivars), was carried out under a rainout shelter in order (a) to assess the effect of water deficit on floret dynamics and grain number determination, (b) to explore the relationship between plant water status with grain number per spike and its components (i.e., spikelets per spike, fertile florets per spikelet and grain set) and (c) to quantify the importance of several plant traits in determining the final number of grains per spike and fertile florets per spike when the main source of variation is water availability. Compared to control (well irrigated), grain number per spike was reduced, depending on year, genotype and water availability level, by 12.4–58.7% and this reduction was evident almost in all spikelet positions along the spike. Although there were some doubts in the past about the increased sensitivity of semidwarf cultivars to drought stress, they were not confirmed from our results. In most of the cases, the variation in plant water status (by means of water potential index [WPI]) during floret primordia phase (FPP) explained most of the variance in grain number per spike, fertile florets per spikelet, grain set and fertile spikelets per spike. In general, increasing water stress intensity decreased grain number per spike by an average rate of 13.5 and 9.4 grains per 0.2 MPa decrease in WPI, in modern cultivars and landraces, respectively. However, seasonal and genotypic effects were evident by modifying the slopes of the linear regressions between WPI and the studied plant traits. Commonality analysis revealed that the number of fertile florets per spikelet was the best predictor of grain number per spike, indicating that there is still much space for further improvement for this trait in landraces. However, this trait has been clearly improved in modern cultivars, especially at the basal and central spikelets. Although the number of spikelets per spike was the best unique predictor of the number of grains per spike in modern cultivars, grain set presented the highest total effect.  相似文献   

Fusarium head blight (FHB) is a major disease of wheat in the warm and humid wheat growing areas of the world. FHB causes severe yield reduction, decreases grain quality and entails toxicological problems in food and feed. After date there is not much known about the molecular basis of the interaction betweenFusarium spp. and cereals. To improve disease resistance in cereals, we want to establish a comprehensive collection of disease resistance-related barley genes including key elements involved in the defense response the genusFusarium. To identify barley cultivars with differential responses (high and low susceptibility) toFusarium, we comparatively investigated the interaction phenotypes of barley accessions toF. culmorum in roots and spikes. Beside a consistent, high reproducible variation in the reaction pattern of different genotypes, we found an overall consistency between the degree of susceptibility of root and spike tissue in the selected lines, suggesting that root tissue can be used for high throughput disease resistance screening.  相似文献   

Barley plants (Hordeum vulgare L. cvs Hellas and Kajsa), grown in nutrient solutions, were supplied with15NO 3 from day 12 to day 16. Changes in distribution of15N between different plant parts were followed during ageing, (days 16, 28 and 52) to study differences in redistribution of N induced by variation in NO 3 supply and choice of cultivar. Main stems and tillers competed for previously absorbed N and their competitive strength depended on their growth rate. Inhibition of tillering during N stress protected the main stem from detrimental losses of a limiting resource. Tillers on Hellas received in most cases proportionally more15N from the rest of the plant than tillers on Kajsa.  相似文献   

In glasshouse and field experiments the source-sink relations of the main shoot of plants of spring barley were modified by tiller removal and tiller defoliation. Decreasing competition by tiller removal promoted the growth of the residual main shoot and its component parts, and the earlier tillers were removed the greater was the effect. Stem dry weight was increased four-fold in the glasshouse by early tiller removal and was doubled in the field experiment. The grain yield of the main shoot ear was increased by 26 – 30% by tiller removal compared with tillering control plants and this was due to larger grains in all spikelet positions. On the other hand increasing competition by regular tiller defoliation had relatively little effect on the growth and development of the main shoot in the glasshouse study, but in the field the main shoot grain yield was reduced by 10% compared with the control. The main effect of tiller defoliation was on the development of tillers. In the glasshouse tillers survived repeated defoliation, continued to be produced, and the majority produced grain but with fewer and smaller grains per ear than in control plants. Tiller growth was supported by the import of assimilate from the main shoot and this was accompanied by an increase in the photosynthetic rate of the main shoot leaves. In the field all defoliated tillers died within 4 wk. These responses are discussed in terms of the physiological interrelations between the main shoot and tillers.  相似文献   

Several cDNAs related to an ABA-induced cDNA from barley aleurone were isolated from barley and corn seedlings that were undergoing dehydration. Four different barley polypeptides with sizes of 22.6, 16.2, 14.4 and 14.2 kDa and a single corn polypeptide with a size of 17.0 kDa were predicted from the nucleotide sequences of the cDNAs. These dehydration-induced proteins (dehydrins) are very similar to each other and to a previously identified rice protein induced by ABA and salt, and have at least some similarity to a previously identified cotton embryo protein. Each dehydrin is extremely hydrophilic, glycine-rich, cysteine- and tryptophan-free and contains repeated units in a conserved linear order. A lysine-rich repeating unit occurs twice in each protein, once at the carboxy terminus and once partway through the polypeptide, adjacent to a succession of serines. This repeating unit and the adjacent flanking run of serines are conserved with minimal variation among all dehydrins. Another repeating unit is flanked by the two copies of the lysine-rich unit, and varies in number from one to five copies. This latter repeating unit is less conserved than the former, varying even within a singly dehydrin. The messenger RNAs corresponding to each cDNA are abundant in dehydrating, but not in well-watered seedlings. The amino acid sequence of tryptic peptides from purified dehydration-induced proteins of corn established that the corn cDNAs correspond to a protein that is produced in abundance during the response of corn seedlings to dehydration.Abbreviations ABA abscisic acid - GA gibberellin - SDS sodium dodecyl sulfate - EDTA ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid - SSC 0.15 M NaCl, 0.015 M Na3 citrate, pH 7.0 - ddH2O double-distilled water - TES N-tris [hydroxymethyl]-methyl-2-aminoethanesulfonic acid  相似文献   

A number of methods have been published for barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) anther culture and have gained acceptance in different laboratories. The breeder's requirement is for a compromise method that gives good, repeatable results for a wide range of genotypes. Yet the routine production of spontaneously doubled haploid green regenerants remains difficult. Despite attempts to formulate a widely-applicable anther culture method, the 4 main published methods, compared here with one modified procedure, are quite distinct for a number of important characteristics. The methods interacted strongly with the 3 genotypes, and response ranged from zero to 28 green regenerants per 100 anthers plated. The current methods still require often substantial modification to suit local situations in order that the technology may be exploited by barley breeders.Abbreviations BAP benzylaminopurine - DH doubled haploid - FV final volume - IAA indoleacetic acid - IBA indole-3-butyric acid - MS Murashige & Skoog - PABA para-aminobenzoic acid  相似文献   

Individuals can be exposed to high doses (more than 5Gy) during radiation accidents. It is, of course, helpful to the physician to have biological indicators also for such high doses. The problem with most cytogenetic indicators is, that the response levels off at doses starting around 5-7Gy of low LET radiation and that the dose-response curve even declines after doses exceeding about 10Gy. Thus, it may be difficult to decide, whether the dose was, for example, 8 or 14Gy. We studied how the micronucleus assay can be used to give information also in the high dose range. It turned out that micronucleus frequency itself cannot be used for the estimation of doses exceeding about 5-7Gy. There are, however, at least three other endpoints that can be determined in the cytochalasin B assay that can assist the decision in the high dose range: (1) the number of mononucleated cells; (2) the ratio of tri- to tetranucleated cells; (3) the average micronucleus frequency in micronucleus positive binucleated cells.  相似文献   

Corke H  Atsmon D 《Plant physiology》1988,87(2):523-528
In normal growth conditions, total protein percent (salt soluble plus hordein fractions) in the endosperm at maturity in barley cultivar Hordeum vulgare L. cv `Ruth' was about 14%, whereas in an accession of wild barley, Hordeum spontaneum Koch line 297, it was about 28%. Spike culture experiments were conducted to ascertain whether there were basic differences between the two genotypes under conditions of widely different nitrogen supply. Spikes of each genotype were grown from 8 to 25 days after flowering in in vitro culture in a growth medium containing 0 to 4 grams per liter nitrogen supplied as NH4NO3. Spikes were pulse-labeled at intervals from 12 to 24 days after flowering with 3.7 megabecquerel of [3H]leucine to determine relative rates of synthesis of hordein-1 and hordein-2 polypeptides. At low nitrogen levels `Ruth' had a lower protein content than 297, but at increasing nitrogen levels its protein content increased rapidly and reached a maximum (35%) higher than 297 (30%). The relative contribution of the hordein fraction to total protein increased mainly with time, and hordein-1 to total hordein increased mainly with nitrogen level, in both genotypes. There appeared to be no fundamental limitations in the capacity of `Ruth' to accumulate protein; 297 appears to have a greater basal level of nitrogen availability under normal conditions.  相似文献   

The protein quality of barley was determined by the measurement of the protein efficiency ratio (PER). Available lysine in the same samples was determined chemically and by microbiological assay, and relationships were obtained between PER and either total or available lysine content.In the PER test, groundnut meal was found to be a suitable protein supplement to barley for the purpose of detecting differences in the protein quality of barley. The method was sufficiently sensitive to detect a reduction in protein quality of one variety as a result of micronization. Available lysine values obtained by the modified Tetrahymena method were significantly correlated (r = 0.99) with PER values; there was no significant correlation between total lysine content and the PER value.The available lysine values measured by the two chemical methods were higher than the Tetrahymena values. The Silcock method gave results better correlated (r = 0.93) with the Tetrahymena values than did the Carpenter method (r = 0.82). The results of chemical methods were not significantly related with PER values, but the methods ranked the barleys in an order similar to that obtained with the PER and Tetrahymena tests.  相似文献   

Two barley transformation systems, Agrobacterium-mediated and particle bombardment, were compared in terms of transformation efficiency, transgene copy number, expression, inheritance and physical structure of the transgenic loci using fluorescence in situ hybridisation (FISH). The efficiency of Agrobacterium-mediated transformation was double that obtained with particle bombardment. While 100% of the Agrobacterium-derived lines integrated between one and three copies of the transgene, 60% of the transgenic lines derived by particle bombardment integrated more than eight copies of the transgene. In most of the Agrobacterium-derived lines, the integrated T-DNA was stable and inherited as a simple Mendelian trait. Transgene silencing was frequently observed in the T1 populations of the bombardment-derived lines. The FISH technique was able to reveal additional details of the transgene integration site. For the efficient production of transgenic barley plants, with stable transgene expression and reduced silencing, the Agrobacterium-mediated method appears to offer significant advantages over particle bombardment.  相似文献   

Summary Soil treated with three kinds of sewage sludge (activated, liquid digested, filtered digested sludge) was cropped three times with young barley.All three sludges produced a P-response, and a small N-response. For the first crop this was more marked with the liquid sludges than the filter-cake, from which the soluble nutrients had been removed in the filtrate. It was not possible to separate fully the effects of N and P in heavy sludge applications from possible harmful effects of heavy metals, but there was no certain harm from five times the recommended maximum application, and certainly no harm from lesser applications.Even after 12 months the fractions avilable/total Cu, Ni and Zn added in the sludges were greater (0.8, 0.2, 0.4) than those native in the soil, but their availabilities to young barley had substantially decreased during that period.By the end of 12 months there appeared to be no differences between the availabilities of these elements from different sludges, whatever may have been their original forms of combination. Relative to the total amount present, the concentration of Ni in water extracts of the soils was considerably greater than that of Zn and Cu. re]19760505  相似文献   

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