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Non-embryogenic protoplasts of Medicago rugosa and M. scutellata were electro-fused with iodoacetic acid-treated protoplasts of M. sativa (alfalfa). Putative somatic hybrid callus were obtained and some plants regenerated from both combinations. Hybridity of regenerants was confirmed by morphology, molecular means and cytological observations. Parental specific bands were recognized in somatic hybrids by Southern analysis. The somatic hybrids were perennial and their morphology was similar to M. sativa. Cytological observations were carried out on the somatic hybrids, their vegetative clones and self-pollinated offspring. Original somatic hybrids were aneuploids (2n=31–59), but during vegetative proliferation, their chromosome numbers reduced to 32. Those clones of hybrids formed seeds from M. sativa (+) M. rugosa by self-crossing. Chromosomal rearrangements within the parental genomes were observed in vegetative clones of hybrids and their S1 offspring by Genomic in situ Hybridization (GISH). Some of S1 offspring from M. sativa (+) M. rugosa showed better spring growth than parental M. sativa and tend to be tolerant to Alfalfa weevil. It was considered that these traits were introduced from the genome transferring M.␣rugosa chromosome to M. sativa. The cell fusion may still have a potential in transferring alien chromosomes in order to increase the genetic variation for crop breeding.  相似文献   

A system was established for achieving plant regeneration from mesophyll protoplasts and cotyledon-derived cell suspension cultures of alfalfa, Medicago sativa L. Peeled leaflets or cells from 6-day-old cell suspensions were incubated in an enzyme mixture containing 1% Driselase, 1% Rhozyme, 0.1% Cellulase and 72 gl-1 mannitol at pH 5.8 for 2–16 h to liberate protoplasts. A complex Kao medium supported cell division and colony formation, whereas a high auxin/low cytokinin treatment on Schenk and Hildebrandt medium followed by culture on growth regulator-free Blaydes or Linsmaier and Skoog medium resulted in somatic embryo formation. Of the three varieties tested. Citation, Answer and Regen S, the latter two produced embryos from which plants could be regenerated.  相似文献   

Summary Various preconditioning treatments of alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) somatic embryos to improve embryo quality and conversion were studied. Four different regenerating genotypes were compared. Embryogenic cultures were established in liquid culture. Globular embryos were collected and plated on an embryo development medium until they reached cotyledonary stage. They were then exposed to three treatments: a standard embryo development medium (control), media supplementation with 1 μM abscisic acid (ABA), 50 mM glutamine and 5% sucrose (T), additional supplementation with 50 μM ABA (TT), and additional supplementation followed by desiccation (TTD). Treatments affected embryo conversion, but not uniformly for all genotypes. Embryo conversion was increased (P<0.05) by pretreatment (T), while only one exhibited any response to additional ABA (T vs. TT). Desiccation decreased (P<0.05) conversion of pretreated embryos (TT vs. TTD) of all genotypes. The effect of treatments on plantlet weight was less pronounced and inconsistent across genotypes.  相似文献   

Summary Plastids are plant cellular organelles that are generally inherited from the maternal parent in the angiosperms. Many species exhibit biparental inheritance of plastids, but usually with a predominantly maternal influence. In contrast to this, we report strong paternal inheritance of plastids in reciprocal crosses of alfalfa, Medicago sativa, by following restriction fragment length polymorphisms for plastid DNA in two normal green plastids. Mitochondrial inheritance remained exclusively maternal.  相似文献   

Effects of salt and proline on Medicago sativa callus   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In this study, two cultivars of Medicago sativa (cv. Yazdi and cv. Hamedani) were used for callus production. Calluses were transferred to MS medium containing 0, 30, 60, 90, and 120 mM NaCl and 0, 5, 10 mM proline. After 4–5 weeks dry weight and intracellular free proline of the calluses were measured. The growth of callus in both cultivars decreased with increasing salt concentration. Addition of exogenous proline to the culture medium increased the dry weight and free proline content of callus. The difference between control and treated calluses with 10 mM exogenous proline in the medium was significant. The data obtained from experiments indicated that the responses of two Medicago cultivars was genotype dependent.  相似文献   

Mesophyll protoplasts were produced from clones of two cultivars of Medicago sativa, Rangelander and Regen S. Protoplasts from the Regen S clone generally gave rise to calli while those from the Rangelander clone would undergo direct embryogenesis. Effects of plant growth conditions, donor tissue pretreatment and protoplast culture conditions on mesophyll protoplast production and subsequent development patterns were investigated. The major factor determining whether or not mesophyll protoplasts would be produced from either of the clones was the pretreatment in water of shoots excised from the donor plants. Pretreatment in water containing growth regulators did not alter protoplast production or development in the Regen S clone. Pretreatment of the Rangelander clone shoots with abscisic acid or naphthaleneacetic acid was slightly beneficial to embryo production while pretreatment with benzylaminopurine was detrimental. Altered leaf morphology induced by growth condition changes did not affect mesophyll protoplast production or subsequent development patterns when shoots were pretreated in water. Culture of protoplasts in liquid droplets or solid agar medium increased low density protoplast survival and subsequent embryo production in the Rangelander clone.  相似文献   

Ten cultivars and breeding lines from two species of alfalfa (Medicago media and M. sativa) were screened for their ability to produce embryos and plantlets from the root and hypocotyl under three different tissue culture protocols. The three protocols differed in basal salt composition, vitamins, hormones and cytokinin additions. That protocol having a high 2–4,D low cytokinin induction step gave the highest percentage of embryogenic calli in some cultivars and lines. M. media cultivars and breeding lines had a high percentage of embryoid formation. M. sativa cultivars gave no embryoid formation. Two M. media breeding lines (Br1 and Le1), which were intermediate in the percentage of embryogenic calli formed from explants, had the highest number of regenerated plants established in soil. The creeping rooted M. media cultivar Heinrichs produced the highest percentage of embryogenic calli from explants but most of these embryoids were abnormal and failed to grow in soil or vermiculite. Accordingly, successful regeneration is directly related to the quality and quantity of the embryoids produced. Respectively: Biotechnology Department, Alberta Research Council, Agriculture Canada, Beaverlodge, Alberta, and University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada  相似文献   

Fifty genotypes of each of three cultivars of alfalfa (Medicago spp.) were tested in three medium protocols for their capacity to produce somatic embryos and plantlets from callus cultures. Highly productive genotypes produced somatic embryos regardless of medium protocol or explant source, while other genotypes produced somatic embryos in a medium-specific or explant-specific fashion. The results showed that embryogenesis in mature leaf-derived calli could be predicted from the frequency of embryo formation in cotyledon-derived calli of the same genotype. The results also indicated that highly productive genotypes can be selected from cultivars with a low frequency of regeneration.  相似文献   

Scanning electron microscopy has been used to investigate the morphological changes occurring during the development of alfalfa somatic embryos. Embryos were initiated from callus, transferred to suspension culture and matured on solid agar medium. This developmental pattern was compared to that of zygotic embryos developing in ovulo. Somatic embryos begin as distinct pro-embryos within the callus tissue pieces placed in suspension culture. They become globular and heart-shaped while on solid agar medium and then undergo cotyledon elongation and maturation. Somatic embryos develop comparatively slower at early stages of development and faster at the later stages than zygotic embryos. They lack a well-defined suspensor and have a very rough, poorly-differentiated epidermis, the first layer of which is lost after pro-embryo formation. The cotyledons of somatic embryos are multiple and poorlydeveloped; there appears to be a correlation between the amount of surface roughness of the developing embryo and the extent to which polycotyledony occurs.  相似文献   

Two chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) regions exhibiting a high frequency of intra- or inter-species variation were identified in 12 accessions of the genus Medicago. Restriction maps of both regions were prepared for alfalfa, and the probable nature of the events causing the DNA differences was identified. Specific DNA fragments were then cloned for use in identification of variants in each region. Two each of M. sativa ssp. varia and ssp. caerulea and one of six M. sativa ssp. sativa single plants examined possessed cpDNA heterogeneity as identified by screening extracts for fragments generated by the presence and absence of a specific Xba I restriction site. Three plants of M. sativa ssp. sativa, two of each of sspp. varia and caerulea, and three M. scutellata were also examined for single-plant cpDNA heterogeneity at a hypervariable region where differences resulted from small insertion-deletion events. A single M. scutellata plant with mixed cpDNAs was identified. Sorting out was seen when one spp. sativa plant with mixed plastid types identifiable by the Xba I restriction site difference was vegetatively propagated. This indicated that the initial stock plant was heteroplastidic. Controlled crosses will be required in order to test whether heteroplasmy results from chloroplast transmission in the pollen and to examine the dynamic of sorting out. However, heteroplasmy is apparently not a rare situation in Medicago.Contribution No 88-547-J from the Kansas Agricultural Experiment Station, Manhattan.  相似文献   

Mesophyll protoplasts of Medicago sativa were exposed to low voltage electrical fields immediately following isolation. Several exposure times and voltages were utilized. At the lower doses, protoplast aggregation and subsequent embryogenesis were stimulated. A clone of Rangelander, which was directly-embryogenic (i.e. embryos were derived from single mesophyll protoplasts without an intervening callus phase), was induced to form embryos in all samples exposed to the lowest level electrical fields, while unexposed controls formed few or no embryos. A clone of Regen S, which was previously not directly-embryogenic, was induced to follow the Rangelander pattern of development and to produce early globular embryos.Plant Research Centre Contribution No. 1013  相似文献   

A highly embryogenic cell suspension of alfalfa derived from a genotype sensitive to Fusarium oxysporum was successfully used for selection in vitro for resistance to culture filtrates of F. oxysporum, F. solani and F. avenaceum. Fifty two stable resistant cell lines were obtained and 500 plants regenerated from them. Among the 167 regenerants tested under glass there were 12–20% more plants with increased resistance to pathogens than in the group of plants regenerated from a control cell line. It was also found that the cell suspension cultures derived from genotypes of alfalfa with increased resistance to Fusarium spp. better tolerated filtrates of the pathogen. The results of a comparison of virulence of individual isolates of several species of Fusarium with toxicity of their filtrates to plants in vivo and in cell cultures were not unequivocal.  相似文献   

The detection and distribution pattern of poly(A)+-containing RNA during embryo sac development in the wild type and in a diplosporic mutant of alfalfa was studied using digoxigenin-labelled oligo-dT probes. In the very early stage of development, the megaspore mother cell does not show any poly(A)+RNA accumulation. Subsequently, poly(A) + RNA appears concomitantly in the megaspore mother cell and the nucellus tissue, both in wild and mutant alfalfa. The distribution pattern of poly(A) + RNA reveals some differences. In the mutant, the absence of label in the chalazal part of the nucellus at the megaspore mother cell stage seems to be significant. Compared to the wild type, the hybridization signal at the functional megaspore as well as at the two-nucleate coenocytic stage was reduced. However, the late stages of embryo sac development in the two types were almost comparable, except that the central cell of the mutant accumulated more label. The significance of the results in relation to reduced and unreduced embryo sac development is discussed.  相似文献   

Clones of three cultivars of Medicago sativa (Rambler, Regen S and Rangelander) were used as sources of mesophyll protoplasts. Although all three clones readily produced protoplasts, the subsequent development patterns in culture varied greatly among genotypes, with protoplasts from Regen S and Rambler forming calli which could be induced to form embryos, and protoplasts from Rangelander undergoing direct embryogenesis. Protoplasts of Regen S exhibited high rates of division while those of Rangelander tended to aggregate with only a few cells per aggregate surviving. The surviving cells gave rise to proembryos within the aggregates; these proembryos developed into differentiated embryos after 5–7 weeks of culture. Based on the initial protoplast population, the efficiency of embryo formation averaged 0.13% and ranged from 0.001–0.4%. Observations during the early stages of culture indicated that cell aggregation was a prerequisite for direct embryogenesis.  相似文献   

Summary The response to selection for leaf proteins was studied during three selection cycles. Selection for high total nitrogen content showed 75% heritability, and the levels of both ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase oxygenase (Rubisco) and cytoplasmic protein were strongly under nuclear DNA control. High and low protein content were correlated with chloroplast area. Although the amounts of nuclear DNA were similar, the ratio of Rubisco/DNA and chlorophyll/DNA changed during the selection process. It can be concluded that the levels of Rubisco achieved in mature plants of M. sativa are under nuclear DNA control. The possible involvement of small subunit (SSU) genes in controlling these levels is discussed.  相似文献   

Summary We have previously shown (Flores and Sgrignoli, 1991) that immature embryos ofTaxus brevifolia andT. X media are capable of precocious germination and can grow into seedlings in vitro. The cultural and environmental parameters for embryo germination and conversion into seedlings have been optimized and extended toT. baccata andT. cuspidata. A 14-h photoperiod improved embryo germination and growth into seedlings. A pregermination cold treatment of the seeds had a positive effect on both the onset and percentage of germination. Embryos from cold-treated seeds germinated earlier and at a higher frequency than those from control seeds. Boron was necessary for embryo germination, and levels of this micronutrient were established for optimal growth and germination ofT. brevifolia andT. X media cv. Hicksii embryos. Gupta and Durzan’s medium was superior to White’s for embryo germination and root formation. Naphthaleneacetic acid stimulated root formation in embryo-derived seedlings. We also found that immature embryos could be induced to form callus with embryogenic potential. Taxol and related taxanes were detected in embryo- derived seedlings.  相似文献   

Summary Encapsulated somatic embryos (artificial seeds) and naked (uncoated) somatic embryos of alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) were planted directly into the field to demonstrate the feasibility of using artificial seeds for direct sowing. Various row coverings that provided protection for the somatic embryos during conversion (plant formation) in the field and encapsulation methods were investigated. The highest conversion obtained in the field was 25% when naked somatic embryos were planted under the protective covering of inverted styrofoam cups. In comparison, 60% conversion was obtained when embryos were planted in potting mix in a growth chamber. Somatic embryos encapsulated by the thin-coat method converted at 23% under cups in the field and 40% in potting mix in the growth chamber. Naked somatic embryos had an average of 13 and 9% conversion in the field under plastic and cloth coverings, respectively, whereas encapsulated embryos converted at 5 and 14%, respectively. Direct-planted embryos (no row covering) converted at 1% in the field. Successful conversion of coated and naked somatic embryos planted in the field supports the concept of artificial seeds serving as a substitute for natural seeds.  相似文献   

Summary The effects of sucrose concentration in the maturation medium in combination with a heat shock treatment at 36°C were investigated in an attempt to improve the vigor of seedlings grown from dry somatic embryos of alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.). Callus was formed from petiole expiants and dispersed in liquid suspension medium in the presence of 5 M 2,4-D. The cell suspension was sieved to synchronize embryo development. The 200 – 500 m fraction was plated on embryo development medium without 2,4-D, grown for 14 days, and transferred to maturation medium. With 3% sucrose in the maturation medium, the somatic embryos germinated precociously and were unable to survive desiccation. At higher sucrose concentrations, germination was delayed and the embryos continued to accumulate dry matter. After 13 days on 6% sucrose medium (27 days after sieving), the somatic embryos were tolerant of drying to 12% moisture without exposure to exogenous ABA. Heat shock, which presumably stimulates endogenous ABA synthesis, improved the desiccation tolerance of somatic embryos if applied prior to day 27 after sieving, but its effects were minimal after day 27. High sucrose concentrations up to 9% in the maturation medium were optimal during the first 8 days on maturation medium (days 14 to 22 after sieving), but a lower concentration (6%) was optimal during the later stages of embryo maturation (days 22 to 30 after sieving). The inclusion of 10–5 M ABA in the maturation medium with 6% sucrose further improved embryo quality if applied approximately 20 days after sieving.  相似文献   

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