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Membrane proteins are regulated by the lipid bilayer composition. Specific lipid-protein interactions rarely are involved, which suggests that the regulation is due to changes in some general bilayer property (or properties). The hydrophobic coupling between a membrane-spanning protein and the surrounding bilayer means that protein conformational changes may be associated with a reversible, local bilayer deformation. Lipid bilayers are elastic bodies, and the energetic cost of the bilayer deformation contributes to the total energetic cost of the protein conformational change. The energetics and kinetics of the protein conformational changes therefore will be regulated by the bilayer elasticity, which is determined by the lipid composition. This hydrophobic coupling mechanism has been studied extensively in gramicidin channels, where the channel-bilayer hydrophobic interactions link a "conformational" change (the monomer<-->dimer transition) to an elastic bilayer deformation. Gramicidin channels thus are regulated by the lipid bilayer elastic properties (thickness, monolayer equilibrium curvature, and compression and bending moduli). To investigate whether this hydrophobic coupling mechanism could be a general mechanism regulating membrane protein function, we examined whether voltage-dependent skeletal-muscle sodium channels, expressed in HEK293 cells, are regulated by bilayer elasticity, as monitored using gramicidin A (gA) channels. Nonphysiological amphiphiles (beta-octyl-glucoside, Genapol X-100, Triton X-100, and reduced Triton X-100) that make lipid bilayers less "stiff", as measured using gA channels, shift the voltage dependence of sodium channel inactivation toward more hyperpolarized potentials. At low amphiphile concentration, the magnitude of the shift is linearly correlated to the change in gA channel lifetime. Cholesterol-depletion, which also reduces bilayer stiffness, causes a similar shift in sodium channel inactivation. These results provide strong support for the notion that bilayer-protein hydrophobic coupling allows the bilayer elastic properties to regulate membrane protein function.  相似文献   

Regulation of membrane protein functions due to hydrophobic coupling with a lipid bilayer has been investigated. An energy formula describing interactions between lipid bilayer and integral ion channels with different structures, which is based on the screened Coulomb interaction approximation, has been developed. Here the interaction energy is represented as being due to charge-based interactions between channel and lipid bilayer. The hydrophobic bilayer thickness channel length mismatch is found to induce channel destabilization exponentially while negative lipid curvature linearly. Experimental parameters related to channel dynamics are consistent with theoretical predictions. To measure comparable energy parameters directly in the system and to elucidate the mechanism at an atomistic level we performed molecular dynamics (MD) simulations of the ion channel forming peptide–lipid complexes. MD simulations indicate that peptides and lipids experience electrostatic and van der Waals interactions for short period of time when found within each other’s proximity. The energies from these two interactions are found to be similar to the energies derived theoretically using the screened Coulomb and the van der Waals interactions between peptides (in ion channel) and lipids (in lipid bilayer) due to mainly their charge properties. The results of in silico MD studies taken together with experimental observable parameters and theoretical energetic predictions suggest that the peptides induce ion channels inside lipid membranes due to peptide–lipid physical interactions. This study provides a new insight helping better understand of the underlying mechanisms of membrane protein functions in cell membrane leading to important biological implications.  相似文献   

Mechanoelectrical transduction in gramicidin A channels was studied in macroscopic planar lipid bilayer membranes bulged at constant tension. We found a supralinear increase in the single channel activity that was proportional to the square of membrane radius, but could not be accounted for by the increase in membrane surface area, or by recruitment of new channels. Extrapolated to biological membranes, these observations may suggest that the permeability of ion channels can be influenced simply by changing shape of the membrane, with or without stretching. Published in Russian in Biofizika, 2006, Vol. 51, No. 6, pp. 1014–1018. The text was submitted by the authors in English.  相似文献   

Lysenin, a hemolytic protein derived from the body fluid of earthworm, was incorporated into artificial bilayer membranes. Upon insertion, it formed a voltage-dependent large conductance channel in asolectin bilayers in a sphingomyelin-dependent manner. The channel had low ion-selectivity. Single-channel conductance was calculated as approximately 550 pS in 100 mM KCl. The channel in asolectin bilayers closed when the membrane was held at a positive potential. In contrast, the channel showed no voltage dependency in membranes made of pure phosphatidylcholine and sphingomyelin, suggesting some lipid contents included in the asolectin membranes affected channel gating.  相似文献   

The effects of millimeter microwaves in the frequency range of 54–76 GHz on capacitance and conductance of lipid bilayer membranes (BLM) were studied. Some of the membranes were modified by gramicidin A and amphotericin B or by tetraphenylboron anions (TPhB?). The millimeter microwaves were pulse-modulated (PW) at repetition rates ranging from 1 to 100 pps, PW at 1000 pps, or unmodulated continuous waves (CW). The maximum output power at the waveguide outlet was 20 mW. It was found that CW irradiation decreased the unmodified BLM capacitance by 1.2% ± 0.5%. At the same time, membrane current induced by TPhB transport increased by 5% ± 1%. The changes in conductance of ionic channels formed by gramicidin A and amphotericin B were small (0.6% ± 0.4%). No “resonance-like” effects of mm-wave irradiation on membrane capacitance, ionic channel currents, or TPhB transport were detected. All changes in membrane capacitance and currents were independent of the modulation employed and were equivalent to heating by approximately 1.1 °C. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The method of sensitized photoinactivation based on the photosensitized damage of gramicidin A (gA) molecules was applied here to study ionic channels formed by minigramicidin (the 11-residue analogue of gramicidin A) in a planar bilayer lipid membrane (BLM) of different thickness. Irradiation of BLM with a single flash of visible light in the presence of a photosensitizer (aluminum phthalocyanine or Rose Bengal) generating singlet oxygen provoked a decrease in the minigramicidin-induced electric current across BLM, the kinetics of which had the characteristic time of several seconds, as observed with gA. For gA, there is good correlation between the characteristic time of photoinactivation and the single-channel lifetime. In contrast to the covalent dimer of gA characterized by extremely long single-channel lifetime and the absence of current relaxation upon flash excitation, the covalent head-to-head dimer of minigramicidin displayed the flash-induced current decrease with the kinetics being strongly dependent on the membrane thickness. The current decrease became slower both upon increasing the concentration of the minigramicidin covalent dimer and upon including cholesterol in the membrane composition. These data in combination with the quadratic dependence of the current on the peptide concentration can be rationalized by hypothesizing that the macroscopic current across BLM measured at high concentrations of the peptide is provided by dimers of minigramicidin covalent dimers in the double β5.7-helical conformation having the lifetime of about 0.4 s, while single channels with the lifetime of 0.01 s, observed at a very low peptide concentration, correspond to the single-stranded β6.3-helical conformation. Alternatively the results can be explained by clustering of channels at high concentrations of the minigramicidin covalent dimer.  相似文献   

The line tension of the edge of the lipid bilayer pore is calculated on the basis of the elastic theory of continuous liquid-crystal medium. Three types of deformations of the membrane were taken into account: bending, lateral stretching/compression, and tilt of the lipidic tails. Various models of structure of the pore edge are considered: models of the cylindrical shape with given radius and optimum radius, “extrapolational” model, “two-coordinate” model, and model with a hydrophobic cavity (“void”). Models can be conventionally divided into two classes. The first class includes models in which membrane monolayers are in contact with each other everywhere. Models of the second class admit appearance of a hydrophobic cavity between monolayers. Models of the first class yield value of the line tension γ, strongly differing from that known from the literature (~10 pN). For example, the value of the line tension γ obtained in the cylindrical model equals to 21 pN; in the two-coordinate model, 19 pN, and in the extrapolational model, 62 pN. At the same time, the model with cavity gives the value of γ eqal ~10 pN, provided that surface tension at the boundary of the lipid tails is close to zero. This value is in a good agreement with the literature data.  相似文献   

The effects of microwaves on the single-channel kinetics of gramicidin-A channels in lipid bilayer membranes were examined. Attempts were made to separate thermal and athermal effects by accurate measurements of temperature at the site of the membrane and by relating the measured parameters to their previously characterized temperature dependence. It was found that microwave radiation does not affect single-channel conductance or channel life time to a degree that is significantly different from that expected of a purely thermal effect. On the other hand, the rate of channel formation is decreased during exposure, which is opposite to that expected of a purely thermal effect. The mechanism of this effect is discussed in terms of the dimerization process of channel formation.  相似文献   

Biological membranes are heterogeneous assemblies of lipids, proteins, and cholesterol that are organized as asymmetric bimolecular leaflets of lipids with embedded proteins. Modulated by the concentration of cholesterol lipids and proteins may segregate into two or more liquid phases with different physical properties that can coexist in the same membrane. In this review, we summarize recent advances on how this situation can be recreated in a supported bilayer format and how this system has been used to demonstrate the induction of ordered lipid domains in lipid compositions that are typical for the inner leaflet by lipid compositions that are typical for the outer leaflet of mammalian plasma membranes. Proteins are shown to differentially target such induced inner leaflet domains.  相似文献   

The lipid layer membranes were fabricated on the glassy carbon electrode (GC) and demonstrated to be bilayer lipid membranes by impedance spectroscopy. The formation of incorporated poly L-glutamate bilayer lipid membrane was achieved. The ion channel behavior of the incorporated poly L-glutamate membrane was determined. When the stimulus calcium cations were added into the electrolyte, the ion channel was opened immediately and exhibited distinct channel current. Otherwise, the ion channel was closed. The cyclic voltammogram at the GC electrode coated with incorporated poly L-glutamate DMPC film response to calcium ion is very fast compared with that at the GC electrode coated only with DMPC film. Ion channel current is not dependent on the time but on the concentration of calcium. The mechanism of the ion channel formation was investigated.  相似文献   

Three different bilayer lipid membrane systems were studied under visible and ultraviolet illumination. The first system consisted of a bilayer lipid membrane formed with a mixture of phospholipids and cholesterol, to one side of which purple membrane fragments from Halobacterium halobium were added. The second system consisted of a membrane formed from spinach chloroplast extract. When either of these membrane systems was illuminated with ultraviolet and visible radiation, photopotentials were observed and photoelectric action spectra were recorded (the technique is termed photoelectrospectrometry). Each spectrum had a definite structure which was characteristic of each of the modified membranes. The third system studied consisted of an otherwise photoinactive membrane formed with a mixture of phospholipids and cholesterol, to one side of which chymotrypsin was added. When the membrane was illuminated with visible light no photoresponse was observed. On the other hand, a photopotential which increased with incubation time was observed when the membrane was illuminated with ultraviolet light. Since, in our systems, the photoresponses have been observed to be due to certain species incorporated into the membrane, it appears that photoelectrospectrometry is a useful tool for studying lipid-protein interactions, constituent organization and energy transfer in membranes.  相似文献   

Design of simple protein structures represents the essential first step toward novel macromolecules and understanding the basic principles of protein folding. Our work focuses on the ion channel formation and structure of peptides having a repeated pattern of glycine residues. Investigation of the ion channel properties of a glycine repeat peptide, VSLGLSIGFSVGVSIGWSFGRSRG revealed the formation of porin-like high conductance, multimeric, non-selective voltage-gated channels in phospholipid bilayer membranes. ATR-IR and CD spectroscopic studies showed an anti-parallel beta sheet structure in membranes. The formation of porin-like ion channels by a beta sheet peptide suggests spontaneous assembly into a beta barrel structure through oligomerization as in pore forming bacterial toxins. The present work is the first example of a short synthetic peptide mimicking the pore characteristics of a complex beta barrel protein and demonstrates that smaller peptides are capable of mimicking the complex functional properties of natural ion channels. This will have implications in understanding the folding of beta sheet proteins in membranes, the mechanism of two state voltage gating, and the role of glycine residues in beta barrel proteins.  相似文献   

Proton permeation of the lipid bilayer barrier has two unique features. First, permeability coefficients measured at neutral pH ranges are six to seven orders of magnitude greater than expected from knowledge of other monovalent cations. Second, proton conductance across planar lipid bilayers varies at most by a factor of 10 when pH is varied from near 1 to near 11. Two mechanisms have been proposed to account for this anomalous behavior: proton conductance related to contaminants of lipid bilayers, and proton translocation along transient hydrogen-bonded chains (tHBC) of associated water molecules in the membrane. The weight of evidence suggests that trace contaminants may contribute to proton conductance across planar lipid membranes at certain pH ranges, but cannot account for the anomalous proton flux in liposome systems.Two new results will be reported here which were designed to test the tHBC model. These include measurements of relative proton/potassium permeability in the gramicidin channel, and plots of proton flux against the magnitude of pH gradients. (1) The relative permeabilities of protons and potassium through the gramicidin channel, which contains a single strand of hydrogenbonded water molecules, were found to differ by at least four orders of magnitude when measured at neutral pH ranges. This result demonstrates that a hydrogen-bonded chain of water molecules can provide substantial discrimination between protons and other cations. It was also possible to calculate that if approximately 7% of bilayer water was present in a transient configuration similar to that of the gramicidin channel, it could account for the measured proton flux. (2) The plot of proton conductance against pH gradient across liposome membranes was superlinear, a result that is consistent with one of three alternative tHBC models for proton conductance described by Nagle elsewhere in this volume.  相似文献   

The M2 protein from influenza A virus is a 97-amino-acid protein with a single transmembrane helix that forms proton-selective channels essential to virus function. The hydrophobic transmembrane domain of the M2 protein (M2TM) contains a sequence motif that mediates the formation of functional tetramers in membrane environments. A variety of structural models have previously been proposed which differ in the degree of helix tilt, with proposed tilts ranging from approximately 15 degrees to 38 degrees . An important issue for understanding the structure of M2TM is the role of peptide-lipid interactions in the stabilization of the lipid bilayer bound tetramer. Here, we labeled the N terminus of M2TM with a nitroxide and studied the tetramer reconstituted into lipid bilayers of different thicknesses using EPR spectroscopy. Analyses of spectral changes provide evidence that the lipid bilayer does influence the conformation. The structural plasticity displayed by M2TM in response to membrane composition may be indicative of functional requirements for conformational change. The various structural models for M2TM proposed to date--each defined by a different set of criteria and in a different environment--might provide snapshots of the distinct conformational states sampled by the protein.  相似文献   

The twin-arginine translocation (Tat) pathway transports folded proteins across membranes in bacteria, thylakoids, plant mitochondria, and archaea. In most species, the active Tat machinery consists of three independent subunits: TatA, TatB, and TatC. TatA and TatB possess short transmembrane alpha helices (TMHs), both of which are only 15 residues long in Escherichia coli. Such short TMHs cause a hydrophobic mismatch between Tat subunits and the membrane bilayer, although the functional significance of this mismatch is unclear. Here, we sought to address the functional importance of the hydrophobic mismatch in the Tat transport mechanism in E. coli. We conducted three different assays to evaluate the effect of TMH length mutants on Tat activity and observed that the TMHs of TatA and TatB appear to be evolutionarily tuned to 15 amino acids, with activity dropping off following any modification of this length. Surprisingly, TatA and TatB with as few as 11 residues in their TMHs can still insert into the membrane bilayer, albeit with a decline in membrane integrity. These findings support a model of Tat transport utilizing localized toroidal pores that form when the membrane bilayer is thinned to a critical threshold. In this context, we conclude that the 15-residue length of the TatA and TatB TMHs can be seen as a compromise between the need for some hydrophobic mismatch to allow the membrane to reversibly reach the threshold thinness required for toroidal pore formation and the permanently destabilizing effect of placing even shorter helices into these energy-transducing membranes.  相似文献   

The BLM-system for studying the electrophysical properties of bilayer lipid membranes (BLM) was applied to investigate interactions between polyamidoamine (PAMAM) dendrimers and lipid bilayers. The cationic PAMAM G5 dendrimer effectively disrupted planar phosphatidylcholine membranes, while the hydroxyl PAMAM-OH G5 and carboxyl PAMAM G4.5 dendrimers had no significant effect on them.  相似文献   

The fusion of two black lipid membranes results in the formation of peculiar bilayer lipid tubes (‘cylindrical’) membranes (Neher, E. (1974) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 373, 328–336 and Melikyan, G.B., Abidor, L.G., Chernomordik, L.V. and Chailakhyan, L.M. (1983) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 730, 395–398). The mechanical stability of such tubes has been investigated experimentally and theoretically. With increasing hydrostatic pressure on the outside of the tube the radius of its middle part decreases. After this radius has reached a critical value, which constitutes 0.55 of the radius of the tube base, there occurs a collapse of the tube and its disintegration into two planar bilayers (fission). Expressions are obtained which relate the transmembrane difference of the hydrostatic pressure, causing the collapse, to the geometrical characteristics of the tube (its length and the radius of its base) and to the tension of the lipid bilayer. A method for measuring the membrane tension is proposed on the basis of the phenomenon considered.  相似文献   

To investigate drug–membrane protein interactions, an artificial tethered lipid bilayer system was constructed for the functional integration of membrane proteins with large extra-membrane domains such as multi-drug resistance protein 1 (MDR1). In this study, a modified lipid (i.e., 1,2-distearoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphoethanolamine-N-[amino (polyethylene glycol)-2000] (DSPE-PEG)) was utilized as a spacer molecule to elevate lipid membrane from the sensor surface and generate a reservoir underneath. Concentration of DSPE-PEG molecule significantly affected the liposome binding/spreading and lipid bilayer formation, and 0.03 mg/mL of DSPE-PEG provided optimum conditions for membrane protein integration. Further, the incorporation of MDR1 increased the local rigidity on the platform. Antibody binding studies showed the functional integration of MDR1 protein into lipid bilayer platform. The platform allowed to follow MDR!-statin-based drug interactions in vitro. Each binding event and lipid bilayer formation was monitored in real-time using Surface Plasmon Resonance and Quartz Crystal Microbalance–Dissipation systems, and Atomic Force Microscopy was used for visualization experiments.  相似文献   

The zero-current membrane potential and the current-voltage relations are discussed theoretically for the case in which ionic transport is mediated by carriers that form complexes with ions in the aqueous phase (‘solution complexation’ mechanism). Interest for this topic originated partly from the finding that gradients of the neutral cyclic peptide PV, cyclo (dVal-lPro-lVal-dPro)3, commonly thought to act as a carrier via ‘solution complexation’, generate Nernstian potentials across lipid bilayers separating solutions of identical ion composition. It is shown that the general expression for the potential in a gradient of carriers reduces to the Nernst equation under any of the following conditions: slow aqueous reaction; impermeability of the membrane to the neutral carriers; high concentration of the complexing ions in solution; finite permeability of the membrane to the neutral carrier, but faster rate of movement from the membrane surface into the torus than across the middle or out of the membrane. In symmetrical solutions, the conductance is most typically characterized by a quantity that we designate by δ*, which has the dimensions of a length and is generally a complex function of ion activity. Comparing the thory with previous data on dioleoylphosphatidylcholine membranes in the presence of PV and K+, the order of magnitude of the rates of the aqueous reaction and of the membrane permeability to the neutral carriers is tentatively estimated.  相似文献   

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