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Living organisms have developed a multitude of timing mechanisms--"biological clocks." Their mechanisms are based on either oscillations (oscillatory clocks) or unidirectional processes (hourglass clocks). Oscillatory clocks comprise circatidal, circalunidian, circadian, circalunar, and circannual oscillations--which keep time with environmental periodicities--as well as ultradian oscillations, ovarian cycles, and oscillations in development and in the brain, which keep time with biological timescales. These clocks mainly determine time points at specific phases of their oscillations. Hourglass clocks are predominantly found in development and aging and also in the brain. They determine time intervals (duration). More complex timing systems combine oscillatory and hourglass mechanisms, such as the case for cell cycle, sleep initiation, or brain clocks, whereas others combine external and internal periodicities (photoperiodism, seasonal reproduction). A definition of a biological clock may be derived from its control of functions external to its own processes and its use in determining temporal order (sequences of events) or durations. Biological and chemical oscillators are characterized by positive and negative feedback (or feedforward) mechanisms. During evolution, living organisms made use of the many existing oscillations for signal transmission, movement, and pump mechanisms, as well as for clocks. Some clocks, such as the circadian clock, that time with environmental periodicities are usually compensated (stabilized) against temperature, whereas other clocks, such as the cell cycle, that keep time with an organismic timescale are not compensated. This difference may be related to the predominance of negative feedback in the first class of clocks and a predominance of positive feedback (autocatalytic amplification) in the second class. The present knowledge of a compensated clock (the circadian oscillator) and an uncompensated clock (the cell cycle), as well as relevant models, are briefly re viewed. Hourglass clocks are based on linear or exponential unidirectional processes that trigger events mainly in the course of development and aging. An important hourglass mechanism within the aging process is the limitation of cell division capacity by the length of telomeres. The mechanism of this clock is briefly reviewed. In all clock mechanisms, thresholds at which "dependent variables" are triggered play an important role.  相似文献   

Tight junction biogenesis during early development   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The tight junction (TJ) is an essential component of the differentiated epithelial cell required for polarised transport and intercellular integrity and signalling. Whilst much can be learnt about how the TJ is constructed and maintained and how it functions using a wide range of cellular systems, the mechanisms of TJ biogenesis within developmental models must be studied to gain insight into this process as an integral part of epithelial differentiation. Here, we review TJ biogenesis in the early mammalian embryo, mainly considering the mouse but also including the human and other species, and, briefly, within the amphibian embryo. We relate TJ biogenesis to inherent mechanisms of cell differentiation and biosynthesis occurring during cleavage of the egg and the formation of the first epithelium. We also evaluate a wide range of exogenous cues, including cell-cell interactions, protein kinase C signalling, gap junctional communication, Na+/K+-ATPase and cellular energy status, that may contribute to TJ biogenesis in the embryo and how these may shape the pattern of early morphogenesis.  相似文献   

The tight junction (TJ) is an essential component of the differentiated epithelial cell required for polarised transport and intercellular integrity and signalling. Whilst much can be learnt about how the TJ is constructed and maintained and how it functions using a wide range of cellular systems, the mechanisms of TJ biogenesis within developmental models must be studied to gain insight into this process as an integral part of epithelial differentiation. Here, we review TJ biogenesis in the early mammalian embryo, mainly considering the mouse but also including the human and other species, and, briefly, within the amphibian embryo. We relate TJ biogenesis to inherent mechanisms of cell differentiation and biosynthesis occurring during cleavage of the egg and the formation of the first epithelium. We also evaluate a wide range of exogenous cues, including cell-cell interactions, protein kinase C signalling, gap junctional communication, Na+/K+-ATPase and cellular energy status, that may contribute to TJ biogenesis in the embryo and how these may shape the pattern of early morphogenesis.  相似文献   

Living organisms have developed a multitude of timing mechanisms— “biological clocks.” Their mechanisms are based on either oscillations (oscillatory clocks) or unidirectional processes (hourglass clocks). Oscillatory clocks comprise circatidal, circalunidian, circadian, circalunar, and circannual oscillations—which keep time with environmental periodicities—as well as ultradian oscillations, ovarian cycles, and oscillations in development and in the brain, which keep time with biological timescales. These clocks mainly determine time points at specific phases of their oscillations. Hourglass clocks are predominantly found in development and aging and also in the brain. They determine time intervals (duration). More complex timing systems combine oscillatory and hourglass mechanisms, such as the case for cell cycle, sleep initiation, or brain clocks, whereas others combine external and internal periodicities (photoperiodism, seasonal reproduction). A definition of a biological clock may be derived from its control of functions external to its own processes and its use in determining temporal order (sequences of events) or durations. Biological and chemical oscillators are characterized by positive and negative feedback (or feedforward) mechanisms. During evolution, living organisms made use of the many existing oscillations for signal transmission, movement, and pump mechanisms, as well as for clocks. Some clocks, such as the circadian clock, that time with environmental periodicities are usually compensated (stabilized) against temperature, whereas other clocks, such as the cell cycle, that keep time with an organismic timescale are not compensated. This difference may be related to the predominance of negative feedback in the first class of clocks and a predominance of positive feedback (autocatalytic amplification) in the second class. The present knowledge of a compensated clock (the circadian oscillator) and an uncompensated clock (the cell cycle), as well as relevant models, are briefly reviewed. Hourglass clocks are based on linear or exponential unidirectional processes that trigger events mainly in the course of development and aging. An important hourglass mechanism within the aging process is the limitation of cell division capacity by the length of telomeres. The mechanism of this clock is briefly reviewed. In all clock mechanisms, thresholds at which “dependent variables” are triggered play an important role. (Chronobiology International, 18(3), 329–369, 2001)  相似文献   

Some angiosperms reproduce by apomixis, a natural way of cloning through seeds. Apomictic plants bypass both meiosis and egg cell fertilization, producing progeny that are genetic replicas of the mother plant. In this report, we analyze reproductive development in Tripsacum dactyloides, an apomictic relative of maize, and in experimental apomictic hybrids between maize and Tripsacum. We show that apomictic reproduction is characterized by an alteration of developmental timing of both sporogenesis and early embryo development. The absence of female meiosis in apomictic Tripsacum results from an early termination of female meiosis. Similarly, parthenogenetic development of a maternal embryo in apomicts results from precocious induction of early embryogenesis events. We also show that male meiosis in apomicts is characterized by comparable asynchronous expression of developmental stages. Apomixis thus results in an array of possible phenotypes, including wild-type sexual development. Overall, our observations suggest that apomixis in Tripsacum is a heterochronic phenotype; i.e., it relies on a deregulation of the timing of reproductive events, rather than on the alteration of a specific component of the reproductive pathway.  相似文献   

Increasingly timing mechanisms are detected on all levels of organisation which control the temporal order and coordination of biological processes. The respective mechanisms are designated as „biological clocks”︁. They are based on two principles: oscillations and unidirectional processes (hour‐glass). Oscillating biological clocks such as circadian,clunar or annual clocks coordinate biological events with respect to certain time points (phases)of external daily, lunar or annual hanges in the environment, while hourglass mechanisms mainly determine the duration of steps in development or aging.Complex biological timing mechanisms may comprise endogenous clocks and hourglass processes as well as external signals. Timing of biological events is often coupled with reaching defined thresholds within the underlying clock mechanism.  相似文献   

Molecular and cellular analysis of early mammalian development is compromised by the experimental inaccessibility of the embryo. Pluripotent embryonic stem (ES) cells are derived from and retain many properties of the pluripotent founder population of the embryo, the inner cell mass. Experimental manipulation of these cells and their environment in vitro provides an opportunity for the development of differentiation systems which can be used for analysis of the molecular and cellular basis of embryogenesis. In this review we discuss strengths and weaknesses of the available ES cell differentiation methodologies and their relationship to events in vivo. Exploitation of these systems is providing novel insight into embryonic processes as diverse as cell lineage establishment, cell progression during differentiation, patterning, morphogenesis and the molecular basis for cell properties in the early mammalian embryo.  相似文献   

早期胚胎发育是胚胎发育中细胞分裂与分化最为活跃的时期,也是合子型基因大规模转录的时期,而此时组蛋白的甲基化修饰也显示出动态学的变化。这一时期,在细胞内外信号的共同调控下,经历着一系列基因的激活与抑制,许多调控机制参与其中的调控。而近年来的研究表示,表观遗传学调控显示越来越重要的作用。组蛋白甲基化修饰是表观遗传学重要调控机制之一,在胚胎的早期发育过程中扮演着重要的角色。就近年来组蛋白甲基化修饰酶在早期胚胎发育过程中的作用与功能做一简要综述。  相似文献   

Eggs and early embryos appear to be programmed to undertake particular developmental decisions at characteristic times, although precisely how these decisions are timed is unknown. We discuss the possible roles and interactions during early vertebrate development of two broad categories of timers: 1) those that involve cyclic or sequential mechanisms, referred to as clocks; and 2) those that require an increase or decrease in some factor to a threshold level for progression of time, referred to as hourglass timers. It is concluded that both clock-like timers linked to various features of the cell cycle and hourglass timers are involved in early developmental timing. The possible involvement of elements of circadian clock timers is also considered. BioEssays 22:57-63, 2000.  相似文献   

Studies of chimeras and in vivo development demonstrate that cell lineages are often quite variable, apparently in response to chance perturbations. This points to an apparent contradiction: although individual cells are the units of genetic information and differentiation, not all cellular events need be precise for the development of functional organisms. The social organization of ants can serve as a metaphor that helps understand the mechanisms that underlie such development. Ants suggest that continued cellular interactions and environmental conditions could specify the proportion and general location of specialized units. Leaf venation is used as a concrete example of this general principle. A signal produced continuously by all cells specifies a requirement for vein differentiation. The cells that respond by differentiation then transport the signal away from the leaf; this removal acting as a feedback indicating that the requirement is being met. Because transport increases during vein differentiation, early initiation occurs in excess and vein 'competition' for the signal assures an acceptable outcome. Such specification would be robust since it does not depend on events in any single cell, and chance events, rather than being corrected or reversed, may be built upon in reaching an expected, collective phenotype. The absence of detailed information preceding development distinguishes this hypothesis from the common alternatives of a program or blueprint. Collective specification would have important implications for developmental plasticity and evolution.  相似文献   

Organogenesis involves a dynamic balance of the mechanisms regulating cell division, differentiation and death. The development of the chicken embryo inner ear offers a well-characterised model at the morphological level to study which signals are implicated in the modulation of cellular activation and commitment. The early developmental decisions that control the origin of the inner ear elements are just beginning to be identified by complementary in vivo and in vitro studies. Insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) and nerve growth factor (NGF) are among the best characterised diffusible factors acting during inner ear development. Although the cellular actions of these factors are beginning to be understood, the signalling pathways triggered by them still remain largely unknown. In this context, viral vehicles can be used to deliver genes and then analyse their functional roles during inner ear development. A model is proposed where the actions of IGF-I and NGF contribute to the combinatorial expression of Jun and Fos family members in particular domains of the otic vesicle. Some of these mechanisms may be also implicated in otic regeneration.  相似文献   

Although in most species the polarity of the embryo takes its roots from the spatial patterning of the egg, mammals were viewed as an exception. This was because the anteroposterior polarity of the mouse embryo could not be seen until gastrulation, and no developmental cues were known that could define polarity at earlier stages. Why should we now re-consider this view? While mechanisms of axis formation in mammals could, in principle, be unique, the evolutionary conservation of numerous other developmental processes raises the question of why mammals would have evolved a different way or timing of organising their embryonic polarity. Indeed, recent evidence shows that well before the onset of gastrulation, the mouse embryo initiates asymmetric patterns of gene expression in its visceral endoderm. Although this extra-embryonic tissue does not contribute to the body itself, it is involved in axis formation. Other recent work has revealed that spatial distribution of cells in the visceral endoderm can be traced back to polarity present at the blastocyst stage. These insights have raised the possibility that embryonic polarity might also originate early during development of mammalian embryos. Indeed it now appears that there are at least two spatial cues that operate in the mouse egg to shape polarity of the blastocyst. One of these is at the animal pole, which is defined by the site of female meiosis, and another is associated with the position of sperm entry. In this review I discuss these recent findings, which have led to the recognition that mouse embryos initiate development of their polarity at the earliest stages of their life. This novel perspective raises questions about the nature of cellular and molecular mechanisms that could convert developmental cues in the zygote to axes of the blastocyst, and hence into polarity of the post-implantation embryo. It also brings to light the need to understand how such mechanisms could enable early mouse development to be so regulative.  相似文献   

The development of the cornea as a tissue initiates as early as five weeks in the human embryo. This development continues gradually until the time of eyelid opening, which is associated with major developmental changes. These events, most easily observed in rodents, which are born with closed eyelids, include alterations in the rate of cell proliferation in the epithelium, stroma and endothelium; differentiation of the epithelium; appearance of a tear film and tear-film-associated proteins; and swelling and thinning of the stroma. Eyelid opening is also associated with numerous alterations in gene expression. These events are the subject of this review. Readers are directed to the article by Wolosin et al., also in this volume, for an in-depth discussion of early corneal development.  相似文献   

Development of an animal embryo involves the coordination of cell divisions, a variety of inductive interactions and extensive cellular rearrangements. One of the biggest challenges in developmental biology is to explain the relationships between these processes and the mechanisms that regulate them. Teleost embryos provide an ideal subject for the study of these issues. Their optical lucidity combined with modern techniques for the marking and observation of individual living cells allow high resolution investigations of specific morphogenetic movements and the construction of detailed fate maps. In this review we describe the patterns of cell divisions, cellular movements and other morphogenetic events during zebrafish early development and discuss how these events relate to the formation of restricted lineages.  相似文献   

Eclosion is the stage in development when the adult insect emerges from the shell of its old cuticle. The sequence of behaviors necessary for eclosion is coordinated by an integrated system of hormones and is activated by hormones that relay developmental readiness. The circadian clock, which controls the timing of behaviors such as the rest:activity rhythm of adult insects, also controls eclosion timing. A number of groups are actively investigating the mechanisms by which the circadian clock restricts or gates eclosion to a particular time of day. Data from these studies are beginning to reveal details of the molecular and physiological basis of the eclosion rhythm.  相似文献   

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