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Community ecologists are increasingly aware that the regional history of taxon diversification can have an important influence on community structure. Likewise, systematists recognize that ecological context can have an important influence on the processes of speciation and extinction that create patterns of descent. We present a phylogenetic analysis of 33 species of a North American radiation of damselflies (Zygoptera: Coenagrionidae: Enallagma Selys), which have been well studied ecologically, to elucidate the evolutionary mechanisms that have contributed to differences in diversity between larval habitats (lakes with and without fish predators). Analysis of molecular variation in 842 bp of the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase I and II subunit and of the intervening Leu-tRNA and 37 morphological characters resulted in three well-defined clades that are only partially congruent with previous phylogenetic hypotheses. Molecular and morphological data partitions were significantly incongruent (p < .01). Lack of haplotype monophyly within species and small amounts of sequence divergence (< 1%) between related species in three of the four clades suggest that recent, and parallel, speciation has been an important source of community diversity. Reconstruction of habitat preference over the phylogeny suggests that the greater species diversity in fish-containing lake habitats reflects the recency of shifts into the fishless lake habit, although a difference in speciation or extinction rates between the two habitats is difficult to exclude as an additional mechanism.  相似文献   

Larvae of most animals go through large changes in size. Because change in size can lead to changes in ability to gain food and in predation risk, changes in behaviour are predicted to reflect this. Models consider change in amounts of the same behaviour, but different selective pressures on different larval sizes may also lead to qualitative differences in behavioural repertoire. In the damselfly Ischnura verticalis we observed ontogenetic changes in behaviour under controlled laboratory conditions. We found that frequency and duration of feeding behaviour and behaviour related to activity were increased in larger instars. Larger larvae also had higher transition probabilities to the behaviour abdomen wave, straight abdomen raise, and rotate + head out. We also found that the behavioural repertoire of damselfly larvae changed with development: some behavioural patterns were performed almost exclusively by smaller larvae (F - 4 to F - 7) while others were performed almost exclusively by larger larvae (F - 3 to F - 0).  相似文献   

Ischnura species (Odonata) are among the most common damselflies in the world, which often exhibit female color polymorphisms. One morph, called androchrome, is similar to males in its color pattern, whereas the other morphs, generally referred to as gynochromes, exhibit female‐specific colors. In several Ischnura species, the female polymorphism is heritable, although molecular and genetic mechanisms remain largely unknown. The dominant‐recessive patterns of the female color morphs may differ between species. For example, androchromic females are dominant to gynochromic females in Ischnura elegans, whereas androchromic females are recessive in Ischnura senegalensis. Here we report a case of interspecific hybridization between a gynochrome female of I. elegans and a male of I. senegalensis in the laboratory. We obtained 61 hybrid adult offspring, of which all 31 females were of gynochrome morph. DNA analyses of the hybrids confirmed that nuclear DNA sequences were derived from both parent species, whereas mitochondrial DNA sequences were maternally inherited. In the hybrids, the postocular spots of female heads, the shape of male appendages, and the color of female's cerci resembled those of I. elegans, whereas the size of abdominal blue spots was similar to that of I. senegalensis. The shape of prothorax and basal abdominal markings were intermediate in females. The larval developmental traits and the morphological changes in the final larval instar of the hybrids were similar to those of I. senegalensis. To our knowledge, this is the first report of hybrids between two damselfly species with different dominant‐recessive patterns of female color morphs.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Actinocephalus carrilynnae , a new species of actinocephalid gregarine, is described from the blue damselfly, Enallagma civile . Trophozoites are unpaired, lying between the host's gut epithelium and peritrophic membrane, and attain a maximum length of at least 1,700 μ m. Protomerites are subspherical. Epimerites are globular, hemispherical with stub-shaped or truncated cone-shaped projections and are attached to the protomerite by means of a fluted stalk. Protomerite-deutomerite length ratio is 0.12 and relatively constant regardless of trophozoite length. Gametocysts are subspherical, 270–280 μ m in diameter, and undergo sporogenesis in 24–36 h, dehiscing by rupture. Spores are biconical, slightly crescent-shaped, and very uniform in size: 15 μ m long and 4–5 μ m wide. The parasite infects both adult and naiad hosts.  相似文献   

Relationships of North American damselflies of the genus Ischnura (Odonata: Zygoptera: Coenagrionidae) were investigated using a total of 1205 bp from portions of three mitochondrial genes: cytochrome b, cytochrome oxidase II, and 12S ribosomal DNA. Parsimony and neighbor joining analyses reveal a monophyletic group consisting of I. damula, I. demorsa, I. perparva, I. posita posita, I. posita atezca, I. verticalis, and probably I. denticollis, likely reflecting a recent radiation in North America. Ischnura kellicotti, I. barberi, I. prognata, I. hastata, I. ramburii, and I. capreola appear to represent much earlier divergences in the group. Many previous hypotheses of relationships among North American species of Ischnura are not supported by the molecular-based analyses. However, there is agreement in many respects between the results of the molecular phylogenetic analyses and the morphologically based conclusions of Kennedy (1919, "The Phylogeny of the Zygoptera," Ph.D. Dissertation, Cornell University, Ithaca). Although results of single-gene phylogenetic analyses often differ, there are very few cases in which there is strong support for conflicting relationships using different partitions of the data. Combined analysis of all three genes yields trees with stronger support overall than the single-gene analyses, and the combined data trees that result from diverse data treatments are congruent with one another in most respects.  相似文献   

Disentangling the relative importance and potential interactions of selection and genetic drift in driving phenotypic divergence of species is a classical research topic in population genetics and evolutionary biology. Here, we evaluate the role of stochastic and selective forces on population divergence of a colour polymorphism in seven damselfly species of the genus Ischnura, with a particular focus on I. elegans and I. graellsii. Colour-morph frequencies in Spanish I. elegans populations varied greatly, even at a local scale, whereas more similar frequencies were found among populations in eastern Europe. In contrast, I. graellsii and the other five Ischnura species showed little variation in colour-morph frequencies between populations. F(ST)-outlier analyses revealed that the colour locus deviated strongly from neutral expectations in Spanish populations of I. elegans, contrasting the pattern found in eastern European populations, and in I. graellsii, where no such discrepancy between morph divergence and neutral divergence could be detected. This suggests that divergent selection has been operating on the colour locus in Spanish populations of I. elegans, whereas processes such as genetic drift, possibly in combination with other forms of selection (such as negative frequency-dependent selection), appear to have been present in other regions, such as eastern Europe. Overall, the results indicate that both selective and stochastic processes operate on these colour polymorphisms, and suggest that the relative importance of factors varies between geographical regions.  相似文献   

Abstract 1. The female‐limited colour polymorphic damselfly Ischnura elegans has proven to be an interesting study organism both as an example of female sexual polymorphism, and in the context of the evolution of colour polymorphism, as a model of speciation processes. 2. Previous research suggests the existence of correlations between colour morph and other phenotypic traits, and the different female morphs in I. elegans may be pursuing alternative phenotypically integrated strategies. However, previous research on morphological differences in southern Swedish individuals of this species was only carried out on laboratory‐raised offspring from a single population, leaving open the question of how widespread such differences are. 3. The present study therefore analysed multi‐generational data from 12 populations, investigating morphological differences between the female morphs in the field, differences in the pattern of phenotypic integration between morphs, and quantified selection on morphological traits. 4. It was found that consistent morphological differences indeed existed between the morphs across populations, confirming that the previously observed differences were not simply a laboratory artefact. It was also found, somewhat surprisingly, that despite the existence of sexual dimorphism in body size and shape, patterns of phenotypic integration differed most between the morphs and not between the sexes. Finally, linear selection gradients showed that female morphology affected fecundity differently between the morphs. 5. We discuss the relevance of these results to the male mimicry hypothesis and to the existence of potential ecological differences between the morphs.  相似文献   

Secondary production and seasonal development of the damselfly Enallagma civile Hagen, 1861 Hagen, H. (1861), Synopsis of the Neuroptera of North America, Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution Miscellaneous Collection.[Crossref] [Google Scholar] were determined as part of an epiphytic macroinvertebrate study in the Dallas Floodway Extension Trinity River Project Lower Chain of Wetlands, Dallas, TX, USA. These wetlands were constructed to mitigate flooding of the Trinity River, but also provided quality wildlife habitat and removal of wastewater effluent contaminants. Variations in life history were observed between two macrophytes and three different wetlands of varying age, effluent source, and vegetation establishment. Mean annual production of E. civile was 1393 mg/m2/year, standing stock biomass was 1376 mg/m2/year, cohort production/biomass (P/B) ratio was 4.30/year, and annual P/B was 10.18/year. These values are in the upper range of known Odonata production values from a lentic system. Enallagma civile biomass growth rates were observed to be higher from populations on the better established macrophyte (Potamogeton nodosus Poiret, 1816) and in the longest established wetland.  相似文献   

Genetic relationships among the oral streptococci.   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12       下载免费PDF全文
Genetic relationships and species limits among the oral streptococci were determined by an analysis of electrophoretically demonstrable variation in 16 metabolic enzymes. Fifty isolates represented 40 electrophoretic types, among which the mean genetic diversity per locus was 0.857. Mannitol-1-phosphate dehydrogenase was not detected in isolates of the sanguis species complex, and glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase and 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase were absent in species of the mutans complex. Clustering from a matrix of Gower's coefficient of genetic similarity placed the 40 electrophoretic types in 10 well-defined groups corresponding to the Streptococcus species S. mutans, S. sobrinus, S. cricetus, S. rattus, S. ferus, S. oralis (mitior), two distinct assemblages of S. sanguis strains, and two subdivisions of "S. milleri." The assignments of isolates to these groups were the same as those indicated by DNA hybridization experiments, and the coefficient of correlation between genetic distance estimated by multilocus enzyme electrophoresis and genetic similarity indexed by DNA hybridization was -0.897 (P less than 0.001) for 50 pairwise combinations of isolates. S. ferus, which is widely believed to be a member of the mutans complex, was shown to be phylogenetically closer to species of the sanguis complex.  相似文献   

The enzymology of the heterodimeric (NiFe) and (NiFeSe) hydrogenases, the monomeric nickel-containing hydrogenases plus the multimeric F420-(NiFe) and NAD(+)-(NiFe) hydrogenases are summarized and discussed in terms of subunit localization of the redox-active nickel and non-heme iron clusters. It is proposed that nickel is ligated solely by amino acid residues of the large subunit and that the non-heme iron clusters are ligated by other cysteine-rich polypeptides encoded in the hydrogenase operons which are not necessarily homologous in either structure or function. Comparison of the hydrogenase operons or putative operons and their hydrogenase genes indicate that the arrangement, number and types of genes in these operons are not conserved among the various types of hydrogenases except for the gene encoding the large subunit. Thus, the presence of the gene for the large subunit is the sole feature common to all known nickel-containing hydrogenases and unites these hydrogenases into a large but diverse gene family. Although the different genes for the large subunits may possess only nominal general derived amino acid homology, all large subunit genes sequenced to date have the sequence R-X-C-X-X-C fully conserved in the amino terminal region of the polypeptide chain and the sequence of D-P-C-X-X-C fully conserved in the carboxyl terminal region. It is proposed that these conserved motifs of amino acids provide the ligands required for the binding of the redox-active nickel. The existing EXAFS (Extended X-ray Absorption Fine Structure) information is summarized and discussed in terms of the numbers and types of ligands to the nickel and the various redox species of nickel defined by EPR spectroscopy. New information concerning the ligands to nickel is presented based on site-directed mutagenesis of the gene encoding the large subunit of the (NiFe) hydrogenase-1 of Escherichia coli. Based on considerations of the biochemical, molecular and biophysical information, ligand environments of the nickel in different redox states of the (NiFe) hydrogenase are proposed.  相似文献   

This work is a synthesis of our current understanding of the mechanics, aerodynamics and visually mediated control of dragonfly and damselfly flight, with the addition of new experimental and computational data in several key areas. These are: the diversity of dragonfly wing morphologies, the aerodynamics of gliding flight, force generation in flapping flight, aerodynamic efficiency, comparative flight performance and pursuit strategies during predatory and territorial flights. New data are set in context by brief reviews covering anatomy at several scales, insect aerodynamics, neuromechanics and behaviour. We achieve a new perspective by means of a diverse range of techniques, including laser-line mapping of wing topographies, computational fluid dynamics simulations of finely detailed wing geometries, quantitative imaging using particle image velocimetry of on-wing and wake flow patterns, classical aerodynamic theory, photography in the field, infrared motion capture and multi-camera optical tracking of free flight trajectories in laboratory environments. Our comprehensive approach enables a novel synthesis of datasets and subfields that integrates many aspects of flight from the neurobiology of the compound eye, through the aeromechanical interface with the surrounding fluid, to flight performance under cruising and higher-energy behavioural modes.This article is part of the themed issue ‘Moving in a moving medium: new perspectives on flight’.  相似文献   

S. M. Dixon  R. L. Baker 《Oecologia》1988,76(2):200-205
Summary We used laboratory studies to examine the role of predation risk and cost of anti-predator behaviour in determining the behavioural response of several larval instars of Ischnura verticalis to a fish predator (Lepomis gibbosus). Smaller larvae were less susceptible to fish predation than larger larvae. Smaller larvae depressed movement to a greater degree in the presence of fish than did larger larvae; large larvae were generally less active than small larvae regardless of fish presence. Reduced feeding resulted in smaller larvae suffering more in terms of reduced growth than did large larvae. In general, our results tend to support the hypothesis that individuals that suffer high costs of anti-predator behaviour but little risk of predation may only exhibit anti-predator behaviours in the presence of predators, whereas individuals with a higher risk of predation and a lower cost of anti-predator behaviour may evolve anti-predator mechanisms that are in effect even in the absence of predators.  相似文献   

Comparative 16S rRNA sequencing was used to evaluate phylogenetic relationships among selected strains of ammonia- and nitrite-oxidizing bacteria. All characterized strains were shown to be affiliated with the proteobacteria. The study extended recent 16S rRNA-based studies of phylogenetic diversity among nitrifiers by the comparison of eight strains of the genus Nitrobacter and representatives of the genera Nitrospira and Nitrospina. The later genera were shown to be affiliated with the delta subdivision of the proteobacteria but did not share a specific relationship to each other or to other members of the delta subdivision. All characterized Nitrobacter strains constituted a closely related assemblage within the alpha subdivision of the proteobacteria. As previously observed, all ammonia-oxidizing genera except Nitrosococcus oceanus constitute a monophyletic assemblage within the beta subdivision of the proteobacteria. Errors in the 16S rRNA sequences for two strains previously deposited in the databases by other investigators (Nitrosolobus multiformis C-71 and Nitrospira briensis C-128) were corrected. Consideration of physiology and phylogenetic distribution suggested that nitrite-oxidizing bacteria of the alpha and gamma subdivisions are derived from immediate photosynthetic ancestry. Each nitrifier retains the general structural features of the specific ancestor's photosynthetic membrane complex. Thus, the nitrifiers, as a group, apparently are not derived from an ancestral nitrifying phenotype.  相似文献   

Evolutionary relationships among cyanobacteria and green chloroplasts.   总被引:31,自引:16,他引:31       下载免费PDF全文
The 16S rRNAs from 29 cyanobacteria and the cyanelle of the phytoflagellate Cyanophora paradoxa were partially sequenced by a dideoxynucleotide-terminated, primer extension method. A least-squares distance matrix analysis was used to infer phylogenetic trees that include green chloroplasts (those of euglenoids, green algae, and higher plants). The results indicate that many diverse forms of cyanobacteria diverged within a short span of evolutionary distance. Evolutionary depth within the surveyed cyanobacteria is substantially less than that separating the major eubacterial taxa, as though cyanobacterial diversification occurred significantly after the appearance of the major eubacterial groups. Three of the five taxonomic sections defined by Rippka et al. (R. Rippka, J. Deruelles, J. B. Waterbury, M. Herdman, and R. Y. Stanier, J. Gen. Microbiol. 111:1-61, 1979) (sections II [pleurocapsalean], IV [heterocystous, filamentous, nonbranching], and V [heterocystous, filamentous, branching]) are phylogenetically coherent. However, the other two sections (I [unicellular] and III [nonheterocystous, filamentous]) are intermixed and hence are not natural groupings. Our results not only support the conclusion of previous workers that the cyanobacteria and green chloroplasts form a coherent phylogenetic group but also suggest that the chloroplast lineage, which includes the cyanelle of C. paradoxa, is not just a sister group to the free-living forms but rather is contained within the cyanobacterial radiation.  相似文献   

Abstract. 1. A laboratory competition experiment is described in which the growth and development rates of larvae of the damselfly Ischnura elegans (Lind.) were measured over an entire instar.
2. Two larval instars which commonly occur together in the field were used in the experiment; they were maintained with a superabundance of prey and either larvae from the same or the larger/smaller instar.
3. Small larvae suffered increased development times and decreased size increases at the moult in the presence of large larvae but similar interference effects were not evident when these smaller larvae were in the presence of other small larvae.
4. Development time and size increases of large larvae were not significantly affected by the presence of small larvae.
5. Irrespective of the instar combinations investigated, interference effects were reduced when there were more perches available, although in only a few cases was this reduction significant.
6. The consequences of the asymmetric competition reported in the experiment for the study of lifetime reproductive success in damselflies are discussed. Late emerging adults may incur reduced reproductive success.  相似文献   

Water mites of Unionicola spp. are common parasites of freshwater mussels as adults, living on the gills, or mantle and foot of their hosts and using these tissues as sites of oviposition. The present study addresses specialization among North American Unionicola mussel-mites using 2 measures of host specificity: (1) the number of host species used by a species of mite; and (2) a measure that considers the taxonomic distinctness of the hosts utilized by mites, weighted for their prevalence in the different hosts. Results of this study indicate the Unionicola spp. mussel-mites are highly host specific, with most species occurring in association with 1 or 2 species of hosts. If 2 or more host species are utilized, they are typically members of the same genus. These data are consistent with studies examining the dispersal abilities and host recognition behavior for members of the group. When the average values of host specificity for Unionicola subgenera were mapped on a phylogenetic tree for these taxa, a clade comprised of gill mites appeared to be more host specific than a clade consisting of mantle mites. There were, however, no apparent patterns of host specificity within each of the clades. Differences in specificity between the 2 lineages may reflect either a long evolutionary history that gill mites have had with host mussels or the intense competition among gill mites for oviposition sites within unionid mussels, leading to increased host specialization.  相似文献   

3H-labeled Acholeplasma DNA probes were generated in vitro by the nick-translation method and used to determine the nucleotide sequence homology among the type strains of the eight currently recognized species of Acholeplasma. Very little nucleotide sequence homology (less than or equal to 18%) was found among the eight species, with heteroduplexes showing at least 12% or more mismatching as determined by thermal elution midpoints. The small amount of nucleotide sequence homology among the eight species indicates that these species are quite distinct and are not closely related to each other genomically.  相似文献   

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